Community - SAP HANA2024-09-09T14:01:13.126902+00:00python-feedgenSAP HANA Q&A in SAP Community View: Using join of same table twice and call it as association in the primary view2024-08-27T09:37:43.214000+02:00sankar1781<P>Hi Experts,</P><P>We have a primary CDS view where it has multiple associated CDS views involved (using association).</P><P>The main define view starts with one Customer CDS view (for ex: ZBP) that has Business Partner data (BUT000 and associated address data) and call it as left outer join with BUT050-PARTNER1 and BUT050-PARTNER2.</P><P>In one of the rules for a particular column as Corporate ID will be fetched based on</P><P>BUT050-PARTNER1 (as customer ID and BUT050-PARTNER2 (Group ID data) where BUT050-RELKIND is not initial. </P><P>The above Corporate ID data logic is written as a separate CDS view and call it in the primary as associated view.</P><P>Though the above Corporate ID CDS view showing the result based on the validation but when it calls from the primary view. It writes the line of Group ID with the Customer ID where this combination doesn't exist in BUT050 since the RELKIND is initial. </P><P>The business expectation is this line must not be written. </P><P>I need your help, how to write and resolve this solution.</P><P>Many thanks for your time here in reading and your valuable answers, if any.</P><P>Warm Regards.</P>2024-08-27T09:37:43.214000+02:00 is poor for Select query on MBEW Table2024-08-27T10:53:15.021000+02:00Princejoshizal<P>Hi,<BR /><BR />We are in SAP S4 HANA OP2020 system and we are facing severe performance issue with below select statement. We are passing full primary keys still it takes huge spike on CPU consumption and time consuming statement.</P><P> </P><pre class="lia-code-sample language-abap"><code>IF lt_material[] IS NOT INITIAL
FROM mbew AS a
WHERE a~matnr EQ _material-matnr AND
a~bwkey IN _t001w_rg AND "This is range for BWKEY
a~bwtar IN _bwtar " This is range for BWTAR
INTO TABLE (lt_mbew_tab_n1).
ENDIF.</code></pre><P> </P><P><U><STRONG>For example:</STRONG></U> if LT_MATERIAL has 1000 Records it takes 5 seconds to fetch data(~39000 records) and when LT_MATERIAL has 10000 Records then it take 12 Seconds to fetch data(~390000 records). It is not good that a select statement is going for 5 seconds or 12 seconds.<BR /> <BR />One thing to notice here is table MBEW is having huge number of records in our system(no of records: <STRONG>2662533622 </STRONG>i.e more than ~2500 Million records). Data volume could be one of the reason why performance is poor here.<BR /><BR />1. But we would to know what SAP suggest in this case when MBEW has these many records?<BR /><SPAN>2. Even though we are passing full key CPU load is really high and it is time consuming select statement?<BR /></SPAN>3. Does SAP recommend to Archive MBEW table data?<BR /><BR /><STRONG>P.S: We looked into MBEW it is having Replacement object MBV_MBEW(which is a CDS view MBV_MBEW) that means data is anyway pushed down to HANA DB still it has this performance issue.</STRONG></P><P>Regards,<BR />Prince</P><P> </P>2024-08-27T10:53:15.021000+02:00"SQL ALTER SYSTEM RECLAIM DATAVOLUME 120 DEFRAGMENT"2024-08-28T11:21:12.628000+02:00KE_RTJ<P>Hello,</P><P>When I tried to archive, the following error occurred.<BR />Please tell me how to resolve this.</P><P>Error message "SQL ALTER SYSTEM RECLAIM DATAVOLUME 120 DEFRAGMENT"<BR /><BR />Best Regards,<BR />kenji </P>2024-08-28T11:21:12.628000+02:00 S4HANA 2023 - Instance S4H/D10 reached state STOP after having state STARTING. Giving up.2024-08-28T12:02:44.704000+02:00yarasudibyo<P>Hi Experts,</P><P>I has issue when installed S4HANA 2023 and HANA Database in one host.</P><P>Kindly please your advice.</P><P>Detail issue on below, and please find the attachment.