bundleid cn.alanhe.airdrop category Self-Dev connections 0365D7E7-150D-4BB9-A217-B9F2B168FB43 destinationuid E132D993-DFA1-4D18-8E8F-1E19D7073AE2 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext sourceoutputuid 49A9E771-697E-4034-A43A-CB8C276C9AD9 vitoclose destinationuid F6ED9628-B095-4587-A4CF-F65D1E38FBD1 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 06157B6F-144E-4DB2-A3ED-97A0231C6BA2 destinationuid 36B6559D-10C1-4D9F-9C91-D6BBF7681155 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext sourceoutputuid E470861E-C1C3-4EDA-9DC4-0E9F4500DF9C vitoclose destinationuid 0365D7E7-150D-4BB9-A217-B9F2B168FB43 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 06AE249A-313F-494E-8291-3DCDB8A98D78 destinationuid FBB4E0F7-8119-4917-BD9B-A6764F833418 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 195C1B8D-C397-4BF6-8FF2-2356AF31347A destinationuid 7F95E769-44E9-4B3F-9CF3-031C44EECDA8 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 2479F7D9-DA44-4F6A-8ACA-22A1D7CBCCF5 destinationuid F21E3D69-BDA5-4CF8-ADD1-50C2D61368FC modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 36B6559D-10C1-4D9F-9C91-D6BBF7681155 destinationuid 79C24BB6-A9DB-4C64-A5F9-EE3070298173 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext sourceoutputuid 49A9E771-697E-4034-A43A-CB8C276C9AD9 vitoclose destinationuid 0D6A4BA1-4450-4719-9D35-EC8E52AFCC6B modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 395D4FF3-7EFC-4BEB-B456-910F98800B5D destinationuid 2479F7D9-DA44-4F6A-8ACA-22A1D7CBCCF5 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 705AB63E-8447-449C-A1D8-0EC99A9C1BC8 destinationuid 5F497DB5-C783-41DC-BC77-32AEAB33287D modifiers 0 modifiersubtext sourceoutputuid DEADF640-D311-4C71-8573-31BB13D5945B vitoclose destinationuid A08BACCD-90EB-42B9-934C-CC35C2DFE22D modifiers 0 modifiersubtext sourceoutputuid D260F753-F7A3-41BE-816E-9FCB86F3A7D1 vitoclose destinationuid 6CC4C999-29AE-4AF4-BA87-E3D270C5673D modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 7E1FF561-C54F-43C0-81B4-1FDD22B93679 destinationuid BBD84AC8-7342-4D6E-8657-B6405A2FF010 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 7F95E769-44E9-4B3F-9CF3-031C44EECDA8 destinationuid EFBE67A7-EF37-4098-80E4-C0A8A9872D2E modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose destinationuid 395D4FF3-7EFC-4BEB-B456-910F98800B5D modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 867EC047-018A-4663-8AE9-C262B0E2FF9E destinationuid 195C1B8D-C397-4BF6-8FF2-2356AF31347A modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 90913B4D-D313-4CD0-AFCF-6AB8B82D173C destinationuid 7E1FF561-C54F-43C0-81B4-1FDD22B93679 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose destinationuid F4852CCD-ED13-4407-824B-2BDBB14C7003 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose A08BACCD-90EB-42B9-934C-CC35C2DFE22D destinationuid 06157B6F-144E-4DB2-A3ED-97A0231C6BA2 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose A81E5AB6-F162-4EA2-B3BB-6A43631CBC6C destinationuid 06157B6F-144E-4DB2-A3ED-97A0231C6BA2 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose BBD84AC8-7342-4D6E-8657-B6405A2FF010 destinationuid FBB4E0F7-8119-4917-BD9B-A6764F833418 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose BD586F33-819C-4A9D-9273-318676DB9586 destinationuid F21E3D69-BDA5-4CF8-ADD1-50C2D61368FC modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose EFBE67A7-EF37-4098-80E4-C0A8A9872D2E destinationuid BD586F33-819C-4A9D-9273-318676DB9586 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose F21E3D69-BDA5-4CF8-ADD1-50C2D61368FC destinationuid A81E5AB6-F162-4EA2-B3BB-6A43631CBC6C modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose F4852CCD-ED13-4407-824B-2BDBB14C7003 destinationuid 06AE249A-313F-494E-8291-3DCDB8A98D78 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose FBB4E0F7-8119-4917-BD9B-A6764F833418 destinationuid 705AB63E-8447-449C-A1D8-0EC99A9C1BC8 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose createdby Alan He description Share Files With AirDrop disabled name Airdrop objects config applescript on alfred_script(q) set osver to system version of (system info) return osver end alfred_script cachescript type alfred.workflow.action.applescript uid 7E1FF561-C54F-43C0-81B4-1FDD22B93679 version 1 config argument {query} passthroughargument variables OS_VERSION {query} type alfred.workflow.utility.argument uid BBD84AC8-7342-4D6E-8657-B6405A2FF010 version 1 config argumenttype 2 keyword airdrop