<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="language" content="EN" /> <meta name="author" content="Alexander Barthel" /> <meta name="date" content="2016-09-26T22:20:00+01:00" /> <meta content="Little Navmap User Manual" name="description" /> <title> Little Navmap User Manual </title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" type="text/css" /> </head> <body class="c3"> <h1> Little Navmap User Manual </h1> <p> <img class="textimg" style="width: 100px; height:auto" alt="Little Navmap" title="Little Navmap" src= "images/littlenavmap.svg" /> </p> <p> <span class="bold">Version 1.0.2.beta</span> </p> <!-- ===================================================================== --> <h2> Table of Contents </h2> <p> <span class="bold"><a href="features.html">Features and Limitations</a></span> </p> <p> <span class="bold"><a href="legend.html">Map Legend</a></span> </p> <hr width="70%" align="left" /> <ol> <li> <a href="#h2installation">Installation</a> </li> <li> <a href="#h2overview">Quick Overview</a> </li> <li> <a href="#h2general">General Remarks</a> </li> <li> <a href="#h2start">First Start</a> </li> <li> <a href="#h2menu">Menus and Toolbars</a> </li> <li> <a href="#h2statusbar">Statusbar</a> </li> <li> <a href="#h2mapdisplay">Map Display</a> </li> <li> <a href="#h2search">Search Dock Window</a> </li> <li> <a href="#h2flightplan">Flight Plan Dock Window</a> </li> <li> <a href="#h2info">Information Dock Window</a> </li> <li> <a href="#h2simaircraft">Simulator Aircraft Dock Window</a> </li> <li> <a href="#h2profile">Flight Plan Elevation Profile Dock Window</a> </li> <li> <a href="#h2options">Options Dialog</a> </li> <li> <a href="#h2scenerylibdialog">Load Scenery Library Dialog</a> </li> <li> <a href="#h2nosim">Running without Flight Simulator Installation</a> </li> <li> <a href="#h2connect">Connecting to a Flight Simulator</a> </li> <li> <a href="#h2customtheme">Creating or adding Map Themes</a> </li> <li> <a href="#h2troubleshoot">Troubleshoot</a> </li> <li> <a href="#h2knownproblems">Known Problems</a> </li> <li> <a href="#h2bugreport">How to report a Bug</a> </li> <li> <a href="#h2license">License</a> </li> </ol> <div style="margin-left: 1.5em;;margin-top:3em;margin-bottom:3em;"> <span class="bold">Do not use this program for real world navigation.</span> </div> <h2 id="h2installation"> Installation </h2> <p> An installer or setup program is not available. </p> <p> <span class="bold">Do not extract the archive into the folder <code>c:\Program Files\</code> or <code>c:\Program Files (x86)\</code> since you will need administrative privileges for some Windows versions. Since Windows keeps control on these folders other problems might occur like replaced or deleted files.</span> </p> <p> Extract the Zip archive into a folder like <code>c:\Own Programs\Little Navmap</code>. Then start the program by double-clicking <code>littlenavmap.exe</code>. See <a href="#h2start">First Start</a> for more information on the first start after installation. </p> <p> <em>Little Navmap</em> is a 32-bit application and was tested with Windows XP 32-bit, Windows 7 64-bit and Windows 8.1 64-bit. </p> <h2 id="h2overview"> Quick Overview </h2> <p> <a href="images/overview.jpg"><img style="width: 80%; height:auto" alt="Little Navmap Overview" title= "Little Navmap Overview" src="images/overview.jpg" /></a> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above (Click to see large version):</span> <span class="capt"><em>Little Navmap</em> quick overview showing most important functions.</span> </p> <h2 id="h2general"> General Remarks </h2> <h3> User Interface </h3> <p> The user interface of <em>Little Navmap</em> consists of several dock windows that are arranged around the main window which contains the map view. </p> <p> The dock windows can be moved around in their docked position and can be detached from the main window by simply dragging them outside of the main window, by double clicking their title bar or clicking on the window symbol on the top left. </p> <p> Double click onto the title bar or click on the window symbol again to move the windows back into their docked position. </p> <p> All docks can be closed if they are not needed. You can even drop docks on each other to create a tabbed view (tabs will appear at the bottom of the dock stack in this case). </p> <p> Toolbars are also movable if you click on the left handle and can be closed or undocked from the main window too. </p> <p> Use the <code>Main Menu</code> -> <code>Window</code> menu to bring dock windows or toolbars back. </p> <p> The main window title indicates the currently selected flight simulator database (FSX, FSXSE, P3DV2 or P3DV3), the flight plan file name and a trailing <code>*</code> if the flight plan was changed. </p> <p> <a href="images/all.jpg"><img style="width: 50%; height:auto" alt="Little Navmap" title="Little Navmap" src= "images/all.jpg" /></a> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above (Click to see large version):</span> <span class="capt"><em>Little Navmap</em> with map and sourrounding docked windows. Currently selected simulator database is FSX, current changed flight plan is <code>IFR Les Eplatures (LSGC) to Dagali (ENDI).pln</code>.</span> </p> <h3> Translation and Locale </h3> <p> <em>Little Navmap</em> is currently only available in English. I will happily support anybody who would like to translate the user interface into any other language. Despite using the English language in the user interface the locale settings of the operating system will be used. So e.g. on a German Windows you will see comma as a decimal separator instead of the English dot. </p> <p> <span class="bold">To avoid confusion: The screenshots in this manual were taken using German locale. This means that comma is used as a decimal separator and dot as a thousands separator.</span> </p> <p> Units cannot be changed currently and are adapted to aviation needs. So feet, nautical miles and knots are used. </p> <h3> Map Legend </h3> <p> The legend explaining all the map icons and the <code>Flight Plan Elevation Profile</code> is available in the <code>Information</code> dock window or <a href="legend.html">Little Navmap Legend</a>. </p> <h3> Naming Conventions used in this Manual </h3> <ul> <li> <span class="bold">Empty airport:</span> An airport that has no taxiways, no parking positions or gates, no aprons and is not an add-on airport and is not a water airport. </li> <li> <span class="bold">Add-on airport:</span> This is an airport that was found outside the Flight Simulator default scenery folder when loading the database. </li> <li> <span class="bold">Scenery Library Database:</span> This is an internal database (<a href="http://sqlite.org" target="_blank">SQLite</a>) that is created by <em>Little Navmap</em> by reading all the flight simulator BGL files. It allows fast searching and map display. </li> <li> <span class="bold">Navaid:</span> VOR, NDB or waypoint </li> <li> <span class="bold">Radio navaid:</span> VOR or NDB </li> <li> <span class="bold">Parking:</span> GA ramp, cargo ramp, fuel box or gate. </li> <li> <span class="bold">Rating:</span> Airports get a zero to five star rating depending on facilities. Airports that have no rating are considered boring and will be displayed using a gray symbol below all other airports on the map (<em>Empty Airport</em>). This behavior can be switched off in the <code>Options</code> dialog on the <code>Map Display</code> tab. The criteria below are used to calculate the rating. Each item gives one star: <ol> <li>Add-on </li> <li>Parking positions (ramp or gate) </li> <li>Taxiways </li> <li>Aprons </li> <li>Tower building (only if at least one of the other conditions is met). </li> </ol> </li> </ul> <!-- ===================================================================== --> <h2 id="h2start"> First Start </h2> <p> The <a href="#h2scenerylibdialog">Scenery Library Dialog</a> dialog will be shown when starting <em>Little Navmap</em> the first time. From there you can select all recognized Flight Simulators and load their scenery libraries into <em>Little Navmap</em>'s internal database. One database is kept for each simulator and can be changed on the fly in the <a href="#scenerylibrary">Scenery Library</a> menu. </p> <p> A warning dialog will be shown when starting <em>Little Navmap</em> the first time on a system without any flight simulator installations. See chapter <a href="#h2nosim">Running without Flight Simulator Installation</a> for more information on this. </p> <!