bundleid cn.alanhe.mac-enhancer category Self-Dev connections 020E16F3-9010-4C58-8733-5A5A5AFDDE7F 1F861028-2D63-4856-923E-3F2AAEEA8043 destinationuid CFAAD5D3-F791-4906-8FBC-0A036805F76A modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 248EAC40-BF24-4D70-B18D-EA2AA0052EFA destinationuid 1B18F274-588B-456C-9E33-FEFA036EBCF0 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 29DA1D50-839E-444B-8391-CE11F16BAB95 destinationuid 346E6071-BEB0-4365-8EEA-50163C41B766 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 31D41E55-6158-48DA-9FA8-2D49138A36E9 destinationuid 322CA363-BC51-4DF2-9404-2DEAB1A4DE00 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 322CA363-BC51-4DF2-9404-2DEAB1A4DE00 destinationuid DD93F2F3-04E6-438F-BE22-4C1EBCA47DDA modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 45554D26-FF2F-4F95-8C08-934F062DEF67 destinationuid AC6456A9-9CE8-413B-9915-555B9C96BC26 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose destinationuid 8BBF2599-5319-489D-974D-D3D2DD98F6DD modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 5B7F670B-D806-4968-88BC-C8CDF3273C19 destinationuid 45554D26-FF2F-4F95-8C08-934F062DEF67 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 6DC74B76-2782-45C0-A426-7DB760F0B008 destinationuid 7578C91F-A1EF-4DF0-B4E5-B8428DC069F2 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 6E268ABF-0773-452C-B548-5D61FE7ECDB2 destinationuid FD523C1F-C6BF-4955-809A-51ECF942A9F6 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext sourceoutputuid 62109EB1-9131-4E93-BFC5-D1781630C239 vitoclose destinationuid 7352D6CA-8913-4E57-8E41-823216845D0F modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 70C83943-0D5A-4693-BB72-3C445197EE25 destinationuid 6E268ABF-0773-452C-B548-5D61FE7ECDB2 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 80B86FF2-3765-4911-8792-323C0A03865B destinationuid 31D76959-8711-42E3-8D2A-BCDF6A8CDF7A modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose 91417F9B-F3F5-4A48-9A04-80DC5B1DB101 destinationuid C51C0769-A94F-406E-80EC-F4B635F47C86 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose A8008FB3-73D5-4264-9B1E-597592344FC8 B2812A25-895B-4D65-A598-F2178BE0C911 destinationuid DD93F2F3-04E6-438F-BE22-4C1EBCA47DDA modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose B8BFA086-1B2F-4728-9976-2D4F4EBB5086 destinationuid A8008FB3-73D5-4264-9B1E-597592344FC8 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose BA890FED-9512-4D77-ACF8-2F959ED76E99 destinationuid 020E16F3-9010-4C58-8733-5A5A5AFDDE7F modifiers 0 modifiersubtext sourceoutputuid 225779D7-CB7B-40AA-9576-19D4B907AA29 vitoclose CFAAD5D3-F791-4906-8FBC-0A036805F76A destinationuid BA890FED-9512-4D77-ACF8-2F959ED76E99 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose DD93F2F3-04E6-438F-BE22-4C1EBCA47DDA destinationuid 1F861028-2D63-4856-923E-3F2AAEEA8043 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose E7878FD3-341C-46E3-B296-200E28529751 destinationuid 82D1CD73-87B3-464C-A925-683257981357 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose createdby Alan He description enhance Mac disabled name Mac Enhancer objects config concurrently escaping 68 script if running of application "System Preferences" then try tell application "System Preferences" to quit on error do shell script "killall 'System Preferences'" end try end if repeat while running of application "System Preferences" is true delay 0.1 end repeat tell application "System Preferences" reveal anchor "Mouse" of pane id "com.apple.preference.universalaccess" delay 1 tell application "System Events" click checkbox 2 of tab group 1 of group 1 of window 1 of application process "System Preferences" end tell quit end tell scriptargtype 1 scriptfile type 6 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid A8008FB3-73D5-4264-9B1E-597592344FC8 version 2 config argumenttype 2 keyword trackpad subtext text Toggle Trackpad on/off withspace type alfred.workflow.input.keyword uid B8BFA086-1B2F-4728-9976-2D4F4EBB5086 version 1 config action 0 argument 1 focusedappvariable focusedappvariablename hotkey 0 hotmod 0 hotstring leftcursor modsmode 0 relatedAppsMode 0 type alfred.workflow.trigger.hotkey uid 6DC74B76-2782-45C0-A426-7DB760F0B008 version 2 config jumpto alfred.action.openwith path {query} type 100 type alfred.workflow.action.actioninalfred uid 7578C91F-A1EF-4DF0-B4E5-B8428DC069F2 version 1 config count 1 keychar keycode 53 keymod 1310720 overridewithargument type alfred.workflow.output.dispatchkeycombo uid C51C0769-A94F-406E-80EC-F4B635F47C86 version 1 config action 0 argument 0 focusedappvariable focusedappvariablename hotkey 22 hotmod 1179648 hotstring 6 leftcursor modsmode 0 relatedAppsMode 0 type alfred.workflow.trigger.hotkey uid 91417F9B-F3F5-4A48-9A04-80DC5B1DB101 version 2 config type alfred.workflow.automation.task uid 31EA3D30-C9F4-4A9E-8B19-BE635B84BCD2 version 1 config argumenttype 2 keyword empty subtext delete all messages text Empty Messages withspace type alfred.workflow.input.keyword uid 5B7F670B-D806-4968-88BC-C8CDF3273C19 version 1 config soundname Blow systemsound type alfred.workflow.output.playsound uid AC6456A9-9CE8-413B-9915-555B9C96BC26 version 1 config concurrently escaping 102 script tell application "Messages" set myChats to chats repeat with chatItem in myChats try delete chatItem on error errorMessage log "errorMessage" & errorMessage end try end repeat end tell scriptargtype 0 scriptfile type 6 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid 45554D26-FF2F-4F95-8C08-934F062DEF67 version 2 config concurrently escaping 68 script set volume without output muted scriptargtype 1 scriptfile type 6 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid FD523C1F-C6BF-4955-809A-51ECF942A9F6 version 2 config concurrently escaping 102 script if application "Messages" is running then tell application "Messages" to quit end if if application "Messages" is not running then tell application "Messages" to open end if scriptargtype 0 scriptfile type 6 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid 8BBF2599-5319-489D-974D-D3D2DD98F6DD version 2 config alfredfiltersresults alfredfiltersresultsmatchmode 0 argumenttreatemptyqueryasnil argumenttrimmode 0 argumenttype 2 escaping 102 keyword mute queuedelaycustom 3 queuedelayimmediatelyinitially queuedelaymode 0 queuemode 1 runningsubtext Please Wait script set muted to (output muted of (get volume settings)) set comm to "bash ./mute.sh" & " \"" & muted & "\"" do shell script comm scriptargtype 1 scriptfile ./system-info.scpt subtext title Toggle Mute type 6 withspace type alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter uid 70C83943-0D5A-4693-BB72-3C445197EE25 version 3 config conditions inputstring matchcasesensitive matchmode 0 matchstring true outputlabel uid 62109EB1-9131-4E93-BFC5-D1781630C239 elselabel else hideelse type alfred.workflow.utility.conditional uid 6E268ABF-0773-452C-B548-5D61FE7ECDB2 version 1 config concurrently escaping 68 script set volume with output muted scriptargtype 1 scriptfile type 6 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid 7352D6CA-8913-4E57-8E41-823216845D0F