bundleid cn.alanhe.applescript category Tools connections 378352A3-DA63-4838-8EE9-D7F2C07FF483 destinationuid DA2C4DEB-0AAE-4C4B-8179-0554F502402A modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose createdby Alan He description disabled name AppleScript Tools objects config applescript on alfred_script(q) -- your script here set myFiles to (choose file with multiple selections allowed) display dialog "Text to replace" default answer "" set textToReplace to text returned of result display dialog "Text to insert" default answer "" set textToInsert to text returned of result repeat with aFile in myFiles set myData to do shell script "cat " & quoted form of (aFile's POSIX path) set newData to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of myData & " | sed 's/" & textToReplace & "/" & textToInsert & "/g' > " & quoted form of (aFile's POSIX path) end repeat end alfred_script cachescript type alfred.workflow.action.applescript uid DA2C4DEB-0AAE-4C4B-8179-0554F502402A version 1 config argumenttype 2 keyword as subtext Replace some text text Apple Script withspace type alfred.workflow.input.keyword uid 378352A3-DA63-4838-8EE9-D7F2C07FF483 version 1 readme some tools about apple script. uidata 378352A3-DA63-4838-8EE9-D7F2C07FF483 xpos 60 ypos 75 DA2C4DEB-0AAE-4C4B-8179-0554F502402A note batch replace xpos 290 ypos 75 variablesdontexport version 0.1.0 webaddress https://1991421.cn