-- ===================================================================== --> <h2 id="h2menu"> Menus and Toolbars </h2> <p> This chapter describes all the menu items of <em>Little Navmap</em>. You will find most of this functionality on the toolbars as well which are not be described separately. Key combinations can be seen on the menu items and are not listed separately in this manual. </p> <p> <img alt="Little Navmap Menu and Toolbars" title="Little Navmap Menu and Toolbars" src= "images/menutoolbar.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">Menu and toolbars.</span> </p> <h3> File Menu </h3> <h4> Flight Plans </h4> <p> You can load, save or create new Flight Simulator PLN files. FS9 flight plan files are not supported. </p> <p> <em>Little Navmap</em> allows to create flight plans that unusable by the flight simulator. This can happen if a flight plan does not have an airport as departure or destination. A warning dialog will be shown when saving if this is the case. </p> <p> You can use these flight plan snippets in <em>Little Navmap</em> to merge and edit new plans. </p> <p> Using <code>Append Flight Plan</code> allows to load or merge complete flight plans or flight plan snippets into a new plan. All waypoints are added at the end of the current flight plan. Then you can use the <code>Delete selected Legs</code> and <code>Move selected Legs up/down</code> menu items to arrange the waypoints and airports as you like. </p> <p> An opened flight plan file will be reloaded on start up (reload and centering can be switched off in the <code>Options</code> dialog on the <code>Startup</code> and <code>User Interface</code> tab). </p> <h4> Google Earth KML Files </h4> <p> You can add one or more Google Earth KML or KMZ files to the map display. All added KML or KMZ files will be reloaded on start up (reload and centering can be switched off in the <code>Options</code> dialog on the <code>Startup</code> and <code>User Interface</code> tab). </p> <p> All loaded KML files can be removed from the map with the menu item <code>Clear KML from Map</code>. </p> <h4> Work Offline </h4> <p> Stops loading of map data from the internet. This affects the <em>OpenStreetMap</em>, <em>OpenTopoMap</em> and all the other online map themes as well as the elevation data. </p> <p> Note that you should restart the application after going online again. </p> <h3> Flight Plan Menu </h3> <h4> Undo/Redo </h4> <p> Allows to undo and redo all flight plan changes. </p> <h4> Select a Start Position for Departure </h4> <p> A parking spot/gate/ramp/fuel box, runway or helipad can be selected as a start position at the departure airport. A parking position can also be selected in the map context menu item <a href="#fpdeparture">Set as Flight Plan Departure</a> when right clicking on a parking position. If no position is selected the longest primary runway end is selected automatically as start. </p> <p> <img alt="Select Start Position Dialog" title="Select Start Position Dialog" src= "images/selectstartposition.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">The start position selection dialog for EDDN.</span> </p> <h4> Edit Flight Plan on Map </h4> <p> Switches flight plan drag and drop edit mode on the map on or off. See <a href="#fpedit">Flight Plan Editing</a>. </p> <h4> Calculate Direct </h4> <p> Deletes all intermediate waypoints and connects departure and destination using a great circle line. </p> <p> You can calculate a flight plan between any kind of waypoints, even user defined waypoints (right click on the map and select <code>Add Position to Flight plan</code> to create one). This allows to create snippets that can be merged into flight plans. You can use this if you want to cross the North Atlantic with varying destinations on both sides, for example. This applies to all flight plan calculation modes. </p> <h4> Calculate Radionav </h4> <p> Creates a flight plan that uses only VOR and NDB stations as waypoints and tries to ensure reception of at least one station along the whole flight plan. Note that VOR stations are preferred before NDB and DME stations are avoided if possible. Calculation will fail if not enough radio navaids can be found between departure and destination. Buid the flight plan manually if this is the case. </p> <p> This calculation can also be used to create a flight plan snipped between any kind of waypoint. </p> <h4> Calculate high Altitude </h4> <p> Uses Jet Airways to create a flight plan. The resulting minimum altitude is set into the flight plan altitude field. A simplified east/west rule is used to adjust the cruise altitude to odd/even values (this can be switched off in the <code>Options</code> dialog on the <code>Flight Plan</code> tab). </p> <p> The default behavior is to jump from the departure airport to the next waypoint of a suitable route and vice versa for the destination. This can be changed in <code>Options</code> dialog on the <code>Flight Plan</code> tab if VOR or NDB stations are preferred as transition points to airways. </p> <p> The airway network of Flight Simulator is not complete (the north Atlantic tracks are missing for example - these change daily), therefore calculation across large ocean areas will fail. Create the route manually as a workaround. </p> <p> This calculation can also be used to create a flight plan snipped between any kind of waypoint. </p> <h4> Calculate low Altitude </h4> <p> Uses Victor Airways to create a flight plan. Everything else is the same as in <code>Calculate high Altitude</code>. </p> <h4 id="calcfpalt"> Calculate based on given Altitude </h4> <p> Use the value in the altitude field of the flight plan to find a flight plan along Victor and/or Jet airways. Calculation will fail if the altitude value is too low. Everything else is the same as in <code>Calculate high Altitude</code>. </p> <h4> Reverse Flight Plan </h4> <p> Swaps departure and destination and reverses order of all intermediate waypoints. A default runway is assigned as the new departure start position. </p> <h3> Map Menu </h3> <h4> Goto Home </h4> <p> Goes to home area that was set using <a href="#mapsethome">Set Home</a> using the saved position and zoom distance. </p> <h4> Go to Center for Distance Search </h4> <p> Go to the center point used for distance searches. See <a href="#mapsetdistcenter">Set Center for Distance Search</a>. </p> <h4> Center Flight Plan </h4> <p> Shows the whole flight plan on the map. </p> <h4> Center Aircraft </h4> <p> Zooms to the user aircraft if connected to a flight simulator using <a href= "https://albar965.github.io/littlenavconnect.html" target="_blank">Little Navconnect</a> and keeps the aircraft centered. The centering the aircraft can be changed in the <code>Options</code> dialog on the <code>Simulator Aircraft</code> tab. </p> <h4> Delete Aircraft Trail </h4> <p> Removes the user aircraft trail. It is also deleted when connecting to a flight simulator. The trail is saved and will be reloaded on program startup. </p> <h4> Map Position Back Forward </h4> <p> Jumps forward or backward in the map position history. The complete history is saved and restored when starting <em>Little Navmap</em>. </p> <h4> More/Default/Less Details </h4> <p> Increases or decreases details on the map. More details mean more airports, more navaids, more text information and bigger icons. </p> <p> Note that map information will be truncated to 3000 objects if too much detail is requested. </p> <h4> Projection </h4> <h5> Mercator </h5> <p> A flat projection that gives the most fluid movement and the sharpest map when using picture tile based online maps themes like <em>OpenStreetMap</em> or <em>OpenTopoMap</em>. </p> <h5> Spherical </h5> <p> Shows earth as a globe which is the most natural projection. Movement can stutter slightly when using the picture tile based online maps themes like <em>OpenStreetMap</em> or <em>OpenTopoMap</em>. Use the <code>Simple</code>, <code>Plain</code> or <code>Atlas</code> map themes to prevent this. </p> <p> Online maps can appear slightly blurred when using this projection. This is a result from converting the image tiles to the spherical display. </p> <p> <img alt="Little Navmap Spherical projection and Simple Map Theme" title= "Little Navmap Spherical projection and Simple Map Theme" src="images/sphericalpolitical.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">Spherical map projection with <code>Simple</code> map theme selected.</span> </p> <h4 id="maptheme"> Theme </h4> <h5> OpenStreetMap </h5> <p> This is an online raster (i.e. based on images) map that includes a hill shading option. Note that hill shading does not cover the whole globe. </p> <p> <img alt="OpenStreetMap and Hill shading" title="OpenStreetMap and Hill shading" src= "images/osmhillshading.