module ft600 #( RX_FIFO_DEPTH = 512 : RX_FIFO_DEPTH == $pow(2,$clog2(RX_FIFO_DEPTH)), TX_FIFO_DEPTH = 512 : TX_FIFO_DEPTH == $pow(2,$clog2(TX_FIFO_DEPTH)) )( input clk, // 100Mhz system clock input rst, // reset synced to system clock input ft_clk, // 100Mhz clock from FT600 input ft_rxf, // RX buffer empty (1 = empty, 0 = not empty) input ft_txe, // TX buffer full (1 = full, 0 = has space) inout ft_data[16], // bidirectional data bus inout ft_be[2], // bidirectional byte enable (1 = valid) output ft_rd, // read flag (1 = inactive, 0 = read) output ft_wr, // write flag (1 = inactive, 0 = write) output ft_oe, // output enable (1 = FPGA output, 0 = FT600 output) output ui_dout[16], // user interface data out (data read from FT600) output ui_dout_valid[2], // user interface dout valid, one bit per byte input ui_din[16], // user interface data in (data to send to FT600) input ui_din_valid[2], // valid flags for data in (one bit per byte) set to 2b11 to send 16bits output ui_full // flag that FIFO for write data is full, ui_din and ui_din_valid are ignored when this is 1 ) { /* This module deals with two clock domains. One is the system clock and one is the FT600 bus clock. Both run at 100Mhz. The two FIFOs are used to cross domains effiently. The write FIFO (FPGA->FT600) should be rather large to handle any big bursts or slack in software reads. The read fifo can be as small as possible since there are no mechanisms for backpressure. In other words, data is read out of it as soon as it is presented. */ reset_conditioner ft_rst(.clk(ft_clk), .in(rst)); async_fifo read_fifo(#SIZE(16+2), #DEPTH(RX_FIFO_DEPTH), .wclk(ft_clk), .wrst(ft_rst.out), .rclk(clk), .rrst(rst)); async_fifo write_fifo(#SIZE(16+2), #DEPTH(TX_FIFO_DEPTH), .rclk(ft_clk), .rrst(ft_rst.out), .wclk(clk), .wrst(rst)); /* This module defaults to the write state as write will typically have a higher priority due to limited on FPGA buffering. The module will ping-pong back and forth between writes and reads as required emptying each buffer before switching to the other mode. The START_READ cycle is just to set ft_oe low before setting ft_rd low. */ .clk(ft_clk) { // synced to the ft clock NOT system clock, DO NOT USE SYSTEM rst fsm state = {WRITE, START_READ, READ}; } sig output_enabled; // output enable signal used to drive multiple lines always { // default values output_enabled = 1; // enable output ft_rd = 1; // don't read ft_wr = 1; // don't write write_fifo.rget = 0; // don't read fifo write_fifo.wput = |ui_din_valid; // write when the user provides data (either valid bit is 1) write_fifo.din = c{ui_din_valid, ui_din}; // concatenate valid bits to data so we can set the ft_be flag later ui_full = write_fifo.full; // set ui_full flag as FIFO full flag read_fifo.rget = !read_fifo.empty; // read the fifo if there is data (aka not empty) read_fifo.wput = 0; // default to not writing read_fifo.din = c{,}; // data to write is always ft_be and ft_data ui_dout = read_fifo.dout[15:0]; // data out is first 16 bits of fifo data ui_dout_valid = 2x{!read_fifo.empty} & read_fifo.dout[17:16]; // byte valid bits are 2 MSBs of fifo but ONLY when fifo isn't empty ft_data.write = write_fifo.dout[15:0]; // drive the ft data with fifo output (first 16 bits) ft_be.write = write_fifo.dout[17:16]; // drive the ft be with fifo output (last 2 bits) case (state.q) { state.WRITE: ft_wr = write_fifo.empty; // signal a write command if we have data write_fifo.rget = ~ft_txe; // read from the fifo if the FT600 read the data // switch to reading if we aren't writing and there is data to read if ((write_fifo.empty || ft_txe) && (ft_rxf == 0 && read_fifo.full == 0)) { state.d = state.START_READ; // switch states output_enabled = 0; // stop driving the bus // docs show output_enabled goes low before ft_rd // so we set oe low here and set both low next cycle } state.START_READ: ft_rd = 0; // signal a read command should start output_enabled = 0; // don't drive the bus (defaults to 1 so need 0 here) state.d = state.READ; // switch states state.READ: ft_rd = 0; // signal a read command output_enabled = 0; // don't drive the bus if (ft_rxf || read_fifo.full) { // if there isn't data to read or we don't have space for it ft_rd = 1; // stop the read output_enabled = 1; state.d = state.WRITE; // switch back to the write state } else { read_fifo.wput = 1; // tell the fifo to grab the data } } // set bus direction ft_oe = output_enabled; // tell the ft the bus direction ft_data.enable = 16x{output_enabled}; // enable the data drivers ft_be.enable = 2x{output_enabled}; // enable the be drives }