#! /usr/bin/env python # Take an mbox HTML message (e.g. from mutt), split it # and rewrite it so it can be viewed in an external browser. # Can be run from within a mailer like mutt, or independently # on a single message file. # # Usage: viewhtmlmail.py email_message_file # # Inspired by John Eikenberry 's view_html_mail.sh # which sadly no longer works, at least with mail from current Apple Mail. # # Copyright 2013-2024 by Akkana Peck. Share and enjoy under the GPL v2 or later. # Contributions: # Holger Klawitter 2014: create a secure temp file and avoid temp mbox # Antonio Terceiro 2018: Allow piping directly from mutt. # To use it from mutt, install it somewhere in your path, # then put the following lines in your .muttrc: # macro index "~/bin/viewhtmlmail.py\n" "View HTML email in browser" # macro pager "~/bin/viewhtmlmail,ot\n" "View HTML email in browser" # TESTING: Use the email file in test/files/htmlmail.eml. import os, sys import re import time import shutil import email, mimetypes from email.parser import BytesParser from email.policy import default as default_policy import subprocess from collections import OrderedDict # for python < 3.7 ################################################ # Some prefs: # Print lots of debugging info? DEBUG = False # If IMAGE_VIEWER is set, a message that has no multipart/related # images will use the image viewer rather than a browser window # for images. To use a browser, set IMAGE_VIEWER = None. IMAGE_VIEWER = "pho" # IMAGE_VIEWER = None IMAGE_VIEWER_ARGS = ["-P"] # For pho, don't use presentation mode USE_WVHTML_FOR_DOC = False # How many seconds do we need to wait for unoconv? # It defaults to 6, but on a 64-bit machine that's not nearly enough. # Even 10 often isn't enough. UNOCONV_STARTUP_TIME = "14" # A list of supported browsers, in order of preference. # You can override this preference by setting the environment variable # EMAIL_BROWSER to one of the browser names below. BROWSERS = OrderedDict([ ('qutebrowser', { 'ARGS_FIRST': [ "--target", "private-window", "--basedir", "/tmp/mailattachments", "-s", "content.dns_prefetch", "false", "-s", "content.javascript.enabled", "false" ], # If using PDFJS, add: "-s", "content.javascript.enabled", "false" 'ARGS': [ "--target", "tab-bg", "--basedir", "/tmp/mailattachments", # Don't need to specify privacy, prefetch or JS # because it's being opened in a window that # already has those settings, using the same configdir. ], 'BACKGROUND': True, # qutebrowser can display PDF natively if you use pdf.js. # On debian, apt install libjs-pdf. # But that also gives hundreds of lines of errors like # ERROR: NotFoundError while handling qute://* URL: Can't find pdfjs resource 'web/images/toolbarButton-viewAttachments.svg' # Also, it creates two tabs for each PDF file, reproducible with: # qutebrowser --target private-window --basedir /tmp/mailattachments -s content.dns_prefetch false -s content.pdfjs true somefile.html # qutebrowser --target tab-bg --basedir /tmp/mailattachments -s content.pdfjs true somefile.pdf # so for now, disable it and convert to html instead: 'CONVERT_PDF_TO_HTML': True } ), ('quickbrowse', { 'ARGS_FIRST': [], 'ARGS':[ "--new-tab"], 'BACKGROUND': False, 'CONVERT_PDF_TO_HTML': True }), ('firefox', { 'ARGS_FIRST': [ "--new-tab", "--private-window" ], 'ARGS': [ "--private-window" ], 'BACKGROUND': True, 'CONVERT_PDF_TO_HTML': False, }) ]) WORKING_BROWSER = None # First call to a browser? first_browser = True def run_browser(browser, htmlfile): """Call a specific browser with the appropriate arguments. May raise various errors. """ cmd = [ browser ] if first_browser: cmd += BROWSERS[browser]['ARGS_FIRST'] else: cmd += BROWSERS[browser]['ARGS'] cmd.append("file://" + htmlfile) if DEBUG: print("Calling in background: %s" % ' '.join(cmd)) mysubprocess.call_bg(cmd) def call_some_browser(htmlfile): """Try the list of browsers to find which one works.""" global WORKING_BROWSER global first_browser errstr = "" if DEBUG: print("Calling browser for file://%s" % htmlfile) if WORKING_BROWSER: run_browser(WORKING_BROWSER, htmlfile) return keyorder = list(BROWSERS.keys()) preferred = os.getenv("EMAIL_BROWSER") if preferred: keyorder.sort(key=lambda k: '1' + k if k == preferred else '2' + k) # XXX Eventually maybe allow specifying several, comma separated for b in keyorder: try: run_browser(b, htmlfile) # If it worked, break out of the loop WORKING_BROWSER = b first_browser = False break except Exception as e: thiserr = "\n**** Couldn't run %s! %s" % (b, e) errstr += thiserr if DEBUG: print(thiserr) # traceback.print_exc() continue if not WORKING_BROWSER: print("Couldn't use any known browser: bailing.") print("Errors:", errstr) print("Run with -d (debug) to see more details.") sys.exit(1) # Seconds to wait between refreshes when waiting for translated content REDIRECT_TIMEOUT = 2 # End global prefs ################################################ def find_first_maildir_file(maildir): """Maildir: inside /tmp/mutttmpbox, mutt creates another level of directory, so the file will be something like /tmp/mutttmpbox/cur/1. So recurse into directories until we find an actual mail file. Return a full path to the filename. """ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(maildir): for f in files: if not f.startswith('.'): return os.path.join(root, f) return None MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH = 225 def sanitize_filename(badstr): """Sanitize a filename to make sure there's nothing dangerous, like ../ Also make sure it's under MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH. """ filename = ''.join([x for x in badstr if x.isalpha() or x.isdigit() or x in '-_.']) if len(filename) > MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH: half = MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH // 2 filename = filename[:half] + filename[-half:] return filename def view_html_message(f, tmpdir): # Note: the obvious way to read a message is # with open(f) as fp: msg = email.message_from_file(fp) # What the docs don't tell you is that that gives you an # email.message.Message, which is limited and poorly documented; # all the documentation assumes you have an email.message.EmailMessage, # but to get that you need the more complicated BytesParser method below. # The policy argument to BytesParser is mandatory: without it, # again, you'll get a Message and not an EmailMessage. if f: if os.path.isdir(f): # Maildir: f is a maildir like /tmp/mutttmpbox, # and inside it, for some reason, mutt creates another # level of directory named either cur or new # depending on whether the message is already marked read. # So we have to open the first file inside either cur or new. # In case mutt changes this behavior, let's take the first # non-dotfile inside the first non-dot directory. msg = None for maildir in os.listdir(f): with open(find_first_maildir_file(f), 'rb') as fp: msg = BytesParser(policy=default_policy).parse(fp) break else: # Mbox format: we assume there's only one message in the mbox. with open(f, 'rb') as fp: # msg = email.message_from_string(fp.read()) msg = BytesParser(policy=default_policy).parse(fp) else: msg = BytesParser(policy=default_policy).parsebytes(sys.stdin.buffer.read()) counter = 1 filename = None filenames = set() subfiles = {} # A dictionary mapping content-id to [filename, part] html_parts = [] # For debugging: def print_part(part): print("*** part:") # parts are type email.message.Message print(" content-type:", part.get_content_type()) print(" content-disposition:", part.get_content_disposition()) print(" content-id:", part.get('Content-ID')) print(" filename:", part.get_filename()) print(" is_multipart?", part.is_multipart()) def print_structure(msg, indent=0): """Iterate over an EmailMessage, printing its structure""" indentstr = ' ' * indent for part in msg.iter_parts(): print("%scontent-type:" % indentstr, part.get_content_type()) print(" content-subtype:", part.get_content_subtype()) print(" content-id:", part.get('Content-ID')) print("%scontent-disposition:" % indentstr, part.get_content_disposition()) print("%sfilename:" % indentstr, part.get_filename()) print("%sis_multipart?" % indentstr, part.is_multipart()) print_structure(part, indent=indent+2) print() if DEBUG: print_structure(msg) for part in msg.walk(): if DEBUG: print() print_part(part) # multipart/* are just containers #if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart': if part.is_multipart() or part.get_content_type == 'message/rfc822': continue # Get the content id. # Mailers may use Content-Id or Content-ID (or, presumably, various # other capitalizations). So we can't just look it up simply. content_id = None for k in list(part.keys()): if k.lower() == 'content-id': # Remove angle brackets, if present. # part['Content-Id'] is unmutable -- attempts to change it # are just ignored -- so copy it to a local mutable string. content_id = part[k] if content_id.startswith('<') and content_id.endswith('>'): content_id = content_id[1:-1] counter += 1 break # no need to look at other keys if part.get_content_subtype() == 'html': if DEBUG: print("Found an html part") if html_parts: print("Eek, more than one html part!") html_parts.append(part) elif not content_id: if DEBUG: print("No Content-Id") pass # Use the filename provided if possible, otherwise make one up. filename = part.get_filename() if filename: filename = sanitize_filename(filename) else: # if DEBUG: # print("No filename; making one up") ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(part.get_content_type()) if not ext: # Use a generic bag-of-bits extension ext = '.bin' if content_id: filename = sanitize_filename('cid%s%s' % (content_id, ext)) else: filename = 'part-%03d%s' % (counter, ext) # Some mailers, like gmail, will attach multiple images to # the same email all with the same filename, like "image.png". # So check whether we have to uniquify the names. if filename in filenames: orig_basename, orig_ext = os.path.splitext(filename) dedup_counter = 0 while filename in filenames: dedup_counter += 1 filename = "%s-%d%s" % (orig_basename, dedup_counter, orig_ext) filenames.add(filename) # If