/** * Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Lightbend Inc. */ package akka.stream.javadsl import java.util import java.util.Optional import akka.{ Done, NotUsed } import akka.actor.{ ActorRef, Cancellable, Props } import akka.event.LoggingAdapter import akka.japi.{ Pair, Util, function } import akka.stream._ import akka.stream.impl.{ ConstantFun, StreamLayout } import akka.stream.stage.Stage import org.reactivestreams.{ Publisher, Subscriber } import scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.collection.immutable import scala.collection.immutable.Range.Inclusive import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise } import scala.compat.java8.OptionConverters._ import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture import scala.compat.java8.FutureConverters._ import akka.stream.impl.SourceQueueAdapter import akka.stream.scaladsl.SourceQueueWithComplete /** Java API */ object Source { private[this] val _empty = new Source[Any, NotUsed](scaladsl.Source.empty) /** * Create a `Source` with no elements, i.e. an empty stream that is completed immediately * for every connected `Sink`. */ def empty[O](): Source[O, NotUsed] = _empty.asInstanceOf[Source[O, NotUsed]] /** * Create a `Source` which materializes a [[java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture]] which controls what element * will be emitted by the Source. * If the materialized promise is completed with a filled Optional, that value will be produced downstream, * followed by completion. * If the materialized promise is completed with an empty Optional, no value will be produced downstream and completion will * be signalled immediately. * If the materialized promise is completed with a failure, then the returned source will terminate with that error. * If the downstream of this source cancels before the promise has been completed, then the promise will be completed * with an empty Optional. */ def maybe[T]: Source[T, CompletableFuture[Optional[T]]] = { new Source(scaladsl.Source.maybe[T].mapMaterializedValue { scalaOptionPromise: Promise[Option[T]] ⇒ val javaOptionPromise = new CompletableFuture[Optional[T]]() scalaOptionPromise.completeWith( javaOptionPromise.toScala .map(_.asScala)(akka.dispatch.ExecutionContexts.sameThreadExecutionContext)) javaOptionPromise }) } /** * Helper to create [[Source]] from `Publisher`. * * Construct a transformation starting with given publisher. The transformation steps * are executed by a series of [[org.reactivestreams.Processor]] instances * that mediate the flow of elements downstream and the propagation of * back-pressure upstream. */ def fromPublisher[O](publisher: Publisher[O]): javadsl.Source[O, NotUsed] = new Source(scaladsl.Source.fromPublisher(publisher)) /** * Helper to create [[Source]] from `Iterator`. * Example usage: * * {{{ * List data = new ArrayList(); * data.add(1); * data.add(2); * data.add(3); * Source.from(() -> data.iterator()); * }}} * * Start a new `Source` from the given Iterator. The produced stream of elements * will continue until the iterator runs empty or fails during evaluation of * the `next()` method. Elements are pulled out of the iterator * in accordance with the demand coming from the downstream transformation * steps. */ def fromIterator[O](f: function.Creator[java.util.Iterator[O]]): javadsl.Source[O, NotUsed] = new Source(scaladsl.Source.fromIterator(() ⇒ f.create().asScala)) /** * Helper to create [[Source]] from `Iterable`. * Example usage: * {{{ * List data = new ArrayList(); * data.add(1); * data.add(2); * data.add(3); * Source.from(data); * }}} * * Starts a new `Source` from the given `Iterable`. This is like starting from an * Iterator, but every Subscriber directly attached to the Publisher of this * stream will see an individual flow of elements (always starting from the * beginning) regardless of when they subscribed. * * Make sure that the `Iterable` is immutable or at least not modified after * being used as a `Source`. Otherwise the stream may fail with * `ConcurrentModificationException` or other more subtle errors may occur. */ def from[O](iterable: java.lang.Iterable[O]): javadsl.Source[O, NotUsed] = { // this adapter is not immutable if the underlying java.lang.Iterable is modified // but there is not anything we can do to prevent that from happening. // ConcurrentModificationException will be thrown in some cases. val scalaIterable = new immutable.Iterable[O] { import collection.JavaConverters._ override def iterator: Iterator[O] = iterable.iterator().asScala } new Source(scaladsl.Source(scalaIterable)) } /** * Creates [[Source]] that represents integer values in range ''[start;end]'', step equals to 1. * It allows to create `Source` out of range as simply as on Scala `Source(1 to N)` * * Uses [[scala.collection.immutable.Range.inclusive(Int, Int)]] internally * * @see [[scala.collection.immutable.Range.inclusive(Int, Int)]] */ def range(start: Int, end: Int): javadsl.Source[Integer, NotUsed] = range(start, end, 1) /** * Creates [[Source]] that represents integer values in range ''[start;end]'', with the given step. * It allows to create `Source` out of range as simply as on Scala `Source(1 to N)` * * Uses [[scala.collection.immutable.Range.inclusive(Int, Int, Int)]] internally * * @see [[scala.collection.immutable.Range.inclusive(Int, Int, Int)]] */ def range(start: Int, end: Int, step: Int): javadsl.Source[Integer, NotUsed] = fromIterator[Integer](new function.Creator[util.Iterator[Integer]]() { def create(): util.Iterator[Integer] = new Inclusive(start, end, step) { override def toString: String = s"Range($start to $end, step = $step)" }.iterator.asJava.asInstanceOf[util.Iterator[Integer]] }) /** * Start a new `Source` from the given `Future`. The stream will consist of * one element when the `Future` is completed with a successful value, which * may happen before or after materializing the `Flow`. * The stream terminates with a failure if the `Future` is completed with a failure. */ def fromFuture[O](future: Future[O]): javadsl.Source[O, NotUsed] = new Source(scaladsl.Source.fromFuture(future)) /** * Start a new `Source` from the given `CompletionStage`. The stream will consist of * one element when the `CompletionStage` is completed with a successful value, which * may happen before or after materializing the `Flow`. * The stream terminates with a failure if the `CompletionStage` is completed with a failure. */ def fromCompletionStage[O](future: CompletionStage[O]): javadsl.Source[O, NotUsed] = new Source(scaladsl.Source.fromCompletionStage(future)) /** * Elements are emitted periodically with the specified interval. * The tick element will be delivered to downstream consumers that has requested any elements. * If a consumer has not requested any elements at the point in time when the tick * element is produced it will not receive that tick element later. It will * receive new tick elements as soon as it has requested more elements. */ def tick[O](initialDelay: FiniteDuration, interval: FiniteDuration, tick: O): javadsl.Source[O, Cancellable] = new Source(scaladsl.Source.tick(initialDelay, interval, tick)) /** * Create a `Source` with one element. * Every connected `Sink` of this stream will see an individual stream consisting of one element. */ def single[T](element: T): Source[T, NotUsed] = new Source(scaladsl.Source.single(element)) /** * Create a `Source` that will continually emit the given element. */ def repeat[T](element: T): Source[T, NotUsed] = new Source(scaladsl.Source.repeat(element)) /** * Create a `Source` that will unfold a value of type `S` into * a pair of the next state `S` and output elements of type `E`. */ def unfold[S, E](s: S, f: function.Function[S, Optional[Pair[S, E]]]): Source[E, NotUsed] = new Source(scaladsl.Source.unfold(s)((s: S) ⇒ f.apply(s).asScala.map(_.toScala))) /** * Same as [[unfold]], but uses an async function to generate the next state-element tuple. */ def unfoldAsync[S, E](s: S, f: function.Function[S, CompletionStage[Optional[Pair[S, E]]]]): Source[E, NotUsed] = new Source( scaladsl.Source.unfoldAsync(s)( (s: S) ⇒ f.apply(s).toScala.map(_.asScala.map(_.toScala))(akka.dispatch.ExecutionContexts.sameThreadExecutionContext))) /** * Create a `Source` that immediately ends the stream with the `cause` failure to every connected `Sink`. */ def failed[T](cause: Throwable): Source[T, NotUsed] = new Source(scaladsl.Source.failed(cause)) /** * Creates a `Source` that is materialized as a [[org.reactivestreams.Subscriber]] */ def asSubscriber[T](): Source[T, Subscriber[T]] = new Source(scaladsl.Source.asSubscriber) /** * Creates a `Source` that is materialized to an [[akka.actor.ActorRef]] which points to an Actor * created according to the passed in [[akka.actor.Props]]. Actor created by the `props` should * be [[akka.stream.actor.ActorPublisher]]. */ def actorPublisher[T](props: Props): Source[T, ActorRef] = new Source(scaladsl.Source.actorPublisher(props)) /** * Creates a `Source` that is materialized as an [[akka.actor.ActorRef]]. * Messages sent to this actor will be emitted to the stream if there is demand from downstream, * otherwise they will be buffered until request for demand is received. * * Depending on the defined [[akka.stream.OverflowStrategy]] it might drop elements if * there is no space available in the buffer. * * The strategy [[akka.stream.OverflowStrategy.backpressure]] is not supported, and an * IllegalArgument("Backpressure overflowStrategy not supported") will be thrown if it is passed as argument. * * The buffer can be disabled by using `bufferSize` of 0 and then received messages are dropped * if there is no demand from downstream. When `bufferSize` is 0 the `overflowStrategy` does * not matter. * * The stream can be completed successfully by sending [[akka.actor.PoisonPill]] or * [[akka.actor.Status.Success]] to the actor reference. * * The stream can be completed with failure by sending [[akka.actor.Status.Failure]] to the * actor reference. * * The actor will be stopped