import os import sys import sqlite3 import logging import argparse import xml.dom.minidom import xml.dom # for monkeypatch import base64 from shutil import which, rmtree # noqa def _write_data(writer, data, isAttrib=False): "Writes datachars to writer." # Patch minidom for unencoded attributes: # # The monkey patch included on that bug report is quite old and doesn't work # with today's xml.dom/minidom code. The code below has been updated to be # compatible with the latest xml.dom.minidom codebase. if data: data = data.replace("&", "&").replace("<", "<").replace("\"", """).replace(">", ">") if isAttrib: data = data.replace("\r", " ").replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ") writer.write(data) xml.dom.minidom._write_data = _write_data # noqa def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""): """Write an XML element to a file-like object Write the element to the writer object that must provide a write method (e.g. a file or StringIO object). """ # indent = current indentation # addindent = indentation to add to higher levels # newl = newline string writer.write(indent + "<" + self.tagName) attrs = self._get_attributes() for a_name in attrs.keys(): writer.write(" %s=\"" % a_name) _write_data(writer, attrs[a_name].value, isAttrib=True) writer.write("\"") if self.childNodes: writer.write(">") if (len(self.childNodes) == 1 and self.childNodes[0].nodeType in (xml.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE, xml.dom.Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE)): self.childNodes[0].writexml(writer, '', '', '') else: writer.write(newl) for node in self.childNodes: node.writexml(writer, indent + addindent, addindent, newl) writer.write(indent) writer.write("%s" % (self.tagName, newl)) else: writer.write("/>%s" % (newl)) xml.dom.minidom.Element.writexml = writexml # noqa def run_cmd(cmd):"running command: {cmd}") r = os.popen(cmd) rtn = r.close() if rtn is not None: logging.error(f"command failed: {cmd}") sys.exit(rtn) def print_num_sms(): q = "select count(*) as tally from sms where type in (20, 87, 23)" cursor.execute(q) (tally,) = cursor.fetchone()"Total num SMS messages: {tally}") def print_num_signal(): q = "select count(*) as tally from sms where type in (10485780, 10485783)" cursor.execute(q) (tally,) = cursor.fetchone()"Total number Signal messages: {tally}") def print_num_mms(): q = "select count(*) as tally from mms where type in (20, 87, 23)" cursor.execute(q) (tally,) = cursor.fetchone()"Total num MMS messages: {tally}") def print_num_signal_mms(): q = "select count(*) as tally from mms where type in (10485780, 10485783)" cursor.execute(q) (tally,) = cursor.fetchone()"Total number Signal media messages: {tally}") def get_recipients(): cursor.execute("select phone, system_display_name, _id, pni from recipient") contacts_by_id = {} for c in cursor.fetchall(): c = dict(c) if 'phone' in c and c['phone']: clean_number = c["phone"].replace("-", "").replace(" ", "").replace("(", "").replace(")", "") contacts_by_id[c['_id']] = {'phone': clean_number, 'name': c['system_display_name'], 'recipient_id': c['_id'], 'pni': c['pni']} return contacts_by_id def get_groups(): cursor.execute("select group_id, recipient_id, members from groups") groups_by_id = {} for g in cursor.fetchall(): g = dict(g) if g['members']: for recipient_id in g['members'].split(','): if g['recipient_id'] not in groups_by_id: groups_by_id[g['recipient_id']] = [] try: groups_by_id[g['recipient_id']].append(ADDRESSES[int(recipient_id)]) except KeyError:"Unable to find a contact on your phone with ID: {recipient_id}") return groups_by_id def xml_create_sms(root, row, addrs): sms = root.createElement('sms') sms.setAttribute('protocol', '0') sms.setAttribute('subject', 'null') sms.setAttribute('date', str(row['date_sent'])) sms.setAttribute('service_center', 'null') sms.setAttribute('toa', 'null') sms.setAttribute('sc_toa', 'null') sms.setAttribute('read', '1') sms.setAttribute('status', '-1') phone = "" name = "" tilda = "" space = "" if addrs and len(addrs): for p in addrs: if "phone" in p and p["phone"]: phone += tilda + str(p["phone"]) tilda = "~" if "name" in p and p["name"]: name += space + str(p["name"]) space = ", " sms.setAttribute('address', phone) sms.setAttribute('contact_name ', name) try: t = TYPES[int(row['type'])] except KeyError: t = 1 # default to received