SAP Community - User Interface 2024-07-26T23:15:25.957341+00:00 python-feedgen User Interface Q&A in SAP Community Customizing Layout (VA02) Create Sales Order Window 2023-11-09T15:18:32+01:00 hendobr922 <P>Hi All, <BR /><BR />I'm new to SAP. <BR /><BR />Looking for ways to speed up data entry by customizing the layout in my sales inquiry windows such as the window in transactions like "Create Quotation" and "Create Sales Order". <BR /><BR />I've discovered how to customize the line items box to move unessential fields out of view - but one thing that is bugging me is the limited size of the box where you enter line items. <BR /><BR />Currently I can only see 3 lines on screen at any given point before having to scroll - is there anyway to expand this box to show more lines on screen at once?</P> <P>Thank you, </P> 2023-11-09T15:18:32+01:00 Unable to Remove field using Adapt UI in "My Purchase Requisition - New" App. 2023-11-17T13:02:49+01:00 Ashish_Talekar <P><A href="" data-attachment="2228823" rel="noopener noreferrer">adapt-ui-selection.jpg</A>Dear Experts,</P> <P>We are trying to Adapt UI for "My Purchase Requisition - New" App.</P> <P>The Requirement of the Business is as follows: Hide the Material Valuation Details from the App Main screen as well as from the screen once you select and enter a Purchase Requisition to maintain price confidentiality. Kindly find the attached screenshot "Valuation Price" in which the Field to be hidden/removed is marked in Red. <A href="" data-attachment="2228821" rel="noopener noreferrer">valuation-price.jpg</A></P> <P>Current Status: We have been successful in Removing the Valuation Details from the Purchase Requisition Details Screens but are unable to remove it from the Main Screen of the App, After you press "Right click" the only available option is to "Rearrange Toolbar" and it does not contain any Table Headers which need to be hidden/removed. Kindly find the attached screenshot "Adapt UI Selection". </P> <P>Can someone guide us on how to hide the valuation data from the Main screen Table.</P> 2023-11-17T13:02:49+01:00 UI Integartion card chart and table data in single card 2023-12-25T16:09:29+01:00 former_member595591 <P>Hi All,</P> <P>our requirement develop the UI integration cards and deploy into BTP workzone site.</P> <P>when we go through the card explorer documentation, there are predefined templates(Example: list card, analytical card, table card).</P> <P>But there are no standard templates available in documentation for different types of templates in single card.</P> <P>How can we show both the chart and table data in single UI integration card ? Is it possible ?</P> 2023-12-25T16:09:29+01:00 How to implement sorting and filtering options for UI Integration cards 2024-01-02T12:12:02+01:00 former_member595591 <P>Hi,</P> <P>We have a requirement to implement sorting and filtering options for table card with external buttons on UI integartion cards.</P> <P>Post development of these cards we are accessing from BTP workzone site.</P> <P>In the below blog in step5 it is showing as dropdown for filter option.</P> <P><A href="" target="test_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></A></P> <P><STRONG>Instead of dropdown for filter can we show with external button or any table column level sorting, filtering features available for these UI integration cards like our UI5 applications ?</STRONG></P> 2024-01-02T12:12:02+01:00 How to Change Layout from Default to User Specific 2024-02-05T14:09:58.880000+01:00 athakyriaz <P>Hello ,&nbsp;</P><P>some users created layouts in various transactions with the Default option rather than User-Specific.</P><P>Now we have many Default Layouts while most of them should be User-Specific.</P><P>Can I mass select the Layouts I want and mark them from default to User-Specific?&nbsp;</P><P>How can i do this mass Change ?</P><P>Thanks</P> 2024-02-05T14:09:58.880000+01:00 Default Layout Changed Automatically In PRD System. 2024-03-12T10:32:33.679000+01:00 Sohel <P>Hello Expert,</P><P>I am facing one issue in SAP PRD System all t-codes...specially master data t-codes...MM41/MM42/MM43 All the user default layouts got changed automatically, may I know the cause of this automatic change into the system and please help me how can I solve this Issue ?&nbsp;</P> 2024-03-12T10:32:33.679000+01:00 In S4 Hana public cloud, is it OK to delete locked business users? 2024-03-12T17:55:24.831000+01:00 AlanRoddie <P>In S4 Hana public cloud, is it OK to delete locked business users in the 'Maintain Business Users' app?</P><P>There is a delete button, but just wanted to check if anybody has hit any problems after deletion.&nbsp; For example, any transactional data entered by the deleted user, could that cause an issue?