import { getOSPath, getFileContent, clearComments, getMD5Id, escapeRegExp, escapeRegExpToGetTextSymbols, getTextRange, getSortPrefix } from './util'; import { allGherkinWords, GherkinType, getGherkinType, getGherkinTypeLower } from './gherkin'; import { Definition, CompletionItem, Diagnostic, DiagnosticSeverity, Position, Location, Range, CompletionItemKind, InsertTextFormat } from 'vscode-languageserver'; import * as glob from 'glob'; export type Step = { id: string, reg: RegExp, partialReg: RegExp, text: string, desc: string, def: Definition, count: number, gherkin: GherkinType, documentation: string }; export type StepsCountHash = { [step: string]: number }; interface JSDocComments { [key: number]: string } const commentParser = require('doctrine'); export default class StepsHandler { elements: Step[]; elementsHash: { [step: string]: boolean } = {}; elemenstCountHash: StepsCountHash = {}; settings: Settings; constructor(root: string, settings: Settings) { const { steps, syncfeatures } = settings.cucumberautocomplete; this.settings = settings; this.populate(root, steps); if (syncfeatures === true) { this.setElementsHash(`${root}/**/*.feature`); } else if (typeof syncfeatures === 'string') { this.setElementsHash(`${root}/${syncfeatures}`); } } getGherkinRegEx() { return new RegExp(`^(\\s*)(${allGherkinWords})(\\s+)(.*)`); } getElements(): Step[] { return this.elements; } setElementsHash(path: string): void { this.elemenstCountHash = {}; const files = glob.sync(path, { ignore: '.gitignore' }); files.forEach(f => { const text = getFileContent(f); text.split(/\r?\n/g).forEach(line => { const match = this.getGherkinMatch(line, text); if (match) { const step = this.getStepByText(match[4]); if (step) { this.incrementElementCount(; } } }); }); this.elements.forEach(el => el.count = this.getElementCount(; } incrementElementCount(id: string): void { if (this.elemenstCountHash[id]) { this.elemenstCountHash[id]++; } else { this.elemenstCountHash[id] = 1; } } getElementCount(id: string): number { return this.elemenstCountHash[id] || 0; } getStepRegExp(): RegExp { //Actually, we dont care what the symbols are before our 'Gherkin' word //But they shouldn't end with letter const startPart = '^((?:[^\'"\/]*?[^\\w])|.{0})'; //All the steps should be declared using any gherkin keyword. We should get first 'gherkin' word const gherkinPart = this.settings.cucumberautocomplete.gherkinDefinitionPart || `(${allGherkinWords}|defineStep|Step|StepDefinition)`; //All the symbols, except of symbols, using as step start and letters, could be between gherkin word and our step const nonStepStartSymbols = `[^\/'"\`\\w]*?`; // Step part getting const { stepRegExSymbol } = this.settings.cucumberautocomplete; // Step text could be placed between '/' symbols (ex. in JS) or between quotes, like in Java const stepStart = stepRegExSymbol ? `(${stepRegExSymbol})` : `(\/|'|"|\`)`; // ref to RegEx Example: // Use a RegEx that peeks ahead to ensure escape character can still work, like `\'`. const stepBody = `((?:(?=(?:\\\\)*)\\\\.|.)*?)`; //Step should be ended with same symbol it begins const stepEnd = stepRegExSymbol ? stepRegExSymbol : '\\3'; //Our RegExp will be case-insensitive to support cases like TypeScript (...@when...) const r = new RegExp(startPart + gherkinPart + nonStepStartSymbols + stepStart + stepBody + stepEnd, 'i'); // /^((?:[^'"\/]*?[^\w])|.{0})(Given|When|Then|And|But|defineStep)[^\/'"\w]*?(\/|'|")([^\3]+)\3/i return r; } geStepDefinitionMatch(line: string): RegExpMatchArray { return line.match(this.getStepRegExp()); } getOutlineVars(text: string) { return text.split(/\r?\n/g).reduce((res, a, i, arr) => { if (a.match(/^\s*Examples:\s*$/) && arr[i + 2]) { const names = arr[i + 1].split(/\s*\|\s*/).slice(1, -1); const values = arr[i + 2].split(/\s*\|\s*/).slice(1, -1); names.forEach((n, i) => { if (values[i]) { res[n] = values[i]; } }); } return res; }, {}); } getGherkinMatch(line: string, document: string): RegExpMatchArray { const outlineMatch = line.match(/<.*?