subtext Share Files With Airdrop text Airdrop withspace type alfred.workflow.input.keyword uid 90913B4D-D313-4CD0-AFCF-6AB8B82D173C version 1 config applescript on alfred_script(q) return user locale of (get system info) end alfred_script cachescript type alfred.workflow.action.applescript uid F4852CCD-ED13-4407-824B-2BDBB14C7003 version 1 config concurrently escaping 68 script tell application "System Events" tell process "Finder" set shareButton to (first button whose title is "隔空投送") of toolbar 1 of window 1 click shareButton delay 0.1 end tell end tell do shell script "killall System\\ Events" scriptargtype 1 scriptfile type 6 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid 79C24BB6-A9DB-4C64-A5F9-EE3070298173 version 2 config argument {query} passthroughargument variables LANG {query} type alfred.workflow.utility.argument uid 06AE249A-313F-494E-8291-3DCDB8A98D78 version 1 config concurrently escaping 68 script tell application "System Events" tell process "Chrome" set frontmost to true # File=>Share=>AirDrop click menu item "AirDrop" of menu of menu item "Share" of menu "File" of menu bar 1 end tell end tell scriptargtype 0 scriptfile type 6 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid 5F497DB5-C783-41DC-BC77-32AEAB33287D version 2 config conditions inputstring {var:OS_VERSION} matchcasesensitive matchmode 2 matchstring 11.999999999 outputlabel uid 49A9E771-697E-4034-A43A-CB8C276C9AD9 elselabel else hideelse type alfred.workflow.utility.conditional uid 36B6559D-10C1-4D9F-9C91-D6BBF7681155 version 1 config concurrently escaping 68 script tell application "System Events" tell process "Finder" set shareButton to (first button whose description is "共享") of toolbar 1 of window 1 ignoring application responses click shareButton delay 0.1 end ignoring end tell end tell do shell script "killall System\\ Events" tell application "System Events" click (menu item "隔空投送") of menu 1 of shareButton end tell scriptargtype 1 scriptfile type 6 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid 0D6A4BA1-4450-4719-9D35-EC8E52AFCC6B version 2 config conditions inputstring {var:LANG} matchcasesensitive matchmode 0 matchstring zh_CN outputlabel uid E470861E-C1C3-4EDA-9DC4-0E9F4500DF9C elselabel else hideelse type alfred.workflow.utility.conditional uid 06157B6F-144E-4DB2-A3ED-97A0231C6BA2 version 1 config concurrently escaping 102 script tell application "Finder" set sel to get the selection if (sel is {}) then log "Nothing selected! Can't proceed" return end if set parentPath to (container of item 1 of sel) as alias set desktopPath to (path to desktop folder) if desktopPath is equal to parentPath then reveal sel end tell scriptargtype 0 scriptfile type 6 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid A08BACCD-90EB-42B9-934C-CC35C2DFE22D version 2 config conditions inputstring matchcasesensitive matchmode 4 matchstring ^https?:// outputlabel uid DEADF640-D311-4C71-8573-31BB13D5945B inputstring matchcasesensitive matchmode 4 matchstring \*\*file\*\* outputlabel uid D260F753-F7A3-41BE-816E-9FCB86F3A7D1 elselabel else hideelse type alfred.workflow.utility.conditional uid 705AB63E-8447-449C-A1D8-0EC99A9C1BC8 version 1 config concurrently escaping 68 script on run argv tell application "System Events" to keystroke "c" using {command down} delay 0.1 -- so copy can take place if ((clipboard info) as string) contains "«class furl»" then set selected_text to "**file**" else set selected_text to (the clipboard as text) end if return selected_text end run scriptargtype 1 scriptfile type 6 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid FBB4E0F7-8119-4917-BD9B-A6764F833418 version 2 config conditions inputstring {var:OS_VERSION} matchcasesensitive matchmode 2 matchstring 11.999999999 outputlabel uid 49A9E771-697E-4034-A43A-CB8C276C9AD9 elselabel else hideelse type alfred.workflow.utility.conditional uid 0365D7E7-150D-4BB9-A217-B9F2B168FB43 version 1 config concurrently escaping 68 script tell application "System Events" tell process "Finder" set shareButton to (first button whose title is "AirDrop") of toolbar 1 of window 1 click shareButton delay 0.1 end tell end tell do shell script "killall System\\ Events" scriptargtype 1 scriptfile type 6 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid E132D993-DFA1-4D18-8E8F-1E19D7073AE2 version 2 config lastpathcomponent onlyshowifquerypopulated removeextension text url or files title Please select first type alfred.workflow.output.notification