let questions = [ { numb: 1, question: "Who is Duryodhana's father?", answer: "DHRIHASTARA", options: [ "PANDAVA", "DHRIHASTARA", "ARJUN", "KRISHNA" ], inf:"DHRIHASTARA became king in Hastināpura after Pāṇḍu retired to the forest. He was the father of the Kauravas." }, { numb: 2, question: "Who is not a Pandava?", answer: "DURYODHANA", options: [ "BHIMA", "ARJUNA", "YUDHISHTHIRA", "DURYODHANA" ], inf:"DURYODHANA was the leader of the Kauravas. From childhood he formed an enmity with the Pāṇḍavas, which later resulted in the Kurukṣetra war." }, { numb: 3, question: "How many Pandava brothers are there?", answer: "5", options: [ "6", "5", "2", "100" ], inf:"Pāṇḍu reconciled himself to the fact that he would have only FIVE sons, but he was not disappointed. His boys grew up like gods.-MAHABHARATA" }, { numb: 4, question: "What is the name for the warrior/prince class in Hindu society?", answer: "Kshatriya", options: [ "Kshatriya", "Arjuna", "Brahman", "Shudra" ], inf:"The KSHATRIYAS are administrators, so they rule over the country. They exact taxes from the citizens." }, { numb: 5, question: "Who is afraid to fight at the outset of the Gita?", answer: "ARJUNA", options: [ "VISHNU", "BHISHMA", "ARJUNA", "KRISHNA" ], inf:"In verse 18.17 the Lord informs ARJUNA that the desire not to fight arises from false ego. Arjuna thought himself to be the doer of action, but he did not consider the supreme sanction within" }, { numb: 6, question: "What is the literary meaning of Bhagavad Gita ?", answer: "Song of the Lord", options: [ "Song of the Lord", "Song of Happiness", "God's past times", "Song of the Universe"], inf:"The Bhagavad-gītā, THE SONG OF THE EXALTED GOD, is a very ancient philosophical, didactic" }, { numb: 7, question: "Who was Sanjaya? ?", answer: "Dhritarashtra's advisor", options: [ "Dhritarashtra's advisor", "Arjuna's cousin", "Arjuna's advisor", "Duryodhana's brother"], inf:"SANJAYA was Dhṛtarāṣṭra's charioteer and secretary. Although he belonged to the suta caste, he was a spiritually advanced disciple of Vyāsadeva, who gave him the power to see the events during the Kurukṣetra war. " }, { numb: 8, question: "Where did the Lord speak Bhagavad Gita ?", answer: "Kurukshetra", options: [ "Vrindaavan", "Kurukshetra", "Mathura", "Ayodhya"], inf:" Said by the Vedas to be God, the Supreme Person, who is the origin of all other incarnations He spoke the Bhagavad-gita to Arjuna at the beginning of the KURUKSHETRA war." }, { numb: 9, question: "How many chapters are there in Bhagavad Gita ?", answer: "18", options: [ "18", "16", "20", "22"], inf:"A total of 18 chapters are present in the Gita" }, { numb: 10, question: "Who is the speaker of Bhagavad Gita ?", answer: "Lord Krishna", options: [ "Lord Krishna", "Lord Shiva", "Lord Vishnu", "Lord Brahma"], inf:"The Bhagavad-gītā also should be accepted as it is directly by the speaker Himself. The speaker is Lord ŚRI KRISHNA." }, { numb: 11, question: "Which guna is associated with passion ?", answer: "Rajas", options: [ "Rajas", "Tamas", "Sattva", "None of the above"], inf:"RAJAS-guṇa is passion, and tamo-guṇa is darkness." }, { numb: 12, question: "What does Karma Yoga mean?", answer: "Dedication your actions to the Lord", options: [ "Chasing after money", "Meditating in an ashram", "Dedication your actions to the Lord", "Sacrificing something"], inf:"Ordinary work is karma. And when it is added with yoga, that means spiritualized work.Yoga means spiritual perfection, or linking up with the Supreme." }, { numb: 13, question: "Which of these wasn't a reason given by Arjuna, to not fight", answer: "Fear of losing the battle", options: [ "Compassion for his relatives", "Destruction of family traditions", "Fear of sinful reactions", "Fear of losing the battle", ], inf:"Both as friend and philosopher to Arjuna, Lord Kṛiṣhṇa gave His final judgment regarding Arjuna's fear. The Lord says, “Arjuna, if you leave the battlefield before the battle even begins, people will call , then My advice is that you'd do better to die in the battle. So, you should not flee for fear of your life; better to die in the battle.