bundleid cn.alanhe.process category Self-Dev connections 170B13B0-26A2-4522-B6FA-B473EAFE090D destinationuid 62A38D83-68C4-4DD0-A7E5-857E46F2EDD0 modifiers 524288 modifiersubtext Kill Process vitoclose 62A38D83-68C4-4DD0-A7E5-857E46F2EDD0 destinationuid D612EE96-4027-4A27-93B5-8BDF4760BD44 modifiers 0 modifiersubtext vitoclose createdby Alan He description List All Process disabled name Process objects config alfredfiltersresults alfredfiltersresultsmatchmode 0 argumenttreatemptyqueryasnil argumenttrimmode 0 argumenttype 1 escaping 102 keyword process queuedelaycustom 3 queuedelayimmediatelyinitially queuedelaymode 0 queuemode 1 runningsubtext script /usr/local/bin/node ./index.js {query} scriptargtype 0 scriptfile subtext List All Process title process type 0 withspace type alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter uid 170B13B0-26A2-4522-B6FA-B473EAFE090D version 3 config concurrently escaping 102 script kill -9 {query} echo {query}|tr -d '\n' scriptargtype 0 scriptfile type 0 type alfred.workflow.action.script uid 62A38D83-68C4-4DD0-A7E5-857E46F2EDD0 version 2 config lastpathcomponent onlyshowifquerypopulated removeextension text PID {query}, Port:{var:port} title Process Killed type alfred.workflow.output.notification uid D612EE96-4027-4A27-93B5-8BDF4760BD44 version 1 readme > check all the ports in use mac and kill someone 1. type `process` to tigger 2. ⌥ ⏎ to kill process 3. support filter by keyword # install brew install node uidata 170B13B0-26A2-4522-B6FA-B473EAFE090D xpos 235 ypos 120 62A38D83-68C4-4DD0-A7E5-857E46F2EDD0 xpos 445 ypos 120 D612EE96-4027-4A27-93B5-8BDF4760BD44 xpos 630 ypos 120 variablesdontexport version 0.2 webaddress https://1991421.cn