[中文API](ATTRIBUTES-ch.md) ### initIndicator Constructs a indicator with no options. This indicator supports calling set-method in chained mode. The arrtibutes of `focusColor` and `normalColor` are necessary, or the indicator won't be shown. #### API ``` IUltraIndicatorBuilder initIndicator(); ``` --- ### setFocusColor setNormalColor Fill indicator with color. `focusColor` Set focused color for indicator. `normalColor` Set normal color for indicator. #### API ``` IUltraIndicatorBuilder setFocusColor(int focusColor); IUltraIndicatorBuilder setNormalColor(int normalColor); ``` ``` ultraViewPager.getIndicator() .setFocusColor(Color.GREEN) .setNormalColor(Color.WHITE) .setRadius((int)TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 5, getResources().getDisplayMetrics())); ``` ![color](pics/20151203-0.png) --- ### setFocusResId setNormalResId Fill indicator with bitmap or icon. `focusResId` Set focused resource ID for indicator. `normalResId` Set normal resource ID for indicator. #### API ``` IUltraIndicatorBuilder setFocusResId(int focusResId); IUltraIndicatorBuilder setNormalResId(int normalResId); ``` ``` ultraViewPager.getIndicator() .setFocusResId(R.mipmap.tm_biz_lifemaster_indicator_selected) .setNormalResId(R.mipmap.tm_biz_lifemaster_indicator_normal); ``` ![icon](pics/20151203-1.png) --- ### setIndicatorPadding `indicatorPadding` sets spacing between indicator items,the default value is item's height. #### API ``` IUltraIndicatorBuilder setIndicatorPadding(int indicatorPadding); ``` --- ### build After setting the indicator feature, call `build()` to complete. #### API ``` void build(); ``` --- ### setMultiScreen set multi-screen feature, the width of the child view won't occupy full screen. #### API ``` void setMultiScreen(float ratio) ``` ``` ultraViewPager.setMultiScreen(0.5f); ultraViewPager.setItemRatio(1.0f); ultraViewPager.setAutoMeasureHeight(true); ``` --- ### setAutoMeasureHeight When enabled, the height of the UltraViewPager will be automatically adjusted to the height of child view. Do not use `setRadio` and `setAutoMeasureHeight` at the same time. #### API ``` void setAutoMeasureHeight(boolean enable) ``` ``` ultraViewPager.setMultiScreen(1.0f);//single screen ultraViewPager.setItemRatio(1.0f);//the aspect ratio of child view equals to 1.0f ultraViewPager.setAutoMeasureHeight(false); ``` ``` ultraViewPager.setMultiScreen(1.0f); ultraViewPager.setItemRatio(1.0f); ultraViewPager.setAutoMeasureHeight(true); ``` --- ### setItemRatio Adjust the height of child view with aspect `ratio`. #### API ``` void setItemRatio(double ratio) ``` --- ### setRatio Draw UltraViewPager with the aspect `ratio`. The priority of `setRatio` is higher than `setItemRatio` #### API ``` void setRatio(float ratio) ``` ``` ultraViewPager.setMultiScreen(1.0f);//single screen ultraViewPager.setRatio(2.0f);//the aspect ratio of viewpager equals to 2.0f ultraViewPager.setAutoMeasureHeight(true); ```