>/g); if (outlineMatch) { const outlineVars = this.getOutlineVars(document); //We should support both outlines lines variants - with and without quotes const pureLine = => s.replace(/<|>/g, '')).reduce((resLine, key) => { if (outlineVars[key]) { resLine = resLine.replace(`<${key}>`, outlineVars[key]); } return resLine; }, line); const quotesLine = => s.replace(/<|>/g, '')).reduce((resLine, key) => { if (outlineVars[key]) { resLine = resLine.replace(`<${key}>`, `"${outlineVars[key]}"`); } return resLine; }, line); const pureMatch = pureLine.match(this.getGherkinRegEx()); const quotesMatch = quotesLine.match(this.getGherkinRegEx()); if (quotesMatch && quotesMatch[4] && this.getStepByText(quotesMatch[4])) { return quotesMatch; } else { return pureMatch; } } return line.match(this.getGherkinRegEx()); } handleCustomParameters(step: string): string { if (!step) return ''; this.settings.cucumberautocomplete.customParameters.forEach((p: CustomParameter) => { const { parameter, value } = p; step = step.split(parameter).join(value); }); return step; } getRegTextForStep(step: string): string { //Ruby interpolation (like `#{Something}` ) should be replaced with `.*` // step = step.replace(/#{(.*?)}/g, '.*'); //Parameter-types // // step = step.replace(/{float}/g, '-?\\d*\\.?\\d+'); step = step.replace(/{int}/g, '-?\\d+'); step = step.replace(/{stringInDoubleQuotes}/g, '"[^"]+"'); step = step.replace(/{word}/g, '[^\\s]+'); step = step.replace(/{string}/g, '(\"|\')[^\\1]*\\1'); step = step.replace(/{}/g, '.*'); //Optional Text step = step.replace(/\(([a-z]+)\)/g, '($1)?'); //Alternative text a/b/c === (a|b|c) step = step.replace(/([a-zA-Z]+)(?:\/([a-zA-Z]+))+/g, match => `(${match.replace(/\//g, '|')})`); //Handle Cucumber Expressions (like `{Something}`) should be replaced with `.*` // //Cucumber Expressions Custom Parameter Type Documentation // step = step.replace(/([^\\]|^){(?![\d,])(.*?)}/g, '$1.*'); //Escape all the regex symbols to avoid errors step = escapeRegExp(step); return step; } getPartialRegParts(text: string): string[] { // We should separate got string into the parts by space symbol // But we should not touch /()/ RegEx elements text = this.getRegTextForStep(text); let currString = ''; let bracesMode = false; let openingBracesNum; let closingBracesNum; const res = []; for (let i = 0; i <= text.length; i++) { const currSymbol = text[i]; if (i === text.length) { res.push(currString); } else if (bracesMode) { //We should do this hard check to avoid circular braces errors if (currSymbol === ')') { closingBracesNum++; if (openingBracesNum === closingBracesNum) { bracesMode = false; } } if (currSymbol === '(') { openingBracesNum++; } currString += currSymbol; } else { if (currSymbol === ' ') { res.push(currString); currString = ''; } else if (currSymbol === '(') { currString += '('; bracesMode = true; openingBracesNum = 1; closingBracesNum = 0; } else { currString += currSymbol; } } } return res; } getPartialRegText(regText: string): string { //Same with main reg, only differ is match any string that same or less that current one return this.getPartialRegParts(regText) .map(el => `(${el}|$)`) .join('( |$)') .replace(/^\^|^/, '^'); } getTextForStep(step: string): string { //Remove all the backslashes step = step.replace(/\\/g, ''); //Remove "string start" and "string end" RegEx symbols step = step.replace(/^\^|\$$/g, ''); return step; } getDescForStep(step: string): string { //Remove 'Function body' part step = step.replace(/\{.*/, ''); //Remove spaces in the beginning end in the end of string step = step.replace(/^\s*/, '').replace(/\s*$/, ''); return step; } getStepTextInvariants(step: string): string[] { //Handle regexp's like 'I do (one|to|three)' //TODO - generate correct num of invariants for the circular braces const bracesRegEx = /(\([^\)\()]+\|[^\(\)]+\))/; if ( { const match = step.match(bracesRegEx); const matchRes = match[1]; const variants = matchRes.replace(/\(\?\:/, '').replace(/^\(|\)$/g, '').split('|'); return variants.reduce((varRes, variant) => { return varRes.concat(this.getStepTextInvariants(step.replace(matchRes, variant))); }, []); } else { return [step]; } } getCompletionInsertText(step: string, stepPart: string): string { // Return only part we need for our step let res = step; const strArray = this.getPartialRegParts(res); const currArray = []; const { length } = strArray; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { currArray.push(strArray.shift()); try { const r = new RegExp('^' + escapeRegExp(currArray.join(' '))); if (!r.test(stepPart)) { res = [].concat(currArray.slice(-1), strArray).join(' '); break; } } catch (err) { //TODO - show some warning } } if (this.settings.cucumberautocomplete.smartSnippets) { /* Now we should change all the 'user input' items to some snippets Create our regexp for this: 1) \(? - we be started from opening brace 2) \\.