#!/bin/sh # sample # 優先度,NSG名,ルール名,送信・受信,送信元アドレス,発信元ポート範囲,宛先アドレス,サービス(プロトコル),サービス(ポート),アクション ## field1 優先度 ## field2 NSG名 ## field3 ルール名 ## field4 送信・受信 ## field5 送信元アドレス ## field6 発信元ポート範囲 ## field7 宛先アドレス ## field8 サービス1(プロトコル) ## field9 サービス2(ポート) ## field10 アクション(Allow/Deny) # change BASE_DIR_PATH for your local path BASE_DIR_PATH=/home/azure01/csv2 TMPDIR_PATH=${BASE_DIR_PATH}/tmpdir TMPDIR_NSG_PATH=${BASE_DIR_PATH}/tmpdir/nsg RTN=0 # check command line if [ "${2}" = "" ] then echo "usage makeJason.sh inputfilename(csv) outputfilename(json) [debug]" exit fi # check inputfile size if [ ! -s ${1} ] then echo "usage makeJason.sh inputfilename(csv) outputfilename(json) [debug]" exit fi # make temporary directory if [ ! -d ${TMPDIR_PATH} ] then mkdir -p ${TMPDIR_PATH} fi # cut first line and sort/uniq by NSG name LINE_END_COUNTER=`wc -l ${1} | awk '{ print $1 }'` RAW_LINE=`expr ${LINE_END_COUNTER} - 1` tail -${RAW_LINE} ${1} | sort -t , -k2 | uniq > ${TMPDIR_PATH}/INPUT_RAW.csv # [ANY] check (sub routine) function anycheck() { if [ "${1}" = "ANY" ] then RTN='*' else RTN=`echo "${1}"` fi } # making JSON files for LINE in `cat ${TMPDIR_PATH}/INPUT_RAW.csv` do # priority field1=`echo ${LINE} | awk -F"," '{ print $1 }'` # NSG name field2=`echo ${LINE} | awk -F"," '{ print $2 }'` # role name field3=`echo ${LINE} | awk -F"," '{ print $3 }'` # direction Inbound or Outbound field4=`echo ${LINE} | awk -F"," '{ print $4 }'` # source address field5=`echo ${LINE} | awk -F"," '{ print $5 }'` anycheck ${field5} field5=`echo "${RTN}"` # source port range field6=`echo ${LINE} | awk -F"," '{ print $6 }'` anycheck ${field6} field6=`echo "${RTN}"` # distination address field7=`echo ${LINE} | awk -F"," '{ print $7 }'` anycheck ${field7} field7=`echo "${RTN}"` # service protocol field8=`echo ${LINE} | awk -F"," '{ print $8 }'` anycheck ${field8} field8=`echo "${RTN}"` # service port field9=`echo ${LINE} | awk -F"," '{ print $9 }'` anycheck ${field9} field9=`echo "${RTN}"` # Allow or Deny field10=`echo ${LINE} | awk -F"," '{ print $10 }'` if [ ! -d ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH} ] then mkdir -p ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH} fi if [ ! -f ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} ] then echo " {" > ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"comments\": \"sample nsg template\"," >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"type\": \"Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups\"," >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"name\": \"${field2}\"," >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"apiVersion\": \"2016-03-30\"," >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"location\": \"[resourceGroup().location]\"," >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"properties\": {" >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"securityRules\": [" >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " {" >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"name\": \"${field3}\"," >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"properties\": {" >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"protocol\": \"${field8}\"," >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"sourcePortRange\": \"${field6}\"," >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"destinationPortRange\": \"${field9}\"," >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"sourceAddressPrefix\": \"${field5}\"," >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"destinationAddressPrefix\": \"${field7}\"," >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"access\": \"${field10}\"," >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"priority\": ${field1}," >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"direction\": \"${field4}\"" >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " }" >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} else echo " }," >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " {" >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"name\": \"${field3}\"," >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"properties\": {" >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"protocol\": \"${field8}\"," >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"sourcePortRange\": \"${field6}\"," >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"destinationPortRange\": \"${field9}\"," >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"sourceAddressPrefix\": \"${field5}\"," >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"destinationAddressPrefix\": \"${field7}\"," >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"access\": \"${field10}\"," >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"priority\": ${field1}," >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " \"direction\": \"${field4}\"" >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} echo " }" >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${field2} fi done # close nsg files and marge all files , finaly make a nsg template # making header parts echo "{" > ${TMPDIR_PATH}/${2}.tmp echo " \"\$schema\": \"https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentTemplate.json#\"," >> ${TMPDIR_PATH}/${2}.tmp echo " \"contentVersion\": \"\"," >> ${TMPDIR_PATH}/${2}.tmp echo " \"parameters\": {}," >> ${TMPDIR_PATH}/${2}.tmp echo " \"variables\": {}," >> ${TMPDIR_PATH}/${2}.tmp echo " \"resources\": [" >> ${TMPDIR_PATH}/${2}.tmp # making nsg parts for TMP_NSG_JSON in `ls ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}` do echo " }" >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${TMP_NSG_JSON} echo " ]" >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${TMP_NSG_JSON} echo " }" >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${TMP_NSG_JSON} echo " }," >> ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${TMP_NSG_JSON} cat ${TMPDIR_NSG_PATH}/${TMP_NSG_JSON} >> ${TMPDIR_PATH}/${2}.tmp done # making footer parts (NSG final line change "}," to "}" sed -e '$d' ${TMPDIR_PATH}/${2}.tmp > ${TMPDIR_PATH}/${2}.tmp2 sed '$a \\t\t}' ${TMPDIR_PATH}/${2}.tmp2 >> ${TMPDIR_PATH}/${2}.tmp3 echo " ]" >> ${TMPDIR_PATH}/${2}.tmp3 echo "}" >> ${TMPDIR_PATH}/${2}.tmp3 # backup in tmpdir and create outputfile cp -p ${TMPDIR_PATH}/${2}.tmp3 ${2} # clean temporary directory if [ "${3}" != "debug" ] then if [ -d ${TMPDIR_PATH} ] then rm -rf ${TMPDIR_PATH} fi fi