bundleid cn.alanhe.copyfiles-to-frontmost-finder connections 236A63F4-1640-4199-8B18-5763A7C5E8CB destinationuid 43068431-C2FB-4D9F-BF73-4D772BB7B1B4 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 28A4D088-2C9C-4327-916A-F0E698325B0B destinationuid 8BF9AD7D-54FE-40F1-BFAD-E2E54F960377 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 43068431-C2FB-4D9F-BF73-4D772BB7B1B4 destinationuid D387ECD6-7F32-49E0-8F41-035C2D8FC775 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 8BF9AD7D-54FE-40F1-BFAD-E2E54F960377 destinationuid F85B4D3E-14BC-462B-9918-80E40521F16B modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose F85B4D3E-14BC-462B-9918-80E40521F16B destinationuid 236A63F4-1640-4199-8B18-5763A7C5E8CB modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose createdby Alan He description disabled name Copy Files to The frontmost Finder objects config concurrently escaping 127 script on theSplit(theString, theDelimiter) -- save delimiters to restore old settings set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters -- set delimiters to delimiter to be used set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDelimiter -- create the array set theArray to every text item of theString -- restore the old setting set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters -- return the result return theArray end theSplit tell application "Finder" set destFolder to (system attribute "DEST_FOLDER") set filestr to "{query}" set fileList to my theSplit(filestr, ",") repeat with theItem in fileList set cpStr to "cp " & theItem & " " & destFolder do shell script cpStr end repeat end tell scriptargtype 0 scriptfile type 6 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid D387ECD6-7F32-49E0-8F41-035C2D8FC775 version 2 config argument {var:FILES} passthroughargument variables DEST_FOLDER {query} type alfred.workflow.utility.argument uid 43068431-C2FB-4D9F-BF73-4D772BB7B1B4 version 1 config argument {query} passthroughargument variables FILES {query} type alfred.workflow.utility.argument uid F85B4D3E-14BC-462B-9918-80E40521F16B version 1 config acceptsfiles acceptsmulti 1 acceptstext acceptsurls name copy files to the frontmost finder window type alfred.workflow.trigger.universalaction uid 28A4D088-2C9C-4327-916A-F0E698325B0B version 1 config tasksettings taskuid com.alfredapp.automation.core/files-and-folders/finder.windows.current type alfred.workflow.automation.task uid 236A63F4-1640-4199-8B18-5763A7C5E8CB version 1 config delimiter , type alfred.workflow.utility.joinargs uid 8BF9AD7D-54FE-40F1-BFAD-E2E54F960377 version 1 readme > Copy selected files to the frontmost finder window uidata 236A63F4-1640-4199-8B18-5763A7C5E8CB xpos 430 ypos 365 28A4D088-2C9C-4327-916A-F0E698325B0B xpos 30 ypos 325 43068431-C2FB-4D9F-BF73-4D772BB7B1B4 xpos 450 ypos 255 8BF9AD7D-54FE-40F1-BFAD-E2E54F960377 xpos 200 ypos 370 D387ECD6-7F32-49E0-8F41-035C2D8FC775 xpos 745 ypos 225 F85B4D3E-14BC-462B-9918-80E40521F16B xpos 315 ypos 315 userconfigurationconfig variablesdontexport version 0.1 webaddress https://1991421.cn