when the stream is completed, failed or canceled from downstream, * i.e. you can watch it to get notified when that happens. * * @param bufferSize The size of the buffer in element count * @param overflowStrategy Strategy that is used when incoming elements cannot fit inside the buffer */ def actorRef[T](bufferSize: Int, overflowStrategy: OverflowStrategy): Source[T, ActorRef] = new Source(scaladsl.Source.actorRef(bufferSize, overflowStrategy)) /** * A graph with the shape of a source logically is a source, this method makes * it so also in type. */ def fromGraph[T, M](g: Graph[SourceShape[T], M]): Source[T, M] = g match { case s: Source[T, M] ⇒ s case s if s eq scaladsl.Source.empty ⇒ empty().asInstanceOf[Source[T, M]] case other ⇒ new Source(scaladsl.Source.fromGraph(other)) } /** * Combines several sources with fan-in strategy like `Merge` or `Concat` and returns `Source`. */ def combine[T, U](first: Source[T, _ <: Any], second: Source[T, _ <: Any], rest: java.util.List[Source[T, _ <: Any]], strategy: function.Function[java.lang.Integer, _ <: Graph[UniformFanInShape[T, U], NotUsed]]): Source[U, NotUsed] = { import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ val seq = if (rest != null) rest.asScala.map(_.asScala) else Seq() new Source(scaladsl.Source.combine(first.asScala, second.asScala, seq: _*)(num ⇒ strategy.apply(num))) } /** * Creates a `Source` that is materialized as an [[akka.stream.SourceQueue]]. * You can push elements to the queue and they will be emitted to the stream if there is demand from downstream, * otherwise they will be buffered until request for demand is received. Elements in the buffer will be discarded * if downstream is terminated. * * Depending on the defined [[akka.stream.OverflowStrategy]] it might drop elements if * there is no space available in the buffer. * * Acknowledgement mechanism is available. * [[akka.stream.SourceQueue.offer]] returns `CompletionStage>` which completes with `Success(true)` * if element was added to buffer or sent downstream. It completes with `Success(false)` if element was dropped. Can also complete * with [[akka.stream.StreamCallbackStatus.Failure]] - when stream failed or [[akka.stream.StreamCallbackStatus.StreamCompleted]] * when downstream is completed. * * The strategy [[akka.stream.OverflowStrategy.backpressure]] will not complete last `offer():CompletionStage` * call when buffer is full. * * You can watch accessibility of stream with [[akka.stream.SourceQueue.watchCompletion]]. * It returns future that completes with success when stream is completed or fail when stream is failed. * * The buffer can be disabled by using `bufferSize` of 0 and then received message will wait for downstream demand. * When `bufferSize` is 0 the `overflowStrategy` does not matter. * * SourceQueue that current source is materialized to is for single thread usage only. * * @param bufferSize size of buffer in element count * @param overflowStrategy Strategy that is used when incoming elements cannot fit inside the buffer */ def queue[T](bufferSize: Int, overflowStrategy: OverflowStrategy): Source[T, SourceQueueWithComplete[T]] = new Source(scaladsl.Source.queue[T](bufferSize, overflowStrategy).mapMaterializedValue(new SourceQueueAdapter(_))) } /** * Java API * * A `Source` is a set of stream processing steps that has one open output and an attached input. * Can be used as a `Publisher` */ final class Source[+Out, +Mat](delegate: scaladsl.Source[Out, Mat]) extends Graph[SourceShape[Out], Mat] { import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ override def shape: SourceShape[Out] = delegate.shape private[stream] def module: StreamLayout.Module = delegate.module override def toString: String = delegate.toString /** Converts this Java DSL element to its Scala DSL counterpart. */ def asScala: scaladsl.Source[Out, Mat] = delegate /** * Transform only the materialized value of this Source, leaving all other properties as they were. */ def mapMaterializedValue[Mat2](f: function.Function[Mat, Mat2]): Source[Out, Mat2] = new Source(delegate.mapMaterializedValue(f.apply _)) /** * Transform this [[Source]] by appending the given processing stages. * {{{ * +----------------------------+ * | Resulting Source | * | | * | +------+ +------+ | * | | | | | | * | | this | ~Out~> | flow | ~~> T * | | | | | | * | +------+ +------+ | * +----------------------------+ * }}} * The materialized value of the combined [[Flow]] will be the materialized * value of the current flow (ignoring the other Flow’s value), use * `viaMat` if a different strategy is needed. */ def via[T, M](flow: Graph[FlowShape[Out, T], M]): javadsl.Source[T, Mat] = new Source(delegate.via(flow)) /** * Transform this [[Source]] by appending the given processing stages. * {{{ * +----------------------------+ * | Resulting Source | * | | * | +------+ +------+ | * | | | | | | * | | this | ~Out~> | flow | ~~> T * | | | | | | * | +------+ +------+ | * +----------------------------+ * }}} * The `combine` function is used to compose the materialized values of this flow and that * flow into the materialized value of the resulting Flow. * * It is recommended to use the internally optimized `Keep.left` and `Keep.right` combiners * where appropriate instead of manually writing functions that pass through one of the values. */ def viaMat[T, M, M2](flow: Graph[FlowShape[Out, T], M], combine: function.Function2[Mat, M, M2]): javadsl.Source[T, M2] = new Source(delegate.viaMat(flow)(combinerToScala(combine))) /** * Connect this [[Source]] to a [[Sink]], concatenating the processing steps of both. * {{{ * +----------------------------+ * | Resulting RunnableGraph | * | | * | +------+ +------+ | * | | | | | | * | | this | ~Out~> | sink | | * | | | | | | * | +------+ +------+ | * +----------------------------+ * }}} * The materialized value of the combined [[Sink]] will be the materialized * value of the current flow (ignoring the given Sink’s value), use * `toMat` if a different strategy is needed. */ def to[M](sink: Graph[SinkShape[Out], M]): javadsl.RunnableGraph[Mat] = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(delegate.to(sink)) /** * Connect this [[Source]] to a [[Sink]], concatenating the processing steps of both. * {{{ * +----------------------------+ * | Resulting RunnableGraph | * | | * | +------+ +------+ | * | | | | | | * | | this | ~Out~> | sink | | * | | | | | | * | +------+ +------+ | * +----------------------------+ * }}} * The `combine` function is used to compose the materialized values of this flow and that * Sink into the materialized value of the resulting Sink. * * It is recommended to use the internally optimized `Keep.left` and `Keep.right` combiners * where appropriate instead of manually writing functions that pass through one of the values. */ def toMat[M, M2](sink: Graph[SinkShape[Out], M], combine: function.Function2[Mat, M, M2]): javadsl.RunnableGraph[M2] = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(delegate.toMat(sink)(combinerToScala(combine))) /** * Connect this `Source` to a `Sink` and run it. The returned value is the materialized value * of the `Sink`, e.g. the `Publisher` of a `Sink.asPublisher`. */ def runWith[M](sink: Graph[SinkShape[Out], M], materializer: Materializer): M = delegate.runWith(sink)(materializer) /** * Shortcut for running this `Source` with a fold function. * The given function is invoked for every received element, giving it its previous * output (or the given `zero` value) and the element as input. * The returned [[java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage]] will be completed with value of the final * function evaluation when the input stream ends, or completed with `Failure` * if there is a failure is signaled in the stream. */ def runFold[U](zero: U, f: function.Function2[U, Out, U], materializer: Materializer): CompletionStage[U] = runWith(Sink.fold(zero, f), materializer) /** * Shortcut for running this `Source` with a reduce function. * The given function is invoked for every received element, giving it its previous * output (from the second ones) an the element as input. * The returned [[java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage]] will be completed with value of the final * function evaluation when the input stream ends, or completed with `Failure` * if there is a failure is signaled in the stream. */ def runReduce[U >: Out](f: function.Function2[U, U, U], materializer: Materializer): CompletionStage[U] = runWith(Sink.reduce(f), materializer) /** * Concatenate this [[Source]] with the given one, meaning that once current * is exhausted and all result elements have been generated, * the given source elements will be produced. * * Note that given [[Source]] is materialized together with this Flow and just kept * from producing elements by asserting back-pressure until its time comes. * * If this [[Source]] gets upstream error - no elements from the given [[Source]] will be pulled. * * '''Emits when''' element is available from current source or from the given [[Source]] when current is completed * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' given [[Source]] completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def concat[T >: Out, M](that: Graph[SourceShape[T], M]): javadsl.Source[T, Mat] = new Source(delegate.concat(that)) /** * Concatenate this [[Source]] with the given one, meaning that once current * is exhausted and all result elements have been generated, * the given source elements will be produced. * * Note that given [[Source]] is materialized together with this Flow and just kept * from producing elements by asserting back-pressure until its time comes. * * If this [[Source]] gets upstream error - no elements from the given [[Source]] will be pulled. * * It is recommended to use the internally optimized `Keep.left` and `Keep.right` combiners * where appropriate instead of manually writing functions that pass through one of the values. * * @see [[#concat]]. */ def concatMat[T >: Out, M, M2](that: Graph[SourceShape[T], M], matF: function.Function2[Mat, M, M2]): javadsl.Source[T, M2] = new Source(delegate.concatMat(that)(combinerToScala(matF))) /** * Prepend the given [[Source]] to this one, meaning that once the given source * is exhausted and all result elements have been generated, the current source's * elements will be produced. * * Note that the current [[Source]] is materialized together with this Flow and just kept * from producing elements by asserting back-pressure until its time comes. * * If the given [[Source]] gets upstream error - no elements from this [[Source]] will be pulled. * * '''Emits when''' element is available from current source or from the given [[Source]] when current is completed * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' given [[Source]] completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def prepend[T >: Out, M](that: Graph[SourceShape[T], M]): javadsl.Source[T, Mat] = new Source(delegate.prepend(that)) /** * Prepend the given [[Source]] to this one, meaning that once the given source * is exhausted and all result elements have been generated, the current source's * elements will be produced. * * Note that the current [[Source]] is materialized together with this Flow and just kept * from producing elements by asserting back-pressure until its time comes. * * If the given [[Source]] gets upstream error - no elements from this [[Source]] will be pulled. * * It is recommended to use the internally optimized `Keep.left` and `Keep.right` combiners * where appropriate instead of manually writing functions that pass through one of the values. * * @see [[#prepend]]. */ def prependMat[T >: Out, M, M2](that: Graph[SourceShape[T], M], matF: function.Function2[Mat, M, M2]): javadsl.Source[T, M2] = new Source(delegate.prependMat(that)(combinerToScala(matF))) /** * Attaches the given [[Sink]] to this [[Flow]], meaning that elements that passes * through will also be sent to the [[Sink]]. * * '''Emits when''' element is available and demand exists both from the Sink and the downstream. * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream or Sink backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def alsoTo(that: Graph[SinkShape[Out], _]): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.alsoTo(that)) /** * Attaches the given [[Sink]] to this [[Flow]], meaning that elements that passes * through will also be sent to the [[Sink]]. * * It is recommended to use the internally optimized `Keep.left` and `Keep.right` combiners * where appropriate instead of manually writing functions that pass through one of the values. * * @see [[#alsoTo]] */ def alsoToMat[M2, M3](that: Graph[SinkShape[Out], M2], matF: function.Function2[Mat, M2, M3]): javadsl.Source[Out, M3] = new Source(delegate.alsoToMat(that)(combinerToScala(matF))) /** * Interleave is a deterministic merge of the given [[Source]] with elements of this [[Source]]. * It first emits `segmentSize` number of elements from this flow to downstream, then - same amount for `that` source, * then repeat process. * * Example: * {{{ * Source.from(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3)).interleave(Source.from(Arrays.asList(4, 5, 6, 7), 2) * // 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7 * }}} * * After one of sources is complete than all the rest elements will be emitted from the second one * * If one of sources gets upstream error - stream completes with failure. * * '''Emits when''' element is available from the currently consumed upstream * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures. Signal to current * upstream, switch to next upstream when received `segmentSize` elements * * '''Completes when''' this [[Source]] and given one completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def interleave[T >: Out](that: Graph[SourceShape[T], _], segmentSize: Int): javadsl.Source[T, Mat] = new Source(delegate.interleave(that, segmentSize)) /** * Interleave is a deterministic merge of the given [[Source]] with elements of this [[Source]]. * It first emits `segmentSize` number of elements from this flow to downstream, then - same amount for `that` source, * then repeat process. * * After one of sources is complete than all the rest elements will be emitted from the second one * * If one of sources gets upstream error - stream completes with failure. * * It is recommended to use the internally optimized `Keep.left` and `Keep.right` combiners * where appropriate instead of manually writing functions that pass through one of the values. * * @see [[#interleave]]. */ def interleaveMat[T >: Out, M, M2](that: Graph[SourceShape[T], M], segmentSize: Int, matF: function.Function2[Mat, M, M2]): javadsl.Source[T, M2] = new Source(delegate.interleaveMat(that, segmentSize)(combinerToScala(matF))) /** * Merge the given [[Source]] to the current one, taking elements as they arrive from input streams, * picking randomly when several elements ready. * * '''Emits when''' one of the inputs has an element available * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' all upstreams complete * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def merge[T >: Out](that: Graph[SourceShape[T], _]): javadsl.Source[T, Mat] = new Source(delegate.merge(that)) /** * Merge the given [[Source]] to the current one, taking elements as they arrive from input streams, * picking randomly when several elements ready. * * It is recommended to use the internally optimized `Keep.left` and `Keep.right` combiners * where appropriate instead of manually writing functions that pass through one of the values. * * @see [[#merge]]. */ def mergeMat[T >: Out, M, M2](that: Graph[SourceShape[T], M], matF: function.Function2[Mat, M, M2]): javadsl.Source[T, M2] = new Source(delegate.mergeMat(that)(combinerToScala(matF))) /** * Merge the given [[Source]] to this [[Source]], taking elements as they arrive from input streams, * picking always the smallest of the available elements (waiting for one element from each side * to be available). This means that possible contiguity of the input streams is not exploited to avoid * waiting for elements, this merge will block when one of the inputs does not have more elements (and * does not complete). * * '''Emits when''' all of the inputs have an element available * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' all upstreams complete * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def mergeSorted[U >: Out, M](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], M], comp: util.Comparator[U]): javadsl.Source[U, Mat] = new Source(delegate.mergeSorted(that)(Ordering.comparatorToOrdering(comp))) /** * Merge the given [[Source]] to this [[Source]], taking elements as they arrive from input streams, * picking always the smallest of the available elements (waiting for one element from each side * to be available). This means that possible contiguity of the input streams is not exploited to avoid * waiting for elements, this merge will block when one of the inputs does not have more elements (and * does not complete). * * It is recommended to use the internally optimized `Keep.left` and `Keep.right` combiners * where appropriate instead of manually writing functions that pass through one of the values. * * @see [[#mergeSorted]]. */ def mergeSortedMat[U >: Out, Mat2, Mat3](that: Graph[SourceShape[U], Mat2], comp: util.Comparator[U], matF: function.Function2[Mat, Mat2, Mat3]): javadsl.Source[U, Mat3] = new Source(delegate.mergeSortedMat(that)(combinerToScala(matF))(Ordering.comparatorToOrdering(comp))) /** * Combine the elements of current [[Source]] and the given one into a stream of tuples. * * '''Emits when''' all of the inputs has an element available * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' any upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def zip[T](that: Graph[SourceShape[T], _]): javadsl.Source[Out @uncheckedVariance Pair T, Mat] = zipMat(that, Keep.left) /** * Combine the elements of current [[Source]] and the given one into a stream of tuples. * * It is recommended to use the internally optimized `Keep.left` and `Keep.right` combiners * where appropriate instead of manually writing functions that pass through one of the values. * * @see [[#zip]]. */ def zipMat[T, M, M2](that: Graph[SourceShape[T], M], matF: function.Function2[Mat, M, M2]): javadsl.Source[Out @uncheckedVariance Pair T, M2] = this.viaMat(Flow.create[Out].zipMat(that, Keep.right[NotUsed, M]), matF) /** * Put together the elements of current [[Source]] and the given one * into a stream of combined elements using a combiner function. * * '''Emits when''' all of the inputs has an element available * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' any upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def zipWith[Out2, Out3](that: Graph[SourceShape[Out2], _], combine: function.Function2[Out, Out2, Out3]): javadsl.Source[Out3, Mat] = new Source(delegate.zipWith[Out2, Out3](that)(combinerToScala(combine))) /** * Put together the elements of current [[Source]] and the given one * into a stream of combined elements using a combiner function. * * It is recommended to use the internally optimized `Keep.left` and `Keep.right` combiners * where appropriate instead of manually writing functions that pass through one of the values. * * @see [[#zipWith]]. */ def zipWithMat[Out2, Out3, M, M2](that: Graph[SourceShape[Out2], M], combine: function.Function2[Out, Out2, Out3], matF: function.Function2[Mat, M, M2]): javadsl.Source[Out3, M2] = new Source(delegate.zipWithMat[Out2, Out3, M, M2](that)(combinerToScala(combine))(combinerToScala(matF))) /** * Shortcut for running this `Source` with a foreach procedure. The given procedure is invoked * for each received element. * The returned [[java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage]] will be completed normally when reaching the * normal end of the stream, or completed exceptionally if there is a failure is signaled in * the stream. */ def runForeach(f: function.Procedure[Out], materializer: