# ReactMapboxGL Factory function that returns a React Mapbox component. Parameters of the factory function are static; properties of your component are dynamic and get updated if they change between rendering. > To use the original Mapbox API use the `onStyleLoad` property. The callback function will receive the map object as a first argument, then you can add your own logic alongside react-mapbox-gl. [mapbox gl API](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/). ### How to use ```jsx import ReactMapboxGl from "react-mapbox-gl"; ... const Map = ReactMapboxGl({ accessToken: "pk.eyJ1IjoiZmFicmljOCIsImEiOiJjaWc5aTV1ZzUwMDJwdzJrb2w0dXRmc2d0In0.p6GGlfyV-WksaDV_KdN27A" }); ``` ### Factory parameters - **accessToken** *(required)* : `string` Mapbox access token. - **apiUrl**: `string` Define a custom URL to fetch the vector tiles. - **minZoom** *(Default: `0`)*: `number` Minimum zoom level. Must be between 0 and 20. - **maxZoom** *(Default: `20`)*: `number` Maximum zoom level. Must be between 0 and 20. - **scrollZoom** *(Default: `true`)*: `boolean` See [mapbox scrollZoom](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#Map) - **hash** *(Default: `false`)*: `boolean`, [See mapbox doc](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#Map) - **preserveDrawingBuffer** *(Default: `false`)*: `boolean`, [See mapbox doc](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#Map) - **interactive** *(Default: `true`)*: `boolean` Set to `false` to disable interaction with the map. - **attributionControl** *(Default: `true`)*: `boolean` Set to `false` to remove the attribution on the map. - **customAttribution**: `string | string[]` String or strings to show in an AttributionControl. Only applicable if `attributionControl` option is set to `true`. - **logoPosition** *(Default: `bottom-left`)*: `string` Set the position of the mapbox logo. Possible values: - `top-left` - `top-right` - `bottom-right` - `bottom-left` - **renderWorldCopies** *(Default: `true`)*: `boolean` If `true`, multiple copies of the world will be rendered, when zoomed out. - **dragRotate** *(Default: `true`)*: `boolean` Set to `false` to disable drag rotation, see [mapbox DragRotateHandler](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#DragRotateHandler) - **trackResize** *(Default: `true`)*: `boolean` If `true`, the map will automatically resize when the browser window resizes. - **touchZoomRotate** *(Default: `true`)*: `boolean` If `true`, the "pinch to rotate and zoom" interaction is enabled. An Object value is passed as options to TouchZoomRotateHandler#enable . - **doubleClickZoom** *(Default: `true`)*: `boolean` If `true`, the "double click to zoom" interaction is enabled (see DoubleClickZoomHandler). - **keyboard** *(Default: `true`)*: `boolean` If `true` , keyboard shortcuts are enabled (see KeyboardHandler). - **dragPan** *(Default: `true`)*: `boolean` If `true` , the "drag to pan" interaction is enabled (see DragPanHandler). - **refreshExpiredTiles** *(Default: `true`)*: `boolean` If `false` , the map won't attempt to re-request tiles once they expire per their HTTP cacheControl / expires headers. - **failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat** *(Default: `false`)*: `boolean` If `true` , map creation will fail if the performance of Mapbox GL JS would be dramatically worse than expected (i.e. a software renderer would be used). - **bearingSnap** *(Default: `7`)*: `number` The threshold, measured in degrees, that determines when the map's bearing (rotation) will snap to north. For example, with a bearingSnap of 7, if the user rotates the map within 7 degrees of north, the map will automatically snap to exact north. - **injectCss** *(Default: `true`)*: `boolean` If `false`, the factory will not try to inject the default CSS for the map into the `` element. ### Component Properties - **style** *(required)* : `string | object` Mapbox map style, if changed, the style will be updated using `setStyle`. - **center** *(Default: `[ -0.2416815, 51.5285582 ]`)*: `[number, number]` Center the map at the position at initialisation - Must be in longitude, latitude coordinate order (as opposed to latitude, longitude) to match GeoJSON (source: https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#lnglat). - Re-center