there's no content_id, use the uniquified filename, sans path. if not content_id: content_id = filename filename = os.path.join(tmpdir, filename) # Now save content to the filename, and remember it in subfiles. subfiles[content_id] = [ filename, part ] with open(filename, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(part.get_payload(decode=True)) if DEBUG: print("wrote", filename) # print "%10s %5s %s" % (part.get_content_type(), ext, filename) if DEBUG: print("\nsubfiles now:", subfiles) print() # We're done saving the parts. It's time to save the HTML part(s), # with img tags rewritten to refer to the files we just saved. embedded_parts = [] for i, html_part in enumerate(html_parts): htmlfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, "viewhtml%02d.html" % i) fp = open(htmlfile, 'wb') # html_parts[i].get_payload() returns string, but it's apparently # in straight unicode and doesn't reflect the message's charset. # html_part.get_payload(decode=True) returns bytes, # which (I think) have been decoded as far as email transfer # (e.g. Content-Encoding: base64), which is not the same thing # as charset decoding. # (None of this is documented in the python3 email module; # there's no mention of get_payload() at all. Sigh.) htmlsrc = html_part.get_payload(decode=True) # Substitute all the filenames for content_ids: for sf_cid in subfiles: # Yes, yes, I know: # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1732348/regex-match-open-tags-except-xhtml-self-contained-tags/ # and this should be changed to use BeautifulSoup. if DEBUG: print("Replacing cid", sf_cid, "with", subfiles[sf_cid][0]) newhtmlsrc = re.sub(b'cid: ?' + sf_cid.encode(), b'file://' + subfiles[sf_cid][0].encode(), htmlsrc, flags=re.IGNORECASE) if sf_cid not in embedded_parts and newhtmlsrc != htmlsrc: embedded_parts.append(sf_cid) htmlsrc = newhtmlsrc fp.write(htmlsrc) fp.close() if DEBUG: print("Wrote", htmlfile) # Now we have the file. Call a browser on it. call_some_browser(htmlfile) # Done with htmlparts. # Now handle any parts that aren't embedded inside HTML parts. # This includes conversions from Word or PDF, but also image attachments. if DEBUG: print() print("subfiles:", subfiles) print("Parts already embedded:", embedded_parts) print("\n************************************\n") image_files = [] for sfid in subfiles: if DEBUG: print("\nPart:", subfiles[sfid][0]) part = subfiles[sfid][1] partfile = subfiles[sfid][0] # full path fileparts = os.path.splitext(partfile) if sfid in embedded_parts: if DEBUG: print(partfile, "was already embedded in html") continue if part.get_content_maintype() == "image": image_files.append(partfile) continue if part.get_content_maintype() == "application": htmlfilename = fileparts[0] + ".html" subtype = part.get_content_subtype() if DEBUG: print("Application subtype:", subtype) is_word = ("msword" in subtype or "ms-word" in subtype) if is_word and USE_WVHTML_FOR_DOC: mysubprocess.call(["wvHtml", partfile, htmlfilename]) call_some_browser(htmlfilename) continue # Unfortunately, unoconv can't convert excel files: # it hangs forever trying. if (is_word or subtype == "vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" or subtype == "vnd.oasis.opendocument.text"): mysubprocess.call(["unoconv", "-f", "html", "-T", UNOCONV_STARTUP_TIME, "-o", htmlfilename, partfile]) call_some_browser(htmlfilename) continue # unoconv conversions from powerpoint to HTML drop all images. # Try converting to PDF instead: if part.get_content_subtype() == "vnd.ms-powerpoint" \ or part.get_content_subtype() == \ "vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation": pdffile = fileparts[0] + ".pdf" mysubprocess.call(["unoconv", "-f", "pdf", "-o", pdffile, partfile]) partfile = pdffile if part.get_content_subtype() == "pdf" or partfile.endswith("pdf"): if WORKING_BROWSER and \ BROWSERS[WORKING_BROWSER]['CONVERT_PDF_TO_HTML']: print("Calling pdftohtml and delaying browser") mysubprocess.call(["pdftohtml", "-s", partfile]) print("pdftohtml exited. Did it work?") fff = fileparts[0] + "-html.html" os.system("ls -l " + fff) # But pdftohtml is idiotic about output filename # and won't let you override it: call_some_browser(fileparts[0] + "-html.html") else: call_some_browser(partfile) if image_files: if IMAGE_VIEWER: if DEBUG: print("Calling", IMAGE_VIEWER, "on", image_files) cmd = [ IMAGE_VIEWER ] + IMAGE_VIEWER_ARGS + image_files mysubprocess.call_bg(cmd) else: for img in image_files: call_some_browser(img) # For debugging: class mysubprocess: @staticmethod def call(arr): if DEBUG: print("\n========= Calling: %s" % str(arr)) subprocess.call(arr) @staticmethod def call_bg(arr): if DEBUG: print("\n========= Calling in background: %s" % str(arr)) subprocess.Popen(arr, shell=False, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None) if __name__ == '__main__': import tempfile tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() if len(sys.argv) > 1: for f in sys.argv[1:]: if f == '-d': DEBUG = True continue view_html_message(f, tmpdir) else: view_html_message(None, tmpdir)