const carousel = document.querySelector(".carousel"), firstIframe = carousel.querySelectorAll("iframe")[0], arrowIcons = document.querySelectorAll(".wrapper i"); let isDragStart = false, isDragging = false, prevPageX, prevScrollLeft, positionDiff; const showHideIcons = () => { // showing and hiding prev/next icon according to carousel scroll left value let scrollWidth = carousel.scrollWidth - carousel.clientWidth; // getting max scrollable width arrowIcons[0].style.display = carousel.scrollLeft == 0 ? "none" : "block"; arrowIcons[1].style.display = carousel.scrollLeft == scrollWidth ? "none" : "block"; }; arrowIcons.forEach((icon) => { icon.addEventListener("click", () => { let firstIframeWidth = firstIframe.clientWidth + 14; // getting first iframe width & adding 14 margin value // if clicked icon is left, reduce width value from the carousel scroll left else add to it carousel.scrollLeft += == "left" ? -firstIframeWidth : firstIframeWidth; setTimeout(() => showHideIcons(), 60); // calling showHideIcons after 60ms }); }); const autoSlide = () => { // if there is no iframe left to scroll then return from here if ( carousel.scrollLeft - (carousel.scrollWidth - carousel.clientWidth) > -1 || carousel.scrollLeft <= 0 ) return; positionDiff = Math.abs(positionDiff); // making positionDiff value positive let firstIframeWidth = firstIframe.clientWidth + 14; // getting difference value that needs to be added or reduced from carousel left to take the middle iframe center let valDifference = firstIframeWidth - positionDiff; if (carousel.scrollLeft > prevScrollLeft) { // if user is scrolling to the right return carousel.scrollLeft += positionDiff > firstIframeWidth / 3 ? valDifference : -positionDiff; } // if user is scrolling to the left carousel.scrollLeft -= positionDiff > firstIframeWidth / 3 ? valDifference : -positionDiff; }; const dragStart = (e) => { // updating global variables value on mouse down event isDragStart = true; prevPageX = e.pageX || e.touches[0].pageX; prevScrollLeft = carousel.scrollLeft; }; const dragging = (e) => { // scrolling images/carousel to the left according to the mouse pointer if (!isDragStart) return; e.preventDefault(); isDragging = true; carousel.classList.add("dragging"); positionDiff = (e.pageX || e.touches[0].pageX) - prevPageX; carousel.scrollLeft = prevScrollLeft - positionDiff; showHideIcons(); }; const dragStop = () => { isDragStart = false; carousel.classList.remove("dragging"); if (!isDragging) return; isDragging = false; autoSlide(); }; carousel.addEventListener("mousedown", dragStart); carousel.addEventListener("touchstart", dragStart); document.addEventListener("mousemove", dragging); carousel.addEventListener("touchmove", dragging); document.addEventListener("mouseup", dragStop); carousel.addEventListener("touchend", dragStop); let customFooter = document.querySelector( ".customFooter" ), dropMenuLinks = document.querySelector( '.dropMenuLinks' ), contentWrapper = document.querySelector( '.contentWrapper' ), navbar = document.querySelector( '.navbar' ); ( () => { let dropMenuLinksContent = `


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` dropMenuLinks.innerHTML = dropMenuLinksContent let navbarContent = `
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` customFooter.innerHTML = footerContent; let copyRightYear = document.getElementById("copyright-year"); let currentDate = new Date(); let currentYear = currentDate.getFullYear(); copyRightYear.innerText = currentYear; } )() contentWrapper.onscroll = () => { contentWrapper.scrollTop > 5 ? navbar.classList.add( 'bg-slate-100', 'shadow-2xl' ) : navbar.classList.remove( 'bg-slate-100', 'shadow-2xl' ) } let subscribeBtn = document.querySelector( '.subscribeBtn' ) subscribeBtn.onclick = () => { alert( 'It will be functional soon!!' ) } let indexOpenDropDown = document.querySelector( '.indexOpenDropDown' ) indexOpenDropDown.onclick = () => { = 0 } let closeDropDown = document.querySelector( ".closeDropDown" ) closeDropDown.onclick = () => { = '-2000px' }