the map if the value change regarding the prev value or the actual center position [flyTo](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#Map.flyTo) - **zoom** *(Default: `[11]`)*: `[number]` Zoom level of the map at initialisation wrapped in an array. - Check for reference equality between the previous value of zoom and the new one in order to update it or not. - **maxBounds** : `LngLatBounds | number[][]` If set, the map is constrained to the given bounds [SouthWest, NorthEast] - **fitBounds** : `number[][]` If set, the map will center on the given coordinates, [fitBounds](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#Map#fitBounds) - **fitBoundsOptions** : `object` Options for [fitBounds](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#Map#fitBounds) - **bearing**: `[number]` Bearing (rotation) of the map at initialisation measured in degrees counter-clockwise from north. - Check the previous value and the new one, if the value changed update the bearing value [flyTo](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#Map.flyTo) - **pitch**: `[number]` Pitch (tilt) of the map at initialisation, range : `0 - 60` - **containerStyle** : `object` The style of the container of the map passed as an object - **className** : `string` ClassName passed down to the container div - **movingMethod** *(Default: `flyTo`)*: `string` define the method used when changing the center or zoom position. Possible value : - `jumpTo` - `easeTo` - `flyTo` - **animationOptions** : `object` Options for moving animation [see](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#animationoptions) - **flyToOptions** : `object` Options for flyTo animation [see](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#map#flyto) ### Events All mapbox map events are implemented in this library, see events section on mapbox documentation [api](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api). All the events have the following signature `(map: Mapbox.Map, evt: React.SyntheticEvent) => void`. The event names are written in camelCase: ```js const events = { // Triggered when style of the map has loaded onStyleLoad, // mapbox-gl events onResize: 'resize', onDblClick: 'dblclick', onClick: 'click', onMouseMove: 'mousemove', onMouseOut: 'mouseout', onMoveStart: 'movestart', onMove: 'move', onMoveEnd: 'moveend', onMouseUp: 'mouseup', onMouseDown: 'mousedown', onDragStart: 'dragstart', onDrag: 'drag', onDragEnd: 'dragend', onZoomStart: 'zoomstart', onZoom: 'zoom', onZoomEnd: 'zoomend', onPitch: 'pitch', onPitchStart: 'pitchstart', onPitchEnd: 'pitchend', onWebGlContextLost: 'webglcontextlost', onWebGlContextRestored: 'webglcontextrestored', onRemove: 'remove', onContextMenu: 'contextmenu', onRender: 'render', onError: 'error', onSourceData: 'sourcedata', onDataLoading: 'dataloading', onStyleDataLoading: 'styledataloading', onTouchCancel: 'touchcancel', onData: 'data', onSourceDataLoading: 'sourcedataloading', onTouchMove: 'touchmove', onTouchEnd: 'touchend', onTouchStart: 'touchstart', onStyleData: 'styledata', onBoxZoomStart: 'boxzoomstart', onBoxZoomEnd: 'boxzoomend', onBoxZoomCancel: 'boxzoomcancel', onRotateStart: 'rotatestart', onRotate: 'rotate', onRotateEnd: 'rotateend' }; ``` ---------- # Layer Creates a new Mapbox layer and creates all the sources depending on the child `Feature` components. Layer also creates a source if no sourceId is passed. If you change the value of the paint or the layout property of the layer, it will automatically update this property using `setPaintProperty` or `setLayoutProperty` respectively. > Only works with the first depth of the object. ### How to use ```jsx import { Layer } from "react-mapbox-gl"; ... ``` ### Properties - **id** : `string` The id of the layer or generate an incremented number as id - **type** *(Default: `symbol`)* : `string` The type of the features childrens elements, possible values : - `symbol`, Include a Mapbox `symbol` (`Point` GeoJson) - `line`, Include a Mapbox `line` (`LineString` GeoJson) - `fill`, Include a Mapbox `polygon` (`Fill` GeoJson) - `circle`, Include a Mapbox `circle` (`Point` GeoJson) - `raster`, Include a Mapbox raster layer - `fill-extrusion`, Include a Mapbox fill extrusion