#!/bin/bash # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. set -e declare -A defaults declare -A config_file declare -A args declare -A config declare -A users declare -A path declare -A service declare -A md5 declare -A regex declare -A image config_path="/opt/reality-ezpz" compose_project='reality-ezpz' tgbot_project='tgbot' BACKTITLE=RealityEZPZ MENU="Select an option:" HEIGHT=30 WIDTH=60 CHOICE_HEIGHT=20 image[xray]="teddysun/xray:1.8.4" image[sing-box]="gzxhwq/sing-box:1.8.14" image[nginx]="nginx:1.24.0" image[certbot]="certbot/certbot:v2.6.0" image[haproxy]="haproxy:2.8.0" image[python]="python:3.11-alpine" image[wgcf]="virb3/wgcf:2.2.18" defaults[transport]=tcp defaults[domain]=www.google.com defaults[port]=443 defaults[safenet]=OFF defaults[warp]=OFF defaults[warp_license]="" defaults[warp_private_key]="" defaults[warp_token]="" defaults[warp_id]="" defaults[warp_client_id]="" defaults[warp_interface_ipv4]="" defaults[warp_interface_ipv6]="" defaults[core]=sing-box defaults[security]=reality defaults[server]=$(curl -fsSL --ipv4 https://cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/trace | grep ip | cut -d '=' -f2) defaults[tgbot]=OFF defaults[tgbot_token]="" defaults[tgbot_admins]="" config_items=( "core" "security" "service_path" "public_key" "private_key" "short_id" "transport" "domain" "server" "port" "safenet" "warp" "warp_license" "warp_private_key" "warp_token" "warp_id" "warp_client_id" "warp_interface_ipv4" "warp_interface_ipv6" "tgbot" "tgbot_token" "tgbot_admins" ) regex[domain]="^[a-zA-Z0-9]+([-.][a-zA-Z0-9]+)*\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$" regex[port]="^[1-9][0-9]*$" regex[warp_license]="^[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}-[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}-[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}$" regex[username]="^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$" regex[ip]="^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$" regex[tgbot_token]="^[0-9]{8,10}:[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{35}$" regex[tgbot_admins]="^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{4,31}(,[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{4,31})*$" regex[domain_port]="^[a-zA-Z0-9]+([-.][a-zA-Z0-9]+)*\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}(:[1-9][0-9]*)?$" regex[file_path]="^[a-zA-Z0-9_/.-]+$" regex[url]="^(http|https)://([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}|[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3})(:[0-9]{1,5})?(/.*)?$" function show_help { echo "" echo "Usage: reality-ezpz.sh [-t|--transport=tcp|http|grpc|ws|tuic|hysteria2|shadowtls] [-d|--domain=] [--server=] [--regenerate] [--default] [-r|--restart] [--enable-safenet=true|false] [--port=] [-c|--core=xray|sing-box] [--enable-warp=true|false] [--warp-license=] [--security=reality|letsencrypt|selfsigned] [-m|--menu] [--show-server-config] [--add-user=] [--lists-users] [--show-user=] [--delete-user=] [--backup] [--restore=] [--backup-password=] [-u|--uninstall]" echo "" echo " -t, --transport Transport protocol (tcp, http, grpc, ws, tuic, hysteria2, shadowtls, default: ${defaults[transport]})" echo " -d, --domain Domain to use as SNI (default: ${defaults[domain]})" echo " --server IP address or domain name of server (Must be a valid domain if using letsencrypt security)" echo " --regenerate Regenerate public and private keys" echo " --default Restore default configuration" echo " -r --restart Restart services" echo " -u, --uninstall Uninstall reality" echo " --enable-safenet Enable or disable safenet (blocking malware and adult content)" echo " --port Server port (default: ${defaults[port]})" echo " --enable-warp Enable or disable Cloudflare warp" echo " --warp-license Add Cloudflare warp+ license" echo " -c --core Select core (xray, sing-box, default: ${defaults[core]})" echo " --security Select type of TLS encryption (reality, letsencrypt, selfsigned, default: ${defaults[security]})" echo " -m --menu Show menu" echo " --enable-tgbot Enable Telegram bot for user management" echo " --tgbot-token Token of Telegram bot" echo " --tgbot-admins Usernames of telegram bot admins (Comma separated list of usernames without leading '@')" echo " --show-server-config Print server configuration" echo " --add-user Add new user" echo " --list-users List all users" echo " --show-user Shows the config and QR code of the user" echo " --delete-user Delete the user" echo " --backup Backup users and configuration and upload it to temp.sh" echo " --restore Restore backup from URL or file" echo " --backup-password Create/Restore password protected backup file" echo " -h, --help Display this help message" return 1 } function parse_args { local opts opts=$(getopt -o t:d:ruc:mh --long transport:,domain:,server:,regenerate,default,restart,uninstall,enable-safenet:,port:,warp-license:,enable-warp:,core:,security:,menu,show-server-config,add-user:,list-users,show-user:,delete-user:,backup,restore:,backup-password:,enable-tgbot:,tgbot-token:,tgbot-admins:,help -- "$@") if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return 1 fi eval set -- "$opts" while true; do case $1 in -t|--transport) args[transport]="$2" case ${args[transport]} in tcp|http|grpc|ws|tuic|hysteria2|shadowtls) shift 2 ;; *) echo "Invalid transport protocol: ${args[transport]}" return 1 ;; esac ;; -d|--domain) args[domain]="$2" if ! [[ ${args[domain]} =~ ${regex[domain_port]} ]]; then echo "Invalid domain: ${args[domain]}" return 1 fi shift 2 ;; --server) args[server]="$2" if ! [[ ${args[server]} =~ ${regex[domain]} || ${args[server]} =~ ${regex[ip]} ]]; then echo "Invalid server: ${args[domain]}" return 1 fi shift 2 ;; --regenerate) args[regenerate]=true shift ;; --default) args[default]=true shift ;; -r|--restart) args[restart]=true shift ;; -u|--uninstall) args[uninstall]=true shift ;; --enable-safenet) case "$2" in true|false) $2 && args[safenet]=ON || args[safenet]=OFF shift 2 ;; *) echo "Invalid safenet option: $2" return 1 ;; esac ;; --enable-warp) case "$2" in true|false) $2 && args[warp]=ON || args[warp]=OFF shift 2 ;; *) echo "Invalid warp option: $2" return 1 ;; esac ;; --port) args[port]="$2" if ! [[ ${args[port]} =~ ${regex[port]} ]]; then echo "Invalid port number: ${args[port]}" return 1 elif ((args[port] < 1 || args[port] > 65535)); then echo "Port number out of range: ${args[port]}" return 1 fi shift 2 ;; --warp-license) args[warp_license]="$2" if ! [[ ${args[warp_license]} =~ ${regex[warp_license]} ]]; then echo "Invalid warp license: ${args[warp_license]}" return 1 fi shift 2 ;; -c|--core) args[core]="$2" case ${args[core]} in xray|sing-box) shift 2 ;; *) echo "Invalid core: ${args[core]}" return 1 ;; esac ;; --security) args[security]="$2" case ${args[security]} in reality|letsencrypt|selfsigned) shift 2 ;; *) echo "Invalid TLS security option: ${args[security]}" return 1 ;; esac ;; -m|--menu) args[menu]=true shift ;; --enable-tgbot) case "$2" in true|false) $2 && args[tgbot]=ON || args[tgbot]=OFF shift 2 ;; *) echo "Invalid enable-tgbot option: $2" return 1 ;; esac ;; --tgbot-token) args[tgbot_token]="$2" if [[ ! ${args[tgbot_token]} =~ ${regex[tgbot_token]} ]]; then echo "Invalid Telegram Bot Token: ${args[tgbot_token]}" return 1 fi if ! curl -sSfL -m 3 "https://api.telegram.org/bot${args[tgbot_token]}/getMe" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Invalid Telegram Bot Token: Telegram Bot Token is incorrect. Check it again." return 1 fi shift 2 ;; --tgbot-admins) args[tgbot_admins]="$2" if [[ ! ${args[tgbot_admins]} =~ ${regex[tgbot_admins]} || $tgbot_admins =~ .+_$ || $tgbot_admins =~ .+_,.