openapi: 3.1.0 info: version: "2.4.1" title: Pirate Weather API description: Pirate Weather provides an open, free, and documented source of government weather data. termsOfService: contact: email: license: name: Apache License 2.0 url: externalDocs: description: Full API reference url: tags: - name: Weather description: Pirate Weather provides an open, free, and documented source of government weather data. paths: "/forecast/{api_key}/{lat_and_long_or_time}": get: tags: - Weather operationId: Weather summary: Make a request to Pirate Weather description: Fetch a weather forecast or get historical weather data based on input latitude and longitude. parameters: - name: api_key in: path description: Pirate Weather Authentication Token. required: true schema: type: string - name: lat_and_long_or_time in: path description: A single comma-delimited string containing Latitude and Longitude information. Optionally, either a UNIX timestamp, ISO 8601 date string, or number of seconds before present can be added. required: true schema: type: string - name: exclude in: query description: Exclude some keys from the Pirate Weather forecast response. schema: type: string - name: extend in: query description: Fetch the next 168 hours (7 days) worth of hourly data, instead of the next 24. schema: type: string - name: lang in: query description: Not presently implemented. Change the forecast language. schema: type: string - name: units in: query description: Return the weather forecast data in the requested unit system. schema: type: string - name: version in: query description: Include fields which were not part of the Dark Sky API but were introduced in API version 2. schema: type: integer - name: tmextra in: query description: Include the full set of parameters in recent time machine requests. schema: type: integer responses: "400": description: "Bad Request. Longitude or Latitude is invalid." content: application/json: schema: properties: detail: type: string description: The error message example: "Invalid Location Specification" "401": description: "API key does not have access to the queried endpoint or if you did not include an API key in your request." content: text/html: schema: type: string example: Kong Error Invalid authentication credentials. "404": description: "You queried the API using an invalid route or if you do not supply a latitude or longitude in your request." content: application/json: schema: properties: message: type: string description: The error message. example: "no Route matched with those values" "429": description: "Your your API key has hit the quota for the month." content: text/html: schema: type: string example: Kong Error API rate limit exceeded. "500": description: "Internal Server Error." content: application/json: schema: properties: message: type: string description: The error message. example: "Internal Server Error" "200": description: Success content: application/json: schema: properties: latitude: $ref: "#/components/schemas/latitude" longitude: $ref: "#/components/schemas/longitude" timezone: $ref: "#/components/schemas/timezone" offset: $ref: "#/components/schemas/offset" elevation: $ref: "#/components/schemas/elevation" currently: $ref: "#/components/schemas/currently" minutely: $ref: "#/components/schemas/minutely" hourly: $ref: "#/components/schemas/hourly" daily: $ref: "#/components/schemas/daily" alerts: $ref: "#/components/schemas/alerts" flags: $ref: "#/components/schemas/flags" servers: - url: description: Production forecast data server - url: description: Development forecast data server - url: description: Production historic data server components: schemas: latitude: type: number description: The requested latitude. example: 37.3034933 longitude: type: number description: The requested longitude. example: -89.5230357 timezone: type: string description: The timezone name for the requested location. example: America/Chicago offset: type: integer format: int32 description: The timezone offset in hours. example: -6 elevation: type: integer format: int32 description: The elevation in meters of the forecast point. example: 344 currently: type: object description: A block containing the current weather for the requested location. properties: time: type: integer format: int32 description: The current time in UNIX format. example: 1677876000 summary: type: string description: A human-readable summary of the current weather. example: Windy icon: type: string description: An icon representing the current weather. example: wind nearestStormDistance: type: number description: The distance to the nearest storm in kilometers. example: 125.39 nearestStormBearing: type: integer format: int32 description: The direction to the nearest storm in degrees. example: 27 precipIntensity: type: number description: The intensity of precipitation in millimeters per hour. example: 0 precipProbability: type: number description: The probability of precipitation occurring. example: 0 precipIntensityError: type: number description: The standard deviation of the precipitation intensity. example: 0 precipType: type: string description: The type of precipitation occurring. example: none temperature: type: number description: The air temperature. example: 44.44 apparentTemperature: type: number description: The apparent temperature (feels like). example: 35.74 dewPoint: type: number description: The dew point temperature. example: 39.61 humidity: type: number description: The relative humidity. example: 0.83 pressure: type: number