uid 6CC4C999-29AE-4AF4-BA87-E3D270C5673D version 1 config applescript on alfred_script(q) set osver to system version of (system info) return osver end alfred_script cachescript type alfred.workflow.action.applescript uid EFBE67A7-EF37-4098-80E4-C0A8A9872D2E version 1 config argument {var:selectedFiles} passthroughargument variables OS_VERSION {query} type alfred.workflow.utility.argument uid BD586F33-819C-4A9D-9273-318676DB9586 version 1 config concurrently escaping 68 script tell application "System Events" tell process "Finder" set shareButton to (first button whose description is "Share") of toolbar 1 of window 1 ignoring application responses click shareButton delay 0.1 end ignoring end tell end tell do shell script "killall System\\ Events" tell application "System Events" click (menu item "AirDrop") of menu 1 of shareButton end tell scriptargtype 1 scriptfile type 6 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid F6ED9628-B095-4587-A4CF-F65D1E38FBD1 version 2 config delimiter , discardemptyarguments outputas 1 trimarguments variableprefix split type alfred.workflow.utility.split uid F21E3D69-BDA5-4CF8-ADD1-50C2D61368FC version 1 config argument {var:selectedFiles} passthroughargument variables LANG {query} type alfred.workflow.utility.argument uid 2479F7D9-DA44-4F6A-8ACA-22A1D7CBCCF5 version 1 config concurrently escaping 68 script on run argv set pathList to {} repeat with pathString in argv copy ((POSIX file pathString) as alias) to the end of the pathList end repeat tell application "Finder" to select pathList end run scriptargtype 1 scriptfile type 6 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid A81E5AB6-F162-4EA2-B3BB-6A43631CBC6C version 2 config applescript on alfred_script(q) return user locale of (get system info) end alfred_script cachescript type alfred.workflow.action.applescript uid 395D4FF3-7EFC-4BEB-B456-910F98800B5D version 1 config acceptsmulti 1 filetypes name Share Files With AirDrop type alfred.workflow.trigger.action uid 867EC047-018A-4663-8AE9-C262B0E2FF9E version 1 config argument {query} passthroughargument variables selectedFiles {query} type alfred.workflow.utility.argument uid 7F95E769-44E9-4B3F-9CF3-031C44EECDA8 version 1 config delimiter , type alfred.workflow.utility.joinargs uid 195C1B8D-C397-4BF6-8FF2-2356AF31347A version 1 readme > One click to evoke airdrop and send the selected something to the target device - Currently only supports English and Simplified Chinese - You can share file、photo、url. - Support File Action - Support multi file selection. Support Catalina、Big Sur、Sonoma uidata 0365D7E7-150D-4BB9-A217-B9F2B168FB43 note version xpos 1045 ypos 650 06157B6F-144E-4DB2-A3ED-97A0231C6BA2 note file Considering the i18n of the GUI xpos 920 ypos 480 06AE249A-313F-494E-8291-3DCDB8A98D78 xpos 425 ypos 210 0D6A4BA1-4450-4719-9D35-EC8E52AFCC6B note CN share files xpos 1250 ypos 440 195C1B8D-C397-4BF6-8FF2-2356AF31347A xpos 280 ypos 990 2479F7D9-DA44-4F6A-8ACA-22A1D7CBCCF5 xpos 750 ypos 920 36B6559D-10C1-4D9F-9C91-D6BBF7681155 note version xpos 1045 ypos 360 395D4FF3-7EFC-4BEB-B456-910F98800B5D note Get System Language xpos 515 ypos 960 5F497DB5-C783-41DC-BC77-32AEAB33287D note url xpos 655 ypos 260 6CC4C999-29AE-4AF4-BA87-E3D270C5673D xpos 665 ypos 690 705AB63E-8447-449C-A1D8-0EC99A9C1BC8 xpos 395 ypos 510 79C24BB6-A9DB-4C64-A5F9-EE3070298173 note >=12 CN share files xpos 1245 ypos 205 7E1FF561-C54F-43C0-81B4-1FDD22B93679 note Get OS version xpos 240 ypos 40 7F95E769-44E9-4B3F-9CF3-031C44EECDA8 xpos 370 ypos 990 867EC047-018A-4663-8AE9-C262B0E2FF9E xpos 100 ypos 965 90913B4D-D313-4CD0-AFCF-6AB8B82D173C xpos 70 ypos 175 A08BACCD-90EB-42B9-934C-CC35C2DFE22D note reveal by selected files xpos 640 ypos 495 A81E5AB6-F162-4EA2-B3BB-6A43631CBC6C note reveal files in finder xpos 940 ypos 925 BBD84AC8-7342-4D6E-8657-B6405A2FF010 xpos 445 ypos 55 BD586F33-819C-4A9D-9273-318676DB9586 xpos 715 ypos 835 E132D993-DFA1-4D18-8E8F-1E19D7073AE2 note >=12 EN share files xpos 1255 ypos 655 EFBE67A7-EF37-4098-80E4-C0A8A9872D2E note Get OS version xpos 510 ypos 820 F21E3D69-BDA5-4CF8-ADD1-50C2D61368FC xpos 885 ypos 915 F4852CCD-ED13-4407-824B-2BDBB14C7003 note Get System Language xpos 250 ypos 195 F6ED9628-B095-4587-A4CF-F65D1E38FBD1 note EN share files xpos 1255 ypos 865 FBB4E0F7-8119-4917-BD9B-A6764F833418 note current selected xpos 195 ypos 520 userconfigurationconfig variablesdontexport version 1.9 webaddress https://github.com/alanhg/alfred-workflows/tree/master/airdrop