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">View at a Italian airport using <em>OpenStreetMap</em> theme and hill shading.</span> </p> <h5> OpenMapSurfer </h5> <p> The <a href="http://korona.geog.uni-heidelberg.de" target="_blank">OSM Roads</a> layer provided by <a href= "http://giscience.uni-hd.de" target="_blank">Heidelberg University</a>. This theme includes optional hill shading which is available worldwide. </p> <p> Map data of this map is © <a href="http://osm.org" target="_blank">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, rendering <a href="http://giscience.uni-hd.de" target="_blank">GIScience Research Group @ Heidelberg University</a>, map styling Maxim Rylov. </p> <p> <a href="http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org" target="_blank">SRTM</a>; ASTER GDEM is a product of <a href= "http://www.meti.go.jp/english/index.html" target="_blank">METI</a> and <a href= "https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/dataset_discovery/aster/aster_policies" target="_blank">NASA</a>. </p> <p> <img alt="OSM Roads and Hill shading" title="OSM Roads and Hill shading" src="images/osmroad.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">View at a Italian airport using the <em>OpenMapSurfer</em> theme and hill shading.</span> </p> <h5> OpenTopoMap </h5> <p> An online raster map that mimics a topographic map. Includes hill shading and elevation contour lines at lower zoom distances. </p> <p> The tiles for this map are provided by <a href="http://www.opentopomap.org" target="_blank">OpenTopoMap</a>. </p> <p> <img alt="OpenTopoMap" title="OpenTopoMap" src="images/otm.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">View at the eastern Alps using <em>OpenTopoMap</em> theme. A route is drawn north of the Alps.</span> </p> <h5> Stamen Terrain </h5> <p> A terrain map featuring hill shading and natural vegetation colors. The hill shading is available worldwide. </p> <p> The tiles for this map are provided by <a href="http://maps.stamen.com" target="_blank">stamen</a>. </p> <p> <img alt="Stamen Terrain" title="Stamen Terrain" src="images/stamenterrain.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">View showing <em>Stamen Terrain</em> theme.</span> </p> <h5> Simple (Offline) </h5> <p> This is an political map using colored country polygons. Boundaries and water bodies are depicted coarse. The map is included in <em>Little Navmap</em>. Has an option to display city and country names. </p> <h5> Plain (Offline) </h5> <p> A very simple map. The map is and included in <em>Little Navmap</em>. Has an option to display city and country names. Boundaries and water bodies are depicted coarse. </p> <h5> Atlas (Offline) </h5> <p> A very simple map including coarse hill shading and land colors. The map is and included in <em>Little Navmap</em>. Has an option to display city and country names. Boundaries and water bodies are depicted coarse. </p> <h4> Force Show Addon Airports </h4> <p> Add-on airports are always shown independent of the other airport map settings if this option is selected. This allows to view only add-on airports by checking this option and disabling display of hard, soft and empty airports. </p> <h4> Show Airports with hard Runways </h4> <p> Show airports that have at least one runway with a hard surface. </p> <h4> Show Airports with soft Runways </h4> <p> Show airports that have only soft surfaced runways or only water runways. This type of airport might be hidden on the map depending on zoom distance. </p> <h4> Show empty Airports </h4> <p> Shows empty airports. This button or menu item might not be visible depending on settings in the <code>Options</code> dialog on the <code>Map Display</code> tab. The status of this button is combined with the other airport buttons. This means, for example: You have to enable soft surfaced airport display and empty airports to see empty airports having only soft runways. </p> <p> An empty airport is defined as one which has neither parking nor taxiways nor aprons and is no add-on. These airports are treated differently in <em>Little Navmap</em> since they are the most boring of all default airports. Empty airports are drawn gray and behind all other airports on the map. </p> <p> Airports having only water runways are excluded from this definition to avoid unintentional hiding. </p> <h4> Show VOR Stations, Show NDB Stations, Show Waypoints, Show ILS Feathers, Show Victor/Jet Airways, Show Flight Plan </h4> <p> Shows or hides these facilities or navaids on the map. Navaids might be hidden on the map depending on zoom distance. The flight plan is shown independent of the zoom distance. </p> <h4> Show Aircraft </h4> <p> Shows the user aircraft if connected to the simulator. The user aircraft is always shown independent of the zoom distance. </p> <h4> Show Aircraft Trail </h4> <p> Shows the user aircraft trail. The trail is always shown independent of the zoom distance. It is saved and will be reloaded on program startup. </p> <p> The trail is deleted when connecting to a flight simulator or it can be deleted manually by selecting <code>Main Menu</code> -> <code>Map</code> -> <code>Delete Aircraft Trail</code>. </p> <p> The size of the trail is limited for performance reasons. The limitation will simply remove points from the beginning when it gets too long. </p> <h4> Show Map Grid </h4> <p> Shows a latitude/longitude grid as well as the meridian and anti meridian (date line) on the map. </p> <h4> Show Country and City Names, Show Hillshading </h4> <p> Availability of these options depends on the selected map theme. See <a href="#maptheme">Theme</a>. </p> <h3 id="scenerylibrary"> Scenery Library Menu </h3> <h4> Flight Simulators </h4> <p> One menu item is created for each Flight Simulator installation or database found. These menu items allow switching of databases on the fly. The menu item is hidden if only one Flight Simulator was found. </p> <h4> Show Database Files </h4> <p> This opens <em>Little Navmap</em>'s database directory in a file manager. See <a href="#h2nosim">Running without Flight Simulator Installation</a> for more information on copying database files between different computers. </p> <h4> Load Scenery Library </h4> <p> Opens the <code>Load Scenery Library</code> dialog. See <a href="#h2scenerylibdialog">Load Scenery Library Dialog</a> for more information. This menu item is disabled if no flight simulator installations are found. </p> <h3> Tools Menu </h3> <h4> Flight Simulator Connection </h4> <p> Opens the <code>Connect</code> dialog that allows to connect to a Flight Simulator using the <a href= "https://albar965.github.io/littlenavconnect.html" target="_blank">Little Navconnect</a> agent. See <a href= "#h2connect">Connecting to a Flight Simulator</a> for more information. </p> <h4> Reset all Messages </h4> <p> This will re-enable all dialogs that were disabled by selecting <code>Do not show this dialog again</code> or similar messages. </p> <h4> Options </h4> <p> Opens the <a href="#h2options">Options dialog</a>. </p> <h3> Window Menu </h3> <h4> Search, Flight Plan, Information, Flight Plan Elevation Profile, Simulator Aircraft </h4> <p> Opens or closes these dock windows. </p> <h4> Main Toolbar, Map Toolbar, Map Options Toolbar, Flight Plan Toolbar, Dock Window Toolbar, Statusbar </h4> <p> Shows or hides these toolbars and the statusbar. </p> <h3> Help Menu </h3> <h4> Contents </h4> <p> Shows this help in a web browser. </p> <h4> NavMap Legend, Map Legend </h4> <p> Shows the map legend in the <code>Information</code> dock window. You can also access the navmap legend here: <a href="legend.html">Little Navmap Legend</a> </p> <h4> About Little Navmap </h4> <p> Shows version and revision number for <em>Little Navmap</em>, also contains links to the database directory, configuration file, log file and the author's e-mail address. </p> <h4> Marble Widget, Qt </h4> <p> Information about the application framework that is used by <em>Little Navmap</em>. </p> <!-- ===================================================================== --> <h2 id="h2statusbar"> Statusbar </h2> <p> The statusbar shows various indications (from left to right): </p> <ul> <li>Last action or short help to explain a menu item or toolbar button. </li> <li>Indicator that shows airport types and navaids currently visible on the map. The tooltip gives more details. </li> <li>Map detail level. </li> <li>Zoom distance (viewpoint to earth surface) in nautical miles. </li> <li>Cursor position on map in degrees/minutes/seconds latitude and longitude. </li> </ul> <p> <img alt="Statusbar" title="Statusbar" src="images/statusbar.