bundleid cn.alanhe.aboutmac category Self-Dev connections 2353E6A3-0536-4ADA-8936-B2AEC1E72656 destinationuid F6EDB591-1C8F-42F0-93A1-752E94140C67 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose F6EDB591-1C8F-42F0-93A1-752E94140C67 createdby Alan He description About This Mac disabled name About Mac objects config autopaste clipboardtext {query} ignoredynamicplaceholders transient type alfred.workflow.output.clipboard uid F6EDB591-1C8F-42F0-93A1-752E94140C67 version 3 config alfredfiltersresults alfredfiltersresultsmatchmode 0 argumenttreatemptyqueryasnil argumenttrimmode 0 argumenttype 1 escaping 102 keyword about queuedelaycustom 3 queuedelayimmediatelyinitially queuedelaymode 0 queuemode 1 runningsubtext Please Waiting script tell application "Finder" set username to long user name of (system info) set computername to host name of (system info) set ethernet to primary Ethernet address of (system info) set ipaddress to IPv4 address of (system info) set osver to system version of (system info) set cpuType to CPU type of (system info) set physicalMemory to physical memory of (system info) -- set bootVolume to boot volume of (system info) set totalSpace to capacity of (get startup disk) set freeSpace to free space of (get startup disk) set osName to do shell script "bash ./os-name.sh" set modelName to do shell script "bash ./mac-model-year.sh" set vmStats to (text 12 thru -2 of (do shell script "vm_stat | grep 'Pages free'")) * 4096 set freeMemory to (round (vmStats / 1.0E+7) / 100) set locale to user locale of (get system info) set param to (username & "‡" & computername & "‡" & ethernet & "‡" & ipaddress & "‡" & osver & "‡" & cpuType & "‡" & (round (physicalMemory / 1024)) & "‡" & (round (totalSpace / 10E8)) & "‡" & (round (freeSpace / 10E8)))& "‡" & osName& "‡" & freeMemory& "‡" &modelName & "‡" &locale set comm to "bash ./main.sh" & " \"" & param & "\"" do shell script comm end tell scriptargtype 1 scriptfile subtext About This Mac title About Mac type 6 withspace type alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter uid 2353E6A3-0536-4ADA-8936-B2AEC1E72656 version 3 readme > Displays system information about your Mac. Contains UserName、Model、HostName、Primary Ethernet Address、IPv4 Address、MacOS、CPU Type、Physical Memory、Storage、Locale、Display Resolution、Display System Uptime、Serial Number、Battery Health. 1. Type `about` to trigger 2. Type `⏎` to copy info 3. Large type support uidata 2353E6A3-0536-4ADA-8936-B2AEC1E72656 xpos 100 ypos 120 F6EDB591-1C8F-42F0-93A1-752E94140C67 xpos 340 ypos 120 userconfigurationconfig variablesdontexport version 1.19 webaddress https://github.com/alanhg/alfred-workflows/tree/master/about-mac