version 2 config alfredfiltersresults alfredfiltersresultsmatchmode 0 argumenttreatemptyqueryasnil argumenttrimmode 0 argumenttype 2 escaping 102 keyword wifi queuedelaycustom 3 queuedelayimmediatelyinitially queuedelaymode 0 queuemode 1 runningsubtext Please Wait script set device to do shell script "networksetup -listallhardwareports | awk '$3==\"Wi-Fi\" {getline;print}' | awk '{print $2}'" set power to do shell script "networksetup -getairportpower " & device & " | awk '{print $4}'" set comm to "bash ./wifi.sh" & " \"" & power & "\"" do shell script comm scriptargtype 1 scriptfile ./system-info.scpt subtext title Toggle WiFi type 6 withspace type alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter uid 29DA1D50-839E-444B-8391-CE11F16BAB95 version 3 config concurrently escaping 68 script set device to do shell script "networksetup -listallhardwareports | awk '$3==\"Wi-Fi\" {getline;print}' | awk '{print $2}'" set power to do shell script "networksetup -getairportpower " & device & " | awk '{print $4}'" if power is equal to "on" then set power to "off" else set power to "on" end if do shell script ("networksetup -setairportpower " & device & " " & power) scriptargtype 1 scriptfile type 6 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid 346E6071-BEB0-4365-8EEA-50163C41B766 version 2 config action 0 argument 0 focusedappvariable focusedappvariablename hotkey 37 hotmod 1179648 hotstring L leftcursor modsmode 0 relatedApps com.google.Chrome relatedAppsMode 1 type alfred.workflow.trigger.hotkey uid E7878FD3-341C-46E3-B296-200E28529751 version 2 config concurrently escaping 68 script tell application "Google Chrome" to set URL of active tab of window 1 to "javascript:" scriptargtype 0 scriptfile type 6 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid 82D1CD73-87B3-464C-A925-683257981357 version 2 config argumenttype 2 keyword bluetooth subtext Reset the Bluetooth module text Reset Bluetooth withspace type alfred.workflow.input.keyword uid 248EAC40-BF24-4D70-B18D-EA2AA0052EFA version 1 config escaping 0 script sudo pkill bluetoothd type alfred.workflow.action.terminalcommand uid 1B18F274-588B-456C-9E33-FEFA036EBCF0 version 1 config alfredfiltersresults alfredfiltersresultsmatchmode 0 argumenttreatemptyqueryasnil argumenttrimmode 0 argumenttype 2 escaping 102 keyword host queuedelaycustom 3 queuedelayimmediatelyinitially queuedelaymode 0 queuemode 1 runningsubtext script /usr/local/bin/node ./hosts.js {query} scriptargtype 0 scriptfile subtext title view /etc/hosts type 0 withspace type alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter uid 80B86FF2-3765-4911-8792-323C0A03865B version 3 config concurrently escaping 102 script open {query} -a "/Applications/Visual Studio Code - Insiders.app" scriptargtype 0 scriptfile type 0 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid 31D76959-8711-42E3-8D2A-BCDF6A8CDF7A version 2 config acceptsmulti 0 filetypes com.apple.application-bundle name Force Quit App type alfred.workflow.trigger.action uid B2812A25-895B-4D65-A598-F2178BE0C911 version 1 config concurrently escaping 102 script open -a "$app_path" scriptargtype 0 scriptfile type 11 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid 020E16F3-9010-4C58-8733-5A5A5AFDDE7F version 2 config concurrently escaping 102 script osascript -e 'name of app "{query}"' scriptargtype 0 scriptfile type 0 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid DD93F2F3-04E6-438F-BE22-4C1EBCA47DDA version 2 config concurrently escaping 102 script pkill -9 -f "{query}" echo -n '{query}' scriptargtype 