SAP Community - SAP BTP, Kyma runtime 2024-07-26T23:00:27.940716+00:00 python-feedgen SAP BTP, Kyma runtime Q&A in SAP Community Recreate Kyma enviroment 2024-05-02T09:10:28.348000+02:00 afernandezq <P>Hi all,</P><P>my kyma enviroment has expired. I want to recreate it again but I am not able to do it. I have tried to follow the instructions in <A href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></A> but I can't disable my Kyma enviroment and It seems that is not possible to remove the service instances by myself.</P><P>Any idea?</P><P>Best regards</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P> 2024-05-02T09:10:28.348000+02:00 Monitoring Apps on Kyma 2024-05-03T13:06:30.522000+02:00 sarbajeet <P class=""><I><SPAN>Hi,</SPAN></I></P><P class=""><I><SPAN>We are using SAP's managed Kyma environment for our commerce extensions</SPAN></I></P><P class=""><I><SPAN>We have been exploring the implementation of Logging, Monitoring, Tracing &amp; Alerting functionalities for our Kyma extensions to commerce. After a thorough review of the "Kyma Telemetry Module" documentation, it has come to our attention that telemetry data can only be effectively utilized post-configuration of a suitable backend.</SPAN></I></P><P class=""><I><SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN></I><I><SPAN>We diligently studied the integration guide - "<A href=";;sdata=GgEqJWgwsVTtfDvqchiv0F0sbk%2BlZEYRxGazB04c3p4%3D&amp;reserved=0" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow noreferrer">Kyma’s Telemetry Integration Guide</A>," and upon summarizing its contents, it appears that there are no open source or default tools within Kyma that can facilitate logging, monitoring, and alerting functionalities comparable to those provided by SAP Commerce Cloud (e.g., Dynatrace/Opensearch).</SPAN></I></P><P class=""><I><SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN></I><I><SPAN>Is there a way to ship Kyma telemetry data to our existing SAP Commerce Cloud logging/monitoring system? Alternatively, could you suggest an alternative approach? (only in context of Kyma)</SPAN></I></P><P class=""><I>I appreciate any help you can provide.</I></P><P class=""><I><SPAN>Regards,</SPAN></I></P><P class=""><I><SPAN>Sarbajeet</SPAN></I></P><P class=""><a href="" class="lia-product-mention" data-product="12-1">SAP BTP, Kyma runtime</a>&nbsp;<a href="" class="lia-product-mention" data-product="490-1">SAP Commerce Cloud</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">@Phani</a>&nbsp;</P> 2024-05-03T13:06:30.522000+02:00 How to bring tasks from multiple backends(CRM/ECC) to fiori inbox 2024-05-08T17:11:50.623000+02:00 rskumarv80 <P>Hi&nbsp;</P><P>we are migrating from ECC to S/4 HANA on-premise edition.&nbsp; we need to bring tasks from multiple backends (CRM/ECC) into fiori my inbox.&nbsp; So user can access both tasks from one point.</P><P><SPAN>2486885 - My Inbox error "Resource not found for the segment 'TaskCollection'"</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>If you are running S/4HANA 2020 or above in an embedded deployment, remember&nbsp; to make sure that service TASKPROCESSING points only to LOCAL_TGW system alias</SPAN></P><P>Any documentation available to configure the above scenario.</P><P>Thanks</P><P>Shankar</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P> 2024-05-08T17:11:50.623000+02:00 Correlation id as part of Application logs 2024-05-10T18:18:06.769000+02:00 rahul_bhardwaj01 <P>Hi,</P><P>We are building a Sprint boot (3.x.x) BTP application. We are using SAP ALS service to push application logs to Kibana ( SLF4J to log messages)</P><P>However, we do not see a correlation Id in the application logs in Kibana.</P><P>This is our code --</P><pre class="lia-code-sample language-java"><code> @Override public void doFilter(ServletRequest servletRequest, ServletResponse servletResponse, FilterChain filterChain) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = (HttpServletRequest) servletRequest; String correlationId = httpServletRequest.getHeader(CORRELATION_ID_HEADER); if (!FreUtils.validateUUID(correlationId)) { // Set the header value correlationId = FreUtils.generateUUID(); } ((HttpServletResponse) servletResponse).addHeader(CORRELATION_ID_HEADER, correlationId); MDC.put(CORRELATION_ID_HEADER, correlationId); filterChain.doFilter(servletRequest, servletResponse); } }</code></pre><P>Here, CORRELATION_ID_HEADER = "x-sap-correlationId";</P><P>However, we do not see correlation Id in Kibana. We do not see&nbsp; "x-sap-correlationId" as a separate field.