layer - `background`, Include a Mapbox background layer - `heatmap`, Include a Mapbox heatmap layer - **layout**: `object` Mapbox layout object passed down to mapbox `map.addLayer` method [mapbox layout api](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-style-spec/#layer-layout) - **paint**: `object` Mapbox paint object passed down to mapbox `map.addLayer` method [mapbox paint api](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-style-spec/#layer-paint) - **geoJSONSourceOptions**: `object` Source options merged to object passed to `map.addSource` - **metadata**: `object` metadata parameter passed to `map.addLayer` - **sourceLayer**: `string` source-layer parameter passed to `map.addLayer` - **minZoom**: `number` minzoom parameter passed to `map.addLayer` - **maxZoom**: `number` maxzoom parameter passed to `map.addLayer` - **filter**: `any[]` filter parameter passed to `map.addLayer`, see how to [use expressions to filter elements](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/style-spec/#layer-filter) - **sourceId**: `string` When passed to the layer, the source will not be created but only the layer and it will use the given source id. - **before**: `string` Pass the id of a layer, it will display the current layer before the layer defined by the id. [mapbox api](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#Map#addLayer) - **images**: `[imageKey: string, image: HTMLImageElement, options: object]` Also accepts array of the previous image tuple. Add images for use in layout with prop `icon-image`. The value should be the `imageKey` string of the tuple. Alternatively, use mapbox studio to upload the image, it will be fetched with the map style object. (see [map.addImage](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#map#addimage) options for the tuple options). ---------- # Source Add a source to the map (for layers to use, for example). ### How to use ```jsx import { Source } from "react-mapbox-gl"; ... const RASTER_SOURCE_OPTIONS = { "type": "raster", "tiles": [ "https://someurl.com/512/{z}/{x}/{y}", ], "tileSize": 512 }; ``` ### Properties - **id** *(required)*: `string` - **geoJsonSource** : `object` GeoJson source, see [mapbox-gl GeoJson](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/style-spec/#sources-geojson) for options - **tileJsonSource** : `object` TileJson source, see [mapbox-gl TileJson](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/style-spec/#sources) for options - **onSourceAdded** : `function` Executed once the source is added to the map, the source is passed as a first argument. - **onSourceLoaded** : `function` Executed once the source data has been loaded for the first time (after [mapbox-gl map.event:load](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#map.event:load)), the source is passed as a first argument. ---------- # GeoJSONLayer Display on the map all the information contained in a geoJSON file. _Note:_ GeoJSONLayer will not render any layers (`line`, `circle`, `fill`, etc...) unless an associated `[layer]Layout` or `[layer]Paint` prop is provided. ### How to use ```jsx import { GeoJSONLayer } from "react-mapbox-gl"; ... ``` ### Properties - **data** *(required)*: `string | object` The url to the geojson file or the geojson file itself. - **lineLayout** | **symbolLayout** | **circleLayout** | **fillLayout** | **fillExtrusionLayout**: `Object` Layer layout information. [mapbox layout api](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-style-spec/#layer-layout) - **linePaint** | **symbolPaint** | **circlePaint** | **fillPaint** | **fillExtrusionPaint**: `Object` Paint information. [mapbox paint api](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-style-spec/#layer-paint) - **lineOnMouseDown** | **symbolOnMouseDown** | **circleOnMouseDown** | **fillOnMouseDown** | **fillExtrusionOnMouseDown**: `function` Mouse down handler. [mapbox map mouse event](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#mapmouseevent) - **lineOnMouseUp** | **symbolOnMouseUp** | **circleOnMouseUp** | **fillOnMouseUp** | **fillExtrusionOnMouseUp**: `function` Mouse up handler. [mapbox map mouse event](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#mapmouseevent) - **lineOnMouseMove** | **symbolOnMouseMove** | **circleOnMouseMove** | **fillOnMouseMove** | **fillExtrusionOnMouseMove**: `function` Mouse move handler. [mapbox map mouse event](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#mapmouseevent) - **lineOnMouseEnter** | **symbolOnMouseEnter** | **circleOnMouseEnter** | **fillOnMouseEnter** | **fillExtrusionOnMouseEnter**: `function` Mouse enter handler. [mapbox map mouse event](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#mapmouseevent) - **lineOnMouseLeave** | **symbolOnMouseLeave** | **circleOnMouseLeave** | **fillOnMouseLeave** | **fillExtrusionOnMouseLeave**: `function` Mouse leave handler. [mapbox map api](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#mapmouseevent) - **lineOnClick** | **symbolOnClick** | **circleOnClick** | **fillOnClick** | **fillExtrusionOnClick**: `function` Mouse click handler. [mapbox map mouse event](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#mapmouseevent) - **sourceOptions**: `object` Options object merged to the object used when calling `GeoJSONSource` method - **layerOptions**: `object` Passed down to the layer object when setting it out. - **before**: `string` Pass the id of a layer, it will display the current layer before the layer defined by the id. [mapbox api](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#Map#addLayer) ---------- # Feature Displays a feature on the map. Can only be used when wrapped in a `Layer` component. The type of the feature is defined at the `Layer` level. If you want to create a new type, create an associated new layer. ### How to use ```jsx import { Feature } from "react-mapbox-gl"; ... ``` ### Properties - **coordinates** *(required)* : `number[]` Display the feature at the given position. - **properties** : `object` Properties object passed down to the feature at the creation of the source. - **onClick** : `(mapWithEvt: object) => void` Triggered when user click on the feature - Args contain the feature object, the map object and the arguments passed by mapbox from the event `click` - **onMouseEnter** : `(mapWithEvt: object) => void` Triggered when the mouse enter the feature element - Args contain the feature object, the map object and the arguments passed by mapbox from the event `onmousemove` - **onMouseLeave** : `(mapWithEvt: object) => void` Triggered when the mouse leave the feature element - Args contain the map object and the arguments passed by Mapbox from the event `onmousemove` - **draggable** *(Default: `false`)* : `boolean` Define wether the feature is draggable or not. - **onDragStart** : `(mapWithEvt: object) => void` Triggered when the user start dragging the feature. - **onDrag** : `(mapWithEvt: object) => void` Triggered when the user continue dragging the feature (ie. move). - **onDragEnd** : `(mapWithEvt: object) => void` Triggered when the user stop dragging the feature. ---------- # ZoomControl A custom react zoom control component. ### How to use ```jsx import { ZoomControl } from "react-mapbox-gl"; ... ``` ### Properties - **onControlClick** : `(map: object, zoomDiff: number) => void` triggered when user clicks on minus or plus button - **style** : `object` Style object merged with internal style into the container - **className**: `string` Custom style using className for the container - **zoomDiff** : `number` The shift number passed to the callback `onControlClick` - **position** *(Default: `top-right`)*: `string` The control position, Possible values : - `top-right` - `top-left` - `bottom-right` - `bottom-left` - **tabIndex** : `number` define the tab index value of the top container tag ---------- # ScaleControl A custom react scale feedback control component. ### How to use ```jsx import { ScaleControl } from "react-mapbox-gl"; ... ``` ### Properties - **measurement** *(Default: `km`)*: `string`, Possible values: - `km` - `mi` - **style**: `object` Style object merged with internal style into the container - **className**: `string` Custom style using className for the container - **position** *(Default: `bottom-right`)*: `string` The control position, Possible values : - `top-right` - `top-left` - `bottom-right` - `bottom-left` - **tabIndex** : `number` define the tab index value of the top container tag ---------- # RotationControl