|\[\[^\]]\] - [a-z] or \w or . 3) \*|\+|\{[^\}]+\} - * or + or {1, 2} 4) \)? - could be finished with opening brace */ const match = res.match(/((?:\()?(?:\\.|\.|\[[^\]]+\])(?:\*|\+|\{[^\}]+\})(?:\)?))/g); if (match) { for (let i = 0; i < match.length; i++) { const num = i + 1; res = res.replace(match[i], () => '${' + num + ':}'); } } } else { //We can replace some outputs, ex. strings in brackets to make insert strings more neat res = res.replace(/\"\[\^\"\]\+\"/g, '""'); } return res; } getDocumentation(stepRawComment: string) { const stepParsedComment = commentParser.parse(stepRawComment.trim(), {unwrap: true, sloppy: true, recoverable: true}); return stepParsedComment.description || (stepParsedComment.tags.find(tag => tag.title === 'description') || {}).description || (stepParsedComment.tags.find(tag => tag.title === 'desc') || {}).description || stepRawComment; } getSteps(fullStepLine: string, stepPart: string, def: Location, gherkin: GherkinType, comments: JSDocComments): Step[] { const stepsVariants = this.settings.cucumberautocomplete.stepsInvariants ? this.getStepTextInvariants(stepPart) : [stepPart]; const desc = this.getDescForStep(fullStepLine); const comment = comments[def.range.start.line]; const documentation = comment ? this.getDocumentation(comment) : fullStepLine; return stepsVariants .filter((step) => { //Filter invalid long regular expressions try { new RegExp(this.getRegTextForStep(step)); return true; } catch (err) { //Todo - show some warning return false; } }) .map((step) => { const regText = this.settings.cucumberautocomplete.pureTextSteps ? '^' + escapeRegExpToGetTextSymbols(this.getRegTextForStep(step)) + '$' : this.getRegTextForStep(step); const reg = new RegExp(regText); let partialReg; // Use long regular expression in case of error try { partialReg = new RegExp(this.getPartialRegText(step)); } catch (err) { // Todo - show some warning partialReg = reg; } //Todo we should store full value here const text = this.settings.cucumberautocomplete.pureTextSteps ? step : this.getTextForStep(step); const id = 'step' + getMD5Id(text); const count = this.getElementCount(id); return { id, reg, partialReg, text, desc, def, count, gherkin, documentation }; }); } getMultiLineComments(content: string): JSDocComments { return content.split(/\r?\n/g).reduce((res, line, i) => { if (!!^\s*\/\*/)) { res.current = `${line}\n`; res.commentMode = true; } else if (!!^\s*\*\//)) { res.current += `${line}\n`; res.comments[i + 1] = res.current; res.commentMode = false; } else if (res.commentMode) { res.current += `${line}\n`; } return res; }, { comments: {}, current: '', commentMode: false }).comments; } getFileSteps(filePath: string): Step[] { const fileContent = getFileContent(filePath); const fileComments = this.getMultiLineComments(fileContent); const definitionFile = clearComments(fileContent); return definitionFile.split(/\r?\n/g).reduce((steps, line, lineIndex, lines) => { //TODO optimize let match; let finalLine; const currLine = this.handleCustomParameters(line); const currentMatch = this.geStepDefinitionMatch(currLine); //Add next line to our string to handle two-lines step definitions const nextLine = this.handleCustomParameters(lines[lineIndex + 1]); if (currentMatch) { match = currentMatch; finalLine = currLine; } else if (nextLine) { const nextLineMatch = this.geStepDefinitionMatch(nextLine); const bothLinesMatch = this.geStepDefinitionMatch(currLine + nextLine); if ( bothLinesMatch && !nextLineMatch) { match = bothLinesMatch; finalLine = currLine + nextLine; } } if (match) { const [, beforeGherkin, gherkinString, , stepPart] = match; const gherkin = getGherkinTypeLower(gherkinString); const pos = Position.create(lineIndex, beforeGherkin.length); const def = Location.create(getOSPath(filePath), Range.create(pos, pos)); steps = steps.concat(this.getSteps(finalLine, stepPart, def, gherkin, fileComments)); } return steps; }, []); } validateConfiguration(settingsFile: string, stepsPathes: StepSettings, workSpaceRoot: string): Diagnostic[] { return stepsPathes.reduce((res, path) => { const files = glob.sync(path, { ignore: '.gitignore' }); if (!files.length) { const searchTerm = path.replace(workSpaceRoot + '/', ''); const range = getTextRange(workSpaceRoot + '/' + settingsFile, `"${searchTerm}"`); res.push({ severity: DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, range: range, message: `No steps files found`, source: 'cucumberautocomplete' }); } return res; }, []); } populate(root: string, stepsPathes: StepSettings): void { this.elementsHash = {}; this.elements = stepsPathes .reduce((files, path) => files.concat(glob.sync(root + '/' + path, { ignore: '.gitignore' })), []) .reduce((elements, f) => elements.concat( this.getFileSteps(f).reduce((steps, step) => { if (!this.elementsHash[]) { steps.push(step); this.elementsHash[] = true; } return steps; }, []) ), []); } getStepByText(text: string, gherkin?: GherkinType): Step { return this.elements .find(s => (gherkin !== undefined ? s.gherkin === gherkin : true) && s.reg.test(text)); } validate(line: string, lineNum: number, text: string): Diagnostic | null { line = line.replace(/\s*$/, ''); const lineForError = line.replace(/^\s*/, ''); const match = this.getGherkinMatch(line, text); if (!match) { return null; } const beforeGherkin = match[1]; const gherkinPart = match[2]; const step = this.getStepByText(match[4], this.settings.cucumberautocomplete.strictGherkinValidation ? this.getStrictGherkinType(gherkinPart, lineNum, text) : undefined ); if (step) { return null; } else { return { severity: DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, range: { start: { line: lineNum, character: beforeGherkin.length }, end: { line: lineNum, character: line.length } }, message: `Was unable to find step for "${lineForError}"`, source: 'cucumberautocomplete' }; } } getDefinition(line: string, text: string): Definition | null { const match = this.getGherkinMatch(line, text); if (!match) { return null; } const step = this.getStepByText(match[4]); return step ? step.def : null; } getStrictGherkinType(gherkinPart: string, lineNumber: number, text: string) { const gherkinType = getGherkinType(gherkinPart); if (gherkinType === GherkinType.And || gherkinType === GherkinType.But) { return text .split(/\r?\n/g) .slice(0, lineNumber) .reduceRight((res, val) => { if (res === GherkinType.Other) { const match = this.getGherkinMatch(val, text); if (match) { const [, , prevGherkinPart] = match; const prevGherkinPartType = getGherkinTypeLower(prevGherkinPart); if (~[GherkinType.Given, GherkinType.When, GherkinType.Then].indexOf(prevGherkinPartType)) { res = prevGherkinPartType; } } } return res; }, GherkinType.Other); } else { return getGherkinTypeLower(gherkinPart); } } getCompletion(line: string, lineNumber: number, text: string): CompletionItem[] | null { //Get line part without gherkin part const match = this.getGherkinMatch(line, text); if (!match) { return null; } let [, , gherkinPart, , stepPart] = match; //We don't need last word in our step part due to it could be incompleted stepPart = stepPart.replace(/[^\s]+$/, ''); const res = this.elements //Filter via gherkin words comparing if strictGherkinCompletion option provided .filter((step) => { if (this.settings.cucumberautocomplete.strictGherkinCompletion) { const strictGherkinPart = this.getStrictGherkinType(gherkinPart, lineNumber, text); return step.gherkin === strictGherkinPart; } else { return true; }; }) //Current string without last word should partially match our regexp .filter((step) => step.partialReg.test(stepPart)) //We got all the steps we need so we could make completions from them .map(step => { return { label: step.text, kind: CompletionItemKind.Snippet, data:, documentation: step.documentation, sortText: getSortPrefix(step.count, 5) + '_' + step.text, insertText: this.getCompletionInsertText(step.text, stepPart), insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet }; }); return res.length ? res : null; } getCompletionResolve(item: CompletionItem): CompletionItem { this.incrementElementCount(; return item; } }