</P><P>We tried changing CORRELATION_ID_HEADER to x-correlationId but still could not see correlation Id which is generated as part of this above code in Kibana.</P><P>Any pointer would be much appreciated.</P><P>&nbsp;</P> 2024-05-10T18:18:06.769000+02:00 What is the functionality of an Explicit trigger in Autflow in SAP Sales and Service Cloud V2 2024-05-11T14:05:41.281000+02:00 CAPMDeveloper00 <P>What is the functionality of an Explicit trigger in Autflow in SAP Sales and Service Cloud V2 also how to utilize custom buttons in the solution.</P><P>While creation of a button we have to mention the event name as well, how to utilize that?</P> 2024-05-11T14:05:41.281000+02:00 sap GUI is not supported in trl_en 2024-05-21T13:02:36.099000+02:00 Sreenath_Buggan <P>While I am learning ABAP on BTP Cloud. I came across this error.</P><P>I have created a Z table in Eclipse BTP ABAP trial account. I want Open that table in sap GUI.&nbsp;</P><P>can anyone help me</P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="Screenshot 2024-05-21 163048.png" style="width: 538px;"><img src=";px=999" role="button" title="Screenshot 2024-05-21 163048.png" alt="Screenshot 2024-05-21 163048.png" /></span></P><P><a href="" class="lia-product-mention" data-product="12-1">SAP BTP, Kyma runtime</a>&nbsp;<a href="" class="lia-product-mention" data-product="1202-1">ABAP Cloud</a>&nbsp;</P> 2024-05-21T13:02:36.099000+02:00 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'keywords') 2024-05-21T17:22:38.607000+02:00 kaizen9 <P>I am completely beginner to SAP world and about to complete the training, "<STRONG>Building side-by-side extensions on SAP BTP</STRONG>", I stumbled upon such error message and cannot start the CDS application using, <STRONG>cds watch</STRONG> command. It worked in the past but suddenly this happened. <STRONG>npm update</STRONG> and <STRONG>npm ci</STRONG> did NOT work. Can it happen due to any recent updates in <STRONG>package.json</STRONG> dependencies.? Can anyone support with this please? Many thanks.</P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="kaizen9_0-1716303511268.png" style="width: 585px;"><img src="" width="585" height="283" role="button" title="kaizen9_0-1716303511268.png" alt="kaizen9_0-1716303511268.png" /></span></P> 2024-05-21T17:22:38.607000+02:00 Deploy Java App on Kyma Runtime 2024-05-23T11:15:43.324000+02:00 EmilDinchev <P>Hi colleagues,</P><P>I'm following&nbsp; followed the steps described in the tutorial: #<A href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></A></P><P><A href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The only difference is that I use my own Java Web App (Based on Spring). I successfully deployed my app and the pod is green. The problem is that when I try to access it (as described on step 9) I get the error:</A></P><P>upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. retried and the latest reset reason: connection timeout</P><P>when I connect to the k8s pod and use curl from there it works:</P><P>root@kyma-web-ocr-7bfd6bd995-g7tl4:/app# curl localhost:8080/health/isalive<BR />Web OCR is alive. The pulse is 71root@kyma-web-ocr-7bfd6bd995-g7tl4:/app#</P><P>I'm attaching my deployment</P> 2024-05-23T11:15:43.324000+02:00 CD/CD with SAP Native HANA Application dev space 2024-05-24T12:05:28.688000+02:00 chethan_krishna <P>SAP Experts,<BR />Does <STRONG>SAP HANA Native application</STRONG> type of Dev Space inside <a href="" class="lia-product-mention" data-product="13-1">SAP Business Application Studio</a>&nbsp;supports&nbsp;<a href="" class="lia-product-mention" data-product="1173-1">SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;integration to transport objects across different spaces?Because most of the blogs that I visited says that CAP based project is the pre-requisite.&nbsp;</P><P>Thanks in advance!</P> 2024-05-24T12:05:28.688000+02:00 How to write Data into S4 Odata via CAP 2024-05-25T07:16:24.478000+02:00 Rewati_Raman <P>I have gone through video about consuming S4 ODATA in BTP CAP application and able to read data.</P><P>Need some information How to write/update/delete data using S4 OData via BTP CAP application.</P><P>Please refer some blog or videos.</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>Sample code here.</P><P>I have imported .edmx file in my BTP project and generated .csn file.