Materializer): CompletionStage[Done] = runWith(Sink.foreach(f), materializer) // COMMON OPS // /** * Transform this stream by applying the given function to each of the elements * as they pass through this processing step. * * '''Emits when''' the mapping function returns an element * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def map[T](f: function.Function[Out, T]): javadsl.Source[T, Mat] = new Source(delegate.map(f.apply)) /** * Recover allows to send last element on failure and gracefully complete the stream * Since the underlying failure signal onError arrives out-of-band, it might jump over existing elements. * This stage can recover the failure signal, but not the skipped elements, which will be dropped. * * '''Emits when''' element is available from the upstream or upstream is failed and pf returns an element * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes or upstream failed with exception pf can handle * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def recover[T >: Out](pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, T]): javadsl.Source[T, Mat] = new Source(delegate.recover(pf)) /** * RecoverWith allows to switch to alternative Source on flow failure. It will stay in effect after * a failure has been recovered so that each time there is a failure it is fed into the `pf` and a new * Source may be materialized. * * Since the underlying failure signal onError arrives out-of-band, it might jump over existing elements. * This stage can recover the failure signal, but not the skipped elements, which will be dropped. * * '''Emits when''' element is available from the upstream or upstream is failed and element is available * from alternative Source * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes or upstream failed with exception pf can handle * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels * */ def recoverWith[T >: Out](pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, _ <: Graph[SourceShape[T], NotUsed]]): Source[T, Mat @uncheckedVariance] = new Source(delegate.recoverWith(pf)) /** * Transform each input element into an `Iterable` of output elements that is * then flattened into the output stream. * * Make sure that the `Iterable` is immutable or at least not modified after * being used as an output sequence. Otherwise the stream may fail with * `ConcurrentModificationException` or other more subtle errors may occur. * * The returned `Iterable` MUST NOT contain `null` values, * as they are illegal as stream elements - according to the Reactive Streams specification. * * '''Emits when''' the mapping function returns an element or there are still remaining elements * from the previously calculated collection * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures or there are still remaining elements from the * previously calculated collection * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes and all remaining elements has been emitted * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def mapConcat[T](f: function.Function[Out, _ <: java.lang.Iterable[T]]): javadsl.Source[T, Mat] = new Source(delegate.mapConcat(elem ⇒ Util.immutableSeq(f.apply(elem)))) /** * Transform each input element into an `Iterable` of output elements that is * then flattened into the output stream. The transformation is meant to be stateful, * which is enabled by creating the transformation function anew for every materialization — * the returned function will typically close over mutable objects to store state between * invocations. For the stateless variant see [[#mapConcat]]. * * Make sure that the `Iterable` is immutable or at least not modified after * being used as an output sequence. Otherwise the stream may fail with * `ConcurrentModificationException` or other more subtle errors may occur. * * The returned `Iterable` MUST NOT contain `null` values, * as they are illegal as stream elements - according to the Reactive Streams specification. * * '''Emits when''' the mapping function returns an element or there are still remaining elements * from the previously calculated collection * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures or there are still remaining elements from the * previously calculated collection * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes and all remaining elements has been emitted * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def statefulMapConcat[T](f: function.Creator[function.Function[Out, java.lang.Iterable[T]]]): javadsl.Source[T, Mat] = new Source(delegate.statefulMapConcat { () ⇒ val fun = f.create() elem ⇒ Util.immutableSeq(fun(elem)) }) /** * Transform this stream by applying the given function to each of the elements * as they pass through this processing step. The function returns a `CompletionStage` and the * value of that future will be emitted downstream. As many CompletionStages as requested elements by * downstream may run in parallel and may complete in any order, but the elements that * are emitted downstream are in the same order as received from upstream. * * If the function `f` throws an exception or if the `CompletionStage` is completed * with failure and the supervision decision is [[akka.stream.Supervision#stop]] * the stream will be completed with failure. * * If the function `f` throws an exception or if the `CompletionStage` is completed * with failure and the supervision decision is [[akka.stream.Supervision#resume]] or * [[akka.stream.Supervision#restart]] the element is dropped and the stream continues. * * The function `f` is always invoked on the elements in the order they arrive. * * '''Emits when''' the CompletionStage returned by the provided function finishes for the next element in sequence * * '''Backpressures when''' the number of CompletionStages reaches the configured parallelism and the downstream * backpressures or the first CompletionStage is not completed * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes and all CompletionStages has been completed and all elements has been emitted * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels * * @see [[#mapAsyncUnordered]] */ def mapAsync[T](parallelism: Int, f: function.Function[Out, CompletionStage[T]]): javadsl.Source[T, Mat] = new Source(delegate.mapAsync(parallelism)(x ⇒ f(x).toScala)) /** * Transform this stream by applying the given function to each of the elements * as they pass through this processing step. The function returns a `CompletionStage` and the * value of that future will be emitted downstream. As many CompletionStages as requested elements by * downstream may run in parallel and each processed element will be emitted downstream * as soon as it is ready, i.e. it is possible that the elements are not emitted downstream * in the same order as received from upstream. * * If the function `f` throws an exception or if the `CompletionStage` is completed * with failure and the supervision decision is [[akka.stream.Supervision#stop]] * the stream will be completed with failure. * * If the function `f` throws an exception or if the `CompletionStage` is completed * with failure and the supervision decision is [[akka.stream.Supervision#resume]] or * [[akka.stream.Supervision#restart]] the element is dropped and the stream continues. * * The function `f` is always invoked on the elements in the order they arrive (even though the result of the CompletionStages * returned by `f` might be emitted in a different order). * * '''Emits when''' any of the CompletionStages returned by the provided function complete * * '''Backpressures when''' the number of CompletionStages reaches the configured parallelism and the downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes and all CompletionStages has been completed and all elements has been emitted * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels * * @see [[#mapAsync]] */ def mapAsyncUnordered[T](parallelism: Int, f: function.Function[Out, CompletionStage[T]]): javadsl.Source[T, Mat] = new Source(delegate.mapAsyncUnordered(parallelism)(x ⇒ f(x).toScala)) /** * Only pass on those elements that satisfy the given predicate. * * '''Emits when''' the given predicate returns true for the element * * '''Backpressures when''' the given predicate returns true for the element and downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels * */ def filter(p: function.Predicate[Out]): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.filter(p.test)) /** * Only pass on those elements that NOT satisfy the given predicate. * * '''Emits when''' the given predicate returns false for the element * * '''Backpressures when''' the given predicate returns false for the element and downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def filterNot(p: function.Predicate[Out]): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.filterNot(p.test)) /** * Transform this stream by applying the given partial function to each of the elements * on which the function is defined as they pass through this processing step. * Non-matching elements are filtered out. * * '''Emits when''' the provided partial function is defined for the element * * '''Backpressures when''' the partial function is defined for the element and downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def collect[T](pf: PartialFunction[Out, T]): javadsl.Source[T, Mat] = new Source(delegate.collect(pf)) /** * Chunk up this stream into groups of the given size, with the last group * possibly smaller than requested due to end-of-stream. * * `n` must be positive, otherwise IllegalArgumentException is thrown. * * '''Emits when''' the specified number of elements has been accumulated or upstream completed * * '''Backpressures when''' a group has been assembled and downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def grouped(n: Int): javadsl.Source[java.util.List[Out @uncheckedVariance], Mat] = new Source(delegate.grouped(n).map(_.asJava)) /** * Ensure stream boundedness by limiting the number of elements from upstream. * If