> **NOTICE: This document is outdated and will be rewritten. (WIP)** # Build Environment The environment required to build weex is categorized by platforms. ## Android * JDK `1.8+` * Android SDK Platform 28 * `ANDROID_HOME` must be configured by using `export ANDROID_HOME=/path_to_sdk` * Normally, you should install [Android Studio](https://developer.android.com/studio) to get Android SDK Platform 28 installed. * Gradle 4.10+ * NDK `r18` * `ANDROID_NDK_HOME` must be configured by using `export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=/path_to_ndk` * Higher version of NDK than `r18` isn't not tested yet. * CMake 3.4.1+ ## iOS * Install [iOS Environment](https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppStoreDistributionTutorial/Setup/Setup.html) * Install [CocoaPods](https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/getting-started.html) * XCode Command Tools 8.0+ ## Mobile * NodeJS 4.0+ This article was tested in MacOSX system. # Build All by Script // TODO: update this document # Build for Platforms You can build all SDKs with one script as described above, or just build for a single platform step by step. ## Build JavaScript Framework Install npm dependencies (Please install [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) v8.0.0+ at first): ```bash npm install ``` Build bundled js framework (include both vue and rax): ```bash npm run build:jsfm ``` Build specific js framework: ```bash npm run build:vue ``` ```bash npm run build:rax ``` ## Build Android SDK 1. Install the [Android environment](#android). 2. Execute the following command ``` cd android ./gradlew :weex_sdk:clean :weex_sdk:assembleRelease ``` 3. Output can be found at `android/sdk/build/outputs/aar` ## Build iOS SDK Execute command below to compile iOS SDK: > `$ xcodebuild -project ios/sdk/WeexSDK.xcodeproj -target WeexSDK_MTL` Then you'll find the iOS library(Framework file) under `ios_sdk/Products`.