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">Status bar with message about the last action on the left side and a tooltip that indicates what is currently shown on the map. The map shows only airports with runways longer than 4000 feet. No navaids are shown. The map detail level was increased once and the map coordinates not shown since cursor is not inside the map window.</span> </p> <h2 id="h2mapdisplay"> Map Display </h2> <h3> Moving </h3> <p> Use click and drag to move the map and the mouse wheel to zoom in or out. You can also use the overlay buttons on the right side of the map. </p> <p> Alternatively use the cursor keys to scroll the map and <code>+</code> and <code>-</code> to zoom in and out. <code>Alt+Left</code> and <code>Alt+Right</code> goes forward or backward in the map position history. Do not forget to activate the map window by clicking into it before using any keys for movements. </p> <h3> Mouse Clicks </h3> <p> A single click on an airport, navaid or an airway line shows details in the <code>Information</code> dock window. </p> <p> A double click zooms in showing either the airport diagram or the navaid closely and also shows details in the <code>Information</code> dock window. </p> <p> The double and single click functionality does not work for route waypoints or airports if the flight plan edit mode is enabled. The edit mode can be disabled using the toolbar or <code>Main Menu</code> -> <code>Flight Plan</code> -> <code>Edit Flight Plan on Map</code>. </p> <p> The mouse click sensitivity can be adjusted in the <code>Options</code> dialog on the <code>Map Display</code> tab. </p> <h3> Tooltips </h3> <p> Hovering the mouse over the map will show tooltips for all map objects like airports, VOR, NDB, airways, parking, fuel box and towers. The tooltip is truncated and shows a message <code>More...</code> if it gets too long. In that case reduce details or zoom in. </p> <p> The sensitivity for tooltip display can be adjusted in the <code>Options</code> dialog on the <code>Map Display</code> tab. </p> <p> <img alt="Tooltip" title="Tooltip" src="images/tooltip.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">Tooltip with information for a French airport.</span> </p> <h3 id="h3highlights"> Highlights </h3> <p> Airports or navaids that are selected in the flight plan table or in the search result table are highlighted on the map with a green/black or a yellow/black ring respectively. </p> <p> These highlight rings provide all functionality of visible map objects, even if the objects are not visible at the current zoom level (ring is empty). That covers double click for zoom in, single click for information dock window and all context menu entries. </p> <h3> Airport Diagram </h3> <p> The display will change from a single icon to an airport diagram if you zoom in deep enough to an airport. The diagram shows all taxiways, parking positions, gates, runway and much more. </p> <p> The airport diagram provides more information through tooltips for parking and tower positions. </p> <p> See the <a href="legend.html#airportdiagram">Nav Map Legend</a> for details about the airport diagram. </p> <p> <img alt="Airport Diagram" title="Airport Diagram" src="images/airportdiagram1.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">High level view of the airport diagram of EDDH.</span> </p> <p> <img alt="Airport Diagram" title="Airport Diagram" src="images/airportdiagram2.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">Detailed view of the airport diagram. Shows blue gates on the right and a few green general aviation ramp parking on the left. Long displaced threshold of runway 33 is visible.</span> </p> <h3 id="fpedit"> Flight Plan Editing </h3> <p> The flight plan editing mode is switched on per default but can be disabled using the toolbar or <code>Main Menu</code> -> <code>Flight Plan</code> -> <code>Edit Flight Plan on Map</code>. </p> <p> You can use the keyboard, the mouse wheel or the map overlays to scroll and zoom while editing the route. </p> <p> The following functionality is available: </p> <ul> <li> <span class="bold">Click on a flight plan leg:</span> Starts editing and adds a new intermediate waypoint depending on where the next click is done: </li> <li style="list-style: none; display: inline"> <ul> <li> <span class="bold">On a single airport and navaid:</span> Object is inserted into the flight plan segment. </li> <li> <span class="bold">On multiple airports or navaids:</span> A menu pops up that allows to select the object to be inserted. </li> <li> <span class="bold">No airport and no navaid:</span> A user defined position is inserted to the flight plan. </li> </ul> </li> <li> <span class="bold">Click on waypoint:</span> Starts editing and replaces the clicked waypoint with an object depending on where the next click is done: </li> <li style="list-style: none; display: inline"> <ul> <li> <span class="bold">On a single airport and navaid:</span> Object replaces the clicked waypoint. </li> <li> <span class="bold">On multiple airports or navaids:</span> A menu pops up that allows to select the object that replaces the clicked waypoint. </li> <li> <span class="bold">No airport and no navaid:</span> A user defined position replaces the waypoint. </li> </ul> </li> <li> <span class="bold">Click on departure or destination:</span> Replaces the departure or destination with an object depending on where the next click is done: </li> <li style="list-style: none; display: inline"> <ul> <li> <span class="bold">On a single airport:</span> Airport replaces the departure or destination. A default runway is assigned as start position if the departure is replaced with a new airport. </li> <li> <span class="bold">On a navaid:</span> Object replaces departure or destination which results in an invalid flight plan. The flight plan can be saved and loaded (a warning will be shown) but is unusable by Flight Simulator. </li> <li> <span class="bold">On multiple airports or navaids:</span> A menu pops up that allows to select the object that replaces departure or destination. </li> <li> <span class="bold">No airport and no navaid:</span> A user defined position replaces the waypoint resulting in an invalid flight plan. </li> </ul> </li> <li> <span class="bold">Right click, pressing the escape key or any click outside of the map window:</span> Cancel current operation. </li> </ul> <p> <img alt="Flight Plan Edit" title="Flight Plan Edit" src="images/fpedit.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">Inserting a navaid into a flight plan leg by clicking and moving the leg line. A tool tip for the navaid is shown.</span> </p> <p> <img alt="Flight Plan Edit" title="Flight Plan Edit" src="images/fpedit2.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">Replacing VOR TRA in the flight plan with another one by simply clicking and moving the waypoint TRA onto KLO. Selection menu pops up for disambiguation.</span> </p> <h3 id="mapcontextmenu"> Map Context Menu </h3> <p> The map context menu can be activated using right click or the menu key. </p> <h4> Show Information </h4> <p> Shows detailed information in the <code>Information</code> dock window for the nearest airport, airways or all navaids near the cursor. </p> <p> See the <a href="#h2info">Information Dock Window</a> for details. </p> <h4> Measure GC Distance from here </h4> <p> Starts a measurment line on the first click. Second click ends measuring and keeps the line. All measurement lines are saved and will be restored on next start up. </p> <p> You can use the keyboard, mouse wheel or the map overlays to scroll and zoom while dragging a line. </p> <p> Right click, pressing the escape key or any click outside of the map window cancels the measurment line editing. </p> <p> Measurement lines use nautical miles as unit. Feet will be added as unit if they are short enough so one can measure e.g. takeoff distance for crossing takeoffs and more around an airport. </p> <p> A great circle gives the shortest distance from point to point on earth but does not use a constant course. For that reason the measurement line will show two course values. One for the start and one for the end position. </p> <p> Course is indicated in degrees true. Additional information like ident or frequency will be added to the line if the measurement starts at a navaid or an airport. </p> <p> See the <a href="legend.html#mapmarks">Nav Map Legend</a> for details on measurement lines. </p> <h4> Measure Rhumb Distance from here </h4> <p> A rhumb line is a line of constant course and used between the waypoints of an airway or when approaching a VOR