the number of incoming elements exceeds max, it will signal * upstream failure `StreamLimitException` downstream. * * Due to input buffering some elements may have been * requested from upstream publishers that will then not be processed downstream * of this step. * * The stream will be completed without producing any elements if `n` is zero * or negative. * * '''Emits when''' the specified number of elements to take has not yet been reached * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' the defined number of elements has been taken or upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' the defined number of elements has been taken or downstream cancels * * See also [[Flow.take]], [[Flow.takeWithin]], [[Flow.takeWhile]] */ def limit(n: Int): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.limit(n)) /** * Ensure stream boundedness by evaluating the cost of incoming elements * using a cost function. Exactly how many elements will be allowed to travel downstream depends on the * evaluated cost of each element. If the accumulated cost exceeds max, it will signal * upstream failure `StreamLimitException` downstream. * * Due to input buffering some elements may have been * requested from upstream publishers that will then not be processed downstream * of this step. * * The stream will be completed without producing any elements if `n` is zero * or negative. * * '''Emits when''' the specified number of elements to take has not yet been reached * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' the defined number of elements has been taken or upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' the defined number of elements has been taken or downstream cancels * * See also [[Flow.take]], [[Flow.takeWithin]], [[Flow.takeWhile]] */ def limitWeighted(n: Long)(costFn: function.Function[Out, Long]): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = { new Source(delegate.limitWeighted(n)(costFn.apply)) } /** * Apply a sliding window over the stream and return the windows as groups of elements, with the last group * possibly smaller than requested due to end-of-stream. * * `n` must be positive, otherwise IllegalArgumentException is thrown. * `step` must be positive, otherwise IllegalArgumentException is thrown. * * '''Emits when''' enough elements have been collected within the window or upstream completed * * '''Backpressures when''' a window has been assembled and downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def sliding(n: Int, step: Int): javadsl.Source[java.util.List[Out @uncheckedVariance], Mat] = new Source(delegate.sliding(n, step).map(_.asJava)) /** * Similar to `fold` but is not a terminal operation, * emits its current value which starts at `zero` and then * applies the current and next value to the given function `f`, * emitting the next current value. * * If the function `f` throws an exception and the supervision decision is * [[akka.stream.Supervision#restart]] current value starts at `zero` again * the stream will continue. * * '''Emits when''' the function scanning the element returns a new element * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def scan[T](zero: T)(f: function.Function2[T, Out, T]): javadsl.Source[T, Mat] = new Source(delegate.scan(zero)(f.apply)) /** * Similar to `scan` but only emits its result when the upstream completes, * after which it also completes. Applies the given function `f` towards its current and next value, * yielding the next current value. * * If the function `f` throws an exception and the supervision decision is * [[akka.stream.Supervision#restart]] current value starts at `zero` again * the stream will continue. * * '''Emits when''' upstream completes * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def fold[T](zero: T)(f: function.Function2[T, Out, T]): javadsl.Source[T, Mat] = new Source(delegate.fold(zero)(f.apply)) /** * Similar to `fold` but uses first element as zero element. * Applies the given function towards its current and next value, * yielding the next current value. * * '''Emits when''' upstream completes * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def reduce(f: function.Function2[Out, Out, Out @uncheckedVariance]): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.reduce(f.apply)) /** * Intersperses stream with provided element, similar to how [[scala.collection.immutable.List.mkString]] * injects a separator between a List's elements. * * Additionally can inject start and end marker elements to stream. * * Examples: * * {{{ * Source nums = Source.from(Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 3)); * nums.intersperse(","); // 1 , 2 , 3 * nums.intersperse("[", ",", "]"); // [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] * }}} * * In case you want to only prepend or only append an element (yet still use the `intercept` feature * to inject a separator between elements, you may want to use the following pattern instead of the 3-argument * version of intersperse (See [[Source.concat]] for semantics details): * * {{{ * Source.single(">> ").concat(list.intersperse(",")) * list.intersperse(",").concat(Source.single("END")) * }}} * '''Emits when''' upstream emits (or before with the `start` element if provided) * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def intersperse[T >: Out](start: T, inject: T, end: T): javadsl.Source[T, Mat] = new Source(delegate.intersperse(start, inject, end)) /** * Intersperses stream with provided element, similar to how [[scala.collection.immutable.List.mkString]] * injects a separator between a List's elements. * * Additionally can inject start and end marker elements to stream. * * Examples: * * {{{ * Source nums = Source.from(Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 3)); * nums.intersperse(","); // 1 , 2 , 3 * nums.intersperse("[", ",", "]"); // [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] * }}} * * '''Emits when''' upstream emits (or before with the `start` element if provided) * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def intersperse[T >: Out](inject: T): javadsl.Source[T, Mat] = new Source(delegate.intersperse(inject)) /** * Chunk up this stream into groups of elements received within a time window, * or limited by the given number of elements, whatever happens first. * Empty groups will not be emitted if no elements are received from upstream. * The last group before end-of-stream will contain the buffered elements * since the previously emitted group. * * '''Emits when''' the configured time elapses since the last group has been emitted * * '''Backpressures when''' the configured time elapses since the last group has been emitted * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes (emits last group) * * '''Cancels when''' downstream completes * * `n` must be positive, and `d` must be greater than 0 seconds, otherwise * IllegalArgumentException is thrown. */ def groupedWithin(n: Int, d: FiniteDuration): javadsl.Source[java.util.List[Out @uncheckedVariance], Mat] = new Source(delegate.groupedWithin(n, d).map(_.asJava)) // TODO optimize to one step /** * Shifts elements emission in time by a specified amount. It allows to store elements * in internal buffer while waiting for next element to be emitted. Depending on the defined * [[akka.stream.DelayOverflowStrategy]] it might drop elements or backpressure the upstream if * there is no space available in the buffer. * * Delay precision is 10ms to avoid unnecessary timer scheduling cycles * * Internal buffer has default capacity 16. You can set buffer size by calling `withAttributes(inputBuffer)` * * '''Emits when''' there is a pending element in the buffer and configured time for this element elapsed * * EmitEarly - strategy do not wait to emit element if buffer is full * * '''Backpressures when''' depending on OverflowStrategy * * Backpressure - backpressures when buffer is full * * DropHead, DropTail, DropBuffer - never backpressures * * Fail - fails the stream if buffer gets full * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes and buffered elements has been drained * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels * * @param of time to shift all messages * @param strategy Strategy that is used when incoming elements cannot fit inside the buffer */ def delay(of: FiniteDuration, strategy: DelayOverflowStrategy): Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.delay(of, strategy)) /** * Discard the given number of elements at the beginning of the stream. * No elements will be dropped if `n` is zero or negative. * * '''Emits when''' the specified number of elements has been dropped already * * '''Backpressures when''' the specified number of elements has been dropped and downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def drop(n: Long): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.drop(n)) /** * Discard the elements received within the given duration at beginning of the stream. * * '''Emits when''' the specified time elapsed and a new upstream element arrives * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def dropWithin(d: FiniteDuration): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.dropWithin(d)) /** * Terminate processing (and cancel the upstream publisher) after predicate * returns false for the first time. Due to input buffering some elements may have been * requested from upstream publishers that will then not be processed downstream * of this step. * * The stream will be completed without producing any elements if predicate is false for * the first stream element. * * '''Emits when''' the predicate is true * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' predicate returned false or upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' predicate returned false or downstream cancels */ def takeWhile(p: function.Predicate[Out]): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.takeWhile(p.test)) /** * Discard elements at the beginning of the stream while predicate is true. * No elements will be dropped