# Generatives # # Generatives.Text # A fact { Expect that "Hello" is a type of text. Expect that """Hello""" is a type of text. Expect that a text likeHelloend of text is a type of text. }. # Generatives.Number # A fact { Expect that 0 is a type of number. Expect that 0.0 is a type of number. Create x as 2. Expect that 2x is like 4. // Powered by, in a handy way: Expect that 2x^2 is like 16. Expect that 2x^(2+1) is like 64. Expect that 10^5 is like 100000. }. # Generatives.Undefined # A fact { Expect that undefined is falsy. }. # Generatives.Null # A fact { Expect that null is falsy. Expect that null is a type of object. }. # Generatives.Infinity # A fact { Expect that Infinity is defined. }. # Generatives.List # A fact { Expect that [] is a type of list. Expect that [0,1,2].2 is like 2. Expect that [0,1,2].{1} is like 1. }. # Generatives.Object # A fact { Expect that {} is a type of object. Expect that {0:0,*0+1:1,@"2":2}.2 is like 2. Expect that {0:0,*0+1:1,@"2":2}.{1} is like 1. }. # Generatives.Boolean # A fact { # Generatives.Boolean.Type # Expect that a fn is a type of action. Expect that Infinity is a type of numberable & 20.5 is a type of numberable. Expect that 10 is a type of number. Expect that 20 is a type of integer. Expect that "" is a type of text. Expect that [] is a type of list. Expect that {} is a type of object. Expect that true is a type of condition. Expect that false is a type of boolean. Expect that The.Intentions.of.a.bad.State.towards.the.poverty are not defined. Create emptyVariable. Expect that emptyVariable is undefined. Expect that null is null. Expect that true is true. Expect that false is false. Expect that 5 is not falsy & null is falsy. # Generatives.AnInstanceOf # Create Class1 as an idea {}. Create instance1 as a new Class1. Expect that instance1 is an instance of Class1. # Generatives.Comparison # Expect that 5 is the same as 2.5 + 2.5. Expect that "5" is not the same as 2.5 + 2.5. Expect that 5 !== "5". Expect that 5 is different from "5". Expect that 5 === 5. Expect that "5" is like 2.5 + 2.5. Expect that 5 == "5.0". Expect that 5 != "5.1". Expect that 5 is unlike "5.1". Expect that 10 is less than 11. Expect that 10 < 11. Expect that 11 is more than 10. Expect that 11 > 10. Expect that 10 is less or the same as 10. Expect that 10 is less or the same as 11. Expect that 10 <= 11. Expect that 10 <= 10. Expect that 11 is more or the same as 11. Expect that 11 is more or the same as 10. # Generatives.Contention # Expect that {*" - ":null} has " - ". Expect that {run: a fn} knows how to "run". # Generatives.SpecialOperations # // ~ is among ~ Expect that 9 is among 7, 8, 9;. Expect that 9 is inside [7, 8, 9]. Expect that 9 is a key in { - 7: 700, - 9: 900 }. Expect that 900 is a value in { - 7: 700, - 9: 900 }. Expect that 6 is the 3rd in [4,5,6]. Expect that 4 is the 3rd starting from behind in [4,5,6]. Expect that { - a: "some text", - b: 80 + 70 } is similar to { - a: "some" + " text", - b: 150 }. Expect that [50, 60, 70] contains 60. # Generatives.True # Expect that a fact { Return true. } is true. # Generatives.False # Expect that a fact { Return false. } is false. }. # Generatives.ActionDefinition # A fact { Expect that a fn is a type of action. Expect that a func is a type of action. Expect that a function is a type of action. Expect that a function {} is a type of action. Expect that a function() {} is a type of action. Expect that a function(a,b) that returns a + b is a type of action. }. # Generatives.Action # A fact { Create example as a function (a,b) that returns a + a + b + b. Expect that example(2,1) is like 6. }. # Generatives.Happening # A fact { Create data as 5. Expect that a fact(data) { Return 3000 + data. } is like 3005. }. # Generatives.RegularExpression # A fact { Create regexp as /^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/g. Expect that regexp.test("Hola") is true. Expect that regexp.test("Hola") is true. Expect that regexp.test("Ups ") is false. Expect that regexp.test("Ups ") is false. }. # Generatives.ATypeReferenceFrom # A fact { Expect that a type reference from {} is like "object". Expect that a type reference from null is like "object". Expect that a type reference from undefined is like "undefined". Expect that a type reference from 0 is like "number". Expect that a type reference from "" is like "string". Expect that a type reference from a fn is like "function". }. # Generatives.ThirdConditional # A fact { Expect that when 0 is like 0 then true otherwise false; is true. }. # Sentences.Conditional # A fact { // Positive conditional: Expect that a fact { If 7 is like 6 { Return 1. } Else if 8 is like 4+4 { Return 2. } Else { Return 3. }. } is like 2. // Negative conditional: Expect that a fact { Unless 7 is like 6 { Return 1. } And unless 8 is like 4+4 { Return 2. } Else { Return 3. }. } is like 1. // Positive and negative conditionals mixed: Expect that a fact { If 7 is like 6 { Return 1. } And unless 8 is like 4+4 { Return 2. } Else { Return 3. }. } is like 3. }. # Sentences.SwitchCase # A fact { Create value as 100. Create finalValue as "no ok". Switch depending