or NDB station. Distance between points is longer that the great circle route. </p> <p> The course for a rhumb line is normally indicated in degrees true. Course will be indicated in degrees magnetic if the measurement starts at a navaid or an airport that have magnetic variation. Additional information like ident and frequency will be added to the line in this case. </p> <h4> Remove Distance measurement </h4> <p> This menu item is active if you right click at the end of a distance measurement line. Removes only the selected line. </p> <h4> Show Range Rings </h4> <p> Shows multiple red range rings around the clicked position. Number and distance of the range rings can be changed in the <code>Options</code> dialog on the <code>Map Display</code> tab. A label indicates the radius of each ring in nautical miles. </p> <h4> Show Navaid range </h4> <p> Shows a ring around the clicked radio navaid (VOR or NDB) indicating the navaid's range. A label shows ident and frequency and the ring color indicates the navaid type. </p> <h4> Remove Range Ring </h4> <p> Menu item is active if you right click is at the center point of a range ring. Removes the rings from the map. </p> <h4> Remove all Range Rings and Distance measurements </h4> <p> Removes all rings and distance measurement lines from the map. </p> <h4 id="fpdeparture"> Set as Flight Plan Departure </h4> <p> This is active if the click is at an airport, an airport parking position or a fuel box. It will either replace the current flight plan departure or add a new departure if the flight plan is empty. </p> <p> If the clicked object is an airport the default runway will be used as starting position. The airport and parking position will replace both the current departure and start position if a parking position is clicked within an airport diagram. </p> <h4> Set as Flight Plan Destination </h4> <p> This is active if the click is at an airport. It will either replace the flight plan destination or add the airport if the flight plan is empty. </p> <h4> Add Position to Flight Plan </h4> <p> Inserts the clicked object into the nearest flight plan leg. The object will be added before departure or after destination if the clicked position is nearby the flight plan ends. </p> <p> The name of the navaid is shown in the menu item. </p> <p> A user defined position is added to the flight plan if no airport or navaid is near the clicked position. </p> <h4> Delete from Flight Plan </h4> <p> Deletes the clicked airport, navaid or user position from the flight plan. </p> <h4> Show in Search </h4> <p> Shows the nearest airport or navaid in the search dialog. The current search parameters are reset. </p> <h4 id="mapsetdistcenter"> Set Center for Distance Search </h4> <p> Sets the center point for the distance search function. See <a href="#h4distancesearch">Distance search</a>. </p> <h4 id="mapsethome"> Set Home </h4> <p> Sets the home position and zoom distance. </p> <!-- ===================================================================== --> <h2 id="h2search"> Search Dock Window </h2> <h3> General </h3> <p> Two search tabs are available for airport and navaid (VOR, NDB and waypoints) search. </p> <p> These tabs contain multiple rows of search filters that can be switched on and off with the drop down menu on the hamburger button on the top right. </p> <p> Filters are defined by various controls which are mostly self explaining. Only text filters and the tri state checkboxes like <code>Lighted</code>, <code>Approach</code> or <code>Closed</code> need a few extra remarks below. </p> <p> All filters can be used together where all conditions have to be met (<code>and</code> operator). Filters except the distance search filter are applied immediately. The distance search is applied after a short delay for each change. </p> <p> A tooltip on the blue question mark shows a quick help about searching. </p> <h4> Text filters </h4> <p> The standard is to search for entries that start with the entered text. </p> <p> The placeholder <code>*</code> stands for any text. Once a <code>*</code> is included in the term, the standard search (match start of text) is no longer used so you might have to add a <code>*</code> at the end of the search term too. </p> <p> The search is negated (find all entries that do not match) if the first character in a search box is a <code>-</code>. </p> <p> Note that all of the above does not apply to numeric fields like <code>Runways: Min</code> or <code>Altitude: Min</code>. </p> <h4> Tri state checkboxes </h4> <p> These are used to filter airports by presence of certain facilities or properties. </p> <ul> <li> <span class="bold">Gray:</span> Condition is ignored. </li> <li> <span class="bold">Checked:</span> Condition must match. </li> <li> <span class="bold">Unchecked:</span> Condition must not match. </li> </ul> <p> Colors and look of these checkboxes vary with theme and operation system. So instead of gray another color might be used (red fill on Linux or a <code>-</code> for Mac OS X). </p> <h4 id="h4distancesearch"> Distance search </h4> <p> This function allows you to combine all other search options with simple spatial search. </p> <p> The checkbox <code>Distance</code> has to be selected to enable this search. The result will include only airports or navaids that are within the given minimum and maximum range of nautical miles from the search center. This allows you to quickly search for a destination that is within the range of your aircraft and fulfills other criteria like having lighted runways and fuel. </p> <p> To restrict the search further you can select a direction (North, East, South and West). </p> <p> <a href="images/complexsearch.jpg"><img style="width: 70%; height:auto" alt="Complex Distance Search" title= "Complex Distance Search" src="images/complexsearch.jpg" /></a> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above (Click to see large version):</span> <span class="capt">A complex search: Find all airports within a distance between 200 and 400 nautical miles from Frankfurt (EDDF). Airports should have a rating greater than 0 and should have at least one lighted runway. Military and closed airports are excluded. The resulting airports are highlighted on the map by selecting them in the search result table.</span> </p> <h3 id="tableview"> Search Result Table View </h3> <p> All selected elements in the table view will be highlighted on the map using a black/yellow circle. See <a href= "#h3highlights">Highlights</a> for more information. Multi selection using <code>Shift</code>- or <code>Ctrl</code>-click is possible. </p> <p id="tableviewops"> The header of the table view allows the following manipulation: </p> <div class="tabbed24"> <ul> <li> <span class="bold">Click on the top left corner of the column header:</span>Select all. </li> <li> <span class="bold">Click on a column header:</span>Sort ascending or descending (only for search result tables). </li> <li> <span class="bold">Click and drag on the column header:</span>Change column order. </li> <li> <span class="bold">Double click on column border:</span>Automatically fit column size to content. </li> <li> <span class="bold">Click and drag on column border:</span>Change column width. </li> </ul> </div> <p> The above applies to all table views in the program. </p> <p> The program saves the sort order, column widths and positions until <code>Reset View</code> is executed. </p> <p> <img alt="Airport Search Result Table" title="Airport Search Result Table" src="images/airportsearchtable.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">Airport search result table. All additional search options are hidden by using the drop down menu of the hamburger button on the top right.</span> </p> <p> <img alt="Navaid Search Result Table" title="Navaid Search Result Table" src="images/navaidsearchtable.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">Navaid search. All search options are visible. Search is limited to ICAO region <code>LI</code> (Italy) and VOR and NDB stations.