after predicate first time returned false. * * '''Emits when''' predicate returned false and for all following stream elements * * '''Backpressures when''' predicate returned false and downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels * * @param p predicate is evaluated for each new element until first time returns false */ def dropWhile(p: function.Predicate[Out]): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.dropWhile(p.test)) /** * Terminate processing (and cancel the upstream publisher) after the given * number of elements. Due to input buffering some elements may have been * requested from upstream publishers that will then not be processed downstream * of this step. * * The stream will be completed without producing any elements if `n` is zero * or negative. * * '''Emits when''' the specified number of elements to take has not yet been reached * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' the defined number of elements has been taken or upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' the defined number of elements has been taken or downstream cancels */ def take(n: Long): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.take(n)) /** * Terminate processing (and cancel the upstream publisher) after the given * duration. Due to input buffering some elements may have been * requested from upstream publishers that will then not be processed downstream * of this step. * * Note that this can be combined with [[#take]] to limit the number of elements * within the duration. * * '''Emits when''' an upstream element arrives * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes or timer fires * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels or timer fires */ def takeWithin(d: FiniteDuration): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.takeWithin(d)) /** * Allows a faster upstream to progress independently of a slower subscriber by conflating elements into a summary * until the subscriber is ready to accept them. For example a conflate step might average incoming numbers if the * upstream publisher is faster. * * This version of conflate allows to derive a seed from the first element and change the aggregated type to be * different than the input type. See [[Flow.conflate]] for a simpler version that does not change types. * * This element only rolls up elements if the upstream is faster, but if the downstream is faster it will not * duplicate elements. * * '''Emits when''' downstream stops backpressuring and there is a conflated element available * * '''Backpressures when''' never * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels * * see also [[Source.conflate]] [[Source.batch]] [[Source.batchWeighted]] * * @param seed Provides the first state for a conflated value using the first unconsumed element as a start * @param aggregate Takes the currently aggregated value and the current pending element to produce a new aggregate */ def conflateWithSeed[S](seed: function.Function[Out, S], aggregate: function.Function2[S, Out, S]): javadsl.Source[S, Mat] = new Source(delegate.conflateWithSeed(seed.apply)(aggregate.apply)) /** * Allows a faster upstream to progress independently of a slower subscriber by conflating elements into a summary * until the subscriber is ready to accept them. For example a conflate step might average incoming numbers if the * upstream publisher is faster. * This version of conflate does not change the output type of the stream. See [[Source.conflateWithSeed]] for a * more flexible version that can take a seed function and transform elements while rolling up. * * This element only rolls up elements if the upstream is faster, but if the downstream is faster it will not * duplicate elements. * * '''Emits when''' downstream stops backpressuring and there is a conflated element available * * '''Backpressures when''' never * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels * * see also [[Source.conflateWithSeed]] [[Source.batch]] [[Source.batchWeighted]] * * @param aggregate Takes the currently aggregated value and the current pending element to produce a new aggregate */ def conflate[O2 >: Out](aggregate: function.Function2[O2, O2, O2]): javadsl.Source[O2, Mat] = new Source(delegate.conflate(aggregate.apply)) /** * Allows a faster upstream to progress independently of a slower subscriber by aggregating elements into batches * until the subscriber is ready to accept them. For example a batch step might store received elements in * an array up to the allowed max limit if the upstream publisher is faster. * * This element only rolls up elements if the upstream is faster, but if the downstream is faster it will not * duplicate elements. * * '''Emits when''' downstream stops backpressuring and there is an aggregated element available * * '''Backpressures when''' there are `max` batched elements and 1 pending element and downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes and there is no batched/pending element waiting * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels * * See also [[Source.conflate]], [[Source.batchWeighted]] * * @param max maximum number of elements to batch before backpressuring upstream (must be positive non-zero) * @param seed Provides the first state for a batched value using the first unconsumed element as a start * @param aggregate Takes the currently batched value and the current pending element to produce a new aggregate */ def batch[S](max: Long, seed: function.Function[Out, S], aggregate: function.Function2[S, Out, S]): javadsl.Source[S, Mat] = new Source(delegate.batch(max, seed.apply)(aggregate.apply)) /** * Allows a faster upstream to progress independently of a slower subscriber by aggregating elements into batches * until the subscriber is ready to accept them. For example a batch step might concatenate `ByteString` * elements up to the allowed max limit if the upstream publisher is faster. * * This element only rolls up elements if the upstream is faster, but if the downstream is faster it will not * duplicate elements. * * Batching will apply for all elements, even if a single element cost is greater than the total allowed limit. * In this case, previous batched elements will be emitted, then the "heavy" element will be emitted (after * being applied with the `seed` function) without batching further elements with it, and then the rest of the * incoming elements are batched. * * '''Emits when''' downstream stops backpressuring and there is a batched element available * * '''Backpressures when''' there are `max` weighted batched elements + 1 pending element and downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes and there is no batched/pending element waiting * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels * * See also [[Source.conflate]], [[Source.batch]] * * @param max maximum weight of elements to batch before backpressuring upstream (must be positive non-zero) * @param costFn a function to compute a single element weight * @param seed Provides the first state for a batched value using the first unconsumed element as a start * @param aggregate Takes the currently batched value and the current pending element to produce a new batch */ def batchWeighted[S](max: Long, costFn: function.Function[Out, Long], seed: function.Function[Out, S], aggregate: function.Function2[S, Out, S]): javadsl.Source[S, Mat] = new Source(delegate.batchWeighted(max, costFn.apply, seed.apply)(aggregate.apply)) /** * Allows a faster downstream to progress independently of a slower publisher by extrapolating elements from an older * element until new element comes from the upstream. For example an expand step might repeat the last element for * the subscriber until it receives an update from upstream. * * This element will never "drop" upstream elements as all elements go through at least one extrapolation step. * This means that if the upstream is actually faster than the upstream it will be backpressured by the downstream * subscriber. * * Expand does not support [[akka.stream.Supervision#restart]] and [[akka.stream.Supervision#resume]]. * Exceptions from the `seed` or `extrapolate` functions will complete the stream with failure. * * '''Emits when''' downstream stops backpressuring * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures or iterator runs empty * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels * * @param seed Provides the first state for extrapolation using the first unconsumed element * @param extrapolate Takes the current extrapolation state to produce an output element and the next extrapolation * state. */ def expand[U](extrapolate: function.Function[Out, java.util.Iterator[U]]): javadsl.Source[U, Mat] = new Source(delegate.expand(in ⇒ extrapolate(in).asScala)) /** * Adds a fixed size buffer in the flow that allows to store elements from a faster upstream until it becomes full. * Depending on the defined [[akka.stream.OverflowStrategy]] it might drop elements or backpressure the upstream if * there is no space available * * '''Emits when''' downstream stops backpressuring and there is a pending element in the buffer * * '''Backpressures when''' depending on OverflowStrategy * * Backpressure - backpressures when buffer is full * * DropHead, DropTail, DropBuffer - never backpressures * * Fail - fails the stream if buffer gets full * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes and buffered elements has been drained * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels * * @param size The size of the buffer in element count * @param overflowStrategy Strategy that is used when incoming elements cannot fit inside the buffer */ def buffer(size: Int, overflowStrategy: OverflowStrategy): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.buffer(size, overflowStrategy)) /** * Generic transformation of a stream with a custom processing [[akka.stream.stage.Stage]]. * This operator makes it possible to extend the `Flow` API when there is no specialized * operator that performs the