description: The sea-level pressure in hectopascals. example: 981.5 windSpeed: type: number description: The wind speed. example: 22.57 windGust: type: number description: The wind gust speed. example: 43.56 windBearing: type: integer format: int32 description: The direction of the wind in degrees. example: 293 cloudCover: type: number description: The fraction of the sky covered by clouds. example: 0.34 uvIndex: type: number description: The UV index. example: 1.9 visibility: type: number description: The visibility in kilometers. example: 10 ozone: type: number description: The ozone concentration in Dobson units. example: 324.42 smoke: type: number description: The amount of near-surface smoke in ug/m^3. Only returned when version>2. example: 0.01 fireIndex: type: number description: The Fosburg fire index. Only returned when version>2. example: 16.06 feelsLike: type: number description: The apparent temperature reported by NBM and gfs. Only returned when version>2. example: 16.06 currentDayIce: type: number description: The ice precipitation that has accumulated so far during the day, from midnight until the forecast request time. Only returned when version>2. example: 0.02 currentDayLiquid: type: number description: The liquid precipitation that has accumulated so far during the day, from midnight until the forecast request time. Only returned when version>2. example: 0.20 currentDaySnow: type: number description: The snow precipitation that has accumulated so far during the day, from midnight until the forecast request time. Only returned when version>2. example: 2.02 minutely: type: object description: A block containing minute-by-minute precipitation intensity for the next 60 minutes. properties: summary: type: string description: A summary of the minute-by-minute forecast. example: Clear icon: type: string description: An icon representing the minute-by-minute forecast. example: clear data: type: array items: type: object properties: time: type: integer format: int32 description: The time of the data point in UNIX format. example: 1677876000 precipIntensity: type: number description: The intensity of precipitation. example: 0 precipProbability: type: number description: The probability of precipitation. example: 0.4 precipIntensityError: type: number description: The standard deviation of the precipitation intensity. example: 0.0299 precipType: type: string description: The type of precipitation occurring. example: none hourly: type: object description: A block containing hour-by-hour forecasted conditions for the next 48 hours. If `extend=hourly` is used, the hourly block gives hour-by-hour forecasted conditions for the next 168 hours. properties: summary: type: string description: A summary of the hourly forecast. example: Clear icon: type: string description: An icon representing the hourly forecast. example: clear-night data: type: array items: type: object properties: time: type: integer format: int32 description: The time of the data point in UNIX format. example: 1677873600 icon: type: string description: An icon representing the weather. example: rain summary: type: string description: A summary of the weather. example: Rain precipIntensity: type: number description: The intensity of precipitation. example: 0.0501 precipProbability: type: number description: The probability of precipitation. example: 0.55 precipIntensityError: type: number description: The standard deviation of the precipitation intensity. example: 0.0294 precipAccumulation: type: number description: The total amount of precipitation. example: 0.0501 precipType: type: string description: The type of precipitation occurring. example: rain temperature: type: number description: The air temperature. example: 44.11 apparentTemperature: type: number description: The apparent temperature (feels like). example: 35.18 dewPoint: type: number description: The dew point temperature. example: 39.72 humidity: type: number description: The relative humidity. example: 0.85 pressure: type: number description: The air pressure. example: 978.1 windSpeed: type: number description: The wind speed. example: 23.17 windGust: type: number description: The wind gust speed. example: 45.1 windBearing: type: number format: int32 description: The direction of the wind in degrees. example: 295 cloudCover: type: number description: The fraction of the sky covered by clouds. example: 0.33 uvIndex: type: number description: The UV index. example: 1.17 visibility: type: number description: The visibility in kilometers. example: 10 ozone: type: number description: The ozone concentration in Dobson units. example: 352.77 smoke: type: number description: The amount of near-surface smoke in ug/m3. Only returned when version>2. example: 0.01 liquidAccumulation: type: number description: The amount of liquid precipitation expected. Only returned when version>2. example: 0 snowAccumulation: type: number description: The amount of snow precipitation expected. Only returned when version>2. example: 0 iceAccumulation: type: number description: The amount of ice precipitation expected. Only returned when version>2. example: 0 nearestStormDistance: type: number description: The distance to the nearest storm. example: 139.01 nearestStormBearing: type: number description: The direction to the nearest storm. example: 172.87 fireIndex: type: number description: The Fosburg fire index. Only returned when version>2. example: 15.03 feelsLike: type: number description: The apparent temperature reported