#+TITLE: idiocy.org * Articles - [[file:emacs-fonts-and-fontsets.org][Emacs, fonts and fontsets]] - Let’s go write a lisp - [[file:lets-go-write-a-lisp/part-1.org][Part one]] - [[file:lets-go-write-a-lisp/part-2.org][Part two]] - [[file:return-to-javascript-primes.org][Return to the planet of the Javascript Primes]] - [[file:for-the-want-of-a-slash.org][For the want of a slash]] - [[file:javascript-primes.org][Javascript primes]] - [[file:gaussian-prime-spirals.org][Gaussian prime spirals]] * Toys - [[file:explorers.org][Explorer name generator]] * To Do :noexport: ** TODO Write about Apache on Windows [[file:apache-on-windows.org][Installing Apache HTTPD on Windows]] ** DONE Make css responsive CLOSED: [2015-11-14 Sat 00:02] ** TODO write CV ** DONE Write about Eratosthenes' seive CLOSED: [2015-11-15 Sun 14:41] Begun: * export :noexport: #+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :results output silent (setq org-publish-project-alist '(("idiocy.org" :components ("blog-content" "blog-static")) ("blog-content" :base-directory "~/Documents/idiocy.org" :base-extension "org" ;;:publishing-directory "/scp:alan@namib.holly.idiocy.org:idiocy.org/public/" :publishing-directory "./docs" :recursive t :exclude "docs" :publishing-function (org-html-publish-to-html) :with-tags nil :headline-levels 4 ; Just the default for this project. :with-toc nil :section-numbers nil :with-sub-superscript nil :with-todo-keywords nil :html-doctype "html5" :html-html5-fancy t :html-head-include-scripts nil :html-head-include-default-style nil ;; noweb codes have funny rules about prefixes :html-preamble "\ <
>" :html-postamble "\ <