</span> </p> <h3> Mouse Clicks </h3> <p> A double click on an entry in the table view shows either an airport diagram or zooms to the navaid. Additionally, details are shown in the <code>Information</code> dock window. Single click selects and object and highlights it on the map using a black/yellow circle. </p> <h3> Search Result Table View Context Menu </h3> <h4> Show Information </h4> <p> Same as the <a href="#mapcontextmenu">Map Context Menu</a>. </p> <h4> Show on Map </h4> <p> Shows either the airport diagram or zooms to the navaid on the map. </p> <h4> Filter by Entries including/excluding </h4> <p> Takes the text of the field under the cursor and sets the search filter for an including or an excluding search. This only enabled to text columns. </p> <h4> Reset Search </h4> <p> Clears search filters and shows all entries again in the search result table view. </p> <h4> Show All </h4> <p> The table view does not show all entries initially for performance reasons. This menu item allows to load and show the whole search result. Only a part of the entries is shown again after a search filter is modified or the sort order is changed. The number of all, visible and selected entries is shown at the bottom of the tab. </p> <p> Be aware that showing all navaids and airports can take some time especially if they are highlighted on the map when selecting all in the search result. The program does not crash but needs a few seconds to highlight all on the map. </p> <h4> Show Range Rings, Show Navaid range, Remove all Range Rings and Distance measurements, Set as Flight Plan Departure, Set as Flight Plan Destination, Add Position to Flight Plan </h4> <p> Same as the <a href="#mapcontextmenu">Map Context Menu</a>. </p> <h4> Copy </h4> <p> Copies the selected entries in CSV format into the clipboard. This will consider changes to the table view like column order and sort order. The CSV will include a header line. </p> <h4> Select All </h4> <p> Selects all <span class="bold">visible</span> entries. To select all <span class="bold">available</span> entries the function <code>Show All</code> has to be used first. </p> <h4> Reset View </h4> <p> Resets the sort order, the column order and column widths back to default. </p> <h4> Set Center for Distance Search </h4> <p> Same as the <a href="#mapcontextmenu">Map Context Menu</a>. </p> <!-- ===================================================================== --> <h2 id="h2flightplan"> Flight Plan Dock Window </h2> <h3> Upper Part </h3> <p> The top shows a label that contains departure, departure position (parking, runway or helipad), destination, traveling time and flight plan type. </p> <p> Besides the label there are three input fields on top of this dock window: </p> <ul> <li> <span class="bold">Speed (kts):</span> The value of this field is used only for calculating traveling times in the table view: <code>Leg Time</code> and <code>ETA</code> (estimated time of arrival at a waypoint given 0:00 as start time). It is not saved with the flight plan and not used for simulator user aircraft calculations. </li> <li> <span class="bold">Cruise altitude (ft):</span> This value is saved with the flight plan and is also used to calculate an airway flight plan based on given altitude. See <a href="#calcfpalt">Calculate based on given Altitude</a>. </li> <li> <span class="bold">Flight Plan Type (IFR or VFR):</span> This is saved with the flight plan. </li> </ul> <h3> Flight Plan Table </h3> <p> The table view allows the same operations as the search table view except sorting. See <a href= "#tableviewops">here</a>. </p> <p> All selected elements in the flight plan table view will be highlighted on the map using a black/gree circle. See <a href="#h3highlights">Highlights</a> for more information. Multi selection using <code>Shift</code>- or <code>Ctrl</code>-click is possible. </p> <p> <span class="bold">Note on the table columns <code>Course °M</code> and <code>Direct °M</code>:</span> <br /> </p> <ul> <li> <code>Direct °M:</code> This is the rhumb line of constant course connecting two waypoints of a leg. Depending on route and distance it can differ significantly from the course of the great circle line. Use this course if you travel along airways or towards VOR or NDB stations. Opposed to the course shown by the Flight Simulator GPS unit this will give you the precise radial when approaching a VOR or NDB on a flight plan. </li> <li> <code>Course °M:</code> This is the start course of the great circle route connecting the two waypoints of the leg. Use this course if you travel long distances without navaids. </li> </ul> <p> <img alt="Flight Plan" title="Flight Plan" src="images/flightplan.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">The <code>Flight Plan</code> dock window.</span> </p> <h3> Mouse Clicks </h3> <p> A double click on an entry in the table view shows either an airport diagram or zooms to the navaid. Additionally, details are shown in the <code>Information</code> dock window. Single click selects and object and highlights it on the map using a black/green circle. </p> <h3> Flight Plan Table View Context Menu </h3> <h4> Move Selected Legs up/down </h4> <p> Moves all selected flight plan legs up or down in the list. This works also if multiple legs are selected. </p> <h4> Delete Selected Legs </h4> <p> Deletes all selected flight plan legs. Use <code>Undo</code> if you deleted legs accidentally. </p> <h4> Show Information </h4> <p> Same as the <a href="#mapcontextmenu">Map Context Menu</a>. </p> <h4> Show on Map </h4> <p> Shows either the airport diagram or zooms to the navaid on the map. </p> <h4> Show Range Rings </h4> <p> Same as the <a href="#mapcontextmenu">Map Context Menu</a>. </p> <h4> Show Navaid range </h4> <p> Will show the range rings for all selected radio navaids in the flight plan. You will get a range circle for each radio navaid on the flight plan if you simply select all legs of the flight plan and use this function. </p> <p> Otherwise, the same as the <a href="#mapcontextmenu">Map Context Menu</a>. </p> <h4> Remove all Range Rings and Distance measurements </h4> <p> Same as the <a href="#mapcontextmenu">Map Context Menu</a>. </p> <h4> Copy </h4> <p> Copies the selected entries in CSV format into the clipboard. The CSV will include a header. This will consider changes to the table view like column order. </p> <h4> Select All </h4> <p> Selects all flight plan legs. </p> <h4> Reset View </h4> <p> Resets the column order and column widths back to the default view. </p> <h4> Set Center for Distance Search </h4> <p> Same as the <a href="#mapcontextmenu">Map Context Menu</a>. </p> <!-- ===================================================================== --> <h2 id="h2info"> Information Dock Window </h2> <p> This dock window contains text information about airports in several tabs and information for one or more navaids or airways in another tab. Also, included are the legend for the navigation symbols and the general map legend which depends on the selected map theme. </p> <p> All information can be copied into the clipboard as formatted text. </p> <p> The airport or all related tabs are shown when only an airport or an airport and navaids are nearby the cursor. <code>Navaid</code> tab is shown when no airport and only navaids or airways are nearby the cursor. </p> <p> A link <code>Map</code> allows jumping to the shown airport or navaid on the map. </p> <p> <img alt="Airport Information" title="Airport Information" src="images/infoairport.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">Airport information overview. Additional tabs show information for runways, COM frequencies and approaches.</span> </p> <p> <img alt="Navaid Information" title="Navaid Information" src="images/infonavaid.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">Navaid information. Two navaids were close to the cursor when clicked.</span> </p> <!-- ===================================================================== --> <h2 id="h2simaircraft"> Simulator Aircraft Dock Window </h2> <p> This dock window shows information similar to a flight management computer about the user aircraft. <em>Little Navmap</em> has to be connected to the simulator to enable this functionality. The dock window contains one tab that shows general aircraft data like gross weight and another tab that displays flight data, flight plan progress, weather and ambient parameters. </p> <p> See <a href="#h2connect">Connecting to a Flight Simulator</a> for more information on this topic. </p> <p> <img alt="Aircraft Information" title="Aircraft Information" src="images/infoac.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">Aircraft information when connected to a Flight Simulator.</span> </p> <p> <img alt="Aircraft Progresss Information" title="Aircraft Progresss Information" src= "images/infoacprogress.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">Progress and ambient information of the current flight situation. Some fields or tables like <code>Next Waypoint</code> are only available when a flight plan is loaded.</span> </p> <!