“" }, { numb: 14, question: "Arjuna's chariot was bearing the flag marked with the emblem of ?", answer: "Hanuman", options: [ "Hanuman", "Ganesha", "Krishna", "Sun"], inf:"The emblem of HANUMAN on the flag of Arjuna is another sign of victory because Hanuman cooperated with Now both Rāma and Hanumān were present on the chariot of Arjuna to help him. Lord Kṛṣṇa is Rāma Himself, and wherever Lord Rāma is, His eternal servitor Hanuman is." }, { numb: 15, question: "What does Lord Krishna state as the cause of fear ?", answer: "Forgetfulness of Lord Krishna", options: [ "Uncontrolled senses", "Uncertainty of the future", "Forgetfulness of Lord Krishna", "Lack of intelligence"], inf:"The real cause of his difficulties in the hard struggle for life may be found in his FORGETFULNESS of his relationship with the Supreme Lord.-GITA VERSE 5.17-25" }, { numb: 16, question: "Who was the Father of Pandavas ?", answer: "King Pandu", options: [ "King Pandu", "Dhritarashtra", "King Gandhar", "Jarasandha"], inf:"PANDU was the Father of the Pāṇḍavas born to Vicitravīrya's widow queen Ambālikā by the grace of Vyāsadeva." }, { numb: 17, question: "Karna was the blessed son of which celestial body ?", answer: "The Sun", options: [ "The Moon", "Jupiter", "The Sun", "Mars"], inf:"KARNA was the firstborn son of the Pāṇḍavas's mother Kuntī from her union with the SUN-GOD. He became the chief support and best friend of Duryodhana, who made him king of Aṅga. He was killed by Arjuna at Kurukṣetra and went to the sun planet." }, { numb: 18, question: "Who was the writer of the Mahabharata ?", answer: "Ved Vyas", options: [ "Ved Vyas", "Valmiki", "Durvas Rishi", "Krupacharya"], inf:"VYASA was the sage who authored the Mahābhārata. Born from the union of Parāśara Ṛṣi and Satyavatī, he is known as Dwaipayana because he was born on an island. He compiled the Vedas." }, { numb: 19, question: "What was the true name of Bhishma ?", answer: "Devabrata", options: [ "Karna", "Arjuna", "Devabrata", "Pallove"], inf:"BHISHMA was the son of Śantanu, known as the “grandfather” of the Kurus. Although he never became king, he officiated at Hastināpura as regent until Vicitravīrya was of age." }, { numb: 20, question: "Who won the war of Kurukshetra ?", answer: "The Pandavas", options: [ "Gandharva Kingdom", "The Kauravas", "The Pandavas", " Magadha Kingdom"], inf:"The PANDAVAS won the battle of Kurukshetra.Those heroic men lived only for Kṛiṣhṇa's pleasure, and the universe itself depends on His will." }, { numb: 21, question: "In which battlefield does the conversation between Arjuna and Krishna take place?", answer: "Kurukshetra", options: [ "Kurukshetra", "Kashi", "Ayodhya", "Dwarka" ], inf:"It is a conversation between the Lord and the devotee. Arjuna is a devotee, and Kṛṣṇa is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It took place in KURUKSHETRA." }, { numb: 22, question: "Which of the following paths of yoga is emphasized in the Bhagavad Gita?", answer: "All of the above", options: [ "Bhakti Yoga (path of devotion)", "Karma Yoga (path of selfless action)", "Jnana Yoga (path of knowledge)", "All of the above" ], inf:"The paths of yoga are karma, jñāna and bhakti—but everything is leading to bhakti. When karma leads to bhakti, that is called karma-yoga. When jñāna leads to bhakti, that is called jñāna-yoga. Yoga means bhakti-yoga, as it is stated in the Bhagavad-gītā." }, { numb: 23, question: "What does Krishna teach Arjuna about the nature of the soul?", answer: "The soul is eternal and indestructible", options: [ "The soul is temporary and perishable", "The soul is eternal and indestructible", "The soul doesn't exist", "The soul is an illusion" ], inf:"O Pārtha, how can a person who knows that the soul is indestructible, eternal, unborn and immutable kill.-Gita" }, { numb: 24, question: "According to the Bhagavad Gita, what is the ultimate goal of life?", answer: "Enlightenment and liberation", options: [ "Wealth and power", "Pleasure and enjoyment", "Enlightenment and liberation", "Fame and recognition" ], inf:"So this liberation should be the ultimate goal of life.-Gita" }, { numb: 25, question: "What is the famous verse in the Bhagavad Gita that encapsulates its teachings?", answer: "Do your duty without attachment to the results", options: [ "Surrender all your actions to God", "Do your duty without attachment to the results", "Know that I am the eternal soul within all beings.", "Renounce all desires and attain liberation" ], inf:"One who performs his duty without attachment, surrendering the results unto the Supreme Lord, is unaffected.- Gita" }, ];