bundleid cn.alanhe.read-code category Self-Dev connections 26DC9FDD-521B-4837-8A52-0351B2C1ABEF destinationuid B551E16A-99ED-4CFD-9FA2-BF5DE3680187 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext sourceoutputuid DE345E85-2927-49DC-BE97-DEBD2A5DC130 vitoclose destinationuid DDD1D4C2-BC2D-4E83-9029-EE6A670EAFF9 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose destinationuid A9745FFC-587E-445F-88A1-052F2B9F0226 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 50B0CD10-4D52-4898-9C05-DD3A34A829C3 destinationuid 26DC9FDD-521B-4837-8A52-0351B2C1ABEF modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose DDD1D4C2-BC2D-4E83-9029-EE6A670EAFF9 destinationuid 59FACEBF-8E54-4ED8-8978-2E2701470C14 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose createdby Alan He description Read authentication code in your recent messages or current clipboard disabled name 2FA-Read Code objects config paths /System/Applications/Messages.app toggle type alfred.workflow.action.launchfiles uid B551E16A-99ED-4CFD-9FA2-BF5DE3680187 version 1 config alfredfiltersresults alfredfiltersresultsmatchmode 0 argumenttreatemptyqueryasnil argumenttrimmode 0 argumenttype 1 escaping 127 keyword 2fa queuedelaycustom 1 queuedelayimmediatelyinitially queuedelaymode 0 queuemode 1 runningsubtext Reading script node ./index.js list scriptargtype 1 scriptfile subtext Find authentication code title Read code from Message type 0 withspace type alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter uid 50B0CD10-4D52-4898-9C05-DD3A34A829C3 version 3 config conditions inputstring matchcasesensitive matchmode 0 matchstring view_message outputlabel uid DE345E85-2927-49DC-BE97-DEBD2A5DC130 elselabel else hideelse type alfred.workflow.utility.conditional uid 26DC9FDD-521B-4837-8A52-0351B2C1ABEF version 1 config lastpathcomponent onlyshowifquerypopulated removeextension text title Copied to clipboard type alfred.workflow.output.notification uid 59FACEBF-8E54-4ED8-8978-2E2701470C14 version 1 config autopaste clipboardtext {query} ignoredynamicplaceholders transient type alfred.workflow.output.clipboard uid DDD1D4C2-BC2D-4E83-9029-EE6A670EAFF9 version 3 config concurrently escaping 102 script node ./index.js read scriptargtype 1 scriptfile type 0 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid A9745FFC-587E-445F-88A1-052F2B9F0226 version 2 readme > Read authentication code in your recent messages or current clipboard 1. Type `2fa` to trigger workflow 2. Type`⌘ C` or `⏎` to copy captcha ## requirement 1. `brew install node` 2. Alfred has permission to `Full Disk Access` 3. sqlite3 >=v3.33.0 ## Big Sur Issue update sqlite by brew uidata 26DC9FDD-521B-4837-8A52-0351B2C1ABEF xpos 245 ypos 75 50B0CD10-4D52-4898-9C05-DD3A34A829C3 xpos 70 ypos 50 59FACEBF-8E54-4ED8-8978-2E2701470C14 xpos 600 ypos 375 A9745FFC-587E-445F-88A1-052F2B9F0226 xpos 385 ypos 520 B551E16A-99ED-4CFD-9FA2-BF5DE3680187 xpos 400 ypos 45 DDD1D4C2-BC2D-4E83-9029-EE6A670EAFF9 xpos 390 ypos 375 userconfigurationconfig config default 10 placeholder required trim description label Look back minutes type textfield variable look_back_minutes variablesdontexport version 1.12 webaddress https://github.com/alanhg/alfred-workflows/tree/master/2fa-read-code