{ "BUILTIN": { "0x4EDE34FBADD967A6": { "name": "WAIT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "ms" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4EDE34FBADD967A6", "gta_jhash": "0x7715C03B" }, "0x83666F9FB8FEBD4B": { "name": "TIMERA", "comment": "Counts up. Every 1000 is 1 real-time second. Use SETTIMERA(int value) to set the timer (e.g.: SETTIMERA(0)).", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x83666F9FB8FEBD4B", "gta_jhash": "0x45C8C188" }, "0xC9D9444186B5A374": { "name": "TIMERB", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC9D9444186B5A374", "gta_jhash": "0x330A9C0C" }, "0xC1B1E9A034A63A62": { "name": "SETTIMERA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC1B1E9A034A63A62", "gta_jhash": "0x35785333" }, "0x5AE11BC36633DE4E": { "name": "SETTIMERB", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5AE11BC36633DE4E", "gta_jhash": "0x27C1B7C6" }, "0x0000000050597EE2": { "name": "TIMESTEP", "comment": "Gets the current frame time.", "params": [], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0000000050597EE2", "gta_jhash": "0x50597EE2" }, "0x0BADBFA3B172435F": { "name": "SIN", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0BADBFA3B172435F", "gta_jhash": "0xBF987F58" }, "0xD0FFB162F40A139C": { "name": "COS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD0FFB162F40A139C", "gta_jhash": "0x00238FE9" }, "0x71D93B57D07F9804": { "name": "SQRT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x71D93B57D07F9804", "gta_jhash": "0x145C7701" }, "0xE3621CC40F31FE2E": { "name": "POW", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "base" }, { "type": "float", "name": "exponent" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE3621CC40F31FE2E", "gta_jhash": "0x85D134F8" }, "0xE816E655DE37FE20": { "name": "LOG10", "comment": "Old name: _LOG10", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1232", "gta_hash": "0xE816E655DE37FE20", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0x652D2EEEF1D3E62C": { "name": "VMAG", "comment": "Calculates the magnitude of a vector.", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x652D2EEEF1D3E62C", "gta_jhash": "0x1FCF1ECD" }, "0xA8CEACB4F35AE058": { "name": "VMAG2", "comment": "Calculates the magnitude of a vector but does not perform Sqrt operations. (Its way faster)", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA8CEACB4F35AE058", "gta_jhash": "0xE796E629" }, "0x2A488C176D52CCA5": { "name": "VDIST", "comment": "Calculates distance between vectors.\nThe value returned will be in meters.", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z2" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2A488C176D52CCA5", "gta_jhash": "0x3C08ECB7" }, "0xB7A628320EFF8E47": { "name": "VDIST2", "comment": "Calculates distance between vectors but does not perform Sqrt operations. (Its way faster)\nThe value returned will be in RAGE units.", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z2" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB7A628320EFF8E47", "gta_jhash": "0xC85DEF1F" }, "0xEDD95A39E5544DE8": { "name": "SHIFT_LEFT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "value" }, { "type": "int", "name": "bitShift" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xEDD95A39E5544DE8", "gta_jhash": "0x314CC6CD" }, "0x97EF1E5BCE9DC075": { "name": "SHIFT_RIGHT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "value" }, { "type": "int", "name": "bitShift" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x97EF1E5BCE9DC075", "gta_jhash": "0x352633CA" }, "0xF34EE736CF047844": { "name": "FLOOR", "comment": "Rounds a float value down to the next whole number", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF34EE736CF047844", "gta_jhash": "0x32E9BE04" }, "0x11E019C8F43ACC8A": { "name": "CEIL", "comment": "Rounds a float value up to the next whole number", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x11E019C8F43ACC8A", "gta_jhash": "0xD536A1DF" }, "0xF2DB717A73826179": { "name": "ROUND", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF2DB717A73826179", "gta_jhash": "0x323B0E24" }, "0xBBDA792448DB5A89": { "name": "TO_FLOAT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xBBDA792448DB5A89", "gta_jhash": "0x67116627" }, "0x42B65DEEF2EDF2A1": { "name": "SET_THIS_THREAD_PRIORITY", "comment": "THREAD_PRIO_HIGHEST = 0\nTHREAD_PRIO_NORMAL = 1\nTHREAD_PRIO_LOWEST = 2\nTHREAD_PRIO_MANUAL_UPDATE = 100", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "priority" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x42B65DEEF2EDF2A1", "gta_jhash": "" } }, "AICOVERPOINT": { "0x53E4D0C079CA6855": { "name": "_0x53E4D0C079CA6855", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "ScrHandle", "name": "handle" } ], "return_type": "Entity", "build": "1207" }, "0xC276FE69DDA22BAD": { "name": "_DOES_COVER_POINT_EXIST", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "ScrHandle", "name": "handle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x5F5B1B7E8E8F94C6": { "name": "_GET_COVER_POINT_STATE_FROM_PED", "comment": "1 = In cover while crouched\n2 = In cover while standing\n3 = Not in cover", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x4972A022AE6DAFA1": { "name": "TASK_ENTER_COVER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2BC4A6D92D140112": { "name": "TASK_EXIT_COVER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x957D7E750216D74B": { "name": "_0x957D7E750216D74B", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x89783FDDF079C88D": { "name": "_TASK_AI_SEEK_COVER_TO_COVER_POINT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "args" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x64340DC208D671D5": { "name": "_0x64340DC208D671D5", "comment": "coverLayer: see levels_0/levels/rdr3/coverlayers", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "coverLayer" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7A1FDCF35EAA140F": { "name": "_0x7A1FDCF35EAA140F", "comment": "coverLayer: see levels_0/levels/rdr3/coverlayers", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "coverLayer" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2A31D13C5F021D0D": { "name": "_REQUEST_FLINCH_COVER_ANIM", "comment": "Makes ped flinch (if in cover) like they have been shot at", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x3C7A9C2C953128FE": { "name": "_0x3C7A9C2C953128FE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xEBA51A294C73292E": { "name": "_0xEBA51A294C73292E", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "args" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x140B3CB1D424A945": { "name": "_0x140B3CB1D424A945", "comment": "weaponHash can also be -1", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x8CBE916CFC64AD5C": { "name": "_ARE_LOAD_COVER_ANIMS_LOADED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x1A7A802B2301EDC0": { "name": "_STOP_RUNNING_COVER_ANIMS", "comment": "Stops running cover anims and releases them\n_STOP_RENDERING_* - _STOP_SCRIPTED*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x733077295AB51304": { "name": "_0x733077295AB51304", "comment": "args: f_0 = Volume Handle, f_2 = integer (-1, 32 used in R* Scripts)", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "args" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x975BD6351648935F": { "name": "_ADD_SCRIPTED_COVER_POINT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "data" } ], "return_type": "ScrHandle", "build": "1207" } }, "AITRANSPORT": { "0xAEE3ADD08829CB6F": { "name": "TASK_ENTER_TRANSPORT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "args" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC273A5B8488F7838": { "name": "TASK_EXIT_TRANSPORT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "args" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE588B5A8A005CB5E": { "name": "SET_PED_ON_TRANSPORT_SEAT", "comment": "seat: see CREATE_PED_INSIDE_VEHICLE", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "transportEntity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "seat" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flags" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x8886D83A430537FD": { "name": "SET_PED_OFF_TRANSPORT_SEAT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flags" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xBA8818212633500A": { "name": "SET_TRANSPORT_CONFIG_FLAG", "comment": "flagId:\nenum eTransportConfigFlags\n{\n\tTCF_NotConsideredForEntryByLocalPlayer,\n\tTCF_0xB78D6624,\n\tTCF_0xA9700425,\n\tTCF_0x8D7E4641,\n\tTCF_0xF24BAA1F,\n\tTCF_0x63B77935,\n\tTCF_NotConsideredForEntryByAllPlayers,\n\tTCF_0xD17A2AFD,\n\tTCF_0xD4E4FDD5,\n\tTCF_0x8227C929,\n\tTCF_0x812C1070,\n\tTCF_0x0E1AB26F,\n\tTCF_0xBF4EC863,\n\tTCF_0x75660C36,\n\tTCF_0xA2539E20,\n\tTCF_0x9162C633,\n\tTCF_DisableHonorModifiers,\n\tTCF_0xF9E71CB6,\n\tTCF_0x933ECD3F,\n\tTCF_0x18513A34\n};\nhttps://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/tree/master/AI/TRANSPORT_CONFIG_FLAGS", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "transportEntity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flagId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF382C92CCC1CCDBC": { "name": "GET_TRANSPORT_CONFIG_FLAG", "comment": "flagId: see SET_TRANSPORT_CONFIG_FLAG", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "transportEntity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flagId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xE195C5A82156321D": { "name": "_GET_TRANSPORT_USAGE_FLAGS", "comment": "See _SET_TRANSPORT_USAGE_FLAGS", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "transportEntity" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "flags" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xE2487779957FE897": { "name": "_SET_TRANSPORT_USAGE_FLAGS", "comment": "enum eTransportUsageFlags\n{\n\tTUF_INVALID = 0,\n\tTUF_ALLOW_DRIVER_ME = (1 << 0),\n\tTUF_ALLOW_DRIVER_GANG = (1 << 1),\n\tTUF_ALLOW_DRIVER_CREW = (1 << 2),\n\tTUF_ALLOW_DRIVER_FRIENDS = (1 << 3),\n\tTUF_ALLOW_DRIVER_ANYONE = (1 << 4),\n\tTUF_ALLOW_PASSENGER_ME = (1 << 5),\n\tTUF_ALLOW_PASSENGER_GANG = (1 << 6),\n\tTUF_ALLOW_PASSENGER_CREW = (1 << 7),\n\tTUF_ALLOW_PASSENGER_FRIENDS = (1 << 8),\n\tTUF_ALLOW_PASSENGER_ANYONE = (1 << 9),\n\tTUF_ALLOW_ACCESS_AI = (1 << 10)\n};", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "transportEntity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flags" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xDD0660C997DE94FD": { "name": "SET_TRANSPORT_ACCESSIBLE_SEAT_FLAGS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "transportEntity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flags" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x4B6C9A43F7D9109B": { "name": "_0x4B6C9A43F7D9109B", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x159EF5B6EDCE00E8": { "name": "_IS_PED_ON_TRANSPORT_ENTITY", "comment": "Checks if ped is placed on target transportEntity", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "transportEntity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xDC44F405A6B98D03": { "name": "_IS_PED_ON_TRANSPORT_SEAT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x2E2E06023D07631E": { "name": "_IS_TRANSPORT_SEAT_OCCUPIED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "transportEntity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "seatIndex" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x43FF27FC1829C202": { "name": "_IS_TRANSPORT_SEAT_FREE", "comment": "Called together with IS_VEHICLE_SEAT_FREE", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "transportEntity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "seatIndex" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xFFEC4B0A1A3ED515": { "name": "_GET_PED_IN_TRANSPORT_SEAT", "comment": "seatIndex: see CREATE_PED_INSIDE_VEHICLE", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "transportEntity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "seatIndex" } ], "return_type": "Ped", "build": "1207" }, "0x619E63980BFC0096": { "name": "IS_PED_ENTERING_TRANSPORT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "transportEntity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x660639BC60157048": { "name": "IS_PED_EXITING_TRANSPORT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "transportEntity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x4248AB2EEB3C75AD": { "name": "_0x4248AB2EEB3C75AD", "comment": "_SET_TRANSPORT_*", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "transportEntity" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xB7079F4C72896756": { "name": "_SET_PED_USE_TRANSPORT_SEAT_PREFERENCE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "transportEntity" }, { "type": "int", "name": 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"", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "transportEntity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "seatIndex" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" } }, "ANIMSCENE": { "0x1FCA98E33C1437B3": { "name": "_CREATE_ANIM_SCENE", "comment": "flags: https://github.com/Halen84/RDR3-Native-Flags-And-Enums/tree/main/eAnimSceneFlag", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "animDict" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flags" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "playbackListName" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "AnimScene", "build": "1207" }, "0x84EEDB2C6E650000": { "name": "_DELETE_ANIM_SCENE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "AnimScene", "name": "animScene" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x4B85B3CF9197AEDF": { "name": "TRIGGER_ANIM_SCENE_SKIP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "AnimScene", "name": "animScene" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x4B85B3CF91972222": { "name": "_0x4B85B3CF91972222", "comment": 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"params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xE12D7B4B959644CD": { "name": "_0xE12D7B4B959644CD", "comment": "Used in SP R* Scripts only\n_SET_B* - _SET_C*", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC1193521E3B9FADD": { "name": "_0xC1193521E3B9FADD", "comment": "Used in SP R* Scripts only\n_RESUME_* - _SET_A*", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7C709C01D43D94CD": { "name": "_REQUEST_PHOTO_MODE_FREEZE", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x41AFA5F228B0B6B0": { "name": "_REQUEST_PHOTO_MODE_DEFREEZE", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2DB524750DC41ED4": { "name": "_0x2DB524750DC41ED4", "comment": "Used in SP R* Scripts only\n_IS_PED_* - _IS_SC*", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xEA41D44A8D42057B": { "name": "_0xEA41D44A8D42057B", "comment": "Used in SP R* Scripts only\n_PAUSE_* - _PLAY_*", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x37C1257849DEF24A": { "name": "_PAUSE_SCRIPT_THREADS", "comment": "Pauses all script threads except the one that called it.", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xCDCD7B2D49AEE73A": { "name": "_0xCDCD7B2D49AEE73A", "comment": "Used in SP R* Scripts only\n_SET_P*", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xEF324E9550A394D5": { "name": "WAS_ANIM_SCENE_SKIPPED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "AnimScene", "name": "animScene" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" } }, "_NAMESPACE4": { "0xC31C44C43B48FDE3": { "name": "_REPORT_PLAYER_BAD_SPORT_BEHAVIOR", "comment": "nullsub, doesn't do anything\nhowever it is being used in tty scripts: [NET_BAD_SPORT_REPORT_PLAYER] Detected bad sport behavior from Player\nbadSportBehavior: BS_QUITTER = 0, BS_VEHICLE_DESTRUCTION = 1, BS_VOTED_OUT = 2", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "gamerHandle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "badSportBehaviorType" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" } }, "ATTRIBUTE": { "0x5DA12E025D47D4E5": { "name": "SET_ATTRIBUTE_BASE_RANK", "comment": "attributeIndex:\nenum ePedAttribute\n{\n\tPA_HEALTH,\n\tPA_STAMINA,\n\tPA_SPECIALABILITY,\n\tPA_COURAGE,\n\tPA_AGILITY,\n\tPA_SPEED,\n\tPA_ACCELERATION,\n\tPA_BONDING,\n\tSA_HUNGER,\n\tSA_FATIGUED,\n\tSA_INEBRIATED,\n\tSA_POISONED,\n\tSA_BODYHEAT,\n\tSA_BODYWEIGHT,\n\tSA_OVERFED,\n\tSA_SICKNESS,\n\tSA_DIRTINESS,\n\tSA_DIRTINESSHAT,\n\tMTR_STRENGTH,\n\tMTR_GRIT,\n\tMTR_INSTINCT,\n\tPA_UNRULINESS,\n\tSA_DIRTINESSSKIN\n};", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attributeIndex" }, { "type": "int", "name": "newValue" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA4C8E23E29040DE0": { "name": "GET_ATTRIBUTE_RANK", "comment": "attributeIndex: see SET_ATTRIBUTE_BASE_RANK", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attributeIndex" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x147149F2E909323C": { "name": "GET_ATTRIBUTE_BASE_RANK", "comment": "attributeIndex: see SET_ATTRIBUTE_BASE_RANK", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attributeIndex" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x0EFA71F4B4330E04": { "name": "GET_ATTRIBUTE_BONUS_RANK", "comment": "attributeIndex: see SET_ATTRIBUTE_BASE_RANK", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "coreIndex" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x704674A0535A471D": { "name": "GET_MAX_ATTRIBUTE_RANK", "comment": "attributeIndex: see SET_ATTRIBUTE_BASE_RANK", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attributeIndex" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x920F9488BD115EFB": { "name": "SET_ATTRIBUTE_BONUS_RANK", "comment": "attributeIndex: see SET_ATTRIBUTE_BASE_RANK", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attributeIndex" }, { "type": "int", "name": "newValue" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x958DD43D41F89A47": { "name": "GET_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_RANK", "comment": "attributeIndex: see SET_ATTRIBUTE_BASE_RANK", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attributeIndex" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x7C059C55AD940CB4": { "name": "GET_DEFAULT_MAX_ATTRIBUTE_RANK", "comment": "attributeIndex: see SET_ATTRIBUTE_BASE_RANK", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attributeIndex" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x75415EE0CB583760": { "name": "ADD_ATTRIBUTE_POINTS", "comment": "attributeIndex: see SET_ATTRIBUTE_BASE_RANK", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attributeIndex" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x09A59688C26D88DF": { "name": "SET_ATTRIBUTE_POINTS", "comment": "attributeIndex: see SET_ATTRIBUTE_BASE_RANK", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attributeIndex" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x219DA04BAA9CB065": { "name": "GET_ATTRIBUTE_POINTS", "comment": "attributeIndex: see SET_ATTRIBUTE_BASE_RANK", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attributeIndex" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x223BF310F854871C": { "name": "GET_MAX_ATTRIBUTE_POINTS", "comment": "attributeIndex: see SET_ATTRIBUTE_BASE_RANK", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attributeIndex" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xC6258F41D86676E0": { "name": "_SET_ATTRIBUTE_CORE_VALUE", "comment": "coreIndex:\nenum eAttributeCore\n{\n\tATTRIBUTE_CORE_HEALTH,\n\tATTRIBUTE_CORE_STAMINA,\n\tATTRIBUTE_CORE_DEADEYE\n};", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "coreIndex" }, { "type": "int", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x36731AC041289BB1": { "name": "_GET_ATTRIBUTE_CORE_VALUE", "comment": "Gets the ped's core value on a scale of 0 to 100.\ncoreIndex: see _SET_ATTRIBUTE_CORE_VALUE", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "coreIndex" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x94A7F191DB49A44D": { "name": "GET_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_POINTS_NEEDED_FOR_RANK", "comment": "attributeIndex: see SET_ATTRIBUTE_BASE_RANK", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "modelHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attributeIndex" }, { "type": "int", "name": "rank" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xF6A7C08DF2E28B28": { "name": "ENABLE_ATTRIBUTE_OVERPOWER", "comment": "attributeIndex: see SET_ATTRIBUTE_BASE_RANK\n\nOld name: _SET_ATTRIBUTE_OVERPOWER_VALUE", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attributeIndex" }, { "type": "float", "name": "value" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "makeSound" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x4AF5A4C7B9157D14": { "name": "_ENABLE_ATTRIBUTE_CORE_OVERPOWER", "comment": "coreIndex: see _SET_ATTRIBUTE_CORE_VALUE\n\nPreviously incorrectly named ENABLE_ATTRIBUTE_OVERPOWER", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "coreIndex" }, { "type": "float", "name": "value" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "makeSound" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF8DAC3D85636C241": { "name": "DISABLE_ATTRIBUTE_OVERPOWER", "comment": "attributeIndex: see SET_ATTRIBUTE_BASE_RANK", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attributeIndex" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x103C2F885ABEB00B": { "name": "_IS_ATTRIBUTE_OVERPOWERED", "comment": "attributeIndex: see SET_ATTRIBUTE_BASE_RANK", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attributeIndex" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x200373A8DF081F22": { "name": "_IS_ATTRIBUTE_CORE_OVERPOWERED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "coreIndex" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x4C9F782180712742": { "name": "_GET_ATTRIBUTE_OVERPOWER_SECONDS_LEFT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attributeIndex" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0xB429F58803D285B1": { "name": "_GET_ATTRIBUTE_CORE_OVERPOWER_SECONDS_LEFT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "coreIndex" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0x7E2C766ADB2C5F1A": { "name": "_START_ITEM_PREVIEW", "comment": "Params: p1 is related to satchel_category", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD962F8579D702DB5": { "name": "STOP_ITEM_PREVIEW", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA4D3A1C008F250DF": { "name": "_SET_STATUS_EFFECT_CORE_ICON", "comment": "Displays status effects on core icons (includes warnings).\n\nenum eUiRpgStatusEffect\n{\n\tSTATUS_NONE,\n\tSTATUS_COLD,\n\tSTATUS_HOT,\n\tSTATUS_OVERFED,\n\tSTATUS_DIRTY,\n\tSTATUS_SNAKE_VENOM,\n\tSTATUS_ARROW_WOUNDED,\n\tSTATUS_ARROW_DRAINED,\n\tSTATUS_ARROW_DISORIENTED,\n\tSTATUS_ARROW_TRACKED,\n\tSTATUS_ARROW_CONFUSION,\n\tSTATUS_UNDERWEIGHT,\n\tSTATUS_OVERWEIGHT,\n\tSTATUS_SICK_1,\n\tSTATUS_SICK_2,\n\tSTATUS_PREDATOR_INVULNERABLE\n};", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "statusEffectType" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFB6E111908502871": { "name": "_SET_STATUS_EFFECT_PERIODIC_ICON", "comment": "Starts core periodic icon.\nstatusEffectType: see 0xA4D3A1C008F250DF", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "statusEffectType" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x3FC4C027FD0936F4": { "name": "_STOP_STATUS_EFFECT_PERIODIC_ICON", "comment": "Stops periodic icon.\nstatusEffectType: see 0xA4D3A1C008F250DF", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "statusEffectType" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" } }, "AUDIO": { "0x7455CD705F7E933E": { "name": "_0x7455CD705F7E933E", "comment": "_AUDIO_IS_* - _AUDIO_TRIGGER*", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x33D51F801CB16E4F": { "name": "CLEAR_CONVERSATION_HISTORY", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xEF51242E35242B47": { "name": "_CLEAR_CONVERSATION_HISTORY_FOR_SCRIPTED_CONVERSATION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "convoRoot" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD2C91A0B572AAE56": { "name": "CREATE_NEW_SCRIPTED_CONVERSATION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "convoRoot" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD2C91A0B572AAE56", "gta_jhash": "0xB2BC25F8" }, "0xDF947FE0D551684E": { 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"build": "1207" }, "0x6B17C62C9635D2DC": { "name": "START_SCRIPT_CONVERSATION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "convoRoot" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "clone" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6B17C62C9635D2DC", "gta_jhash": "0xE5DE7D9D" }, "0x3B3CAD6166916D87": { "name": "PRELOAD_SCRIPT_CONVERSATION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "convoRoot" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "clone" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3B3CAD6166916D87", "gta_jhash": "0xDDF5C579" }, "0x23641AFE870AF385": { "name": "START_PRELOADED_CONVERSATION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "convoRoot" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x23641AFE870AF385", "gta_jhash": "0xA170261B" }, "0x0CB3D1919E8D7CBA": { "name": 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"BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x1ECC76792F661CF5": { "name": "IS_SCRIPTED_CONVERSATION_PLAYING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xF01C570E0A0A1E67": { "name": "_IS_SCRIPTED_CONVERSION_ONGOING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x847748AE5D7B1071": { "name": "_0x847748AE5D7B1071", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xD0730C1FA40348D9": { "name": "_0xD0730C1FA40348D9", "comment": "_IS_SCRIPTED_CONVERSATION_*", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "convoRoot" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x480357EE890C295A": { "name": "GET_CURRENT_SCRIPTED_CONVERSATION_LINE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": 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"REACTIVATE_ALL_OBJECT_BRAINS_THAT_ARE_WAITING_TILL_OUT_OF_RANGE", "comment": "Called before starting a new thread_monitor script thread in startup_mp/startup_tlg\nAlternative name _REGISTER_SCRIPT_BRAIN\n\nOld name: _PREPARE_SCRIPT_BRAIN", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4D953DF78EBF8158", "gta_jhash": "0xF3A3AB08" }, "0x74C333E34DF74E8A": { "name": "REACTIVATE_NAMED_OBJECT_BRAINS_WAITING_TILL_OUT_OF_RANGE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "scriptName" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6E91B04E08773030", "gta_jhash": "0x29CE8BAA" } }, "CAM": { "0x33281167E4942E4F": { "name": "RENDER_SCRIPT_CAMS", "comment": "ease - smooth transition between the camera's positions\neaseTime - Time in milliseconds for the transition to happen\n\nIf you have created a script (rendering) camera, and want to go back to the \ncharacter (gameplay) camera, call this native with render set to FALSE.\nSetting ease to TRUE will smooth the transition.", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "render" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "ease" }, { "type": "int", "name": "easeTime" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x07E5B515DB0636FC", "gta_jhash": "0x74337969" }, "0x8C7C7FF7CF0E5153": { "name": "STOP_RENDERING_SCRIPT_CAMS_USING_CATCH_UP", "comment": "This native makes the gameplay camera zoom into first person/third person with a special effect.\nblendBackSmoothingType: https://github.com/Halen84/RDR3-Native-Flags-And-Enums/tree/main/eBlendBackSmoothing", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "render" }, { "type": "float", "name": "distance" }, { "type": "int", "name": "blendBackSmoothingType" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC819F3CBB62BF692", "gta_jhash": 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"0x163600D6E136C9F8": { "name": "DESTROY_ALL_CAMS", "comment": "BOOL param indicates whether the cam should be destroyed if it belongs to the calling script.", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8E5FB15663F79120", "gta_jhash": "0x10C151CE" }, "0x153AD457764FD704": { "name": "DOES_CAM_EXIST", "comment": "Returns whether or not the passed camera handle exists.", "params": [ { "type": "Cam", "name": "cam" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA7A932170592B50E", "gta_jhash": "0x1EF89DC0" }, "0x87295BCA613800C8": { "name": "SET_CAM_ACTIVE", "comment": "Set camera as active/inactive.", "params": [ { "type": "Cam", "name": "cam" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "active" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x026FB97D0A425F84", "gta_jhash": "0x064659C2" }, "0x63EFCC7E1810B8E6": { "name": "IS_CAM_ACTIVE", "comment": "Returns whether or not the passed camera handle is active.", "params": [ 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"gta_jhash": "0x2167CEBF" }, "0xF9EE7D419EE49DE6": { "name": "SET_CAM_COORD", "comment": "Sets the position of the cam.", "params": [ { "type": "Cam", "name": "cam" }, { "type": "float", "name": "posX" }, { "type": "float", "name": "posY" }, { "type": "float", "name": "posZ" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4D41783FB745E42E", "gta_jhash": "0x7A8053AF" }, "0x63DFA6810AD78719": { "name": "SET_CAM_ROT", "comment": "Sets the rotation of the cam.", "params": [ { "type": "Cam", "name": "cam" }, { "type": "float", "name": "rotX" }, { "type": "float", "name": "rotY" }, { "type": "float", "name": "rotZ" }, { "type": "int", "name": "rotationOrder" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x85973643155D0B07", "gta_jhash": "0xEE38B3C1" }, "0x27666E5988D9D429": { "name": "SET_CAM_FOV", "comment": "Sets the field of view of the cam.\n\nMin: 1.0f\nMax: 130.0f", "params": [ { "type": "Cam", "name": "cam" }, { "type": "float", "name": "fieldOfView" } ], 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you to aim and shoot at the direction the camera is facing.", "params": [ { "type": "Cam", "name": "cam" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8C1DC7770C51DC8D", "gta_jhash": "0x0C74F9AF" }, "0x1B8F3CE5A6001298": { "name": "SET_CAM_CONTROLS_MINI_MAP_HEADING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Cam", "name": "cam" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x661B5C8654ADD825", "gta_jhash": "0xE1A0B2F1" }, "0x42ED56B02E05D109": { "name": "ALLOW_MOTION_BLUR_DECAY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Cam", "name": "cam" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x271017B9BA825366", "gta_jhash": "0x43220969" }, "0xF1F57F9D230F9CD1": { "name": "ADD_CAM_SPLINE_NODE", "comment": "p7 (length) determines the length of the spline, affects camera path and duration of transition between previous node and this one\n\np8 big values ~100 will slow down the camera movement before reaching this node\n\np9 != 0 seems to override the rotation/pitch (bool?)", "params": [ { "type": "Cam", "name": "camera" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "xRot" }, { "type": "float", "name": "yRot" }, { "type": "float", "name": "zRot" }, { "type": "int", "name": "length" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p9" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8609C75EC438FB3B", "gta_jhash": "0xAD3C7EAA" }, "0xF1898A68E7C15636": { "name": "SET_CAM_SPLINE_PHASE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Cam", "name": "cam" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x242B5874F0A4E052", "gta_jhash": "0xF0AED233" }, "0x095EDCD24D90033A": { "name": "GET_CAM_SPLINE_PHASE", "comment": "Can use this with SET_CAM_SPLINE_PHASE to set the float it this native returns.\n\n(returns 1.0f when no nodes has been added, reached end of non existing spline)", "params": [ { "type": "Cam", "name": "cam" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB5349E36C546509A", "gta_jhash": "0x39784DD9" }, "0xFF6311652CA91015": { "name": "SET_CAM_SPLINE_DURATION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Cam", "name": "cam" }, { "type": "int", "name": "timeDuration" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1381539FEE034CDA", "gta_jhash": "0x3E91FC8A" }, "0x84B3645618E726B0": { "name": "SET_CAM_SPLINE_SMOOTHING_STYLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Cam", "name": "cam" }, { "type": "int", "name": "smoothingStyle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD1B0F412F109EA5D", "gta_jhash": "0x15E141CE" }, "0x8B15AE2987C1AC8F": { "name": "SET_CAM_ACTIVE_WITH_INTERP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Cam", "name": "camTo" }, { "type": "Cam", "name": "camFrom" }, { "type": "int", "name": "duration" }, { 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[ { "type": "Cam", "name": "cam" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xBDECF64367884AC3", "gta_jhash": "0x40D0EB87" }, "0xA263DDF694D563F6": { "name": "PLAY_CAM_ANIM", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Cam", "name": "cam" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "animName" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "animDictionary" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "xRot" }, { "type": "float", "name": "yRot" }, { "type": "float", "name": "zRot" }, { "type": "int", "name": "animFlags" }, { "type": "int", "name": "rotOrder" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9A2D0FB2E7852392", "gta_jhash": "0xBCEFB87E" }, "0xCF69EA05CD9C33C9": { "name": "_0xCF69EA05CD9C33C9", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x20389408F0E93B9A": { "name": "_IS_ANIM_SCENE_CAM_ACTIVE", "comment": "Only used in R* Script camera_photomode", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xF5472C80DF2FF847": { "name": "IS_SCREEN_FADED_OUT", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB16FCE9DDC7BA182", "gta_jhash": "0x9CAA05FA" }, "0x37F9A426FBCF4AF2": { "name": "IS_SCREEN_FADED_IN", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5A859503B0C08678", "gta_jhash": "0x4F37276D" }, "0x02F39BEFE7B88D00": { "name": "IS_SCREEN_FADING_OUT", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x797AC7CB535BA28F", "gta_jhash": "0x79275A57" }, "0x0CECCC63FFA2EF24": { "name": "IS_SCREEN_FADING_IN", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5C544BC6C57AC575", "gta_jhash": "0xC7C82800" }, "0x6A053CF596F67DF7": { "name": "DO_SCREEN_FADE_IN", "comment": "Fades the screen in.\n\nduration: The time the fade should take, in milliseconds.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "duration" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD4E8E24955024033", "gta_jhash": "0x66C1BDEE" }, "0x40C719A5E410B9E4": { "name": "DO_SCREEN_FADE_OUT", "comment": "Fades the screen out.\n\nduration: The time the fade should take, in milliseconds.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "duration" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x891B5B39AC6302AF", "gta_jhash": "0x89D01805" }, "0x81DCFD13CF39920E": { "name": "HAS_LETTER_BOX", "comment": "More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letterboxing_(filming)", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x69D65E89FFD72313": { "name": "_REQUEST_LETTER_BOX_NOW", "comment": "Creates Cinematic Black Bars (at top and bottom)\nDisable instantly: false/false, Enable instantly: true/true", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE296208C273BD7F0": { "name": "_REQUEST_LETTER_BOX_OVERTIME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC64ABC0676AF262B": { "name": "_FORCE_LETTER_BOX_THIS_UPDATE", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA2B1C7EF759A63CE": { "name": "GET_LETTER_BOX_RATIO", "comment": "More info: see HAS_LETTER_BOX", "params": [], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0x73FF6BE63DC18819": { "name": "_0x73FF6BE63DC18819", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x450769C833D58844": { "name": "_0x450769C833D58844", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xD7F4D54CF80AFA34": { "name": "SET_WIDESCREEN_BORDERS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xDCD4EA924F42D01A", "gta_jhash": "0x1A75DC9A" }, "0x595320200B98596E": { "name": "GET_GAMEPLAY_CAM_COORD", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x14D6F5678D8F1B37", "gta_jhash": "0x9388CF79" }, "0x0252D2B5582957A6": { "name": "GET_GAMEPLAY_CAM_ROT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "rotationOrder" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x837765A25378F0BB", "gta_jhash": "0x13A010B5" }, "0xF6A96E5ACEEC6E50": { "name": "GET_GAMEPLAY_CAM_FOV", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x65019750A0324133", "gta_jhash": "0x4D6B3BFA" }, "0x8459B3E64257B21D": { "name": "SET_GAMEPLAY_CAM_MAX_MOTION_BLUR_STRENGTH_THIS_UPDATE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0225778816FDC28C", "gta_jhash": "0x1126E37C" }, "0xC4ABF536048998AA": { "name": "GET_GAMEPLAY_CAM_RELATIVE_HEADING", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x743607648ADD4587", "gta_jhash": "0xCAF839C2" }, "0x5D1EB123EAC5D071": { "name": "SET_GAMEPLAY_CAM_RELATIVE_HEADING", "comment": "Sets the camera position relative to heading in float from -360 to +360.\n\nHeading is always 0 in aiming camera.", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "heading" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB4EC2312F4E5B1F1", "gta_jhash": "0x20C6217C" }, "0x99AADEBBA803F827": { "name": "GET_GAMEPLAY_CAM_RELATIVE_PITCH", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3A6867B4845BEDA2", "gta_jhash": "0xFC5A4946" }, "0xFB760AF4F537B8BF": { "name": "SET_GAMEPLAY_CAM_RELATIVE_PITCH", "comment": "Sets the camera pitch.\n\nParameters:\nx = pitches the camera on the x axis.\nValue2 = always seems to be hex 0x3F800000 (1.000000 float).", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "Value2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6D0858B8EDFD2B7D", "gta_jhash": "0x6381B963" }, "0x0961B089947BA6D0": { "name": "_0x0961B089947BA6D0", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x04084490CC302CFB": { "name": "_0x04084490CC302CFB", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x1DD95A8D6B24A0C9": { "name": "SET_SCRIPTED_CAMERA_IS_FIRST_PERSON_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x469F2ECDEC046337", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0xD1BA66940E94C547": { "name": "_IS_IN_FULL_FIRST_PERSON_MODE", "comment": "Returns true if player is in first person", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xD9B31B4650520529": { "name": "SHAKE_GAMEPLAY_CAM", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "shakeName" }, { 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amplitude for the gameplay (i.e. 3rd or 1st) camera to shake.", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "amplitude" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA87E00932DB4D85D", "gta_jhash": "0x9219D44A" }, "0xFEFDDC6E8FDF8A75": { "name": "_0xFEFDDC6E8FDF8A75", "comment": "_SET_GAMEPLAY_P* - _SET_GAMEPLAY_V*", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "shakeName" }, { "type": "float", "name": "intensity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE0DE43D290FB65F9": { "name": "STOP_GAMEPLAY_CAM_SHAKING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0EF93E9F3D08C178", "gta_jhash": "0xFD569E4E" }, "0x4285804FD65D8066": { "name": "_STOP_GAMEPLAY_CAM_SHAKING_WITH_NAME", "comment": "script_rel: DRUNK_SHAKE, REINFORCED_LASSO_STRUGGLE_SHAKE, CORRECTOR_SHAKE, MINIGAME_BOUNTY_SHAKE, HAND_SHAKE, MINIGAME_TRAIN_SHAKE\nscript_mp_rel: DRUNK_SHAKE, REINFORCED_LASSO_STRUGGLE_SHAKE\n_STOP_GAMEPLAY_CAM* - _STOP_I*", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "shakeName" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x82E41D6ADE924FCA": { "name": "SET_GAMEPLAY_CAM_FOLLOW_PED_THIS_UPDATE", "comment": "Forces gameplay cam to specified ped as if you were the ped or spectating it", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8BBACBF51DA047A8", "gta_jhash": "0x7D3007A2" }, "0x8660EA714834E412": { "name": "IS_GAMEPLAY_CAM_RENDERING", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x39B5D1B10383F0C8", "gta_jhash": "0x0EF276DA" }, "0x251241CAEC707106": { "name": "IS_INTERPOLATING_FROM_SCRIPT_CAMS", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3044240D2E0FA842", "gta_jhash": "0xC0B00C20" }, "0x43AB9D5A7D415478": { "name": "IS_INTERPOLATING_TO_SCRIPT_CAMS", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x705A276EBFF3133D", "gta_jhash": "0x60C23785" }, "0x8FE0D24FFD04D5A2": { "name": "IS_GAMEPLAY_CAM_LOOKING_BEHIND", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x70FDA869F3317EA9", "gta_jhash": "0x33C83F17" }, "0xD904F75DBD7AB865": { "name": "SET_GAMEPLAY_CAM_IGNORE_ENTITY_COLLISION_THIS_UPDATE", "comment": "Old name: _DISABLE_CAM_COLLISION_FOR_ENTITY", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2AED6301F67007D5", "gta_jhash": "0x2701A9AD" }, "0x7E3F546ACFE6C8D9": { "name": "DISABLE_CAM_COLLISION_FOR_OBJECT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x49482F9FCD825AAA", "gta_jhash": "0xC4736ED3" }, "0x39073DA4EDDBC91D": { "name": "_0x39073DA4EDDBC91D", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x70A6658D476C6187": { "name": 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"comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "radius" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE33D59DA70B58FDF", "gta_jhash": "0xDD1329E2" }, "0x190F7DA1AC09A8EF": { "name": "_0x190F7DA1AC09A8EF", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xBCDA0BA8762FACB9": { "name": "_SET_GAMEPLAY_CAM_INITIAL_ZOOM", "comment": "Used in Script Function SHOP_CAMERA_SUPPORT_START_NEW_ORBIT", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "camInitialZoom" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6C1053C433A573CF": { "name": "_SET_GAMEPLAY_CAM_INITIAL_HEADING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "camInitialHeading" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x449995EA846D3FC2": { "name": "_SET_GAMEPLAY_CAM_INITIAL_PITCH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "camInitialPitch" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x14F3947318CA8AD2": { "name": "SET_THIRD_PERSON_CAM_RELATIVE_HEADING_LIMITS_THIS_UPDATE", "comment": "minimum: Degrees between -180f and 180f.\nmaximum: Degrees between -180f and 180f.\n\nClamps the gameplay camera's current yaw.\n\nEg. _CLAMP_GAMEPLAY_CAM_YAW(0.0f, 0.0f) will set the horizontal angle directly behind the player.\n\nOld name: _CLAMP_GAMEPLAY_CAM_YAW", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "minimum" }, { "type": "float", "name": "maximum" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8F993D26E0CA5E8E", "gta_jhash": "0x749909AC" }, "0x326C7AA308F3DF6A": { "name": "SET_THIRD_PERSON_CAM_RELATIVE_PITCH_LIMITS_THIS_UPDATE", "comment": "minimum: Degrees between -90f and 90f.\nmaximum: Degrees between -90f and 90f.\n\nClamps the gameplay camera's current pitch.\n\nEg. _CLAMP_GAMEPLAY_CAM_PITCH(0.0f, 0.0f) will set the vertical angle directly behind the player.