</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="Rewati_Raman_0-1716614035189.png" style="width: 400px;"><img src=";px=400" role="button" title="Rewati_Raman_0-1716614035189.png" alt="Rewati_Raman_0-1716614035189.png" /></span></P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="Rewati_Raman_1-1716614035194.png" style="width: 400px;"><img src=";px=400" role="button" title="Rewati_Raman_1-1716614035194.png" alt="Rewati_Raman_1-1716614035194.png" /></span></P><P>Regards,</P><P>Rewati</P><P>#SAP BTP #CAP <a href="" class="lia-product-mention" data-product="322-1">Node.js</a>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P> 2024-05-25T07:16:24.478000+02:00 CORS blocking access 2024-06-05T11:09:35.453000+02:00 hagarnabil <P>Hi everyone,<BR /><BR />I'm facing an issue with CORS blocking access in my application, below is what I've done in my frontend and backend applications.</P><P>In the frontend app I'm using angular to make this login request&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P><pre class="lia-code-sample language-java"><code>const headers = new HttpHeaders({ 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + btoa(${this.clientID}:${this.clientSecret}), 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*' }); return this.http .post&lt;AuthResponseBackend&gt;( '', data.toString(), { headers } )</code></pre><P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>it works only if I add this CORS link&nbsp;<A href="http://" target="_self" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"></A>&nbsp; before login link and open that link in my browser<A href="http://" target="_self" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"></A>&nbsp; to request temporary access to the demo server. I need it to work without these CORS links.</P><P>In the backend application, I'm working with spring boot and using security configuration. I've added allow CORS configuration in my security configuration as shown in my code snippets below and also above each controller I've added the CrossOrigin annotation. When I deploy my application on kyma and the frontend side tries to connect to it, It still gives an error due to CORS. Any help is appreciated.&nbsp;</P><P>Here are the github links for the full codes of the applications;&nbsp;<A href="" target="_self" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Frontend application</A>&nbsp;,&nbsp;<A href="" target="_self" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Backend application</A>&nbsp;</P><P>Thanks in advance.</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P><pre class="lia-code-sample language-java"><code> @Bean public CorsConfigurationSource corsConfigurationSource() { CorsConfiguration corsConfiguration = new CorsConfiguration(); corsConfiguration.setAllowedOrigins(List.of("http://localhost:4200")); corsConfiguration.setAllowedMethods(List.of("GET", "POST", "DELETE", "PUT")); corsConfiguration.setAllowCredentials(true); corsConfiguration.setAllowedHeaders(List.of("*")); corsConfiguration.setMaxAge(3600L); UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource source = new UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource(); source.registerCorsConfiguration("/**", corsConfiguration); return source; }</code></pre><pre class="lia-code-sample language-java"><code> @Bean public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { // @formatter:off http.sessionManagement(sess -&gt; sess.sessionCreationPolicy(SessionCreationPolicy.STATELESS)) .authorizeHttpRequests(authz -&gt; authz.requestMatchers("/measurements/*").hasRole("USER") .requestMatchers("/formulas/*").hasRole("USER") .requestMatchers("/linetypes/*").hasRole("USER") .requestMatchers("/materialgroups/*").hasRole("USER") .requestMatchers("/modelspecs/*").hasRole("USER") .requestMatchers("/modelspecdetails/*").hasRole("USER") .requestMatchers("/personnelnumbers/*").hasRole("USER") .requestMatchers("/servicenumbers/*").hasRole("USER") .requestMatchers("/servicetypes/*").hasRole("USER") .requestMatchers("/*").authenticated() .anyRequest().denyAll()) .oauth2ResourceServer(oauth2 -&gt; oauth2.jwt(jwt -&gt; jwt.jwtAuthenticationConverter(new MyCustomHybridTokenAuthenticationConverter()))); http.cors(httpSecurityCorsConfigurer -&gt; httpSecurityCorsConfigurer.configurationSource(corsConfigurationSource())); http.csrf(csrf -&gt; csrf.disable()); return; }</code></pre><pre class="lia-code-sample language-java"><code>@CrossOrigin(origins = "http://localhost:4200", maxAge = 3600)</code></pre><P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P> 2024-06-05T11:09:35.453000+02:00 Setting up SAP PKI in BTP KYMA 2024-06-17T14:46:13.521000+02:00 kashyap_das <P>Hi ,</P><P>Has anyone done setup SAP PKI in BTP KYMA environment. Any help is greatly appreciated .