Displays the current map rotation, also resets the rotation to it's origin value on click. ### How to use ```jsx import { RotationControl } from "react-mapbox-gl"; ... ``` ### Properties - **style** : `object` Style object merged with internal style into the container - **className** : `string` Get passed to the container div - **position** *(Default: `top-right`)*: `string` The control position, Possible values : - `top-right` - `top-left` - `bottom-right` - `bottom-left` - **tabIndex** : `number` define the tab index value of the top container tag ---------- # Popup The popup component allows you to display a popup tooltip on top of the map using mapbox-gl-js. ### How to use ```jsx import { Popup } from "react-mapbox-gl"; ...


``` ### Properties - **coordinates** *(required)*: `[number, number]` Display the popup at the given position. - **anchor**: `string` Set the anchor point of the popup, Possible values: - `top` - `bottom` - `left` - `right` - `center` - `top-left` - `top-right` - `bottom-left` - `bottom-right` - `null | undefined`: When not set, the anchor is automatically calculated to keep the content of the popup visible. - **offset** *(Default: 0)*: `number | number[] | object` Set the offset of popup, where the tip of the popup will be pointing. - When `number` is passed, the popup will be offset by that number for all anchor positions. - When an `number[]` is passed (e.g. [-12, 30]), the popup will be offset by that point. - When `object` is passed, it must contain keys for different anchor positions and values as the offset (`number` or `number[]`) - **onClick**: `function` Triggered whenever user click on the popup - **style**: `object` Apply style to the marker container - **className**: `string` Apply the className to the container of the popup - **tabIndex** : `number` define the tab index value of the top container tag ---------- # Marker Add an HTML marker to the map. *Note: When rendering many objects, avoid using `Marker`s as it will negatively affect performance. Use `Layer`s and `Feature`s instead.* ### How to use ```jsx import { Marker } from "react-mapbox-gl"; ... ``` ### Properties - **coordinates** *(required)*: `[number, number]` Display the marker at the given position. - **anchor**: `string` Same as Popup's anchor property. - **offset**: `string` Same as Popup's offset property. - **onClick**: `function` Triggered whenever user click on the marker - **style**: `object` Apply style to the marker container - **className**: `string` Apply the className to the container of the Marker - **tabIndex** : `number` define the tab index value of the top container tag ________ # Cluster Create a cluster of `Marker`. ### How to use ```jsx import { Cluster } from "react-mapbox-gl"; ... clusterMarker = (coordinates) => ( C ); ... { places.features.map((feature, key) => M ) } ``` ### Properties - **ClusterMarkerFactory** *(required)*: `(coordinates: number[], pointCount: number, getLeaves: (limit?: number, offset?: number) => Array>) => Marker` A function called for every cluster, the function must return a Marker component - `getLeaves()` return `Cluster` children of a cluster, with pagination support: limit is the number of points to return (set to Infinity for all points, default to 10), and offset is the amount of points to skip (for pagination). - **radius**: *Default: 60*:`number` Cluster radius, in pixels. - **minZoom**: *Default: 0*:`number` Minimum zoom level at which clusters are generated. - **maxZoom**: *Default: 16*:`number` Maximum zoom level at which clusters are generated. - **extent**: *Default: 512*:`number` (Tiles) Tile extent. Radius is calculated relative to this value. - **nodeSize**: *Default: 64*:`number` Size of the KD-tree leaf node. Affects performance. - **log**: *Default: false*:`boolean` Whether timing info should be logged. - **zoomOnClick**: *Default: false*:`boolean` Zoom to bounds of cluster on click. - **zoomOnClickPadding**: *Default: 20*:`number` The amount of padding in pixels to add to the cluster bounds for the zoom. - **style**: `object` Apply style to the marker container - **className**: `string` Apply the className to the container of the Marker - **tabIndex** : `number` define the tab index value of the top container tag