sms.setAttribute('type', str(t)) sms.setAttribute('body', str(row['body'])) return sms def xml_create_mms(root, row, parts, addrs): mms = root.createElement('mms') partselement = root.createElement('parts') addrselement = root.createElement('addrs') mms.setAttribute('date', str(row["date_sent"])) mms.setAttribute('ct_t', "application/vnd.wap.multipart.related") # type - The type of message, 1 = Received, 2 = Sent, 3 = Draft, 4 = Outbox try: t = TYPES[int(row.get('type', 20))] except KeyError: t = 1 mms.setAttribute('msg_box', str(t)) mms.setAttribute('rr', 'null') mms.setAttribute('sub', 'null') mms.setAttribute('read_status', '1') phone = "" name = "" tilda = "" space = "" if addrs and len(addrs): for p in addrs: if "phone" in p and p["phone"]: phone += tilda + str(p["phone"]) tilda = "~" if "name" in p and p["name"]: name += space + str(p["name"]) space = ", " mms.setAttribute('address', phone) mms.setAttribute('contact_name ', name) mms.setAttribute('m_id', 'null') mms.setAttribute('read', '1') mms.setAttribute('m_size', str(row['m_size'])) mms.setAttribute('m_type', str(row['m_type'])) mms.setAttribute('sim_slot', '0') if parts or row['body']: mms.appendChild(partselement) if row['body'] and str(row['body']).startswith('BEGIN:VCARD'): vcardencoding = base64.b64encode(row['body'].encode()).decode() partselement.appendChild(xml_create_vcard_part(root, vcardencoding)) elif row['body'] != "": partselement.appendChild(xml_create_mms_text_part(root, str(row['body']))) if parts: for part in parts: try: partselement.appendChild(xml_create_mms_part(root, part)) except: continue if addrs: mms.appendChild(addrselement) for addr in addrs: # The type of address, 129 = BCC, 130 = CC, 151 = To, 137 = From # group alex, ben, meg: alex sends message, alex=From, ben and meg=To # type - The type of message, 1 = Received, 2 = Sent, 3 = Draft, 4 = Outbox if row["recipient_id"] == addr["recipient_id"] and t == 1: type_address = 137 elif row['recipient_id'] == row['receiver'] and addr["pni"] and t != 1: type_address = 137 else: type_address = 151 addrselement.appendChild(xml_create_mms_addr(root, addr, type_address)) return mms def xml_create_mms_part(root, row): part = root.createElement('part') part.setAttribute("seq", str(row['seq'])) part.setAttribute("name", str(row['name'])) part.setAttribute("chset", str(row['chset'])) part.setAttribute("cl", str(row['cl'])) part.setAttribute("ct", str(row['ct'])) filename = f"bits/Attachment_{row['_id']}_{row['unique_id']}.bin" try: with open(filename, 'rb') as f: b = base64.b64encode( base64_encoded_file_data = str(b.decode()) except FileNotFoundError: logging.error(f'File not found for media message: {filename} for part: {row}') raise part.setAttribute("data", base64_encoded_file_data) return part def xml_create_mms_text_part(root, body): if body: part = root.createElement('part') part.setAttribute("seq", "0") part.setAttribute("ct", "text/plain") part.setAttribute("chset", "UTF-8") part.setAttribute("text", body) return part def xml_create_vcard_part(root, vcarddata): if vcarddata: part = root.createElement('part') part.setAttribute("seq", "0") part.setAttribute("ct", "text/x-vCard") part.setAttribute("chset", "UTF-8") part.setAttribute("body", "null") part.setAttribute("data", vcarddata) return part def xml_create_mms_addr(root, address, address_type): addr = root.createElement('addr') addr.setAttribute("address", str(address['phone'])) addr.setAttribute("type", str(address_type)) addr.setAttribute("charset", "UTF-8") # todo return addr def is_tool(name): """Check whether `name` is on PATH and marked as executable.""" # from whichcraft import which return which(name) is not None def no_nones(row): for sNull in row: if row[sNull] is None: row[sNull] = 'null' return row parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Export Signal messages to an XML file compatible with SMS Backup & Restore') # parser.add_argument('args', nargs='*') # parser.add_argument('--mode', '-m', dest='mode', action='store', help="mode should be one sms-only, sms-mms-only, sms-mms-signal") parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help='Make logging more verbose') args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', level=logging.DEBUG if args.verbose else logging.INFO) PLATFORM = sys.platform if PLATFORM == 'win32': BKP_TOOL = 'signalbackup-tools' elif PLATFORM