-- ===================================================================== --> <h2 id="h2profile"> Flight Plan Elevation Profile Dock Window </h2> <p> This dock window shows the ground elevation and flight plan cruise altitude together will all flight plan waypoints. It is only available when a flight plan is loaded. The user aircraft will be shown too if <em>Little Navmap</em> is connected to the simulator. </p> <p> Elevation processing is done in the background since data has to be downloaded and it is CPU intense. Therefore, the udpdate of the elevation display can take several seconds up to half a minute. This background update is started after creating or changing the flight plan or when new elevation data was downloaded. The display will be updated accordingly whenever new data is available. </p> <p> Close the <code>Flight Plan Elevation Profile</code> window if you think this causes performance problems. All updates will stop once the window is closed. </p> <p> Be aware that the elevation display covers only the flight plan and will not change the depiction if you get off flight plan with your simulator aircraft. Also, aircraft climb is not shown (no aircraft profiles yet). The flight plan is only shown at cruise level. </p> <p> Note that the elevation data does not cover all countries and currently ends at 60 degrees north. </p> <p> Additional information is shown in a label on top of the window if the mouse is hovered over the diagram. The corresponding position within the flight plan is highlighted on the map too. </p> <p> Following information is shown in the top label when hovering the mouse over the diagram: </p> <ul> <li>From and to waypoint </li> <li>Distance from departure and to destination </li> <li>Ground altitude </li> <li>Flight plan cruise altitude above ground </li> <li>Safe altitude for the current leg </li> </ul> <p> For more information see the <code>Navmap Legend</code> tab in the <code>Information</code> dock window or the <a href="legend.html#profile">Little Navmap Legend</a>. </p> <p> <img alt="Flight Plan Elevation Profile" title="Flight Plan Elevation Profile" src="images/profile.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">Flight plan elevation profile with line indicating the mouse hovering position.</span> </p> <!-- ===================================================================== --> <h2 id="h2options"> Options Dialog </h2> <p> Most options are self explaining and tooltips contain more detailed explanations if applicable. Therefore, a more detailed description is not needed here. </p> <p> The button <code>Restore Defaults</code> only restores the options of this dialog back to default. Other settings like map display, table views or dock window positions are not affected. To reset all saved settings completely see <a href="#h2troubleshoot">Troubleshoot.</a> </p> <p> <img alt="Options" title="Options" src="images/options.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">Startup tab of the options dialog.</span> </p> <!-- ===================================================================== --> <h2 id="h2scenerylibdialog"> Load Scenery Library Dialog </h2> <p> This dialog allows to load the scenery library data from all four supported flight simulators into the <em>Little Navmap</em> internal database. The dialog shows some information about the currently selected database (<code>Simulator:</code> drop down box) like number of loaded airports, database version and more. </p> <p> You can select the simulator in a drop down box which will show the base path and the <code>scenery.cfg</code> in two text edit fields. These fields are populated with automatically identified values first but you can change these to any other valid location. All values are saved for each flight simulator type. </p> <p> Loading a scenery library can take three to six minutes depending on your setup and amount of scenery add-ons. You can speed this up by excluding directories containing neither airport nor navigation data in the <code>Options</code> dialog on the <code>Scenery Library Database</code> tab. </p> <p> The previous scenery library database will be restored if you cancel the loading process or if the process fails. </p> <p> All airports that are not located in the default <code>scenery</code> directory are considered add-on airports and will be highlighted appropriately. Directories can be excluded from this behavior in the <code>Options</code> dialog on the <code>Scenery Library Database</code> tab. </p> <p> <img alt="Load Scenery Dialog" title="Load Scenery Dialog" src="images/loadscenery.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">Load Scenery Dialog. Nothing is loaded yet for FSX.</span> </p> <p> <img alt="Load Scenery Progress Dialog" title="Load Scenery Progress Dialog" src= "images/loadsceneryprogress.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">Progress dialog shown while loading the scenery library into <em>Little Navmap</em>'s internal database.</span> </p> <!-- ===================================================================== --> <h2 id="h2nosim"> Running without Flight Simulator Installation </h2> <p> You can follow these steps if you want to install <em>Little Navmap</em> on a computer not containing any flight simulator installation. No functionality is affected except scenery database loading which is simply not needed in this case. </p> <p> This is typically used when connecting to the flight simulator to watch the progress of a flight. Flight plans can be created, loaded and saved on the client computer. You only have to make sure that these are transfered to the flight simulator computer using Windows shares or by other means. </p> <ol> <li>Install <em>Little Navmap</em> on both your flying computer and the client computer without simulator. </li> <li>Start it on the flying computer and generate the scenery library databases. See <a href= "#h2scenerylibdialog">Load Scenery Library Dialog</a> for more information. </li> <li>Select <code>Main Menu</code> -> <code>Scenery Library</code> -> <code>Show Database Files</code> on the flying computer. This will open the directory containing the database files in a file manager. You will find one or more database file like <code>little_navmap_fsx.sqlite</code> or <code>little_navmap_p3dv3.sqlite</code>. </li> <li>Start <em>Little Navmap</em> on the client computer and select <code>Scenery Library</code> -> <code>Show Database Files</code>. </li> <li>Exit <em>Little Navmap</em> on the client computer. </li> <li>Copy the database files to your client computer using network shares, USB sticks or whatever you like. Move the files into the directory opened by <em>Little Navmap</em> before. </li> <li>Start <em>Little Navmap</em> on the client computer. The menu <code>Scenery Library</code> should contain an entry for each copied database file or no entry at all if only one file was copied. Airport icons should be visible on the map in either case. </li> </ol> <p> See next chapter about connecting to the flight simulator on the flying computer. </p> <!-- ===================================================================== --> <h2 id="h2connect"> Connecting to a Flight Simulator </h2> <p> User aircraft information is transfered to <em>Little Navmap</em> by using the <a href= "https://albar965.github.io/littlenavconnect.html" target="_blank">Little Navconnect</a> agent on the flying computer which saves the painful setup of a remote SimConnect connection. The procedure is the same if no remote connection is needed. In this case all programs run on the same computer which is both flying and client computer. </p> <ol> <li>Install <a href="https://albar965.github.io/littlenavconnect.html" target="_blank">Little Navconnect</a> on the computer that is running the flight simulator. Start it and take note of the message that is printed on the logging window. You only need the colored values. You can use the IP address or the hostname. <br /> <em>Little Navconnect</em> can print multiple IP addresses or hostnames depending on your network configuration. This can happen if you have ethernet plugged in and are connected using wireless LAN too, for example. You have to try if you are unsure which one to use. <br /> <code>localhost</code> and <code></code> or similar will be used if you are not connected to a network. In this case you have to run <em>Little Navconnect</em> and <em>Little Navmap</em> on the same computer. <p> <img alt="Little Navconnect" title="Little Navconnect" src="images/littlenavconnect.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt"><a href= "https://albar965.github.io/littlenavconnect.html" target="_blank">Little Navconnect</a> is running and waiting for a Flight Simulator.