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transform: scale(0.6); opacity: 0; } .card-google { background-position: 0% 0% !important; } .card-xbox { background-position: -100% 0% !important; } .card-steam { background-position: -200% 0% !important; } .card-playstation { background-position: -300% 0% !important; } .card-spotify { background-position: -400% 0% !important; } .card-itunes { background-position: -500% 0% !important; } .card-paypal { background-position: -600% 0% !important; } .card-amazon { background-position: -700% 0% !important; } #footer { padding: 9vh 0 5vh; } #footer::after { content: ' '; position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 70%; background: #000; background: #252529; } #footer .background { background: #252529; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 50%; z-index: 1; transform: skewY(-3deg); outline: 1px solid transparent; } #footer-logo { width: 30vw; height: 14vw; margin: 0 auto 4vw; z-index: 2; background-image: url(logo.html); background-size: 300% 100%; background-position: 0 0; 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transition: all 300ms; } .gift-card-link:hover { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } .gift-card-home.show { padding: 8vw 0; } .gift-card-home.show .logo { transform: scale(1.15); } .logo-google { background-position: 0% -100% !important; } .logo-xbox { background-position: -100% -100% !important; } .logo-steam { background-position: -200% -100% !important; } .logo-playstation { background-position: -300% -100% !important; } .logo-spotify { background-position: -400% -100% !important; } .logo-itunes { background-position: -500% -100% !important; } .logo-paypal { background-position: -600% -100% !important; } .logo-amazon { background-position: -700% -100% !important; } .bck-google { background: #2C8597 !important; } .bck-xbox { background: #27AE60 !important; } .bck-steam { background: #C23A2E !important; } .bck-psn { background: #2F459E !important; } .bck-itunes { background: #E8587F !important; } .bck-amazon { background: #F39C11 !important; } .bck-spotify { background: #61BF61 !important; 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left: 6vw; right: 6vw; opacity: 0; z-index: 2; transition: opacity 600ms; height: 80vw; top: 28vw; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.1); border-radius: 3vw; } #widgetholder iframe { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } #widgetholder.show { opacity: 1; } #whclick { position: absolute; z-index: 2; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } #widgetholder.show #whclick { display: none; } #generatorbox.popup-google { background: #2C8597; box-shadow: 0px 1vw 0 #20616E; } #generatorbox.popup-google #statusbar { background: #20616E; } #generatorbox.popup-google #statusbar .sbcirca { background: #20616E; } #generatorbox.popup-google #genreturn { left: 7vw; right: 7vw; } #generatorbox.popup-xbox { background: #27AE60; box-shadow: 0px 1vw 0 #1D7F45; } #generatorbox.popup-xbox #statusbar { background: #1D7F45; } #generatorbox.popup-xbox #statusbar .sbcirca { background: #1D7F45; } #generatorbox.popup-xbox #genreturn { left: 3vw; right: 3vw; } #generatorbox.popup-steam { background: #C23A2E; box-shadow: 0px 1vw 0 #8E2A21; } #generatorbox.popup-steam #statusbar { background: #8E2A21; } #generatorbox.popup-steam #statusbar .sbcirca { background: #8E2A21; } #generatorbox.popup-steam #genreturn { left: 12vw; right: 12vw; } #generatorbox.popup-playstation { background: #2F459E; box-shadow: 0px 1vw 0 #223273; } #generatorbox.popup-playstation #statusbar { background: #223273; } #generatorbox.popup-playstation #statusbar .sbcirca { background: #223273; } #generatorbox.popup-playstation #genreturn { left: 19vw; right: 19vw; } #generatorbox.popup-spotify { background: #61BF61; box-shadow: 0px 1vw 0 #468C46; } #generatorbox.popup-spotify #statusbar { background: #468C46; } #generatorbox.popup-spotify #statusbar .sbcirca { background: #468C46; } #generatorbox.popup-spotify #genreturn { left: 10vw; right: 10vw; } #generatorbox.popup-itunes { background: #E8587F; box-shadow: 0px 1vw 0 #A9405D; } #generatorbox.popup-itunes #statusbar { background: #A9405D; } #generatorbox.popup-itunes #statusbar .sbcirca { background: #A9405D; } #generatorbox.popup-itunes #genreturn { left: 17vw; right: 17vw; } #generatorbox.popup-paypal { background: #1D6CA1; box-shadow: 0px 1vw 