&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>Regards</P><P>Kashyap</P> 2024-06-17T14:46:13.521000+02:00 Problem registering my desktop agent in my BTP Build Process Automation Trial Account 2024-06-19T09:29:23.588000+02:00 Ilyass01 <P>Hi everyone,</P><P>I'm facing an issue while registering my Desktop agent in my BTP Trial Build Process Automation App.</P><P>I followed the SAP Developers Guide to set up the agent locally on my PC, and I enabled the Chrome and Edge extensions to try and connect the agent with my trial app. However, I encounter a problem when clicking on the agent in the control tower to get the information needed to register it with my local desktop agent.</P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="Ilyass01_0-1718781779821.png" style="width: 400px;"><img src=";px=400" role="button" title="Ilyass01_0-1718781779821.png" alt="Ilyass01_0-1718781779821.png" /></span></P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="Ilyass01_1-1718781961409.png" style="width: 400px;"><img src=";px=400" role="button" title="Ilyass01_1-1718781961409.png" alt="Ilyass01_1-1718781961409.png" /></span></P><P>It loads for hours without any response. I thought it might be due to my internet connection, but nothing changed after switching to another Wi-Fi network.</P><P>Can you please help me set this up?</P><P>Thanks,<BR />Ilyass</P> 2024-06-19T09:29:23.588000+02:00 Monitor credit consumption to prevent over usage 2024-06-26T15:46:55.036000+02:00 AxelGrille1 <H1 id="toc-hId-889330425"><SPAN>SAP BTP Credits</SPAN></H1><H2 id="toc-hId-821899639"><SPAN>Early Warning</SPAN></H2><P><SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN></P><H1 id="toc-hId-496303415"><SPAN>Introduction:</SPAN></H1><P><SPAN>Many BTP customers have negotiated contracts with SAP for their BTP credits. To prevent credit overconsumption, an usage predictor can be very helpful. Therefore, we propose implementing a detailed tracker with a usage prediction feature.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN></P><H1 id="toc-hId-299789910"><SPAN>Usage Prediction Model:</SPAN></H1><P><SPAN>Since business operations are often cyclical, we base our predictions on the usage from the previous two months. This approach could also account for seasonal variations.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>Steps to Implement the Tracker:</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN></P><H3 id="toc-hId-361441843"><SPAN>1. Data Retrieval:</SPAN></H3><P><SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We will use the Usage Data Management Service API to gather consumption data for each global account and its associated subaccounts.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN></P><H3 id="toc-hId-164928338"><SPAN>2. Data Processing:</SPAN></H3><P><SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The daily usage data for each subaccount will be classified and filtered to retain only the data from the last two months.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We will then compute the sliding means for each subaccount. This involves averaging the daily usage over the past two months.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN></P><H3 id="toc-hId--31585167"><SPAN>3. Prediction Calculation:</SPAN></H3><P><SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The computed sliding means will be multiplied by the number of days remaining in the current month to predict future usage.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This prediction accounts for seasonality, providing a more accurate forecast shifted by two months..</SPAN></P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-center" image-alt="AxelGrille1_0-1719409472467.png" style="width: 400px;"><img src=";px=400" role="button" title="AxelGrille1_0-1719409472467.png" alt="AxelGrille1_0-1719409472467.png" /></span></P><P>&nbsp;</P><P><SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN></P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-center" image-alt="AxelGrille1_1-1719409472470.png" style="width: 400px;"><img src=";px=400" role="button" title="AxelGrille1_1-1719409472470.png" alt="AxelGrille1_1-1719409472470.png" /></span></P><P>&nbsp;</P><H3 id="toc-hId--228098672"><SPAN>4. Alert System:</SPAN></H3><P><SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Based on the predictions, an alert will be sent to the account owner if they are likely to over consume their credits. The alert will provide a detailed view of the credit usage with charts and tables associated with a prevention message like ‘We recommend you to review your credit consumption or contact SAP for a renewal of your contract’. This allows them to take preventative action or renegotiate their credit contract with SAP.