</P><P>Many Thanks</P><P>Alan Roddie</P> 2024-03-12T17:55:24.831000+01:00 Issue when using SAP UI5 library sap.ui.export.Spreadsheet 2024-03-22T07:54:31.517000+01:00 RachitGupta <P>Hello UI5 Community,</P><P>I am on UI5 library version 1.108.26 and I have an app which uses sap.m.table whose items are bound to an odata v4 entity, I have an export to spreadsheet function in the toolbar in which i am trying to export all the table values using SAP UI5 library&nbsp;sap.ui.export.Spreadsheet. Image 1 has the controller code, upon triggerring the event what i observe is there are multiple API calls which are getting executed on the build() function which results in duplicated values in the downloaded spreadsheet. How can i potentially avoid multiple calls to get the data, is there any missing configuration in the settings or a library issue? I would be grateful for any suggestions.<BR /><BR />Thanks and Regards</P><P><SPAN>Rachit</SPAN></P> 2024-03-22T07:54:31.517000+01:00 UI5 free style app with odatav2 and odatav4 service consumption 2024-03-25T08:04:38.629000+01:00 rakeshBaggam <P>Hi folks,<BR />I need to develop a ui5 free style app which needs to consume odata v4 (sap capm) service as well as odata v2(on premise) service. As this is my first time dealing with this type of scenario, Just wanted to know that Is there any problems that I may encounter while developing? And is it okay to use 2 different versions of odata in same application.<BR /><BR />Thanks in Advance.<BR /><BR />Regards</P><P>Rakesh</P><P>Rakesh Baggam</P> 2024-03-25T08:04:38.629000+01:00 User menu access issue 2024-03-25T12:08:02.362000+01:00 Zen00 <P>Hello community,</P><P>I have an odd situation happening to a user:</P><P>SAP T-Code = VK13 | Affected menu = Environment &gt; Changes &gt; Change Report</P><P>User A is a contractor and accesses our network using a Citrix virtual desktop (VDI), from that desktop it RDPs into a server in which it needs to do its SAP activities and, in that server, it accesses SAP with a service account.</P><P>With that in mind, there is a menu in SAP (Change Report) which is enabled (as it should) in the virtual desktop but not in the server. The process goes like below:</P><P>User A logs into the VDI with its user account -&gt; user A RDPs into server with its user account -&gt; user A, using service account, logs in SAP = Menu is disabled</P><P>User A logs into the VDI with its user account -&gt; user A RDPs into server with user B's user account (user B is from the same team as user A) -&gt; user A, using service account, logs in SAP = Menu is enabled</P><P>User A logging into SAP using service account from the VDI = Menu is enabled.</P><P>Has anyone seen something like this that could share some tips on the root cause?</P><P>Thanks!</P> 2024-03-25T12:08:02.362000+01:00 Multiple Table header rows in sapUi5 2024-03-26T06:51:39.617000+01:00 msiblyb <P>The uploaded image shows a table with two header rows. The header rows are grouped and placed under another header row. How can I achieve the same in SAPUI5?</P><P><a href="" class="lia-product-mention" data-product="325-1">SAPUI5</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</P> 2024-03-26T06:51:39.617000+01:00 SAP Idoc 2024-03-26T20:55:15.176000+01:00 PradiptoSaha <DIV class=""><DIV class=""><P><SPAN class=""><SPAN>Every IDOC can be categorized into three main types:<BR />1. Control Records :<BR />Similar to an envelope of a letter, control records contain sender and receiver information, including details such as IDOC type, message type, partner number, port number, and direction.<BR />2. Data Records :<BR />Data records consist of two sections:<BR />a. Administrative Section : This section includes segment names and segment numbers.<BR />b. Data Section : It holds the data, which may include tables like EDID2, EDID3, EDID4, and the SDATA field that contains the entire segment data.<BR />3. Status Records :<BR />These records store the status of the IDOC at different stages of its journey from the sender to the receiver. Each status is associated with a status code. Sender-side status codes range from 00 to 49, while receiver-side status codes range from 50 to 75.<BR /><BR />Key Transaction Codes (Tcodes) related to IDOC processing include:<BR />WE47 :<BR />TCode for Status Code description, including error codes like 53 (Processed).<BR />WE42 :<BR />TCode for Inbound Process Code (MATM with Function module).<BR />WE30 :<BR />TCode for creating IDOC types.<BR />WE02/WE05 :<BR />TCodes for checking IDOCs.<BR />Processing Error IDOCs<BR />Involves analyzing the application log associated with the error status code. If any functional configuration is required, it's the responsibility of the functional consultant to perform the configuration.<BR />Once configured, error IDOCs can be re-processed using BD87 or WE19. BD87<BR />processes existing error IDOCs without generating new ones, while WE19 generates new IDOCs, ignoring the error ones.</SPAN></SPAN></P></DIV></DIV> 2024-03-26T20:55:15.176000+01:00 Change user name in SU01 2024-03-29T08:01:18.924000+01:00 Hermy <P>Hi guys,</P><P><SPAN>That was unfortunate because I misunderstood when assigning a SAP user for the sales employee ID. Therefore, I am unable to change the full name in su01 or vpe2 anymore. Please help!