\n\nOld name: _CLAMP_GAMEPLAY_CAM_PITCH", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "minimum" }, { "type": "float", "name": "maximum" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA516C198B7DCA1E1", "gta_jhash": "0xFA3A16E7" }, "0x2126C740A4AC370B": { "name": "SET_THIRD_PERSON_CAM_ORBIT_DISTANCE_LIMITS_THIS_UPDATE", "comment": "Old name: _ANIMATE_GAMEPLAY_CAM_ZOOM", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "float", "name": "distance" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xDF2E1F7742402E81", "gta_jhash": "0x77340650" }, "0xFA1D5E8D1C3CCD67": { "name": "SET_IN_VEHICLE_CAM_STATE_THIS_UPDATE", "comment": "Forces gameplay cam to specified vehicle as if you were in it", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE9EA16D6E54CDCA4", "gta_jhash": "0x4B22C5CB" }, "0x9C473089A934C930": { "name": "DISABLE_ON_FOOT_FIRST_PERSON_VIEW_THIS_UPDATE", "comment": "Old name: _DISABLE_FIRST_PERSON_CAM_THIS_FRAME", "params": [], 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"Forces camera position to furthest 3rd person", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x90DA5BA5C2635416": { "name": "_FORCE_FIRST_PERSON_CAM_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "Returns true if first person camera is active in saloon1.ysc", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x05AB44D906738426": { "name": "_DISABLE_ON_FOOT_FIRST_PERSON_VIEW_THIS_UPDATE_2", "comment": "Does the same as 0x9C473089A934C930 (DISABLE_ON_FOOT_FIRST_PERSON_VIEW_THIS_UPDATE)", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x632BE8D84846FA56": { "name": "_0x632BE8D84846FA56", "comment": "Zooms in the gameplay camera to the next zoom level?\nUSE_* - WAS_*", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x71D71E08A7ED5BD7": { "name": "_0x71D71E08A7ED5BD7", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA40C2F51FB589E9A": { "name": "IS_FOLLOW_VEHICLE_CAM_ACTIVE", "comment": "", "params": [], 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controls\n_IS_SC(REEN_)* (?)", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x6519238858AF5479": { "name": "_0x6519238858AF5479", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2F994CC29CAA9D22": { "name": "_CREATE_KILL_CAM", "comment": "Creates Kill Cam for specified Ped Handle", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA14D5FE82BCB1D9E": { "name": "_IS_CAM_PHOTOFX_RUNNING", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x6DFD37E586D4F44F": { "name": "_0x6DFD37E586D4F44F", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x80D7A3E39B120BC4": { "name": "_0x80D7A3E39B120BC4", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x63E5841A9264D016": { "name": "_0x63E5841A9264D016", "comment": "Maintains the death camera after respawn", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": 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(09:34 will be represented as 9)", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x25223CA6B4D20B7F", "gta_jhash": "0x7EF8316F" }, "0x4E162231B823DBBF": { "name": "GET_CLOCK_MINUTES", "comment": "Gets the current ingame clock minute.", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x13D2B8ADD79640F2", "gta_jhash": "0x94AAC486" }, "0xB6101ABE62B5F080": { "name": "GET_CLOCK_SECONDS", "comment": "Gets the current ingame clock second. Note that ingame clock seconds change really fast since a day in RDR is only 48 minutes in real life.", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x494E97C2EF27C470", "gta_jhash": "0x099C927E" }, "0x04EEDB3848DACF68": { "name": "_SET_MILLISECONDS_PER_GAME_MINUTE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "ms" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x78FD8BE812E436B2": { "name": "_GET_SECONDS_SINCE_BASE_YEAR", "comment": "Base year is 1898.", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x02AD3092562941E2": { "name": "SET_CLOCK_DATE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "day" }, { "type": "int", "name": "month" }, { "type": "int", "name": "year" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB096419DF0D06CE7", "gta_jhash": "0x96891C94" }, "0x4DD02D4C7FB30076": { "name": "GET_CLOCK_DAY_OF_WEEK", "comment": "Gets the current day of the week.\n\n0: Sunday\n1: Monday\n2: Tuesday\n3: Wednesday\n4: Thursday\n5: Friday\n6: Saturday", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD972E4BD7AEB235F", "gta_jhash": "0x84E4A289" }, "0xDF2FD796C54480A5": { "name": "GET_CLOCK_DAY_OF_MONTH", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3D10BC92A4DB1D35", "gta_jhash": "0xC7A5ACB7" }, "0x2D44E8FC79EAB1AC": { "name": "GET_CLOCK_MONTH", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xBBC72712E80257A1", "gta_jhash": "0x3C48A3D5" }, "0xE136DCA28C4A48BA": { "name": "GET_CLOCK_YEAR", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x961777E64BDAF717", "gta_jhash": "0xB8BECF15" }, "0xE4CB8D126501EC52": { "name": "GET_MILLISECONDS_PER_GAME_MINUTE", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2F8B4D1C595B11DB", "gta_jhash": "0x3B74095C" }, "0x90338AD4A784E455": { "name": "GET_POSIX_TIME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int*", "name": "year" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "month" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "day" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "hour" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "minute" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "second" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xDA488F299A5B164E", "gta_jhash": "0xE15A5281" }, "0x86A68E84E5884951": { "name": "_GET_POSIX_TIME_STRUCT", "comment": "Same as GET_POSIX_TIME except that it takes a single pointer to a struct.", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "outTime" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x28EEACE9B43D9597": { "name": "_ADD_TIME_TO_DATE_TIME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "inDateTime" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "timeToAdd" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "outDateTime" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" } }, "COLLECTION": { "0x725D52F21A5E9EF6": { "name": "_COLLECTABLE_GET_CATEGORY", "comment": "Used in Script Function NET_COLLECTABLES_HANDLE_ITEM_ADDED\nReturns collectableCategory Hash", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableItem" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x6052B4DE6657684F": { "name": "_COLLECTABLE_GET_SUBCATEGORY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableItem" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x922A79CD4A033B8B": { "name": "_COLLECTABLE_GET_IPL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableItem" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x1F1DD794908C2BFA": { "name": "_COLLECTABLE_GET_PLACEMENT_LOCATION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableItem" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207" }, "0xF83D3DDA4D3C8169": { "name": "_COLLECTABLE_GET_NUM_FOUND", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableItem" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x9A03F22AD446EEAC": { "name": "_COLLECTABLE_GET_NUM_TURNED_IN", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableItem" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x3EA62E56F386C997": { "name": "_COLLECTABLE_INCREMENT_NUM_FOUND", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableItem" }, { "type": "int", "name": "amount" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x398FAB9C96A81924": { "name": "_COLLECTABLE_INCREMENT_NUM_TURNED_IN", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableItem" }, { "type": "int", "name": "amount" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x62CAB7DB62EAD434": { "name": "_COLLECTABLE_CATEGORY_GET_NUM_COLLECTABLES", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableCategory" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableSubcategory" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x126CBEBBA46693CF": { "name": "_COLLECTABLE_GET_COLLECTABLE_ITEM_HASH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "index" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableCategory" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableSubcategory" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x5461C821D00FE15A": { "name": "_COLLECTABLE_CATEGORY_GET_NUM_FOUND", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableCategory" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableSubcategory" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x3A65F4844913A047": { "name": "_COLLECTABLE_CATEGORY_GET_NUM_TURNED_IN", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableCategory" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableSubcategory" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x33825A7388A6B9F6": { "name": "_0x33825A7388A6B9F6", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableCategory" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x755901C7598B97BC": { "name": "_0x755901C7598B97BC", "comment": "Returns p2 (index?) for 0xB9020EC89C07DF04", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableCategory" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xB9020EC89C07DF04": { "name": "_0xB9020EC89C07DF04", "comment": "Accepts more hashes than 0xCC644BC1DD655269\nSuch as: CAROLINA_PARAKEETS, DINO_BONES, EGRET_FEATHERS, ...", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableCategory" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "index" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xFC832B06127D8E99": { "name": "_0xFC832B06127D8E99", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableCategory" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x0B6D275D2F242E17": { "name": "COLLECTABLE_CATEGORY_SET_HAS_RECEIVED_LIST", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6BAB7ACED1017204": { "name": "_0x6BAB7ACED1017204", "comment": "Params: collectableCategory = WEEKLY_COLLECTABLES", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableCategory" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x61BEFBA3CE7A3BC8": { "name": "_0x61BEFBA3CE7A3BC8", "comment": "Params: collectableCategory = WEEKLY_COLLECTABLES", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableCategory" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1232" }, "0xC4AC39719C1BB559": { "name": "_0xC4AC39719C1BB559", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableCategory" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1232" }, "0x93F2E7B5DB85657B": { "name": "_0x93F2E7B5DB85657B", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xCC644BC1DD655269": { "name": "COLLECTABLE_GET_CATEGORY_ITEM_SET_BUY_AWARD", "comment": "collectableCategory: ANTIQUE_BOTTLES, BIRD_EGGS, ARROWHEADS, FAMILY_HEIRLOOMS, WILD_FLOWERS, COINS, LOST_JEWELRY_RINGS, LOST_JEWELRY_BRACELETS, LOST_JEWELRY_EARRINGS, LOST_JEWELRY_NECKLACES, TAROT_CARDS_CUPS, TAROT_CARDS_PENTACLES, TAROT_CARDS_SWORDS, TAROT_CARDS_WANDS, FOSSILS_COMMON, FOSSILS_UNCOMMON, FOSSILS_RARE", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableCategory" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x9ADEE485726025D4": { "name": "_0x9ADEE485726025D4", "comment": "Params: collectableCategory = WEEKLY_COLLECTABLES", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableCategory" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0xD1806FB3EDED6D11": { "name": "_0xD1806FB3EDED6D11", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableCategory" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1232" }, "0x3FD91F1A148A0468": { "name": "_0x3FD91F1A148A0468", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "collectableCategory" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1232" }, "0xC3CA424E1F12ED0C": { "name": "_0xC3CA424E1F12ED0C", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", 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}, "0x695D7C26DE65C423": { "name": "HAS_ENTITY_BEEN_DAMAGED_BY_ANY_VEHICLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xDFD5033FDBA0A9C8", "gta_jhash": "0x878C2CE0" }, "0x7B6E7BEC1143AC86": { "name": "HAS_ENTITY_BEEN_DAMAGED_BY_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity1" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC86D67D52A707CF8", "gta_jhash": "0x07FC77E0" }, "0x3EC28DA1FFAC9DDD": { "name": "_0x3EC28DA1FFAC9DDD", "comment": "Used in Script Function DUELING_DID_PLAYER_DISARM_OPPONENT", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity1" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xAF72EC7E1B54539B": { "name": "_0xAF72EC7E1B54539B", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "Entity", "build": "1311" }, "0xFCDFF7B72D23A1AC": { "name": "HAS_ENTITY_CLEAR_LOS_TO_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity1" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity2" }, { "type": "int", "name": "traceType" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xFCDFF7B72D23A1AC", "gta_jhash": "0x53576FA7" }, "0x0C9DBF48C6BA6E4C": { "name": "HAS_ENTITY_CLEAR_LOS_TO_COORD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flags" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xE88F19660651D566": { "name": "HAS_ENTITY_CLEAR_LOS_TO_ENTITY_IN_FRONT", "comment": "Has the entity1 got a clear line of sight to the other entity2 from the direction entity1 is facing.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity1" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity2" }, { "type": "int", "name": "traceType" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0267D00AF114F17A", "gta_jhash": "0x210D87C8" }, "0xDF18751EC74F90FF": { "name": "HAS_ENTITY_COLLIDED_WITH_ANYTHING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8BAD02F0368D9E14", "gta_jhash": "0x662A2F41" }, "0x6D58167F62238284": { "name": "_0x6D58167F62238284", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0xDFC2B226D56D85F6": { "name": "_0xDFC2B226D56D85F6", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0x9FFAF4940A54CC09": { "name": "GET_ANIM_DURATION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "animDict" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "animName" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xFEDDF04D62B8D790", "gta_jhash": "0x8B5E3E3D" }, "0x56D713888A566481": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_ATTACHED_TO", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "Entity", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x48C2BED9180FE123", "gta_jhash": "0xFE1589F9" }, "0xA86D5F069399F44D": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_COORDS", "comment": "Gets the current coordinates for a specified entity.\n`entity` = The entity to get the coordinates from.\n`alive` = Unused by the game, potentially used by debug builds in order to assert whether or not an entity was alive.\n\nIf entity is a ped and it's in a vehicle or on a mount the coords of that entity are returned. Set 'realCoords' to true when you need the true ped coords.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "alive" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "realCoords" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3FEF770D40960D5A", "gta_jhash": "0x1647F1CB" }, "0x2412D9C05BB09B97": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_FORWARD_VECTOR", "comment": "Gets the entity's forward vector in XY(Z) eulers.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0A794A5A57F8DF91", "gta_jhash": "0x84DCECBF" }, "0xDB0954E9960F6457": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_FORWARD_X", "comment": "Gets the X-component of the entity's forward vector.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8BB4EF4214E0E6D5", "gta_jhash": "0x49FAE914" }, "0x9A5C073ECBDA7EE7": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_FORWARD_Y", "comment": "Gets the Y-component of the entity's forward vector.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x866A4A5FAE349510", "gta_jhash": "0x9E2F917C" }, "0x935A30AA88FB1014": { "name": "_GET_ENTITY_FORWARD_VECTOR_YX", "comment": "Gets the entity's forward vector in YX(Z) eulers. Similar to GET_ENTITY_FORWARD_VECTOR", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207" }, "0xC230DD956E2F5507": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_HEADING", "comment": "Returns the heading of the entity in degrees. Also know as the \"Yaw\" of an entity.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE83D4F9BA2A38914", "gta_jhash": "0x972CC383" }, "0x82368787EA73C0F7": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_HEALTH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xEEF059FAD016D209", "gta_jhash": "0x8E3222B7" }, "0x96C638784DB4C815": { "name": "_GET_ENTITY_HEALTH_FLOAT", "comment": "Returns (CUR_HEALTH / MAX_HEALTH)", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0x835F131E7DC8F97A": { "name": "_CHANGE_ENTITY_HEALTH", "comment": "Alters entity's health by 'amount'. Can be negative (to drain health).\nIn the scripts entity2 and weaponHash are unused (zero).", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "amount" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity2" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x15D757606D170C3C": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_MAX_HEALTH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x15D757606D170C3C", "gta_jhash": "0xC7AE6AA1" }, "0x166E7CF68597D8B5": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_MAX_HEALTH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x166E7CF68597D8B5", "gta_jhash": "0x96F84DF8" }, "0x296DEBC84474B375": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_HEIGHT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "X" }, { "type": "float", "name": "Y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "Z" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "atTop" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "inWorldCoords" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5A504562485944DD", "gta_jhash": "0xEE443481" }, "0x0D3B5BAEA08F63E9": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_HEIGHT_ABOVE_GROUND", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1DD55701034110E5", "gta_jhash": "0x57F56A4D" }, "0xF3FDA9A617A15145": { "name": "_GET_ENTITY_WORLD_POSITION_OF_DIMENSIONS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Vector3*", "name": "minimum" }, { "type": "Vector3*", "name": "maximum" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x3A9B1120AF13FBF2": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_MATRIX", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Vector3*", "name": "rightVector" }, { "type": "Vector3*", "name": "forwardVector" }, { "type": "Vector3*", "name": "upVector" }, { "type": "Vector3*", "name": "position" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xECB2FC7235A7D137", "gta_jhash": "0xEB9EB001" }, "0xDA76A9F39210D365": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_MODEL", "comment": "Returns the model hash from the entity", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9F47B058362C84B5", "gta_jhash": "0xDAFCB3EC" }, "0x964000D355219FC0": { "name": "_GET_PED_ANIMAL_TYPE", "comment": "Returns the ped's animal type hash: https://alloc8or.re/rdr3/doc/enums/eAnimalType.txt\nCombine this with GET_STRING_FROM_HASH_KEY to display localized entity names", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x9A100F1CF4546629": { "name": "GET_IS_ANIMAL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xC346A546612C49A9": { "name": "_GET_IS_BIRD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x5594AFE9DE0C01B7": { "name": "_GET_IS_PREDATOR", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x497C6B1A2C9AE69C": { "name": "GET_OFFSET_FROM_ENTITY_GIVEN_WORLD_COORDS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "posX" }, { "type": "float", "name": "posY" }, { "type": "float", "name": "posZ" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2274BC1C4885E333", "gta_jhash": "0x6477EC9E" }, "0x1899F328B0E12848": { "name": "GET_OFFSET_FROM_ENTITY_IN_WORLD_COORDS", "comment": "Offset values are relative to the entity.\n\nx = left/right\ny = forward/backward\nz = up/down", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "offsetX" }, { "type": "float", "name": "offsetY" }, { "type": "float", "name": "offsetZ" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1899F328B0E12848", "gta_jhash": "0xABCF043A" }, "0xEF355ABEFF7F5005": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_PITCH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD45DC2893621E1FE", "gta_jhash": "0xFCE6ECE5" }, "0xBF966536FA8B6879": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_ROLL", "comment": "Displays the current ROLL axis of the entity [-180.0000/180.0000+]\n(Sideways Roll) such as a vehicle tipped on its side", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x831E0242595560DF", "gta_jhash": "0x36610842" }, "0xE09CAF86C32CB48F": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_ROTATION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "rotationOrder" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xAFBD61CC738D9EB9", "gta_jhash": "0x8FF45B04" }, "0x2A08A32B6D49906F": { "name": "_GET_ENTITY_SCRIPT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "argStruct" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0xFB6BA510A533DF81": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_SPEED", "comment": "Result is in meters per second (m/s)", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD5037BA82E12416F", "gta_jhash": "0x9E1E4798" }, "0xF2DB09816A419DC5": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_SPEED_VECTOR", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "relative" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9A8D700A51CB7B0D", "gta_jhash": "0x3ED2B997" }, "0x56398BE65160C3BE": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_UPRIGHT_VALUE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x95EED5A694951F9F", "gta_jhash": "0xF4268190" }, "0x4805D2B1D8CF94A9": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_VELOCITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4805D2B1D8CF94A9", "gta_jhash": "0xC14C9B6B" }, "0x280BBE5601EAA983": { "name": "GET_OBJECT_INDEX_FROM_ENTITY_INDEX", "comment": "Simply returns whatever is passed to it (Regardless of whether the handle is valid or not).", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "Object", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD7E3B9735C0F89D6", "gta_jhash": "0xBC5A9C58" }, "0x0F16D042BD640EA3": { "name": "GET_PED_INDEX_FROM_ENTITY_INDEX", "comment": "Simply returns whatever is passed to it (Regardless of whether the handle is valid or not).", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "Ped", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x04A2A40C73395041", "gta_jhash": "0xC46F74AC" }, "0xDF1E5AAC561AFC59": { "name": "GET_VEHICLE_INDEX_FROM_ENTITY_INDEX", "comment": "Simply returns whatever is passed to it (Regardless of whether the handle is valid or not).", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "Vehicle", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4B53F92932ADFAC0", "gta_jhash": "0xC69CF43D" }, "0x82CFA50E34681CA5": { "name": "GET_WORLD_POSITION_OF_ENTITY_BONE", "comment": "Returns the coordinates of an entity-bone.\nhttps://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/tree/master/boneNames", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "boneIndex" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x44A8FCB8ED227738", "gta_jhash": "0x7C6339DF" }, "0x5E214112806591EA": { "name": "_0x5E214112806591EA", "comment": "Attaches scenario to bone with an offset\n_GET_I* - _GET_M*", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "boneIndex" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207" }, "0x3AB3A77672F6473F": { "name": "_0x3AB3A77672F6473F", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207" }, "0x990E294FC387FB88": { "name": "GET_NEAREST_PLAYER_TO_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "playerPedToIgnore" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flags" } ], "return_type": "Player", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x7196842CB375CDB3", "gta_jhash": "0xCE17FDEC" }, "0xB2C30C3B4AFF718C": { "name": "GET_NEAREST_PLAYER_TO_ENTITY_ON_TEAM", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "team" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "playerPedToIgnore" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flags" } ], "return_type": "Player", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4DC9A62F844D9337", "gta_jhash": "0xB1808F56" }, "0x6888A43C35A5F630": { "name": "GET_NEAREST_PARTICIPANT_TO_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "Player", "build": "1207" }, "0x9587913B9E772D29": { "name": "PLACE_ENTITY_ON_GROUND_PROPERLY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x97F696ACA466B4E0": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_TYPE", "comment": "Returns entityType: https://github.com/Halen84/RDR3-Native-Flags-And-Enums/tree/main/eEntityType", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8ACD366038D14505", "gta_jhash": "0x0B1BD08D" }, "0xADE28862B6D7B85B": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_POPULATION_TYPE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF6F5161F4534EDFF", "gta_jhash": "0xFC30DDFF" }, "0x27CFF3E5A286D3DF": { "name": "IS_AN_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "ScrHandle", "name": "handle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x731EC8A916BD11A1", "gta_jhash": "0xD4B9715A" }, "0xCF8176912DDA4EA5": { "name": "IS_ENTITY_A_PED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x524AC5ECEA15343E", "gta_jhash": "0x55D33EAB" }, "0x138190F64DB4BBD1": { "name": "IS_ENTITY_A_MISSION_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0A7B270912999B3C", "gta_jhash": "0x2632E124" }, "0xC3D96AF45FCCEC4C": { "name": "IS_ENTITY_A_VEHICLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6AC7003FA6E5575E", "gta_jhash": "0xBE800B01" }, "0x0A27A546A375FDEF": { "name": "IS_ENTITY_AN_OBJECT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8D68C8FD0FACA94E", "gta_jhash": "0x3F52E561" }, "0x5E58342602E94718": { "name": "IS_ENTITY_AT_COORD", "comment": "Checks if entity is within x/y/zSize distance of x/y/z. \n\nLast three are unknown ints, almost always p7 = 0, p8 = 1, p9 = 0", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "xPos" }, { "type": "float", "name": "yPos" }, { "type": "float", "name": "zPos" }, { "type": "float", "name": "xSize" }, { "type": "float", "name": "ySize" }, { "type": "float", "name": "zSize" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p9" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x20B60995556D004F", "gta_jhash": "0xD749B606" }, "0xC057F02B837A27F6": { "name": "IS_ENTITY_AT_ENTITY", "comment": "Checks if entity1 is within the box defined by x/y/zSize of entity2.\n\nLast three parameters are almost always p5 = 0, p6 = 1, p7 = 0", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity1" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "xSize" }, { "type": "float", "name": "ySize" }, { "type": "float", "name": "zSize" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" }, 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"entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x26AA915AD89BFB4B", "gta_jhash": "0xDE5C995E" }, "0x154A3C529497053E": { "name": "IS_ENTITY_ATTACHED_TO_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "from" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "to" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xEFBE71898A993728", "gta_jhash": "0xB0ABFEA8" }, "0xA7E51B53309EAC97": { "name": "_IS_ENTITY_OWNED_BY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x7D5B1F88E7504BBA": { "name": "IS_ENTITY_DEAD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5F9532F3B5CC2551", "gta_jhash": "0xB6F7CBAC" }, "0x886E37EC497200B6": { "name": "IS_ENTITY_IN_AIR", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x886E37EC497200B6", "gta_jhash": "0xA4157987" }, "0xD3151E53134595E5": { "name": "IS_ENTITY_IN_ANGLED_AREA", "comment": "Creates a spherical cone at origin that extends to surface with the angle specified. Then returns true if the entity is inside the spherical cone\n\nAngle is measured in degrees.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "originX" }, { "type": "float", "name": "originY" }, { "type": "float", "name": "originZ" }, { "type": "float", "name": "edgeX" }, { "type": "float", "name": "edgeY" }, { "type": "float", "name": "edgeZ" }, { "type": "float", "name": "angle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p9" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p10" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x51210CED3DA1C78A", "gta_jhash": "0x883622FA" }, "0x0C2634C40A16193E": { "name": "IS_ENTITY_IN_AREA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p7" }, { "type": 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entity.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE81AFC1BC4CC41CE", "gta_jhash": "0x0170F68C" }, "0x850C940EE3E7B8B5": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_REQUIRES_MORE_EXPENSIVE_RIVER_CHECK", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x694E00132F2823ED", "gta_jhash": "0x40C84A74" }, "0x7A49D40DE437BC8D": { "name": "_0x7A49D40DE437BC8D", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x978AA2323ED32209": { "name": "_0x978AA2323ED32209", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x002AAC783ED323ED": { "name": "_0x002AAC783ED323ED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], 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"SCRIPT_OVERRIDE_ENTITY_LOOT_TABLE_PERMANENT", "comment": "Sets the loot table an entity will carry. Returns true if loot table has been successfully set. Returns false if entity is not a ped or object.\nhttps://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/blob/master/AI/EVENTS/loot_rewards.lua", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "lootTable" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x1E804EA9B12030A4": { "name": "_GET_SCRIPT_OVERRIDE_ENTITY_LOOT_TABLE_PERMANENT", "comment": "Returns false if entity is not a ped or object.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Hash*", "name": "lootTable" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xA88E215CEB0435C0": { "name": "_REQUEST_ENTITY_LOOT_LIST", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "mount" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "argStruct" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "visiblelootslotrequestType" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flag" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xE31FC20319874CB3": { "name": "_0xE31FC20319874CB3", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x582F73ACFE969571": { "name": "_0x582F73ACFE969571", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xBA2A089E60ED1163": { "name": "_0xBA2A089E60ED1163", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x61914209C36EFDDB": { "name": "GET_CARRIABLE_ENTITY_STATE", "comment": "enum eCarriableState\n{\n\tCARRIABLE_STATE_NONE,\n\tCARRIABLE_STATE_TRANSITIONING_TO_HOGTIED,\n\tCARRIABLE_STATE_CARRIABLE_INTRO,\n\tCARRIABLE_STATE_CARRIABLE,\n\tCARRIABLE_STATE_BEING_PICKED_UP_FROM_GROUND,\n\tCARRIABLE_STATE_CARRIED_BY_HUMAN,\n\tCARRIABLE_STATE_BEING_PLACED_ON_GROUND,\n\tCARRIABLE_STATE_CARRIED_BY_MOUNT,\n\tCARRIABLE_STATE_BEING_PLACED_ON_MOUNT,\n\tCARRIABLE_STATE_BEING_PICKED_UP_FROM_MOUNT,\n\tCARRIABLE_STATE_BEING_CUT_FREE,\n\tCARRIABLE_STATE_BEING_PLACED_ON_GROUND_ESCAPE,\n\tCARRIABLE_STATE_BEING_PLACED_IN_VEHICLE\n};", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xD46BF94C4C66FAB0": { "name": "_0xD46BF94C4C66FAB0", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x34F008A7E48C496B": { "name": "_GET_OPTIMAL_CARRY_CONFIG", "comment": "Valid indices: 0 - 3\nIndex 1 always returns a `hogtied` config, doesn't matter the entity.\nIt's for humans only and the ped must be resurrected first if it's dead.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "index" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0xD21C7418C590BB40": { "name": "_0xD21C7418C590BB40", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x0FD25587BB306C86": { "name": "_GET_ENTITY_CARRY_CONFIG", "comment": "Returns zero if the entity is not a carriable", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x5AFFA9DDC87846F8": { "name": "_IS_CARRIABLE_MODEL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "model" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x31FEF6A20F00B963": { "name": "_GET_CARRIABLE_FROM_ENTITY", "comment": "Returns a hash of an entity's name. (Alternative Name: _GET_ENTITY_PROMPT_NAME_HASH)", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x399657ED871B3A6C": { "name": "_SET_ENTITY_CARCASS_TYPE", "comment": "Changes type and quality of skins\ntype hashes: https://pastebin.com/C1WvQjCy", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "type" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2A77EF9BEC8518F4": { "name": "_0x2A77EF9BEC8518F4", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x0D0DB2B6AF19A987": { "name": "_DELETE_CARRIABLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity*", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x8DE41E9902E85756": { "name": "_IS_ENTITY_FULLY_LOOTED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x6BCF5F3D8FFE988D": { "name": "_SET_ENTITY_FULLY_LOOTED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "looted" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xEF2D9ED7CE684F08": { "name": "_0xEF2D9ED7CE684F08", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Ped", "build": "1207" }, "0x0CCEFC6C2C95DA2A": { "name": "_0x0CCEFC6C2C95DA2A", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x383F64263F946E45": { "name": "_0x383F64263F946E45", "comment": "Used when checking if ped is in water", "params": [ { "type": "int*", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x8E10DF0FFA63FB65": { "name": "_0x8E10DF0FFA63FB65", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x808077647856DE62": { "name": "_GET_ENTITY_CARRYING_FLAG", "comment": "flagId: see _SET_ENTITY_CARRYING_FLAG", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flagId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x18FF3110CF47115D": { "name": "_SET_ENTITY_CARRYING_FLAG", "comment": "flagId: https://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/tree/master/AI/CARRYING_FLAGS\nhttps://github.com/Halen84/RDR3-Native-Flags-And-Enums/tree/main/CCarryingFlags__Flags\n\nenum eCarryingFlag\n{\n\tCARRYING_FLAG_CAN_BE_CUT_FREE = 1,\n\tCARRYING_FLAG_CAN_BE_CARRIED_ON_FOOT = 2,\n\tCARRYING_FLAG_CAN_BE_DROPPED = 4,\n\tCARRYING_FLAG_CAN_BE_CARRIED_WHEN_DEAD = 7,\n\tCARRYING_FLAG_CAN_CARRY_ANYTHING = 9,\n\tCARRYING_FLAG_DISABLE_PROMPT_LOS_CHECKS = 19,\n\tCARRYING_FLAG_FORCE_ALLOW_WARP_TO_SAFE_GROUND_LOCATION = 23,\n\tCARRYING_FLAG_PICKUPS_IGNORE_HEIGHT_RESTRICTIONS = 26,\n\tCARRYING_FLAG_CLEAN_UP_WHEN_NOT_CARRIED = 27,\n\tCARRYING_FLAG_BLOCK_KNOCK_OFF_PED_VARIATIONS_FROM_CARRIABLE_INTERACTIONS = 29,\n\tCARRYING_FLAG_HIT_WHEN_CARRIABLE = 31,\n\tCARRYING_FLAG_DISABLE_CARRIABLE_INTERACTIONS_ON_THIS_MOUNT = 34,\n\tCARRYING_FLAG_FORCE_HIDE_PROMPT_GROUP = 37,\n};", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flagId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC3ABCFBC7D74AFA5": { "name": "_0xC3ABCFBC7D74AFA5", "comment": "Returns BOOL in ida", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x371D179701D9C082": { "name": "_0x371D179701D9C082", "comment": "Called if entity is in water and submerged level is larger than 1f. If CARRYING_FLAG_FORCE_ALLOW_WARP_TO_SAFE_GROUND_LOCATION is true, it gets disabled as well.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1436" }, "0xA48E4801DEBDF7E4": { "name": "_0xA48E4801DEBDF7E4", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x255B6DB4E3AD3C3E": { "name": "_GET_IS_CARRIABLE_PELT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xF59FDE7B4D31A630": { "name": "_0xF59FDE7B4D31A630", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x120376C23F019C6C": { "name": "_0x120376C23F019C6C", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x5744562E973E33CD": { "name": "_0x5744562E973E33CD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xDD03FC2089AD093C": { "name": "_0xDD03FC2089AD093C", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xB16C780C51E51E2B": { "name": "_0xB16C780C51E51E2B", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xEF259AA1E097E0AD": { "name": "_0xEF259AA1E097E0AD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xBD94CECFB2D65119": { "name": "_0xBD94CECFB2D65119", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x482D17E45665DA44": { "name": "_SET_ENTITY_CUSTOM_PICKUP_RADIUS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "radius" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE75EEA8DB59A9F39": { "name": "_0xE75EEA8DB59A9F39", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x188736456D1DEDE6": { "name": "_0x188736456D1DEDE6", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xC6A1A3D63F122DE7": { "name": "_0xC6A1A3D63F122DE7", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1311" }, "0x31DA7CEC5334DB37": { "name": "APPLY_FORCE_TO_ENTITY_CENTER_OF_MASS", "comment": "p6/relative - makes the xyz force not relative to world coords, but to something else\np7/highForce - setting false will make the force really low", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "forceType" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "int", "name": "component" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "isDirectionRel" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "isForceRel" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p8" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x18FF00FC7EFF559E", "gta_jhash": "0x28924E98" }, "0xF15E8F5D333F09C4": { "name": "APPLY_FORCE_TO_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "forceFlags" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "offX" }, { "type": "float", "name": "offY" }, { "type": "float", "name": "offZ" }, { "type": "int", "name": "boneIndex" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "isDirectionRel" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "ignoreUpVec" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "isForceRel" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p12" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p13" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC5F68BE9613E2D18", "gta_jhash": "0xC1C0855A" }, "0x6B9BBD38AB0796DF": { "name": "ATTACH_ENTITY_TO_ENTITY", "comment": "Attaches entity1 to bone (boneIndex) of entity2.\n\nboneIndex - this is different to boneID, use GET_PED_BONE_INDEX to get the index from the ID. use the index for attaching to specific bones. entity1 will be attached to entity2's centre if bone index given doesn't correspond to bone indexes for that entity type.\nhttps://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/tree/master/boneNames\n\nuseSoftPinning - if set to false attached entity will not detach when fixed\ncollision - controls collision between the two entities (FALSE disables collision).\nisPed - pitch doesn't work when false and roll will only work on negative numbers (only peds)\nvertexIndex - position of vertex\nfixedRot - if false it ignores entity vector", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity1" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity2" }, { "type": "int", "name": "boneIndex" }, { "type": "float", "name": "xPos" }, { "type": "float", "name": "yPos" }, { "type": "float", "name": "zPos" }, { "type": "float", "name": "xRot" }, { "type": "float", "name": "yRot" }, { "type": "float", "name": "zRot" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p9" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "useSoftPinning" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "collision" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "isPed" }, { "type": "int", "name": "vertexIndex" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "fixedRot" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p15" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p16" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6B9BBD38AB0796DF", "gta_jhash": "0xEC024237" }, "0xB629A43CA1643481": { "name": "ATTACH_ENTITY_TO_ENTITY_PHYSICALLY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity1" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity2" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "int", "name": "boneIndex" }, { "type": "float", "name": "offsetX" }, { "type": "float", "name": "offsetY" }, { "type": "float", "name": "offsetZ" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p9" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p10" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p11" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p12" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p13" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p14" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p15" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p16" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p17" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p18" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p19" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p20" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p21" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC3675780C92F90F9", "gta_jhash": "0x0547417F" }, "0x445D7D8EA66E373E": { "name": "_0x445D7D8EA66E373E", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p9" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p10" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p11" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p12" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p13" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p14" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p15" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x16908E859C3AB698": { "name": "_0x16908E859C3AB698", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xBACA8FE9C76C124E": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_BONE_INDEX_BY_NAME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "boneName" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xFB71170B7E76ACBA", "gta_jhash": "0xE4ECAC22" }, "0xBB19AC7D4DCEFD0F": { "name": "CLEAR_ENTITY_LAST_DAMAGE_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA72CD9CA74A5ECBA", "gta_jhash": "0x2B83F43B" }, "0x4CD38C78BD19A497": { "name": "DELETE_ENTITY", "comment": "Deletes the specified entity, then sets the handle pointed to by the pointer to NULL.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity*", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xAE3CBE5BF394C9C9", "gta_jhash": "0xFAA3D236" }, "0x5E94EA09E7207C16": { "name": "_DELETE_ENTITY_2", "comment": "Must be called from a background script, otherwise it will do nothing.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity*", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "unused": true }, "0x64CDE9D6BF8ECAD3": { "name": "DETACH_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "collision" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x961AC54BF0613F5D", "gta_jhash": "0xC8EFCB41" }, "0x083D497D57B7400F": { "name": "_IS_ENTITY_FROZEN", "comment": "Getter for FREEZE_ENTITY_POSITION", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x7D9EFB7AD6B19754": { "name": "FREEZE_ENTITY_POSITION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x428CA6DBD1094446", "gta_jhash": "0x65C16D57" }, "0x740CB4F3F602C9F4": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_SHOULD_FREEZE_WAITING_ON_COLLISION", "comment": "Old name: _SET_ENTITY_CLEANUP_BY_ENGINE", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3910051CCECDB00C", "gta_jhash": "0xD3850671" }, "0xDC19C288082E586E": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_AS_MISSION_ENTITY", "comment": "Makes the specified entity (ped, vehicle or object) persistent. Persistent entities will not automatically be removed by the engine.