on value { Like 100: { Set finalValue to "ok". Break here. } Like 200: { Set finalValue to "no ok 1". Break here. } By default: { Set finalValue to "no ok 2". Break here. } }. Expect that finalValue is like "ok". }. # Sentences.Iteration # A fact { Create counter as 0. From 0 to 10 { Increase counter in index. }. Expect that counter is like 45. Set counter to 0. Repeat 10 times { Increase counter in time. }. Expect that counter is like 45. }. # Sentences.Introspection # A fact { Create data as { - name: "name value", - surname: "surname value", - city: "city value" }. Create index as 0. Introspect data with property as key with value as val { Increase index. Switch depending on index { Like 1: { Expect that key is like "name". Expect that val is like "name value". Break here. } Like 2: { Expect that key is like "surname". Expect that val is like "surname value". Break here. } Like 3: { Expect that key is like "city". Expect that val is like "city value". Break here. } By default: { Expect that "Switch sentence test failed" is like null. Break here. } }. }. }. # Sentences.Break # A fact { Create finalValue as null. A situation called FirstConditional where: If true { Set finalValue to 1. Break situation FirstConditional. Set finalValue to 2. }. Expect that finalValue is like 1. }. # Sentences.Continue # A fact { Create finalValue as null. Create data as {*"name": "some name"}. A situation called FirstIteration where: Go by data { Set finalValue to 1. Continue situation FirstIteration. Set finalValue to 2. }. Expect that finalValue is like 1. }. # Sentences.Redefinition # A fact { Create: - a: "a", - b: "b". Expect that a is like "a". Expect that b is like "b". }. # Sentences.Equivalence # A fact { Create value as "a". Set value to "b". Expect that value is like "b". }. # Sentences.Delete # A fact { Create z as "z". Delete z. Expect that z is not defined. }. # Sentences.Return # A fact { Create dummyFunction as a fn { Return 500. }. Create dummyFunction2 as a fn { Return: - name: "some name", - value: "some value". }. Expect that dummyFunction() is like 500. Expect that dummyFunction2() has "name" & dummyFunction2() has "value" & dummyFunction2().name is like "some name" & dummyFunction2().value is like "some value". }. # Sentences.Comment # (* NOTE: the comments don't use the ".\n" in the end. *) /* NOTE: the comments don't use the ".\n" in the end. */ // NOTE: the comments don't use the ".\n" in the end. # Sentences.Exception # A fact { Create finalValue as null. Try { Set finalValue to 1. Throw a new Error. } Catch { Increase finalValue in 1. } Finally { Increase finalValue in 2. }. Expect that finalValue is like 4. }. # Organization # # Organization.Indexation # A fact { Expect that [ns2js:]# This is an index #[:ns2js].indexOf("//") is like 0. }. # Organization.Documentation # A fact { === Documentation... ===


Go to the menu of the editor, and click to "Documentation" to see all the documentation in script.
=== ...Documentation ===. // This is for embedding NS code directly. // The code is part of the script, but it will // be added to the documentation text of the // script: === Documentation Code... === Create somethingCool. Create somethingGreat. Create somethingUseful. === ...Documentation Code ===. }. # Organization.Todos # A fact { @TODO: This is a TODO @TODO. @TODO: Check all the TODOs of the script clicking the menu of the editor, and going to the TODOs option.@TODO. }. # Asynchronicity # # Asynchronicity.Thread # A fact { // Thread as sentence: Start a thread in 1 seconds like { Log "[...] Thread of 5 seconds...". } Stop it once done { Start a thread in 2 seconds as on done. Expect that true as "Thread Sentence test passed (1/2)";. }. // Thread as generative: Create threadId as a thread in 2 seconds like { Expect that "Threads test failed (2)" is null. }. Let clearTimeout(threadId). // Looped thread: Create temporaryIndex as 0. Start a looped thread each 2 seconds like { Increase temporaryIndex. } Stop it once done { Start a thread in 4 seconds like { Done. Expect that temporaryIndex is less than 12 & temporaryIndex is more than 0. }. }. }. # Asynchronicity.OnceThen # A fact { Once done { Done. } Then { Expect that "Once then test passed" is not null. }. }. # Asynchronicity.OnceInARow # A fact { Once done in a row { Done. } Then { Done. } Then { Done. } Then { Expect that "Once in a row then test passed" is not null. }. }. # Asynchronicity.Done # A fact { // Without parenthesys: Create done as a fn { Expect that "Done test passed (1/2)" is not null. }. Done. // With parenthesys: Set done to a fn(a,b) { Expect that "Done test passed (2/2)" is not null. Expect that a + b is like 14. }. Done(5,9). }. # Asynchronicity.OnDone # A fact { Create done as a function { Expect that "On done test passed" is not null. }. Start a thread in 2 seconds as on done. }. # Asynchronicity.IterateAsync # A fact { Create data as { - a: "a", - b: "b" }. Iterate sync data { Expect that when key is like "a" then value is like "a" otherwise when key is like "b" then value is like "b" otherwise false. Done. }. }. # Asynchronicity.LoadResource # A fact { Create