# Versions ## 14.0.2 ### Breaking Changes - Node.js 18 or greater is now required ## 13.0.2 ### Breaking Changes - Node.js 16 or greater is now required ## 12.0.5 - Add support for P2TR addresses ### Breaking Changes - Node.js 14 or greater is now required ## 11.4.0 - `cancelSwapOut`: Add method to early cancel a pending swap out ## 11.3.0 - `createTaprootSwapOut`: Add method to request a Taproot Loop Out - `getCoopSignedTx`: Add method to support getting a cooperative sweep tx - `releaseSwapOutSecret`: Add `is_taproot` to support releasing Taproot secret ## 11.2.3 - `findDeposit`: Add option to specify `output_script` instead of `address` - `findDeposit`: Add `poll_interval_ms` for request polling timer control - `taprootClaimTransaction`, `taprootRefundTransaction`: Add `internal_key` ## 11.1.1 - `attemptTaprootClaim`, `swapScriptBranches`, `taprootCoopTransaction`, `taprootRefundTransaction`: Add methods for Taproot swaps ## 11.0.1 ### Breaking Changes - Remove `askForFeeRate`, `getFundedTransaction`, `maintainUtxoLocks` methods and move to `ln-sync` library. ## 10.4.2 - `getFundedTransaction`: Return `lock_expires_at` to indicate input expiration lock date - `maintainUtxoLocks`: Add method to keep internal tx funding input locks active ## 10.3.0 - `askForFeeRate`: Add method to get a desired chain fee rate - `getFundedTransaction`: Add `chain_fee_tokens_per_vbyte` to specify chain fee rate ## 10.2.0 - `getFundedTransaction`: Add method to get a funded transaction - `getPsbtFromTransaction`: Add method to derive a PSBT from a raw transaction ## 10.1.0 - `cancelSwapOut`: Cleanly cancel a swap out ## 10.0.6 - `attemptSweep`: Clamp output value above dust when fees consume all funds ## 10.0.3 - `createSwapIn`: `probe_request` is now required - `createSwapIn`: Add support for `user_agent` - `createSwapOut`: Add support for `user_agent` ## 9.0.1 - Fix missing dependency reference ## 9.0.0 ### Breaking Changes - Pass a `metadata` object instead of `macaroon` and `preimage` for authentication. ## 8.0.1 - `getSwapOutQuote`: remove `cltv_delta` from response ### Breaking Change - `getSwapOutQuote`: `cltv_delta` is undefined, use the `cltv_delta` from the request instead ## 7.1.2 - `decodeSwapRecovery`: Pull out version field from recovery details ## 7.1.0 - `genericSwapService`: Add method to create generic swap server object ## 7.0.2 - `isSweep`: Add support for more raw transaction scenarios ## 7.0.0 Switch swap script to V2: - `attemptRefund`: Allow specifying the `version` of the swap script - `createSwapIn`: Returns `version` of the created swap - `createSwapOut`: Returns `version` of the created swap - `decodeSwapRecovery`: Returns `version` of the swap recovery - `encodeSwapRecovery`: Allow specifying `version` of the swap script - `isSweep`: Add support for detecting v2 sweeps ### Breaking Changes - `attemptRefund`: Specifying the `version` of the swap script required for v2 - `createSwapIn`: Now creates a version 2 swap - `createSwapOut`: Now creates a version 2 swap - `encodeSwapRecovery`: You must now specify the swap version - `swapInAddress`: Method is removed, use `createSwapIn`: `address` ## 6.1.1 - `swapScriptV2`: Improve overall support for future swap script version ## 6.1.0 - `swapScriptV2`: Add method to support future swap script version ## 6.0.0 - `createSwapOut`: Add argument `timeout` to request a specific swap timeout - `getSwapOutQuote`: Add argument `timeout` to request a specific swap timeout - `getSwapOutTerms` add `max_cltv_delta` for server maximum cltv delta tolerance - `getSwapOutTerms` add `min_cltv_delta` for server minimum cltv delta tolerance - `subscribeToSwapInStatus`: Add method to track server's view of swap in - `subscribeToSwapOutStatus`: Add method to track server's view of swap out ### Breaking Changes - `createSwapOut`: The argument `timeout` is now required - `getSwapOutQuote`: The argument `timeout` is now required ## 5.8.1 - `createSwapIn`: Add support for `service_message` - `createSwapOut`: Add support for `service_message` ## 5.7.0 - `getSwapInQuote`: Add support for macaroon and preimage for an api-key quote - `getSwapInTerms`: Add support for macaroon and preimage for api-key terms - `getSwapOutQuote`: Add support for macaroon and preimage for an api-key quote - `getSwapOutTerms`: Add support for macaroon and preimage for api-key terms ## 5.6.0 - `releaseSwapOutSecret`: Add method to release the swap secret to the server ## 5.5.1 - `lightningLabsSwapsService`: add `socket` argument to specify custom socket ## 5.4.1 - `createSwapIn`: switch `address` to use native segwit swap address - `createSwapIn`: add `nested_address` to show alternative nested swap address ## 5.3.4 - `attemptSweep`: add `sends` parameter to specify exact amount sends to attempt ## 5.2.1 - `createSwapIn`: add `in_through` parameter to specify swap inbound peer ## 5.1.2 - `swapUserId`: add method to derive a user id that is encoded in a macaroon ## 5.0.0 Switch to using paid LightningLabs swap service by default - `getSwapMacaroon`: add method to get a swap macaroon and auth payment request ## 4.1.0 - Add delay parameter to swap out quotes ## 4.0.2 - Add `isSweep` to determine if a raw transaction is a sweep ### Breaking Changes - `checkQuote`: Eliminate function ## 3.1.1 - `createSwapOut`: Add `fund_at` attribute to specify an acceptable funding time ## 3.0.0 - Add `getSwapInTerms` to look up max and min swap sizes for on-to-off-chain - Add `getSwapOutTerms` to look up max and min swap sizes for off-to-on-chain - Add `getSwapInQuote`: attribute `fee` for the total fee of the swap - Add `getSwapOutQuote`: attribute `fee` for the total fee of the swap ### Breaking Changes - `createSwapIn`: Remove `base_fee` and `fee_rate` - `createSwapIn`: Add required argument `fee` to specify fee to pay for swap - `getSwapInQuote`: Add required `tokens` argument - `getSwapInQuote`: Remove max and min swap sizes - `getSwapInQuote`: Remove base fee and fee rate - `getSwapOutQuote`: Add required `tokens` argument - `getSwapOutQuote`: Remove max and min swap sizes - `getSwapOutQuote`: Remove base fee and fee rate