package import{ SSLContext } import import akka.NotUsed import import import akka.util.ByteString /** * Stream cipher support based upon JSSE. * * The underlying SSLEngine has four ports: plaintext input/output and * ciphertext input/output. These are modeled as a [[]] * element for use in stream topologies, where the plaintext ports are on the * left hand side of the shape and the ciphertext ports on the right hand side. * * Configuring JSSE is a rather complex topic, please refer to the JDK platform * documentation or the excellent user guide that is part of the Play Framework * documentation. The philosophy of this integration into Akka Streams is to * expose all knobs and dials to client code and therefore not limit the * configuration possibilities. In particular the client code will have to * provide the SSLContext from which the SSLEngine is then created. Handshake * parameters are set using [[NegotiateNewSession]] messages, the settings for * the initial handshake need to be provided up front using the same class; * please refer to the method documentation below. * * '''IMPORTANT NOTE''' * * The TLS specification does not permit half-closing of the user data session * that it transports—to be precise a half-close will always promptly lead to a * full close. This means that canceling the plaintext output or completing the * plaintext input of the SslTls stage will lead to full termination of the * secure connection without regard to whether bytes are remaining to be sent or * received, respectively. Especially for a client the common idiom of attaching * a finite Source to the plaintext input and transforming the plaintext response * bytes coming out will not work out of the box due to early termination of the * connection. For this reason there is a parameter that determines whether the * SslTls stage shall ignore completion and/or cancellation events, and the * default is to ignore completion (in view of the client–server scenario). In * order to terminate the connection the client will then need to cancel the * plaintext output as soon as all expected bytes have been received. When * ignoring both types of events the stage will shut down once both events have * been received. See also [[TLSClosing]]. */ object TLS { /** * Create a StreamTls [[]]. The * SSLContext will be used to create an SSLEngine to which then the * `firstSession` parameters are applied before initiating the first * handshake. The `role` parameter determines the SSLEngine’s role; this is * often the same as the underlying transport’s server or client role, but * that is not a requirement and depends entirely on the application * protocol. * * For a description of the `closing` parameter please refer to [[TLSClosing]]. * * The `hostInfo` parameter allows to optionally specify a pair of hostname and port * that will be used when creating the SSLEngine with `sslContext.createSslEngine`. * The SSLEngine may use this information e.g. when an endpoint identification algorithm was * configured using [[SSLParameters.setEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm]]. */ def apply(sslContext: SSLContext, firstSession: NegotiateNewSession, role: TLSRole, closing: TLSClosing = IgnoreComplete, hostInfo: Option[(String, Int)] = None): scaladsl.BidiFlow[SslTlsOutbound, ByteString, ByteString, SslTlsInbound, NotUsed] = new scaladsl.BidiFlow(TlsModule(Attributes.none, sslContext, firstSession, role, closing, hostInfo)) } /** * This object holds simple wrapping [[]] implementations that can * be used instead of [[TLS]] when no encryption is desired. The flows will * just adapt the message protocol by wrapping into [[SessionBytes]] and * unwrapping [[SendBytes]]. */ object TLSPlacebo { // this constructs a session for (invalid) protocol SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL private[akka] val dummySession = SSLContext.getDefault.createSSLEngine.getSession def apply(): scaladsl.BidiFlow[SslTlsOutbound, ByteString, ByteString, SessionBytes, NotUsed] = instance private val instance: scaladsl.BidiFlow[SslTlsOutbound, ByteString, ByteString, SessionBytes, NotUsed] = scaladsl.BidiFlow.fromGraph(scaladsl.GraphDSL.create() { implicit b ⇒ val top = b.add(scaladsl.Flow[SslTlsOutbound].collect { case SendBytes(bytes) ⇒ bytes }) val bottom = b.add(scaladsl.Flow[ByteString].map(SessionBytes(dummySession, _))) BidiShape.fromFlows(top, bottom) }) } import import import{ SSLPeerUnverifiedException, SSLSession } /** Allows access to an SSLSession with Scala types */ trait ScalaSessionAPI { /** * The underlying [[]]. */ def session: SSLSession /** * Scala API: Extract the certificates that were actually used by this * engine during this session’s negotiation. The list is empty if no * certificates were used. */ def localCertificates: List[Certificate] = Option(session.getLocalCertificates).map(_.toList).getOrElse(Nil) /** * Scala API: Extract the Principal that was actually used by this engine * during this session’s negotiation. */ def localPrincipal: Option[Principal] = Option(session.getLocalPrincipal) /** * Scala API: Extract the certificates that were used by the peer engine * during this session’s negotiation. The list is empty if no certificates * were used. */ def peerCertificates: List[Certificate] = try Option(session.getPeerCertificates).map(_.toList).getOrElse(Nil) catch { case e: SSLPeerUnverifiedException ⇒ Nil } /** * Scala API: Extract the Principal that the peer engine presented during * this session’s negotiation. */ def peerPrincipal: Option[Principal] = try Option(session.getPeerPrincipal) catch { case e: SSLPeerUnverifiedException ⇒ None } } object ScalaSessionAPI { /** Constructs a ScalaSessionAPI instance from an SSLSession */ def apply(_session: SSLSession): ScalaSessionAPI = new ScalaSessionAPI { def session: SSLSession = _session } }