__author__ = 'Nabeel' import os, time, argparse def main(): pauseTime = 0.2 # set the argument parer to take input file as input parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-f", "--filepath", help="path to snort attacker file") args = parser.parse_args() if args.filepath == None: print 'Please enter file path to snort alert file' parser.print_help() exit(0) inputFile = args.filepath # print the name of input file print inputFile while(True): try: # check if file exists, otherwise wait for sometime and try again! while (True): ans = os.path.isfile(inputFile) # if file found, then proceed. Otherwise keep waiting if ans == 1: break else: print 'Snort alert file does not exists at ', inputFile, '\nChecking again...' time.sleep(pauseTime) snort_alert_f = open(inputFile, 'r') snort_alert = snort_alert_f.read() snort_alert_f.close() # read the file and if there is anything, add to alert.txt file attacker_list = [] alerts = snort_alert.split('\n') i=0 while i < len(alerts): line = alerts[i] # for icmp packets if '-> ICMP' in line: attackerIP = line.split(' ')[0] if attackerIP not in attacker_list: attacker_list.append(attackerIP) # for port scanning elif '(portscan)' in line: attackerIP = line.split(' ')[0] if attackerIP not in attacker_list: attacker_list.append(attackerIP) i = i+1 print '\n'.join(attacker_list) # write list to attacker list attackerFile = open('/tmp/attacker.txt','w') attackerFile.write('\n'.join(attacker_list)) attackerFile.close() # check if the file has changed and if it has changed, do the same while True: snort_alert_f_new = open(inputFile, 'r') snort_alert_new = snort_alert_f_new.read() snort_alert_f_new.close() # if the file has not changed, then keep reading it if snort_alert_new == snort_alert: # file not changed, pause before making next query time.sleep(pauseTime) continue else: # file changed, change attacker file snort_alert = snort_alert_new break except: print 'Error Accessing file, running it again!' attacker_list = [] if __name__ == "__main__": # System argument is the name of the snort alert file. main()