</span> </p> </li> <li>Start <em>Little Navmap</em> on the client computer. </li> <li>Open the connection dialog in <em>Little Navmap</em> by selecting <code>Main Menu</code> -> <code>Tools</code> -> <code>Flight Simulator Connection</code>. <p> <img alt="Little Navmap Connect Dialog" title="Little Navmap Connect Dialog" src="images/connect.jpg" /> </p> <p> <span class="capthdg">Picture above:</span> <span class="capt">Connect dialog with correct values to access the <a href="https://albar965.github.io/littlenavconnect.html" target="_blank">Little Navconnect</a> shown above.</span> </p> </li> <li>Add the value for hostname. This can be either the hostname or the IP address printed by <em>Little Navconnect</em>. You can use <code>localhost</code> if all programs are running on the same computer. </li> <li>Check the value for the port. <code>51968</code> is the default value and does not need to be changed usually. </li> <li>Click connect. Once a flight is set up and loaded on the simulator your aircraft will show up on the map and the <code>Simulator Aircraft</code> dock window. <br /> You will see the message <code>Connected. Waiting for update.</code> in the <code>Simulator Aircraft</code> dock window if no flight is loaded yet (i.e. the simulator still shows the opening screen). <br /> Note that it sometimes can take a while until an error is shown if you used the wrong values. </li> </ol> <!-- ===================================================================== --> <h2 id="h2customtheme"> Creating or adding Map Themes </h2> <p> To add an arbitrary online of offline map to <em>Little Navmap</em> simply add the map directory from a downloaded or self created map theme to the <code>data\maps\earth</code> directory. </p> <p> The full path to the DGML file (see links below for more details about DGML) describing the map must be <code>c:\Own Programs\Little Navmap\data\maps\earth\opencyclemap\opencyclemap.dgml</code> if you like to add the <a href="http://www.opencyclemap.org" target="_blank">OpenCycleMap</a> for example. The DGML file can refer to an online map service or to included map data. Usually a map theme contains more files than only the DGML. </p> <p> The menu <code>Main Menu</code> -> <code>Map</code> -> <code>Theme</code> and the toolbar drop down box will receive an entry for each additional map theme. </p> <p> The options <code>Show Country and City Names</code> and <code>Show Hillshading</code> are enabled for all additional map themes but might not work depending on properties defined in the DGML file of the map. </p> <p> <span class="bold">More maps and information about map configuration and DGML files can be found here on the Marble pages:</span> </p> <ul> <li>Download more maps for the Marble widget (only Earth maps are supported): <br /> <a href="https://marble.kde.org/maps.php" target="_blank">Additional Maps</a> </li> <li>A tutorial that shows how to create a map theme based on tiled images: <br /> <a href="https://techbase.kde.org/Marble/CustomMaps" target="_blank">Marble/CustomMaps</a> </li> <li>A tutorial showing how to create a map theme based on <a href= "http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_map_tilenames" target="_blank">OSM Slippy Maps</a>: <br /> <a href="https://techbase.kde.org/Marble/OSMSlippyMaps" target="_blank">How to create map themes based on OSM slippy maps</a> </li> <li>How to create a historical map for Marble: <br /> <a href="https://techbase.kde.org/Marble/HistoricalMaps" target="_blank">Historical Maps for Marble</a> </li> </ul> <!-- ===================================================================== --> <h2 id="h2troubleshoot"> Troubleshoot </h2> <ul> <li>Delete the settings and the database files if the program crashes during start up. In Windows 7 these can be found in <code>c:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Appdata\Roaming\ABarthel</code>. Delete the files <code>little_navmap.ini</code>, <code>little_navmap.track</code>, <code>little_navmap.history</code> and the directory <code>little_navmap_db</code>. </li> <li>Hiding the map screen overlays cannot be undone in the GUI. Restart <em>Little Navmap</em> to get the overlays back. </li> <li>You can exclude scenery directories in the <code>Options</code> dialog on the <code>Scenery Library Database</code> tab if loading of an add-on BGL fails. The path and name of the offending BGL file is shown on top of the error dialog. Copy the directory part of the BGL and exclude the directory from loading in the <code> Options</code> dialog. </li> </ul> <h2 id="h2knownproblems"> Known Problems </h2> <ul> <li>Some airport add-ons do not modify the stock airports but add new scenery and buildings. These add-ons will not be recognized as such and are therefore not highlighted on the map (italic and underlined text). </li> <li>Some KML/KMZ files do not show up on the map. Adding a centerpoint pushpin to the maps can fix this. </li> <li>World coverage for elevation and <em>OpenStreetMap</em> hill shading data is limited and currently ends at 60 degree north. Use the <em>OpenTopoMap</em>, <em>OpenMapSurfer</em> or <em>Stamen Terrain</em> map themes which have world wide coverage for hill shading. </li> <li>There are errors in the elevation source data (like in northern Italy, Po Valley). </li> <li>Scrolling can be jerky when using <em>OpenStreetMap</em> or one of the other online map themes together with the spherical map projection. Either use the <code>Plain</code> or <code>Simple</code> map themes or use the <code>Mercator</code> projection. The same applies to a blurred map appearance. </li> <li> <em>OpenStreetMap</em> or <em>OpenTopoMap</em> maps can end up blurred when using functionality like <code>Center Flight Plan</code> or <code>Go to Home</code>. Zoom once in and out using the mouse wheel, overlay zoom buttons or keyboard to fix this. </li> <li> <em>OpenTopoMap</em> has garbled names in some asian countries. </li> <li>Zoom can be too fast when using a touchpad with <em>OpenStreetMap</em>, <em>OpenTopoMap</em> or one of the other online map themes. Use the <code>Plain</code>, <code>Simple</code> or <code>Atlas</code> map themes or use the overlay zoom buttons, the keyboard (<code>+</code> and <code>-</code>) or the map controls. </li> <li>The Marble floating map overlays on the map can be configured but do not save all settings. </li> <li>Flight plan and airways are drawn using great circle lines instead of rhumb lines. Distance and course are not affected by this. </li> <li>Support for Flight Simulator - Steam Edition, Prepar3D and Active Sky 16 is untested. </li> <li>Scenery.cfg files is not found automatically in Windows XP. Set the path manually as a workaround. </li> <li>Magnetic variance is partially not set (for example VORDME Cambridge Bay YCB). This is an error in the source data and can be fixed with a workaround in the future. </li> <li>Airports are misplaced compared to the background maps. This is an error in the source data and cannot be fixed. </li> <li>Flight plan calculation along airways can result in unusable plans when using the <a href= "http://www.aero.sors.fr/navaids3.html" target="_blank">FSX/P3D Navaids update</a>s. Everything else should work as expected. </li> <li>Mac OS X: Dock windows cannot be resized when undocked from main window. </li> <li>Mac OS X: Start position on the map is not restored properly. Use home as start position instead. </li> <li>Mac OS X: KML files are not centered after loading. </li> </ul> <!-- ===================================================================== --> <h2 id="h2bugreport"> How to report a Bug </h2> <p> If something goes wrong send me any involved files (KML, BGL, PLN, etc., if copyright permits), <em>Little Navmap</em>'s log file and configuration file which can be located in the about dialog. My e-mail address is shown in the about dialog of <em>Little Navmap</em> as well. </p> <p> Please add all steps that are neccessary to reproduce the error. </p> <p> When an error occurs during loading of the scenery library send me the offending BGL file if possible. The full name and path of the file is shown on top of the error dialog if a specific BGL is the cause. </p> <h2 id="h2license"> License </h2> <p> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. </p> <p> This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. </p> <p> You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <<a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/" target="_blank">http://www.gnu.org/licenses/</a>>. </p> <p> <img alt="GPL V3" title="GPL V3" class="gplimg" src="images/gpl-v3-logo.svg" /> </p> <p> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Last update 2016-09-28 </p> </body> </html>