#Ant Buildfile# A [Sublime Text][1] build system for running [ANT][2] for the active **XML** file, even if it is not named `build.xml`. ##Installation## If you are using [Sublime Package Control][3] start the `Command Palette` and type `Package Control: Install Package`. Then search for `Ant Buildfile` and hit `return`. If your not using [Sublime Package Control][3] open a terminal/command window, navigate to your Sublime Packages folder and run this command: `git clone https://github.com/alefragnani/Sublime-Ant-Buildfile`. Or, you can download the package as zip file and extract it into your Sublime packages folder. The Sublime Packages folder can be located using the `Preferences / Browse Packages` menu item. ##Usage## Just select `Ant Buildfile` as the build system in `Tools / Build System` and hit `Tools / Build` and your **XML** file will be built. [1]: http://www.sublimetext.com/2 [2]: http://ant.apache.org [3]: http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control