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xAD738C3085FE7E11", "gta_jhash": "0x5D1F9E0F" }, "0x4971D2F8162B9674": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED", "comment": "Marks the specified entity (ped, vehicle or object) as no longer needed.\nEntities marked as no longer needed, will be deleted as the engine sees fit.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity*", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB736A491E64A32CF", "gta_jhash": "0xADF2267C" }, "0x2595DD4236549CE3": { "name": "SET_PED_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED", "comment": "This is an alias of SET_ENTITY_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped*", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2595DD4236549CE3", "gta_jhash": "0x9A388380" }, "0x629BFA74418D6239": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED", "comment": "This is an alias of SET_ENTITY_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED.", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle*", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x629BFA74418D6239", "gta_jhash": "0x9B0E10BE" }, "0x3AE22DEB5BA5A3E6": { "name": "SET_OBJECT_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED", "comment": "This is an alias of SET_ENTITY_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED.", "params": [ { "type": "Object*", "name": "object" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3AE22DEB5BA5A3E6", "gta_jhash": "0x3F6B949F" }, "0x20FAEE47427A4497": { "name": "_0x20FAEE47427A4497", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x88AD6CC10D8D35B2": { "name": "_DOES_THREAD_OWN_THIS_ENTITY", "comment": "Returns true if calling script owns specified entity", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x56E0735D6273B227": { "name": "_0x56E0735D6273B227", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC0EDEF16D90661EE": { "name": "_0xC0EDEF16D90661EE", "comment": "SET_ENTITY_A*", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x0FD7D7C232876E72": { "name": "_0x0FD7D7C232876E72", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x0939E773925C4719": { "name": "_0x0939E773925C4719", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x0D06D522B90E861F": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_CAN_BE_DAMAGED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1760FFA8AB074D66", "gta_jhash": "0x60B6E744" }, "0x75DF9E73F2F005FD": { "name": "_GET_ENTITY_CAN_BE_DAMAGED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x0EF1AFB18649E015": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_CAN_BE_DAMAGED_BY_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "bCanBeDamaged" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "relGroup" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE22D8FDE858B8119", "gta_jhash": "0x34165B5D" }, "0xFF83AF534156B399": { "name": "_0xFF83AF534156B399", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6D09F32E284D0FB7": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_CAN_BE_TARGETED_WITHOUT_LOS", "comment": "Sets whether the entity can be targeted without being in line-of-sight.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD3997889736FD899", "gta_jhash": "0x3B13797C" }, "0xAA2FADD30F45A9DA": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_COLLISION_DISABLED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xCCF1E97BEFDAE480", "gta_jhash": "0xE8C0C629" }, "0xF66F820909453B8C": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_COLLISION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "keepPhysics" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1A9205C1B9EE827F", "gta_jhash": "0x139FD37D" }, "0xE0580EC84813875A": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_COMPLETELY_DISABLE_COLLISION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "keepPhysics" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9EBC85ED0FFFE51C", "gta_jhash": "0xBD0D4831" }, "0x06843DA7060A026B": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_COORDS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "xPos" }, { "type": "float", "name": "yPos" 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"0x1718DE8E3F2823CA", "gta_jhash": "0x236F525B" }, "0xCF2B9C0645C4651B": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_HEADING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "heading" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8E2530AA8ADA980E", "gta_jhash": "0xE0FF064D" }, "0x203BEFFDBE12E96A": { "name": "_SET_ENTITY_COORDS_AND_HEADING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "xPos" }, { "type": "float", "name": "yPos" }, { "type": "float", "name": "zPos" }, { "type": "float", "name": "heading" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "xAxis" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "yAxis" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "zAxis" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x0918E3565C20F03C": { "name": "_SET_ENTITY_COORDS_AND_HEADING_NO_OFFSET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "xPos" }, { "type": "float", "name": "yPos" }, { "type": "float", "name": 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Setting healthAmount to 0 will kill the entity. entityKilledBy parameter can also be 0", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "healthAmount" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "entityKilledBy" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA5C38736C426FCB8": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_INVINCIBLE", "comment": "Sets a ped or an object totally invincible. It doesn't take any kind of damage. Peds will not ragdoll on explosions.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3882114BDE571AD4", "gta_jhash": "0xC1213A21" }, "0xAF7F3099B9FEB535": { "name": "_0xAF7F3099B9FEB535", "comment": "SET_ENTITY_LO*", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x0A5D170C44CB2189": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_IS_TARGET_PRIORITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xEA02E132F5C68722", "gta_jhash": "0x9729EE32" }, "0xB38A29CCD5447783": { "name": "_0xB38A29CCD5447783", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": 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"SET_ENTITY_LOAD_COLLISION_FLAG", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0DC7CABAB1E9B67E", "gta_jhash": "0xC52F295B" }, "0xBEB1600952B9CF5C": { "name": "HAS_COLLISION_LOADED_AROUND_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE9676F61BC0B3321", "gta_jhash": "0x851687F9" }, "0x6BFBDC46139C45AB": { "name": "HAS_COLLISION_LOADED_AROUND_POSITION", "comment": "Old name: _HAS_COLLISION_LOADED_AT_COORDS", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "xPos" }, { "type": "float", "name": "yPos" }, { "type": "float", "name": "zPos" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x473598683095D430": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_ONLY_DAMAGED_BY_PLAYER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x79F020FF9EDC0748", "gta_jhash": "0x4B707F50" }, "0x6C1F6AA2F0ADD104": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_ONLY_DAMAGED_BY_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "relationshipGroup" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x7022BD828FA0B082", "gta_jhash": "0x202237E2" }, "0xFAEE099C6F890BB8": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_PROOFS", "comment": "https://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/tree/master/AI/ENTITY_PROOFS\nBOOL p2: handles an additional special proofs flag, so it simply indicates whether it should be enabled or disabled, not sure what exactly it proofs the entity from though", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "proofsBitset" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "specialFlag" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xFAEE099C6F890BB8", "gta_jhash": "0x7E9EAB66" }, "0x6CF0DAD7FA1088EA": { "name": "_GET_ENTITY_PROOFS", "comment": "Note: this native was removed in 1232 but added back in 1311", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x100E7007D13E3687": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_QUATERNION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "w" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x77B21BE7AC540F07", "gta_jhash": "0x83B6046F" }, "0x9CC8314DFEDE441E": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_ROTATION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "pitch" }, { "type": "float", "name": "roll" }, { "type": "float", "name": "yaw" }, { "type": "int", "name": "rotationOrder" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8524A8B0171D5E07", "gta_jhash": "0x0A345EFE" }, "0xD45BB89B53FC0CFD": { 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"0x1C99BB7B6E96D16F": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_VELOCITY", "comment": "Note that the third parameter(denoted as z) is \"up and down\" with positive numbers encouraging upwards movement.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1C99BB7B6E96D16F", "gta_jhash": "0xFF5A1988" }, "0x0CEDB728A1083FA7": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_HAS_GRAVITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4A4722448F18EEF5", "gta_jhash": "0xE2F262BF" }, "0x5FB407F0A7C877BF": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_LOD_DIST", "comment": "LOD distance can be 0 to 0xFFFF (higher values will result in 0xFFFF) as it is actually stored as a 16-bit value (aka uint16_t).", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5927F96A78577363", "gta_jhash": "0xD7ACC7AD" }, "0xDF240D0C2A948683": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_LOD_DIST", "comment": "Returns the LOD distance of an entity.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4159C2762B5791D6", "gta_jhash": "0x4DA3D51F" }, "0x0DF7692B1D9E7BA7": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_ALPHA", "comment": "skin - everything alpha except skin\nSet entity alpha level. Ranging from 0 to 255 but changes occur after every 20 percent (after every 51).", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "alphaLevel" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "skin" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x44A0870B7E92D7C0", "gta_jhash": "0xAE667CB0" }, "0x1BB501624FAF2BEA": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_ALPHA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5A47B3B5E63E94C6", "gta_jhash": "0x1560B017" }, "0x744B9EF44779D9AB": { "name": "RESET_ENTITY_ALPHA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9B1E824FFBB7027A", "gta_jhash": "0x8A30761C" }, "0xA91E6CF94404E8C9": { "name": "_SET_ENTITY_FADE_IN", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xACAD101E1FB66689": { "name": "SET_ENTITY_ALWAYS_PRERENDER", 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"_0x56B3410626A473E7", "comment": "Only used in R* SP Script beat_rat_infestation\nParams: p0 = value returned by 0x18E93EBFC1FCFA48", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x608AD36A644A97FE": { "name": "_ADD_MODEL_TO_EVENT_MONITOR", "comment": "Models used in the scripts: P_REGISTER05X, P_REGISTER06X, P_REGISTER03X, PLAYER_ZERO, PLAYER_THREE, A_C_HORSE_MORGAN_FLAXENCHESTNUT", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "model" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x4465C3D1475BD3FD": { "name": "_0x4465C3D1475BD3FD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "model" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2DD42FAD06E6F19E": { "name": "_0x2DD42FAD06E6F19E", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Object", "name": "object" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xA86B0EE9B39D15D6": { "name": "_0xA86B0EE9B39D15D6", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Object", "name": "object" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x26054EB81AC0893B": { "name": "_0x26054EB81AC0893B", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Object", "name": "object" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xBB1E41DD3D3C6250": { "name": "_SET_EVENT_TRACKER_FOR_PED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "eventName" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xAD17A18215DD23D6": { "name": "_0xAD17A18215DD23D6", "comment": "Might return time since some (?) event.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xC6A7DC546E94FED5": { "name": "_EVENT_GET_TIME_SINCE_EVENT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Hash", 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"type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "eventType" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "Entity", "build": "1207" }, "0x1D1B448D719415AB": { "name": "_0x1D1B448D719415AB", "comment": "_GET*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x83D43F0FD5276E4D": { "name": "_0x83D43F0FD5276E4D", "comment": "_GET*", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xE28D7FC9FD32ABEB": { "name": "_0xE28D7FC9FD32ABEB", "comment": "HAS_ACTOR_RECEIVED_TRACKED_EVENT_THAT_SHOULD_ALERT - iTimeSinceEvent >= iTimeLimitMS", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "eventType" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1311" }, "0x1A5C5D350068A673": { "name": "_0x1A5C5D350068A673", "comment": "AGGRO_CHECK_PROPERTY_DAMAGE: Property damage found 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Must be 25 or less, or the function will do nothing.\nisGasFire: Whether or not the fire is powered by gasoline.", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "soundsetName" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p8" } ], "return_type": "FireId", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6B83617E04503888", "gta_jhash": "0xE7529357" }, "0x790125C36E194069": { "name": "REMOVE_SCRIPT_FIRE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "FireId", "name": "fireHandle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x7FF548385680673F", "gta_jhash": "0x6B21FE26" }, "0xC4DC7418A44D6822": { "name": "START_ENTITY_FIRE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], 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"BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3DEC726C25A11BAC", "gta_jhash": "0x3B15D33C" }, "0xD6663EC374092383": { "name": "GET_STATUS_OF_SAVE_HIGH_QUALITY_PHOTO", "comment": "0 = succeeded\n1 = getting status\n2 = failed", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0C0C4E81E1AC60A0", "gta_jhash": "0xEC5D0317" }, "0x494A9874F17A7D50": { "name": "BEGIN_CREATE_LOW_QUALITY_COPY_OF_PHOTO", "comment": "Called together with FREE_MEMORY_FOR_LOW_QUALITY_PHOTO", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x759650634F07B6B4", "gta_jhash": "0x25D569EB" }, "0x13430D3D5A45F14B": { "name": "GET_STATUS_OF_CREATE_LOW_QUALITY_COPY_OF_PHOTO", "comment": "Old name: _GET_STATUS_OF_DRAW_LOW_QUALITY_PHOTO", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xCB82A0BF0E3E3265", "gta_jhash": "0xCFCDC518" }, "0x614682E715ADBAAC": { "name": "FREE_MEMORY_FOR_LOW_QUALITY_PHOTO", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6A12D88881435DCA", "gta_jhash": "0x108F36CC" }, "0xF1142E5D64B47802": { "name": "DRAW_LOW_QUALITY_PHOTO_TO_PHONE", "comment": "nullsub, doesn't do anything (GTA5 leftover, there is no phone in RDR3)", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "int", "name": "photoRotation" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1072F115DAB0717E", "gta_jhash": "0xE9F2B68F" }, "0x8E587FCD30E05592": { "name": "_GET_MAX_NUMBER_OF_LOCAL_PHOTOS", "comment": "Always returns 200.", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x78C56B8A7B1D000C": { "name": "_GET_CURRENT_NUMBER_OF_LOCAL_PHOTOS", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xA42EDF1E88734A7E": { "name": "QUEUE_OPERATION_TO_CREATE_SORTED_LIST_OF_PHOTOS", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2A893980E96B659A", "gta_jhash": "0x199FABF0" }, "0xB28894CD7408BD0C": { "name": "GET_STATUS_OF_SORTED_LIST_OPERATION", "comment": "0 = succeeded\n1 = getting status\n2 = failed", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF5BED327CEA362B1", "gta_jhash": "0x596B900D" }, "0xD2D9E04C0DF927F4": { "name": "DRAW_LIGHT_WITH_RANGE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "posX" }, { "type": "float", "name": "posY" }, { "type": "float", "name": "posZ" }, { "type": "int", "name": "colorR" }, { "type": "int", "name": "colorG" }, { "type": "int", "name": "colorB" }, { "type": "float", "name": "range" }, { "type": "float", "name": "intensity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF2A1B2771A01DBD4", "gta_jhash": "0x6A396E9A" }, "0xBDBACB52A03CC760": { "name": "UPDATE_LIGHTS_ON_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xDEADC0DEDEADC0DE", "gta_jhash": "0xC12AC47A" }, "0x6EC2A67962296F49": { "name": "_SET_LIGHTS_COLOR_FOR_ENTITY", "comment": "https://gfycat.com/meagerfaireyra", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "red" }, { "type": "int", "name": "green" }, { "type": "int", "name": "blue" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x07C0F87AAC57F2E4": { "name": "_SET_LIGHTS_INTENSITY_FOR_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "intensity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xAB72C67163DC4DB4": { "name": "_SET_LIGHTS_TYPE_FOR_ENTITY", "comment": "type must be less than or equal to 20", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "type" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2A32FAA57B937173": { "name": "_DRAW_MARKER", "comment": "https://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/blob/master/graphics/markers/marker_types.lua", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "type" }, { "type": "float", "name": "posX" }, { "type": "float", "name": "posY" }, { "type": "float", "name": "posZ" }, { "type": "float", "name": "dirX" }, { "type": "float", "name": "dirY" }, { "type": "float", "name": "dirZ" }, { "type": "float", "name": "rotX" }, { "type": "float", "name": "rotY" }, { "type": "float", "name": "rotZ" }, { "type": "float", "name": "scaleX" }, { "type": "float", "name": "scaleY" }, { "type": "float", "name": "scaleZ" }, { "type": "int", "name": "red" }, { "type": "int", "name": "green" }, { "type": "int", "name": "blue" }, { "type": "int", "name": "alpha" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "bobUpAndDown" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "faceCamera" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p19" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "rotate" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "textureDict" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "textureName" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "drawOnEnts" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x175668836B44CBB0": { "name": "CREATE_CHECKPOINT_WITH_NAMEHASH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "typeHash" }, { "type": "float", "name": "posX1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "posY1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "posZ1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "posX2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "posY2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "posZ2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "radius" }, { "type": "int", "name": "red" }, { "type": "int", "name": "green" }, { "type": "int", "name": "blue" }, { "type": "int", "name": "alpha" }, { "type": "int", "name": "reserved" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x4C11CCACB7C02B6E": { "name": "_DOES_CHECKPOINT_HAVE_FX", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "checkpoint" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xCAAFC225E33B1D15": { "name": "SET_CHECKPOINT_RGBA", "comment": "Sets the checkpoint color.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "checkpoint" }, { "type": "int", "name": "red" }, { "type": "int", "name": "green" }, { "type": "int", "name": "blue" }, { "type": "int", "name": "alpha" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x7167371E8AD747F7", "gta_jhash": "0xEF9C8CB3" }, "0x99AFF17222D4DEB4": { "name": "SET_CHECKPOINT_RGBA2", "comment": "Sets the checkpoint icon color.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "checkpoint" }, { "type": "int", "name": "red" }, { "type": "int", "name": "green" }, { "type": "int", "name": "blue" }, { "type": "int", "name": "alpha" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB9EA40907C680580", "gta_jhash": "0xA5456DBB" }, "0xCC3B787E73E64160": { "name": "_0xCC3B787E73E64160", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x171C18E994C1A395": { "name": "_0x171C18E994C1A395", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x0DED5B0C8EBAAE12": { "name": "DELETE_CHECKPOINT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "checkpoint" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF5ED37F54CD4D52E", "gta_jhash": "0xB66CF3CA" }, "0x405224591DF02025": { "name": "DRAW_RECT", "comment": "Draws a rectangle on the screen.\n\n-x: The relative X point of the center of the rectangle. (0.0-1.0, 0.0 is the left edge of the screen, 1.0 is the right edge of the screen)\n\n-y: The relative Y point of the center of the rectangle. (0.0-1.0, 0.0 is the top edge of the screen, 1.0 is the bottom edge of the screen)\n\n-width: The relative width of the rectangle. (0.0-1.0, 1.0 means the whole screen width)\n\n-height: The relative height of the rectangle. (0.0-1.0, 1.0 means the whole screen height)\n\n-R: Red part of the color. (0-255)\n\n-G: Green part of the color. (0-255)\n\n-B: Blue part of the color. (0-255)\n\n-A: Alpha part of the color. (0-255, 0 means totally transparent, 255 means totally opaque)", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "width" }, { "type": "float", "name": "height" }, { "type": "int", "name": "red" }, { "type": "int", "name": "green" }, { "type": "int", "name": "blue" }, { "type": "int", "name": "alpha" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p9" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3A618A217E5154F0", "gta_jhash": "0xDD2BFC77" }, "0x906B86E6D7896B9E": { "name": "SET_SCRIPT_GFX_DRAW_BEHIND_PAUSEMENU", "comment": "Sets a flag defining whether or not script draw commands should continue being drawn behind the pause menu. This is usually used for draw commands that are used with a world render target.", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC6372ECD45D73BCD", "gta_jhash": "0xF8FBCC25" }, "0xCFCC78391C8B3814": { "name": "SET_SCRIPT_GFX_DRAW_ORDER", "comment": "Sets the draw order for script draw commands.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "drawOrder" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x61BB1D9B3A95D802", "gta_jhash": "0xADF81D24" }, "0xC9884ECADE94CB34": { "name": "DRAW_SPRITE", "comment": "Draws a 2D sprite on the screen.\n\nParameters:\ntextureDict - Name of texture dictionary to load texture from\n\ntextureName - Name of texture to load from texture dictionary\n\nscreenX/Y - Screen offset (0.5 = center)\nscaleX/Y - Texture scaling. Negative values can be used to flip the texture on that axis. (0.5 = half)\n\nheading - Texture rotation in degrees (default = 0.0) positive is clockwise, measured in degrees\n\nred,green,blue - Sprite color (default = 255/255/255)\n\nalpha - opacity level\n\nhttps://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/tree/master/useful_info_from_rpfs/textures", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "textureDict" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "textureName" }, { "type": "float", "name": "screenX" }, { "type": "float", "name": "screenY" }, { "type": "float", "name": "width" }, { "type": "float", "name": "height" }, { "type": "float", "name": "heading" }, { "type": "int", "name": "red" }, { "type": "int", "name": "green" }, { "type": "int", "name": "blue" }, { "type": "int", "name": "alpha" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p11" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE7FFAE5EBF23D890", "gta_jhash": "0x1FEC16B0" }, "0x40866A418EB8EFDE": { "name": "ATTACH_TV_AUDIO_TO_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x845BAD77CC770633", "gta_jhash": "0x784944DB" }, "0x64437C98FCC5F291": { "name": "SET_TV_AUDIO_FRONTEND", "comment": "Probably changes tvs from being a 3d audio to being \"global\" audio", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x113D2C5DC57E1774", "gta_jhash": "0x2E0DFA35" }, "0x66773C92835D0909": { "name": "GET_SCREEN_RESOLUTION", "comment": "Hardcoded to always set x to 1280 and y to 720.", "params": [ { "type": "int*", "name": "x" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "y" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x888D57E407E63624", "gta_jhash": "0x29F3572F" }, "0xA04EF43030593ABC": { "name": "_0xA04EF43030593ABC", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA21AF60C9F99CCC5": { "name": "_0xA21AF60C9F99CCC5", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC28F62AC9774FC1B": { "name": "_0xC28F62AC9774FC1B", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xEB48CE48EEC41FD4": { "name": "_0xEB48CE48EEC41FD4", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xCB50D7AFCC8B0EC6": { "name": "GET_SCREEN_COORD_FROM_WORLD_COORD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "worldX" }, { "type": "float", "name": "worldY" }, { "type": "float", "name": "worldZ" }, { "type": "float*", "name": "screenX" }, { "type": "float*", "name": "screenY" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x34E82F05DF2974F5", "gta_jhash": "0x1F950E4B" }, "0xA2A51869BDED733B": { "name": "_IS_TEXTURE_IN_DICT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "txdHash" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "dict" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xB2797619A7C7747B": { "name": "SET_ARTIFICIAL_LIGHTS_STATE", "comment": "Does not affect weapons, particles, fire/explosions, flashlights or the sun.\nWhen set to true, all emissive textures (including ped components that have light effects), street lights, building lights, vehicle lights, etc will all be turned off.\n\nstate: True turns off all artificial light sources in the map: buildings, street lights, car lights, etc. False turns them back on.", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "state" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1268615ACE24D504", "gta_jhash": "0xAA2A0EAF" }, "0x98A7CD5EA379A854": { "name": "DISABLE_HDTEX_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC35A6D07C93802B2", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0x1A9F09AB458D49C6": { "name": "_0x1A9F09AB458D49C6", "comment": "Used in shop scripts for CATALOG_BOOK\nfalse = Normal -> [CATALOG_BOOK_SHUTDOWN]\ntrue = Trees flickering? -> [CATALOG_BOOK_OPEN]", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFB405CB357C69CB9": { "name": "CREATE_TRACKED_POINT", "comment": "Creates a tracked point, useful for checking the visibility of a 3D point on screen.", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE2C9439ED45DEA60", "gta_jhash": "0x3129C31A" }, "0xF6FDA3D4404D4F2C": { "name": "SET_TRACKED_POINT_INFO", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "point" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "radius" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x164ECBB3CF750CB0", "gta_jhash": "0x28689AA4" }, "0xCBB056BA159FB48D": { "name": "IS_TRACKED_POINT_VISIBLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "point" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC45CCDAAC9221CA8", "gta_jhash": "0x0BFC4F64" }, "0xDFE332A5DA6FE7C9": { "name": "_0xDFE332A5DA6FE7C9", "comment": "Returns iNumPixels, iPixelsVisible", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "iTrackedPoint" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x37A59922109F8F1C": { "name": "DESTROY_TRACKED_POINT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "point" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB25DC90BAD56CA42", "gta_jhash": "0x14AC675F" }, "0xF2FDDCC8C6BAE1B3": { "name": "_IS_TRACKED_POINT_VALID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "point" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x27219300C36A8D40": { "name": "SET_GRASS_CULL_SPHERE", "comment": "Returns handle to be used with REMOVE_GRASS_CULL_SPHERE", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xBE197EAA669238F4", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0xAE7BF7CA9E4BA48D": { "name": "REMOVE_GRASS_CULL_SPHERE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "handle" } ], 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"void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF02A9C330BBFC5C7": { "name": "_SET_SNOW_COVERAGE_TYPE", "comment": "enum class eSnowCoverageType\n{\n\tPrimary,\n\tSecondary,\n\tXmas,\n\tXmasSecondary // since b1232\n};", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "type" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x519928DF02EB5101": { "name": "_0x519928DF02EB5101", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1355" }, "0x1C6306E5BC25C29C": { "name": "_0x1C6306E5BC25C29C", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" } }, "GANG": { "0xD6F6ACF4392187FB": { "name": "NETWORK_IS_GANG_ID_VALID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "gangId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x93A91A351A07360E": { "name": "NETWORK_IS_GANG_IN_SESSION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "gangId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x0F99F6436528A089": { "name": "NETWORK_IS_GANG_ACTIVE", "comment": 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"params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC5C7A2F6567FCCBC": { "name": "_DISABLE_REDUCED_MENU_TIME_SCALE", "comment": "Disables reduced time scale while menus such as weapon wheel and satchel are open.", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC9CAEAEEC1256E54": { "name": "_ENABLE_HUD_CONTEXT_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "component" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x4CC5F2FC1332577F": { "name": "_ENABLE_HUD_CONTEXT", "comment": "https://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/tree/master/graphics/HUD/hud_presets\nOld name: _HIDE_HUD_COMPONENT", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "component" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x8BC7C1F929D07BF3": { "name": "_DISABLE_HUD_CONTEXT", "comment": "Old name: _DISPLAY_HUD_COMPONENT", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "component" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7EC0D68233E391AC": { "name": "_0x7EC0D68233E391AC", "comment": "", 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Byte code very similar to TEXT_COMMAND_DISPLAY_TEXT in V\nOld name: _GET_TEXT_SUBSTRING", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "text" }, { "type": "int", "name": "position" }, { "type": "int", "name": "length" } ], "return_type": "const char*", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x169BD9382084C8C0", "gta_jhash": "0x34A396EE" }, "0xCFEDCCAD3C5BA90D": { "name": "GET_FILENAME_FOR_AUDIO_CONVERSATION", "comment": "Gets a string literal from a label name.\n\nOld name: _GET_LABEL_TEXT", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "labelName" } ], "return_type": "const char*", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x7B5280EBA9840C72", "gta_jhash": "0x95C4B5AD" }, "0x916ED8321F087059": { "name": "CLEAR_ALL_HELP_MESSAGES", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6178F68A87A4D3A0", "gta_jhash": "0x9E5D9198" }, "0xD0976CC34002DB57": { "name": "TEXT_BLOCK_IS_LOADED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "textBlock" } ], "return_type": 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"const char*", "name": "text" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA0D7CE5F83259663": { "name": "SET_MP_GAMER_TAG_BIG_TEXT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "gamerTagId" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "string" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x7B7723747CCB55B6", "gta_jhash": "0x939218AB" }, "0x5F57522BC1EB9D9D": { "name": "_SET_MP_GAMER_TAG_TOP_ICON", "comment": "Found icons: https://pastebin.com/xx6rEgiG", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "gamerTagId" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "icon" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x95384C6CE1526EFF": { "name": "_SET_MP_GAMER_TAG_SECONDARY_ICON", "comment": "Found icons: SPEAKER, THROPY", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "gamerTagId" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "icon" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFFF6579CF0139FCE": { "name": "_MP_GAMER_TAG_ENABLE_REVIVE_TOP_ICON", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "gamerTagId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x1F9A64C2804B3471": { "name": "_MP_GAMER_TAG_DISABLE_REVIVE_TOP_ICON", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "gamerTagId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" } }, "IK": { "0x66F9EB44342BB4C5": { "name": "_INVERSE_KINEMATICS_REQUEST_LOOK_AT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "args" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x0B9F7A01EC50448D": { "name": "_0x0B9F7A01EC50448D", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "args" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x0EABF182FBB63D72": { "name": "_INVERSE_KINEMATICS_SET_DISABLED_FOR_PED", "comment": "Seems to disable IK on ped", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6098139150DCC745": { "name": "_0x6098139150DCC745", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x873C792E07A32C8B": { "name": "_0x873C792E07A32C8B", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped1" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" } }, "INTERACTION": { "0xF12E4CCAF249DC10": { "name": "SET_MOUSE_CURSOR_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "Shows the cursor on screen for one frame.\n\nOld name: _SET_MOUSE_CURSOR_ACTIVE_THIS_FRAME", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xAAE7CE1D63167423", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0x7F5858AAB5A58CCE": { "name": "SET_MOUSE_CURSOR_STYLE", "comment": "Changes the mouse cursor's sprite.\n\nspriteId's: https://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/tree/master/graphics/HUD/cursor_sprites#readme\n\nOld name: _SET_MOUSE_CURSOR_SPRITE", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "spriteId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8DB8CFFD58B62552", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0x0546B117BB17548B": { "name": "_SET_ALLOW_FIRST_PERSON_MOUSE_CAMERA_MOVEMENT", "comment": "Allows camera to be moved if middle mouse button is held while in first person\nMust be called every frame\n_SET*", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1232" }, "0x2B8B605F2A9E64BF": { "name": "_POINTER_IS_BEING_MOVED", "comment": "Returns true if player is moving mouse while cursor is active\n_PI* - _PO*", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1311" }, "0x61CAE9D1FD055E44": { "name": "_POINTER_IS_LEFT_BUTTON_HELD", "comment": "Returns true if player is holding LMB while cursor is active\n_PI* - _PO*", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xF7F51A57349739F2": { "name": "_POINTER_IS_LEFT_BUTTON_JUST_RELEASED", "comment": "Returns true if player releases LMB if cursor is active\n_PI* - _PO*", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" } }, "INTERIOR": { "0x017C1B3159F79F6C": { "name": "IS_VALID_INTERIOR", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Interior", "name": "interior" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x26B0E73D7EAAF4D3", "gta_jhash": "0x39C0B635" }, "0x8451E87D3C2B0286": { "name": "GET_INTERIOR_LOCATION_AND_NAMEHASH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Interior", "name": "interior" }, { "type": "Vector3*", "name": "position" }, { "type": "Hash*", "name": "nameHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x3039BE60B3749716": { "name": "_GET_INTERIOR_MINIMAP_HASH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Interior", "name": "interior" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x2C9746D0CA15BE1C": { "name": "_GET_INTERIOR_POSITION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Interior", "name": "interior" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207" }, "0x4200F14D6F840A9A": { "name": "IS_INTERIOR_SCENE", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xBC72B5D7A1CBD54D", "gta_jhash": "0x55226C13" }, "0xA1762D5BBFCA13A8": { "name": "CLEAR_ROOM_FOR_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB365FC0C4E27FFA7", "gta_jhash": "0x7DDADB92" }, "0xBC29A9894C976945": { "name": "FORCE_ROOM_FOR_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Interior", "name": "interior" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "roomHashKey" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x52923C4710DD9907", "gta_jhash": "0x10BD4435" }, "0x076E46E0EB52AFC6": { "name": "GET_ROOM_KEY_FROM_ENTITY", "comment": "Gets the room hash key from the room that the specified entity is in. Each room in every interior has a unique key. Returns 0 if the entity is outside.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x47C2A06D4F5F424B", "gta_jhash": "0xE4ACF8C3" }, "0x27D7B6F79E1F4603": { "name": "GET_KEY_FOR_ENTITY_IN_ROOM", "comment": "Seems to do the exact same as INTERIOR::GET_ROOM_KEY_FROM_ENTITY", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x399685DB942336BC", "gta_jhash": "0x91EA80EF" }, "0xB417689857646F61": { "name": "GET_INTERIOR_FROM_ENTITY", "comment": "Returns the handle of the interior that the entity is in. Returns 0 if outside.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "Interior", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2107BA504071A6BB", "gta_jhash": "0x5C644614" }, "0x5BD616735F16BF5C": { "name": "RETAIN_ENTITY_IN_INTERIOR", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Interior", "name": "interior" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x82EBB79E258FA2B7", "gta_jhash": "0xE645E162" }, "0x115B4AA8FB28AB43": { "name": "FORCE_ROOM_FOR_GAME_VIEWPORT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "interiorID" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "roomHashKey" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x920D853F3E17F1DA", "gta_jhash": "0xD79803B5" }, "0x951A049765E0D450": { "name": "CLEAR_ROOM_FOR_GAME_VIEWPORT", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x23B59D8912F94246", "gta_jhash": "0x617DC75D" }, "0xBC8A281FF125C655": { "name": "GET_INTERIOR_FROM_PRIMARY_VIEW", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "Interior", "build": "1207" }, "0xCDD36C9E5C469070": { "name": "GET_INTERIOR_AT_COORDS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" } ], "return_type": "Interior", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB0F7F8663821D9C3", "gta_jhash": "0xA17FBF37" }, "0xBD3D33EABF680168": { "name": "PIN_INTERIOR_IN_MEMORY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Interior", "name": "interior" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2CA429C029CCF247", "gta_jhash": "0x3ADA414E" }, "0x07FD1A0B814F6055": { "name": "UNPIN_INTERIOR", "comment": "Does something similar to INTERIOR::DISABLE_INTERIOR.\n\nYou don't fall through the floor but everything is invisible inside and looks the same as when INTERIOR::DISABLE_INTERIOR is used. Peds behaves normally inside. ", "params": [ { "type": "Interior", "name": "interior" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x261CCE7EED010641", "gta_jhash": "0xFCFF792A" }, "0x941560D2D45DBFC8": { "name": "IS_INTERIOR_READY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Interior", "name": "interior" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6726BDCCC1932F0E", "gta_jhash": "0xE1EF6450" }, "0xB5EF6FEF2DC9EBED": { "name": "SET_INTERIOR_IN_USE", "comment": "Actually returns void in IDA but the script header defines a BOOL return type", "params": [ { "type": "Interior", "name": "interior" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4C2330E61D3DEB56", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0xAAD6170AA33B13C0": { "name": "GET_INTERIOR_AT_COORDS_WITH_TYPE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "interiorType" } ], "return_type": "Interior", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x05B7A89BD78797FC", "gta_jhash": "0x96525B06" }, "0x3543AEA1816D1D2B": { "name": "GET_INTERIOR_AT_COORDS_WITH_TYPEHASH", "comment": "Hashed version of GET_INTERIOR_AT_COORDS_WITH_TYPE", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "typeHash" } ], "return_type": "Interior", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF0F77ADB9F67E79D", "gta_jhash": "0x11718507" }, "0xF291396B517E25B2": { "name": "IS_COLLISION_MARKED_OUTSIDE", "comment": "Returns true if the collision at the specified coords is marked as being outside (false if there's an interior)", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xEEA5AC2EDA7C33E8", "gta_jhash": "0x7762249C" }, "0x5054D1A5218FA696": { "name": "GET_INTERIOR_FROM_COLLISION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xEC4CF9FCB29A4424", "gta_jhash": "0x7ED33DC1" }, "0x174D0AAB11CED739": { "name": "ACTIVATE_INTERIOR_ENTITY_SET", "comment": "https://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/tree/master/interiors/interior_sets", "params": [ { "type": "Interior", "name": "interior" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "entitySetName" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x55E86AF2712B36A1", "gta_jhash": "0xC80A5DDF" }, "0x33B81A2C07A51FFF": { "name": "DEACTIVATE_INTERIOR_ENTITY_SET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Interior", "name": "interior" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "entitySetName" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x420BD37289EEE162", "gta_jhash": "0xDBA768A1" }, "0x32810CA2125F5842": { "name": "IS_INTERIOR_ENTITY_SET_ACTIVE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Interior", "name": "interior" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "entitySetName" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x35F7DD45E8C0A16D", "gta_jhash": "0x39A3CC6F" }, "0xD56FF170710FC826": { "name": "_IS_INTERIOR_ENTITY_SET_VALID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Interior", "name": "interior" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "entitySetName" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x3C2B92A1A07D4FCE": { "name": "DISABLE_INTERIOR", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Interior", "name": "interior" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6170941419D7D8EC", "gta_jhash": "0x093ADEA5" }, "0x2533F2AB0EB9C6F9": { "name": "_0x2533F2AB0EB9C6F9", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFE2B3D5500B1B2E4": { "name": "_0xFE2B3D5500B1B2E4", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" } }, "INVENTORY": { "0x13D234A2A3F66E63": { "name": "_INVENTORY_GET_INVENTORY_ID_FROM_PED", "comment": "Returns a unique inventory ID for this ped.