divsAdded as <* "div.divadded" *>.length. Create linksLength as <* "link" *>.length. Load resources sync from: - "js/loadresource.example.js", - "css/loadresource.example.css";. Create divsAdded2 as <* "div.divadded" *>.length. Create linksLength2 as <* "link" *>.length. Expect that divsAdded is like divsAdded2 - 1. Expect that linksLength is like linksLength2 - 1. }. # Asynchronicity.AjaxCall # A fact { An ajax call to "#" { Expect that data.match(/[^<]+<\/title>/g).0 is like "<title>NaturalScript Desktop Editor". On errors then: Log "AJAX call failed", error. }. }. # Mathemathics # # Mathemathics.Increase # # Mathemathics.Decrease # A fact { Create index as 0. Increase index. Expect that index is like 1. Increase index in 2. Expect that index is like 3. Increase index with "60". Expect that index is like 360. Set index to parseInt(index). Decrease index in 50. Expect that index is like 310. Decrease index. Expect that index is like 309. }. # Environment.EnvironmentSetter # # Testing # # Testing.Assert # A fact { Assert that 8 is a type of number as "Assertions and expectations do more or less the same". }. # Testing.Expect # A fact { Expect that "Expect works" is a type of text. Expect that "Expect works" is a type of text as "An expectation";. }. # Testing.Breakpoint # A fact { Create code as [ns2js:] Breakpoint "Hello!". Bp "Hello again!". [:ns2js]. }. # Modularity # # Modularity.Import # # Modularity.Export # A fact { // In browser: __NaturalScriptVars__.modules // In NodeJS: require(~) / module.exports = ~; In browser. Export as "module 1": {- val1: "one"}. Import "module 1" to mod1. Expect that mod1 has "val1" & mod1.val1 is like "one". }. # Polycode # # Polycode.DOMSelector # A fact { Expect that <* "title" *>.0.textContent is like "NaturalScript Desktop Editor". }. # Polycode.CSS # A fact { Expect that [css:].CodeMirror {}[:css].textContent.indexOf(".CodeMirror") is like 0. }. # Polycode.HTML # A fact { Expect that [html:] Tips [:html].indexOf("html5init") is not like -1. }. # Polycode.JS # A fact { Create jsCode as [js:] let javaScript = "THE language"; let sayTheTruth = function(message) { console.log("It was because of " + javaScript); }; [:js]. Expect that jsCode.indexOf("It was because of") is not like -1. }. # Polycode.NS # A fact { Expect that [ns:] Create nsCode as "a recursive madness". [:ns].indexOf("recursive madness") is not like -1. }. # Polycode.NS2JS # A fact { Expect that [ns2js:] Create i as 0. From 0 to 10 {}. Return i. [:ns2js].indexOf("return i") is not like -1. }. # Polycode.PEGJSParser # A fact { Create parser as a parser like: L = greetings:("Hello" [\n\r\t ]*)+ { return greetings.length; } === End of parser ===. Expect that parser knows how to "parse" & parser.parse("Hello Hello Hello ") is like 3. }. # Polycode.Code # A fact { Create randomMessage as null. Create randomData as {{({ init: function(message) { randomMessage = message; return message; } })}}.init("Something"). Expect that randomData is like "Something". }. # Polycode.JSON # A fact { Create jsonCode as [json:] { "a": "aaa", "b": "bbb", "c": "ccc" } [:json]. Expect that jsonCode has "a" & jsonCode.a is like "aaa" & jsonCode has "b" & jsonCode.b is like "bbb". }. # Sequence # # Sequence.Sequence # A fact { Create seq as a sequence named Seq { Begin step 0 with a, b; like: Expect that (a is like 700) & (b is like 500) as "The sequence accepts first call parameters";. Go to step 1 from Seq with 0, 1, 2;. Expect that "Go to step continued execution" is not null. Return going to step 5 from Seq with 6;. Begin step 1 with a, b, c; like: Expect that a is like 0 & b is like 1 & c is like 2. End at step 2 from Seq with "minha", "galera";. Expect that "End at step did not continue the execution" is null. Begin step 2 with m, n; like: Expect that m is like "minha" & n is like "galera". End at step 4 from Seq. Begin step 3 like: Log "Not here". Expect that "Sequence not jumped in test" is null. Begin step 4 like: Expect that "Sequence jumped in test" is not null. Return 8008. Begin step 5 with offset; like: Return 300 + offset. }. Create seqOutput as a sequence call to seq with 700, 500;. Expect that seqOutput is like 306. }. # OOP # A fact { # OOP.Instance # # OOP.InstanceDefinition # Create Person as an idea (name, surname, city) { Set this idea.name as name. Set this idea.surname as surname. Set this idea.city as city. Set this idea.types as []. }. # OOP.InstanceCreation # Create CarlCarlson as a new Person("Carl", "Carlson", "Stringfield"). # OOP.Trait # # OOP.TraitDefinition # Create ConsciousPersonTrait as a trait { Set this trait.interpretation to "relative". Set this trait.knowledge to "limited". Set this trait.effortForTruth to "absolute". Let this idea.types.push("Conscious"). }. Create BluePersonTrait as a trait { Set this trait.color to "blue". Let this idea.types.push("Blue"). }. # OOP.TraitImplementation # Create ConsciousAndBluePerson as an idea that extends from a new Person that implements ConsciousPersonTrait { # OOP.TraitImplementation through Implement Sentence # Implement trait BluePersonTrait into this idea with 5,10,15;. Let this