transformation. */ @deprecated("Use via(GraphStage) instead.", "2.4.3") def transform[U](mkStage: function.Creator[Stage[Out, U]]): javadsl.Source[U, Mat] = new Source(delegate.transform(() ⇒ mkStage.create())) /** * Takes up to `n` elements from the stream (less than `n` if the upstream completes before emitting `n` elements) * and returns a pair containing a strict sequence of the taken element * and a stream representing the remaining elements. If ''n'' is zero or negative, then this will return a pair * of an empty collection and a stream containing the whole upstream unchanged. * * In case of an upstream error, depending on the current state * - the master stream signals the error if less than `n` elements has been seen, and therefore the substream * has not yet been emitted * - the tail substream signals the error after the prefix and tail has been emitted by the main stream * (at that point the main stream has already completed) * * '''Emits when''' the configured number of prefix elements are available. Emits this prefix, and the rest * as a substream * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures or substream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' prefix elements has been consumed and substream has been consumed * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels or substream cancels */ def prefixAndTail(n: Int): javadsl.Source[akka.japi.Pair[java.util.List[Out @uncheckedVariance], javadsl.Source[Out @uncheckedVariance, NotUsed]], Mat] = new Source(delegate.prefixAndTail(n).map { case (taken, tail) ⇒ akka.japi.Pair(taken.asJava, tail.asJava) }) /** * This operation demultiplexes the incoming stream into separate output * streams, one for each element key. The key is computed for each element * using the given function. When a new key is encountered for the first time * a new substream is opened and subsequently fed with all elements belonging to * that key. * * The object returned from this method is not a normal [[Flow]], * it is a [[SubSource]]. This means that after this combinator all transformations * are applied to all encountered substreams in the same fashion. Substream mode * is exited either by closing the substream (i.e. connecting it to a [[Sink]]) * or by merging the substreams back together; see the `to` and `mergeBack` methods * on [[SubSource]] for more information. * * It is important to note that the substreams also propagate back-pressure as * any other stream, which means that blocking one substream will block the `groupBy` * operator itself—and thereby all substreams—once all internal or * explicit buffers are filled. * * If the group by function `f` throws an exception and the supervision decision * is [[akka.stream.Supervision#stop]] the stream and substreams will be completed * with failure. * * If the group by function `f` throws an exception and the supervision decision * is [[akka.stream.Supervision#resume]] or [[akka.stream.Supervision#restart]] * the element is dropped and the stream and substreams continue. * * '''Emits when''' an element for which the grouping function returns a group that has not yet been created. * Emits the new group * * '''Backpressures when''' there is an element pending for a group whose substream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels and all substreams cancel * * @param maxSubstreams configures the maximum number of substreams (keys) * that are supported; if more distinct keys are encountered then the stream fails */ def groupBy[K](maxSubstreams: Int, f: function.Function[Out, K]): SubSource[Out @uncheckedVariance, Mat] = new SubSource(delegate.groupBy(maxSubstreams, f.apply)) /** * This operation applies the given predicate to all incoming elements and * emits them to a stream of output streams, always beginning a new one with * the current element if the given predicate returns true for it. This means * that for the following series of predicate values, three substreams will * be produced with lengths 1, 2, and 3: * * {{{ * false, // element goes into first substream * true, false, // elements go into second substream * true, false, false // elements go into third substream * }}} * * In case the *first* element of the stream matches the predicate, the first * substream emitted by splitWhen will start from that element. For example: * * {{{ * true, false, false // first substream starts from the split-by element * true, false // subsequent substreams operate the same way * }}} * * The object returned from this method is not a normal [[Flow]], * it is a [[SubSource]]. This means that after this combinator all transformations * are applied to all encountered substreams in the same fashion. Substream mode * is exited either by closing the substream (i.e. connecting it to a [[Sink]]) * or by merging the substreams back together; see the `to` and `mergeBack` methods * on [[SubSource]] for more information. * * It is important to note that the substreams also propagate back-pressure as * any other stream, which means that blocking one substream will block the `splitWhen` * operator itself—and thereby all substreams—once all internal or * explicit buffers are filled. * * If the split predicate `p` throws an exception and the supervision decision * is [[akka.stream.Supervision.Stop]] the stream and substreams will be completed * with failure. * * If the split predicate `p` throws an exception and the supervision decision * is [[akka.stream.Supervision.Resume]] or [[akka.stream.Supervision.Restart]] * the element is dropped and the stream and substreams continue. * * '''Emits when''' an element for which the provided predicate is true, opening and emitting a new substream for subsequent element * * '''Backpressures when''' there is an element pending for the next substream, but the previous is not fully consumed yet, or the substream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels and substreams cancel * * See also [[Source.splitAfter]]. */ def splitWhen(p: function.Predicate[Out]): SubSource[Out, Mat] = new SubSource(delegate.splitWhen(p.test)) /** * This operation applies the given predicate to all incoming elements and * emits them to a stream of output streams. It *ends* the current substream when the * predicate is true. This means that for the following series of predicate values, * three substreams will be produced with lengths 2, 2, and 3: * * {{{ * false, true, // elements go into first substream * false, true, // elements go into second substream * false, false, true // elements go into third substream * }}} * * The object returned from this method is not a normal [[Flow]], * it is a [[SubSource]]. This means that after this combinator all transformations * are applied to all encountered substreams in the same fashion. Substream mode * is exited either by closing the substream (i.e. connecting it to a [[Sink]]) * or by merging the substreams back together; see the `to` and `mergeBack` methods * on [[SubSource]] for more information. * * It is important to note that the substreams also propagate back-pressure as * any other stream, which means that blocking one substream will block the `splitAfter` * operator itself—and thereby all substreams—once all internal or * explicit buffers are filled. * * If the split predicate `p` throws an exception and the supervision decision * is [[akka.stream.Supervision.Stop]] the stream and substreams will be completed * with failure. * * If the split predicate `p` throws an exception and the supervision decision * is [[akka.stream.Supervision.Resume]] or [[akka.stream.Supervision.Restart]] * the element is dropped and the stream and substreams continue. * * '''Emits when''' an element passes through. When the provided predicate is true it emits the element * and opens a new substream for subsequent element * * '''Backpressures when''' there is an element pending for the next substream, but the previous * is not fully consumed yet, or the substream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels and substreams cancel * * See also [[Source.splitWhen]]. */ def splitAfter[U >: Out](p: function.Predicate[Out]): SubSource[Out, Mat] = new SubSource(delegate.splitAfter(p.test)) /** * Transform each input element into a `Source` of output elements that is * then flattened into the output stream by concatenation, * fully consuming one Source after the other. * * '''Emits when''' a currently consumed substream has an element available * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes and all consumed substreams complete * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def flatMapConcat[T, M](f: function.Function[Out, _ <: Graph[SourceShape[T], M]]): Source[T, Mat] = new Source(delegate.flatMapConcat[T, M](x ⇒ f(x))) /** * Transform each input element into a `Source` of output elements that is * then flattened into the output stream by merging, where at most `breadth` * substreams are being consumed at any given time. * * '''Emits when''' a currently consumed substream has an element available * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes and all consumed substreams complete * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def flatMapMerge[T, M](breadth: Int, f: function.Function[Out, _ <: Graph[SourceShape[T], M]]): Source[T, Mat] = new Source(delegate.flatMapMerge(breadth, o ⇒ f(o))) /** * If the first element has not passed through this stage before the provided timeout, the stream is failed * with a [[java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException]]. * * '''Emits when''' upstream emits an element * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes or fails if timeout elapses before first element arrives * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def initialTimeout(timeout: FiniteDuration): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.initialTimeout(timeout)) /** * If the completion of the stream does not happen until the provided timeout, the stream is failed * with a [[java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException]]. * * '''Emits