<span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="issue.png" style="width: 985px;"><img src="" role="button" title="issue.png" alt="issue.png" /></span></P><P>An error occurred while processing option SAP S/4HANA Server 2023 > SAP HANA Database > Installation > Application Server ABAP > Standard System > Standard System (Last error reported by the step: Instance S4H/D10 reached state STOP after having state STARTING. Giving up). You can now:</P><P>Choose Retry<BR />to repeat the current step.<BR />Choose Log Files<BR />to get more information about the error.<BR />Stop the option and continue later.</P><P>Log files are written to /tmp/sapinst_instdir/S4HANA2023/CORE/HDB/INSTALL/STD/ABAP.</P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="sapinst.log.png" style="width: 999px;"><img src="" role="button" title="sapinst.log.png" alt="sapinst.log.png" /></span><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="sapinst_loginquirer.log.png" style="width: 999px;"><img src="" role="button" title="sapinst_loginquirer.log.png" alt="sapinst_loginquirer.log.png" /></span></P><P><STRONG>R3trans -d</STRONG><BR />This is R3trans version 6.27 (release 793 - 12.06.24 - 09:07:06).<BR />unicode enabled version<BR />R3trans finished (0000).</P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="dev_w0.png" style="width: 999px;"><img src="" role="button" title="dev_w0.png" alt="dev_w0.png" /></span></P>2024-08-28T12:02:44.704000+02:00 PI/PO migration from any-DB (MS SQL server) to HANA DB2024-08-28T20:02:40.974000+02:00praveenreddy_vaka<P>Hello everyone,</P><P>We are planning to migrate from ECC (EHP8) application to S/4 HANA. And we have SAP PI/PO system integrated with ECC. So we are in doubt whether to migrate our SAP PI/PO application from MS SQL Server database to HANA database. As far as I know, unlike ECC or BW, we don't have huge demand for transactions or reports which are usually time-consuming or data-intensive in PI/PO. All PI objects are always in the runtime cache. In production environments, we archive messages frequently. So if we migrate PI/PO database from any DB (MS SQL DB) to HANA DB I don't think it will make much difference. So can anyone please suggest our ideas.</P><P>Thanks,</P><P>Praveen</P>2024-08-28T20:02:40.974000+02:00 MM Career2024-09-02T04:38:40.191000+02:00Nanthu<P>Hi,</P><P>I am working as a sourcing and Procurement Engineer with 7+ years experience in a startup company.I am not used any ERP tools previously.I am working all the data in excel only.But when I am looking for a job in a other company they required experience in ERP tool.</P><P>Can I learn SAP MM module and Need to get certification for that or what I should do please give me a clear view</P><P> </P>2024-09-02T04:38:40.191000+02:00 - Database hosts when connecting a managed system2024-09-02T09:30:34.278000+02:00symon_braunbaer<P>Dear Experts,</P><P>our systems are running on Hana database. We have 2 or 3 servers per SID as we have configured HSR. When connecting newly installed systems to the Solution Manager, I observe very seldom behavior that defies any logic in the steps <STRONG>Assign Product </STRONG>and <STRONG>Assign Diagnostics Agent</STRONG>. </P><P>Sometimes I only see one database host in the step <STRONG>Assign Product</STRONG>. This is usually due to missing SLD data and when I make sure all DB servers have correctly transferred SLD data, it is fixed and the servers are present there. However, when I see all DB servers correctly in this point, my expectation is to see them also in the step <STRONG>Assign Diagnostics Agent! </STRONG>However, I see all application servers and all DB servers very rarely in this point! It seems to be independent from the point <STRONG>Assign Product</STRONG> and I did not find anything specific, that makes DB Servers appear or disappear from the point <STRONG>Assign Diagnostics Agent!