0 scriptfile type 0 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid CFAAD5D3-F791-4906-8FBC-0A036805F76A version 2 config conditions inputstring {var:should_restart} matchcasesensitive matchmode 0 matchstring true outputlabel uid 225779D7-CB7B-40AA-9576-19D4B907AA29 elselabel else hideelse type alfred.workflow.utility.conditional uid BA890FED-9512-4D77-ACF8-2F959ED76E99 version 1 config matchmode 1 matchstring \n regexcaseinsensitive regexmultiline replacestring type alfred.workflow.utility.replace uid 1F861028-2D63-4856-923E-3F2AAEEA8043 version 2 config acceptsmulti 0 filetypes com.apple.application-bundle name Restart App type alfred.workflow.trigger.action uid 31D41E55-6158-48DA-9FA8-2D49138A36E9 version 1 config argument {query} passthroughargument variables app_path {query} should_restart true type alfred.workflow.utility.argument uid 322CA363-BC51-4DF2-9404-2DEAB1A4DE00 version 1 readme > Mac enhancer 1. toggle trackpad 2. toggle mute 3. shortcut[⌘ ⇧ 6] to end screenshot 4. shortcut[⌘ ⇧ O] to open with 5. shortcut[⌘ ⇧ L] to lose focus from address bar input just for Chrome 6. Delete All Messages 7. toggle WiFi 8. type 'host' and ⏎ to open `/etc/hosts` file recommend add hosts file rw rights for current user. ![https://i.imgur.com/d8DKgnY.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/d8DKgnY.jpg) 9. type `bluetooth` to reset module 10. forcequit certain app by app universal action 11. restart certain app by app universal action uidata 020E16F3-9010-4C58-8733-5A5A5AFDDE7F xpos 1220 ypos 1310 1B18F274-588B-456C-9E33-FEFA036EBCF0 xpos 880 ypos 975 1F861028-2D63-4856-923E-3F2AAEEA8043 note remove newline xpos 715 ypos 1345 248EAC40-BF24-4D70-B18D-EA2AA0052EFA xpos 650 ypos 975 29DA1D50-839E-444B-8391-CE11F16BAB95 xpos 640 ypos 745 31D41E55-6158-48DA-9FA8-2D49138A36E9 xpos 85 ypos 1510 31D76959-8711-42E3-8D2A-BCDF6A8CDF7A note open file xpos 305 ypos 1090 31EA3D30-C9F4-4A9E-8B19-BE635B84BCD2 xpos 1540 ypos 330 322CA363-BC51-4DF2-9404-2DEAB1A4DE00 xpos 345 ypos 1540 346E6071-BEB0-4365-8EEA-50163C41B766 note toggle WiFi xpos 875 ypos 745 45554D26-FF2F-4F95-8C08-934F062DEF67 note delete messages xpos 765 ypos 370 5B7F670B-D806-4968-88BC-C8CDF3273C19 xpos 560 ypos 370 6DC74B76-2782-45C0-A426-7DB760F0B008 note Open With xpos 560 ypos 130 6E268ABF-0773-452C-B548-5D61FE7ECDB2 xpos 245 ypos 580 70C83943-0D5A-4693-BB72-3C445197EE25 xpos 80 ypos 560 7352D6CA-8913-4E57-8E41-823216845D0F note mute xpos 360 ypos 655 7578C91F-A1EF-4DF0-B4E5-B8428DC069F2 xpos 860 ypos 135 80B86FF2-3765-4911-8792-323C0A03865B xpos 85 ypos 1090 82D1CD73-87B3-464C-A925-683257981357 note return focus to page after address input xpos 355 ypos 860 8BBF2599-5319-489D-974D-D3D2DD98F6DD note reopen Message.app xpos 985 ypos 510 91417F9B-F3F5-4A48-9A04-80DC5B1DB101 note end screenshot xpos 85 ypos 325 A8008FB3-73D5-4264-9B1E-597592344FC8 xpos 320 ypos 125 AC6456A9-9CE8-413B-9915-555B9C96BC26 xpos 990 ypos 370 B2812A25-895B-4D65-A598-F2178BE0C911 xpos 80 ypos 1310 B8BFA086-1B2F-4728-9976-2D4F4EBB5086 xpos 90 ypos 125 BA890FED-9512-4D77-ACF8-2F959ED76E99 xpos 1065 ypos 1345 C51C0769-A94F-406E-80EC-F4B635F47C86 note Stop capture xpos 330 ypos 325 CFAAD5D3-F791-4906-8FBC-0A036805F76A xpos 870 ypos 1320 DD93F2F3-04E6-438F-BE22-4C1EBCA47DDA note app name xpos 455 ypos 1315 E7878FD3-341C-46E3-B296-200E28529751 note for Chrome xpos 85 ypos 860 FD523C1F-C6BF-4955-809A-51ECF942A9F6 note unmute xpos 365 ypos 500 userconfigurationconfig variablesdontexport version 1.11 webaddress https://github.com/alanhg/alfred-workflows/tree/master/mac-enhancer