+ ]]; then echo "Invalid Telegram Bot Admins Username: ${args[tgbot_admins]}\nThe usernames must separated by ',' without leading '@' character or any extra space." return 1 fi shift 2 ;; --show-server-config) args[server-config]=true shift ;; --add-user) args[add_user]="$2" if ! [[ ${args[add_user]} =~ ${regex[username]} ]]; then echo "Invalid username: ${args[add_user]}\nUsername can only contains A-Z, a-z and 0-9" return 1 fi shift 2 ;; --list-users) args[list_users]=true shift ;; --show-user) args[show_config]="$2" shift 2 ;; --delete-user) args[delete_user]="$2" shift 2 ;; --backup) args[backup]=true shift ;; --restore) args[restore]="$2" if [[ ! ${args[restore]} =~ ${regex[file_path]} ]] && [[ ! ${args[restore]} =~ ${regex[url]} ]]; then echo "Invalid: Backup file path or URL is not valid." return 1 fi shift 2 ;; --backup-password) args[backup_password]="$2" shift 2 ;; -h|--help) return 1 ;; --) shift break ;; *) echo "Unknown option: $1" return 1 ;; esac done if [[ ${args[uninstall]} == true ]]; then uninstall fi if [[ -n ${args[warp_license]} ]]; then args[warp]=ON fi } function backup { local backup_name local backup_password="$1" local backup_file_url local exit_code backup_name="reality-ezpz-backup-$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S).zip" cd "${config_path}" if [ -z "${backup_password}" ]; then zip -r "/tmp/${backup_name}" . > /dev/null else zip -P "${backup_password}" -r "/tmp/${backup_name}" . > /dev/null fi if ! backup_file_url=$(curl -fsS -m 30 -F "file=@/tmp/${backup_name}" "https://temp.sh/upload"); then rm -f "/tmp/${backup_name}" echo "Error in uploading backup file" >&2 return 1 fi rm -f "/tmp/${backup_name}" echo "${backup_file_url}" } function restore { local backup_file="$1" local backup_password="$2" local temp_file local unzip_output local unzip_exit_code local current_state if [[ ! -r ${backup_file} ]]; then temp_file=$(mktemp -u) if [[ "${backup_file}" =~ ^https?://temp\.sh/ ]]; then if ! curl -fSsL -m 30 -X POST "${backup_file}" -o "${temp_file}"; then echo "Cannot download or find backup file" >&2 return 1 fi else if ! curl -fSsL -m 30 "${backup_file}" -o "${temp_file}"; then echo "Cannot download or find backup file" >&2 return 1 fi fi backup_file="${temp_file}" fi current_state=$(set +o) set +e if [[ -z "${backup_password}" ]]; then unzip_output=$(unzip -P "" -t "${backup_file}" 2>&1) else unzip_output=$(unzip -P "${backup_password}" -t "${backup_file}" 2>&1) fi unzip_exit_code=$? eval "$current_state" if [[ ${unzip_exit_code} -eq 0 ]]; then if ! echo "${unzip_output}" | grep -q 'config'; then echo "The provided file is not a reality-ezpz backup file." >&2 rm -f "${temp_file}" return 1 fi else if echo "${unzip_output}" | grep -q 'incorrect password'; then echo "The provided password for backup file is incorrect." >&2 else echo "An error occurred during zip file verification: ${unzip_output}" >&2 fi rm -f "${temp_file}" return 1 fi rm -rf "${config_path}" mkdir -p "${config_path}" set +e if [[ -z "${backup_password}" ]]; then unzip_output=$(unzip -d "${config_path}" "${backup_file}" 2>&1) else unzip_output=$(unzip -P "${backup_password}" -d "${config_path}" "${backup_file}" 2>&1) fi unzip_exit_code=$? eval "$current_state" if [[ ${unzip_exit_code} -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Error in backup restore: ${unzip_output}" >&2 rm -f "${temp_file}" return 1 fi rm -f "${temp_file}" return } function dict_expander { local -n dict=$1 for key in "${!dict[@]}"; do echo "${key} ${dict[$key]}" done } function parse_config_file { if [[ ! -r "${path[config]}" ]]; then generate_keys return 0 fi while IFS= read -r line; do if [[ "${line}" =~ ^\s*# ]] || [[ "${line}" =~ ^\s*$ ]]; then continue fi key=$(echo "$line" | cut -d "=" -f 1) value=$(echo "$line" | cut -d "=" -f 2-) config_file["${key}"]="${value}" done < "${path[config]}" if [[ -z "${config_file[public_key]}" || \ -z "${config_file[private_key]}" || \ -z "${config_file[short_id]}" || \ -z "${config_file[service_path]}" ]]; then generate_keys fi return 0 } function parse_users_file { mkdir -p "$config_path" touch "${path[users]}" while read -r line; do if [[ "${line}" =~ ^\s*# ]] || [[ "${line}" =~ ^\s*$ ]]; then continue fi IFS="=" read -r key value <<< "${line}" users["${key}"]="${value}" done < "${path[users]}" if [[ -n ${args[add_user]} ]]; then if [[ -z "${users["${args[add_user]}"]}" ]]; then users["${args[add_user]}"]=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid) else echo 'User "'"${args[add_user]}"'" already exists.' fi fi if [[ -n ${args[delete_user]} ]]; then if [[ -n "${users["${args[delete_user]}"]}" ]]; then if [[ ${#users[@]} -eq 1 ]]; then echo -e "You cannot delete the only user.\nAt least one user is needed.\nCreate a new user, then delete this one." exit 1 fi unset users["${args[delete_user]}"] else echo "User "${args[delete_user]}" does not exists." exit 1 fi fi if [[ ${#users[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then users[RealityEZPZ]=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid) echo "RealityEZPZ=${users[RealityEZPZ]}" >> "${path[users]}" return 0 fi return 0 } function restore_defaults { local defaults_items=("${!defaults[@]}") local keep=false local exclude_list=( "warp_license" "tgbot_token" ) if [[ -n ${config[warp_id]} && -n ${config[warp_token]} ]]; then warp_delete_account "${config[warp_id]}" "${config[warp_token]}" fi for item in "${defaults_items[@]}"; do keep=false for i in "${exclude_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${i}" == "${item}" ]]; then keep=true break fi done if [[ ${keep} == true ]]; then continue fi config["${item}"]="${defaults[${item}]}" done } function build_config { local free_80=true if [[ ${args[regenerate]} == true ]]; then generate_keys fi for item in "${config_items[@]}"; do if [[ -n ${args["${item}"]} ]]; then config["${item}"]="${args[${item}]}" elif [[ -n ${config_file["${item}"]} ]]; then config["${item}"]="${config_file[${item}]}" else config["${item}"]="${defaults[${item}]}" fi done if [[ ${args[default]} == true ]]; then restore_defaults return 0 fi if [[ ${config[tgbot]} == 'ON' && -z ${config[tgbot_token]} ]]; then echo 'To enable Telegram bot, you have to give the token of bot with --tgbot-token option.' exit 1 fi if [[ ${config[tgbot]} == 'ON' && -z ${config[tgbot_admins]} ]]; then echo 'To enable Telegram bot, you have to give the list of authorized Telegram admins username with --tgbot-admins option.' exit 1 fi if [[ ${config[warp]} == 'ON' && -z ${config[warp_license]} ]]; then echo 'To enable WARP+, you have to give WARP+ license with --warp-license option.' exit 1 fi if [[ ! ${config[server]} =~ ${regex[domain]} && ${config[security]} == 'letsencrypt' ]]; then echo 'You have to assign a domain to server with "--server " option if you want to use "letsencrypt" as TLS certifcate.' exit 1 fi if [[ ${config[transport]} == 'ws' && ${config[security]} == 'reality' ]]; then echo 'You cannot use "ws" transport with "reality" TLS certificate. Use other transports or change TLS certifcate to letsencrypt or selfsigned' exit 1 fi if [[ ${config[transport]} == 'tuic' && ${config[security]} == 'reality' ]]; then echo 'You cannot use "tuic" transport with "reality" TLS certificate. Use other transports or change TLS certifcate to letsencrypt or selfsigned' exit 1 fi if [[ ${config[transport]} == 'tuic' && ${config[core]} == 'xray' ]]; then echo 'You cannot use "tuic" transport with "xray" core. Use other transports or change core to sing-box' exit 1 fi if [[ ${config[transport]} == 'hysteria2' && ${config[security]} == 'reality' ]]; then echo 'You cannot use "hysteria2" transport with "reality" TLS certificate. Use other transports or change TLS certifcate to letsencrypt or selfsigned' exit 1 fi if [[ ${config[transport]} == 'hysteria2' && ${config[core]} == 'xray' ]]; then echo 'You cannot use "hysteria2" transport with "xray" core. Use other transports or change core to sing-box' exit 1 fi if [[ ${config[transport]} == 'shadowtls' && ${config[core]} == 'xray' ]]; then echo 'You cannot use "shadowtls" transport with "xray" core. Use other transports or change core to sing-box' exit 1 fi if [[ ${config[security]} == 'letsencrypt' && ${config[port]} -ne 443 ]]; then if lsof -i :80 >/dev/null 2>&1; then free_80=false for container in $(${docker_cmd} -p ${compose_project} ps -q); do if docker port "${container}"| grep '' >/dev/null 2>&1; then free_80=true break fi done fi if [[ ${free_80} != 'true' ]]; then echo 'Port 80 must be free if you want to use "letsencrypt" as the security option.' exit 1 fi fi if [[ (-n "${args[security]}" || -n "${args[transport]}") && ("${args[security]}" == 'reality' || "${args[transport]}" == 'shadowtls') && ("${config_file[security]}" != 'reality' && "${config_file[transport]}" != 'shadowtls') ]]; then config[domain]="${defaults[domain]}" fi if [[ (-n "${args[security]}" || -n "${args[transport]}") && ("${args[security]}" != 'reality' && "${args[transport]}" != 'shadowtls') && ("${config_file[security]}" == 'reality' || "${config_file[transport]}" == 'shadowtls') ]]; then config[domain]="${config[server]}" fi if [[ -n "${args[server]}" && ("${config[security]}" != 'reality' && "${config[transport]}" != 'shadowtls') ]]; then config[domain]="${config[server]}" fi if [[ -n "${args[warp]}" && "${args[warp]}" == 'OFF' && "${config_file[warp]}" == 'ON' ]]; then if [[ -n ${config[warp_id]} && -n ${config[warp_token]} ]]; then warp_delete_account "${config[warp_id]}" "${config[warp_token]}" fi fi if { [[ -n "${args[warp]}" && "${args[warp]}" == 'ON' && "${config_file[warp]}" == 'OFF' ]] || \ [[ "${config[warp]}" == 'ON' && ( -z ${config[warp_private_key]} || \ -z ${config[warp_token]} || \ -z ${config[warp_id]} || \ -z ${config[warp_client_id]} || \ -z ${config[warp_interface_ipv4]} || \ -z ${config[warp_interface_ipv6]} ) ]]; }; then config[warp]='OFF' warp_create_account || exit 1 warp_add_license "${config[warp_id]}" "${config[warp_token]}" "${config[warp_license]}" || exit 1 config[warp]='ON' fi if [[ -n ${args[warp_license]} && -n ${config_file[warp_license]} && "${args[warp_license]}" != "${config_file[warp_license]}" ]]; then if ! warp_add_license "${config[warp_id]}" "${config[warp_token]}" "${args[warp_license]}"; then config[warp]='OFF' config[warp_license]="" warp_delete_account "${config[warp_id]}" "${config[warp_token]}" echo "WARP has been disabled due to the license error." fi fi } function update_config_file { mkdir -p "${config_path}" touch "${path[config]}" for item in "${config_items[@]}"; do if grep -q "^${item}=" "${path[config]}"; then sed -i "s|^${item}=.*|${item}=${config[${item}]}|" "${path[config]}" else echo "${item}=${config[${item}]}" >> "${path[config]}" fi done check_reload } function update_users_file { rm -f "${path[users]}" for user in "${!users[@]}"; do echo "${user}=${users[${user}]}" >> "${path[users]}" done check_reload } function generate_keys { local key_pair key_pair=$(docker run --rm ${image[xray]} xray x25519) config_file[public_key]=$(echo "${key_pair}" | grep 'Public key:' | awk '{print $3}') config_file[private_key]=$(echo "${key_pair}" | grep 'Private key:' | awk '{print $3}') config_file[short_id]=$(openssl rand -hex 8) config_file[service_path]=$(openssl rand -hex 4) } function uninstall { if docker compose >/dev/null 2>&1; then docker compose --project-directory "${config_path}" down --timeout 2 || true docker compose --project-directory "${config_path}" -p ${compose_project} down --timeout 2 || true docker compose --project-directory "${config_path}/tgbot" -p ${tgbot_project} down --timeout 2 || true elif which docker-compose >/dev/null 2>&1; then docker-compose --project-directory "${config_path}" down --timeout 2 || true docker-compose --project-directory "${config_path}" -p ${compose_project} down --timeout 2 || true docker-compose --project-directory "${config_path}/tgbot" -p ${tgbot_project} down --timeout 2 || true fi rm -rf "${config_path}" echo "Reality-EZPZ uninstalled successfully." exit 0 } function install_packages { if [[ -n $BOT_TOKEN ]]; then return 0 fi if ! which qrencode whiptail jq xxd zip unzip >/dev/null 2>&1; then if which apt >/dev/null 2>&1; then apt update DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install qrencode whiptail jq xxd zip unzip -y return 0 fi if which yum >/dev/null 2>&1; then yum makecache yum install epel-release -y || true yum install qrencode newt jq vim-common zip unzip -y return 0 fi echo "OS is not supported!" return 1 fi } function install_docker { if ! which docker >/dev/null 2>&1; then curl -fsSL -m 5 https://get.docker.com | bash systemctl enable --now docker docker_cmd="docker compose" return 0 fi if docker compose >/dev/null 2>&1; then docker_cmd="docker compose" return 0 fi if which docker-compose >/dev/null 2>&1; then docker_cmd="docker-compose" return 0 fi curl -fsSL -m 30 https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/v2.28.0/docker-compose-linux-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose docker_cmd="docker-compose" return 0 } function generate_docker_compose { cat >"${path[compose]}" <"${path[tgbot_compose]}" < "${path[haproxy]}" } function generate_certbot_script { cat >"${path[certbot_startup]}" << EOF #!/bin/sh trap exit TERM fullchain_path=/etc/letsencrypt/live/${config[server]}/fullchain.pem if [[ -r "\${fullchain_path}" ]]; then fullchain_fingerprint=\$(openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha256 -in "\${fullchain_path}" 2>/dev/null |\ awk -F= '{print \$2}' | tr -d : | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') installed_fingerprint=\$(openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha256 -in /certificate/server.pem 2>/dev/null |\ awk -F= '{print \$2}' | tr -d : | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') if [[ \$fullchain_fingerprint != \$installed_fingerprint ]]; then /deployhook.sh /certificate ${compose_project} ${config[server]} ${service[server_crt]} $([[ ${config[transport]} != 'tcp' ]] && echo "${service[server_pem]}" || true) fi fi while true; do ls -d /website/* | grep -E '^/website/[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}\$'|xargs rm -f uuid=\$(uuidgen) echo "\$uuid" > "/website/\$uuid" response=\$(curl -skL --max-time 3 http://${config[server]}/\$uuid) if echo "\$response" | grep \$uuid >/dev/null; then break fi echo "Domain ${config[server]} is not pointing to the server" sleep 5 done ls -d /website/* | grep -E '^/website/[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}\$'|xargs rm -f while true; do certbot certonly -n \\ --standalone \\ --key-type ecdsa \\ --elliptic-curve secp256r1 \\ --agree-tos \\ --register-unsafely-without-email \\ -d ${config[server]} \\ --deploy-hook "/deployhook.sh /certificate ${compose_project} ${config[server]} ${service[server_crt]} $([[ ${config[transport]} != 'tcp' ]] && echo "${service[server_pem]}" || true)" sleep 1h & wait \${!} done EOF } function generate_certbot_deployhook { cat >"${path[certbot_deployhook]}" << EOF #!/bin/sh cert_path=\$1 compose_project=\$2 domain=\$3 renewed_path=/etc/letsencrypt/live/\$domain cat "\$renewed_path/fullchain.pem" > "\$cert_path/server.crt" cat "\$renewed_path/privkey.pem" > "\$cert_path/server.key" cat "\$renewed_path/fullchain.pem" "\$renewed_path/privkey.pem" > "\$cert_path/server.pem" i=4 while [ \$i -le \$# ]; do eval service=\\\${\$i} docker compose -p "${compose_project}" restart --timeout 2 "\$service" i=\$((i+1)) done EOF chmod +x "${path[certbot_deployhook]}" } function generate_certbot_dockerfile { cat >"${path[certbot_dockerfile]}" << EOF FROM ${image[certbot]} RUN apk add --no-cache docker-cli-compose curl uuidgen EOF } function generate_tgbot_dockerfile { cat >"${path[tgbot_dockerfile]}" << EOF FROM ${image[python]} WORKDIR ${config_path}/tgbot RUN apk add --no-cache docker-cli-compose curl bash newt libqrencode-tools sudo openssl jq zip unzip RUN pip install --no-cache-dir python-telegram-bot==13.5 CMD [ "python", "./tgbot.py" ] EOF } function download_tgbot_script { curl -fsSL -m 3 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aleskxyz/reality-ezpz/master/tgbot.py -o "${path[tgbot_script]}" } function generate_selfsigned_certificate { openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -out "${path[server_key]}" openssl req -new -key "${path[server_key]}" -out /tmp/server.csr -subj "/CN=${config[server]}" openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in /tmp/server.csr -signkey "${path[server_key]}" -out "${path[server_crt]}" cat "${path[server_key]}" "${path[server_crt]}" > "${path[server_pem]}" rm -f /tmp/server.csr } function generate_engine_config { local type="vless" local users_object="" local reality_object="" local tls_object="" local warp_object="" local reality_port=443 local temp_file if [[ ${config[transport]} == 'tuic' ]]; then type='tuic' elif [[ ${config[transport]} == 'hysteria2' ]]; then type='hysteria2' elif [[ ${config[transport]} == 'shadowtls' ]]; then type='shadowtls' else type='vless' fi if [[ (${config[security]} == 'reality' || ${config[transport]} == 'shadowtls') && ${config[domain]} =~ ":" ]]; then reality_port="${config[domain]#*:}" fi if [[ ${config[core]} == 'sing-box' ]]; then reality_object='"tls": { "enabled": true, "server_name": "'"${config[domain]%%:*}"'", "alpn": [], "reality": { "enabled": true, "handshake": { "server": "'"${config[domain]%%:*}"'", "server_port": '"${reality_port}"' }, "private_key": "'"${config[private_key]}"'", "short_id": ["'"${config[short_id]}"'"], "max_time_difference": "1m" } }' tls_object='"tls": { "enabled": true, "certificate_path": "/etc/sing-box/server.crt", "key_path": "/etc/sing-box/server.key" }' if [[ ${config[warp]} == 'ON' ]]; then warp_object='{ "type": "wireguard", "tag": "warp", "server": "engage.cloudflareclient.com", "server_port": 2408, "system_interface": false, "local_address": [ "'"${config[warp_interface_ipv4]}"'/32", "'"${config[warp_interface_ipv6]}"'/128" ], "private_key": "'"${config[warp_private_key]}"'", "peer_public_key": "bmXOC+F1FxEMF9dyiK2H5/1SUtzH0JuVo51h2wPfgyo=", "reserved": '"$(warp_decode_reserved "${config[warp_client_id]}")"', "mtu": 1280 },' fi for user in "${!users[@]}"; do if [ -n "$users_object" ]; then users_object="${users_object},"$'\n' fi if [[ ${config[transport]} == 'tuic' ]]; then users_object=${users_object}'{"uuid": "'"${users[${user}]}"'", "password": "'"$(echo -n "${user}${users[${user}]}" | sha256sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | head -c 16)"'", "name": "'"${user}"'"}' elif [[ ${config[transport]} == 'hysteria2' ]]; then users_object=${users_object}'{"password": "'"$(echo -n "${user}${users[${user}]}" | sha256sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | head -c 16)"'", "name": "'"${user}"'"}' elif [[ ${config[transport]} == 'shadowtls' ]]; then users_object=${users_object}'{"password": "'"${users[${user}]}"'", "name": "'"${user}"'"}' else users_object=${users_object}'{"uuid": "'"${users[${user}]}"'", "flow": "'"$([[ ${config[transport]} == 'tcp' ]] && echo 'xtls-rprx-vision' || true)"'", "name": "'"${user}"'"}' fi done cat >"${path[engine]}" <"${path[engine]}" < ${temp_file} mv ${temp_file} ${path[engine]} fi } function generate_config { generate_docker_compose generate_engine_config if [[ ${config[security]} != "reality" && ${config[transport]} != 'shadowtls' ]]; then mkdir -p "${config_path}/certificate" generate_haproxy_config if [[ ! -r "${path[server_pem]}" || ! -r "${path[server_crt]}" || ! -r "${path[server_key]}" ]]; then generate_selfsigned_certificate fi fi if [[ ${config[security]} == "letsencrypt" && ${config[transport]} != 'shadowtls' ]]; then mkdir -p "${config_path}/certbot" generate_certbot_deployhook generate_certbot_dockerfile generate_certbot_script fi if [[ ${config[tgbot]} == "ON" ]]; then mkdir -p "${config_path}/tgbot" generate_tgbot_compose generate_tgbot_dockerfile download_tgbot_script fi } function get_ipv6 { curl -fsSL -m 3 --ipv6 https://cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/trace 2> /dev/null | grep ip | cut -d '=' -f2 } function print_client_configuration { local username=$1 local client_config local ipv6 local client_config_ipv6 if [[ ${config[transport]} == 'tuic' ]]; then client_config="tuic://" client_config="${client_config}${users[${username}]}" client_config="${client_config}:$(echo -n "${username}${users[${username}]}" | sha256sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | head -c 16)" client_config="${client_config}@${config[server]}" client_config="${client_config}:${config[port]}" client_config="${client_config}/?congestion_control=bbr&udp_relay_mode=quic" client_config="${client_config}$([[ ${config[security]} == 'selfsigned' ]] && echo "&allow_insecure=1" || true)" client_config="${client_config}#${username}" elif [[ ${config[transport]} == 'hysteria2' ]]; then client_config="hy2://" client_config="${client_config}$(echo -n "${username}${users[${username}]}" | sha256sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | head -c 16)" client_config="${client_config}@${config[server]}" client_config="${client_config}:${config[port]}" client_config="${client_config}/?obfs=salamander&obfs-password=${config[service_path]}" client_config="${client_config}$([[ ${config[security]} == 'selfsigned' ]] && echo "&insecure=1" || true)" client_config="${client_config}#${username}" elif [[ ${config[transport]} == 'shadowtls' ]]; then client_config='{"dns":{"independent_cache":true,"rules":[{"domain":["dns.google"],"server":"dns-direct"}],"servers":[{"address":"https://dns.google/dns-query","address_resolver":"dns-direct","strategy":"ipv4_only","tag":"dns-remote"},{"address":"local","address_resolver":"dns-local","detour":"direct","strategy":"ipv4_only","tag":"dns-direct"},{"address":"local","detour":"direct","tag":"dns-local"},{"address":"rcode://success","tag":"dns-block"}]},"inbounds":[{"listen":"","listen_port":6450,"override_address":"","override_port":53,"tag":"dns-in","type":"direct"},{"domain_strategy":"","endpoint_independent_nat":true,"inet4_address":[""],"mtu":9000,"sniff":true,"sniff_override_destination":false,"stack":"mixed","tag":"tun-in","auto_route":true,"type":"tun"},{"domain_strategy":"","listen":"","listen_port":2080,"sniff":true,"sniff_override_destination":false,"tag":"mixed-in","type":"mixed"}],"log":{"level":"warning"},"outbounds":[{"method":"chacha20-ietf-poly1305","password":"'"${users[${username}]}"'","server":"","server_port":1080,"type":"shadowsocks","udp_over_tcp":true,"domain_strategy":"","tag":"proxy","detour":"shadowtls"},{"password":"'"${users[${username}]}"'","server":"'"${config[server]}"'","server_port":'"${config[port]}"',"tls":{"enabled":true,"insecure":false,"server_name":"'"${config[domain]%%:*}"'","utls":{"enabled":true,"fingerprint":"chrome"}},"version":3,"type":"shadowtls","domain_strategy":"","tag":"shadowtls"},{"tag":"direct","type":"direct"},{"tag":"bypass","type":"direct"},{"tag":"block","type":"block"},{"tag":"dns-out","type":"dns"}],"route":{"auto_detect_interface":true,"rule_set":[],"rules":[{"outbound":"dns-out","port":[53]},{"inbound":["dns-in"],"outbound":"dns-out"},{"ip_cidr":["","ff00::/8"],"outbound":"block","source_ip_cidr":["","ff00::/8"]}]}}' else client_config="vless://" client_config="${client_config}${users[${username}]}" client_config="${client_config}@${config[server]}" client_config="${client_config}:${config[port]}" client_config="${client_config}?security=$([[ ${config[security]} == 'reality' ]] && echo reality || echo tls)" client_config="${client_config}&encryption=none" client_config="${client_config}&alpn=$([[ ${config[transport]} == 'ws' ]] && echo 'http/1.1' || echo 'h2,http/1.1')" client_config="${client_config}&headerType=none" client_config="${client_config}&fp=chrome" client_config="${client_config}&type=${config[transport]}" client_config="${client_config}&flow=$([[ ${config[transport]} == 'tcp' ]] && echo 'xtls-rprx-vision' || true)" client_config="${client_config}&sni=${config[domain]%%:*}" client_config="${client_config}$([[ ${config[transport]} == 'ws' || ${config[transport]} == 'http' ]] && echo "&host=${config[server]}" || true)" client_config="${client_config}$([[ ${config[security]} == 'reality' ]] && echo "&pbk=${config[public_key]}" || true)" client_config="${client_config}$([[ ${config[security]} == 'reality' ]] && echo "&sid=${config[short_id]}" || true)" client_config="${client_config}$([[ ${config[transport]} == 'ws' || ${config[transport]} == 'http' ]] && echo "&path=%2F${config[service_path]}" || true)" client_config="${client_config}$([[ ${config[transport]} == 'grpc' ]] && echo '&mode=gun' || true)" client_config="${client_config}$([[ ${config[transport]} == 'grpc' ]] && echo "&serviceName=${config[service_path]}" || true)" client_config="${client_config}#${username}" fi echo "" echo "==================================================" echo "Client configuration:" echo "" echo "$client_config" echo "" echo "Or you can scan the QR code:" echo "" qrencode -t ansiutf8 "${client_config}" ipv6=$(get_ipv6) if [[ -n $ipv6 ]]; then if [[ ${config[transport]} != 'shadowtls' ]]; then client_config_ipv6=$(echo "$client_config" | sed "s/@${config[server]}:/@[${ipv6}]:/" | sed "s/#${username}/#${username}-ipv6/") else client_config_ipv6=$(echo "$client_config" | sed "s/\"server\":\"${config[server]}\"/\"server\":\"${ipv6}\"/") fi echo "" echo "==================IPv6 Config======================" echo "Client configuration:" echo "" echo "$client_config_ipv6" echo "" echo "Or you can scan the QR code:" echo "" qrencode -t ansiutf8 "${client_config_ipv6}" fi } function upgrade { local uuid local warp_token local warp_id if [[ -e "${HOME}/reality/config" ]]; then ${docker_cmd} --project-directory "${HOME}/reality" down --remove-orphans --timeout 2 mv -f "${HOME}/reality" ${config_path} fi uuid=$(grep '^uuid=' "${path[config]}" 2>/dev/null | cut -d= -f2 || true) if [[ -n $uuid ]]; then sed -i '/^uuid=/d' "${path[users]}" echo "RealityEZPZ=${uuid}" >> "${path[users]}" sed -i 's|=true|=ON|g; s|=false|=OFF|g' "${path[users]}" fi rm -f "${config_path}/xray.conf" rm -f "${config_path}/singbox.conf" if ! ${docker_cmd} ls | grep ${compose_project} >/dev/null && [[ -r ${path[compose]} ]]; then ${docker_cmd} --project-directory ${config_path} down --remove-orphans --timeout 2 fi if [[ -r ${path[config]} ]]; then sed -i 's|transport=h2|transport=http|g' "${path[config]}" sed -i 's|core=singbox|core=sing-box|g' "${path[config]}" sed -i 's|security=tls-invalid|security=selfsigned|g' "${path[config]}" sed -i 's|security=tls-valid|security=letsencrypt|g' "${path[config]}" fi for key in "${!path[@]}"; do if [[ -d "${path[$key]}" ]]; then rm -rf "${path[$key]}" fi done if [[ -d "${config_path}/warp" ]]; then ${docker_cmd} --project-directory ${config_path} -p ${compose_project} down --remove-orphans --timeout 2 || true warp_token=$(cat ${config_path}/warp/reg.json | jq -r '.api_token') warp_id=$(cat ${config_path}/warp/reg.json | jq -r '.registration_id') warp_api "DELETE" "/reg/${warp_id}" "" "${warp_token}" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true rm -rf "${config_path}/warp" fi } function main_menu { local selection while true; do selection=$(whiptail --clear --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "Server Management" \ --menu "$MENU" $HEIGHT $WIDTH $CHOICE_HEIGHT \ --ok-button "Select" \ --cancel-button "Exit" \ "1" "Add New User" \ "2" "Delete User" \ "3" "View User" \ "4" "View Server Config" \ "5" "Configuration" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then break fi case $selection in 1 ) add_user_menu ;; 2 ) delete_user_menu ;; 3 ) view_user_menu ;; 4 ) view_config_menu ;; 5 ) configuration_menu ;; esac done } function add_user_menu { local username local message while true; do username=$(whiptail \ --clear \ --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" \ --title "Add New User" \ --inputbox "Enter username:" \ $HEIGHT $WIDTH \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then break fi if [[ ! $username =~ ${regex[username]} ]]; then message_box "Invalid Username" "Username can only contains A-Z, a-z and 0-9" continue fi if [[ -n ${users[$username]} ]]; then message_box "Invalid Username" '"'"${username}"'" already exists.' continue fi users[$username]=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid) update_users_file whiptail \ --clear \ --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" \ --title "Add New User" \ --yes-button "View User" \ --no-button "Return" \ --yesno 'User "'"${username}"'" has been created.' \ $HEIGHT $WIDTH \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then break fi view_user_menu "${username}" done } function delete_user_menu { local username while true; do username=$(list_users_menu "Delete User") if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return 0 fi if [[ ${#users[@]} -eq 1 ]]; then message_box "Delete User" "You cannot delete the only user.\nAt least one user is needed.\nCreate a new user, then delete this one." continue fi whiptail \ --clear \ --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" \ --title "Delete User" \ --yesno "Are you sure you want to delete $username?" \ $HEIGHT $WIDTH \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then continue fi unset users["${username}"] update_users_file message_box "Delete User" 'User "'"${username}"'" has been deleted.' done } function view_user_menu { local username local user_config while true; do if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then username=$1 else username=$(list_users_menu "View User") if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return 0 fi fi if [[ ${config[transport]} == 'tuic' ]]; then user_config=$(echo " Protocol: tuic Remarks: ${username} Address: ${config[server]} Port: ${config[port]} UUID: ${users[$username]} Password: $(echo -n "${username}${users[${username}]}" | sha256sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | head -c 16) UDP Relay Mode: quic Congestion Control: bbr " | tr -s '\n') elif [[ ${config[transport]} == 'hysteria2' ]]; then user_config=$(echo " Protocol: hysteria2 Remarks: ${username} Address: ${config[server]} Port: ${config[port]} Password: $(echo -n "${username}${users[${username}]}" | sha256sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | head -c 16) OBFS Type: salamander OBFS Password: ${config[service_path]} " | tr -s '\n') elif [[ ${config[transport]} == 'shadowtls' ]]; then user_config=$(echo " === First item of the chain proxy === Protocol: shadowtls Remarks: ${username}-shadowtls Address: ${config[server]} Port: ${config[port]} Password: ${users[$username]} Protocol Version: 3 SNI: ${config[domain]%%:*} Fingerprint: chrome === Second item of the chain proxy === Protocol: shadowsocks Remarks: ${username}-shadowsocks Address: Port: 1080 Password: ${users[$username]} Encryption Method: chacha20-ietf-poly1305 UDP over TCP: true " | tr -s '\n') else user_config=$(echo " Protocol: vless Remarks: ${username} Address: ${config[server]} Port: ${config[port]} ID: ${users[$username]} Flow: $([[ ${config[transport]} == 'tcp' ]] && echo 'xtls-rprx-vision' || true) Network: ${config[transport]} $([[ ${config[transport]} == 'ws' || ${config[transport]} == 'http' ]] && echo "Host Header: ${config[server]}" || true) $([[ ${config[transport]} == 'ws' || ${config[transport]} == 'http' ]] && echo "Path: /${config[service_path]}" || true) $([[ ${config[transport]} == 'grpc' ]] && echo 'gRPC mode: gun' || true) $([[ ${config[transport]} == 'grpc' ]] && echo 'gRPC serviceName: '"${config[service_path]}" || true) TLS: $([[ ${config[security]} == 'reality' ]] && echo 'reality' || echo 'tls') SNI: ${config[domain]%%:*} ALPN: $([[ ${config[transport]} == 'ws' ]] && echo 'http/1.1' || echo 'h2,http/1.1') Fingerprint: chrome $([[ ${config[security]} == 'reality' ]] && echo "PublicKey: ${config[public_key]}" || true) $([[ ${config[security]} == 'reality' ]] && echo "ShortId: ${config[short_id]}" || true) " | tr -s '\n') fi whiptail \ --clear \ --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" \ --title "${username} details" \ --yes-button "View QR" \ --no-button "Return" \ --yesno "${user_config}" \ $HEIGHT $WIDTH \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then clear print_client_configuration "${username}" echo echo "Press Enter to return ..." read clear fi if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then return 0 fi done } function list_users_menu { local title=$1 local options local selection options=$(dict_expander users) selection=$(whiptail --clear --noitem --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "$title" \ --menu "Select the user" $HEIGHT $WIDTH $CHOICE_HEIGHT $options \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return 1 fi echo "${selection}" } function show_server_config { local server_config server_config="Core: ${config[core]}" server_config=$server_config$'\n'"Server Address: ${config[server]}" server_config=$server_config$'\n'"Domain SNI: ${config[domain]}" server_config=$server_config$'\n'"Port: ${config[port]}" server_config=$server_config$'\n'"Transport: ${config[transport]}" server_config=$server_config$'\n'"Security: ${config[security]}" server_config=$server_config$'\n'"Safenet: ${config[safenet]}" server_config=$server_config$'\n'"WARP: ${config[warp]}" server_config=$server_config$'\n'"WARP License: ${config[warp_license]}" server_config=$server_config$'\n'"Telegram Bot: ${config[tgbot]}" server_config=$server_config$'\n'"Telegram Bot Token: ${config[tgbot_token]}" server_config=$server_config$'\n'"Telegram Bot Admins: ${config[tgbot_admins]}" echo "${server_config}" } function view_config_menu { local server_config server_config=$(show_server_config) message_box "Server Configuration" "${server_config}" } function restart_menu { whiptail \ --clear \ --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" \ --title "Restart Services" \ --yesno "Are you sure to restart services?" \ $HEIGHT $WIDTH \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return fi restart_docker_compose if [[ ${config[tgbot]} == 'ON' ]]; then restart_tgbot_compose fi } function regenerate_menu { whiptail \ --clear \ --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" \ --title "Regenrate keys" \ --yesno "Are you sure to regenerate keys?" \ $HEIGHT $WIDTH \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return fi generate_keys config[public_key]=${config_file[public_key]} config[private_key]=${config_file[private_key]} config[short_id]=${config_file[short_id]} update_config_file message_box "Regenerate keys" "All keys has been regenerated." } function restore_defaults_menu { whiptail \ --clear \ --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" \ --title "Restore Default Config" \ --yesno "Are you sure to restore default configuration?" \ $HEIGHT $WIDTH \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return fi restore_defaults update_config_file message_box "Restore Default Config" "All configurations has been restored to their defaults." } function configuration_menu { local selection while true; do selection=$(whiptail --clear --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "Configuration" \ --menu "Select an option:" $HEIGHT $WIDTH $CHOICE_HEIGHT \ "1" "Core" \ "2" "Server Address" \ "3" "Transport" \ "4" "SNI Domain" \ "5" "Security" \ "6" "Port" \ "7" "Safe Internet" \ "8" "WARP" \ "9" "Telegram Bot" \ "10" "Restart Services" \ "11" "Regenerate Keys" \ "12" "Restore Defaults" \ "13" "Create Backup" \ "14" "Restore Backup" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then break fi case $selection in 1 ) config_core_menu ;; 2 ) config_server_menu ;; 3 ) config_transport_menu ;; 4 ) config_sni_domain_menu ;; 5 ) config_security_menu ;; 6 ) config_port_menu ;; 7 ) config_safenet_menu ;; 8 ) config_warp_menu ;; 9 ) config_tgbot_menu ;; 10 ) restart_menu ;; 11 ) regenerate_menu ;; 12 ) restore_defaults_menu ;; 13 ) backup_menu ;; 14 ) restore_backup_menu ;; esac done } function config_core_menu { local core while true; do core=$(whiptail --clear --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "Core" \ --radiolist --noitem "Select a core engine:" $HEIGHT $WIDTH $CHOICE_HEIGHT \ "xray" "$([[ "${config[core]}" == 'xray' ]] && echo 'on' || echo 'off')" \ "sing-box" "$([[ "${config[core]}" == 'sing-box' ]] && echo 'on' || echo 'off')" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then break fi if [[ ${core} == 'xray' && ${config[transport]} == 'tuic' ]]; then message_box 'Invalid Configuration' 'You cannot use "xray" core with "tuic" transport. Change core to "sing-box" or use other transports' continue fi if [[ ${core} == 'xray' && ${config[transport]} == 'hysteria2' ]]; then message_box 'Invalid Configuration' 'You cannot use "xray" core with "hysteria2" transport. Change core to "sing-box" or use other transports' continue fi if [[ ${core} == 'xray' && ${config[transport]} == 'shadowtls' ]]; then message_box 'Invalid Configuration' 'You cannot use "xray" core with "shadowtls" transport. Change core to "sing-box" or use other transports' continue fi config[core]=$core update_config_file break done } function config_server_menu { local server while true; do server=$(whiptail --clear --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "Server Address" \ --inputbox "Enter Server IP or Domain:" $HEIGHT $WIDTH "${config["server"]}" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then break fi if [[ ! ${server} =~ ${regex[domain]} && ${config[security]} == 'letsencrypt' ]]; then message_box 'Invalid Configuration' 'You have to assign a valid domain to server if you want to use "letsencrypt" certificate.' continue fi if [[ -z ${server} ]]; then server="${defaults[server]}" fi config[server]="${server}" if [[ ${config[security]} != 'reality' && ${config[transport]} != 'shadowtls' ]]; then config[domain]="${server}" fi update_config_file break done } function config_transport_menu { local transport while true; do transport=$(whiptail --clear --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "Transport" \ --radiolist --noitem "Select a transport protocol:" $HEIGHT $WIDTH $CHOICE_HEIGHT \ "tcp" "$([[ "${config[transport]}" == 'tcp' ]] && echo 'on' || echo 'off')" \ "http" "$([[ "${config[transport]}" == 'http' ]] && echo 'on' || echo 'off')" \ "grpc" "$([[ "${config[transport]}" == 'grpc' ]] && echo 'on' || echo 'off')" \ "ws" "$([[ "${config[transport]}" == 'ws' ]] && echo 'on' || echo 'off')" \ "tuic" "$([[ "${config[transport]}" == 'tuic' ]] && echo 'on' || echo 'off')" \ "hysteria2" "$([[ "${config[transport]}" == 'hysteria2' ]] && echo 'on' || echo 'off')" \ "shadowtls" "$([[ "${config[transport]}" == 'shadowtls' ]] && echo 'on' || echo 'off')" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then break fi if [[ ${transport} == 'ws' && ${config[security]} == 'reality' ]]; then message_box 'Invalid Configuration' 'You cannot use "ws" transport with "reality" TLS certificate. Use other transports or change TLS certifcate to "letsencrypt" or "selfsigned"' continue fi if [[ ${transport} == 'tuic' && ${config[security]} == 'reality' ]]; then message_box 'Invalid Configuration' 'You cannot use "tuic" transport with "reality" TLS certificate. Use other transports or change TLS certifcate to "letsencrypt" or "selfsigned"' continue fi if [[ ${transport} == 'tuic' && ${config[core]} == 'xray' ]]; then message_box 'Invalid Configuration' 'You cannot use "tuic" transport with "xray" core. Use other transports or change core to "sing-box"' continue fi if [[ ${transport} == 'hysteria2' && ${config[security]} == 'reality' ]]; then message_box 'Invalid Configuration' 'You cannot use "hysteria2" transport with "reality" TLS certificate. Use other transports or change TLS certifcate to "letsencrypt" or "selfsigned"' continue fi if [[ ${transport} == 'hysteria2' && ${config[core]} == 'xray' ]]; then message_box 'Invalid Configuration' 'You cannot use "hysteria2" transport with "xray" core. Use other transports or change core to "sing-box"' continue fi if [[ ${transport} == 'shadowtls' && ${config[core]} == 'xray' ]]; then message_box 'Invalid Configuration' 'You cannot use "shadowtls" transport with "xray" core. Use other transports or change core to "sing-box"' continue fi config[transport]=$transport update_config_file break done } function config_sni_domain_menu { local sni_domain while true; do sni_domain=$(whiptail --clear --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "SNI Domain" \ --inputbox "Enter SNI domain:" $HEIGHT $WIDTH "${config[domain]}" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then break fi if [[ ! $sni_domain =~ ${regex[domain_port]} ]]; then message_box "Invalid Domain" '"'"${sni_domain}"'" in not a valid domain.' continue fi config[domain]=$sni_domain update_config_file break done } function config_security_menu { local security local free_80=true while true; do security=$(whiptail --clear --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "Security Type" \ --radiolist --noitem "Select a security type:" $HEIGHT $WIDTH $CHOICE_HEIGHT \ "reality" "$([[ "${config[security]}" == 'reality' ]] && echo 'on' || echo 'off')" \ "letsencrypt" "$([[ "${config[security]}" == 'letsencrypt' ]] && echo 'on' || echo 'off')" \ "selfsigned" "$([[ "${config[security]}" == 'selfsigned' ]] && echo 'on' || echo 'off')" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then break fi if [[ ! ${config[server]} =~ ${regex[domain]} && ${security} == 'letsencrypt' ]]; then message_box 'Invalid Configuration' 'You have to assign a valid domain to server if you want to use "letsencrypt" as security type' continue fi if [[ ${config[transport]} == 'ws' && ${security} == 'reality' ]]; then message_box 'Invalid Configuration' 'You cannot use "reality" TLS certificate with "ws" transport protocol. Change TLS certifcate to "letsencrypt" or "selfsigned" or use other transport protocols' continue fi if [[ ${config[transport]} == 'tuic' && ${security} == 'reality' ]]; then message_box 'Invalid Configuration' 'You cannot use "reality" TLS certificate with "tuic" transport. Change TLS certifcate to "letsencrypt" or "selfsigned" or use other transports' continue fi if [[ ${config[transport]} == 'hysteria2' && ${security} == 'reality' ]]; then message_box 'Invalid Configuration' 'You cannot use "reality" TLS certificate with "hysteria2" transport. Change TLS certifcate to "letsencrypt" or "selfsigned" or use other transports' continue fi if [[ ${security} == 'letsencrypt' && ${config[port]} -ne 443 ]]; then if lsof -i :80 >/dev/null 2>&1; then free_80=false for container in $(${docker_cmd} -p ${compose_project} ps -q); do if docker port "${container}" | grep '' >/dev/null 2>&1; then free_80=true