# LiveReload for Sublime Text 3 A web browser page reloading plugin for the [Sublime Text 3](http://sublimetext.com "Sublime Text 3") editor. ## Installing With [Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control): 1. Run “Package Control: Install Package” command, find and install `LiveReload` plugin. 2. Restart ST editor (if required) ### Manual install, Linux users ``` cd ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages rm -rf LiveReload git clone https://github.com/alepez/LiveReload-sublimetext3 LiveReload ``` ### Manual install, OSX users ``` cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/ rm -rf LiveReload git clone https://github.com/alepez/LiveReload-sublimetext3 LiveReload ``` # Using Enable desired plug-ins via Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) add livereload.js to you html document. ``` ``` You can also use one of the extensions listed here http://livereload.com/extensions/ ## Available plug-ins: - Compass Preprocessor, compiles .scss, .sass and refreshes page when file is compiled - Less Preprocessor, compiles .less and refreshes page when file is compiled - Sass Preprocessor, compiles .scss, .sass with the latest installed sass version and refreshes page when file is compiled - CoffeeScript Preprocessor, compiles .coffee and refreshes page when file is compiled - Simple Reload, refresh page when file is saved - Simple Reload with delay(400ms), wait 400ms then refresh page, when file is saved ## Examples - Simple Reload from http GET request, reloads page on visit to http://localhost:35729/callback/simplereloadplugincallback/on_post_compile - Send content on change, sends file content to browser console ## Sass Preprocessor usage First, install latest version of sass ```bash sudo gem install sass ``` Activate the plugin in SublimeText3 via the `package settings -> livereload -> plugins -> enable/disable plugins` menu By default, the plugin save the compiled css in same dir of sources. You can change this by creating a `sass_config.json` file near your sources: ```json { "destination_dir": "../../webroot/css" } ``` # Plug-in api https://livereload-for-sublime-text.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ # Thanks The original plugin was written by [Janez Troha](https://github.com/dz0ny)