# Sort Lines (Numerically) Sublime Text 2/3 package that adds a command for sorting lines numerically rather than alphabetically. Installation ------------ This package is available through [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/), it’s called “Sort Lines (Numerically)”. Usage ----- Just run “Sort Lines (Numerically)” from the Command Palette, or from the Edit menu, which has a keyboard shortcut as well. Adding a reverse command ------------------------ This package does not have a reverse option when sorting, since there is already a `Reverse` command built into Sublime Text. If you want a shortcut for sorting numerically in reverse, you can make one yourself: In your `User` package folder, create a file called `Sort Lines (Numerically) Reverse.sublime-macro`. Edit that file, paste in the following, and save: ``` [ { "args": null, "command": "sort_numerically" }, { "args": { "operation": "reverse" }, "command": "permute_lines" } ] ``` There will now be a new menu item at `Tools` > `Macros` > `User` > `Sort Lines (Numerically) Reverse` that when selected will sort numerically and reverse the order. If you want this macro available in the command palette, create a file in your `User` folder called something like `SortLinesNumericallyReverse.sublime-commands` containing the following: ``` [ { "caption": "Sort Lines (Numerically) Reverse", "command": "run_macro_file", "args": { "file": "Packages/User/Sort Lines (Numerically) Reverse.sublime-macro" } } ] ``` You will now have a command called `Sort Lines (Numerically) Reverse` in your command palette. If you want to bind this command to a keyboard shortcut, add something like the following to your default user keymap file (available at `Preferences` > `Key Bindings – User`: ``` { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+f5"], "command": "run_macro_file", "args": { "file": "Packages/User/Sort Lines (Numerically) Reverse.sublime-macro" } } ``` Credits ------- Thanks to the following contributors: * Curtis Gibby – [@curtisgibby](https://github.com/curtisgibby) * David Jack Wange Olrik – [@davidolrik](https://github.com/davidolrik) * Frank Tan – [@tansongyang](https://github.com/tansongyang)