break fi done fi if [[ ${free_80} != 'true' ]]; then message_box 'Port 80 must be free if you want to use "letsencrypt" as the security option.' continue fi fi if [[ ${security} != 'reality' && ${config[transport]} != 'shadowtls' ]]; then config[domain]="${config[server]}" fi if [[ ${security} == 'reality' || ${config[transport]} == 'shadowtls' ]]; then config[domain]="${defaults[domain]}" fi config[security]="${security}" update_config_file break done } function config_port_menu { local port while true; do port=$(whiptail --clear --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "Port" \ --inputbox "Enter port number:" $HEIGHT $WIDTH "${config[port]}" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then break fi if [[ ! $port =~ ${regex[port]} ]]; then message_box "Invalid Port" "Port must be an integer" continue fi if ((port < 1 || port > 65535)); then message_box "Invalid Port" "Port must be between 1 to 65535" continue fi config[port]=$port update_config_file break done } function config_safenet_menu { local safenet safenet=$(whiptail --clear --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "Safe Internet" \ --radiolist --noitem "Enable blocking malware and adult content" $HEIGHT $WIDTH $CHOICE_HEIGHT \ "Enable" "$([[ "${config[safenet]}" == 'ON' ]] && echo 'on' || echo 'off')" \ "Disable" "$([[ "${config[safenet]}" == 'OFF' ]] && echo 'on' || echo 'off')" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return fi config[safenet]=$([[ $safenet == 'Enable' ]] && echo ON || echo OFF) update_config_file } function config_warp_menu { local warp local warp_license local error local temp_file local exit_code local old_warp=${config[warp]} local old_warp_license=${config[warp_license]} while true; do warp=$(whiptail --clear --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "WARP" \ --radiolist --noitem "Enable WARP:" $HEIGHT $WIDTH $CHOICE_HEIGHT \ "Enable" "$([[ "${config[warp]}" == 'ON' ]] && echo 'on' || echo 'off')" \ "Disable" "$([[ "${config[warp]}" == 'OFF' ]] && echo 'on' || echo 'off')" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then break fi if [[ $warp == 'Disable' ]]; then config[warp]=OFF if [[ -n ${config[warp_id]} && -n ${config[warp_token]} ]]; then warp_delete_account "${config[warp_id]}" "${config[warp_token]}" fi return fi if [[ -z ${config[warp_private_key]} || \ -z ${config[warp_token]} || \ -z ${config[warp_id]} || \ -z ${config[warp_client_id]} || \ -z ${config[warp_interface_ipv4]} || \ -z ${config[warp_interface_ipv6]} ]]; then temp_file=$(mktemp) warp_create_account > "${temp_file}" exit_code=$? error=$(< "${temp_file}") rm -f "${temp_file}" if [[ ${exit_code} -ne 0 ]]; then message_box "WARP account creation error" "${error}" continue fi fi config[warp]=ON while true; do warp_license=$(whiptail --clear --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "WARP+ License" \ --inputbox "Enter WARP+ License:" $HEIGHT $WIDTH "${config[warp_license]}" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then break fi if [[ ! $warp_license =~ ${regex[warp_license]} ]]; then message_box "Invalid Input" "Invalid WARP+ License" continue fi temp_file=$(mktemp) warp_add_license "${config[warp_id]}" "${config[warp_token]}" "${warp_license}" > "${temp_file}" exit_code=$? error=$(< "${temp_file}") rm -f "${temp_file}" if [[ ${exit_code} -ne 0 ]]; then message_box "WARP license error" "${error}" continue fi return done done config[warp]=$old_warp config[warp_license]=$old_warp_license } function config_tgbot_menu { local tgbot local tgbot_token local tgbot_admins local old_tgbot=${config[tgbot]} local old_tgbot_token=${config[tgbot_token]} local old_tgbot_admins=${config[tgbot_admins]} while true; do tgbot=$(whiptail --clear --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "Enable Telegram Bot" \ --radiolist --noitem "Enable Telegram Bot:" $HEIGHT $WIDTH $CHOICE_HEIGHT \ "Enable" "$([[ "${config[tgbot]}" == 'ON' ]] && echo 'on' || echo 'off')" \ "Disable" "$([[ "${config[tgbot]}" == 'OFF' ]] && echo 'on' || echo 'off')" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then break fi if [[ $tgbot == 'Disable' ]]; then config[tgbot]=OFF update_config_file return fi config[tgbot]=ON while true; do tgbot_token=$(whiptail --clear --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "Telegram Bot Token" \ --inputbox "Enter Telegram Bot Token:" $HEIGHT $WIDTH "${config[tgbot_token]}" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then break fi if [[ ! $tgbot_token =~ ${regex[tgbot_token]} ]]; then message_box "Invalid Input" "Invalid Telegram Bot Token" continue fi if ! curl -sSfL -m 3 "https://api.telegram.org/bot${tgbot_token}/getMe" >/dev/null 2>&1; then message_box "Invalid Input" "Telegram Bot Token is incorrect. Check it again." continue fi config[tgbot_token]=$tgbot_token while true; do tgbot_admins=$(whiptail --clear --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "Telegram Bot Admins" \ --inputbox "Enter Telegram Bot Admins (Seperate multiple admins by comma ',' without leading '@'):" $HEIGHT $WIDTH "${config[tgbot_admins]}" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then break fi if [[ ! $tgbot_admins =~ ${regex[tgbot_admins]} || $tgbot_admins =~ .+_$ || $tgbot_admins =~ .+_,.+ ]]; then message_box "Invalid Input" "Invalid Username\nThe usernames must separated by ',' without leading '@' character or any extra space." continue fi config[tgbot_admins]=$tgbot_admins update_config_file return done done done config[tgbot]=$old_tgbot config[tgbot_token]=$old_tgbot_token config[tgbot_admins]=$old_tgbot_admins } function backup_menu { local backup_password local result backup_password=$(whiptail \ --clear \ --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" \ --title "Backup" \ --inputbox "Choose a password for the backup file.\nLeave blank if you do not wish to set a password for the backup file." \ $HEIGHT $WIDTH \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return fi if result=$(backup "${backup_password}" 2>&1); then clear echo "Backup has been create and uploaded successfully." echo "You can download the backup file from here:" echo "" echo "${result}" echo "" echo "The URL is valid for 3 days." echo echo "Press Enter to return ..." read clear else message_box "Backup Failed" "${result}" fi } function restore_backup_menu { local backup_file local backup_password local result while true; do backup_file=$(whiptail \ --clear \ --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" \ --title "Restore Backup" \ --inputbox "Enter backup file path or URL" \ $HEIGHT $WIDTH \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then break fi if [[ ! $backup_file =~ ${regex[file_path]} ]] && [[ ! $backup_file =~ ${regex[url]} ]]; then message_box "Invalid Backup path of URL" "Backup file path or URL is not valid." continue fi backup_password=$(whiptail \ --clear \ --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" \ --title "Restore Backup" \ --inputbox "Enter backup file password.\nLeave blank if there is no password." \ $HEIGHT $WIDTH \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then continue fi if result=$(restore "${backup_file}" "${backup_password}" 2>&1); then parse_config_file parse_users_file build_config update_config_file update_users_file message_box "Backup Restore Successful" "Backup has been restored successfully." args[restart]=true break else message_box "Backup Restore Failed" "${result}" fi done } function restart_docker_compose { ${docker_cmd} --project-directory ${config_path} -p ${compose_project} down --remove-orphans --timeout 2 || true ${docker_cmd} --project-directory ${config_path} -p ${compose_project} up --build -d --remove-orphans --build } function restart_tgbot_compose { ${docker_cmd} --project-directory ${config_path}/tgbot -p ${tgbot_project} down --remove-orphans --timeout 2 || true ${docker_cmd} --project-directory ${config_path}/tgbot -p ${tgbot_project} up --build -d --remove-orphans --build } function restart_container { if [[ -z "$(${docker_cmd} ls | grep "${path[compose]}" | grep running || true)" ]]; then restart_docker_compose return fi if ${docker_cmd} --project-directory ${config_path} -p ${compose_project} ps --services "$1" | grep "$1"; then ${docker_cmd} --project-directory ${config_path} -p ${compose_project} restart --timeout 2 "$1" fi } function warp_api { local verb=$1 local resource=$2 local data=$3 local