by NBM and gfs. Only returned when version>2. example: 16.06 daily: type: object description: A block containing day-by-day forecasted conditions for the next 7 days. properties: summary: type: string description: A summary of the daily forecast. example: Cloudy icon: type: string description: An icon representing the daily forecast. example: cloudy data: type: array items: type: object properties: time: type: integer format: int32 description: The time of the data point in UNIX format. example: 1677823200 icon: type: string description: An icon representing the weather. example: rain summary: type: string description: A summary of the weather. example: Rain dawnTime: type: integer format: int32 description: The time when the the sun is a specific (6 degrees) height above the horizon after sunrise. Only returned when version>2. example: 1726744655 sunriseTime: type: integer format: int32 description: The time of sunrise in UNIX format. example: 1726746249 sunsetTime: type: integer format: int32 description: The time of sunset in UNIX format. example: 1726790310 duskTime: type: integer format: int32 description: The time when the the sun is a specific (6 degrees) height above the horizon before sunset. Only returned when version>2. example: 1726791901 moonPhase: type: number description: The fractional lunation number for the given day. example: 0.37 precipIntensity: type: number description: The intensity of precipitation. example: 0.0097 precipIntensityMax: type: number description: The maximum intensity of precipitation. example: 0.0501 precipIntensityMaxTime: type: integer format: int32 description: The time when the maximum precipitation intensity occurs in UNIX format. example: 1677873600 precipProbability: type: number description: The probability of precipitation. example: 0.55 precipAccumulation: type: number description: The total amount of precipitation. example: 0.087 precipType: type: string description: The type of precipitation occurring. example: rain temperatureHigh: type: number description: The daytime high temperature. example: 44.44 temperatureHighTime: type: integer format: int32 description: The time when the high temperature occurs in UNIX format. example: 1677880800 temperatureLow: type: number description: The overnight low temperature. example: 35.56 temperatureLowTime: type: integer format: int32 description: The time when the low temperature occurs in UNIX format. example: 1677924000 apparentTemperatureHigh: type: number description: The apparent daytime high temperature (feels like). example: 38.36 apparentTemperatureHighTime: type: integer format: int32 description: The time when the apparent high temperature occurs in UNIX format. example: 1677880800 apparentTemperatureLow: type: number description: The apparent overnight low temperature (feels like). example: 35.18 apparentTemperatureLowTime: type: integer format: int32 description: The time when the apparent low temperature occurs in UNIX format. example: 1677920400 dewPoint: type: number description: The dew point temperature. example: 39.71 humidity: type: number description: The relative humidity. example: 0.862 pressure: type: number description: The air pressure. example: 988.48 windSpeed: type: number description: The wind speed. example: 12.87 windGust: type: number description: The wind gust speed. example: 29.62 windGustTime: type: integer format: int32 description: The time when the maximum wind gust occurs in UNIX format. example: 1677873600 windBearing: type: integer format: int32 description: The direction of the wind in degrees. example: 304 cloudCover: type: number description: The fraction of the sky covered by clouds. example: 0.49 uvIndex: type: number description: The max UV index during that day. example: 1.9 uvIndexTime: type: integer format: int32 description: The time when the maximum UV index occurs in UNIX format. example: 1677877200 visibility: type: number description: The visibility in kilometers. example: 9.93 temperatureMin: type: number description: The minimum temperature. example: 40.62 temperatureMinTime: type: integer format: int32 description: The time when the minimum temperature occurs in UNIX format. example: 1677902400 temperatureMax: type: number description: The maximum temperature. example: 44.44 temperatureMaxTime: type: integer format: int32 description: The time when the maximum temperature occurs in UNIX format. example: 1677880800 apparentTemperatureMin: type: number description: The minimum apparent temperature (feels like). example: 35.18 apparentTemperatureMinTime: type: integer format: int32 description: The time when the minimum apparent temperature occurs in UNIX format. example: 1677902400 apparentTemperatureMax: type: number description: The maximum apparent temperature (feels like). example: 38.36 apparentTemperatureMaxTime: type: integer format: int32 description: The time when the maximum apparent temperature occurs in UNIX format. example: 1677902400 smokeMax: type: number description: The maximum amount of near-surface smoke in kg/m^3. Only returned when version>2. example: 0.03 smokeMaxTime: type: integer format: int32 description: The time when the maximum near-surface smoke occurs in UNIX format. Only returned when version>2. example: 1715324400 liquidAccumulation: type: number description: The amount of liquid precipitation expected. Only returned when version>2. example: 0.01 snowAccumulation: type: number description: The amount of snow precipitation expected. Only returned when