</SPAN></P><P>Best regards,</P> 2024-03-29T08:01:18.924000+01:00 Is it possible to pass a string into a UI5 XML formatter function? 2024-03-29T09:25:09.827000+01:00 super_yan <P>When I write a UI5 XML element, I use format function to set its visibility. For example:</P><pre class="lia-code-sample language-abap"><code>&lt;Title text="{ parts:[ 'label1' {path:'color'}, ], formatter: '.formatter.getVisibility'}" /&gt;</code></pre><P>And I want the first parameter, in this case is "label1", is passed into formatter function as a plain string.</P><P>But actually, I find out UI5 just drill down of the binding object, it pass the value of variable bindingObject.label1 as first parameter, of course it's undefined.&nbsp;</P><P>Is it possible just pass a plain string "label1" to the formatter function?</P><P>&nbsp;</P> 2024-03-29T09:25:09.827000+01:00 Quote 2.0 : Displaying a message to the User in a specific custom quote tab 2024-04-09T19:56:32.516000+02:00 Lola_234 <P>Dear SAP community,&nbsp;</P><P>I want to display a message in a specific custom quote tab. While running the command :&nbsp;</P><P>context.Quote.AddMessage("message text", MessageLevel.Error, True) I am getting the messge&nbsp;though displayed but not in the correct tab.&nbsp;</P><P><SPAN>Does anyone have any suggestions or idea, where or how I can solve such an issue ?</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>Best regards&nbsp;</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>Lola</SPAN></P><P>&nbsp;</P> 2024-04-09T19:56:32.516000+02:00 Characteristic and Class Assignment UIBB Missing from Basic Data Details (MDG-M UI) 2024-04-24T09:25:12.630000+02:00 sorintim <P>Hello,</P><P><STRONG>Characteristic</STRONG> and <STRONG>Class Assignment</STRONG>&nbsp;tabs are missing from <STRONG>Basic Data Details</STRONG> in <STRONG>MDG-M UI</STRONG>. In order for them to be displayed, the users have to press on the <STRONG>Settings -&gt; Reset to Default</STRONG> every time it is needed to maintain Class or Characteristics values from the mentioned UIBBs.</P><P>After this actions is done, both UIBBs are displayed at that time, but when a new session is opened the process should be started again (see the screenshots attached).</P><P>Is there a way to prevent hiding of both tabs, so it can be visible when Basic Data -&gt; Details is opened at the first time?</P><P>Looking forward for any advice. Thanks and regards!</P> 2024-04-24T09:25:12.630000+02:00 Variant management sap.ui.fl.variants variant not visible to other users 2024-05-01T13:43:02.846000+02:00 hatrigt <P>I have a sap.ui.table with over 50 columns that requires Variant Management. To achieve this, I utilized sap.ui.fl.variants and successfully implemented the feature to create and view the saved variant. However, I'm not able to find a option to make it visible to others or setting it as the default variant for others.</P><P>P.S. The UI5 application has been deployed in BTP, and I am accessing it through the launchpad.</P> 2024-05-01T13:43:02.846000+02:00 Table Storing User-Specific Settings for SPRO Display 2024-06-24T18:07:49.007000+02:00 MathewJSanderson <P>Hello,</P><P>In the transaction SPRO, it is possible to set '<EM>User Specific Setting</EM>'.</P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="Screenshot (2200).png" style="width: 807px;"><img src=";px=999" role="button" title="Screenshot (2200).png" alt="Screenshot (2200).png" /></span><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="Screenshot (2201).png" style="width: 807px;"><img src=";px=999" role="button" title="Screenshot (2201).png" alt="Screenshot (2201).png" /></span></P><P>Where are these settings stored ? as I would like to apply the same setting for a number of users.</P><P>Many thanks.</P> 2024-06-24T18:07:49.007000+02:00 Which one is preferred: Adapt UI or Adaptation Projects? 2024-07-16T21:45:36.585000+02:00 RaminS <P>There are many good blogs/docs about key user <STRONG>UI&nbsp;Adaptation at Runtime</STRONG> to customize Fiori apps and create variants, and many good blogs about developer&nbsp;<STRONG>Adaptation projects in BAS</STRONG>&nbsp;at&nbsp;<STRONG>Design time</STRONG>.</P><P>But which method is preferred?</P><P>Assuming only developers will be making customizations (not key users) and no additional controller logic extensions are needed, which method should be used?&nbsp;</P><P>Runtime Adaptations are easier with less overhead. But I'd like to see what other people think.</P><P>Thanks</P> 2024-07-16T21:45:36.585000+02:00 VBA code to detect enter and/or press 2024-07-18T17:50:27.507000+02:00 JFG <P>Hi</P><P><SPAN class="">How do I detect that you manually press enter or and/or a *.press was given? </SPAN></P><P><SPAN class="">--&nbsp; session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0<BR />--&nbsp; session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/btn[0]").press</SPAN></P><P>Gracias</P><P>&nbsp;</P> 2024-07-18T17:50:27.507000+02:00