\nFor the local player ped, it is an eInventories value.\nFor other peds, it is the inventory address casted to unsigned int.\n\nenum eInventories\n{\n\tINVENTORY_INVALID,\n\tINVENTORY_SP_PLAYER,\n\tINVENTORY_MP_PLAYER,\n\tINVENTORY_MP_MISSION,\n\tINVENTORY_SECOND_SCREEN,\n\tINVENTORY_SP_BACKUP,\n\tINVENTORY_SP_SNAPSHOT,\n\tINVENTORY_0xDE2AE452,\n\tINVENTORY_0x399D9B3A,\n\tINVENTORY_0x4BD43FA7,\n\tINVENTORY_0x9529D251,\n\tINVENTORY_0xA75776AC,\n\tINVENTORY_MAX_ID = 11,\n\tINVENTORY_IDS_COUNT\n};", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xADDD1E7C0ECF7D95": { "name": "_GET_ITEM_ROLE_MAX_LEVEL_COUNT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "eRoleMaxLevel" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xE80E50BEE276A54A": { "name": "_GET_ITEM_SLOT_MAX_COUNT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "provision" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "slotId" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x112BCA290D2EB53C": { "name": "_0x112BCA290D2EB53C", "comment": "Only used in R* SP Scripts", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "year" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "month" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "day" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "hour" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "minute" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "second" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x46743BBFEDBC859E": { "name": "_0x46743BBFEDBC859E", "comment": "eInventoryItem: CLOTHING_FANCY_SUIT, CLOTHING_GUNSLINGER_OUTFIT, etc.\nOnly used in R* SP Scripts", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "eInventoryItem" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x65A5F70F4A292EBE": { "name": "_INVENTORY_SET_INVENTORY_ITEM_IN_USE", "comment": "Only works on CClothingItem", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "inUse" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x70E3A884ED000A01": { "name": "_INVENTORY_GET_INVENTORY_ITEM_IN_USE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1311" }, "0x9A113C660AEA3832": { "name": "_INVENTORY_SET_INVENTORY_ITEM_HIDDEN", "comment": "Used with CClothingItem", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "hidden" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD740F11FBC8AEF43": { "name": "_INVENTORY_SET_INVENTORY_ITEM_HIDDEN_2", "comment": "Used with CSatchelItem, R* Script usage: fisihing_core", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "hidden" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF9933164965533B7": { "name": "_INVENTORY_GET_INVENTORY_ITEM_HIDDEN", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x4AEF1FB5B9011D75": { "name": "_INVENTORY_GET_INVENTORY_ITEM_IS_ANIMAL_PELT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "item" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xA4550FE9C512E3DD": { "name": "_INVENTORY_GET_INVENTORY_ITEM_DESCRIPTION_HASH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "item" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x245D07651B1D183B": { "name": "_INVENTORY_IS_INVENTORY_ITEM_FLAG_ENABLED", "comment": "flag: https://github.com/Halen84/RDR3-Native-Flags-And-Enums/tree/main/ItemDatabaseItemFlags\n2097152 (is item read?), 8388608 (is item sent/received/mailable?), 16777216 (is item consumable?)", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "item" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flag" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x2BAE4880DCDD560B": { "name": "_INVENTORY_GET_IS_INVENTORY_ITEM_SOUND_VALID", "comment": "soundType: https://github.com/Halen84/RDR3-Native-Flags-And-Enums/tree/main/CItemInfoSoundsInterface__sSoundsInfo__eSoundType", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "item" }, { "type": "int", "name": "soundType" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x2E1CDC1FF3B8473E": { "name": "_INVENTORY_GET_INVENTORY_ITEM_SOUND", "comment": "soundType: see 0x2BAE4880DCDD560B\nReturns item Hash to be used with _IS_SCRIPTED_AUDIO_CUSTOM and _PLAY_SOUND_FROM_ITEM (p0)", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "item" }, { "type": "int", "name": "soundType" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x0C093C1787F18519": { "name": "_INVENTORY_GET_INVENTORY_ITEM_INSPECTION_INFO", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "item" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "info" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xAB5F12746A099A0E": { "name": "_INVENTORY_GET_INVENTORY_ITEM_WEAPON_COPY_ID", "comment": "Returns CopyID", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x0FBBFFC891A97C81": { "name": "_INVENTORY_ARE_LOCAL_CHANGES_ALLOWED", "comment": "inventoryId: see _INVENTORY_GET_PED_INVENTORY_ID", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xB881CA836CC4B6D4": { "name": "_INVENTORY_IS_GUID_VALID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x4C543D5DFCD2DAFD": { "name": "_INVENTORY_COMPARE_GUIDS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid1" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x886DFD3E185C8A89": { "name": "INVENTORY_GET_GUID_FROM_ITEMID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "slotId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "outGuid" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x5D6182F3BCE1333B": { "name": "_0x5D6182F3BCE1333B", "comment": "removeReason: REMOVE_REASON_DEFAULT (eRemoveItemReason)\nExample: INVENTORY::_0x5D6182F3BCE1333B(1, joaat(\"REMOVE_REASON_DEFAULT\")); -> clears weapon wheel\nOnly used in R* SP Scripts", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "removeReason" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x9700E8EFC4AB9089": { "name": "INVENTORY_GET_INVENTORY_ITEM", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "inData" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "outData" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x025A1B1FB03FBF61": { "name": "_INVENTORY_GET_FULL_INVENTORY_ITEM_DATA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xCD9A485F2B383B44": { "name": "_INVENTORY_GET_INVENTORY_ITEM_CHILD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "parentGuid" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "childIndex" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "outInventoryItem" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xCB5D11F9508A928D": { "name": "_INVENTORY_ADD_ITEM_WITH_GUID", "comment": "inventoryItemSlotHash: https://pastebin.com/P6fyr3vr", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid1" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid2" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "item" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "inventoryItemSlot" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "addReason" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xD80A8854DB5CFBA5": { "name": "_INVENTORY_UPDATE_INVENTORY_ITEM", "comment": "Getter: _INVENTORY_GET_FULL_INVENTORY_ITEM_DATA", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid1" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid2" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x3E4E811480B3AE79": { "name": "_INVENTORY_REMOVE_INVENTORY_ITEM_WITH_GUID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid" }, { "type": "int", "name": "quantity" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "removeReason" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xB4158C8C9A3B5DCE": { "name": "_INVENTORY_REMOVE_INVENTORY_ITEM_WITH_ITEMID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "item" }, { "type": "int", "name": "quantity" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "removeReason" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xDCCAA7C3BFD88862": { "name": "_INVENTORY_MOVE_INVENTORY_ITEM", "comment": "guid1: old parent GUID\nguid2: new parent GUID\nguid3: new item GUID (out param)", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid1" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid2" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "slotId" }, { "type": "int", "name": "quantity" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "outGuid" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xF2753D691BCDA314": { "name": "_INVENTORY_SWAP_INVENTORY_ITEM", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid1" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x80D78BDC9D88EF07": { "name": "_INVENTORY_CREATE_ITEM_COLLECTION", "comment": "filterName (collections): \"ALL\", \"ALL SATCHEL\", \"ALL HORSES\", \"ALL COACHES\", \"ALL MOUNTS\", \"ALL CLOTHING\", \"ALL WEAPONS\", \"ALL SATCHEL EXCLUDING CLOTHING\", \"ALL EXCLUDING CLOTHING\"\nslotId: -1591664384\np3: outCollectionSize (?)\nReturns collectionId", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "filterName" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "slotId" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "size" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x640F890C3E5A3FFD": { "name": "_INVENTORY_CREATE_ITEM_COLLECTION_WITH_FILTER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "filter" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "numInCollection" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x82FA24C3D3FCD9B7": { "name": "_INVENTORY_GET_ITEM_FROM_COLLECTION_INDEX", "comment": "collectionId is < outCollectionSize", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "collectionId" }, { "type": "int", "name": "itemIndex" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "itemData" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x42A2F33A1942E865": { "name": "_INVENTORY_RELEASE_ITEM_COLLECTION", "comment": "Max num of collections is 5, so release your unused ones.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "collectionId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x734311E2852760D0": { "name": "_INVENTORY_EQUIP_ITEM_WITH_GUID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "bEquipped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x22E590F108289A9D": { "name": "_INVENTORY_GET_INVENTORY_ITEM_EQUIPPED_IN_SLOT_BY_REF", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "slotId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "outGuid" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x88B58B83A43A8CAB": { "name": "_INVENTORY_DOES_ITEM_OWN_EQUIPMENT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "item" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xD08685BA892DBFAB": { "name": "_0xD08685BA892DBFAB", "comment": "Params: p3 returns an int between 0 and 20 (?)\nOnly used in R* SP Scripts", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x0349404A22736740": { "name": "_0x0349404A22736740", "comment": "Params: p0 is only 0 or 1\nOnly used in R* SP Scripts", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6D2F987736A42D4C": { "name": "_INVENTORY_SET_INVENTORY_ITEM_WEATHER_EFFECTIVENESS", "comment": "OWE_INVALID = -1,\nOWE_GOOD_IN_HOT\nOWE_GOOD_IN_NONE\nOWE_GOOD_IN_COLD\nOWE_GOOD_IN_ALL", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid" }, { "type": "int", "name": "weatherEffectiveness" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x766315A564594401": { "name": "_INVENTORY_DISABLE_ITEM", "comment": "Example: (1, WEAPON_REVOLVER_CATTLEMAN, 0) - disables cattleman revolver on weapon wheel", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "item" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "gtxReason" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6A564540FAC12211": { "name": "_INVENTORY_ENABLE_ITEM", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "item" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x3D10D7179D7034AF": { "name": "_INVENTORY_IS_INVENTORY_ITEM_EQUIPPED", "comment": "Alternative Name: _INVENTORY_IS_ITEM_DISABLED", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "item" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x227522FD59DDB7E8": { "name": "_INVENTORY_SET_INVENTORY_ITEM_INSPECTION_ENABLED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "enabled" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x0137C77A2EC64536": { "name": "_INVENTORY_IS_ITEM_EXPIRED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "itemGUID" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1232" }, "0x4A606C17276E1BCC": { "name": "_INVENTORY_GET_ITEM_EXPIRY_TIME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "itemGUID" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1232" }, "0xC97E0D2302382211": { "name": "_INVENTORY_GET_INVENTORY_ITEM_COUNT_WITH_GUID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xE787F05DFC977BDE": { "name": "_INVENTORY_GET_INVENTORY_ITEM_COUNT_WITH_ITEMID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "eInventoryItem" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xB1DD74A1F5536622": { "name": "_0xB1DD74A1F5536622", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "itemGUID" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1311" }, "0xE843D21A8E2498AA": { "name": "_INVENTORY_GET_CHILDREN_COUNT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "parentGuid" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x033EE4B89F3AC545": { "name": "INVENTORY_GET_CHILDREN_IN_SLOT_COUNT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "slotId" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xBE012571B25F5ACA": { "name": "_INVENTORY_GET_INVENTORY_ITEM_EQUIPPED_IN_SLOT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "slotId" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x780C5B9AE2819807": { "name": "_INVENTORY_FITS_SLOT_ID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "item" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "slotId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x6452B1D357D81742": { "name": "_GET_DEFAULT_ITEM_SLOT_INFO", "comment": "p1: WARDROBE, KIT_CAMP, CHARACTER, KIT_MOONSHINER_PROPERTY\nReturns slot hash", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "item" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0xB991FE166FAF84FD": { "name": "_INVENTORY_GET_INVENTORY_ITEM_FIT_SLOT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x9AC53CB6907B4428": { "name": "_0x9AC53CB6907B4428", "comment": "p1 (out) and p2 (in) are both script arrays?\nitem: can be a component item, see SHOP_CATALOG_BUILD_LIST_OF_WEAPON_COMPONENTS", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "item" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x9D21B185ABC2DBC4": { "name": "_0x9D21B185ABC2DBC4", "comment": "p0 is the return value of DATABINDING::_DATABINDING_ADD_DATA_CONTAINER_FROM_PATH\np2, p3: 0\nReturns databindingEntryId", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "data" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "effects" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x75CFAC49301E134F": { "name": "_0x75CFAC49301E134F", "comment": "p1, p2: 0", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "databindingEntryId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9D21B185ABC2DBC5": { "name": "_0x9D21B185ABC2DBC5", "comment": "p2: 0\np3: -1\nReturns databindingEntryId to be used with 0x75CFAC49301E134E (p0)", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "data" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "stats" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x75CFAC49301E134E": { "name": "_0x75CFAC49301E134E", "comment": "p0: value returned by 0x9D21B185ABC2DBC5", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "data" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x46DB71883EE9D5AF": { "name": "_0x46DB71883EE9D5AF", "comment": "Returns databindingEntryId to be used with 0x951847CEF3D829FF (p0)", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "data" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "stats" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x951847CEF3D829FF": { "name": "_0x951847CEF3D829FF", "comment": "p0: value returned by 0x46DB71883EE9D5AF", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "outGuid" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6862E4D93F64CF01": { "name": "_0x6862E4D93F64CF01", "comment": "Only used in R* SP Scripts", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "inventoryId" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x597F571DDEE3FFAC": { "name": "_SET_USE_MISSION_INVENTORY", "comment": "This native has no functionality.", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE1F389F03DC83673": { "name": "INVENTORY_DISABLE_MISSION_INVENTORY_PICKUPS", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1311" }, "0xA6AA9F56BC6CFF58": { "name": "_INVENTORY_USE_MISSION_INVENTORY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "enable" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "mirrorTransactions" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x644CCB76A76CFBD6": { "name": "INVENTORY_COPY_MP_INVENTORY_TO_MISSION_INVENTORY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "bCopySatchelItems" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "bCopyEmotes" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "bCopyHorse" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x3112ADB9D5F3426B": { "name": "_INVENTORY_COPY_ITEM_TO_MISSION_INVENTORY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE36D4A38D28D9CFB": { "name": "_0xE36D4A38D28D9CFB", "comment": "Only used in R* SP Scripts", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7C7E4AB748EA3B07": { "name": "_INVENTORY_USE_SP_BACKUP", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xFC7563F482781A3D": { "name": "_INVENTORY_IS_PLAYER_INVENTORY_MIRRORING_TRANSACTIONS", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xC04F47D488EF9EBA": { "name": 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"return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xF4452CE83118C738": { "name": "_ITEMDATABASE_GET_ITEM_PATHSET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "key" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "defaultPathset" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xAA29A5F13B2C20B2": { "name": "_0xAA29A5F13B2C20B2", "comment": "Returns Pathset Hash", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1232" } }, "ITEMSET": { "0xA1AF16083320065A": { "name": "CREATE_ITEMSET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "ItemSet", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x35AD299F50D91B24", "gta_jhash": "0x0A113B2C" }, "0x712BC69F10549B92": { "name": "DESTROY_ITEMSET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "ItemSet", "name": "itemset" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xDE18220B1C183EDA", "gta_jhash": "0x83CE1A4C" }, "0xD30765D153EF5C76": { "name": "IS_ITEMSET_VALID", "comment": "", 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"ItemSet", "name": "itemset" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" } }, "LAW": { "0xF60386770878A98F": { "name": "_REPORT_CRIME", "comment": "crimeType:\nenum eCrimeType : Hash\n{\n\tCRIME_ACCOMPLICE = 0xAF074F6D,\n\tCRIME_ARSON = 0x68134DC7,\n\tCRIME_ASSAULT = 0x0BADC882,\n\tCRIME_ASSAULT_ANIMAL = 0x18DA55EE,\n\tCRIME_ASSAULT_CORPSE = 0x4E5F23F2,\n\tCRIME_ASSAULT_HORSE = 0xC4736181,\n\tCRIME_ASSAULT_LAW = 0xD7466D7C,\n\tCRIME_ASSAULT_LIVESTOCK = 0xCCE1CCBD,\n\tCRIME_BANK_ROBBERY = 0x6A1ADE3D,\n\tCRIME_BURGLARY = 0xA54C77E0,\n\tCRIME_CHEATING = 0xA2FF1145,\n\tCRIME_DISTURBANCE = 0x5011F613,\n\tCRIME_EXPLOSION = 0x3EBA7A37,\n\tCRIME_EXPLOSION_POISON = 0x91D0A0E1,\n\tCRIME_GRAVE_ROBBERY = 0x971EA5AF,\n\tCRIME_HASSLE = 0x58488776,\n\tCRIME_HIT_AND_RUN = 0xFF0A3CC4,\n\tCRIME_HIT_AND_RUN_LAW = 0x064814AF,\n\tCRIME_INTIMIDATION = 0x8319FBAB,\n\tCRIME_JACK_HORSE = 0x82F7E4A2,\n\tCRIME_JACK_VEHICLE = 0x6B981F4C,\n\tCRIME_JAIL_BREAK = 0x12C1D589,\n\tCRIME_KIDNAPPING = 0x98F908DB,\n\tCRIME_KIDNAPPING_LAW = 0xFD72A7EA,\n\tCRIME_LASSO_ASSAULT = 0x56EE5D5A,\n\tCRIME_LAW_IS_THREATENED = 0x1CB91DF0,\n\tCRIME_LOITERING = 0x6629D2F4,\n\tCRIME_LOOTING = 0x55AD2BEB,\n\tCRIME_MURDER = 0xE28ECE7E,\n\tCRIME_MURDER_ANIMAL = 0x48F59A66,\n\tCRIME_MURDER_HORSE = 0xC7261D79,\n\tCRIME_MURDER_LAW = 0x7797FCE7,\n\tCRIME_MURDER_LIVESTOCK = 0x9569C546,\n\tCRIME_MURDER_PLAYER = 0xF5ABD6C9,\n\tCRIME_MURDER_PLAYER_HORSE = 0xD55C6A79,\n\tCRIME_PROPERTY_DESTRUCTION = 0x533B003D,\n\tCRIME_RESIST_ARREST = 0xDF577BA5,\n\tCRIME_ROBBERY = 0xA3BEDE4C,\n\tCRIME_SELF_DEFENCE = 0xBD6A0AA3,\n\tCRIME_STAGECOACH_ROBBERY = 0xFC738E61,\n\tCRIME_STOLEN_GOODS = 0x9A949C79,\n\tCRIME_THEFT = 0x72ADE410,\n\tCRIME_THEFT_HORSE = 0xBE3A5838,\n\tCRIME_THEFT_LIVESTOCK = 0x85BA08FD,\n\tCRIME_THEFT_VEHICLE = 0x43A9ECA1,\n\tCRIME_THREATEN = 0x941C985A,\n\tCRIME_THREATEN_LAW = 0x7F908566,\n\tCRIME_TRAIN_ROBBERY = 0x647D2A5A,\n\tCRIME_TRAMPLE = 0x45DB39D8,\n\tCRIME_TRAMPLE_LAW = 0xF00F266B,\n\tCRIME_TRAMPLE_PLAYER = 0x75970C15,\n\tCRIME_TRESPASSING = 0xAEDE8E35,\n\tCRIME_UNARMED_ASSAULT = 0x5098CC5A,\n\tCRIME_VANDALISM = 0x80FDC759,\n\tCRIME_VANDALISM_VEHICLE = 0xF9E7ECE4,\n\tCRIME_VEHICLE_DESTRUCTION = 0x54A85DDC,\n\tCRIME_WANTED_LEVEL_UP_DEBUG_HIGH = 0x99C52FF5,\n\tCRIME_WANTED_LEVEL_UP_DEBUG_LOW = 0xD891890F\n};", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "crimeType" }, { "type": "int", "name": "bounty" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "isKnownSuspect" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x785177E4D57D7389": { "name": "SUPPRESS_CRIME_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "crimeType: see _REPORT_CRIME", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "crimeType" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC08E804C91F47C80": { "name": "NUM_CRIMES_SUPPRESSED", "comment": "Returns amount of suppressed crimes to be used later in the function MPINTRO_CRIME_MONITOR_MAINTAIN", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "crimeType" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xFFEBE5AA96BC2E4E": { "name": "_0xFFEBE5AA96BC2E4E", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "crimeType" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x15ABD5004CAD2D99": { "name": "_0x15ABD5004CAD2D99", "comment": "Params: p0 either 0, 1 or -1 in R* Scripts\nSet to 0 called together with _SUPPRESS_CRIME", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF611DE44AEB36A1D": { "name": "_0xF611DE44AEB36A1D", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "crimeType" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x3D2674828A4E6B3C": { "name": "_0x3D2674828A4E6B3C", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xC5EB2755FA25F1E9": { "name": "_0xC5EB2755FA25F1E9", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x54310AAB97B92816": { "name": "GET_BOUNTY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x0E3BDEED21BEB945": { "name": "ADD_BOUNTY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "int", "name": "itemValueAmount" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x093A9D1F72DF0D19": { "name": "SET_BOUNTY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "int", "name": "amount" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC76F252371150D9A": { "name": "CLEAR_BOUNTY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xDD5FD601481F648B": { "name": "GET_WANTED_SCORE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xA80FF73F772ACF6A": { "name": "SET_WANTED_SCORE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "int", "name": "intensity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x062B4A4A3396351D": { "name": "CLEAR_WANTED_SCORE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x331D349E0380B097": { "name": "_0x331D349E0380B097", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x292AD61A33A7A485": { "name": "_0x292AD61A33A7A485", "comment": "Only used in R* Script fm_mission_controller\n_CLEAR_WANTED_*", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x07E8B8B20570271C": { "name": "_0x07E8B8B20570271C", "comment": "Used in SP only, called together with 0x55F37F5F3F2475E1 & CLEAR_WANTED_SCORE\n_REPORT_*", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x22741652985C84D0": { "name": "_0x22741652985C84D0", "comment": "Used in SP only\n_REPORT_*", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "lawRegionHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9C4352134B2835FB": { "name": "_REPORT_PLAYER_LAW_DISPATCH_RESPONSE_OVERRIDE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "dispatchResponseHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9EF07CFBB19A9733": { "name": "_0x9EF07CFBB19A9733", "comment": "Only used in shoprobberies R* Scripts", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x8DE82BC774F3B862": { "name": "_SET_LAW_DISABLED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x956510F8C36B5C64": { "name": "_FORCE_LAW_ON_LOCAL_PLAYER_IMMEDIATELY", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x4752F68EB7F2D280": { "name": "_SET_LAW_REGION", "comment": "enum eLawRegion : Hash\n{\n\tLAW_DISPATCH_REGION_NONE = 0,\n\tLAW_REGION_AGUASDULCES = 0x2F573EBE,\n\tLAW_REGION_ANNESBURG = 0x68CAFD50,\n\tLAW_REGION_ARMADILLO = 0xF0B90756,\n\tLAW_REGION_BAYOU_NWA = 0x80966B1C,\n\tLAW_REGION_BEECHERS_HOPE = 0xE2544977,\n\tLAW_REGION_BIG_VALLEY = 0x3DF1559A,\n\tLAW_REGION_BLACKWATER = 0x60D4886D,\n\tLAW_REGION_BLACKWATER_MAINGAME = 0x66553576,\n\tLAW_REGION_BLUEGILL_MARSH = 0x1D6AED8E,\n\tLAW_REGION_BRAITHWAITE_MANOR = 0x3D71E7FF,\n\tLAW_REGION_BUTCHER_CREEK = 0x2B3E1822,\n\tLAW_REGION_CALIGA_HALL = 0xF3FE5080,\n\tLAW_REGION_CORNWALL = 0xCC4672FA,\n\tLAW_REGION_CUMBERLAND_FOREST = 0x81A78306,\n\tLAW_REGION_EMERALD_RANCH = 0x5C069DF3,\n\tLAW_REGION_FORT_WALLACE = 0x0AF25192,\n\tLAW_REGION_GREAT_PLAINS = 0xB20573FA,\n\tLAW_REGION_GREAT_PLAINS_MAINGAME = 0x9862FF7C,\n\tLAW_REGION_GRIZZLIES = 0xBB936031,\n\tLAW_REGION_GUAMA = 0x200DFF42,\n\tLAW_REGION_HEARTLANDS = 0xAD14DA65,\n\tLAW_REGION_LAGRAS = 0xC64808D3,\n\tLAW_REGION_MACFARLANES_RANCH = 0x396A7D5F,\n\tLAW_REGION_MANICATO = 0x039DB6BF,\n\tLAW_REGION_MANZANITA_POST = 0x895E580E,\n\tLAW_REGION_MANZANITA_POST_MAINGAME = 0x9BDD6A38,\n\tLAW_REGION_OCCUPIED_CARAVAN_CAMP = 0x7EBABB01,\n\tLAW_REGION_OLD_MAP_WILDERNESS = 0xCBB45950,\n\tLAW_REGION_OLD_MAP_WILDERNESS_MAINGAME = 0x9F839BE7,\n\tLAW_REGION_OUTLAW3 = 0x97A02FC1,\n\tLAW_REGION_PRONGHORN_RANCH = 0x398E4BFC,\n\tLAW_REGION_RHODES = 0x89222928,\n\tLAW_REGION_RHODES_LOCKDOWN = 0xB1181671,\n\tLAW_REGION_RIDGEWOOD_FARM = 0x635C3028,\n\tLAW_REGION_ROANOKE_RIDGE = 0x46386A9A,\n\tLAW_REGION_SAINT_DENIS = 0x5CF7C268,\n\tLAW_REGION_SAINT_DENIS_RURAL = 0x4FD5331A,\n\tLAW_REGION_SCARLETT_MEADOWS = 0x5FDD9717,\n\tLAW_REGION_SISIKA = 0x2B6BBA52,\n\tLAW_REGION_STRAWBERRY = 0xDD932620,\n\tLAW_REGION_TALL_TREES = 0xD939B758,\n\tLAW_REGION_TALL_TREES_MAINGAME = 0x084B17DF,\n\tLAW_REGION_THIEVES_LANDING = 0x3D0C2EB6,\n\tLAW_REGION_THIEVES_LANDING_MAINGAME = 0x61C450F3,\n\tLAW_REGION_TUMBLEWEED = 0x0EFAF8DC,\n\tLAW_REGION_VALENTINE = 0xA7A3F0C3,\n\tLAW_REGION_VALENTINE_LOCKDOWN = 0x123582FE,\n\tLAW_REGION_VAN_HORN = 0x619B528E,\n\tLAW_REGION_WAPITI = 0x7A976E02\n};", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "lawRegionHash" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "stateHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x5E6F375CA101C108": { "name": "_0x5E6F375CA101C108", "comment": "Only used in R* SP Scripts", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9BBDCB8DF789EBC1": { "name": "_SET_LAW_RBS_VOLUME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xAD401C63158ACBAA": { "name": "IS_LAW_INCIDENT_ACTIVE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x148E7AC8141C9E64": { "name": "_0x148E7AC8141C9E64", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0xEDFC6C1FD1C964F5": { "name": "_0xEDFC6C1FD1C964F5", "comment": "_SET_C* - _SET_D*", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "crimeType" }, { "type": "int", "name": "bounty" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p8" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF0B67BAD53C35BD9": { "name": "_LAW_WITNESS_RESPONSE_TASK", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "pedGroup1" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "pedGroup2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "crimeType" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x018F30D762E62DF8": { "name": "_0x018F30D762E62DF8", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x318F0F9A4426CFA2": { "name": "_0x318F0F9A4426CFA2", "comment": "Only used in R* SP Script av_amb_camp_robbery", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x95878B13E272EF1F": { "name": "_0x95878B13E272EF1F", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "crimeType" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x10827B5A0AAC56A7": { "name": "_ADD_WITNESS_RESPONSE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "crimeType" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "pedGroup" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD7494DED50C6EF52": { "name": "_0xD7494DED50C6EF52", "comment": "Only used in R* SP Scripts\nParams: p2 either 1 or 2", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "crimeType" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x69E181772886F48B": { "name": "ARE_WITNESSES_ACTIVE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x0BB6DE7D23C60626": { "name": "_ARE_WITNESSES_PENDING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xF0FBFB9AB15F7734": { "name": "_ARE_INVESTIGATORS_ACTIVE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "areInvestigatorsActive" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x522F74636DF10201": { "name": "_0x522F74636DF10201", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "ItemSet", "name": "itemSet" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xDA1A9ADC4E3D4B16": { "name": "_0xDA1A9ADC4E3D4B16", "comment": "Only used in R* SP Scripts\nParams: p1 = true, p2 = false", "params": [ { "type": "ItemSet", "name": "itemSet" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC805EB785824F712": { "name": "_ENABLE_DISPATCH_LAW", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x710448D44A64C213": { "name": "_ENABLE_DISPATCH_LAW_2", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xECE3C34B270428D5": { "name": "_ARE_ANY_LAW_PEDS_INVESTIGATING", "comment": "Only used in rcm_homerob00 R* Script", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xA22C46F16359471C": { "name": "_ARE_LAW_PEDS_ENABLED_FOR_TRAIN", "comment": "Only used in trainrobbery_ambient R* Script", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x82F11E1296996574": { "name": "_0x82F11E1296996574", "comment": "Only used in rcm_gunslinger1_1 R* Script: p0 = 0", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x3852237A3D9DF145": { "name": "_0x3852237A3D9DF145", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x0EAF918F751F27BA": { "name": "_0x0EAF918F751F27BA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xC0DF161950FB101E": { "name": "_0xC0DF161950FB101E", "comment": "Only used in rcm_serial_killer1 R* Script", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xE4D6E45F491A66CB": { "name": "_0xE4D6E45F491A66CB", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xE9EB79CBF9C0F58A": { "name": "_0xE9EB79CBF9C0F58A", "comment": "Returns p1 value for 0xE4D6E45F491A66CB", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x21213B833EF4DAE7": { "name": "_0x21213B833EF4DAE7", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Vector3*", "name": "outCoords" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x61B98367D93F012F": { "name": "_0x61B98367D93F012F", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6ABC50979655BEE7": { "name": "_0x6ABC50979655BEE7", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Hash*", "name": "crimeType" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x390710D2DAFA6BFF": { "name": "_0x390710D2DAFA6BFF", "comment": "_CLEAR*", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x35E5E21F9159849C": { "name": "_GET_CRIME_BOUNTY_AMOUNT_BY_TYPE", "comment": "Returns bounty (increment) value", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "crimeType" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xDAEFDFDB2AEECE37": { "name": "_0xDAEFDFDB2AEECE37", "comment": "crimeType: see _REPORT_CRIME", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "crimeType" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x259CE340A8738814": { "name": "_GET_HUD_PLAYER_CRIME_TYPE", "comment": "See _REPORT_CRIME", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0xE083BEDA81709891": { "name": "_0xE083BEDA81709891", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x89E005B1662F6E48": { "name": "_0x89E005B1662F6E48", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x3738B784DDD35CC6": { "name": "_0x3738B784DDD35CC6", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x0BDFEBCF40A5F7E3": { "name": "_0x0BDFEBCF40A5F7E3", "comment": "Only used in net_fetch R* Script", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "crimeType" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x009CF9A29972C298": { "name": "_SET_CUSTOM_LAW_DISPATCH_RESPONSE", "comment": "Note: This native is only used in multiplayer scripts\ndispatchResponseHash: see update1/common/data/dispatchresponses/..", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "dispatchResponseHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x75CBF20BA47E4F89": { "name": "_CREATE_LAW_DISPATCH_RESPONSE_FOR_COORDS", "comment": "dispatchResponseHash: see common/data/dispatchresponses/..", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "dispatchResponseHash" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x55F37F5F3F2475E1": { "name": "_SET_BOUNTY_HUNTER_PURSUIT_CLEARED", "comment": "Force clears local player's wanted level", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xBD944A3D36E992DE": { "name": "_0xBD944A3D36E992DE", "comment": "Called together with REPORT_POLICE_SPOTTED_PLAYER", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x987BE590FB9D41E5": { "name": "_0x987BE590FB9D41E5", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xDCF12B89624AAC96": { "name": "_0xDCF12B89624AAC96", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xDDCE8E960D1DE240": { "name": "_0xDDCE8E960D1DE240", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xDEA083C16BB91345": { "name": "_0xDEA083C16BB91345", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9C8A2BF37E966464": { "name": "_0x9C8A2BF37E966464", "comment": "Only used in act_bankrobbery01 R* Script", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "ItemSet", "name": "itemSet" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9D5C9A5A3321B128": { "name": "_0x9D5C9A5A3321B128", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x0F230DE0DDBE3649": { "name": "_0x0F230DE0DDBE3649", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x9945A3E2528A02E8": { "name": "_0x9945A3E2528A02E8", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x717DA2281DF90855": { "name": "_GET_TIME_SINCE_LAST_SEEN_BY_LAW", "comment": "Returns the amount of time (probably in game minutes) since last seen by the law / left the wanted radius", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0x9B4C564BFA7CFF37": { "name": "_0x9B4C564BFA7CFF37", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x4B52BF96E225D230": { "name": "_SET_ALLOW_DISABLED_LAW_RESPONSES", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2728C77FBC4B9796": { "name": "RESET_WANTED_FOR_NEW_INCIDENT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x856CE8FDE2416602": { "name": "_0x856CE8FDE2416602", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x7351DA734F989F4E": { "name": "_0x7351DA734F989F4E", "comment": "Only used in shoprobberies", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x76CF93D4B416B288": { "name": "_GET_BOUNTY_HUNTER_GLOBAL_COOLDOWN", "comment": "p0 is always BOUNTYHUNTERSGLOBALCOOLDOWN in R* scripts", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xF19706B1F8FFA88F": { "name": "_SET_BOUNTY_HUNTER_GLOBAL_COOLDOWN", "comment": "p0 is always BOUNTYHUNTERSGLOBALCOOLDOWN in R* scripts", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2001687F9562FD9D": { "name": "_0x2001687F9562FD9D", "comment": "Only used in resapwn_dump_body R* Script", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC61EDEBF16CD9668": { "name": "_PAUSE_BOUNTY_HUNTER_COOLDOWN", "comment": "p0 is always BOUNTYHUNTERSGLOBALCOOLDOWN in R* scripts", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE9AC8466ABE484BB": { "name": "_0xE9AC8466ABE484BB", "comment": "Only used in R* SP Scripts\nParams: p1 = 0", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x40851BCC33ACD9AB": { "name": "_0x40851BCC33ACD9AB", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xF46108C50A22B029": { "name": "_0xF46108C50A22B029", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x7803436E68C32B26": { "name": "_0x7803436E68C32B26", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC310239ACCCF5579": { "name": "_0xC310239ACCCF5579", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x29CD4896ECB66C12": { "name": "_0x29CD4896ECB66C12", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE94B5E938619712E": { "name": "_0xE94B5E938619712E", "comment": "Seems to disable lawmen guarding behaviors (like during a region lockdown). Must be called every frame.\nOnly used in R* SP Scripts, mostly used in train_fast_travel_core", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7FC667F6DDFBCDCC": { "name": "_0x7FC667F6DDFBCDCC", "comment": "Only used in R* Script long_update\nReturns a value thats being subtracted from GET_GAME_TIMER", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x9C5BD8C562565CE6": { "name": "_0x9C5BD8C562565CE6", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash*", "name": "crimeType" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xCBFB4951F2E3934C": { "name": "_0xCBFB4951F2E3934C", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "data" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x819ADD5EF1742F47": { "name": "_SET_PED_LAW_BEHAVIOUR", "comment": "behaviour: https://github.com/Halen84/RDR3-Native-Flags-And-Enums/tree/main/CLawBehavior__Flags", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { 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"GET_CURRENT_LANGUAGE", "comment": "0 = american (en-US)\n1 = french (fr-FR)\n2 = german (de-DE)\n3 = italian (it-IT)\n4 = spanish (es-ES)\n5 = brazilian (pt-BR)\n6 = polish (pl-PL)\n7 = russian (ru-RU)\n8 = korean (ko-KR)\n9 = chinesetrad (zh-TW)\n10 = japanese (ja-JP)\n11 = mexican (es-MX)\n12 = chinesesimp (zh-CN)", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2BDD44CC428A7EAE", "gta_jhash": "0x761BE00B" }, "0x45D50415E4D885FF": { "name": "_DOES_CURRENT_LANGUAGE_SUPPORT_CONDENSED_STYLE", "comment": "Returns true if the current language is american, french, german, italian, spanish, brazilian or mexican.\n_DOES_*", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x76E30B799EBEEA0F": { "name": "LOCALIZATION_GET_SYSTEM_DATE_TYPE", "comment": "0 = DATE_FORMAT_DMY\n1 = DATE_FORMAT_MDY\n2 = DATE_FORMAT_YMD\n\nOld name: _LOCALIZATION_GET_SYSTEM_DATE_FORMAT", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA8AE43AEC1A61314", "gta_jhash": 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effect)", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "configHash" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x1392105DA88BBFFB": { "name": "_ADD_PROP_TO_MINIMAP", "comment": "list of minimap props: https://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/tree/master/graphics/minimap/minimapObjects", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "minimapProp" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "rotation" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE057FEA9A22EB3EE": { "name": "_REMOVE_PROP_FROM_MINIMAP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "minimapProp" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA8EBBAE986FB5457": { "name": "SET_RADAR_AS_EXTERIOR_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE81B7D2A3DAB2D81", "gta_jhash": "0x39ABB10E" }, "0x4B8F743A4A6D2FF8": { "name": "SET_MINIMAP_HIDE_FOW", 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"0xC43CD2668B204419": { "name": "_GET_MAX_NUM_INSTRUCTIONS", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x5FC9357C26DAEFCE": { "name": "IS_MAG_DEMO_1_ACTIVE", "comment": "magdemo = magazine demo, i. e. for magazines such as IGN, pre play phases to prepare articles etc. - example 2012 builds for V\nHardcoded to return false.", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x5CD7A49104AFCB6B": { "name": "SET_RANDOM_SEED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "seed" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x444D98F98C11F3EC", "gta_jhash": "0xDB3FEB5C" }, "0x9682AF6050854856": { "name": "SET_TIME_SCALE", "comment": "Maximum value is 1.0f\nAt a value of 0.0f the game will still run at a minimum time scale.", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "timeScale" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1D408577D440E81E", "gta_jhash": "0xA7F84694" }, "0x36694B456BE80D0A": { "name": "SET_MISSION_FLAG", "comment": "If true, the player can't save the game.", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC4301E5121A0ED73", "gta_jhash": "0x57592D52" }, "0xB15CD1CF58771DE1": { "name": "GET_MISSION_FLAG", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA33CDCCDA663159E", "gta_jhash": "0x95115F97" }, "0x5801BE2DF2AF07EC": { "name": "_0x5801BE2DF2AF07EC", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xB1ADCCC4150C6473": { "name": "SET_RANDOM_EVENT_FLAG", "comment": "If the parameter is true, sets the random event flag to true, if the parameter is false, the function does nothing at all.\nDoes nothing if the mission flag is set.", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x971927086CFD2158", "gta_jhash": "0xA77F31E8" }, "0x924D54E5698AE3E0": { "name": "GET_RANDOM_EVENT_FLAG", 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"return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x5E72022914CE3C38": { "name": "GET_FRAME_TIME", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x15C40837039FFAF7", "gta_jhash": "0x96374262" }, "0x3F3172FEAE3AFE1C": { "name": "GET_SYSTEM_TIME_STEP", "comment": "Old name: _GET_BENCHMARK_TIME", "params": [], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE599A503B3837E1B", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0x77DFA958FCF100C1": { "name": "GET_FRAME_COUNT", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xFC8202EFC642E6F2", "gta_jhash": "0xB477A015" }, "0x6BED40493A1AFDB8": { "name": "_0x6BED40493A1AFDB8", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD2C9126410DFA1B2": { "name": "_READ_INT_AS_FLOAT", "comment": "Reads the passed value as floating point value and returns it.\nExample: _READ_INT_AS_FLOAT(0x3F800000) returns 1.0f because 0x3F800000 is the hexadecimal representation of 1.0f.