when''' upstream emits an element * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes or fails if timeout elapses before upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def completionTimeout(timeout: FiniteDuration): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.completionTimeout(timeout)) /** * If the time between two processed elements exceed the provided timeout, the stream is failed * with a [[java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException]]. * * '''Emits when''' upstream emits an element * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes or fails if timeout elapses between two emitted elements * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def idleTimeout(timeout: FiniteDuration): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.idleTimeout(timeout)) /** * Injects additional elements if the upstream does not emit for a configured amount of time. In other words, this * stage attempts to maintains a base rate of emitted elements towards the downstream. * * If the downstream backpressures then no element is injected until downstream demand arrives. Injected elements * do not accumulate during this period. * * Upstream elements are always preferred over injected elements. * * '''Emits when''' upstream emits an element or if the upstream was idle for the configured period * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def keepAlive[U >: Out](maxIdle: FiniteDuration, injectedElem: function.Creator[U]): javadsl.Source[U, Mat] = new Source(delegate.keepAlive(maxIdle, () ⇒ injectedElem.create())) /** * Sends elements downstream with speed limited to `elements/per`. In other words, this stage set the maximum rate * for emitting messages. This combinator works for streams where all elements have the same cost or length. * * Throttle implements the token bucket model. There is a bucket with a given token capacity (burst size or maximumBurst). * Tokens drops into the bucket at a given rate and can be `spared` for later use up to bucket capacity * to allow some burstiness. Whenever stream wants to send an element, it takes as many * tokens from the bucket as number of elements. If there isn't any, throttle waits until the * bucket accumulates enough tokens. Bucket is full when stream just materialized and started. * * Parameter `mode` manages behaviour when upstream is faster than throttle rate: * - [[akka.stream.ThrottleMode.Shaping]] makes pauses before emitting messages to meet throttle rate * - [[akka.stream.ThrottleMode.Enforcing]] fails with exception when upstream is faster than throttle rate * * '''Emits when''' upstream emits an element and configured time per each element elapsed * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def throttle(elements: Int, per: FiniteDuration, maximumBurst: Int, mode: ThrottleMode): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.throttle(elements, per, maximumBurst, mode)) /** * Sends elements downstream with speed limited to `cost/per`. Cost is * calculating for each element individually by calling `calculateCost` function. * This combinator works for streams when elements have different cost(length). * Streams of `ByteString` for example. * * Throttle implements the token bucket model. There is a bucket with a given token capacity (burst size or maximumBurst). * Tokens drops into the bucket at a given rate and can be `spared` for later use up to bucket capacity * to allow some burstiness. Whenever stream wants to send an element, it takes as many * tokens from the bucket as element cost. If there isn't any, throttle waits until the * bucket accumulates enough tokens. Elements that costs more than the allowed burst will be delayed proportionally * to their cost minus available tokens, meeting the target rate. * * Parameter `mode` manages behaviour when upstream is faster than throttle rate: * - [[akka.stream.ThrottleMode.Shaping]] makes pauses before emitting messages to meet throttle rate * - [[akka.stream.ThrottleMode.Enforcing]] fails with exception when upstream is faster than throttle rate. Enforcing * cannot emit elements that cost more than the maximumBurst * * '''Emits when''' upstream emits an element and configured time per each element elapsed * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def throttle(cost: Int, per: FiniteDuration, maximumBurst: Int, costCalculation: function.Function[Out, Integer], mode: ThrottleMode): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.throttle(cost, per, maximumBurst, costCalculation.apply _, mode)) /** * Detaches upstream demand from downstream demand without detaching the * stream rates; in other words acts like a buffer of size 1. * * '''Emits when''' upstream emits an element * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def detach: javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.detach) /** * Materializes to `Future[Done]` that completes on getting termination message. * The Future completes with success when received complete message from upstream or cancel * from downstream. It fails with the same error when received error message from * downstream. */ def watchTermination[M]()(matF: function.Function2[Mat, CompletionStage[Done], M]): javadsl.Source[Out, M] = new Source(delegate.watchTermination()((left, right) ⇒ matF(left, right.toJava))) /** * Delays the initial element by the specified duration. * * '''Emits when''' upstream emits an element if the initial delay already elapsed * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures or initial delay not yet elapsed * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def initialDelay(delay: FiniteDuration): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.initialDelay(delay)) /** * Change the attributes of this [[Source]] to the given ones and seal the list * of attributes. This means that further calls will not be able to remove these * attributes, but instead add new ones. Note that this * operation has no effect on an empty Flow (because the attributes apply * only to the contained processing stages). */ override def withAttributes(attr: Attributes): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.withAttributes(attr)) /** * Add the given attributes to this Source. Further calls to `withAttributes` * will not remove these attributes. Note that this * operation has no effect on an empty Flow (because the attributes apply * only to the contained processing stages). */ override def addAttributes(attr: Attributes): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.addAttributes(attr)) /** * Add a ``name`` attribute to this Flow. */ override def named(name: String): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.named(name)) /** * Put an asynchronous boundary around this `Source` */ override def async: javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.async) /** * Logs elements flowing through the stream as well as completion and erroring. * * By default element and completion signals are logged on debug level, and errors are logged on Error level. * This can be adjusted according to your needs by providing a custom [[Attributes.LogLevels]] attribute on the given Flow: * * The `extract` function will be applied to each element before logging, so it is possible to log only those fields * of a complex object flowing through this element. * * Uses the given [[LoggingAdapter]] for logging. * * '''Emits when''' the mapping function returns an element * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def log(name: String, extract: function.Function[Out, Any], log: LoggingAdapter): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = new Source(delegate.log(name, e ⇒ extract.apply(e))(log)) /** * Logs elements flowing through the stream as well as completion and erroring. * * By default element and completion signals are logged on debug level, and errors are logged on Error level. * This can be adjusted according to your needs by providing a custom [[Attributes.LogLevels]] attribute on the given Flow: * * The `extract` function will be applied to each element before logging, so it is possible to log only those fields * of a complex object flowing through this element. * * Uses an internally created [[LoggingAdapter]] which uses `akka.stream.Log` as it's source (use this class to configure slf4j loggers). * * '''Emits when''' the mapping function returns an element * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def log(name: String, extract: function.Function[Out, Any]): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = this.log(name, extract, null) /** * Logs elements flowing through the stream as well as completion and erroring. * * By default element and completion signals are logged on debug level, and errors are logged on Error level. * This can be adjusted according to your needs by providing a custom [[Attributes.LogLevels]] attribute on the given Flow: * * Uses the given [[LoggingAdapter]] for logging. * * '''Emits when''' the mapping function returns an element * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def log(name: String, log: LoggingAdapter): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = this.log(name, ConstantFun.javaIdentityFunction[Out], log) /** * Logs elements flowing through the stream as well as completion and erroring. * * By default element and completion signals are logged on debug level, and errors are logged on Error level. * This can be adjusted according to your needs by providing a custom [[Attributes.LogLevels]] attribute on the given Flow: * * Uses an internally created [[LoggingAdapter]] which uses `akka.stream.Log` as it's source (use this class to configure slf4j loggers). * * '''Emits when''' the mapping function returns an element * * '''Backpressures when''' downstream backpressures * * '''Completes when''' upstream completes * * '''Cancels when''' downstream cancels */ def log(name: String): javadsl.Source[Out, Mat] = this.log(name, ConstantFun.javaIdentityFunction[Out], null) }