</STRONG></P><P>Could you please kindly explain how this works and most importantly - provide me an answer what exactly do I have to do, in order to see the DB Servers also in the point <STRONG>Assign Diagnostics Agent.</STRONG></P><P>Many thanks for your help and advice!</P>2024-09-02T09:30:34.278000+02:00 can I see the TDS and GST reports plant-wise not company-wise in Standard SAP2024-09-02T14:12:49.594000+02:000018280030<P>We have a Company Code 3000 and plant under company code 3100 and 3300.</P><P>Now we would like to see the TDS and GST Report separately for 3100 & 3300. How Can we see this plant-wise in standard SAP?</P>2024-09-02T14:12:49.594000+02:00 Tracking API data posted from CPI to S4 shown in Table QMFE but not in TCode QF212024-09-02T14:35:24.207000+02:00AHMED786<P>Hi Experts,</P><P>There is one requirement to post the data using the defect tracking API which is successful from CPI to S4 with below details</P><P>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/api_defect/srvd_a2x/sap/defect/0001/Defect</P><P><Defect></P><P><Defect_Type></P><P><DefectInternalID>00000000004</DefectInternalID></P><P><DefectText>test1</DefectText></P><P><DefectCodeCatalog>9</DefectCodeCatalog></P><P><DefectCode>1</DefectCode></P><P><DefectCodeGroup>QM-E</DefectCodeGroup></P><P><ManufacturingOrder>000012</ManufacturingOrder></P><P><InspectionLot>40000000008</InspectionLot></P><P><DefectCategory>01</DefectCategory></P><P></Defect_Type></P><P></Defect></P><P>Even tried with all the 50+ fields of the API populated with the functional data provided but still the same issue.</P><P>The post is successful and we can see the data triggered from CPI in S4 in the actual table QMFE and even the GET API call also shows the values posted but its not reflecting in the actual TCODE QF21</P><P>If the functional owner is entering any data manually its also available in both backend table QMFE and TCODE QF21 but its not available in GET API call.</P><P>Does anyone know any case like this where the API is not working as expected.</P><P><BR />Thanks,</P><P>Ahmed</P>2024-09-02T14:35:24.207000+02:00 we replace the existing FSV with new one OR Can we overwrite FSV's ?2024-09-03T16:18:39.082000+02:00Aditi3<P>I copied an existing FSV and created a new one with a different name. After making changes to the new FSV, I'm trying to overwrite the original FSV from which the new one was created. Is this possible?</P><P>#FSV</P><P>#FSE2</P><P>#OB58</P><P><a href="" class="lia-product-mention" data-product="639-1">SAP HANA</a> </P><P><a href="" class="lia-product-mention" data-product="1161-1">SAP Community</a> </P>2024-09-03T16:18:39.082000+02:00 to automatically bulk create virtual tables dynamically in code?2024-09-04T01:59:42.249000+02:00ozmike<P>Hi we are accessing many tables and views from a remote system and wondered how to bulk create virtual tables?</P>2024-09-04T01:59:42.249000+02:00 we overwrite the changes in existing FSV?2024-09-04T13:45:31.644000+02:00Aditi3<P>I created a new hierarchy (FSV) based on an existing one. After modifying the new FSV, I attempted to copy those changes back to the original using the "Copy To" menu. However, I encountered an error message stating "Hierarchy ID already exists." While I understand that accounts can be manually added to the existing FSV, I'm wondering if it's possible to overwrite the existing FSV entirely with the new one?</P><P> </P><P>#FSV</P><P>#SAP HANA</P><P> </P>2024-09-04T13:45:31.644000+02:00 install SAP Host Agent hana installation2024-09-05T13:02:14.005000+02:00BilalBhat<P>Hi,</P><P>I am installing HANA 2.00.065 on an HA node but it fails with below message.. </P><P> </P><P>Output line 71: Installing SAP Host Agent version 7.22.57..