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0xE29F927A961F8AAA": { "name": "GET_RANDOM_FLOAT_IN_RANGE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "startRange" }, { "type": "float", "name": "endRange" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x313CE5879CEB6FCD", "gta_jhash": "0x0562C4D0" }, "0xD53343AA4FB7DD28": { "name": "GET_RANDOM_INT_IN_RANGE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "startRange" }, { "type": "int", "name": "endRange" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD53343AA4FB7DD28", "gta_jhash": "0x4051115B" }, "0x24FA4267BB8D2431": { "name": "GET_GROUND_Z_FOR_3D_COORD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float*", "name": "groundZ" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC906A7DAB05C8D2B", "gta_jhash": "0xA1BFD5E0" }, "0x2A29CA9A6319E6AB": { "name": "GET_GROUND_Z_AND_NORMAL_FOR_3D_COORD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float*", "name": "groundZ" }, { "type": "Vector3*", "name": "normal" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8BDC7BFC57A81E76", "gta_jhash": "0x64D91CED" }, "0xBBE5B63EFFB08E68": { "name": "_0xBBE5B63EFFB08E68", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x6E3C15D296C15583": { "name": "ASIN", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC843060B5765DCE7", "gta_jhash": "0x998E5CAD" }, "0x586690F0176DC575": { "name": "ACOS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1D08B970013C34B6", "gta_jhash": "0xF4038776" }, "0x8C13DB96497B7ABF": { "name": "TAN", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x632106CC96E82E91", "gta_jhash": "0xD320CE5E" }, "0x503054DED0B78027": { "name": "ATAN", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA9D1795CD5043663", "gta_jhash": "0x7A03CC8E" }, "0x965B220A066E3F07": { "name": "ATAN2", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8927CBF9D22261A4", "gta_jhash": "0x2508AC81" }, "0x0BE7F4E3CDBAFB28": { "name": "GET_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_COORDS", "comment": "If useZ is false, only the 2D plane (X-Y) will be considered for calculating the distance.\n\nConsider using this faster native instead: BUILTIN::VDIST - DVIST always takes in consideration the 3D coordinates.", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "useZ" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF1B760881820C952", "gta_jhash": "0xF698765E" }, "0xD0DFE1C486097BBB": { "name": "GET_ANGLE_BETWEEN_2D_VECTORS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y2" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x186FC4BE848E1C92", "gta_jhash": "0xDBF75E58" }, "0x38D5202FF9271C62": { "name": "GET_HEADING_FROM_VECTOR_2D", "comment": "dx = x1 - x2\ndy = y1 - y2", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "dx" }, { "type": "float", "name": "dy" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2FFB6B224F4B2926", "gta_jhash": "0xD209D52B" }, "0x83ACC65D9ACEC5EF": { "name": "GET_CLOSEST_POINT_ON_LINE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p9" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x21C235BC64831E5A", "gta_jhash": "0xCAECF37E" }, "0xAB6A04CEC428258B": { "name": "GET_LINE_PLANE_INTERSECTION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p9" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p10" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p11" }, { "type": "float*", "name": "p12" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF56DFB7B61BE7276", "gta_jhash": "0xC6CC812C" }, "0xF73FBE4845C43B5B": { "name": "SET_BIT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int*", "name": "address" }, { "type": "int", "name": "offset" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x933D6A9EEC1BACD0", "gta_jhash": "0x4EFE7E6B" }, "0x7D1D4A3602B6AD4E": { "name": "CLEAR_BIT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int*", "name": "address" }, { "type": "int", "name": "offset" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE80492A9AC099A93", "gta_jhash": "0x8BC9E618" }, "0x8F4F050054005C27": { "name": "_IS_BIT_FLAG_SET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "bitFlags" 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"flag" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD2D74F89DF844A50": { "name": "_CLEAR_ALL_BIT_FLAGS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "bitFlags" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFD340785ADF8CFB7": { "name": "GET_HASH_KEY", "comment": "Computes a hash for the given string. It is hashed using Jenkins' One-at-a-Time hash algorithm (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenkins_hash_function)\nNote: this implementation is case-insensitive.", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "string" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD24D37CC275948CC", "gta_jhash": "0x98EFF6F1" }, "0xEF50E344A8F93784": { "name": "_GET_EASING_CURVE_VALUE", "comment": "https://easings.net/\n\nenum class eEasingCurveType\n{\n\tTYPE_LINEAR,\n\tTYPE_QUADRATIC_IN,\n\tTYPE_QUADRATIC_OUT,\n\tTYPE_QUADRATIC_INOUT,\n\tTYPE_CUBIC_IN,\n\tTYPE_CUBIC_OUT,\n\tTYPE_CUBIC_INOUT,\n\tTYPE_QUARTIC_IN,\n\tTYPE_QUARTIC_OUT,\n\tTYPE_QUARTIC_INOUT,\n\tTYPE_QUINTIC_IN,\n\tTYPE_QUINTIC_OUT,\n\tTYPE_QUINTIC_INOUT,\n\tTYPE_EXPONENTIAL_IN,\n\tTYPE_EXPONENTIAL_OUT,\n\tTYPE_EXPONENTIAL_INOUT,\n\tTYPE_SINE_IN,\n\tTYPE_SINE_OUT,\n\tTYPE_SINE_INOUT,\n\tTYPE_CIRCULAR_IN,\n\tTYPE_CIRCULAR_OUT,\n\tTYPE_CIRCULAR_INOUT,\n\tTYPE_BOUNCE_IN,\n\tTYPE_BOUNCE_OUT,\n\tTYPE_BOUNCE_INOUT,\n\tTYPE_CUSTOM\n};", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "t" }, { "type": "float", "name": "b" }, { "type": "float", "name": "d" }, { "type": "int", "name": "easingCurveType" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0x825CA3ED43831015": { "name": "IS_POSITION_OCCUPIED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "range" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p9" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p10" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xADCDE75E1C60F32D", "gta_jhash": "0x452E8D9E" }, "0x3B882A96EA77D5B1": { "name": "CLEAR_AREA", "comment": "flag |= 1 | 1048576 | 524288\nALL_BASE, PROJECTILES, AMBIENT_POPULATION, BROADCAST", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { 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"build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xDA66D2796BA33F12", "gta_jhash": "0xACDE6985" }, "0xAC806C4CAB973517": { "name": "SET_FADE_IN_AFTER_LOAD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF3D78F59DFE18D79", "gta_jhash": "0x6E00EB0B" }, "0xB2C69E11A37B5AF0": { "name": "OVERRIDE_SAVE_HOUSE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "override" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "heading" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "isAutosave" }, { "type": "Vector3*", "name": "returnCoords" }, { "type": "float*", "name": "returnHeading" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1162EA8AE9D24EEA", "gta_jhash": "0x47436C12" }, "0x867654CBC7606F2C": { "name": "SHOOT_SINGLE_BULLET_BETWEEN_COORDS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y1" }, { "type": "float", 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"0x91ABB8E0" }, "0x4ED6CFDFE8D4131A": { "name": "IS_BIT_SET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "address" }, { "type": "int", "name": "offset" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA921AA820C25702F", "gta_jhash": "0x902E26AC" }, "0x0A487CC74A517FB5": { "name": "_0x0A487CC74A517FB5", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF4D8BCD052E7EA1B": { "name": "IS_MINIGAME_IN_PROGRESS", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2B4A15E44DE0F478", "gta_jhash": "0x53A95E13" }, "0x4FB556ACEFA93098": { "name": "SHOULD_USE_METRIC_MEASUREMENTS", "comment": "Returns whether the game's measurement system is set to metric.", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD3D15555431AB793", "gta_jhash": "0xBAF17315" }, "0x58BCDC75BA52110A": { "name": "_SHOULD_USE_METRIC_MEASUREMENTS_2", "comment": "Same as SHOULD_USE_METRIC_MEASUREMENTS", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xFF4AAF3275BAAB4F": { "name": "_SHOULD_USE_METRIC_TEMPERATURE", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x8F24157FEDB85EA2": { "name": "_SHOULD_USE_METRIC_WEIGHT", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x0177CF20345F44DD": { "name": "_SHOULD_USE_24_HOUR_CLOCK", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xBFBB74A15EFC149B": { "name": "COMPARE_STRINGS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "str1" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "str2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "matchCase" }, { "type": "int", "name": "maxLength" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1E34710ECD4AB0EB", "gta_jhash": "0xFE25A58F" }, "0x0C214D5B8A38C828": { "name": "ABSI", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF0D31AD191A74F87", "gta_jhash": "0xB44677C5" }, "0x134549B388167CBF": { "name": "ABSF", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x73D57CFFDD12C355", "gta_jhash": "0xAF6F6E0B" }, "0x05B0061EFDFC8941": { "name": "IS_PROJECTILE_IN_AREA", "comment": "Determines whether there is a projectile within the specified coordinates. The coordinates form a rectangle.\n\nownedByPlayer = only projectiles fired by the player will be detected.", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "ownedByPlayer" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5270A8FBC098C3F8", "gta_jhash": "0x78E1A557" }, "0x04965FB9E14235C7": { "name": "IS_PROJECTILE_TYPE_IN_AREA", "comment": "Determines whether there is a projectile of a specific type within the specified coordinates. The coordinates form a rectangle.", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "xMin" }, { "type": "float", "name": "yMin" }, { "type": "float", "name": "zMin" }, { "type": "float", "name": "xMax" }, { "type": "float", "name": "yMax" }, { "type": "float", "name": "zMax" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponType" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "isPlayer" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2E0DC353342C4A6D", "gta_jhash": "0x2B73BCF6" }, "0x928431F4133CD3D4": { "name": "IS_PROJECTILE_TYPE_IN_ANGLED_AREA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p8" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF0BC12401061DEA0", "gta_jhash": "0xD1AE2681" }, "0xF51C9BAAD9ED64C4": { "name": "IS_PROJECTILE_TYPE_WITHIN_DISTANCE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x34318593248C8FB2", "gta_jhash": "0xBE81F1E2" }, "0xD73C960A681052DF": { "name": "GET_COORDS_OF_PROJECTILE_TYPE_WITHIN_DISTANCE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" }, { "type": "float", "name": "distance" }, { "type": "Vector3*", "name": "outCoords" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "mustBeOwnedByThisPed" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xDFB4138EEFED7B81", "gta_jhash": "0x6BDE5CE4" }, "0x9578986A6105A6AD": { "name": "GET_PROJECTILE_OF_PROJECTILE_TYPE_WITHIN_DISTANCE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { 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"float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3F2023999AD51C1F", "gta_jhash": "0xB54F46CA" }, "0xC128137C52152741": { "name": "IS_BULLET_IN_BOX", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p6" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xDE0F6D7450D37351", "gta_jhash": "0xAB73ED26" }, "0xC153E5BCCF411814": { "name": "HAS_BULLET_IMPACTED_IN_AREA", "comment": "p3 - possibly radius?", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9870ACFB89A90995", "gta_jhash": "0x902BC7D9" }, "0x3B6A4C05FB2B33AC": { "name": "HAS_BULLET_IMPACTED_IN_BOX", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p7" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xDC8C5D7CFEAB8394", "gta_jhash": "0x2C2618CC" }, "0x7A76104CC2CC69E8": { "name": "_0x7A76104CC2CC69E8", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xDC416CA762BC4F43": { "name": "_0xDC416CA762BC4F43", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x970339EFA4FDE518": { "name": "_0x970339EFA4FDE518", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x88CFAE250D3E0C71": { "name": "IS_ORBIS_VERSION", "comment": "Hardcoded to return false.\nChecks for PS4 Game Build.", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA72BC0B675B1519E", "gta_jhash": "0x40282018" }, "0xD1CCC2A2639D325F": { "name": "IS_DURANGO_VERSION", "comment": "Hardcoded to return false.\nChecks for XBOXONE Game Build.", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4D982ADB1978442D", "gta_jhash": "0x46FB06A5" }, "0xB0FB6CFAA5A1C833": { "name": "IS_PC_VERSION", "comment": "Hardcoded to return true.", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x48AF36444B965238", "gta_jhash": "0x4D5D9EE3" }, "0x268AB8420A9E4ED7": { "name": "IS_STADIA_VERSION", "comment": "Hardcoded to return false.", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x602102324604D96B": { "name": "IS_STRING_NULL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "string" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF22B6C47C6EAB066", "gta_jhash": "0x8E71E00F" }, "0x2CF12F9ACF18F048": { "name": "IS_STRING_NULL_OR_EMPTY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "string" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xCA042B6957743895", "gta_jhash": "0x42E9F2CA" }, "0x375F5870A7B8BEC1": { "name": "IS_STRING_NULL_OR_EMPTY_OR_SPACES", "comment": "Returns true if the entire string consists only of space characters.", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "string" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xD3852F22AB713A1F": { "name": "ARE_STRINGS_EQUAL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "string1" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "string2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0C515FAB3FF9EA92", "gta_jhash": "0x877C0BC5" }, "0x9382D5D43D2AA6FF": { "name": "_DOES_STRING_EXIST_IN_STRING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "string1" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "string2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x3C3C7B1B5EC08764": { "name": "_0x3C3C7B1B5EC08764", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x94E8CA3DEE952789": { "name": "_0x94E8CA3DEE952789", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x5B4A8121A47D844D": { "name": "_0x5B4A8121A47D844D", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xF2DD2298B3AF23E2": { "name": "STRING_TO_INT", "comment": "Returns false if it's a null or empty string or if the string is too long. outInteger will be set to -999 in that case.", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "string" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "outInteger" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5A5F40FE637EB584", "gta_jhash": "0x590A8160" }, "0xCF11C0CEB40C401B": { "name": "_INT_TO_STRING", "comment": "Note: the buffer should be exactly 32 bytes long", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "value" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "format" }, { "type": "char*", "name": "buffer" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x74ACA66484CEBAF0": { "name": "_0x74ACA66484CEBAF0", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x49C44FE78A135A1D": { "name": "_0x49C44FE78A135A1D", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF650DCF5D6F312C1": { "name": "_0xF650DCF5D6F312C1", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1232" }, "0x2B6846401D68E563": { "name": "_GET_STRING_FROM_FLOAT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "value" }, { "type": "int", "name": "digits" } ], "return_type": "const char*", "build": "1207" }, "0x6C4DBF553885F9EB": { "name": "_GET_STRING_FROM_VECTOR", "comment": "Returns a string in the following format: <<%.4f,%.4f,%.4f>>", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" } ], "return_type": "const char*", "build": "1207" }, "0xF216F74101968DB0": { "name": "_GET_STRING_FROM_BOOL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "const char*", "build": "1207" }, "0xFA925AC00EB830B9": { "name": "VAR_STRING", "comment": "Note: The first bit in 'flags' must not be set.\nIt is also required to pass at least one extra argument (this must be a text label string or hash).\nWhen passing a hash, flags should be 0.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "flags" }, { "type": "", "name": "..." } ], "return_type": "const char*", "build": "1207", "variadic": true }, "0xBCC2CFADEA1AEA6C": { "name": "_CREATE_COLOR_STRING", "comment": "Returns a formatted string (0x%x)", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "rgb" } ], "return_type": "const char*", "build": "1207" }, "0x324DC1CEF57F31E6": { "name": "SET_BITS_IN_RANGE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int*", "name": "var" }, { "type": "int", "name": "rangeStart" }, { "type": "int", "name": "rangeEnd" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8EF07E15701D61ED", "gta_jhash": "0x32094719" }, "0x68E1352AF48F905D": { "name": "GET_BITS_IN_RANGE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "var" }, { "type": "int", "name": "rangeStart" }, { "type": "int", "name": "rangeEnd" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x53158863FCC0893A", "gta_jhash": "0xCA03A1E5" }, "0xFAEC088D28B1DE4A": { "name": "SET_GAME_PAUSED", "comment": "Make sure to call this from the correct thread if you're using multiple threads because all other threads except the one which is calling SET_GAME_PAUSED will be paused.", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x577D1284D6873711", "gta_jhash": "0x8230FF6C" }, "0x3215376E79F6EA18": { "name": "SET_THIS_SCRIPT_CAN_BE_PAUSED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xAA391C728106F7AF", "gta_jhash": "0xA0C3CE29" }, "0x8ABD939C2E5D00ED": { "name": "SET_THIS_SCRIPT_CAN_REMOVE_BLIPS_CREATED_BY_ANY_SCRIPT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB98236CAAECEF897", "gta_jhash": "0xD06F1720" }, "0xD4958E8CF0DE0DD0": { "name": "SET_CHEAT_ACTIVE", "comment": "Cheats are GTA IV cheats:\n\n0 = unknown\n1 = unknown (same as 0)\n2 = Max Health and Armor\n3 = Raise Wanted Level\n4 = Lower Wanted Level\n5 = unknown (does nothing)\n6 = Change Weather\n7 = Spawn Annihilator\n8 = Spawn NRG 900\n9 = Spawn FBI\n10 = Spawn Jetmax\n11 = Spawn Comet\n12 = Spawn Turismo\n13 = Spawn Cognoscenti\n14 = Spawn Super GT\n15 = Spawn Sanchez\n\nInitially used in Max Payne 3, that's why we know the name.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "cheatId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xB711EB4BC8D06013": { "name": "_0xB711EB4BC8D06013", "comment": "nullsub, doesn't do anything", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xEA6DC3A8ADD2005F": { "name": "POPULATE_NOW", "comment": "spawns a few distant/out-of-sight peds, vehicles, animals etc each time it is called", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x7472BB270D7B4F3E", "gta_jhash": "0x72C20700" }, "0xF9E7DBB39080640B": { "name": "IS_GAME_SESSION_STATE_MACHINE_IDLE", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x279B0696DA4657EB": { "name": "_QUEUE_SAVEGAME_OPERATION", "comment": "p0 must be < 2", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x1B065A2BF7953815": { "name": "_GET_STATUS_OF_SAVEGAME_OPERATION", "comment": "Only 0 and 1 are valid for p0, higher values causes the native to return 2.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x6C7B68D3CE60E8DE": { "name": "_0x6C7B68D3CE60E8DE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x627B68D9CE6EE8DE": { "name": "_0x627B68D9CE6EE8DE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x7CF96F1250EF3221": { "name": "_0x7CF96F1250EF3221", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xF7AC7DC0DEE7C9BE": { "name": "COPY_SCRIPT_STRUCT", "comment": "Old name: _COPY_MEMORY", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "dst" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "src" }, { "type": "int", "name": "size" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x213AEB2B90CBA7AC", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0x50E52637EF70EF77": { "name": "ENABLE_DISPATCH_SERVICE", "comment": "enum DispatchType\n{\n\tDT_Invalid,\n\tDT_PoliceAutomobile,\n\tDT_PoliceHelicopter,\n\tDT_FireDepartment,\n\tDT_SwatAutomobile,\n\tDT_AmbulanceDepartment,\n\tDT_PoliceRiders,\n\tDT_PoliceVehicleRequest,\n\tDT_PoliceRoadBlock,\n\tDT_PoliceAutomobileWaitPulledOver,\n\tDT_PoliceAutomobileWaitCruising,\n\tDT_Gangs,\n\tDT_SwatHelicopter,\n\tDT_PoliceBoat,\n\tDT_ArmyVehicle,\n\tDT_OnFoot,\n\tDT_PoliceDogs\n};", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "dispatchService" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xDC0F817884CDD856", "gta_jhash": "0x0B710A51" }, "0x66947E61A44DE2C6": { "name": "BLOCK_DISPATCH_SERVICE_RESOURCE_CREATION", "comment": "dispatchService: see ENABLE_DISPATCH_SERVICE", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "dispatchService" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9B2BD3773123EA2F", "gta_jhash": "0xE0F0684F" }, "0x3F892CAF67444AE7": { "name": "CREATE_INCIDENT", "comment": "dispatchService: see ENABLE_DISPATCH_SERVICE", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "dispatchService" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "int", "name": "numUnits" }, { "type": "float", "name": "radius" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "outIncidentID" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p8" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3F892CAF67444AE7", "gta_jhash": "0xFC5FF7B3" }, "0xAB3D3F45436DB1D8": { "name": "_CREATE_INCIDENT_WITH_ENTITIES", "comment": "dispatchService: see ENABLE_DISPATCH_SERVICE\n\nThe entities must be added to itemSet.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "dispatchService" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "ItemSet", "name": "itemSet" }, { "type": "float", "name": "radius" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "outIncidentID" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x5CFD0F0D6AAE0AEE": { "name": "DELETE_INCIDENT", "comment": "Delete an incident with a given id.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "incidentId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x556C1AA270D5A207", "gta_jhash": "0x212BD0DC" }, "0x39F2B1BAD412246A": { "name": "IS_INCIDENT_VALID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "incidentId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC8BC6461E629BEAA", "gta_jhash": "0x31FD0BA4" }, "0x9617B6E5F6537B63": { "name": "_SET_INCIDENT_UNK", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "incidentId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x5EBDA1A3B8CB5EF7": { "name": "ADD_POP_MULTIPLIER_AREA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "pedDensity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "trafficDensity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p9" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x67F6413D3220E18D", "gta_jhash": "0x42BF09B3" }, "0x03BA619C81A646B3": { "name": "DOES_POP_MULTIPLIER_AREA_EXIST", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "id" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1327E2FE9746BAEE", "gta_jhash": "0xE933B34A" }, "0x88CB484364EFB37A": { "name": "REMOVE_POP_MULTIPLIER_AREA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "id" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB129E447A2EDA4BF", "gta_jhash": "0xFBDBE374" }, "0x3233C4EC0514C7EC": { "name": "_ADD_POP_MULTIPLIER_VOLUME", "comment": "Only used in script function PROCESS_ZONE_CREATION\nReturns Pop multiplier volume ID", "params": [ { "type": "Volume", "name": "volume" }, { "type": "float", "name": "pedDensity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "vehicleDensity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x39D6DACE323A20B6": { "name": "_DOES_POP_MULTIPLIER_AREA_EXIST_FOR_VOLUME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Volume", "name": "volume" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xBD090F5B1DB82189": { "name": "_REMOVE_POP_MULTIPLIER_AREA_FOR_VOLUME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Volume", "name": "volume" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF569E33FB72ED28E": { "name": "_0xF569E33FB72ED28E", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC7817264BC4B6377": { "name": "RESET_DISPATCH_IDEAL_SPAWN_DISTANCE", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x77A84429DD9F0A15", "gta_jhash": "0xDA65ECAA" }, "0xEAB6823B82FBD283": { "name": "SET_DISPATCH_IDEAL_SPAWN_DISTANCE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "fIdealSpawnDistance" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6FE601A64180D423", "gta_jhash": "0x6283BE32" }, "0x96498D922D8D0D0A": { "name": "_RESET_DISPATCH_MIN_SPAWN_DISTANCE", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x27A1B170AA8AF84C": { "name": "_SET_DISPATCH_MIN_SPAWN_DISTANCE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "minSpawnDistance" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x54EC7B6BC72BAD69": { "name": "_RESET_DISPATCH_MAX_SPAWN_DISTANCE", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x89314FB3463E28DE": { "name": "_SET_DISPATCH_MAX_SPAWN_DISTANCE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "maxSpawnDistance" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x4B0501A468B749F8": { "name": "_0x4B0501A468B749F8", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6BCF7B5CD338281A": { "name": "_0x6BCF7B5CD338281A", "comment": "_SET_DISPATCH_*, unused", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA2D5A26208421426": { "name": "_ADD_DISPATCH_SPAWN_BLOCKING_AREA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Volume", "name": "volume" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x49F751F6868DDC5B": { "name": "REMOVE_DISPATCH_SPAWN_BLOCKING_AREA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x264AC28B01B353A5", "gta_jhash": "0xA8D2FB92" }, "0xEF42F56F69877125": { "name": "RESET_WANTED_RESPONSE_NUM_PEDS_TO_SPAWN", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD9F692D349249528", "gta_jhash": "0xE0C9307E" }, "0xE4EE55E63FA9AF45": { "name": "ADD_TACTICAL_NAV_MESH_POINT", "comment": "Params: p3 is 0 in R* Script utopia2", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB8721407EE9C3FF6", "gta_jhash": "0x24A4E0B2" }, "0xD93B6516C6878267": { "name": "CLEAR_TACTICAL_NAV_MESH_POINTS", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB3CD58CCA6CDA852", "gta_jhash": "0x66C3C59C" }, "0x044131118D8DB3CD": { "name": "DISPLAY_ONSCREEN_KEYBOARD", "comment": "enum eOnscreenKeyboardTextType\n{\n\tKTEXTTYPE_INVALID = -1,\n\tKTEXTTYPE_DEFAULT,\n\tKTEXTTYPE_EMAIL,\n\tKTEXTTYPE_PASSWORD,\n\tKTEXTTYPE_NUMERIC,\n\tKTEXTTYPE_ALPHABET,\n\tKTEXTTYPE_GAMERTAG,\n\tKTEXTTYPE_FILENAME,\n\tKTEXTTYPE_COUNT\n};", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "textType" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "windowTitle" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "defaultText" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "defaultConcat1" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "defaultConcat2" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "defaultConcat3" }, { "type": "int", "name": "maxInputLength" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x00DC833F2568DBF6", "gta_jhash": "0xAD99F2CE" }, "0x37DF360F235A3893": { "name": "UPDATE_ONSCREEN_KEYBOARD", "comment": "Returns the current status of the onscreen keyboard, and updates the output.\n\nStatus Codes:\n\n0 - User still editing\n1 - User has finished editing\n2 - User has canceled editing\n3 - Keyboard isn't active", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0CF2B696BBF945AE", "gta_jhash": "0x23D0A1CE" }, "0xAFB4CF58A4A292B1": { "name": "GET_ONSCREEN_KEYBOARD_RESULT", "comment": "Returns NULL unless UPDATE_ONSCREEN_KEYBOARD() returns 1 in the same tick.", "params": [], "return_type": "const char*", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8362B09B91893647", "gta_jhash": "0x44828FB3" }, "0x58A39BE597CE99CD": { "name": "CANCEL_ONSCREEN_KEYBOARD", "comment": "Old name: _CANCEL_ONSCREEN_KEYBOARD", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x58A39BE597CE99CD", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0x5CB71EAA1429A358": { "name": "NEXT_ONSCREEN_KEYBOARD_RESULT_WILL_DISPLAY_USING_THESE_FONTS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "fontBitField" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3ED1438C1F5C6612", "gta_jhash": "0x3301EA47" }, "0x7ACF124C12A2B045": { "name": "ACTION_MANAGER_ENABLE_ACTION", "comment": "Appears to remove stealth kill action from memory (?)", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "hash" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "enable" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA6A12939F16D85BE", "gta_jhash": "0x42B484ED" }, "0xFD0759658268FD8E": { "name": "ACTION_MANAGER_IS_ACTION_ENABLED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "hash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x2E036F0480B8BF02": { "name": "GET_REAL_WORLD_TIME", "comment": "Returns GET_GAME_TIMER() / 1000\nOnly used in rcm_pearson1.ysc", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xB3E9BE963F10C445": { "name": "SET_SUPER_JUMP_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x57FFF03E423A4C0B", "gta_jhash": "0x86745EF3" }, "0x8AE059F47158417E": { "name": "SCRIPT_RACE_INIT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "numCheckpoints" }, { "type": "int", "name": "numLaps" }, { "type": "int", "name": "numPlayers" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0A60017F841A54F2", "gta_jhash": "0x2D33F15A" }, "0x334CE0DA4FAF330C": { "name": "SCRIPT_RACE_SHUTDOWN", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1FF6BF9A63E5757F", "gta_jhash": "0xDF99925C" }, "0xBA62B4D80FA66BD6": { "name": "SCRIPT_RACE_PLAYER_HIT_CHECKPOINT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "part" }, { "type": "int", "name": "checkpoint" }, { "type": "int", "name": "lap" }, { "type": "int", "name": "time" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1BB299305C3E8C13", "gta_jhash": "0xA27F4472" }, "0x769E848C66E3C2BB": { "name": "SCRIPT_RACE_GET_PLAYER_SPLIT_TIME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8EF5573A1F801A5C", "gta_jhash": "0x07FF553F" }, "0x29D1F6DF864A094E": { "name": "START_END_USER_BENCHMARK", "comment": "Begins with START_*. Next character in the name is either D or E.\n\nOld name: _START_BENCHMARK_RECORDING", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x92790862E36C2ADA", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0xB89AEC71AFF2B599": { "name": "STOP_END_USER_BENCHMARK", "comment": "Begins with STOP_*. Next character in the name is either D or E.\n\nOld name: _STOP_BENCHMARK_RECORDING", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC7DB36C24634F52B", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0xECBABD0307FB216F": { "name": "RESET_END_USER_BENCHMARK", "comment": "Begins with RESET_*. Next character in the name is either D or E.\n\nOld name: _RESET_BENCHMARK_RECORDING", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x437138B6A830166A", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0xF4743E2ECC02B3DA": { "name": "SAVE_END_USER_BENCHMARK", "comment": "Saves the benchmark recording to %USERPROFILE%\\Documents\\Rockstar Games\\Red Dead Redemption 2\\Benchmarks and submits some metrics.\n\nOld name: _SAVE_BENCHMARK_RECORDING", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x37DEB0AA183FB6D8", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0x4FFA0386A6216113": { "name": "UI_STARTED_END_USER_BENCHMARK", "comment": "Hardcoded to return false.\n\nOld name: _UI_IS_SINGLEPLAYER_PAUSE_MENU_ACTIVE", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xEA2F2061875EED90", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0x22FC52CF470CC98D": { "name": "GET_BENCHMARK_ITERATIONS", "comment": "Returns value of the '-benchmarkIterations' command line option.\n\nOld name: _GET_BENCHMARK_ITERATIONS_FROM_COMMAND_LINE", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4750FC27570311EC", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0x9297DACF3A2CDFF7": { "name": "GET_BENCHMARK_PASS", "comment": "Returns value of the '-benchmarkPass' command line option.\n\nOld name: _GET_BENCHMARK_PASS_FROM_COMMAND_LINE", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1B2366C3F2A5C8DF", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0xDC057B86FC157031": { "name": "_0xDC057B86FC157031", "comment": "Hardcoded to return one/true.", "params": [], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207", "unused": true }, "0x9A252AA23D7098F2": { "name": "_0x9A252AA23D7098F2", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xBDC6E364C9C78178": { "name": "_DOES_ITEM_HAVE_VALID_BASE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "ScrHandle", "name": "item" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xDC8D2FF478DF9553": { "name": "_GET_ITEM_TYPE", "comment": "0 = invalid\n1 = CEntity\n2 = rage::volBase\n3 = rage::volSphere\n4 = rage::volBox\n5 = rage::volAggregate\n6 = rage::volCylinder\n7 = CScriptedCoverPoint\n8 = rage::ptfxScriptInfo\n9 = CPed\n10 = CVehicle\n11 = CObject\n12 = CItemSet\n13 = CPersistentCharacter", "params": [ { "type": "ScrHandle", "name": "handle" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x716F17F8A0419F95": { "name": "_IS_BASE_A_PERSISTENT_CHARACTER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "ScrHandle", "name": "handle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xFEC1D4B5C82C176F": { "name": "_IS_BASE_A_COVER_POINT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "ScrHandle", "name": "handle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x553D67295DDD2309": { "name": "_0x553D67295DDD2309", "comment": "UPDATE_PICKUP_COLLECTIBLE: set Eagle Eye fountain\n_J*, _K*, _L*", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF18AF483DF70BBDE": { "name": "_GET_VOLUME_FROM_INDEXED_ITEM", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "ScrHandle", "name": "item" } ], "return_type": "Volume", "build": "1207" }, "0xEE04C0AFD4EFAF0E": { "name": "_GET_ENTITY_FROM_ITEM", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "ScrHandle", "name": "item" } ], "return_type": "Entity", "build": "1207" }, "0x3FFB15534067DCD4": { "name": "_GET_PED_FROM_INDEXED_ITEM", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "ScrHandle", "name": "item" } ], "return_type": "Ped", "build": "1207" }, "0xE578C8AE173719B3": { "name": "_GET_VEHICLE_FROM_INDEXED_ITEM", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "ScrHandle", "name": "item" } ], "return_type": "Vehicle", "build": "1207" }, "0x18013392501CE5DC": { "name": "_GET_OBJECT_FROM_INDEXED_ITEM", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "ScrHandle", "name": "item" } ], "return_type": "Object", "build": "1207" }, "0x33982467B1E349EF": { "name": "_0x33982467B1E349EF", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", 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"prompt" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p9" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xE98D55C5983F2509": { "name": "UNREGISTER_INTERACTION_LOCKON_PROMPT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xFC6ECB9170145ECE": { "name": "_0xFC6ECB9170145ECE", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x35165C658077CD0B": { "name": "_0x35165C658077CD0B", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x4B101DBCC9482F2D": { "name": "_0x4B101DBCC9482F2D", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xF236C84C6ADFCB2F": { "name": "_IS_MISSION_CREATOR_ACTIVE", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xA3A8926951471C82": { "name": "_0xA3A8926951471C82", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x88BC5F4AEF77FC4E": { 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"p3" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" } }, "NETWORK": { "0x1077788E268557C2": { "name": "NETWORK_IS_SIGNED_ONLINE", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1077788E268557C2", "gta_jhash": "0x6E5BDCE2" }, "0x74FB3E29E6D10FA9": { "name": "NETWORK_GET_NP_UNAVAILABLE_REASON", "comment": "Hardcoded to return zero.\n\n==== PS4 specific info ====\n\nReturns some sort of unavailable reason:\n-1 = REASON_INVALID\n 0 = REASON_OTHER\n 1 = REASON_SYSTEM_UPDATE\n 2 = REASON_GAME_UPDATE\n 3 = REASON_SIGNED_OUT\n 4 = REASON_AGE\n 5 = REASON_CONNECTION\n\n=================================", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x74FB3E29E6D10FA9", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0x85443FF4C328F53B": { "name": "NETWORK_HAS_VALID_ROS_CREDENTIALS", "comment": "Returns whether the signed-in user has valid Rockstar Online Services (ROS) credentials.", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x85443FF4C328F53B", "gta_jhash": "0x3FB40673" }, "0x9A4CF4F48AD77302": { "name": "NETWORK_IS_CLOUD_AVAILABLE", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9A4CF4F48AD77302", "gta_jhash": "0xC7FF5AFC" }, "0x67A5589628E0CFF6": { "name": "NETWORK_HAS_SOCIAL_CLUB_ACCOUNT", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x67A5589628E0CFF6", "gta_jhash": "0x66EC713F" }, "0x8DB296B814EDDA07": { "name": "NETWORK_IS_HOST", "comment": "If you are host, returns true else returns false.", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8DB296B814EDDA07", "gta_jhash": "0xE46AC10F" }, "0x25CB5A9F37BFD063": { "name": "NETWORK_HAVE_ONLINE_PRIVILEGES", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x25CB5A9F37BFD063", "gta_jhash": "0xEF63BFDF" }, "0x595F028698072DD9": { "name": "NETWORK_CHECK_USER_CONTENT_PRIVILEGES", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x595F028698072DD9", "gta_jhash": "0xBB54AA3D" }, "0x83F28CE49FBBFFBA": { "name": "NETWORK_CHECK_COMMUNICATION_PRIVILEGES", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x83F28CE49FBBFFBA", "gta_jhash": "0xA79E5B05" }, "0x246545C37C27A717": { "name": "NETWORK_CAN_VIEW_GAMER_USER_CONTENT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "gamerHandle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xF23A6D6C11D8EC15": { "name": "_0xF23A6D6C11D8EC15", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "gamerHandle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x3E8CCE6769DB5F34": { "name": "_0x3E8CCE6769DB5F34", "comment": "Stadia only; always returns -1 on other platforms. p0 may be a BOOL.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xDBDF80673BBA3D65": { "name": "_0xDBDF80673BBA3D65", "comment": "Note: this native was added in build 1491.50", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1491" }, "0x83FE8D7229593017": { "name": "NETWORK_SHOW_ACCOUNT_UPGRADE_UI", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x83FE8D7229593017", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0x8FF6059DA26E688A": { "name": "NETWORK_IS_PROMOTION_ENABLED", "comment": "Hardcoded to return false.", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x78A9535AF83715C6": { "name": "NETWORK_IS_CUSTOM_UPSELL_ENABLED", "comment": "Hardcoded to return false.", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xDA4B1A479C414FB2": { "name": "NETWORK_SHOULD_SHOW_PROMOTION_DLG", "comment": "Hardcoded to return false.", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xFC6FCF4C03F1BBF6": { "name": "_0xFC6FCF4C03F1BBF6", "comment": "nullsub, doesn't do anything", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x160F0CE6D76A39C9": { "name": "_0x160F0CE6D76A39C9", "comment": "nullsub, doesn't do anything", "params": [], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207", "unused": true }, "0x2FB53C631A49BE92": { "name": "NETWORK_GET_PROMOTION_DLG_SEEN_COUNT", "comment": "Hardcoded to return zero.", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "unused": true }, "0xE5FF65CFF5160752": { "name": "_0xE5FF65CFF5160752", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xAF50DA1A3F8B1BA4": { "name": "NETWORK_CAN_ACCESS_MULTIPLAYER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int*", "name": "loadingState" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xAF50DA1A3F8B1BA4", "gta_jhash": "0xA520B982" }, "0x2A8112A974DE1EF6": { "name": "NETWORK_CHECK_ACCESS_AND_ALERT_IF_FAIL", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xDD7806FD0543BC3D": { "name": "_NETWORK_GET_GLOBAL_ENTITY_FLAGS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "unused": true }, "0xA95470DA137587F5": { "name": "_0xA95470DA137587F5", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xBB697756309D77EE": { "name": "_0xBB697756309D77EE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xDD73C9838CE7181D": { "name": "_NETWORK_HAS_COMPLETED_MP_INTRO_FLOW_ON_CURRENT_SLOT", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x2C5BD9A43987AA27": { "name": "NETWORK_SET_COMPLETED_MP_INTRO_FLOW_ON_CURRENT_SLOT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "completed" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xD7D0DF27CB1765B5": { "name": "_0xD7D0DF27CB1765B5", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1355" }, "0x86FD10251A7118A4": { "name": "NETWORK_SET_MP_MISSION_FLAG_ON_CURRENT_SLOT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "enabled" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flagIndex" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x3E74A687A73979C6": { "name": "_0x3E74A687A73979C6", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xCEF70AA5B3F89BA1": { "name": "NETWORK_SESSION_IS_PRIVATE", "comment": "Checks for session flag 'SF_PRIVATE'", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xCEF70AA5B3F89BA1", "gta_jhash": "0xDB67785D" }, "0xE9B356C330C0A806": { "name": "_NETWORK_SESSION_GET_SESSION_ID", "comment": "Note: this native was added in build 1311.23", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "sessionId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1311", "unused": true }, "0x4DEC5000F7B508F0": { "name": "_NETWORK_SESSION_ARE_SESSION_IDS_EQUAL", "comment": "Note: this native was added in build 1311.23", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "sessionId1" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "sessionId2" } ], 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"int", "name": "seamlessType" }, { "type": "int", "name": "userHash" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "sessionRequestId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x309BBEBEA8A3986C": { "name": "NETWORK_SESSION_REQUEST_SESSION_COMPETITIVE", "comment": "matchType:\nenum eMatchType\n{\n\tMATCHTYPE_DEPRECATED,\n\tMATCHTYPE_UGCPLAYLIST,\n\tMATCHTYPE_UGCMISSION,\n\tMATCHTYPE_MINIGAME,\n\tMATCHTYPE_SEAMLESS,\n\tMATCHTYPE_PRIVATE_DO_NOT_USE\n};", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "flags" }, { "type": "int", "name": "matchType" }, { "type": "int", "name": "userHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "sessionRequestId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x39A8EF7AF29A192C": { "name": "NETWORK_SESSION_REQUEST_SESSION_PRIVATE", "comment": "Session flag 'SF_PRIVATE' is set internally\np1 represents max amount of players in private session", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "flags" }, { "type": "int", "name": "numPlayers" }, { "type": "int", "name": "userHash" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "sessionRequestId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x23D9C1F2E4098EDC": { "name": "_NETWORK_SESSION_REQUEST_SESSION_ON_CALL", "comment": "category:\nenum eOnCallType\n{\n\tNETWORK_SESSION_REQUEST_ON_CALL_TYPE_STORY = 2,\n\tNETWORK_SESSION_REQUEST_ON_CALL_TYPE_MATCH = 3\n};", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "flags" }, { "type": "int", "name": "category" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "int", "name": "userHash" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "sessionRequestId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x4F4672457FF597D1": { "name": "_NETWORK_SESSION_REQUEST_SESSION_NOMINATED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "flags" }, { "type": "int", "name": "userHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "sessionRequestId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1436" }, "0x2F54B146D3EDCE4D": { "name": "NETWORK_SESSION_IS_SESSION_REQUEST_ID_VALID", "comment": "", "params": [ { 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"int", "name": "queueGroup" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xE72E5C1289BD1F40": { "name": "_NETWORK_SESSION_CANCEL_REQUEST", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "sessionRequestId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xA6F1BAABFF6AD7B9": { "name": "_0xA6F1BAABFF6AD7B9", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x0DD051B1BF4B8BD6": { "name": "_NETWORK_SESSION_GET_SESSION_REQUEST_RESULT", "comment": "Returns result of session request:\n0 - NOT_FOUND\n1 - IN_PROGRESS\n2 - TIMEOUT\n3 - PLAYER_OFFLINE\n4 - GANG_MEMBERS_CHANGED\n5 - PLAYER_CANCELLED\n6 - PLAYER_SET_TOO_LARGE\n7 - MATCH_ACCEPTED\n8 - OTHER", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "sessionRequestId" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xCCF878D50F8AB10D": { "name": "NETWORK_SESSION_IS_REQUEST_PENDING_TRANSITION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": 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"hours" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "minutes" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "seconds" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6D03BFBD643B2A02", "gta_jhash": "0x74E8C53E" }, "0xD972DF67326F966E": { "name": "NETWORK_CLEAR_CLOCK_TIME_OVERRIDE", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD972DF67326F966E", "gta_jhash": "0xC4AEAF49" }, "0xD7C95D322FF57522": { "name": "NETWORK_IS_CLOCK_TIME_OVERRIDDEN", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD7C95D322FF57522", "gta_jhash": "0x2465296D" }, "0x11A7ADCD629E170F": { "name": "NETWORK_GET_GLOBAL_CLOCK", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int*", "name": "hour" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "minute" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "second" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x669E223E64B1903C": { "name": "_NETWORK_CLOCK_TIME_OVERRIDE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "hour" }, { "type": "int", "name": "minute" }, 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loops.