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN></P><H1 id="toc-hId--682777615"><SPAN>Technical Implementation:</SPAN></H1><UL><LI><SPAN>&nbsp;We will deploy a Python-based microservice on SAP BTP Cloud Foundry.</SPAN></LI><LI><SPAN>&nbsp;This microservice will:</SPAN></LI><UL><LI><SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;Scrape usage data via the API endpoint.</SPAN></LI><LI><SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;Generate time series for analysis.</SPAN></LI><LI><SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Present the data in an easy to understand chart format.</SPAN></LI><LI><SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Provide recommendations based on the usage predictions.</SPAN></LI></UL></UL><P><SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN></P><H1 id="toc-hId--879291120"><SPAN>Conclusion:</SPAN></H1><P><SPAN>This usage tracker will help BTP customers manage their credit consumption more effectively, avoiding overconsumption and potential cost overruns.</SPAN></P><P><BR /><BR /><BR /></P> 2024-06-26T15:46:55.036000+02:00 Title: Issue with Table Sequencing When Transitioning from "In Scope" to "Supported Features" in SAP 2024-07-04T13:31:13.068000+02:00 sdtckr <P><STRONG>Title: Issue with Table Sequencing When Transitioning from "In Scope" to "Supported Features" in SAP</STRONG></P><P><STRONG>Description:</STRONG></P><P>Hello,</P><P>In our SAP system, we have been using the "In Scope" version, and the sequence of our tables was as follows:</P><OL><LI>Initial load of products</LI><LI>Basic data</LI><LI>Plant data</LI><LI>MRP area</LI><LI>Storage location</LI><LI>Valuation data</LI><LI>Distribution chain data</LI><LI>Description data</LI><LI>Units of measure data</LI><LI>Tax classifications</LI><LI>Production resources tools</LI><LI>Inspection setup data</LI><LI>Warehouse number data</LI><LI>Storage type data</LI><LI>Data transfer for forecast values</LI><LI>Data for quality management</LI><LI>Additional EANs</LI></OL><P>However, we are now required by SAP to use the "Supported Features" version, and the sequence of tables in this system has changed to:</P><OL><LI>Basic data</LI><LI>Additional descriptions</LI><LI>Alternative unit of measure</LI><LI>Additional GTINs</LI><LI>Distribution chains</LI><LI>Tax classification</LI><LI>Plant data</LI><LI>Forecasting data</LI><LI>Storage locations</LI><LI>Production resources tools</LI><LI>Inspection setup data</LI><LI>MRP area</LI><LI>Warehouse number data</LI><LI>Storage type data</LI><LI>Valuation data</LI><LI>Valuation current period</LI><LI>Valuation future prices</LI><LI>Internal number range</LI></OL><P>This new sequence is causing issues in our current business processes and data flow. How can we ensure that our data is processed in the same sequence as in the old version ("In Scope") while using the new system?</P><P>We tried using LTMOM (Landscape Transformation Mapping and Object Modeling) to revert the table sequence to the old version, but we couldn't fully understand how to do it.</P><P><STRONG>Question:</STRONG></P><P>How can we use the LTMOM tool in SAP to restore the table sequence from the old version ("In Scope") to the new system ("Supported Features")? Could you provide detailed steps and examples?</P><P>Thank you.</P> 2024-07-04T13:31:13.068000+02:00 Error: Authentication kind "jwt" configured, but no XSUAA instance bound to application 2024-07-09T10:39:07.092000+02:00 kaizen9 <P>Hello community,&nbsp;</P><P>I would like to connect <STRONG>CAP Node.js</STRONG> app to external SAP service in production env using <STRONG>destinations</STRONG>. It is important to use <STRONG>OAuth2.0ClientCredentials </STRONG>authentication method. Sandbox works for me. Official document is bit confusing.</P><P>When I run production profile, I am getting below error. Do I need any additional NPM package, or require additional configuration in <STRONG>package.json</STRONG> or elsewhere?</P><P>What to do in order to successfully fetch data from "production" environment?