Changes to GWSocket 0.4 - Friday, March 10 2023 - Added missing '--addr' to the command long options. - Added support for 'stdin' / 'stdout'. - Added websocket server bind on unix-domain sockets via '--unix-socket='. - Ensure client is not accessed since it's closed and freed under handle_tcp_close(). - Ensure 'localtime_r' is use for thread-safe ops. - Ensure port is set upon passing '--port'. - Ensure we have a default path to WS_PIPEIN|WS_PIPEOUT. - Fixed build issue due to missing -lcrypto. - Fixed build issue with OpenSSL 1.1.0 or newer. - Fixed issue where an invalid client connection would stall data out to clients. - Fixed strict protocol invalid packet handling. - Fixed websocket issue returning a 400 due to request header size. - Replaced 'select(2)' with the more efficient 'poll(2)'. Changes to GWSocket 0.3 - Friday, August 10 2018 - Added a 'build configuration' summary to - Added additional debug messages when starting WebSocket server. - Added support for openssl-1.1*. - Added support for TLS/SSL - Fixed clean up of invalid UTF-8 sequences in WebSocket server. - Fixed header parsing issue for certain hosts when trying to upgrade connection resulting in a 400 status code. - Removed FIPS_mode_set() from websocket.c to make it compatible with LibreSSL. Changes to GWSocket 0.2 - Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - Added a throttle mechanism for slow clients. - Added byte-swapping functions for glibc < 2.9. - Added missing command long option for binding address. - Added the ability to display active connections on DEBUG mode. - Fixed byte swap functions for Sun Solaris. - Fixed memory leak on dangling client's referer header and queue on server close. - Fixed potential invalid memory read when queueing up fifo buffer. - Fixed uint types in sha1 files. - Refactored how all file descriptors are monitored under websocket.c. - Renamed --bind command line option to --addr. Changes to GWSocket 0.1 - Monday, May 02, 2016 - Initial release 0.1