\n\nfor (num3 = 0; num3 < NETWORK::0xCCD8C02D(); num3++)\n {\n if (NETWORK::NETWORK_IS_PARTICIPANT_ACTIVE(PLAYER::0x98F3B274(num3)) != 0)\n {\n var num5 = NETWORK::NETWORK_GET_PLAYER_INDEX(PLAYER::0x98F3B274(num3));", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA6C90FBC38E395EE", "gta_jhash": "0xCCD8C02D" }, "0x18D0456E86604654": { "name": "NETWORK_GET_NUM_PARTICIPANTS", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x18D0456E86604654", "gta_jhash": "0x3E25A3C5" }, "0x57D158647A6BFABF": { "name": "NETWORK_GET_SCRIPT_STATUS", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x57D158647A6BFABF", "gta_jhash": "0x2BE9235A" }, "0x3E9B2F01C50DF595": { "name": "NETWORK_REGISTER_HOST_BROADCAST_VARIABLES", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": 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"gta_hash": "0x0EDEC3C276198689", "gta_jhash": "0x86A0B759" }, "0x99BFDC94A603E541": { "name": "OBJ_TO_NET", "comment": "Returns the network ID of the given object.", "params": [ { "type": "Object", "name": "object" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x99BFDC94A603E541", "gta_jhash": "0x1E05F29F" }, "0xE0D73CDDEA79DDCD": { "name": "_ANIM_SCENE_TO_NET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "AnimScene", "name": "animScene" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x367B936610BA360C": { "name": "NET_TO_VEH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "netHandle" } ], "return_type": "Vehicle", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x367B936610BA360C", "gta_jhash": "0x7E02FAEA" }, "0xBDCD95FC216A8B3E": { "name": "NET_TO_PED", "comment": "gets the ped id of a network id", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "netHandle" } ], "return_type": "Ped", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xBDCD95FC216A8B3E", "gta_jhash": "0x87717DD4" }, "0xD8515F5FEA14CB3F": { "name": 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"return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0BE73DA6984A6E33", "gta_jhash": "0x5C85FF81" }, "0x8E02D73914064223": { "name": "NETWORK_ADD_FRIEND", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "gamerHandle" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "message" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8E02D73914064223", "gta_jhash": "0x20E5B3EE" }, "0x55F618F68AB854D3": { "name": "_NETWORK_REMOVE_FRIEND", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "gamerHandle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x99ABE9BF9DADA162": { "name": "_NETWORK_CAN_ADD_FRIEND", "comment": "On PC this returns true if gamerHandle is a valid handle.", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "gamerHandle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x9C25E8EC4C535FBD": { "name": "NETWORK_SET_PLAYER_IS_PASSIVE", "comment": "Old name: _NETWORK_SET_PASSIVE_MODE_OPTION", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF808475FA571D823": { "name": "NETWORK_SET_FRIENDLY_FIRE_OPTION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF808475FA571D823", "gta_jhash": "0x6BAF95FA" }, "0x1DCCACDCFC569362": { "name": "NETWORK_SET_RICH_PRESENCE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1DCCACDCFC569362", "gta_jhash": "0x932A6CED" }, "0x5ED0356A0CE3A34F": { "name": "NETWORK_GET_TIMEOUT_TIME", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5ED0356A0CE3A34F", "gta_jhash": "0xE1F86C6A" }, "0xBC7D36946D19E60E": { "name": "_0xBC7D36946D19E60E", "comment": "Only used in fm_race_controller R* Script (PROCESS_LOCAL_PLAYER_INIT)", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x880A7202301E282B": { "name": "_0x880A7202301E282B", "comment": "Params: p5 = 50.f, p6 = 0 in R* Script net_fetch (NET_FETCH_CLIENT_UPDATE_PED_ROLE_CLUE_IDLE)", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1311" }, "0xC964FCD3D1720697": { "name": "_0xC964FCD3D1720697", "comment": "nullsub, doesn't do anything", "params": [], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207", "unused": true }, "0xEC089F84A9C16C62": { "name": "_0xEC089F84A9C16C62", "comment": "nullsub, doesn't do anything", "params": [], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207", "unused": true }, "0x7182EDDA1EE7DB5A": { "name": "PREVENT_NETWORK_ID_MIGRATION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "netId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE1BC73D6815BA361": { "name": "KEEP_NETWORK_ID_IN_FAST_INSTANCE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "netId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x02C4C6C2900D84DF": { "name": "_0x02C4C6C2900D84DF", "comment": "Only used in SP R* Script dominoes_sp: p1 = 0", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD78A26024BB13E08": { "name": "_0xD78A26024BB13E08", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE05E81A888FA63C8": { "name": "SET_NETWORK_ID_EXISTS_ON_ALL_MACHINES", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "netId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE05E81A888FA63C8", "gta_jhash": "0x68D486B2" }, "0xA8A024587329F36A": { "name": "SET_NETWORK_ID_ALWAYS_EXISTS_FOR_PLAYER", "comment": "", "params": [ 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GET_ENTITY_PLAYER_IS_FREE_AIMING_AT and setting this naive no matter the toggle he could still see it.\n\npc or last gen?\n\n^^ last-gen\n\nOld name: _NETWORK_SET_ENTITY_INVISIBLE_TO_NETWORK", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF1CA12B18AEF5298", "gta_jhash": "0x09CBC4B0" }, "0xE31A04513237DC89": { "name": "_0xE31A04513237DC89", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "unused": true }, "0xA6928482543022B4": { "name": "SET_NETWORK_ID_VISIBLE_IN_CUTSCENE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA6928482543022B4", "gta_jhash": "0x199E75EF" }, "0xA1607996431332DF": { "name": "IS_NETWORK_ID_OWNED_BY_PARTICIPANT", "comment": "", "params": [ 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"Always returns 40", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0AFCE529F69B21FF", "gta_jhash": "0xC3A12135" }, "0xA72835064DD63E4C": { "name": "GET_MAX_NUM_NETWORK_PICKUPS", "comment": "Always returns 80", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA72835064DD63E4C", "gta_jhash": "0x6A036061" }, "0x75FC34A2BA345BD1": { "name": "_0x75FC34A2BA345BD1", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "unused": true }, "0x979765465A6F25FC": { "name": "_0x979765465A6F25FC", "comment": "Must be called from a background script, otherwise it will do nothing.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "unused": true }, "0x5133CF81924F1129": { "name": "_0x5133CF81924F1129", "comment": "Hardcoded to return zero.", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "unused": true }, "0x1E4E097D71D449FB": { "name": "_0x1E4E097D71D449FB", "comment": "Note: this native was added in build 1311.23", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1311", "unused": true }, "0x982D7AD755B8F62C": { "name": "_0x982D7AD755B8F62C", "comment": "Note: this native was added in build 1311.23", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1311", "unused": true }, "0x917AD74BDCF8B6E9": { "name": "_0x917AD74BDCF8B6E9", "comment": "Note: this native was added in build 1311.23", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1311", "unused": true }, "0xF8DC69DC1AD19072": { "name": "_0xF8DC69DC1AD19072", "comment": "Note: this native was added in build 1311.23", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1311", "unused": true }, "0x744BFBB0CA908161": { "name": "_0x744BFBB0CA908161", "comment": 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first, then returns whether the result is negative.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "timeA" }, { "type": "int", "name": "timeB" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xCB2CF5148012C8D0", "gta_jhash": "0x50EF8FC6" }, "0xDE350F8651E4346C": { "name": "IS_TIME_MORE_THAN", "comment": "Subtracts the first argument from the second, then returns whether the result is negative.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "timeA" }, { "type": "int", "name": "timeB" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xDE350F8651E4346C", "gta_jhash": "0xBBB6DF61" }, "0xA2C6FC031D46FFF0": { "name": "GET_TIME_DIFFERENCE", "comment": "Subtracts the second argument from the first.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "timeA" }, { "type": "int", "name": "timeB" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA2C6FC031D46FFF0", "gta_jhash": "0x5666A837" }, "0x9A73240B49945C76": { "name": "GET_CLOUD_TIME_AS_INT", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "int", 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since this native only reads data from parsed entity.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1232" }, "0x5FFE9B4144F9712F": { "name": "SET_LOCAL_PLAYER_AS_GHOST", "comment": "Old name: _SET_LOCAL_PLAYER_AS_GHOST", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5FFE9B4144F9712F", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0x21D04D7BC538C146": { "name": "IS_ENTITY_A_GHOST", "comment": "Old name: _IS_ENTITY_GHOSTED_TO_LOCAL_PLAYER", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x21D04D7BC538C146", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0xDCA6ABDB9288FBE4": { "name": "_SET_PLAYER_VISIBILITY_TO_LOCAL_PLAYER_DISABLED", "comment": "_SET_PLAYER_V* - _SET_S*", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "disabled" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xEE5AE9956743BA20": { "name": "_SET_ENTITY_GHOSTED_TO_LOCAL_PLAYER", 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Seems to be XB1 specific.", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "gamerHandle" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xDEB2B99A1AF1A2A6", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0x0A428058079EE65C": { "name": "_NETWORK_AUTO_SESSION_SET_ALLOWED_TO_SPLIT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xAADED99A6B268A27": { "name": "NETWORK_AUTO_SESSION_IS_ALLOWED_TO_MERGE", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x63246A24F5747510": { "name": "_NETWORK_AUTO_SESSION_SET_ALLOWED_TO_MERGE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE258570E0C116A66": { "name": "_NETWORK_AUTO_SESSION_IS_AUTO_WARP_DISABLED", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x4440FEE3EFE78F54": { "name": "_NETWORK_AUTO_SESSION_SET_AUTO_WARP_ENABLED", 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This is useful for simulated gravity.\n\nOther parameters seem to be unknown.\n\np2: seems to be weight and gravity related. Higher value makes the obj fall faster. Very sensitive?\np3: seems similar to p2\np4: makes obj fall slower the higher the value\np5: similar to p4", "params": [ { "type": "Object", "name": "object" }, { "type": "float", "name": "weight" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "float", "name": "gravity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p9" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p10" }, { "type": "float", "name": "buoyancy" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF6DF6E90DE7DF90F", "gta_jhash": "0xE8D11C58" }, "0xB6FBFD079B8D0596": { "name": "GET_OBJECT_FRAGMENT_DAMAGE_HEALTH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB6FBFD079B8D0596", "gta_jhash": "0xF0B330AD" }, "0x235C863DA77BD88D": { "name": "_0x235C863DA77BD88D", 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Must be called every frame.\n\ncontext: https://alloc8or.re/rdr3/doc/misc/input_contexts.txt\nFor more information, see common:/data/control/settings.meta\nhttps://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/tree/master/Controls", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "control" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "context" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xDDCEB0F26C89C00F": { "name": "_GET_CURRENT_CONTROL_CONTEXT", "comment": "Gets the current control context. 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"DOES_NAVMESH_BLOCKING_OBJECT_EXIST", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0EAEB0DB4B132399", "gta_jhash": "0x4B67D7EE" }, "0x19C7567D2F2287D6": { "name": "_ADD_NAVMESH_BLOCKING_VOLUME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Volume", "name": "volume" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flags" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x2C87C3E1C7B96EE2": { "name": "_REMOVE_NAVMESH_BLOCKING_VOLUME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Volume", "name": "volume" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xDE0EA444735C1368": { "name": "_DOES_NAVMESH_BLOCKING_VOLUME_EXIST", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Volume", "name": "volume" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x6DAD6630AE4A74CB": { "name": "_0x6DAD6630AE4A74CB", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x348F211CA2404039": { "name": "NAVMESH_REQUEST_PATH", "comment": "Starts a nav mesh query for a path between coordinates with a given ped and returns a handle to be validated by _NAVMESH_REQUESTED_QUERY_STATUS and then _NAVMESH_REQUESTED_PATH_WAYPOINTS_FOUND\n\nOnly bit flag values used in scripts are 0, 23, and 29. 23 is used with dogs and horses. 29 with legendary animals.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z2" }, { "type": "int", "name": "bitFlag" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x661BB1E1FF77742D": { "name": "_NAVMESH_CLEAR_REQUESTED_PATH", "comment": "Called in scripts after finished with requested pathes. Immediately resets all values connected to the path handle except query status, which changes from 1 to 2 before eventually becoming fully invalidated to 0.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "path" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x3A0F82F6EE2291C8": { "name": "_NAVMESH_REQUESTED_QUERY_STATUS", "comment": "Returns eNavMeshQueryStatus\nenum eNavMeshQueryStatus\n{\n\tQS_NOT_FOUND,\n\tQS_COMPLETE,\n\tQS_PENDING\n};\n\nIt appears that the pending state of 2 is at least also used when cleaning up a request (_NAVMESH_CLEAR_REQUESTED_PATH) or if a request never completes. Eventually queries are invalidated and return 0.\n\nOld name: _NAVMESH_QUERY_STATUS", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "path" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x8800776E410EB669": { "name": "_NAVMESH_REQUESTED_PATH_WAYPOINTS_FOUND", "comment": "Returns true if a path of waypoints was found. Waypoints can be retrieved with _NAVMESH_REQUESTED_PATH_NUM_WAYPOINTS and _NAVMESH_REQUESTED_PATH_WAYPOINT_BY_INDEX", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "path" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xF61CFEDEAB627BFA": { "name": "_NAVMESH_REQUESTED_PATH_WAYPOINTS_TERRAIN", "comment": "Returns a bit flag for seemingly terrain within the waypoints in the path. Checked against bit value 2 to match water in the path, seems to always contain at least 1 though regardless of location/ped.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "path" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xD470725E0703D22F": { "name": "_NAVMESH_REQUESTED_PATH_NUM_WAYPOINTS", "comment": "Returns the number of waypoints for a requested path (NAVMESH_REQUEST_PATH) if the query is completed (_NAVMESH_REQUESTED_QUERY_STATUS). For use with _NAVMESH_REQUESTED_PATH_WAYPOINT_BY_INDEX", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "path" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x430F8319AE56C8A9": { "name": "_NAVMESH_REQUESTED_PATH_WAYPOINT_BY_INDEX", "comment": "Returns a vector3 waypoint at the specified index for a path. Use _NAVMESH_REQUESTED_PATH_NUM_WAYPOINTS to get available indexes.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "path" }, { "type": "int", "name": "waypointIndex" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207" }, "0x336511A34F2E5185": { "name": "GET_APPROX_FLOOR_FOR_POINT", "comment": "Returns CGameWorldHeightMap's minimum Z value at specified point (grid node).", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x336511A34F2E5185", "gta_jhash": "0xA07C5B7D" }, "0x0B919E1FB47CC4E0": { "name": "SET_AMBIENT_PED_RANGE_MULTIPLIER_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "multiplier" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0B919E1FB47CC4E0", "gta_jhash": "0x3C5085E4" }, "0x72751156E7678833": { "name": "SET_IGNORE_NO_GPS_FLAG", "comment": "nullsub, doesn't do anything", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x72751156E7678833", "gta_jhash": "0xB72CF194" }, "0xBBB45C3CF5C8AA85": { "name": "GET_GPS_BLIP_ROUTE_LENGTH", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xBBB45C3CF5C8AA85", "gta_jhash": "0x4B770634" }, "0xEFC535C9FAF563B3": { "name": "_0xEFC535C9FAF563B3", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x665B21666351CB37": { "name": "_0x665B21666351CB37", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x869DAACBBE9FA006": { "name": "GET_GPS_BLIP_ROUTE_FOUND", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x869DAACBBE9FA006", "gta_jhash": "0x286F82CC" }, "0x54F4D7B6670FBB5A": { "name": "_0x54F4D7B6670FBB5A", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x34C9AF25649172D0": { "name": "_0x34C9AF25649172D0", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF2A2177AC848B3A8": { "name": "_0xF2A2177AC848B3A8", "comment": "GPS disabled zone: p1 = 0\nClearing GPS disabled zone: p1 = 1", "params": [ { "type": "Volume", "name": "volume" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x4BDEBEA5702B97A9": { "name": "_0x4BDEBEA5702B97A9", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x264E9A5CD78C338F": { "name": "_0x264E9A5CD78C338F", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x869A7015BD4606E9": { "name": "_0x869A7015BD4606E9", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFD5BB35AAB83FD48": { "name": "_SIMULATED_ROUTE_CREATE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z2" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p6" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x4907D0E4FB26EE65": { "name": "_SIMULATED_ROUTE_DELETE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x65A8196B8D7F5E0B": { "name": "_SIMULATED_ROUTE_EXISTS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x240915043CB799D7": { "name": "SIMULATED_ROUTE_IS_LOADED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xA1A3DE1C215C7394": { "name": "SIMULATED_ROUTE_TRAVEL_TO_POINT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2DD5F78D73B24172": { "name": "SIMULATED_ROUTE_GET_ETA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" } }, "PED": { "0xD49F9B0955C367DE": { "name": "CREATE_PED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "modelHash" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "heading" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "isNetwork" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "bScriptHostPed" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p8" } ], "return_type": "Ped", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD49F9B0955C367DE", "gta_jhash": "0x0389EF71" }, "0xCC0EF140F99365C5": { "name": "DELETE_PED", "comment": "Deletes the specified ped, then sets the handle pointed to by the pointer to NULL.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped*", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9614299DCB53E54B", "gta_jhash": "0x13EFB9A0" }, "0x39A2FC5AF55A52B1": { "name": "_SET_REMOVE_PED_NETWORKED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7C08E7CB8D951B70": { "name": "_0x7C08E7CB8D951B70", "comment": "Only used in SP\n_SET_REMOVE_PED*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x36E4B61DC56DE77C": { "name": "_SET_PED_TO_BE_REMOVED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xEF29A16337FACADB": { "name": "CLONE_PED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "isNetwork" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "bScriptHostPed" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "copyHeadBlendFlag" } ], "return_type": "Ped", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xEF29A16337FACADB", "gta_jhash": "0x8C8A8D6E" }, "0xE952D6431689AD9A": { "name": "CLONE_PED_TO_TARGET", "comment": "Copies ped's components and props to targetPed.\nCan be used to clear anything from a ped by cloning it, including bullet holes.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "targetPed" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE952D6431689AD9A", "gta_jhash": "0xFC70EEC7" }, "0xA3EE4A07279BB9DB": { "name": "IS_PED_IN_VEHICLE", "comment": "Gets a value indicating whether the specified ped is in the specified vehicle.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "atGetIn" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA3EE4A07279BB9DB", "gta_jhash": "0x7DA6BC83" }, "0x796D90EFB19AA332": { "name": "IS_PED_IN_MODEL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "modelHash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x796D90EFB19AA332", "gta_jhash": "0xA6438D4B" }, "0x997ABD671D25CA0B": { "name": "IS_PED_IN_ANY_VEHICLE", "comment": "Gets a value indicating whether the specified ped is in any vehicle.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "atGetIn" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x997ABD671D25CA0B", "gta_jhash": "0x3B0171EE" }, "0x9851DE7AEC10B4E1": { "name": "_0x9851DE7AEC10B4E1", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x84A2DD9AC37C35C1": { "name": "IS_PED_INJURED", "comment": "Gets a value indicating whether this ped's health is below its injured threshold.\n\nThe default threshold is 100.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x84A2DD9AC37C35C1", "gta_jhash": "0x2530A087" }, "0xD839450756ED5A80": { "name": "IS_PED_FATALLY_INJURED", "comment": "Gets a value indicating whether this ped's health is below its fatally injured threshold. The default threshold is 100.\nIf the handle is invalid, the function returns true.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD839450756ED5A80", "gta_jhash": "0xBADA0093" }, "0x3317DEDB88C95038": { "name": "IS_PED_DEAD_OR_DYING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3317DEDB88C95038", "gta_jhash": "0xCBDB7739" }, "0x66C047719B0E80E1": { "name": "_SET_PED_BLEEDOUT_PROFILE", "comment": "Bleedout profiles:\nAnimal_FastBleedout\nAnimal_Generic\nHuman_FastBleedout\nHuman_Generic\nHuman_Mission\n\nFor more information, see common/data/ai/peddamageinfo.meta", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "bleedoutProfile" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x3998B1276A3300E5": { "name": "IS_PED_AIMING_FROM_COVER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3998B1276A3300E5", "gta_jhash": "0xDEBAB2AF" }, "0x24B100C68C645951": { "name": "IS_PED_RELOADING", "comment": "Returns whether the specified ped is reloading.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x24B100C68C645951", "gta_jhash": "0x961E1745" }, "0x12534C348C6CB68B": { "name": "IS_PED_A_PLAYER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x12534C348C6CB68B", "gta_jhash": "0x404794CA" }, "0x0E2F43516F998269": { "name": "_IS_ANIMAL_CONTROLLED_BY_A_PLAYER", "comment": "Returns true only if it's a player ped and an animal as well.\n_IS_ANY_* - _IS_CONTROL_*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1311" }, "0x7DD959874C1FD534": { "name": "CREATE_PED_INSIDE_VEHICLE", "comment": "seatIndex:\nenum eVehicleSeat\n{\n\tVS_ANY_PASSENGER = -2,\n\tVS_DRIVER,\n\tVS_FRONT_RIGHT,\n\tVS_BACK_LEFT,\n\tVS_BACK_RIGHT,\n\tVS_EXTRA_LEFT_1,\n\tVS_EXTRA_RIGHT_1,\n\tVS_EXTRA_LEFT_2,\n\tVS_EXTRA_RIGHT_2,\n\tVS_EXTRA_LEFT_3,\n\tVS_EXTRA_RIGHT_3,\n\tVS_NUM_SEATS\n};", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "modelHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "seatIndex" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "Ped", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x7DD959874C1FD534", "gta_jhash": "0x3000F092" }, "0xAA5A7ECE2AA8FE70": { "name": "SET_PED_DESIRED_HEADING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "heading" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xAA5A7ECE2AA8FE70", "gta_jhash": "0x961458F9" }, "0xFF287323B0E2C69A": { "name": "FORCE_ALL_HEADING_VALUES_TO_ALIGN", "comment": "Old name: _FREEZE_PED_CAMERA_ROTATION", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xFF287323B0E2C69A", "gta_jhash": "0x290421BE" }, "0xD71649DB0A545AA3": { "name": "IS_PED_FACING_PED", "comment": "angle is ped's view cone", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "otherPed" }, { "type": "float", "name": "angle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD71649DB0A545AA3", "gta_jhash": "0x0B775838" }, "0x4E209B2C1EAD5159": { "name": "IS_PED_IN_MELEE_COMBAT", "comment": "Notes: The function only returns true while the ped is: \nA.) Swinging a random melee attack (including pistol-whipping)\n\nB.) Reacting to being hit by a melee attack (including pistol-whipping)\n\nC.) Is locked-on to an enemy (arms up, strafing/skipping in the default fighting-stance, ready to dodge+counter). \n\nYou don't have to be holding the melee-targeting button to be in this stance; you stay in it by default for a few seconds after swinging at someone. If you do a sprinting punch, it returns true for the duration of the punch animation and then returns false again, even if you've punched and made-angry many peds", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4E209B2C1EAD5159", "gta_jhash": "0xFD7814A5" }, "0x6DB875AFC584FA32": { "name": "_0x6DB875AFC584FA32", "comment": "Only used in R* SP Script winter1: p1 = 5000\n_SET_PED_M*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x530944F6F4B8A214": { "name": "IS_PED_STOPPED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x530944F6F4B8A214", "gta_jhash": "0xA0DC0B87" }, "0x84D0BF2B21862059": { "name": "IS_PED_SITTING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x09D7AFD3716DA8E1": { "name": "_0x09D7AFD3716DA8E1", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x9C81338B2E62CE0A": { "name": "_0x9C81338B2E62CE0A", "comment": "If returned true: CHECK_SHOT_NEAR: Succeeded shot near\nIf returned false: CHECK_SHOT_NEAR: Failed shot near", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "shotNearRecentlyTime" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xB7DBB2986B87E230": { "name": "_0xB7DBB2986B87E230", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xD355E2F1BB41087E": { "name": "_0xD355E2F1BB41087E", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xA0D3D71EA1086C55": { "name": "IS_ANY_PED_SHOOTING_IN_AREA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p7" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA0D3D71EA1086C55", "gta_jhash": "0x91833867" }, "0x34616828CD07F1A1": { "name": "IS_PED_SHOOTING", "comment": "Returns whether the specified ped is shooting.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x34616828CD07F1A1", "gta_jhash": "0xE7C3405E" }, "0x285D36C5C72B0569": { "name": "TIME_SINCE_PED_LAST_SHOT", "comment": "Returns time since the specified ped last shot, in seconds. (fPlayerJustShotTime)", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0x7AEFB85C1D49DEB6": { "name": "SET_PED_ACCURACY", "comment": "accuracy = 0-100, 100 being perfectly accurate", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "accuracy" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x7AEFB85C1D49DEB6", "gta_jhash": "0x6C17122E" }, "0x37F4AD56ECBC0CD6": { "name": "GET_PED_ACCURACY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x37F4AD56ECBC0CD6", "gta_jhash": "0x0A2A0AA0" }, "0xC9D55B1A358A5BF7": { "name": "IS_PED_MODEL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "modelHash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC9D55B1A358A5BF7", "gta_jhash": "0x5F1DDFCB" }, "0x2D05CED3A38D0F3A": { "name": "EXPLODE_PED_HEAD", "comment": "Forces the ped to fall back and kills it.\n\nIt doesn't really explode the ped's head but it kills the ped", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2D05CED3A38D0F3A", "gta_jhash": "0x05CC1380" }, "0x5BA652A0CD14DF2F": { "name": "ADD_ARMOUR_TO_PED", "comment": "Same as SET_PED_ARMOUR, but ADDS 'amount' to the armor the Ped already has.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "amount" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5BA652A0CD14DF2F", "gta_jhash": "0xF686B26E" }, "0x5CA20FBE49891BBD": { "name": "_0x5CA20FBE49891BBD", "comment": "Used in Script Function MP_MAIN_OFFLINE__INITIALIZE_FLOW & PROCESS_GENERIC_PLAYER_INITIALIZATION", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF75B0D629E1C063D": { "name": "SET_PED_INTO_VEHICLE", "comment": "Ped: The ped to warp.\nvehicle: The vehicle to warp the ped into.\nseatIndex: see CREATE_PED_INSIDE_VEHICLE", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "seatIndex" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF75B0D629E1C063D", "gta_jhash": "0x07500C79" }, "0x9E8C908F41584ECD": { "name": "SET_PED_MOVE_ANIMS_BLEND_OUT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9E8C908F41584ECD", "gta_jhash": "0x20E01957" }, "0x606D529DADA3C940": { "name": "_0x606D529DADA3C940", "comment": "Not implemented.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6D9F5FAA7488BA46": { "name": "IS_PED_MALE", "comment": "Returns true/false if the ped is/isn't male.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6D9F5FAA7488BA46", "gta_jhash": "0x90950455" }, "0xB980061DA992779D": { "name": "IS_PED_HUMAN", "comment": "Returns true/false if the ped is/isn't humanoid.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB980061DA992779D", "gta_jhash": "0x194BB7B0" }, "0x9A9112A0FE9A4713": { "name": "GET_VEHICLE_PED_IS_IN", "comment": "Gets the vehicle the specified Ped is in.\n\nIf the Ped is not in a vehicle and includeLastVehicle is true, the vehicle they were last in is returned.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "lastVehicle" } ], "return_type": "Vehicle", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9A9112A0FE9A4713", "gta_jhash": "0xAFE92319" }, "0xBB8DE8CF6A8DD8BB": { "name": "RESET_PED_LAST_VEHICLE", "comment": "Resets the value for the last vehicle driven by the Ped.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xBB8DE8CF6A8DD8BB", "gta_jhash": "0x5E3B5942" }, "0xC6136B40FFFB778B": { "name": "_0xC6136B40FFFB778B", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6E8B87139854022D": { "name": "_0x6E8B87139854022D", "comment": "Only used in SP R* Script train_robbery3: p1 = CLIPSET@VEH_TRAIN@HANDCART@BASE_PANIC & CLIPSET@VEH_TRAIN@HANDCART@BASE_PANIC_JOHN", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "clipset" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x313778EDCA9158E2": { "name": "_GET_NUM_FREE_SLOTS_IN_PED_POOL", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xED9582B3DA8F02B4": { "name": "_RESERVE_AMBIENT_PEDS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "numPeds" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF008E0BA1FE1D644": { "name": "_RESERVE_AMBIENT_PEDS_TOTAL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "numPeds" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7D4E70A67A651C71": { "name": "_UNRESERVE_AMBIENT_PEDS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "numPeds" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x62DE46F061CAA468": { "name": "_GET_NUM_RESERVED_AMBIENT_PEDS_DESIRED", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x5C16855277819BBF": { "name": "_GET_NUM_RESERVED_AMBIENT_PEDS_READY", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x5E420FF293EE5472": { "name": "_ARE_ALL_AMBIENT_PED_RESERVATIONS_READY", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xA77FA7BE9312F8C0": { "name": "_SET_SCENARIO_PED_RANGE_MULTIPLIER_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "multiplier" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9E3842E5DAD69F80": { "name": "_0x9E3842E5DAD69F80", "comment": "Only used in SP R* Script loanshark_hunter", "params": [ { "type": "Volume", "name": "volume" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xAB0D553FE20A6E25": { "name": "_SET_AMBIENT_PED_DENSITY_MULTIPLIER_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "multiplier" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7A556143A1C03898": { "name": "SET_SCENARIO_PED_DENSITY_MULTIPLIER_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "multiplier" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x7A556143A1C03898", "gta_jhash": "0x2909ABF0" }, "0xC0258742B034DFAF": { "name": "_SET_AMBIENT_ANIMAL_DENSITY_MULTIPLIER_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "multiplier" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xBA0980B5C0A11924": { "name": "_SET_AMBIENT_HUMAN_DENSITY_MULTIPLIER_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "multiplier" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xDB48E99F8E064E56": { "name": "_SET_SCENARIO_ANIMAL_DENSITY_MULTIPLIER_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "multiplier" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x28CB6391ACEDD9DB": { "name": "_SET_SCENARIO_HUMAN_DENSITY_MULTIPLIER_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "multiplier" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x95423627A9CA598E": { "name": "_SET_SCENARIO_PED_DENSITY_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "Sets the scenario ped density to the given config.\n\nValid configs:\n- BLACKWATER\n- DEFAULT\n- NEWBORDEAUX\n- RHODES\n- STRAWBERRY\n- TUMBLEWEED\n- VALENTINE\n- VANHORN\n\nSee common/data/ai/densityscoringconfigs.meta for more information.", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "configHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x4759CC730F947C81": { "name": "INSTANTLY_FILL_PED_POPULATION", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4759CC730F947C81", "gta_jhash": "0x8C555ADD" }, "0xBFA6B7731C3BAF02": { "name": "_0xBFA6B7731C3BAF02", "comment": "Only used in R* Script tg_p (CLIENT__AMBIENT_POPULATION - Player starts the populate in region)", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x0EE3F0D7FECCC54F": { "name": "IS_INSTANTLY_FILL_PED_POPULATION_FINISHED", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xEE01041D559983EA": { "name": "SET_PED_NON_CREATION_AREA", "comment": "The distance between these points, is the diagonal of a box (remember it's 3D).", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xEE01041D559983EA", "gta_jhash": "0x7A97283F" }, "0x2E05208086BA0651": { "name": "CLEAR_PED_NON_CREATION_AREA", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2E05208086BA0651", "gta_jhash": "0x6F7043A3" }, "0x7C00CFC48A782DC0": { "name": "_ATTACH_VOLUME_TO_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Volume", "name": "volume" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "offsetX" }, { "type": "float", "name": "offsetY" }, { "type": "float", "name": "offsetZ" }, { "type": "float", "name": "rotX" }, { "type": "float", "name": "rotY" }, { "type": "float", "name": "rotZ" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p9" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x19C975B81BE53C28": { "name": "_DETACH_VOLUME_FROM_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Volume", "name": "volume" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x028F76B6E78246EB": { "name": "SET_PED_ONTO_MOUNT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "mount" }, { "type": "int", "name": "seatIndex" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x5337B721C51883A9": { "name": "_REMOVE_PED_FROM_MOUNT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF89AA2BD01FC06B7": { "name": "CREATE_PED_ON_MOUNT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "mount" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "modelHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "index" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p6" } ], "return_type": "Ped", "build": "1207" }, "0xAAB0FE202E9FC9F0": { "name": "_IS_MOUNT_SEAT_FREE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "mount" }, { "type": "int", "name": "seat" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x460BC76A0E10655E": { "name": "IS_PED_ON_MOUNT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x460BC76A0E10655E", "gta_jhash": "0x43103006" }, "0x95CBC65780DE7EB1": { "name": "IS_PED_FULLY_ON_MOUNT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xE7E11B8DCBED1058": { "name": "GET_MOUNT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Ped", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE7E11B8DCBED1058", "gta_jhash": "0xDD31EC4E" }, "0x693126B5D0457D0D": { "name": "_GET_LAST_LED_MOUNT", "comment": "Returns last horse the ped was leading", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Ped", "build": "1232" }, "0x4C8B59171957BCF7": { "name": "_GET_LAST_MOUNT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Ped", "build": "1207" }, "0xED1C764997A86D5A": { "name": "_0xED1C764997A86D5A", "comment": "Only used in R* Script nb_stalking_hunter", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped1" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xB8AB265426CFE6DD": { "name": "_0xB8AB265426CFE6DD", "comment": "_SET_HO*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE8D1CCB9375C101B": { "name": "_0xE8D1CCB9375C101B", "comment": "Returns dismounted timestamp", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "mount" }, { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xA691C10054275290": { "name": "_0xA691C10054275290", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "mount" }, { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "int", "name": "dismountedTimestamp" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6734F0A6A52C371C": { "name": "_0x6734F0A6A52C371C", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "int", "name": "horseSlot" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x024EC9B649111915": { "name": "_0x024EC9B649111915", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x931B241409216C1F": { "name": "SET_PED_OWNS_ANIMAL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "animal" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF103823FFE72BB49": { "name": "_GET_ACTIVE_ANIMAL_OWNER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "animal" } ], "return_type": "Ped", "build": "1207" }, "0xBCC76708E5677E1D": { "name": "_CLEAR_ACTIVE_ANIMAL_OWNER", "comment": "Used in Script Functions PLAYER_HORSE_RELEASE_HORSE_TO_AMBIENT_WORLD (p1 = true), HORSE_SETUP_PLAYER_HORSE_ATTRIBUTES (p1 = false)\nSet to false for player horse in scripts and seems it's only true when releasing/changing a player horse? Cannot determine what effect it has, but it doesn't seem to affect _GET_HORSE_TAMING_STATE", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "horse" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "clear" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x454AD4DA6C41B5BD": { "name": "_GET_HORSE_TAMING_STATE", "comment": "Returns an int based on enum eTamingState\n\nenum eTamingState\n{\n\tATS_INVALID = 0,\n\tATS_INACTIVE,\n\tATS_TARGET_DETECTED,\n\tATS_CALLED_OUT,\n\tATS_MOUNTABLE,\n\tATS_BEING_PATTED,\n\tATS_BREAKING_ACTIVE,\n\tATS_SPOOKED,\n\tATS_RETREATING,\n\tATS_FLEEING\n};", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "horse" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x54D3CD482742C482": { "name": "_0x54D3CD482742C482", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "animal" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1355" }, "0x5CB2EBB467BE3ED6": { "name": "_0x5CB2EBB467BE3ED6", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "animal" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1355" }, "0x9F0F28B42C4EE80A": { "name": "_0x9F0F28B42C4EE80A", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "animal" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1355" }, "0xA69899995997A63B": { "name": "_SET_MOUNT_BONDING_LEVEL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "bondingLevel" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x11E6B9629C46D6EC": { "name": "_SET_MOUNT_SECURITY_ENABLED", "comment": "Note: this native was added in build 1232.40", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1232" }, "0x9B65444C07B782BF": { "name": "_0x9B65444C07B782BF", "comment": "Only used in SP R* Script winter1: p1 = Winter1Mount", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD543D3A8FDE4F185": { "name": "IS_ANIMAL_INTERACTION_POSSIBLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "animal" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x7FC84E85D98F063D": { "name": "_IS_ANIMAL_INTERACTION_RUNNING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x8BE24D74D74C6E9B": { "name": "_0x8BE24D74D74C6E9B", "comment": "Used in Script Function NET_CAMP_DOG_CLIENT_HANDLE_ANIMAL_INTERACTION", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Ped", "build": "1207" }, "0x77243ED4F7CAAA55": { "name": "_0x77243ED4F7CAAA55", "comment": "_IS_I* - _IS_L*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x67722AEB798E5FAB": { "name": "IS_PED_ON_VEHICLE", "comment": "Gets a value indicating whether the specified ped is on top of any vehicle.