idea.types.push("Conscious & Blue"). }. Create person as a new ConsciousAndBluePerson. Expect that person.types.length is more than 0. Expect that person.types.0 is like "Conscious". Expect that person.types.1 is like "Blue". Expect that person.types.2 is like "Conscious & Blue". }. # Various # # Various.Shortcuts # A fact { Alert "Hello!!". Log "Hello!". Error "Hello!". Debug "Hello!". // In "Electron" the prompt is not available Try { Create name as a prompt "Write 'a'". Expect that name is like "a". } Catch { }. }. # Various.InitializeProject # A fact { Initialize project at "/" with dependencies: - @"express": "*", - @"body-parser": "*"; with available tasks: - @"initialize-project": a fn { }, - @"reset-project": a fn { }; executing tasks: []; like: { }. }. # Various.IsolatedEnvironment # A fact { Expect that [ns2js:] Isolated environment { // NS Dependencies will appear duplicated inside these brackets }. [:ns2js].indexOf("__NaturalScriptFuncs__ = {};") is not like -1. }. # DataManipulation # # DataManipulation.MappedObject # A fact { Create data as a mapped object from { - 0: "000", - 1: "001" } like { Return: - key: "-" + key, - value: "-" + value. }. Expect that data is a type of object. Expect that data has "-0". Expect that data has "-1". Expect that data.{"-0"} is like "-000". Expect that data.{"-1"} is like "-001". }. # DataManipulation.MappedList # A fact { Create data as a mapped list from { - 5: "000", - 6: "001" } like { Return: "--" + value. }. Expect that data is a type of list. Expect that data has "0". Expect that data has "1". Expect that data.0 is like "--000". Expect that data.1 is like "--001". }. # DataManipulation.FilteredObject # A fact { Create data as a filtered object from { - 0: "000", - 1: "001" } like { Return when key is like 0 then false otherwise true. }. Expect that data is a type of object. Expect that data does not have "0". Expect that data has "1". Expect that data.1 is like "001". }. # DataManipulation.FilteredList # A fact { Create data as a filtered list from { - 0: "000", - 1: "001" } like { Return when key is like 0 then false otherwise true. }. Expect that data is a type of list. Expect that data has "0". Expect that data does not have "1". Expect that data.0 is like "001". }. # DataManipulation.Extension # A fact { Create dataPrevious as {a:0,b:1,c:2}. Create data as an extension from dataPrevious with {d:3,e:4,f:5}, {g:6,h:7,i:8};. Expect that data has "a" & data has "d" & data has "g". }. # DataManipulation.ASetFrom # A fact { Create data as a set from [0,5,12,30,21,77];. Create data2 as a set from "Hello!";. Expect that data is a type of list & data2 is a type of list & data2.0 is like "Hello!". }. # DataManipulation.ASetFromFilters # A fact { Create data as a set from <* "body" *>;. // Feel free to explore all the options: /* initialize DOM children DOM parents add all sbustract log commons only commons only with duplicated unique one sort sort like sort alphabetically sort numerically reverse mapped like filtered like first last iterate like // */ }. # DataManipulation.AKeysSet # A fact { Create keys as a set of keys from { - a: 0, - z: 10, - m: 5 }. Expect that "a" is inside keys & "z" is inside keys & "m" is inside keys & "b" is not inside keys & 0 is not inside keys. }. # DataManipulation.AValuesSet # A fact { Create values as a set of values from { - a: 0, - z: 10, - m: 5 }. Expect that 0 is inside values & 10 is inside values & 5 is inside values & "a" is not inside values & "z" is not inside values. }. # DataManipulation.FromIts # A fact { Create first as from [6,7,8] its 1st. Create second as from [6,7,8] its 2nd. Create third as from [6,7,8] its 3rd. Create fourth as from [6,7,8,66] its 4th. Create fifth as from [6,7,8,99,98] its 5th. Expect that first is like 6 & second is like 7 & third is like 8 & fourth is like 66 & fifth is like 98. }. # Randomization # # Randomization.ItemFrom # A fact { Create item as a random item from [9,40,3]. Expect that item is like 9 | item is like 40 | item is like 3. }. # Randomization.NumberFrom # A fact { Create number as a random number from 0 to 100. Expect that number is less than 100 & number is more than 0. }. # DesignPatterns # # DesignPatterns.GettersAndSetters # A fact { Create data as a set of getters and setters for object { - label: null, - content: null } for properties "label", "content";. Expect that data has "label" & data has "content" & data.label is null & data.content is null. }. # DesignPatterns.ModulesPattern # A fact { Create modules as a module system pattern implementation. Expect that modules knows how to "require" & modules knows how to "define". Let modules.define("module a", [], a fn { Return 250. }). Let modules.define("module b", ["module a"], a fn { Return 250 + modules.require("module a"). }). Create moduleB as modules.require("module b"). Expect that moduleB is like 500. }. # DesignPatterns.SubscriptorPattern # A fact { Create event as a generic subscriptor pattern implementation from {} with subscriptions as "_events" with subscriptor as "addEventListener" with unsubscriptor as "removeEventListener" with publisher as "trigger". Create event2 as a specific subscriptor pattern implementation from {} with subscriptions as "_events" with subscriptor as "addEventListener" with unsubscriptor as "removeEventListener" with publisher as "trigger". Log event, event2. }. # DesignPatterns.ProxyPattern # A fact { Create proxy as a proxy from {a: "a"} with "b" as "b" with "c" as "c" with "d" as "d". Expect that proxy has "a" & proxy has "b" & proxy has "c" & proxy has "d" & proxy does not have "e" & proxy.a is like "a" & proxy.b is like "b" & proxy.c is like "c" & proxy.d is like "d". }. # DesignPatterns.IteratorPattern # A fact { Create data as { - some: "data", - arrays: "too", - a: "a", - b: "b", - c: "c" }. Create iterator as an iterator for data. Repeat 10 times { Log iterator. }. Expect that iterator has "index". Expect that iterator has "items". Expect that iterator knows how to "hasNext". Expect that iterator knows how to "hasPrevious". Expect that iterator knows how to "next". Expect that iterator knows how to "previous". Expect that iterator knows how to "get". Expect that iterator knows how to "reset". While iterator.hasNext() { Create item as iterator.next(). Switch depending on iterator.index { Like 0: { Expect that item is like "data". Break here. } Like 1: { Expect that item is like "too". Break here. } Like 2: { Expect that item is like "a". Break here. } Like 3: { Expect that item is like "b". Break here. } Like 4: { Expect that item is like "c". Break here. } }. }. }. # DesignPatterns.StatePattern # A fact { Create state as a state pattern. Let state.changeState("temperature", 21). Let state.changeState("temperature units", "ºC"). Expect that state.getState("temperature") is like 21. Expect that state.getState("temperature units") is like "ºC". Expect that state.states is similar to { - *"temperature": 21, - *"temperature units": "ºC" }. }. # DesignPatterns.FacadePattern # A fact { Create facade as a facade pattern { Private facade as this idea. Private name as "Carl". Private surname as "Carlson". Public getName as a fn { Return facade.name || arguments.0 || "unnamed". }. Public setName as a fn(name) { Set facade.name to name. Return this idea. }. }. Expect that facade does not have "name" & facade does not have "surname" & facade has "getName" & facade has "setName". }. # DesignPatterns.CommandPattern # A fact { Create commander as a command pattern. Expect that commander has "commands" & commander knows how to "getCommand" & commander knows how to "setCommand" & commander knows how to "executeCommand". Create additionCommand as a fn (a,b,c) { Return a + b + c. }. Let commander.setCommand("addition", additionCommand). Expect that commander.executeCommand("addition", 10, 4, 6) is like 20. }. # DesignPatterns.FunctionalProxyPattern # A fact { Create memo as []. Create functionallyProxified as a functional proxy from a fn { memo.push(7). } hook before with a fn { memo.push(0). } hook after with a fn { memo.push(14). }. Let functionallyProxified(). Expect that memo.0 is like 0 & memo.1 is like 7 & memo.2 is like 14. }. # WebServers # # WebServers.StartHTTPServer # A fact { // Not tested programatically here because it's environment-dependent. Try critically { Create server as a server at host "" at port 5556 { Let response.end("---"). }. Start a thread in 5 seconds like { Log "A server was closed". Let server.close(). }. } Catch { Expect that "WebServers.StartHTTPServer could not pass the test" is null. }. }. # WebServers.ServerApplication # A fact { // Not tested programatically here because it's environment-dependent. Try critically { # WebServers.ServerApplication.Start # Start a server application at port 3333 { # WebServers.ServerApplication.LoadSession # Load session. # WebServers.ServerApplication.StartSocket # Start a socket { In namespace "/chats" { On "user message" with user, data; { Let socket_namespace.broadcast.emit("user message", { - user: user, - data: data } stringified). }. On "user private message" { Let socket_namespace.broadcast.emit("user private message", { - user: user, - data: data } stringified). }. On "user connected" { Let socket_namespace.broadcast.emit("user connected", { - user: user, - data: data } stringified). }. On "user disconnected" { Let socket_namespace.broadcast.emit("user disconnected", { - user: user, - data: data } stringified). }. On "" { Let socket_namespace.broadcast.emit("", { - user: user, - data: data } stringified). }. }. }. # WebServers.ServerApplication.DispatchRequests # Dispatch GET requests at "/api/v1/sample" { Let response.send({ - data: "sample GET" } stringified). }. Dispatch POST requests at "/api/v1/sample" { Let response.send({ - data: "sample POST" } stringified). }. Dispatch ALL requests at "/api/v1/" { Let response.send({ - info: "This is a simple example of API done in NS" } stringified). }. Dispatch ALL requests at "/api" { Let response.send([jsrender:] {{:title}} {{for scripts}} {{/for}} {{for styles}} {{/for}}