</P><P>Output line 72: Installation failed</P><P>Output line 73: error installing</P><P>Output line 74: Cannot create Instance</P><P>Output line 75: Cannot install SAP Host Agent</P><P>Please suggest</P><P> </P><P> </P>2024-09-05T13:02:14.005000+02:00 Bom Periodic Unit Price2024-09-05T13:27:34.367000+02:00Enen<P>Hello Experts,</P><P>We are trying to analyze Periodic Unit Price for production material. For one line we are not able to figure out from where this value is coming from. We noticed that for production of material A is consumed the same material A. Could you please explain how periodic unit price is calculated in that case? what is the formula behind it in SAP?</P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="Enen_0-1725535133720.png" style="width: 400px;"><img src="" role="button" title="Enen_0-1725535133720.png" alt="Enen_0-1725535133720.png" /></span></P><P> </P><P> </P>2024-09-05T13:27:34.367000+02:00 and add zeroes in S4 HANA2024-09-05T22:46:05.595000+02:00Arushi<P>Hi,</P><P>I am trying to remove and add zeroes in S4 HANA, Call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT' is throwing error - Not permitted in restricted scope, what is the other way to remove zeroes and then add zeroes as per the data type?</P>2024-09-05T22:46:05.595000+02:00 to settle AuC to statistical internal order2024-09-05T23:44:21.940000+02:00S0018270700<P>We have projects managed in SAP-PS, where each SAP-PS project collects construction costs and is settled to an Asset Under Construction (AUC). Once the project is completed and sold, we need to settle the AUC to an internal statistical order to calculate specific costs required by the financial team. Ultimately, these costs should be posted to a cost center.</P><P>To achieve this, we use the settlement rule ORD with the statistical internal order (IO) number. However, when settling through CJ88, the system directly settles the AUC to the cost center of the IO and does not post to the statistical IO at all. Is there a way to ensure that the system posts to the statistical IO?</P><P>Thanks in advance</P>2024-09-05T23:44:21.940000+02:00 transactions from one schema to another2024-09-06T13:56:31.407000+02:00JerushaLala<P>Hi all, <BR /><BR />We have a request to replicate one of our schemas, and then at the end of each day replicate all the transactions that happened in the "original" schema. We cannot do a backup and restore as other data will be captured/imported into the "new" schema. </P><P>Are there any tools/applications that can do this? Or does anyone have any ideas on how to go about this? <BR /><BR />Version: SAP B1 version 10, for HANA. FP 2208 <BR /><BR />Thanks all,<BR />Jerusha <BR /><BR /></P>2024-09-06T13:56:31.407000+02:00 Intercompany Settlement process in Condition contract in S4 Hana2024-09-08T16:07:25.976000+02:00Karthik_Bhiravajoshula_SAP_007<P>Hi Team,</P><P>I am just trying for some documentation on Intercompany settlement process in condition contract in S4 Hana.</P><P>if anyone has any some documentation on this process, please let me know.</P><P> </P><P>Thank you,</P><P> </P>2024-09-08T16:07:25.976000+02:00 cross container access for Nodejs function in SAP Hana XS advanced2024-09-09T07:17:11.702000+02:00Akshay_Nayak3<P>Hello,</P><P>Has anyone tried accessing nodejs functions from different container in SAP HANA webide (XS advanced)? There are posts about cross container access for database objects but couldn't find one for nodejs or XS functions. </P><P>Thanks,</P>2024-09-09T07:17:11.702000+02:00 Connection failed connect' failed, rc=111:Connection refused2024-09-09T10:04:58.021000+02:00BilalBhat<P>Hi,</P><P>While trying to connect HANA database using hdbsql on the server where HANA DB is installed, i am getting below error. </P><P>$hdbsql -i 00 -u SYSTEM -p ******* -d DBNAME..</P><P>* -10709: Connection failed (RTE:[89006] System call 'connect' failed, rc=111:Connection refused ([::1]:55978 -> localhost:30015))</P><P> </P><P>Please suggest</P><P> </P><P> </P><P> </P>2024-09-09T10:04:58.021000+02:00