\n\nReturn 1 when ped is on vehicle.\nReturn 0 when ped is not on a vehicle.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x67722AEB798E5FAB", "gta_jhash": "0xA1AE7CC7" }, "0xEC5F66E459AF3BB2": { "name": "IS_PED_ON_SPECIFIC_VEHICLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xEC5F66E459AF3BB2", "gta_jhash": "0x63CB4603" }, "0xE0B61ED8BB37712F": { "name": "_WARP_PED_OUT_OF_VEHICLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA9C8960E8684C1B5": { "name": "SET_PED_MONEY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "amount" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA9C8960E8684C1B5", "gta_jhash": "0x40D90BF2" }, "0x3F69145BBA87BAE7": { "name": "GET_PED_MONEY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3F69145BBA87BAE7", "gta_jhash": "0xEB3C4C7E" }, "0x9911F4A24485F653": { "name": "SET_BLOCKING_OF_NON_TEMPORARY_EVENTS_FOR_AMBIENT_PEDS_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9911F4A24485F653", "gta_jhash": "0x02A080C8" }, "0x34EDDD59364AD74A": { "name": "_0x34EDDD59364AD74A", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2D976DBDC731DF80": { "name": "_0x2D976DBDC731DF80", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA808AA1D79230FC2": { "name": "IS_PED_SITTING_IN_VEHICLE", "comment": "Detect if ped is sitting in the specified vehicle\n[True/False]", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA808AA1D79230FC2", "gta_jhash": "0xDDDE26FA" }, "0x826AA586EDB9FEF8": { "name": "IS_PED_SITTING_IN_ANY_VEHICLE", "comment": "Detect if ped is in any vehicle\n[True/False]", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x826AA586EDB9FEF8", "gta_jhash": "0x0EA9CA03" }, "0x01FEE67DB37F59B2": { "name": "IS_PED_ON_FOOT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x01FEE67DB37F59B2", "gta_jhash": "0xC60D0785" }, "0xC70B5FAE151982D8": { "name": "IS_PED_PLANTING_BOMB", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC70B5FAE151982D8", "gta_jhash": "0x0EDAC574" }, "0xCD5003B097200F36": { "name": "GET_DEAD_PED_PICKUP_COORDS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xCD5003B097200F36", "gta_jhash": "0x129F9DC1" }, "0x2E0E1C2B4F6CB339": { "name": "IS_PED_IN_ANY_BOAT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2E0E1C2B4F6CB339", "gta_jhash": "0x1118A947" }, "0x298B91AE825E5705": { "name": "IS_PED_IN_ANY_HELI", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x298B91AE825E5705", "gta_jhash": "0x7AB5523B" }, "0x5FFF4CFC74D8FB80": { "name": "IS_PED_IN_ANY_PLANE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5FFF4CFC74D8FB80", "gta_jhash": "0x51BBCE7E" }, "0x9134873537FA419C": { "name": "IS_PED_IN_FLYING_VEHICLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9134873537FA419C", "gta_jhash": "0xCA072485" }, "0x256EDD55C6BE1482": { "name": "_0x256EDD55C6BE1482", 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"return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF29CF591C4BF6CEE", "gta_jhash": "0x4BD72FE8" }, "0x900CA00CE703E1E2": { "name": "_0x900CA00CE703E1E2", "comment": "Used in Script Function AGGRO_SHOULD_PED_HEAR_DEATH\n_GET_PED_*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0x33A8F7F7D5F7F33C": { "name": "SET_PED_HEARING_RANGE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x33A8F7F7D5F7F33C", "gta_jhash": "0xB32087E0" }, "0x2DB492222FB21E26": { "name": "SET_PED_VISUAL_FIELD_MIN_ANGLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2DB492222FB21E26", "gta_jhash": "0x72E2E18B" }, "0x70793BDCA1E854D4": { "name": "SET_PED_VISUAL_FIELD_MAX_ANGLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x70793BDCA1E854D4", "gta_jhash": "0x0CEA0F9A" }, "0x9C74B0BC831B753A": { "name": "SET_PED_VISUAL_FIELD_PERIPHERAL_RANGE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "range" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9C74B0BC831B753A", "gta_jhash": "0xFDF2F7C2" }, "0x3B6405E8AB34A907": { "name": "SET_PED_VISUAL_FIELD_CENTER_ANGLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "angle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3B6405E8AB34A907", "gta_jhash": "0xE57202A1" }, "0x9AB33CB5834885B3": { "name": "_0x9AB33CB5834885B3", "comment": "_SET_PED_M*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x899DFA0009AC93DE": { "name": "_0x899DFA0009AC93DE", "comment": "_SET_PED_O*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x3A5697B80FED5EBE": { "name": "_0x3A5697B80FED5EBE", "comment": "_SET_PED_MO*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x88CBB5CEB96B7BD2": { "name": "SET_PED_STEALTH_MOVEMENT", "comment": "Not implemented.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x88CBB5CEB96B7BD2", "gta_jhash": "0x67E28E1D" }, "0x7C2AC9CA66575FBF": { "name": "GET_PED_STEALTH_MOVEMENT", "comment": "Returns whether the entity is in stealth mode", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x7C2AC9CA66575FBF", "gta_jhash": "0x40321B83" }, "0x7DE9692C6F64CFE8": { "name": "_SET_PED_CROUCH_MOVEMENT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "state" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "immediately" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD5FE956C70FF370B": { "name": "GET_PED_CROUCH_MOVEMENT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xC48A9EB0D499B3E5": { "name": "GET_PED_IS_DOING_COMBAT_ROLL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x90370EBE0FEE1A3D": { "name": "CREATE_GROUP", "comment": "Creates a new ped group.\nGroups can contain up to 8 peds.\n\nThe parameter is unused.\n\nReturns a handle to the created group, or 0 if a group couldn't be created.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "taskAllocator" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x90370EBE0FEE1A3D", "gta_jhash": "0x8DC0368D" }, "0x2A7819605465FBCE": { "name": "SET_PED_AS_GROUP_LEADER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2A7819605465FBCE", "gta_jhash": "0x7265BEA2" }, "0x9F3480FE65DB31B5": { "name": "SET_PED_AS_GROUP_MEMBER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9F3480FE65DB31B5", "gta_jhash": "0x0EE13F92" }, "0x2E2F4240B3F24647": { "name": "SET_PED_CAN_TELEPORT_TO_GROUP_LEADER", "comment": "This only will teleport the ped to the group leader if the group leader teleports (sets coords).\n\nOnly works in singleplayer", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "pedHandle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2E2F4240B3F24647", "gta_jhash": "0xD0D8BDBC" }, "0x8EB2F69076AF7053": { "name": "REMOVE_GROUP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8EB2F69076AF7053", "gta_jhash": "0x48D72B88" }, "0xED74007FFB146BC2": { "name": "REMOVE_PED_FROM_GROUP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xED74007FFB146BC2", "gta_jhash": "0x82697713" }, "0x9BB01E3834671191": { "name": "IS_PED_GROUP_MEMBER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9BB01E3834671191", "gta_jhash": "0x876D5363" }, "0x878B68960C1C2A35": { "name": "_IS_PED_GROUP_LEADER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x1C86D8AEF8254B78": { "name": "IS_PED_HANGING_ON_TO_VEHICLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1C86D8AEF8254B78", "gta_jhash": "0x9678D4FF" }, "0x4102C7858CFEE4E4": { "name": "SET_GROUP_SEPARATION_RANGE", "comment": "Sets the range at which members will automatically leave the group.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "float", "name": "separationRange" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4102C7858CFEE4E4", "gta_jhash": "0x7B820CD5" }, "0x89E59DBD15E21177": { "name": "_0x89E59DBD15E21177", "comment": "_SET_C*", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD6A86331A537A7B9": { "name": "IS_PED_PRONE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD6A86331A537A7B9", "gta_jhash": "0x02C2A6C3" }, "0x7583A9D35248B83F": { "name": "_IS_PED_INVESTIGATING", "comment": "_IS_PED_IN*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x4859F1FC66A6278E": { "name": "IS_PED_IN_COMBAT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "target" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4859F1FC66A6278E", "gta_jhash": "0xFE027CB5" }, "0xEAD42DE3610D0721": { "name": "CAN_PED_IN_COMBAT_SEE_TARGET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "target" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xEAD42DE3610D0721", "gta_jhash": "0xCCD525E1" }, "0x4AE4FF911DFB61DA": { "name": "IS_PED_JACKING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4AE4FF911DFB61DA", "gta_jhash": "0x3B321816" }, "0x9A497FE2DF198913": { "name": "IS_PED_BEING_JACKED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9A497FE2DF198913", "gta_jhash": "0xD45D605C" }, "0x4FBACCE3B4138EE8": { "name": "IS_PED_BEING_STUNNED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponType" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4FBACCE3B4138EE8", "gta_jhash": "0x0A66CE30" }, "0x9B128DC36C1E04CF": { "name": "GET_PEDS_JACKER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Ped", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9B128DC36C1E04CF", "gta_jhash": "0xDE1DBB59" }, "0x5486A79D9FBD342D": { "name": "GET_JACK_TARGET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Ped", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5486A79D9FBD342D", "gta_jhash": "0x1D196361" }, "0xBBCCE00B381F8482": { "name": "IS_PED_FLEEING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xBBCCE00B381F8482", "gta_jhash": "0x85D813C6" }, "0x60DFD0691A170B88": { "name": "IS_PED_IN_COVER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x60DFD0691A170B88", "gta_jhash": "0x972C5A8B" }, "0x2DD4E0E26DFAD97D": { "name": "_0x2DD4E0E26DFAD97D", "comment": "_IS_PED_M* - _IS_PED_O*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped1" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x06FA94C835787C64": { "name": "_PED_WAS_KILLED_BY_HEADSHOT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xBD6B242B8BD5543A": { "name": "_PED_DUELING_DID_PLAYER_HEADSHOT_OPPONENT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x845333B3150583AB": { "name": "IS_PED_IN_COVER_FACING_LEFT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x845333B3150583AB", "gta_jhash": "0xB89DBB80" }, "0x9F65DBC537E59AD5": { "name": "IS_PED_GOING_INTO_COVER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9F65DBC537E59AD5", "gta_jhash": "0xA3589628" }, "0x77525BBF433F2CD6": { "name": "IS_PED_RESPONDING_TO_THREAT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xC22AA08A8ADB87D4": { "name": "_GET_ACTIVE_DYNAMIC_SCENARIO_2", "comment": "Returns kneeling, sitting, squating, and sleeping scenario hashes", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x569F1E1237508DEB": { "name": "_GET_ACTIVE_DYNAMIC_SCENARIO", "comment": "Returns kneeling, sitting, squating, and sleeping scenario hashes", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x3BBDD6143FF16F98": { "name": "_GIVE_PED_SCENARIO_PROP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Object", "name": "object" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "conditionalAnim" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x2B02DB082258625F": { "name": "GIVE_PED_HASH_SCENARIO_PROP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Object", "name": "object" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "conditionalAnim" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "scenarioType" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xA0774E388CE4A679": { "name": "_GIVE_PED_SCENARIO_PROP_DYNAMIC", "comment": "Only used in SP R* Script rcm_jack2", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Object", "name": "object" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xBEC65C6049B3219D": { "name": "_REQUEST_PROP_SCENARIO_PED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Object", "name": "object" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xBDED916A9F9B0604": { "name": "_REQUEST_PED_FOR_SCENARIO_TYPE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Object", "name": "object" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "scenarioType" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x4D0D2E3D8BC000EB": { "name": "_GET_PED_REGISTER_PROP", "comment": "Gets a registered/attached prop entity for a particular ped. Second parameter will detach the prop entity from the ped if true. Props primarily appear to come from scenarios, such as a broom or hay bale.\n\nKnown props: https://pastebin.com/ap2NEJqB", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "propName" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "detachProp" } ], "return_type": "Entity", "build": "1207" }, "0x6F4C85ACD641BCD2": { "name": "GET_SEAT_PED_IS_TRYING_TO_ENTER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6F4C85ACD641BCD2", "gta_jhash": "0xACF162E0" }, "0x93C8B64DEB84728C": { "name": "GET_PED_SOURCE_OF_DEATH", "comment": "Returns the entity that killed the ped\n\nIt is best to check if the Ped is dead before asking for its killer.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Entity", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x93C8B64DEB84728C", "gta_jhash": "0x84ADF9EB" }, "0x16FFE42AB2D2DC59": { "name": "GET_PED_CAUSE_OF_DEATH", "comment": "Returns the hash of the weapon/model/object that killed the ped.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x16FFE42AB2D2DC59", "gta_jhash": "0x63458C27" }, "0x1E98817B311AE98A": { "name": "GET_PED_TIME_OF_DEATH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1E98817B311AE98A", "gta_jhash": "0xDF6D5D54" }, "0x5407B7288D0478B7": { "name": "COUNT_PEDS_IN_COMBAT_WITH_TARGET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flag" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5407B7288D0478B7", "gta_jhash": "0xEF0B78E6" }, "0x7BE607DAFF382FD2": { "name": "_GET_PEDS_IN_COMBAT_WITH_TARGET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "ItemSet", "name": "itemset" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flag" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x336B3D200AB007CB": { "name": "COUNT_PEDS_IN_COMBAT_WITH_TARGET_WITHIN_RADIUS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "radius" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flag" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x336B3D200AB007CB", "gta_jhash": "0xFB18CB19" }, "0xCD66FEA29400A0B5": { "name": "GET_CURRENT_TARGET_FOR_PED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Entity", "build": "1207" }, "0xADB3F206518799E8": { "name": "SET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_DEFAULT_HASH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "hash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xADB3F206518799E8", "gta_jhash": "0x423B7BA2" }, "0x3CC4A718C258BDD0": { "name": "_GET_DEFAULT_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "modelHash" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0xC80A74AC829DDD92": { "name": "SET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "relationshipGroup" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC80A74AC829DDD92", "gta_jhash": "0x79F8C18C" }, "0xBF25EB89375A37AD": { "name": "SET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "relationship" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "group1" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "group2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xBF25EB89375A37AD", "gta_jhash": "0xD4A215BA" }, "0x5E29243FB56FC6D4": { "name": "CLEAR_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "relationship" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "group1" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "group2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5E29243FB56FC6D4", "gta_jhash": "0x994B8C2D" }, "0xF372BC22FCB88606": { "name": "ADD_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP", "comment": "The hash of the created relationship group is output in the second parameter.", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "name" }, { "type": "Hash*", "name": "groupHash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF372BC22FCB88606", "gta_jhash": "0x8B635546" }, "0xB6BA2444AB393DA2": { "name": "REMOVE_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "groupHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB6BA2444AB393DA2", "gta_jhash": "0x4A1DC59A" }, "0xEBA5AD3A0EAF7121": { "name": "GET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_PEDS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped1" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped2" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xEBA5AD3A0EAF7121", "gta_jhash": "0xE254C39C" }, "0x42FDD0F017B1E38E": { "name": "GET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_DEFAULT_HASH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x42FDD0F017B1E38E", "gta_jhash": "0x714BD6E4" }, "0x7DBDD04862D95F04": { "name": "GET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x7DBDD04862D95F04", "gta_jhash": "0x354F283C" }, "0x9E6B70061662AE5C": { "name": "GET_RELATIONSHIP_BETWEEN_GROUPS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "group1" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "group2" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9E6B70061662AE5C", "gta_jhash": "0x4E372FE2" }, "0xDC91F22F09BC6C2F": { "name": "_0xDC91F22F09BC6C2F", "comment": "Used in Script Function MP_MAIN_OFFLINE__INITIALIZE_GAME\n_SET_RELATIONSHIP_*", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "group" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9629FAF6460D35CB": { "name": "_0x9629FAF6460D35CB", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "group" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x4E68C7EF706DF35D": { "name": "_0x4E68C7EF706DF35D", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "relationshipGroup" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x3ACCE14DFA6BA8C2": { "name": "_0x3ACCE14DFA6BA8C2", "comment": "Used in R* Script net_fetch (NET_FETCH_UPDATE_RECIPIENT_PROP_ILO_IN_COMBAT) and various SP Scripts\nParams: p1 = 4/5/6, p5 = 40.f/100.f, coords = Player ped\nPerhaps returns some distance (Clearing that the local player is able to use ILO while in combat because they are near the recipient but also near hated peds)\n_GET_NUM_M* - _GET_PEDS_J*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "ItemSet", "name": "itemset" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x112942C6E708F70B": { "name": "SET_PED_TO_INFORM_RESPECTED_FRIENDS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "radius" }, { "type": "int", "name": "maxFriends" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x112942C6E708F70B", "gta_jhash": "0xD78AC46C" }, "0x40C9155AF8BC13F3": { "name": "_0x40C9155AF8BC13F3", "comment": "_IS_PED_RE*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xF4860514AD354226": { "name": "_0xF4860514AD354226", "comment": "Only used in SP Scripts\nReturns count / index\n_C*", "params": [ { "type": "ScrHandle", "name": "shockingEvent" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x625B774D75C87068": { "name": "IS_PED_RESPONDING_TO_EVENT", "comment": "eventType: https://alloc8or.re/rdr3/doc/enums/eEventType.txt", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "eventType" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x625B774D75C87068", "gta_jhash": "0x7A877554" }, "0x5E9FAF6C513347B4": { "name": "_0x5E9FAF6C513347B4", "comment": "Only used in R* SP Scripts\n_GET_PED_IN*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "eventType" } ], "return_type": "Entity", "build": "1207" }, "0x326F7951EF0D7F75": { "name": "_0x326F7951EF0D7F75", "comment": "Only used in R* SP Script short_update\n_GET_TARGET_* - _GET_TRACKED*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "eventType" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xE76687023D8C8505": { "name": "_0xE76687023D8C8505", "comment": "Used for AUDIO / ANIMSCENE (REFERENCE_REGIONAL_CHARACTER)\nParams: p1 = 0\n_GET_PED_IN*", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "perscharModel" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Entity", "build": "1207" }, "0xCB8F4C9343EBE240": { "name": "_0xCB8F4C9343EBE240", "comment": "Only used in R* SP Scripts\n_GET_PLAYER_W* - _GET_RANDOM_*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "eventType" }, { "type": "Vector3*", "name": "coords" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x9AC577F5A12AD8A9": { "name": "SET_PED_FIRING_PATTERN", "comment": "Used in various R* MP & SP Scripts", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "patternHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9AC577F5A12AD8A9", "gta_jhash": "0xB4629D66" }, "0x20E54854DEF6A54A": { "name": "_SET_PED_FIRING_PATTERN_2", "comment": "Used in R* MP Script fm_mission_controller and various R* SP Scripts for ambush*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "patternHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x244E8C282188E40F": { "name": "_SET_PED_FIRING_PATTERN_3", "comment": "Only used in R* MP Script fm_mission_controller", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "patternHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x614DA022990752DC": { "name": "SET_PED_SHOOT_RATE", "comment": "Params: shootRate = 0 - 1000", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "shootRate" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x614DA022990752DC", "gta_jhash": "0xFB301746" }, "0x3C529A827998F9B3": { "name": "_0x3C529A827998F9B3", "comment": "_SET_PED_TA* - _SET_PED_TO_*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x1F44B7E283C09EDE": { "name": "_0x1F44B7E283C09EDE", "comment": "Only used in SP R* Scripts\nParams: p2 = same as p2 of 0x3C529A827998F9B3\n_SET_PED_TA* - _SET_PED_TO_*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFF41B4B141ED981C": { "name": "SET_COMBAT_FLOAT", "comment": "combatType can be between 0-14. See GET_COMBAT_FLOAT below for a list of possible parameters.\nhttps://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/tree/master/AI/COMBAT_FLOATS", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "combatType" }, { "type": "float", "name": "newValue" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xFF41B4B141ED981C", "gta_jhash": "0xD8B7637C" }, "0x52DFF8A10508090A": { "name": "GET_COMBAT_FLOAT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "combatType" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x52DFF8A10508090A", "gta_jhash": "0x511D7EF8" }, "0x8DE69FE35CA09A45": { "name": "GET_GROUP_SIZE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "BOOL*", "name": "hasLeader" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "numberOfFollowers" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8DE69FE35CA09A45", "gta_jhash": "0xF7E1A691" }, "0x7C6B0C22F9F40BBE": { "name": "DOES_GROUP_EXIST", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x7C6B0C22F9F40BBE", "gta_jhash": "0x935C978D" }, "0x0455546F23FF08E4": { "name": "_0x0455546F23FF08E4", "comment": "_DOES_GROUP_* - _DOES_N*", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x909AD9E9A92A10DF": { "name": "IS_GROUP_LOCALLY_CONTROLLED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xF162E133B4E7A675": { "name": "GET_PED_GROUP_INDEX", "comment": "Returns the groupId of which the specified ped is a member of.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF162E133B4E7A675", "gta_jhash": "0x134E0785" }, "0x5891CAC5D4ACFF74": { "name": "IS_PED_IN_GROUP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5891CAC5D4ACFF74", "gta_jhash": "0x836D9795" }, "0x917760CFE7A0E0F1": { "name": "_IS_PED_LEADING_ANY_GROUP", "comment": "_IS_PED_L* - _IS_PED_M*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x6A3975DEA89F9A17": { "name": "GET_PLAYER_PED_IS_FOLLOWING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Player", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6A3975DEA89F9A17", "gta_jhash": "0xDE7442EE" }, "0xCE2F5FC3AF7E8C1E": { "name": "SET_GROUP_FORMATION", "comment": "eFormationType\n\n0: Default\n1: Circle Around Leader\n2: Alternative Circle Around Leader\n3: Line, with Leader at center", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "int", "name": "formationType" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xCE2F5FC3AF7E8C1E", "gta_jhash": "0x08FAC739" }, "0x13A1B061007C906B": { "name": "_GET_GROUP_FORMATION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x1D9D45004C28C916": { "name": "SET_GROUP_FORMATION_SPACING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1D9D45004C28C916", "gta_jhash": "0xB1E086FF" }, "0x63DAB4CCB3273205": { "name": "RESET_GROUP_FORMATION_DEFAULT_SPACING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x63DAB4CCB3273205", "gta_jhash": "0x267FCEAD" }, "0xB05CC690CDE8A4A9": { "name": "_0xB05CC690CDE8A4A9", "comment": "Used to set up bad guy groups in nb_kidnapped R* Script (MP_RE_KIDNAPPED): p1 = 4.f\n_SET_FORMATION_*", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x4E23CD07BD161E06": { "name": "ADD_CUSTOM_FORMATION_LOCATION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "int", "name": "position" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xB05945C1E9E60D91": { "name": "ADD_FORMATION_LOCATION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x7CC7D3B7AF7FB71F": { "name": "SET_FORMATION_POSITIONS_TARGET_RADIUS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "float", "name": "radius" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x478F6B9920446CE2": { "name": "_SET_FORMATION_AUTO_ASSIGN_POSITION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x0E9E95FDEDCC9D35": { "name": "_SET_PED_FORMATION_POSITION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "position" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x8AF8E647D6B2A649": { "name": "_0x8AF8E647D6B2A649", "comment": "Returns offset (0 < 32) to be used with MISC::SET_BIT\n_GET_PED_CR*", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x87C2724A56F66020": { "name": "_0x87C2724A56F66020", "comment": "_CLEAR_PED_E* - _CLEAR_PED_L*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD5BD1B5318A81994": { "name": "_0xD5BD1B5318A81994", "comment": "_SET_FORMATION_*", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9BBEAF8B0C007F1E": { "name": "_0x9BBEAF8B0C007F1E", "comment": "_SET_PLAYER_CAN_B* - _SET_PLAYER_CAN_U*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC99F104BDF8C7F5A": { "name": "_0xC99F104BDF8C7F5A", "comment": "_SET_PLAYER_N* - _SET_PLAYER_S*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x02E741E19E39628C": { "name": "_0x02E741E19E39628C", "comment": "_SET_PLAYER_SN* - _SET_PLAYER_STAMINA*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x97C475212B327666": { "name": "_0x97C475212B327666", "comment": "_SET_SCENARIO_PED_* - _SET_SPAWNER_*", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x154B7E841AC7412F": { "name": "_0x154B7E841AC7412F", "comment": "_SET_SCENARIO_PED_* - _SET_SPAWNER_*", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x8AFCCC0F18D70018": { "name": "_0x8AFCCC0F18D70018", "comment": "_SET_FORMATION_*", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE1103300F3456DE7": { "name": "_0xE1103300F3456DE7", "comment": "_SET_FORMATION_P*", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA8A95CECB1906EA2": { "name": "_0xA8A95CECB1906EA2", "comment": "_SET_ENABLE_B* - _SET_ENABLE_H*", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xDDFAD4DEAA7FA362": { "name": "_0xDDFAD4DEAA7FA362", "comment": "_SET_FORMATION_P*", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x966DE09688A1DE39": { "name": "_0x966DE09688A1DE39", "comment": "_SET_FORMATION_P*", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7E5185B979706210": { "name": "_0x7E5185B979706210", "comment": "_SET_FORMATION_P*", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x40C3524D4ED83554": { "name": "_0x40C3524D4ED83554", "comment": "_SET_SCENARIO_PED_* - _SET_SPAWNER_*", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x86FAFC18E3D4380C": { "name": "_0x86FAFC18E3D4380C", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x07EA5B053FA60AC7": { "name": "_0x07EA5B053FA60AC7", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "groupId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF9CBD46433E36713": { "name": "_0xF9CBD46433E36713", "comment": "Used in Script Function PLAYER_HEAD_TRACKING_MAINTAIN", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "targetEntity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p9" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6094AD011A2EA87D": { "name": "GET_VEHICLE_PED_IS_USING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Vehicle", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6094AD011A2EA87D", "gta_jhash": "0x6DE3AADA" }, "0xF92691AED837A5FC": { "name": "GET_VEHICLE_PED_IS_ENTERING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Vehicle", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF92691AED837A5FC", "gta_jhash": "0x56E0C163" }, "0xE4770DA1B8FF4FD1": { "name": "_GET_VEHICLE_DRAFT_HORSE_IS_ATTACHED_TO", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "horse" } ], "return_type": "Vehicle", "build": "1207" }, "0x5064DB5083C29921": { "name": "_GET_LAST_VEHICLE_DRAFT_HORSE_WAS_ATTACHED_TO", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "horse" } ], "return_type": "Vehicle", "build": "1207" }, "0x4E76CB57222A00E5": { "name": "GET_SEAT_PED_IS_USING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x849BD6C6314793D0": { "name": "_GET_TRANSPORT_PED_IS_SEATED_ON", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Entity", "build": "1207" }, "0x1D46B417F926D34D": { "name": "IS_PED_ENTERING_ANY_TRANSPORT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x9FF447B6B6AD960A": { "name": "SET_PED_GRAVITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9FF447B6B6AD960A", "gta_jhash": "0x3CA16652" }, "0x96595B36D6A2279B": { "name": "_0x96595B36D6A2279B", "comment": "Only used in R* Script mob4 combined with SET_ANIMAL_TUNING_BOOL_PARAM\n_SET_PED_S* - _SET_PED_TARGET_*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "animal" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7FB0088E8769CDDB": { "name": "_SET_PED_IMMERSION_FLAG", "comment": "Only used in R* Script beat_sharp_shooter\nBlocks ped from swimming underwater", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA90684ED185CCB4B": { "name": "_0xA90684ED185CCB4B", "comment": "Only used in R* Script mob4 and rcm_mason4\n_SET_PED_DEFENSIVE_* - _SET_PED_DESIRED_*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "animal" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x8B3CB08158E98481": { "name": "_FAKE_SET_PED_LOCO_INJURED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "enabled" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x1CE875505D45338A": { "name": "_FORCE_PED_DEATH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "pedKiller" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weapon" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x697157CED63F18D4": { "name": "APPLY_DAMAGE_TO_PED", "comment": "damages a ped with the given amount", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "damageAmount" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "damageArmour" }, { "type": "int", "name": "boneId" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "pedKiller" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x697157CED63F18D4", "gta_jhash": "0x4DC27FCF" }, "0xBAD2A311667A50D7": { "name": "_0xBAD2A311667A50D7", "comment": "_SET_PED_D*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFF059E1E4C01E63C": { "name": "GET_PED_TYPE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xFF059E1E4C01E63C", "gta_jhash": "0xB1460D43" }, "0xBB03C38DD3FB7FFD": { "name": "SET_PED_AS_COP", "comment": "Turns the desired ped into a cop. If you use this on the player ped, you will become almost invisible to cops dispatched for you. You will also report your own crimes, get a generic cop voice, get a cop-vision-cone on the radar, and you will be unable to shoot at other cops. Toggling ped as \"false\" has no effect; you must change p0's ped model to disable the effect.\ntoggle = bSetRelGroup", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xBB03C38DD3FB7FFD", "gta_jhash": "0x84E7DE9F" }, "0x405180B14DA5A935": { "name": "_0x405180B14DA5A935", "comment": "_SET_PED_A*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x24C82EF607105FAA": { "name": "_SET_PED_INTERACTION_PERSONALITY", "comment": "personality (script_mp_rel): NONE, AGGRESSIVE, TIMID (non-aggressive), CRIPPS, SCRIPTEDINTIMIDATION, MAGGIE, MARCEL, SCRIPTEDSALOON\npersonality (script_rel): AVOID, SCRIPTEDOUTLAW, TIMIDGUARDDOG, SCRIPTEDTIMIDROB, AGGRESSIVECAMPER, LAZYDOG, KIERANTIEDUP, SCRIPTEDGALA", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "personality" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD7AD3C7EBAF88C92": { "name": "_GET_PED_INTERACTION_PERSONALITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0xB8B6430EAD2D2437": { "name": "_SET_PED_PERSONALITY", "comment": "Hashes: STANDARD_PED_AGRO_GUARD, BOUNTY_HUNTER, PLAYER_HORSE, LAW_POLICE, GUARD_DOG, ATTACK_DOG\nPersonalities can also be found in common:/data/ai/interactionpersonalities", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "personality" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x329772C47DBB2FBC": { "name": "_0x329772C47DBB2FBC", "comment": "_SET_PED_P* - _SET_PED_R*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x331550B212014B92": { "name": "_GET_IS_PED_IN_DISPUTE_WITH_PED", "comment": "Returns true if ped is in a dispute another ped (pedInDisputeWith can also be 0)", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "pedInDisputeWith" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x94132D7C8D3575C4": { "name": "_0x94132D7C8D3575C4", "comment": "_GET_IS_PED_*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x8AF46E5159A5B620": { "name": "_0x8AF46E5159A5B620", "comment": "_SET_PED_IN*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "speechParams" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x45FEA6D5539BD474": { "name": "_0x45FEA6D5539BD474", "comment": "_SET_PED_IN*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x20C5459379D75C1C": { "name": "_SET_PED_INTERACTION_POSITIVE_RESPONSE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "speech" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE37ACEE15AC50C7E": { "name": "_0xE37ACEE15AC50C7E", "comment": "_SET_PED_IN*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA3C53CDE922BC78B": { "name": "_SET_PED_INTERACTION_NEGATIVE_RESPONSE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "speech" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x41C23A8E6B344867": { "name": "_0x41C23A8E6B344867", "comment": "_SET_PED_IN*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9337183FDA2E9035": { "name": "GET_IS_PED_RESPONDING_TO_POSITIVE_INTERACTION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xA454D234E45BB6E5": { "name": "GET_IS_PED_RESPONDING_TO_NEGATIVE_INTERACTION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xA7DC9266ED6A4E51": { "name": "_0xA7DC9266ED6A4E51", "comment": "_CLEAR_PED_B* - _CLEAR_PED_C*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x89816B58C3466262": { "name": "_0x89816B58C3466262", "comment": "_GET_PED_B* - _GET_PED_C*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x97B06669AC569003": { "name": "_0x97B06669AC569003", "comment": "_CLEAR*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped1" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x85F500F4E24CA43E": { "name": "_0x85F500F4E24CA43E", "comment": "Used in Script Function SKCS_PLAYER_ROBBING\n_SET_PED_A*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9B9B9FA0EA283E3D": { "name": "_0x9B9B9FA0EA283E3D", "comment": "Used in Script Function SKCS_PLAYER_ROBBING\n_SET_PED_SHOULD_PLAY_* - _SET_PED_SW*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xEC60D1D225BC50AA": { "name": "_0xEC60D1D225BC50AA", "comment": "_SET_C*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x12F2D161BF4031FC": { "name": "_0x12F2D161BF4031FC", "comment": "_SET_A* - _SET_B*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x0ADA3EC589E1736E": { "name": "_0x0ADA3EC589E1736E", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE33F98BD76490ABC": { "name": "_GET_IS_PED_BEING_ROBBED", "comment": "If p2 is false, then this native will return true until the interaction is complete. If true, the native will return true until player pockets robbery item.\n_GET_IS_PED_[M-R]*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "trueUntilPlayerPocketsItem" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xD55DB4466D00A258": { "name": "_0xD55DB4466D00A258", "comment": "Used in Script Function LA_CHECK_ALERTED\n_GET_IS_PED_*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "legendaryAnimal" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xF5F6378C4F3419D3": { "name": "SET_PED_MAX_HEALTH", "comment": "Sets the maximum health of a ped.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF5F6378C4F3419D3", "gta_jhash": "0x5533F60B" }, "0x4700A416E8324EF3": { "name": "GET_PED_MAX_HEALTH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4700A416E8324EF3", "gta_jhash": "0xA45B6C8D" }, "0xF6B82FCE03B43A37": { "name": "_SET_PED_HEALTH_CONFIG", "comment": "configHash: see pedhealth.meta", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "configHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7DD7FB3480D8083E": { "name": "INIT_PED_DEFAULT_HEALTH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x43C851690662113D": { "name": "SET_PED_MAX_TIME_IN_WATER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x43C851690662113D", "gta_jhash": "0xFE0A106B" }, "0x6BA428C528D9E522": { "name": "SET_PED_MAX_TIME_UNDERWATER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6BA428C528D9E522", "gta_jhash": "0x082EF240" }, "0xAF041C10756C30FB": { "name": "_0xAF041C10756C30FB", "comment": "_CLEAR_PED_D*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x5AF24CA9C974E51A": { "name": "_0x5AF24CA9C974E51A", "comment": "_SET_C*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped1" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7A6535691B477C48": { "name": "SET_PED_CAN_BE_KNOCKED_OFF_VEHICLE", "comment": "state:\nenum eKnockOffVehicle\n{\n\tKNOCKOFFVEHICLE_DEFAULT,\n\tKNOCKOFFVEHICLE_NEVER,\n\tKNOCKOFFVEHICLE_EASY,\n\tKNOCKOFFVEHICLE_HARD\n};", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "state" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x7A6535691B477C48", "gta_jhash": "0x8A251612" }, "0x51AC07A44D4F5B8A": { "name": "CAN_KNOCK_PED_OFF_VEHICLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": 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"1207", "gta_hash": "0x971D38760FBC02EF", "gta_jhash": "0xA7EC79CE" }, "0x9DE327631295B4C2": { "name": "IS_PED_SWIMMING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9DE327631295B4C2", "gta_jhash": "0x7AB43DB8" }, "0xC024869A53992F34": { "name": "IS_PED_SWIMMING_UNDER_WATER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC024869A53992F34", "gta_jhash": "0x0E8D524F" }, "0xDC88D06719070C39": { "name": "_0xDC88D06719070C39", "comment": "_IS_PED_IN_* (near water?)\nReturns true if ped is swimming in water", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x102E68B2024D536D": { "name": "SET_CREATE_RANDOM_COPS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x102E68B2024D536D", "gta_jhash": "0x23441648" }, "0x6F972C1AB75A1ED0": { "name": "IS_PED_IN_ANY_TRAIN", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6F972C1AB75A1ED0", "gta_jhash": "0x759EF63A" }, "0xBB062B2B5722478E": { "name": "IS_PED_GETTING_INTO_A_VEHICLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xBB062B2B5722478E", "gta_jhash": "0x90E805AC" }, "0x550CB89DD7F4FA3D": { "name": "_0x550CB89DD7F4FA3D", "comment": "_HAS_PED_*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped1" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xDF1AF8B5D56542FA": { "name": "SET_ENABLE_HANDCUFFS", "comment": "Ped can not pull out a weapon when true", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xDF1AF8B5D56542FA", "gta_jhash": "0xAC9BBA23" }, "0xC52E0F855C58FC2E": { "name": "SET_ENABLE_BOUND_ANKLES", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC52E0F855C58FC2E", "gta_jhash": "0x9208D689" }, "0x8822F139408B8D0A": { "name": "_0x8822F139408B8D0A", "comment": "If returned true, SET_ENABLE_BOUND_ANKLES is called in R* Script guama2\n_GET_D* - _GET_E*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x8822F124788B8D0A": { "name": "_0x8822F124788B8D0A", "comment": "Only used in R* Script train_robbery4\n_SET_PED_D*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x97B0DB5B4AA74E77": { "name": "RESET_PED_WEAPON_MOVEMENT_CLIPSET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x97B0DB5B4AA74E77", "gta_jhash": "0xC60C9ACD" }, "0x3AE3552E7C207CC5": { "name": 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}, { "type": "const char*", "name": "gesture" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xDDF803377F94AAA8", "gta_jhash": "0x170DA109" }, "0x923583741DC87BCE": { "name": "_SET_PED_DESIRED_LOCO_FOR_MODEL", "comment": "Seems to set the ped's loco type.\nValues used in the scripts:\nalgie\nangry_female\narthur_healthy\ncowboy\ncowboy_f\ndefault\ndefault_female\nfree_slave_01\nfree_slave_02\ngold_panner\nguard_lantern\ninjured_general\njohn_marston\nlilly_millet\nlone_prisoner\nlost_man\nmp_ova_hunter\nmp_ova_hunter_female\nmurfree\nold_female\nprimate\nrally\nwaiter\nwar_veteran", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "locomotionArchetype" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x4FD80C3DD84B817B": { "name": "_CLEAR_PED_DESIRED_LOCO_FOR_MODEL", "comment": "Clears locomotion archetype", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x89F5E7ADECCCB49C": { "name": "_SET_PED_DESIRED_LOCO_MOTION_TYPE", "comment": "Sets peds motion type", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "locoMotionType" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x58F7DB5BD8FA2288": { "name": "_CLEAR_PED_DESIRED_LOCO_MOTION_TYPE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2371C39D4F91C288": { "name": "_0x2371C39D4F91C288", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xEAA8242C8479C27D": { "name": "_REQUEST_PED_GETUP_ANIMATION", "comment": "Known get up animation types: REAR, FRONT", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "getUpType" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF6E1E9F47A7686F8": { "name": "PED_COWER_IN_PLACE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x1E4C940233FC0C6F": { "name": "PED_COWER_MOVE_TO_POINT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x16F798A05BB9E3B5": { "name": "_0x16F798A05BB9E3B5", "comment": "_PED_COWER_M*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xAAB050DA48B57978": { "name": "_PED_EMOTIONAL_PRESET_LOCO_MOTION", "comment": "target: 0 affects everyone\nduration: -1 indefinite\nflag: always 4 in R* Scripts", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "presetName" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "targetPed" }, { "type": "int", "name": "duration" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flag" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x935CF6E42BAF7F4D": { "name": "_PED_CLEAR_LOCO_MOTION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x32CCAD8A981B53D3": { "name": "_0x32CCAD8A981B53D3", "comment": "_STOP_(?)