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[:jsrender][data:] - title: "Some TITLE", - scripts: ["js/example.js"], - styles: ["css/example.css"] [:data]). }. # WebServers.ServerApplication.DispatchFilesStatically # Dispatch files statically from "public_html" at "/". # WebServers.ServerApplication.DispatchHttpRestAPI # Dispatch HTTP REST API at "/api/v2/something" exposing table "table1". # WebServers.ServerApplication.RouteFrom # Route from "/application-x" { Dispatch GET requests at "/" like { Let response.send("Welcome to Application X"). }. Dispatch POST requests at "/" like { Let response.send("Welcome to Application X Login"). }. }. }. } Catch { Expect that "WebServers.ServerApplication.* tests could not be passed" is null. }. }. # WebServers.WebApplicationInformationBundle # A fact { # WebServers.WebApplicationInformationBundle.LoadInformation # Load a web application information bundle. # WebServers.WebApplicationInformationBundle.RegisterInformation # Register web path named "file" as ".". Register web url named "app" as "http://www.my-super-app.com". Register web global named "---" as "nothing". Register web middleware named "log visit" as a fn (request, resopnse, next) { Create data as {}. Let require("fs").appendFileSync("visits.json", data stringified, "utf8"). Let next(). }. Register web controller named "home" as a fn { Let response.send({ - status: "ok", - data: {} } stringified). }. Register web template named "div tag" as [jsrender:]
[:jsrender]. Register web model named "User" as a fn. Register web data named "some key" as "some value". Register web setting named "ENVIRONMENT" as "DEV". Register web helper named "add numbers" as a fn. Register web query named "get all users" as "SELECT * FROM user;". # WebServers.WebApplicationInformationBundle.RetrieveInformation # Expect that a web path("file") is like ".". Expect that a web url("app") is like "http://www.my-super-app.com". Expect that a web global("---") is like "nothing". Expect that a web middleware("log visit") is a type of action. Expect that a web controller("home") is a type of action. Expect that a web template("div tag").render("Hola") is like "
". Expect that a web model("User") is a type of action. Expect that a web data("some key") is like "some value". Expect that a web setting("ENVIRONMENT") is like "DEV". Expect that a web helper("add numbers") is a type of action. Expect that a web query("get all users") is like "SELECT * FROM user;". }. # WebServers.StartClientSocket # A fact { Try critically { // Notice that socket.io needs to be loaded by the client for this grammar to work Start a client socket in namespace "/chats" like { On "send message" with user, data; like { Let socket.emit("message received", "User ID", { event:"send message", user:user, data:data }). }. On "send private message" with user, data; like { Let socket.emit("message received", "User ID", { event:"send message", user:user, data:data }). }. On "user connected" with user, data; like { Let socket.emit("message received", "User ID", { event:"send message", user:user, data:data }). }. On "user disconnected" with user, data; like { Let socket.emit("message received", "User ID", { event:"send message", user:user, data:data }). }. }. } Catch { Expect that "WebServers.StartClientSocket tests could not be passed" is null. }. }. # Database # A fact { // Notice that this test needs to have // mysql and mysql2 installed // and a MySQL database with a table // `users`, which has a column `id`. Try critically { # Database.LoadDatabase # Load database with host as "" with database as "naturalscript_db" with user as "root" with password as "toor". # Database.QueryDatabase # Create data as [sql:]SELECT * FROM users WHERE users.id = ?;[:sql] [data:] - 0 [:data]. } Catch { Expect that "Load database test could not pass" is null. }. }. # Database.GenerateORM # A fact { // Notice that this test needs sequelize and a MySQL set up properly. Try critically { Generate ORM from database "naturalscript_db" with user "root" with password "toor" then { // Injected in scope: SequelizeAuto, error, orm }. } Catch { Expect that "Generate ORM test could not pass" is null. }. }. # Scrapping # # Scrapping.ScrapSites # A fact { Try critically { Scrap sites: - "http://www.yourwebpage.com", - "http://www.hiswebpage.com", - "http://www.herwebpage.com", - "http://www.theirwebpage.com"; like { Create data as page.evaluate(a fn { Isolated environment { Create links as <* "a" *> filtered like { Return when value.textContent is not like "" then true otherwise false. }. Return links. }. }). Return data. } Then { Let fs.write("links.json", output prettily stringified). }. } Catch { Expect that "Scrapping.ScrapSites test could not pass" is null. }. }. # Authorization # /* # THIS IS THE MYSQL SCRIPT TO CREATE THE AUTHORIZATION DATABASE SYSTEM # # DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS naturalscript_db; CREATE DATABASE naturalscript_db; # USE naturalscript_db; # CHANGE THE DATABASE NAME BELOW # # ************************ # *** GENERATED TABLES *** # ************************ # auth_user: - user, password, emails # auth_collective: - collective # auth_user_and_collective: - id, user, collective # auth_operation: - operation # auth_privilege: - privilege # auth_privilege_and_user: - id, privilege, user # auth_privilege_and_collective: - id, privilege, collective # auth_privilege_and_operation: - id, privilege, operation # auth_user_extras: - user, others # auth_collective_extras: - collective, others CREATE TABLE auth_user ( user VARCHAR(250) PRIMARY KEY, password VARCHAR(50), emails VARCHAR(250) ); CREATE TABLE auth_collective ( collective VARCHAR(250) PRIMARY KEY ); CREATE TABLE auth_user_and_collective ( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, user VARCHAR(250), collective VARCHAR(250) ); CREATE TABLE auth_operation ( operation VARCHAR(250) PRIMARY KEY ); CREATE TABLE auth_privilege ( privilege VARCHAR(250) PRIMARY KEY ); CREATE TABLE auth_privilege_and_user ( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, privilege VARCHAR(250), user VARCHAR(250), FOREIGN KEY (privilege) REFERENCES auth_privilege(privilege), FOREIGN KEY (user) REFERENCES auth_user(user) ); CREATE TABLE auth_privilege_and_collective ( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, privilege VARCHAR(250), collective VARCHAR(250), FOREIGN KEY (privilege) REFERENCES auth_privilege(privilege), FOREIGN KEY (collective) REFERENCES auth_collective(collective) ); CREATE TABLE auth_privilege_and_operation ( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, privilege VARCHAR(250), operation VARCHAR(250), FOREIGN KEY (privilege) REFERENCES auth_privilege(privilege), FOREIGN KEY (operation) REFERENCES auth_operation(operation) ); CREATE TABLE auth_user_extras ( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, user VARCHAR(250), others TEXT, FOREIGN KEY (user) REFERENCES auth_user(user) ); CREATE TABLE auth_collective_extras ( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, collective VARCHAR(250), others TEXT, FOREIGN KEY (collective) REFERENCES auth_collective(collective) ); # END OF MYSQL SCRIPT */ A fact { // Notice that this test needs a mysql database properly set up. Try critically { # Authorization.LoadAuthorizationDatabaseSystem # Load authorization database system. # Authorization.CheckOperation # Only if user "1" is authorized for "1" { Log "user 1 is allowed to operation 1". }. # Authorization.AuthorizationMiddleware # Create someAuthMiddleware as an authorization middleware for operation "". } Catch { Expect that "Authorization.* tests could not pass" is null. }. }. # Templating # # Templating.JSRender # A fact { Create template as [jsrender:] {{:title}}



[:jsrender][data:] - title: "Some title", - subtitle: "Some subtitle" [:data]. }. # Templating.JSRenderSQL # A fact { Try critically { [jsrender-sql:] SELECT * FROM {{:sqlValue table}} WHERE 1 = 1 {{if fields}} {{for fields}} AND {{:sqlId name}} {{:sqlId operator}} {{:sqlValue value}} {{/for}} {{/if}};[:jsrender-sql][data:] - fields: [{ - name: "id", - operator: "=", - value: "5" }, { - name: "name", - operator: "=", - value: "Josuét" }][:data]. } Catch { Expect that "Templating.JSRenderSQL tests could not pass" is null. }. }. # Filesystem.File # A fact { // Notice that this tests have to be in a Node.js environment Try critically { Create file1 as [file:].[:file]. Create file2 as [@file:]"."[:file]. Create file3 as a file from ".". Expect that file1 is a type of list & file2 is a type of list & file3 is a type of list. If file1.length > 0 { Create fileX as [@file:]file1.0[:file]. Expect that fileX is a type of text | fileX is a type of list. }. } Catch { Expect that "Filesystem.File tests could not pass" is null. }. }. # Filesystem.Dump # A fact { Try critically { Dump {a:"a",b:"b"}. } Catch { Expect that "Filesystem.Dump tests could not pass" is null. }. }. # OS # # OS.ExecuteCommand # A fact { // Notice that this command requires to be executed // in a Node.js environment, and have npm installed // globally, and so accessible from command line. Try critically { [cmd:]npm install express[:cmd]. [cmd:]npm install body-parser[:cmd]. [cmd:]npm install client-session[:cmd]. } Catch { Expect that "OS.ExecuteCommand tests could not pass" is null. }. }. # Timing # # Timing.StartChronometer # A fact { Create chronometer as a chronometer. Let chronometer.start(). Start a thread in 3 seconds like { Log chronometer.getTime(). }. }. # Appendixes # # Appendixes.stringified # A fact { Expect that "California Dreamin Taratarata" stringified is like a text like "California Dreamin Taratarata" end of text. }. # Appendixes.parsedAs # A fact { Expect that """{"message":"text"}""" parsed as JSON is similar to { - message: "text" }. }. # Appendixes.extendedBy # A fact { Create data as {a:"a"} extended by {b:"b"},{c:"c"}. Expect that data has "a" & data has "b" & data has "c" & data does not have "d". }. # Appendixes.deeplyExtendedBy # A fact { Create data as { - songs: ["California Dreamin"] } deeply extended by { - songs: ["Time of the season"] }, { - songs: ["Hotel California"], - cities: { - America: ["LA", "San Francisco"] } }, { - cities: { - America: ["Las Vegas"], - Europe: ["London", "Paris"] } }. Expect that data has "songs" & data has "cities" & data.songs.0 is like "California Dreamin" & data.songs.1 is like "Time of the season" & data.songs.2 is like "Hotel California" & data.cities.0 