bundleid cn.alanhe.eudic category Self-Dev connections 1D4602C0-5DDC-4744-B79A-68E9A436D2BA destinationuid B31485C7-63E3-4813-A3F9-E0E024258066 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 4EED0387-482F-47F7-A529-41003C2A3AE9 destinationuid B31485C7-63E3-4813-A3F9-E0E024258066 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 57EE9397-9A0B-4798-87F8-4CED7C78E470 606BB652-AE3A-4015-9DC4-215BBA26B042 65E11D2E-FC2E-4B45-B58B-E5AF264BFAFE destinationuid 57EE9397-9A0B-4798-87F8-4CED7C78E470 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose B31485C7-63E3-4813-A3F9-E0E024258066 destinationuid 606BB652-AE3A-4015-9DC4-215BBA26B042 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose createdby Alan He description Enhance Eudic disabled name Eudic Tools objects config concurrently escaping 68 script tell application "Eudic" activate show dic with word "{query}" end tell scriptargtype 0 scriptfile type 6 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid B31485C7-63E3-4813-A3F9-E0E024258066 version 2 config paths /Applications/Eudic.app toggle type alfred.workflow.action.launchfiles uid 606BB652-AE3A-4015-9DC4-215BBA26B042 version 1 config action 0 argument 1 focusedappvariable focusedappvariablename hotkey 14 hotmod 1572864 hotstring E leftcursor modsmode 0 relatedAppsMode 0 type alfred.workflow.trigger.hotkey uid 1D4602C0-5DDC-4744-B79A-68E9A436D2BA version 2 config argumenttype 0 keyword {var:keyword} subtext Show dic with the word text Eudic withspace type alfred.workflow.input.keyword uid 4EED0387-482F-47F7-A529-41003C2A3AE9 version 1 config action 0 argument 0 focusedappvariable focusedappvariablename hotkey 1 hotmod 1179648 hotstring S leftcursor modsmode 0 relatedApps com.eusoft.eudic relatedAppsMode 1 type alfred.workflow.trigger.hotkey uid 65E11D2E-FC2E-4B45-B58B-E5AF264BFAFE version 2 config applescript on alfred_script(q) tell application "Eudic" activate set windowName to the name of the front window speak word with word windowName end tell end alfred_script cachescript type alfred.workflow.action.applescript uid 57EE9397-9A0B-4798-87F8-4CED7C78E470 version 1 readme > Hotkeys for triggering some operations in Eudic. ## Requirement install eudic app https://www.eudic.net/v4/en/app/download ## Usage 1. Use `⌥ ⌘ e` after selecting a word to look it up.If it's a sentence, it will automatically enter the Eduic translation.This is the processing logic of the Eudic and cannot be changed. 2. Use `⌘ ⇧ s` after selecting a word to speak it. 3. Type keyword `eudic` and word to look it up. uidata 1D4602C0-5DDC-4744-B79A-68E9A436D2BA note Search copied word xpos 80 ypos 100 4EED0387-482F-47F7-A529-41003C2A3AE9 xpos 75 ypos 300 57EE9397-9A0B-4798-87F8-4CED7C78E470 xpos 300 ypos 515 606BB652-AE3A-4015-9DC4-215BBA26B042 xpos 465 ypos 100 65E11D2E-FC2E-4B45-B58B-E5AF264BFAFE note One-click pronunciation xpos 85 ypos 515 B31485C7-63E3-4813-A3F9-E0E024258066 xpos 280 ypos 100 userconfigurationconfig config default eudic placeholder required trim description label keyword type textfield variable keyword variablesdontexport version 1.2 webaddress https://github.com/alanhg/alfred-workflows/tree/master/eudic-tools