in ['linux', 'linux2']: BKP_TOOL = '/usr/bin/signalbackup-tools' else: BKP_TOOL = None if not is_tool(BKP_TOOL): BKP_TOOL = input(r'Could not find signalbackup-tools, please input full path to executable: ') SIG_KEY = os.environ.get("SIG_KEY", '') SIG_FILE = os.environ.get("SIG_FILE", '') if not os.environ.get("SIG_KEY"): SIG_KEY = input("Could not find SIG_KEY environment variable, please input here: ") if not os.environ.get("SIG_FILE"): SIG_FILE = input(r"Could not find SIG_FILE environment variable, please input full path to Signal backupfile here: ")'Recreating temporary export dir') rmtree('bits', ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs('bits', exist_ok=True) try: os.remove('sms-backup-restore.xml')'Removed existing sms-backup-restore.xml') except FileNotFoundError: pass'Starting signalbackup-tools') run_cmd(f'{BKP_TOOL} --input {SIG_FILE} --output bits/ --password {SIG_KEY} --no-showprogress')'Finished signalbackup-tools')'Parsing the sqlite database bits/database.sqlite') # parse the sqlite database generated by conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join("bits", "database.sqlite")) conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cursor = conn.cursor() cursor2 = conn.cursor() TYPES = { 23: 2, # me sent 87: 2, # me sent 10485783: 2, # me sent 10485780: 1, # received 20: 1, # received 11075607: 1, # received (?) } ADDRESSES = get_recipients() GROUPS = get_groups() print_num_sms() print_num_signal() print_num_mms() print_num_signal_mms() root = xml.dom.minidom.Document() smses = root.createElement('smses') root.appendChild(smses) sms_counter = 0 sms_errors = 0 mms_counter = 0 mms_errors = 0'Starting SMS and Signal text message export') cursor.execute("""select sms._id, sms.date_sent, sms.type, sms.body, thread.recipient_id as receiver from sms left join thread on sms.thread_id = thread._id order by sms.date_sent desc""") for row in cursor.fetchall(): row = no_nones(dict(row)) logging.debug(f'SMS processing: {row["_id"]}') addrs = [] if row["receiver"] in GROUPS: addrs = GROUPS[row["receiver"]] elif row["receiver"] in ADDRESSES: addrs.append(ADDRESSES[row["receiver"]]) if row["body"] != 'null': # No body in SMS means no message. Let's avoid creating empty messages. # Some system-generated messages in Signal (such as alerts that a user's # number has changed) have a null body. sms_counter += 1 try: smses.appendChild(xml_create_sms(root, row, addrs)) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Failed to export this text message: {row} because {e}") sms_errors += 1 continue'Finished text message export. Messages exported: {sms_counter} Errors: {sms_errors}')'Starting MMS and Signal media message export') cursor.execute("""select mms._id, mms.date_sent, mms.m_size, mms.m_type, mms.body, mms.recipient_id, mms.type, thread.recipient_id as receiver from mms left join thread on mms.thread_id = thread._id order by mms.date_sent desc""") for row in cursor.fetchall(): mms_counter += 1 row = no_nones(dict(row)) logging.debug(f'MMS processing: {row["_id"]}') parts = [] cursor2.execute(f"""select part._id, part.seq,, part.chset,, part.ct, part.unique_id from part where mid = {row['_id']} order by seq""") for part in cursor2.fetchall(): parts.append(no_nones(dict(part))) addrs = [] sender = "" if row["receiver"] in GROUPS: addrs = GROUPS[row["receiver"]] elif row["receiver"] in ADDRESSES: addrs.append(ADDRESSES[row["receiver"]]) try: smses.appendChild(xml_create_mms(root, row, parts, addrs)) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Failed to export this media message: {row} because {e}") mms_errors += 1 continue'Finished media export. Messages exported: {mms_counter} Errors: {mms_errors}') # update the total count smses.setAttribute("count", str(sms_counter + mms_counter)) with open("sms-backup-restore.xml", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: root.writexml(f, indent="\t", addindent="\t", newl="\n", encoding="utf-8", standalone="yes") conn.commit() cursor.close() rmtree('bits', ignore_errors=True)"Complete.")"Created: sms-backup-restore.xml")"Now install SMS Backup & Restore and choose this file to restore") if int(sms_errors + mms_errors) > 0: logging.error(f"WARNING: {sms_errors + mms_errors} messages were skipped! I.e. Not all messages were exported successfully. See output above for the messages that were skipped")