# StatusBarJsonPath Sublime Text plugin to get the JSONPath (a notation to access the item) under the cursor in a JSON. The plugin also includes a command _JSONPath: Copy_ to copy the displayed path to the clipboard. ## Example Given the following JSON object: ``` { "name": "Hello World", "tags": [ "example" ], "metadata": { "author": "Alex Kirk" } } ``` In this scenario the plugin will display/copy the following JSONPaths (all directly queryable in [`jq`](https://jqlang.github.io/jq/) for matching results): - Cursor inside "name": `.name` - Cursor inside "Hello World": `.name` - Cursor inside "tags": `.tags` - Cursor inside "example": `.tags[0]` - Cursor inside "metadata": `.metadata` - Cursor inside "author": `.metadata.author` ## Demo ![screen recording](statusbarjsonpath.gif) ## Installation On PackageControl it's called `Status Bar JsonPath`: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Status%20Bar%20JsonPath 1. Run `Package Control: Advanced Install Package` 2. Enter `Status Bar JsonPath` You can also install the package manually like this: 1. Click the *Preferences >Browse Packages…* menu, this should open a folder `Packages`. 2. Download https://github.com/akirk/StatusBarJsonPath/archive/refs/heads/main.zip and extract it into that directory (it should then have a subfolder `StatusBarJsonPath-main`). 3. Restart Sublime Text.