token=$4 local team_token=$5 local endpoint=https://api.cloudflareclient.com/v0a2158 local temp_file local error local command local headers=( "User-Agent: okhttp/3.12.1" "CF-Client-Version: a-6.10-2158" "Content-Type: application/json" ) temp_file=$(mktemp) if [[ -n ${token} ]]; then headers+=("Authorization: Bearer ${token}") fi if [[ -n ${team_token} ]]; then headers+=("Cf-Access-Jwt-Assertion: ${team_token}") fi command="curl -sLX ${verb} -m 3 -w '%{http_code}' -o ${temp_file} ${endpoint}${resource}" for header in "${headers[@]}"; do command+=" -H '${header}'" done if [[ -n ${data} ]]; then command+=" -d '${data}'" fi response_code=$(( $(eval "${command}" || true) )) response_body=$(cat "${temp_file}") rm -f "${temp_file}" if [[ response_code -eq 0 ]]; then return 1 fi if [[ response_code -gt 399 ]]; then error=$(echo "${response_body}" | jq -r '.errors[0].message' 2> /dev/null || true) if [[ ${error} != 'null' ]]; then echo "${error}" fi return 2 fi echo "${response_body}" } function warp_create_account { local response docker run --rm -it -v "${config_path}":/data "${image[wgcf]}" register --config /data/wgcf-account.toml --accept-tos if [[ $? -ne 0 || ! -r ${config_path}/wgcf-account.toml ]]; then echo "WARP account creation has been failed!" return 1 fi config[warp_token]=$(cat ${config_path}/wgcf-account.toml | grep 'access_token' | cut -d "'" -f2) config[warp_id]=$(cat ${config_path}/wgcf-account.toml | grep 'device_id' | cut -d "'" -f2) config[warp_private_key]=$(cat ${config_path}/wgcf-account.toml | grep 'private_key' | cut -d "'" -f2) rm -f ${config_path}/wgcf-account.toml response=$(warp_api "GET" "/reg/${config[warp_id]}" "" "${config[warp_token]}") if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then if [[ -n ${response} ]]; then echo "${response}" fi return 1 fi config[warp_client_id]=$(echo "${response}" | jq -r '.config.client_id') config[warp_interface_ipv4]=$(echo "${response}" | jq -r '.config.interface.addresses.v4') config[warp_interface_ipv6]=$(echo "${response}" | jq -r '.config.interface.addresses.v6') update_config_file } function warp_add_license { local id=$1 local token=$2 local license=$3 local data local response data='{"license": "'$license'"}' response=$(warp_api "PUT" "/reg/${id}/account" "${data}" "${token}") if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then if [[ -n ${response} ]]; then echo "${response}" fi return 1 fi config[warp_license]=${license} update_config_file } function warp_delete_account { local id=$1 local token=$2 warp_api "DELETE" "/reg/${id}" "" "${token}" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true config[warp_private_key]="" config[warp_token]="" config[warp_id]="" config[warp_client_id]="" config[warp_interface_ipv4]="" config[warp_interface_ipv6]="" update_config_file } function warp_decode_reserved { client_id=$1 reserved=$(echo "${client_id}" | base64 -d | xxd -p | fold -w2 | while read HEX; do printf '%d ' "0x${HEX}"; done | awk '{print "["$1", "$2", "$3"]"}') echo "${reserved}" } function check_reload { declare -A restart generate_config for key in "${!path[@]}"; do if [[ "${md5["$key"]}" != $(get_md5 "${path[$key]}") ]]; then restart["${service["$key"]}"]='true' md5["$key"]=$(get_md5 "${path[$key]}") fi done if [[ "${restart[tgbot]}" == 'true' && "${config[tgbot]}" == 'ON' ]]; then restart_tgbot_compose fi if [[ "${config[tgbot]}" == 'OFF' ]]; then ${docker_cmd} --project-directory ${config_path}/tgbot -p ${tgbot_project} down --remove-orphans --timeout 2 >/dev/null 2>&1 || true fi if [[ "${restart[compose]}" == 'true' ]]; then restart_docker_compose return fi for key in "${!restart[@]}"; do if [[ $key != 'none' && $key != 'tgbot' ]]; then restart_container "${key}" fi done } function message_box { local title=$1 local message=$2 whiptail \ --clear \ --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" \ --title "$title" \ --msgbox "$message" \ $HEIGHT $WIDTH \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 } function get_md5 { local file_path file_path=$1 md5sum "${file_path}" 2>/dev/null | cut -f1 -d' ' || true } function generate_file_list { path[config]="${config_path}/config" path[users]="${config_path}/users" path[compose]="${config_path}/docker-compose.yml" path[engine]="${config_path}/engine.conf" path[haproxy]="${config_path}/haproxy.cfg" path[certbot_deployhook]="${config_path}/certbot/deployhook.sh" path[certbot_dockerfile]="${config_path}/certbot/Dockerfile" path[certbot_startup]="${config_path}/certbot/startup.sh" path[server_pem]="${config_path}/certificate/server.pem" path[server_key]="${config_path}/certificate/server.key" path[server_crt]="${config_path}/certificate/server.crt" path[tgbot_script]="${config_path}/tgbot/tgbot.py" path[tgbot_dockerfile]="${config_path}/tgbot/Dockerfile" path[tgbot_compose]="${config_path}/tgbot/docker-compose.yml" service[config]='none' service[users]='none' service[compose]='compose' service[engine]='engine' service[haproxy]='haproxy' service[certbot_deployhook]='certbot' service[certbot_dockerfile]='compose' service[certbot_startup]='certbot' service[server_pem]='haproxy' service[server_key]='engine' service[server_crt]='engine' service[tgbot_script]='tgbot' service[tgbot_dockerfile]='compose' service[tgbot_compose]='tgbot' for key in "${!path[@]}"; do md5["$key"]=$(get_md5 "${path[$key]}") done } function tune_kernel { cat >/etc/sysctl.d/99-reality-ezpz.conf </dev/null 2>&1 || true } function configure_docker { local docker_config="/etc/docker/daemon.json" local config_modified=false local temp_file temp_file=$(mktemp) if [[ ! -f "${docker_config}" ]] || [[ ! -s "${docker_config}" ]]; then echo '{"experimental": true, "ip6tables": true}' | jq . > "${docker_config}" config_modified=true else if ! jq . "${docker_config}" &> /dev/null; then echo '{"experimental": true, "ip6tables": true}' | jq . > "${docker_config}" config_modified=true else if jq 'if .experimental != true or .ip6tables != true then .experimental = true | .ip6tables = true else . end' "${docker_config}" | jq . > "${temp_file}"; then if ! cmp --silent "${docker_config}" "${temp_file}"; then mv "${temp_file}" "${docker_config}" config_modified=true fi fi fi fi rm -f "${temp_file}" if [[ "${config_modified}" = true ]] || ! systemctl is-active --quiet docker; then sudo systemctl restart docker || true fi } parse_args "$@" || show_help if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "This script must be run as root." exit 1 fi if [[ ${args[backup]} == true ]]; then if [[ -n ${args[backup_password]} ]]; then backup_url=$(backup "${args[backup_password]}") else backup_url=$(backup) fi if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Backup created successfully. You can download the backup file from this address:" echo "${backup_url}" echo "The URL is valid for 3 days." exit 0 fi fi if [[ -n ${args[restore]} ]]; then if [[ -n ${args[backup_password]} ]]; then restore "${args[restore]}" "${args[backup_password]}" else restore "${args[restore]}" fi if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then args[restart]=true echo "Backup has been restored successfully." fi echo "Press Enter to continue ..." read clear fi generate_file_list install_packages install_docker configure_docker upgrade parse_config_file parse_users_file build_config update_config_file update_users_file tune_kernel if [[ ${args[menu]} == 'true' ]]; then set +e main_menu set -e fi if [[ ${args[restart]} == 'true' ]]; then restart_docker_compose if [[ ${config[tgbot]} == 'ON' ]]; then restart_tgbot_compose fi fi if [[ -z "$(${docker_cmd} ls | grep "${path[compose]}" | grep running || true)" ]]; then restart_docker_compose fi if [[ -z "$(${docker_cmd} ls | grep "${path[tgbot_compose]}" | grep running || true)" && ${config[tgbot]} == 'ON' ]]; then restart_tgbot_compose fi if [[ ${args[server-config]} == true ]]; then show_server_config exit 0 fi if [[ -n ${args[list_users]} ]]; then for user in "${!users[@]}"; do echo "${user}" done exit 0 fi if [[ ${#users[@]} -eq 1 ]]; then username="${!users[@]}" fi if [[ -n ${args[show_config]} ]]; then username="${args[show_config]}" if [[ -z "${users["${username}"]}" ]]; then echo 'User "'"$username"'" does not exists.' exit 1 fi fi if [[ -n ${args[add_user]} ]]; then username="${args[add_user]}" fi if [[ -n $username ]]; then print_client_configuration "${username}" fi echo "Command has been executed successfully!" exit 0