&nbsp; &nbsp; Thank you.</P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="kaizen9_0-1720512753336.png" style="width: 400px;"><img src=";px=400" role="button" title="kaizen9_0-1720512753336.png" alt="kaizen9_0-1720512753336.png" /></span></P><P><STRONG>package.json</STRONG></P><pre class="lia-code-sample language-json"><code> "cds": { "requires": { "Some_ExternalServiceV4": { "kind": "odata", "model": "srv/external/Some_ExternalServiceV4", "[sandbox]": { "credentials": { "url": "" } }, "[production]": { "credentials": { "destination": "datafetch-destination" } } } } }</code></pre><P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P> 2024-07-09T10:39:07.092000+02:00 Give some use cases Idea about that. 2024-07-11T07:37:56.554000+02:00 Mani2211 <P>Hi team,<BR />I want to make a demo project in SAP BTP.<BR />So, please give some use cases Idea about that.</P> 2024-07-11T07:37:56.554000+02:00 Recording negative volumes for positive dollar amounts 2024-07-18T00:16:40.136000+02:00 KB9 <P>Hello all,</P><P>We are trying to interface one system with S4 Hana, and one of the GL entries required to be posted is positive purchases with negative dollar amounts to the same GL account, how do we incorporate that?&nbsp;&nbsp;</P><P>Do you suggest any kind of rule needs to be introduced in the interface for reading the data or do you think that separate STAT account should be created? Your wisdom and response is valued and appreciated.</P><P>Thanks,</P> 2024-07-18T00:16:40.136000+02:00 SAP Kyma environment ready for Production? 2024-07-24T16:58:15.117000+02:00 Brian_Stempien <P>I have recently been exploring the SAP Kyma environment using a Trial BTP account.&nbsp;</P><P>Full disclosure, I am an old BASIS hand and not familiar with Kubernetes.&nbsp;</P><P>Going through the Developer Central Tutorial "Deploy a Node.js Application in the Kyma Runtime" I was able to get everything done, except getting the application to respond from the Internet. I also explored the Remote Work Processor from SAP Automation Pilot to a Kyma cluster.&nbsp;</P><P>My experience has not been good.</P><P>For the RWP I was eventually able to get it to deploy and run once I read through the GO code to see that the Environment variable names had changed. Contacting the developer I got "this is beta and the Automation Pilot code has not caught up to the RWP code."</P><P>For the simple Node.js exercise I have built and tried 3 different Kyma clusters in two different regions (AWS US and Azure Singapore, the two the Trial accounts work in) and as far as I can tell everything is deployed correctly. I have read several blogs and trouble shooting pages, the 503 error points to maybe a Certificate issue, but the logs from the POD don't back this up.&nbsp;</P><P>Anyway, the main reason for this post is to ask if anyone is actually running Kyma in Production? When something as simple as the Tutorials don't work it doesn't give me a lot of confidence. The Cloud Foundry tutorials had minor issues with Node.js package versions, but was easy enough for me to figure out and make work. Is the Cloud Foundry Environment and of course the Build series of apps what SAP would prefer to have used, and Kyma should be seen as perpetual Beta?</P><P>At this point if a client asked if they should use Kyma, I would say no.&nbsp;</P> 2024-07-24T16:58:15.117000+02:00 Porting Apps to SAP BTP 2024-07-25T06:40:29.722000+02:00 Hydrargyrum09 <P>Hi everyone! im new to SAP BTP so i want to ask some question. so I have this current setup on my application:<BR /><BR />- the web framework is written using python programming language and flask<BR />- parallel processing is written using python and celery<BR />- the task queue I used is redis<BR />- deployment is handled by kubernetes<BR />- database is Postgres with PG-Bouncer for managing the connection<BR /><BR />So I need to move those component to the SAP BTP, but I don't have enough resource to do that, can you please give me advice or reference doccument how to do that, what I'm already try is deploying native python program to BTP using the cloud foundry and connect it to HANA DB.<BR /><BR />And my boss said that it is possible to develop the apps inside the BTP, so he said I just need to port the current apps into BTP using python and postgres and all other things like the parallel processing, deployment, security will be handled by the SAP BTP (so I don't need K8S, Redis, Celery). is it possible to do that? Thankss!</P> 2024-07-25T06:40:29.722000+02:00