version>2. example: 0 iceAccumulation: type: number description: The amount of ice precipitation expected. Only returned when version>2. example: 0 fireIndexMax: type: number description: The maximum Fosburg fire index. Only returned when version>2. example: 19.06 fireIndexMaxTime: type: integer format: int32 description: The time when the maximum Fosburg fire index occurs in UNIX format. Only returned when version>2. example: 1715378400 alerts: type: array description: A block containing any severe weather alerts for the current location. items: type: object properties: title: type: string description: A brief description of the alert. example: Flood Warning issued May 10 at 11:07AM CDT until May 17 at 5:00AM CDT by NWS Paducah KY regions: type: array description: An array of strings containing all regions included in the weather alert. items: type: string example: Alexander, IL severity: type: string description: The severity of the weather alert. example: Severe time: type: integer format: int32 description: The time the alert was issued in UNIX format. example: 1715357220 expires: type: integer format: int32 description: The time the alert expires in UNIX format. example: 1715451300 description: type: string description: A detailed description of the alert. example: "...The Flood Warning is extended for the following river in Illinois...Missouri...Kentucky... Mississippi River at Cape Girardeau, Thebes, and Hickman. .With recent heavy rainfall, waters are rising on the Mississippi River with crests in minor flood at Cape Girardeau, Thebes, and Hickman early next week. For the Mississippi River...including Cape Girardeau, Thebes, Hickman...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Mississippi River at Cape Girardeau. * WHEN...Until Friday, May 17. * IMPACTS...At 36.0 feet, The flood gate on Themis Street closes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 11:00 AM CDT Friday the stage was 34.4 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 36.0 feet Monday morning. It will then fall below flood stage late Thursday evening. - Flood stage is 32.0 feet." uri: type: string description: A HTTP(S) URL for more information about the alert. example: flags: type: object description: A block containing miscellaneous data for the API request. properties: sources: type: array description: The models used to generate the forecast. items: type: string example: ETOPO1 sourceTimes: type: object description: The times in UTC when the models were last updated. properties: hrrr_0-18: type: string description: The time the HRRR model for 0-18 hours was last updated. example: 2023-03-03 18Z hrrr_subh: type: string description: The time the HRRR sub-hourly model was last updated. example: 2023-03-03 18Z nbm: type: string description: The time the NBM model was last updated. example: 2023-03-03 18Z nbm_fire: type: string description: The time the NBM fire model was last updated. example: 2023-03-03 12Z hrrr_18-48: type: string description: The time the HRRR model for 18-48 hours was last updated. example: 2023-03-03 18Z gfs: type: string description: The time the GFS model was last updated. example: 2023-03-03 12Z gefs: type: string description: The time the GEFS model was last updated. example: 2023-03-03 12Z nearest-station: type: integer format: int32 description: The distance to the nearest station (not implemented, always returns 0). example: 0 units: type: string description: The units used in the forecasts. example: us version: type: string description: The version of Pirate Weather used to generate the forecast. example: V2.4.1 sourceIDX: type: object description: The X, Y coordinate and the lat/long coordinate for each model used to generate the forecast. Only returned when version>2. properties: hrrr: type: object properties: x: type: integer format: int32 description: The X coordinate for the HRRR model. example: 1134 y: type: integer format: int32 description: The Y coordinate for the HRRR model. example: 495 lat: type: number description: The latitude coordinate for the HRRR model. example: 37.31 long: type: number description: The longitude coordinate for the HRRR model. example: -89.53 nbm: type: object properties: x: type: integer format: int32 description: The X coordinate for the NBM model. example: 1483 y: type: integer format: int32 description: The Y coordinate for the NBM model. example: 651 lat: type: number description: The latitude coordinate for the NBM model. example: 37.31 long: type: number description: The longitude coordinate for the NBM model. example: -89.53 gfs: type: object properties: x: type: integer format: int32 description: The X coordinate for the GFS model. example: 1082 y: type: integer format: int32 description: The Y coordinate for the GFS model. example: 509 lat: type: number description: The latitude coordinate for the GFS model. example: 37.25 long: type: number description: The longitude coordinate for the GFS model. example: -89.5 etopo: type: object properties: x: type: integer format: int32 description: The X coordinate for the ETOPO model. example: 5429 y: type: integer format: int32 description: The Y coordinate for the ETOPO model. example: 7638 lat: type: number description: The latitude coordinate for the ETOPO model. example: 37.3 long: type: number description: The longitude coordinate for the ETOPO model. example: -89.5166 processTime: type: integer format: int32 description: The time taken to process the request in milliseconds. Only returned when version>2. example: 6970