is similar to { - America: ["LA", "San Francisco", "Las Vegas"], - Europe: ["London", "Paris"] }. }. # Appendixes.filteredByOrLike # A fact { Create filter as a fn (value, key, index, output, original) { If (("" + value).split("").reverse().join("").indexOf("5") is like 0) { Return true. }. }. Create originalData as [0,5,15,20,25]. Create expectedResult as [5,15,25]. Create expectedMapResult as {1:5,3:15,5:25}. Expect that originalData filtered like { Return filter.apply(filter, arguments list-filtered by a fn that returns true). } is similar to expectedResult. Expect that originalData filtered by filter is similar to expectedResult. // List-filtered: Set filter to a fn (value, key, index, output, original) { Return filter.apply(filter, arguments list-filtered by a fn that returns true). }. Expect that originalData list-filtered like { Return filter.apply(filter, arguments list-filtered by a fn that returns true). } is similar to expectedResult. Expect that originalData list-filtered by filter is similar to expectedResult. // Object-filtered: Set filter to a fn (value, key, index, output, original) { Return filter.apply(filter, arguments list-filtered by a fn that returns true). }. Expect that originalData object-filtered like { Return filter.apply(filter, arguments list-filtered by a fn that returns true). } is similar to expectedMapResult. Expect that originalData object-filtered by filter is similar to expectedResult. }. # Appendixes.mappedByOrLike # A fact { Create mapper as a fn (value, key, index, output, original) { If (("" + value).split("").reverse().join("").indexOf("5") is like 0) { Return: - key: "-" + (parseInt(key) + 1), - value: value + 1. }. }. Create originalData as [0,5,15,20,25]. Create expectedResult as [6,16,26]. Create expectedMapResult as { - *"-2": 6, - *"-4": 16, - *"-6": 26 }. Expect that originalData mapped like { Return mapper.apply(mapper, arguments list-mapped by a fn that returns true). } is similar to expectedMapResult. Expect that originalData mapped by mapper is similar to expectedMapResult. // List-mapped: Set mapper to a fn (value, key, index, output, original) { Return mapper.apply(mapper, arguments list-mapped by a fn that returns true). }. Expect that originalData list-mapped like { Return mapper.apply(mapper, arguments list-mapped by a fn that returns true). } is similar to expectedResult. Expect that originalData list-mapped by mapper is similar to expectedResult. // Object-mapped: Set mapper to a fn (value, key, index, output, original) { Return mapper.apply(mapper, arguments list-mapped by a fn that returns true). }. Expect that originalData object-mapped like { Return mapper.apply(mapper, arguments list-mapped by a fn that returns true). } is similar to expectedMapResult. Expect that originalData object-mapped by mapper is similar to expectedMapResult. }. # Appendixes.modifiedByOrLike # A fact { Expect that 500 modified like { Return original + 5. } is like 505. }. # Appendixes.ensuredAs # A fact { Try { Create a as a fn ensured as action. Create b as a fn ensured as function. Create c as "" ensured as text. Create d as "" ensured as string. Create e as true ensured as boolean. Create f as false ensured as condition. Create g as 50 ensured as number. Create h as [] ensured as list. Create i as [] ensured as array. Create j as {} ensured as map. Create k as {} ensured as object. Create l as 500.5 ensured as text. Expect that "" is null. } Catch { Expect that exception.message is like "NS-Ensurer error: Expected string/text but found number". }. }. # Appendixes.introspectedByOrLike # A fact { Create memo as []. Create data as { - a: "aaa", - b: "bbb" } introspected like { Let memo.push(index, key, value). }. Create iterator as a fn(value, key, index) { Let memo.push(index + 1, "-" + key, "-" + value). }. Let data introspected by iterator. Expect that memo is similar to { *"a": "aaa", *"b": "bbb", *"-a": "-aaa", *"-b": "-bbb" }. }. # Appendixes.putIn # A fact { Create store as null. Create value as 500 + 500 put in store. Expect that store is like 1000. }. # Appendixes.logged # A fact { Create memo as []. Create normalLog as console.log. Set console.log as a fn { From 0 to arguments.length { Let memo.push(arguments.{index}). }. }. Create result as (800 + 9) logged logged logged. Set console.log as normalLog. Expect that result is like 809. }. # Appendixes.alerted # A fact { Expect that [ns2js:]Let "Hello!" alerted. [:ns2js].indexOf("alert(") is like 0. }. # Appendixes.formattedWith # A fact { Expect that "${0} ${1} ${2}" formatted with: - "0", - "5", - "9"; is like "0 5 9". }. # Appendixes.breakpointed # A fact { Try critically { Let "Hello" breakpointed. } Catch { Expect that "Appendixes.breakpointed test could not be passed" is like null. }. }. # Appendixes.mathemathicalOperations # A fact { Create x as 10. Create result as (80 + 1) + (90 - 1) + (100 * 2) + (110 / 2) + (105 % 100) + (5x^2). Expect that result is like 81 + 91 + 200 + 55 + 5 + 500. }. # Appendixes.binaryOperations # A fact { Expect that 0 || false || null || undefined || "not falsy" is like "not falsy". Expect that 0 && 500. }.