bundleid cn.alanhe.appid category Self-Dev connections 00FD277E-4F27-40C6-8983-5115873E955C destinationuid D7A8FF94-E45E-4FD4-BA1A-11237326A0E1 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 0413D15A-857E-4782-93DC-A2D5292C0479 destinationuid C0789812-ACFF-464D-89F8-A9FEF41A1A9F modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 42BBB04B-30C5-49D2-AFA8-D24B9C9FB417 destinationuid 00FD277E-4F27-40C6-8983-5115873E955C modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 53D51879-0D2E-4B6B-8EAD-45D634D7AED8 56E911C8-B422-41A5-B703-DBA1649E1DA1 destinationuid 00FD277E-4F27-40C6-8983-5115873E955C modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 5B30E91B-47B7-4F83-9119-64675F13B00D destinationuid 0413D15A-857E-4782-93DC-A2D5292C0479 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 73372C83-B363-44A4-A210-51B88F77C9FE destinationuid C0789812-ACFF-464D-89F8-A9FEF41A1A9F modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 778BD714-0E96-4EA4-A4FD-751D05C92D2D destinationuid D7E96C4B-C158-4A5C-9D3A-7C6C37A6557D modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 7D9F7AAF-1F9C-4B98-BA88-D06879CA4A0D destinationuid BD37C14D-8511-46CA-A29E-77645457FBB8 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose A48CE873-8369-400F-9DFA-5526A5D9C90C destinationuid 42BBB04B-30C5-49D2-AFA8-D24B9C9FB417 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose C0789812-ACFF-464D-89F8-A9FEF41A1A9F destinationuid 00FD277E-4F27-40C6-8983-5115873E955C modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose D7A8FF94-E45E-4FD4-BA1A-11237326A0E1 destinationuid 53D51879-0D2E-4B6B-8EAD-45D634D7AED8 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose D7E96C4B-C158-4A5C-9D3A-7C6C37A6557D destinationuid 00FD277E-4F27-40C6-8983-5115873E955C modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose E9AB7639-9DBB-4D6F-B787-F6EAC75EB4C0 destinationuid 7D9F7AAF-1F9C-4B98-BA88-D06879CA4A0D modifiers 1048576 modifiersubtext Reveal icon in Finder vitoclose destinationuid F1CFF3D8-5212-48AC-B506-E41F558CF0BF modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose F1CFF3D8-5212-48AC-B506-E41F558CF0BF destinationuid 4DFB1BD6-6708-49FD-8E2D-BEEE6DD41196 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose createdby Alan He description Show ID, Version, Icon of installed apps disabled name AppID objects config alfredfiltersresults alfredfiltersresultsmatchmode 0 argumenttreatemptyqueryasnil argumenttrimmode 0 argumenttype 1 escaping 102 keyword appid queuedelaycustom 3 queuedelayimmediatelyinitially queuedelaymode 0 queuemode 1 runningsubtext Getting Bundle ID of apps in /Applications… script require 'json' require 'open3' require 'pathname' apps = Pathname('/Applications').children .concat(Pathname('/Applications/Utilities').children) .map(&:to_path) .sort_by { |p| File.basename(p).downcase } .select { |e| e.end_with?('.app') } script_filter_items = [] apps.each do |app| appId = Open3.capture2("osascript -e 'id of app \"#{app}\"'").first next if appId == '(null)' name = File.basename(app, '.app') script_filter_items.push(title: name, subtitle: appId, arg: appId, type:'file:skipcheck',icon: { type: 'fileicon', path: app },action:{ file:app}) end puts({ items: script_filter_items }.to_json) scriptargtype 1 scriptfile subtext Show App ID of installed apps title App ID type 2 withspace type alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter uid 56E911C8-B422-41A5-B703-DBA1649E1DA1 version 3 config lastpathcomponent onlyshowifquerypopulated removeextension text {query} title Copied to clipboard type alfred.workflow.output.notification uid 53D51879-0D2E-4B6B-8EAD-45D634D7AED8 version 1 config autopaste clipboardtext {query} ignoredynamicplaceholders transient type alfred.workflow.output.clipboard uid D7A8FF94-E45E-4FD4-BA1A-11237326A0E1 version 3 config acceptsmulti 0 filetypes com.apple.application-bundle name App ID type alfred.workflow.trigger.action uid 778BD714-0E96-4EA4-A4FD-751D05C92D2D version 1 config concurrently escaping 102 script osascript -e 'id of app "{query}"' scriptargtype 0 scriptfile type 0 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid D7E96C4B-C158-4A5C-9D3A-7C6C37A6557D version 2 config matchmode 1 matchstring \n$ regexcaseinsensitive regexmultiline replacestring type alfred.workflow.utility.replace uid 00FD277E-4F27-40C6-8983-5115873E955C version 2 config acceptsmulti 0 filetypes com.apple.application-bundle name App Name type alfred.workflow.trigger.action uid A48CE873-8369-400F-9DFA-5526A5D9C90C version 1 config concurrently escaping 102 script osascript -e 'name of app "{query}"' scriptargtype 0 scriptfile type 0 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid 42BBB04B-30C5-49D2-AFA8-D24B9C9FB417 version 2 config argument v{query} passthroughargument variables type alfred.workflow.utility.argument uid C0789812-ACFF-464D-89F8-A9FEF41A1A9F version 1 config alfredfiltersresults alfredfiltersresultsmatchmode 0 argumenttreatemptyqueryasnil argumenttrimmode 0 argumenttype 1 escaping 102 keyword av queuedelaycustom 3 queuedelayimmediatelyinitially queuedelaymode 0 queuemode 1 runningsubtext Getting versions of apps in /Applications… script node ./index.js av scriptargtype 1 scriptfile subtext Show version number of installed apps title App Version type 0 withspace type alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter uid 73372C83-B363-44A4-A210-51B88F77C9FE version 3 config concurrently escaping 102 script node ./index.js appicon '{query}' scriptargtype 0 scriptfile type 0 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid 7D9F7AAF-1F9C-4B98-BA88-D06879CA4A0D version 2 config path type alfred.workflow.action.revealfile uid BD37C14D-8511-46CA-A29E-77645457FBB8 version 1 config acceptsmulti 0 filetypes com.apple.application-bundle name App Version type alfred.workflow.trigger.action uid 5B30E91B-47B7-4F83-9119-64675F13B00D version 1 config concurrently escaping 102 script mdls -raw -name kMDItemVersion "${1}" scriptargtype 1 scriptfile type 0 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid 0413D15A-857E-4782-93DC-A2D5292C0479 version 2 config tasksettings taskuid com.alfredapp.automation.core/macOS/clipboard.set.image.data type alfred.workflow.automation.task uid 4DFB1BD6-6708-49FD-8E2D-BEEE6DD41196 version 1 config acceptsmulti 0 filetypes com.apple.application-bundle name App Icon type alfred.workflow.trigger.action uid E9AB7639-9DBB-4D6F-B787-F6EAC75EB4C0 version 1 config concurrently escaping 102 script node ./index.js appicon '{query}' scriptargtype 0 scriptfile type 0 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid F1CFF3D8-5212-48AC-B506-E41F558CF0BF version 2 readme > Getting Bundle ID, Release Version Number, App icon of apps ## Requirement `brew install node` ## Usage 1. `appid` to get Bundle ID of apps 2. `av` to get Bundle version of apps 3. display app is from appstore or not 4. Universal action support - `App ID` get id of app, type `enter` to copy - `App Version` get version of app,type `enter` to copy - `App Name` get name of app,type `enter` to copy - `App ICON` copy icon of app, type `command enter` to reveal in finder. uidata 00FD277E-4F27-40C6-8983-5115873E955C note remove newline xpos 495 ypos 300 0413D15A-857E-4782-93DC-A2D5292C0479 xpos 280 ypos 835 42BBB04B-30C5-49D2-AFA8-D24B9C9FB417 xpos 235 ypos 430 4DFB1BD6-6708-49FD-8E2D-BEEE6DD41196 note save image to clipboard xpos 935 ypos 865 53D51879-0D2E-4B6B-8EAD-45D634D7AED8 xpos 860 ypos 150 56E911C8-B422-41A5-B703-DBA1649E1DA1 xpos 50 ypos 90 5B30E91B-47B7-4F83-9119-64675F13B00D xpos 55 ypos 835 73372C83-B363-44A4-A210-51B88F77C9FE xpos 50 ypos 605 778BD714-0E96-4EA4-A4FD-751D05C92D2D xpos 50 ypos 245 7D9F7AAF-1F9C-4B98-BA88-D06879CA4A0D note get icon xpos 750 ypos 730 A48CE873-8369-400F-9DFA-5526A5D9C90C xpos 50 ypos 425 BD37C14D-8511-46CA-A29E-77645457FBB8 xpos 930 ypos 730 C0789812-ACFF-464D-89F8-A9FEF41A1A9F xpos 470 ypos 595 D7A8FF94-E45E-4FD4-BA1A-11237326A0E1 note v[version] xpos 675 ypos 150 D7E96C4B-C158-4A5C-9D3A-7C6C37A6557D xpos 225 ypos 245 E9AB7639-9DBB-4D6F-B787-F6EAC75EB4C0 xpos 505 ypos 885 F1CFF3D8-5212-48AC-B506-E41F558CF0BF note get icon xpos 755 ypos 885 userconfigurationconfig variablesdontexport version 1.11 webaddress https://github.com/alanhg/alfred-workflows/tree/master/appid