0 #154E76; } #generatorbox.popup-paypal #statusbar { background: #154E76; } #generatorbox.popup-paypal #statusbar .sbcirca { background: #154E76; } #generatorbox.popup-paypal #genreturn { left: 5vw; right: 5vw; } #generatorbox.popup-amazon { background: #F39C11; box-shadow: 0px 1vw 0 #B1710D; } #generatorbox.popup-amazon #statusbar { background: #B1710D; } #generatorbox.popup-amazon #statusbar .sbcirca { background: #B1710D; } #generatorbox.popup-amazon #genreturn { left: 17vw; right: 17vw; } /* ----------------------------------- DESKTOP VERSION ----------------------------------- */ @media all and (min-aspect-ratio: 25/30) { #preload-logo { width: 24vh; height: 11vh; margin-left: -12vh; } #preloader { width: 9vh; height: 9vh; border-width: 1vh !important; margin-left: -4.5vh; margin-top: -4.5vh; } #preloader span { width: 9vh; height: 9vh; border-width: 1vh; 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height: 6.6vh; line-height: 6.6vh; width: 40vh; } #footer { clear: both; } #footer-logo { width: 19vh; height: 9vh; margin: 0 auto 2.4vh; } #wrapper.menu { transform: translateX(-45vh); } #menu { width: 45vh; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; transform: translateX(40vh); } #menu.menu { transform: translateX(0); } #menu ul { padding: 6vh 0 6vh 0; } #menu li a { line-height: 8vh; font-size: 3.3vh; padding: 0 6vh; } #menu-logo { width: 19.15vh; height: 9vh; margin-bottom: 5vh; margin-left: 6vh; margin-top: 0; } body.page #title h1 { font-size: 5.3vh; line-height: 5.5vh; } .page-about { padding: 5vh 0; } .page-about .logo { height: 22vh; width: 22vh; } .page-about .text { padding: 3.6vh 0; font-size: 2.75vh; line-height: 4.0vh; width: 60vh; margin: 0 auto; } .page-about .text > p { width: 48vh; margin: 0 auto; } .page-about .read-more-link { font-size: 3.3vh; } .page-about .text h2 { font-size: 3.3vh; line-height: 4.4vh; padding: 3.6vh 0 2.4vh; } .page-about .hidden-wrapper { padding-bottom: 7vh; } #page .title { font-size: 4.8vh; line-height: 5.1vh; padding: 6vh 0 4.8vh; } #choose-card { padding-bottom: 5vh; } #chooser { padding-bottom: 0; } .choose-gift-card { width: 37vh; height: 37vh; margin: 0 auto 3vh; cursor: pointer; } .choose-gift-card .value { bottom: 2vh; font-size: 3.2vh; } #generatorbox { width: 44vh; height: 62vh; margin-left: -22vh; margin-top: -31vh; border-radius: 3vh; } #generatorbox.big { height: 70vh; margin-top: -35vh; } #gbinner { padding: 4.8vh 3.6vh; } #steps { height: 8vh; } .stepname { font-size: 1.9vh; line-height: 2vh; } #statusbar { bottom: 1vh; left: 5vh; right: 5vh; height: 0.5vh; } #sbcomplete { height: 0.5vh; } .sbcirca { height: 1.5vh; width: 1.5vh; border-radius: 1.5vh; top: -0.5vh; } #sbcirca1 { left: -0.5vw; } #sbcirca2 { margin-left: -0.75vw; } #sbcirca3 { right: -0.5vw; } #genlogo { width: 30vh; height: 30vh; margin-left: -15vh; margin-top: -15vh; top: 34vh; } #genreturn { bottom: 7vh; height: 9vh; line-height: 4.5vh; font-size: 3.8vh; } #statustext { padding: 0 3vh; bottom: 2.5vh; font-size: 2vh; line-height: 2.6vh; } #widgetholder { left: 3vh; right: 3vh; border-radius: 2vh; height: 37vh; top: 15vh; } #generatorbox.popup-google #genreturn { left: 2vh; right: 2vh; } #generatorbox.popup-google { box-shadow: 0 0.6vh 0 #20616e; } #generatorbox.popup-xbox { box-shadow: 0px 0.6vh 0 #1D7F45; } #generatorbox.popup-xbox #genreturn { left: 0; right: 0; } #generatorbox.popup-steam { box-shadow: 0px 0.6vh 0 #8E2A21; } #generatorbox.popup-steam #genreturn { left: 5vh; right: 5vh; } #generatorbox.popup-playstation { box-shadow: 0px 0.6vh 0 #223273; } #generatorbox.popup-playstation #genreturn { left: 9vh; right: 9vh; } #generatorbox.popup-spotify { box-shadow: 0px 0.6vh 0 #468C46; } #generatorbox.popup-spotify #genreturn { left: 5vh; right: 5vh; } #generatorbox.popup-itunes { box-shadow: 0px 0.6vh 0 #A9405D; } #generatorbox.popup-itunes #genreturn { left: 10vh; right: 10vh; } #generatorbox.popup-paypal { box-shadow: 0px 0.6vh 0 #154E76; } #generatorbox.popup-paypal #genreturn { left: 3vh; right: 3vh; } #generatorbox.popup-amazon { box-shadow: 0px 0.6vh 0 #B1710D; } #generatorbox.popup-amazon #genreturn { left: 8vh; right: 8vh; } } @media all and (min-aspect-ratio: 1/1) { #choose-card { height: 37vh; padding-bottom: 8vh; } #chooser { float: left; left: 50%; } .choose-gift-card { width: 37vh; height: 37vh; margin-bottom: 3vh; margin: 0 -3.5vh; left: -50%; float: left; cursor: pointer; } }