*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x406CCF555B04FAD3": { "name": "_SET_PED_DRUNKNESS", "comment": "SOBER = 0.0f, SLIGHTLY_DRUNK = 0.25f, MODERATELY_DRUNK = 0.5f, VERY_DRUNK = 1.0f", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "enabled" }, { "type": "float", "name": "drunknessLevel" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x50F124E6EF188B22": { "name": "_IS_PED_DRUNK", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x6FB76442469ABD68": { "name": "_GET_PED_DRUNKNESS", "comment": "Returns ped drunk level\n_H* or _I*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0xBE22B26DD764C040": { "name": "GET_ANIM_INITIAL_OFFSET_POSITION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "animDict" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "animName" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "xRot" }, { "type": "float", "name": "yRot" }, { "type": "float", "name": "zRot" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p9" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xBE22B26DD764C040", "gta_jhash": "0xC59D4268" }, "0x4B805E6046EE9E47": { "name": "GET_ANIM_INITIAL_OFFSET_ROTATION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "animDict" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "animName" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "xRot" }, { "type": "float", "name": "yRot" }, { "type": "float", "name": "zRot" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p9" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4B805E6046EE9E47", "gta_jhash": "0x5F7789E6" }, "0xC8A9481A01E63C28": { "name": "SET_PED_RANDOM_COMPONENT_VARIATION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC8A9481A01E63C28", "gta_jhash": "0x4111BA46" }, "0x6FD7816A36615F48": { "name": "KNOCK_OFF_PED_PROP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6FD7816A36615F48", "gta_jhash": "0x08D8B180" }, "0x9F8AA94D6D97DBF4": { "name": "SET_BLOCKING_OF_NON_TEMPORARY_EVENTS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9F8AA94D6D97DBF4", "gta_jhash": "0xDFE34E4A" }, "0x268B3AEBF032A88D": { "name": "_GET_BLOCKING_OF_NON_TEMPORARY_EVENTS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xC17A94CC8FC3C61A": { "name": "_0xC17A94CC8FC3C61A", "comment": "_SET_PED_P* - _SET_PED_R*", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "boneId" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x25ACFC650B65C538": { "name": "_SET_PED_SCALE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "scale" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x134775B093AD5C38": { "name": "_0x134775B093AD5C38", "comment": "_GET_PED_M*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0x1D491CCF7211FB74": { "name": "_GET_PED_HEIGHT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0xA65AA1ACE81E5A77": { "name": "_GET_PED_MODEL_SIZE_FROM_HASH", "comment": "PS_SMALL = 0,\nPS_MEDIUM,\nPS_MEDIUM_LARGE,\nPS_LARGE,\nPS_EXTRA_LARGE", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "modelHash" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1311" }, "0x2F25D9AEFA34FBA2": { "name": "REGISTER_TARGET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "targetPed" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2F25D9AEFA34FBA2", "gta_jhash": "0x50A95442" }, "0xD8736EFDA38EDC5C": { "name": "_REGISTER_HATED_TARGETS_IN_AREA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "radius" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9222F300BF8354FE": { "name": "REGISTER_HATED_TARGETS_AROUND_PED", "comment": "Based on TASK_COMBAT_HATED_TARGETS_AROUND_PED, the parameters are likely similar (PedHandle, and area to attack in).", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "radius" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9222F300BF8354FE", "gta_jhash": "0x7F87559E" }, "0x6E5CBCB3941D7D08": { "name": "_IS_TARGET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "targetPed" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x4707E9C23D8CA3FE": { "name": "_REMOVE_TARGET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "targetPed" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC33AB876A77F8164": { "name": "GET_CLOSEST_PED", "comment": "Gets the closest ped in a radius.", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "radius" }, { 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Search for DraggedByCart or 0xD00820D7 (Used in R* SP Script marston8)", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "timeMin" }, { "type": "int", "name": "timeMax" }, { "type": "int", "name": "ragdollType" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "abortIfInjured" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "abortIfDead" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "nmTaskMessageParameterName" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xAE99FB955581844A", "gta_jhash": "0x83CB5052" }, "0xD76632D99E4966C8": { "name": "SET_PED_TO_RAGDOLL_WITH_FALL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "timeMin" }, { "type": "int", "name": "timeMax" }, { "type": "int", "name": "ragdollType" }, { "type": "float", "name": "falldirX" }, { "type": "float", "name": "falldirY" }, { "type": "float", "name": "falldirZ" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p9" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p10" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p11" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p12" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p13" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD76632D99E4966C8", "gta_jhash": "0xFA12E286" }, "0xF0A4F1BBF4FA7497": { "name": "SET_PED_RAGDOLL_ON_COLLISION", "comment": "Causes Ped to ragdoll on collision with any object (e.g Running into trashcan). If applied to player you will sometimes trip on the sidewalk.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF0A4F1BBF4FA7497", "gta_jhash": "0x2654A0F4" }, "0x221F4D9912B7FE86": { "name": "_SET_PED_TO_DISABLE_RAGDOLL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x47E4E977581C5B55": { "name": "IS_PED_RAGDOLL", "comment": "If the ped handle passed through the parenthesis is in a ragdoll state this will return true.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x47E4E977581C5B55", "gta_jhash": "0xC833BBE1" }, "0xE3B6097CC25AA69E": { "name": "IS_PED_RUNNING_RAGDOLL_TASK", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE3B6097CC25AA69E", "gta_jhash": "0x44A153F2" }, "0x01F6594B923B9251": { "name": "SET_PED_RAGDOLL_FORCE_FALL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x01F6594B923B9251", "gta_jhash": "0x20A5BDE0" }, "0x8CB2553C559102C1": { "name": "_0x8CB2553C559102C1", "comment": "_SET_PED_T* - SET_PED_U*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFD3C31A2E45671E7": { "name": "_0xFD3C31A2E45671E7", "comment": "_DISABLE_A* - _DISABLE_C*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9FA4664CF62E47E8": { "name": "RESET_PED_RAGDOLL_TIMER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9FA4664CF62E47E8", "gta_jhash": "0xF2865370" }, "0xB128377056A54E2A": { "name": "SET_PED_CAN_RAGDOLL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB128377056A54E2A", "gta_jhash": "0xCF1384C4" }, "0x3AEC4A410ECAF30D": { "name": "_0x3AEC4A410ECAF30D", "comment": "_IS_PED_R*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x2AFE52F782F25775": { "name": "IS_PED_RUNNING_MOBILE_PHONE_TASK", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2AFE52F782F25775", "gta_jhash": "0xFB2AFED1" }, "0x26695EC767728D84": { "name": "SET_RAGDOLL_BLOCKING_FLAGS", "comment": "https://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/tree/master/AI/RAGDOLL_BLOCKING_FLAGS\n\nflags:\nenum eRagdollBlockingFlags\n{\n\tRBF_BULLET_IMPACT = (1 << 0),\n\tRBF_VEHICLE_IMPACT = (1 << 1),\n\tRBF_FIRE = (1 << 2),\n\tRBF_ELECTROCUTION = (1 << 3),\n\tRBF_PLAYER_IMPACT = (1 << 4),\n\tRBF_EXPLOSION = (1 << 5),\n\tRBF_IMPACT_OBJECT = (1 << 6),\n\tRBF_MELEE = (1 << 7),\n\tRBF_RUBBER_BULLET = (1 << 8),\n\tRBF_FALLING = (1 << 9),\n\tRBF_WATER_JET = (1 << 10),\n\tRBF_DROWNING = (1 << 11),\n\tRBF_0x9F52E2C4 = (1 << 12),\n\tRBF_PLAYER_BUMP = (1 << 13),\n\tRBF_PLAYER_RAGDOLL_BUMP = (1 << 14),\n\tRBF_PED_RAGDOLL_BUMP = (1 << 15),\n\tRBF_VEHICLE_GRAB = (1 << 16),\n\tRBF_SMOKE_GRENADE = (1 << 17),\n\tRBF_HORSE_BUMP = (1 << 18),\n\tRBF_ACTIVATE_ON_COLLISION = (1 << 19)\n};", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flags" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x26695EC767728D84", "gta_jhash": "0x9C8F830D" }, "0xD86D101FCFD00A4B": { "name": "CLEAR_RAGDOLL_BLOCKING_FLAGS", "comment": "flags: see SET_RAGDOLL_BLOCKING_FLAGS", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flags" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD86D101FCFD00A4B", "gta_jhash": "0x77CBA290" }, "0x9F933E0985E12C51": { "name": "_0x9F933E0985E12C51", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x88B2026A3B0BE33D": { "name": "_0x88B2026A3B0BE33D", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFC3DB99C8144CD81": { "name": "SET_PED_DEFENSIVE_AREA_VOLUME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Volume", "name": "volume" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9D3151A373974804": { "name": "SET_PED_SPHERE_DEFENSIVE_AREA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "radius" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p7" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9D3151A373974804", "gta_jhash": "0xBD96D8E8" }, "0x1854217C640B39EC": { "name": "_SET_PED_DEFENSIVE_SPHERE_ATTACHED_TO_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "radius" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p7" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xEB2BFE5D009F0331": { "name": "_SET_PED_DEFENSIVE_AREA_TO_ANGLED_AREA", "comment": "_SET_PED_(A?)*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p9" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p11" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1232" }, "0x413C6C763A4AFFAD": { "name": "SET_PED_DEFENSIVE_AREA_DIRECTION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x413C6C763A4AFFAD", "gta_jhash": "0xB66B0C9A" }, "0x74D4E028107450A9": { "name": "REMOVE_PED_DEFENSIVE_AREA", "comment": "Ped will no longer get angry when you stay near him.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x74D4E028107450A9", "gta_jhash": "0x34AAAFA5" }, "0x3C06B8786DD94CD1": { "name": "GET_PED_DEFENSIVE_AREA_POSITION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3C06B8786DD94CD1", "gta_jhash": "0xCB65198D" }, "0xBA63D9FE45412247": { "name": "IS_PED_DEFENSIVE_AREA_ACTIVE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xBA63D9FE45412247", "gta_jhash": "0x6D88BCD3" }, "0xEF2E6F870783369B": { "name": "_GET_PED_DEFENSIVE_VOLUME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Volume", "build": "1207" }, "0x4EC4EA2F72B36358": { "name": "_0x4EC4EA2F72B36358", "comment": "_SET_PED_A*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xCF0B19806473D324": { "name": "_0xCF0B19806473D324", "comment": "_SET_PED_COMBAT_*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xB4B7C92FCE7347B7": { "name": "_0xB4B7C92FCE7347B7", "comment": "_RESET_PED_C*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x8D8ACD8388CD99CE": { "name": "REVIVE_INJURED_PED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8D8ACD8388CD99CE", "gta_jhash": "0x14D3E6E3" }, "0x71BC8E838B9C6035": { "name": "RESURRECT_PED", "comment": "This function will simply bring the dead ped back to life.\n\nBefore calling this function, you may want to declare the position, where your Resurrected ped to be spawn at because theres a chance the ped will fall through the map\n\nAlso, disabling any assigned task immediately helped in the number of scenarios, where If you want peds to perform certain decided tasks.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x71BC8E838B9C6035", "gta_jhash": "0xA4B82097" }, "0x98EFA132A4117BE1": { "name": "SET_PED_NAME_DEBUG", "comment": "nullsub, doesn't do anything", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "name" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x98EFA132A4117BE1", "gta_jhash": "0x20D6273E" }, "0xF9ACF4A08098EA25": { "name": "SPECIAL_FUNCTION_DO_NOT_USE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF9ACF4A08098EA25", "gta_jhash": "0x141CC936" }, "0x7020839C7302D8AC": { "name": "_0x7020839C7302D8AC", "comment": "_HAS_*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xE1AADD0055D76603": { "name": "_0xE1AADD0055D76603", "comment": "_C*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "boneIndex1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "boneIndex2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p9" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p10" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x5A1A929C8B729B4A": { "name": "_0x5A1A929C8B729B4A", "comment": "_C*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x97A38B65EBDA3D50": { "name": "_0x97A38B65EBDA3D50", "comment": "_SET_PED_D*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x06A10B4D7F50B0C3": { "name": "_0x06A10B4D7F50B0C3", "comment": "_GET_PED_D*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x88A5564B19C15391": { "name": "_0x88A5564B19C15391", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x354CA4DDDEEC397A": { "name": "_0x354CA4DDDEEC397A", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xFEA6126C34DF2532": { "name": "_0xFEA6126C34DF2532", "comment": "METAPED_PLAYER_COMPONENTS_SET_META_TYPE_TO_BE_BYPASSED: Setting visibility\n_SET_M* - _SET_P*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA967D6A8ED2D713B": { "name": "_0xA967D6A8ED2D713B", "comment": "_SET_PED_P* - _SET_PED_R*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xEF0D582CBF2D9B0F": { "name": "APPLY_PED_BLOOD_SPECIFIC", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "p8" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xEF0D582CBF2D9B0F", "gta_jhash": "0xFC13CE80" }, "0x58D32261AE0F0843": { "name": "_0x58D32261AE0F0843", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "boneId" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p8" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x735662994E60A710": { "name": "_0x735662994E60A710", "comment": "_SET_PED_F*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x91BAB9E064F036CD": { "name": "_0x91BAB9E064F036CD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x897934E868EDDD6C": { "name": "_0x897934E868EDDD6C", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFFD54D9FE71B966A": { "name": "_SET_PED_ACTIVATE_WOUND_EFFECT", "comment": "bloodFountainPressure: visible effect from 0.0 till 20.0\nyaw: visible effect from -3.0 till 3.0\nbloodFountainDirection: 1.0 left side, -1.0 right side\nbloodFountainPulse: from 0.1 (low) till 1.0 (fast)\nmake blood fountain from your stomach: _SET_PED_ACTIVATE_WOUND_EFFECT(ped, unk, 2, 14411, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0, -1.0, 1.0)", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "boneId" }, { "type": "float", "name": "moveWoundLeftRight" }, { "type": "float", "name": "bloodFountainPressure" }, { "type": "float", "name": "yaw" }, { "type": "float", "name": "bloodFountainDirection" }, { "type": "float", "name": "bloodFountainPulse" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p9" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x66B1CB778D911F49": { "name": "_UPDATE_PED_WOUND_EFFECT", "comment": "Params: 0.0f to remove wound effects", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x46DF918788CB093F": { "name": "APPLY_PED_DAMAGE_PACK", "comment": "https://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/blob/master/peds_customization/ped_decals.lua", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "damagePack" }, { "type": "float", "name": "damage" }, { "type": "float", "name": "mult" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x46DF918788CB093F", "gta_jhash": "0x208D0CB8" }, "0x8FE22675A5A45817": { "name": "CLEAR_PED_BLOOD_DAMAGE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8FE22675A5A45817", "gta_jhash": "0xF7ADC960" }, "0x56E3B78C5408D9F4": { "name": "CLEAR_PED_BLOOD_DAMAGE_BY_ZONE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x56E3B78C5408D9F4", "gta_jhash": "0xF210BE69" }, "0x523C79AEEFCC4A2A": { "name": "CLEAR_PED_DAMAGE_DECAL_BY_ZONE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x523C79AEEFCC4A2A", "gta_jhash": "0x70AA5B7D" }, "0x7F5D88333EE8A86F": { "name": "_CLEAR_PED_BLOOD_DAMAGE_FACIAL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x34C11114887150FD": { "name": "_0x34C11114887150FD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD8544F6260F5F01E": { "name": "_0xD8544F6260F5F01E", "comment": "METAPED_PLAYER_COMPONENTS_SET_META_TYPE_TO_BE_BYPASSED: Setting visibility\np1 is mostly 10\n_CLEAR_PED_N* - _CLEAR_PED_W*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1232" }, "0xEB8886E1065654CD": { "name": "_0xEB8886E1065654CD", "comment": "Washing player's face/hands now\n_FA* - _FI*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7043D0681285BA2D": { "name": "FADE_AND_DESTROY_PED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped*", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x8D9BFCE3352DE47F": { "name": "_IS_PED_QUEUED_FOR_DELETION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x9C720776DAA43E7E": { "name": "CLEAR_PED_WETNESS", "comment": "It clears the wetness of the selected Ped/Player. Clothes have to be wet to notice the difference.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9C720776DAA43E7E", "gta_jhash": "0x629F15BD" }, "0x44CB6447D2571AA0": { "name": "SET_PED_WETNESS_HEIGHT", "comment": "It adds the wetness level to the player clothing/outfit. As if player just got out from water surface.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "height" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x44CB6447D2571AA0", "gta_jhash": "0x7B33289A" }, "0xF9CFF5BB70E8A2CB": { "name": "_0xF9CFF5BB70E8A2CB", "comment": "_SET_PED_WETNESS*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xB5485E4907B53019": { "name": "SET_PED_WETNESS_ENABLED_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "combined with PED::SET_PED_WETNESS_HEIGHT(), this native makes the ped drenched in water up to the height specified in the other function", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB5485E4907B53019", "gta_jhash": "0xBDE749F7" }, "0xA7A806677F8DE138": { "name": "_0xA7A806677F8DE138", "comment": "Washing player's face/hands now\n_CLEAR_PED_E* - _CLEAR_PED_L*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA064BBABB064446F": { "name": "_0xA064BBABB064446F", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6585D955A68452A5": { "name": "CLEAR_PED_ENV_DIRT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6585D955A68452A5", "gta_jhash": "0xA993915F" }, "0x27B0405F59637D1F": { "name": "SET_PED_SWEAT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "sweat" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x27B0405F59637D1F", "gta_jhash": "0x76A1DB9F" }, "0x0E5173C163976E38": { "name": "CLEAR_PED_DECORATIONS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0E5173C163976E38", "gta_jhash": "0xD4496BF3" }, "0x11B499C1E0FF8559": { "name": "WAS_PED_SKELETON_UPDATED", "comment": "Despite this function's name, it simply returns whether the specified handle is a Ped.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x11B499C1E0FF8559", "gta_jhash": "0xF7E2FBAD" }, "0x17C07FC640E86B4E": { "name": "GET_PED_BONE_COORDS", "comment": "Gets the position of the specified bone of the specified ped.\n\nped: The ped to get the position of a bone from.\nboneId: The ID of the bone to get the position from. This is NOT the index.\noffsetX: The X-component of the offset to add to the position relative to the bone's rotation.\noffsetY: The Y-component of the offset to add to the position relative to the bone's rotation.\noffsetZ: The Z-component of the offset to add to the position relative to the bone's rotation.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "boneId" }, { "type": "float", "name": "offsetX" }, { "type": "float", "name": "offsetY" }, { "type": "float", "name": "offsetZ" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x17C07FC640E86B4E", "gta_jhash": "0x4579CAB1" }, "0x1B5C85C612E5256E": { "name": "ADD_SCENARIO_BLOCKING_AREA", "comment": "blockingFlags: https://github.com/Halen84/RDR3-Native-Flags-And-Enums/tree/main/eScenarioBlockingFlags", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "int", "name": "blockingFlags" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1B5C85C612E5256E", "gta_jhash": "0xA38C0234" }, "0xD37401D78A929A49": { "name": "REMOVE_SCENARIO_BLOCKING_AREAS", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD37401D78A929A49", "gta_jhash": "0x4DDF845F" }, "0x31D16B74C6E29D66": { "name": "REMOVE_SCENARIO_BLOCKING_AREA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x31D16B74C6E29D66", "gta_jhash": "0x4483EF06" }, "0x4C39C95AE5DB1329": { "name": "_ADD_SCENARIO_BLOCKING_VOLUME", "comment": "flag: see ADD_SCENARIO_BLOCKING_AREA", "params": [ { "type": "Volume", "name": "volume" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flag" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x6F46F8ACB44C4FC1": { "name": "_0x6F46F8ACB44C4FC1", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x91A5F9CBEBB9D936": { "name": "_IS_SCENARIO_BLOCKING_AREA_VALID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x34D6AC1157C8226C": { "name": "IS_PED_USING_SCENARIO_HASH", "comment": "Equivalent to IS_PED_USING_SCENARIO from V but takes a hash instead of a string.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "scenarioHash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x57AB4A3080F85143": { "name": "IS_PED_USING_ANY_SCENARIO", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x57AB4A3080F85143", "gta_jhash": "0x195EF5B7" }, "0x9C54041BB66BCF9E": { "name": "IS_PED_USING_THIS_SCENARIO", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "scenario" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xAB643407D0B26F07": { "name": "_CAN_PED_USE_SCENARIO_POINT", "comment": "p2 is always 0, p3 is always 0, p4 is always 1", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "scenario" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x1148F706CF4EBDDA": { "name": "_0x1148F706CF4EBDDA", "comment": "_CAN_PED_SEE* - _CAN_PED_USE_(SCENARIO_HASH?)*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xFE07FF6495D52E2A": { "name": "SET_PED_PANIC_EXIT_SCENARIO", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xFE07FF6495D52E2A", "gta_jhash": "0x59DE73AC" }, "0x9A77DFD295E29B09": { "name": "TOGGLE_SCENARIO_PED_COWER_IN_PLACE", "comment": "If toggle is true, when the ped is using a scenario he will stop it and become scared\nIf toggle is false, the ped will not be scared anymore and continue his scenario\n\nOld name: _SET_PED_SCARED_WHEN_USING_SCENARIO", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9A77DFD295E29B09", "gta_jhash": "0xC08FE5F6" }, "0xD8CEEED54C672B5D": { "name": "_0xD8CEEED54C672B5D", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xEC6935EBE0847B90": { "name": "SET_PED_SHOULD_PLAY_DIRECTED_NORMAL_SCENARIO_EXIT", "comment": "Old name: _SET_PED_SHOULD_PLAY_DIRECTED_SCENARIO_EXIT", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xEC6935EBE0847B90", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0xA3A9299C4F2ADB98": { "name": "SET_PED_SHOULD_PLAY_NORMAL_SCENARIO_EXIT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA3A9299C4F2ADB98", "gta_jhash": "0x033F43FA" }, "0xF1C03A5352243A30": { "name": "SET_PED_SHOULD_PLAY_IMMEDIATE_SCENARIO_EXIT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF1C03A5352243A30", "gta_jhash": "0x4C684C81" }, "0xEEED8FAFEC331A70": { "name": "SET_PED_SHOULD_PLAY_FLEE_SCENARIO_EXIT", "comment": "lookIntensity:\n0 - REACT_LOOK_NONE\n1 - REACT_LOOK_LOW\n2 - REACT_LOOK_MEDIUM\n3 - REACT_LOOK_HIGH", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "int", "name": "lookIntensity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xEEED8FAFEC331A70", "gta_jhash": "0x7B4C3E6F" }, "0x802092B07E3B1EEA": { "name": "SET_PED_SHOULD_PLAY_COMBAT_SCENARIO_EXIT", "comment": "lookIntensity: see SET_PED_SHOULD_PLAY_FLEE_SCENARIO_EXIT", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "int", "name": "lookIntensity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x62FDAD5E01D2DD47": { "name": "SET_PED_SHOULD_PLAY_EMOTIONAL_SCENARIO_EXIT", "comment": "lookIntensity: see SET_PED_SHOULD_PLAY_FLEE_SCENARIO_EXIT", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "int", "name": "lookIntensity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x463803429297117C": { "name": "SET_PED_SHOULD_PLAY_QUICK_SCENARIO_EXIT", "comment": "lookIntensity: see SET_PED_SHOULD_PLAY_FLEE_SCENARIO_EXIT", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "int", "name": "lookIntensity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xF9331B3A314EB49D": { "name": "_0xF9331B3A314EB49D", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xE735A7DA22E88359": { "name": "_0xE735A7DA22E88359", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x82CB0F3F0C7785E5": { "name": "_0x82CB0F3F0C7785E5", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xCA95C156C14B2054": { "name": "_0xCA95C156C14B2054", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFFC24B988B938B38": { "name": "SET_FACIAL_IDLE_ANIM_OVERRIDE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "animName" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "animDict" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xFFC24B988B938B38", "gta_jhash": "0x9BA19C13" }, "0x726256CC1EEB182F": { "name": "CLEAR_FACIAL_IDLE_ANIM_OVERRIDE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x726256CC1EEB182F", "gta_jhash": "0x5244F4E2" }, "0x8B3B71C80A29A4BB": { "name": "_REQUEST_PED_FACIAL_MOOD_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "mood: https://github.com/Halen84/RDR3-Native-Flags-And-Enums/tree/main/fwFacialAnimRequest__Mood\nParams: p2 = 6 in R* Scripts", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "mood" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD2F0FE8805D91647": { "name": "_0xD2F0FE8805D91647", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xBAF20C5432058024": { "name": "SET_PED_CAN_PLAY_GESTURE_ANIMS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xBAF20C5432058024", "gta_jhash": "0xE131E3B3" }, "0x7EDB3C766B0D073F": { "name": "_0x7EDB3C766B0D073F", "comment": "Only used in R* Script net_moonshine_property\n_A* - _B*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1232" }, "0x6373D1349925A70E": { "name": "SET_PED_CAN_PLAY_AMBIENT_ANIMS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6373D1349925A70E", "gta_jhash": "0xF8053081" }, "0x0EB0585D15254740": { "name": "SET_PED_CAN_PLAY_AMBIENT_BASE_ANIMS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0EB0585D15254740", "gta_jhash": "0x5720A5DD" }, "0x4F63433CE3C08230": { "name": "_0x4F63433CE3C08230", "comment": "Only used in R* Script shop_harriet\n_SET_PED_F*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1311" }, "0x6C3B4D6D13B4C841": { "name": "SET_PED_CAN_ARM_IK", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6C3B4D6D13B4C841", "gta_jhash": "0x343B4DE0" }, "0xEE9DF765990E8D1D": { "name": "_SET_PED_CAN_UNK_BODYPART_IK", "comment": "_SET_PED_CAN_(?)_IK*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC11C18092C5530DC": { "name": "SET_PED_CAN_HEAD_IK", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC11C18092C5530DC", "gta_jhash": "0xD3B04476" }, "0x73518ECE2485412B": { "name": "SET_PED_CAN_LEG_IK", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x73518ECE2485412B", "gta_jhash": "0x9955BC6F" }, "0xF2B7106D37947CE0": { "name": "SET_PED_CAN_TORSO_IK", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF2B7106D37947CE0", "gta_jhash": "0x8E5D4EAB" }, "0xF5846EDB26A98A24": { "name": "SET_PED_CAN_TORSO_REACT_IK", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF5846EDB26A98A24", "gta_jhash": "0x7B0040A8" }, "0x6647C5F6F5792496": { "name": "SET_PED_CAN_TORSO_VEHICLE_IK", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6647C5F6F5792496", "gta_jhash": "0x0FDA62DE" }, "0xEC4686EC06434678": { "name": "SET_PED_CAN_USE_AUTO_CONVERSATION_LOOKAT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xEC4686EC06434678", "gta_jhash": "0x584C5178" }, "0x5CD3CB88A7F8850D": { "name": "IS_PED_HEADTRACKING_PED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped1" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5CD3CB88A7F8850D", "gta_jhash": "0x2A5DF721" }, "0x813A0A7C9D2E831F": { "name": "IS_PED_HEADTRACKING_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": 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"return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x78C4E9961DB3EB5B", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0x1D4636C90BBEFACB": { "name": "_0x1D4636C90BBEFACB", "comment": "_SET_PED_CA* - _SET_PED_CO*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xEF371232BC6053E1": { "name": "_0xEF371232BC6053E1", "comment": "_ADD_*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x86F0B6730C32AC14": { "name": "_0x86F0B6730C32AC14", "comment": "_SET_PED_*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x8101BA1C0B462412": { "name": "_0x8101BA1C0B462412", "comment": "_ATTACH_*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "ropeId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x1913FE4CBF41C463": { "name": "SET_PED_CONFIG_FLAG", "comment": "flagId: 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"GET_PED_CONFIG_FLAG", "comment": "flagId: see SET_PED_CONFIG_FLAG", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flagId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x7EE53118C892B513", "gta_jhash": "0xABE98267" }, "0xAF9E59B1B1FBF2A0": { "name": "GET_PED_RESET_FLAG", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flagId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xAF9E59B1B1FBF2A0", "gta_jhash": "0x2FC10D11" }, "0xC6981AFF6D2A71C2": { "name": "_0xC6981AFF6D2A71C2", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE0FE107AB174D64A": { "name": "_0xE0FE107AB174D64A", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x0BDDB8D9EC6BCF3C": { "name": "SET_PED_GROUP_MEMBER_PASSENGER_INDEX", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "index" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0BDDB8D9EC6BCF3C", "gta_jhash": "0x2AB3670B" }, "0x414641C26E105898": { "name": "IS_PED_EVASIVE_DIVING", "comment": "Presumably returns the Entity that the Ped is currently diving out of the way of.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Entity*", "name": "evadingEntity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x414641C26E105898", "gta_jhash": "0xD82829DC" }, "0x4C57F27D1554E6B0": { "name": "_SHOOT_TRIGGER_AT_COORDS", "comment": "Triggers a gunshot\nParams: p5 = -1 in R* Scripts", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p7" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x772A1969F649E902": { "name": "_IS_THIS_MODEL_A_HORSE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "model" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xE163A4BCE4DE6F11": { "name": "SET_PED_MODEL_IS_SUPPRESSED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "model" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE163A4BCE4DE6F11", "gta_jhash": "0x7820CA43" }, "0xAA9F048DCF69B6DC": { "name": "_IS_PED_MODEL_SUPPRESSED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "model" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x7ABBD9E449E0DB00": { "name": "_0x7ABBD9E449E0DB00", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xADD31A5C7A5FAA73": { "name": "_SET_PED_DISABLE_KICK_MOVE", "comment": "Disables being able to kick move ped.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "disable" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xDF993EE5E90ABA25": { "name": "SET_PED_CAN_RAGDOLL_FROM_PLAYER_IMPACT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xDF993EE5E90ABA25", "gta_jhash": "0xE9BD733A" }, "0xE6CB36F43A95D75F": { "name": "_0xE6CB36F43A95D75F", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC396F5B86FF9FEBD": { "name": "SET_PED_LEG_IK_MODE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "mode" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC396F5B86FF9FEBD", "gta_jhash": "0xFDDB042E" }, "0x078076AB50FB117F": { "name": "_IS_PED_IN_POINT", "comment": "If returned true: There are enemy peds near friendly turn in ped. Going to aggro.\nIf returned false: Moving back to idle as there aren't any remaining enemy peds near ped\n_IS_PED_IN_*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "radius" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xFD6943B6DF77E449": { "name": "_SET_PED_CAN_BE_LASSOED", "comment": "SET_PED_CAN_*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x4D9CA1009AFBD057": { "name": "SET_PED_COMBAT_MOVEMENT", "comment": "0 - Stationary (Will just stand in place)\n1 - Defensive (Will try to find cover and very likely to blind fire)\n2 - Offensive (Will attempt to charge at enemy but take cover as well)\n3 - Suicidal Offensive (Will try to flank enemy in a suicidal attack)", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "combatMovement" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4D9CA1009AFBD057", "gta_jhash": "0x12E62F9E" }, "0xDEA92412FCAEB3F5": { "name": "GET_PED_COMBAT_MOVEMENT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xDEA92412FCAEB3F5", "gta_jhash": "0xF3E7730E" }, "0x815C0074A1BC0D93": { "name": "_0x815C0074A1BC0D93", "comment": "_SET_PED_COMBAT_R - _SET_PED_C*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFFDE295662405B25": { "name": "_0xFFDE295662405B25", "comment": "_GET_PED_COMBAT_M* - _GET_PED_C*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xC7622C0D36B2FDA8": { "name": "SET_PED_COMBAT_ABILITY", "comment": "abilityLevel:\nenum eCombatAbilityLevel\n{\n\tCAL_POOR,\n\tCAL_AVERAGE,\n\tCAL_PROFESSIONAL\n};", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", 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"void", "build": "1207" }, "0x8B1E8E35A6E814EA": { "name": "_SET_PED_COMBAT_STYLE_MOD", "comment": "duration in seconds, -1.0 = forever", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "combatStyleModHash" }, { "type": "float", "name": "duration" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x1FA132CBCD7CB239": { "name": "_CLEAR_PED_COMBAT_STYLE_MOD", "comment": "_CLEAR_PED_COMBAT_*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "combatStyleModHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x5BF0B9D9A8E227A0": { "name": "_0x5BF0B9D9A8E227A0", "comment": "_IS_PED_B* - _IS_PED_C*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x642720D8D69328B6": { "name": "_0x642720D8D69328B6", "comment": "_SET_PED_M*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xDCCA191DF9980FD7": { "name": 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will decrease", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "motivationState" }, { "type": "float", "name": "modifier" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFD8E853F0BC2E942": { "name": "_0xFD8E853F0BC2E942", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x01B21B81865E2A1F": { "name": "_SET_PED_SCENT", "comment": "0.0 - 1.0\nModifies the \"scent line\" on the ped's body when using Eagle Eye.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "scent" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x05CE6AF4DF071D23": { "name": "_SET_PED_LADDER_MOVEMENT_SPEED_MODIFIER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x801917E7D7BCE418": { "name": "_RESET_PED_LADDER_MOVEMENT_SPEED_MODIFIER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC6C4E15CF7D52FEA": { "name": "_0xC6C4E15CF7D52FEA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD05AD61F242C626B": { "name": "_SET_PED_VOICE_VOLUME", "comment": "_SET_PED_S* - _SET_PED_T*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "volume" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x0F967019CC853BCC": { "name": "_0x0F967019CC853BCC", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x226CF9B159E38F42": { "name": "_IS_PED_DRAGGING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xEF3A8772F085B4AA": { "name": "IS_PED_BEING_DRAGGED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x070A3841406C43D5": { "name": "_0x070A3841406C43D5", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE9B168527B337BF0": { "name": "_ADD_PED_STAY_OUT_VOLUME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Volume", "name": "volume" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x0CAB404CD2DB41F5": { "name": "_REMOVE_PED_STAY_OUT_VOLUME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Volume", "name": "volume" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x9E66708B2B41F14A": { "name": "_0x9E66708B2B41F14A", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF634E2892220EF34": { "name": "_0xF634E2892220EF34", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xAAC0EE3B4999ABB5": { "name": "_0xAAC0EE3B4999ABB5", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "targetPed" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x243E1B4607040057": { "name": "GET_PED_MOTION_FOCUS_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Entity", "build": "1207" }, "0x5653AB26C82938CF": { "name": "_SET_CHAR_EXPRESSION", "comment": "Sets MetaPedExpression at index specified. Morphs components, such as changing body size or facial features.\n\nNote: You have to update the ped's variation (using 0xCC8CA3E88256E58F) after calling this native\n\nindex = MetaPedExpression IDs\nList of face features: https://pastebin.com/9jb88FXW\nFull list of MetaPedExpressions: https://pastebin.com/Ld76cAn7\nvalue: -1.0 to 1.0 (values beyond this likely won't sync to other clients)\n\nThis native also allows you to change a horse's gender.\n\nOld name: _SET_PED_FACE_FEATURE", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "index" }, { "type": "float", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFD1BA1EEF7985BB8": { "name": "_GET_CHAR_EXPRESSION", "comment": "Gets MetaPedExpression at index specified\n\nFor index, see: _SET_CHAR_EXPRESSION\n\nOld name: _GET_PED_FACE_FEATURE", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "index" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0x5BB04BC74A474B47": { "name": "_0x5BB04BC74A474B47", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9078FB0557364099": { "name": "_0x9078FB0557364099", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x3E592D0486DEC0F6": { "name": "IS_PED_FALLING_OVER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x29FCE825613FEFCA": { "name": "_HAS_PED_BEEN_SHOVED_RECENTLY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "ms" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x65C75FDCCAC86464": { "name": "_GET_PED_TRANQUILIZER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Ped", "build": "1355" }, "0x0D497AA69059FE40": { "name": "_0x0D497AA69059FE40", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD7D2F45C56A4F4DF": { "name": "_0xD7D2F45C56A4F4DF", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x8AC1D721B2097B6E": { "name": "_SET_PED_CULL_RANGE", "comment": "The higher the multiplier the less the engine renders culls (https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/OcclusionCulling.html)", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x1D23D3F70606D788": { "name": "_0x1D23D3F70606D788", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xEC9A1261BF0CE510": { "name": "_GET_META_PED_TYPE", "comment": "enum eMetaPedType\n{\n\tMPT_MALE,\n\tMPT_FEMALE,\n\tMPT_TEEN,\n\tMPT_ANIMAL,\n\tMPT_NONE\n};", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xFB4891BD7578CDC1": { "name": "_IS_META_PED_USING_COMPONENT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "component" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xBD0E4F52F6D95242": { "name": "_0xBD0E4F52F6D95242", "comment": "_IS_PED_M* - _IS_PED_O*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x137772000DAF42C5": { "name": "_IS_PED_CHILD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xFFA1594703ED27CA": { "name": "_0xFFA1594703ED27CA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xBC6DF00D7A4A6819": { "name": "_SET_META_PED_TAG", "comment": "Use to apply metaped player components\nReplaces asset, alternatively you can remove assets using REMOVE_TAG_FROM_META_PED", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "drawable" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "albedo" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "normal" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "material" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "palette" }, { "type": "int", "name": "tint0" }, { "type": "int", "name": "tint1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "tint2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD710A5007C2AC539": { "name": "REMOVE_TAG_FROM_META_PED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "component" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA2B8E47442C76CEC": { "name": "_0xA2B8E47442C76CEC", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA622E66EEE92A08D": { "name": "_GET_NUM_COMPONENT_CATEGORIES_IN_PED", "comment": "Works similar to 0x90403E8107B60E81 (_GET_NUM_COMPONENTS_IN_PED) but is used to get category hashes instead", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xCCB97B51893C662F": { "name": "_GET_PED_COMPONENT_CATEGORY_BY_INDEX", "comment": "Returns category hash that each ped component has. Hash examples: MASKS, HATS, HEADS, HORSE_MANES", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "index" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x90403E8107B60E81": { "name": "_GET_NUM_COMPONENTS_IN_PED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x9B90842304C938A7": { "name": "_0x9B90842304C938A7", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xCC8CA3E88256E58F": { "name": "_UPDATE_PED_VARIATION", "comment": "Update variation on ped, needed after first creation, or when component or texture/overlay is changed", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xCB1A3864C524F784": { "name": "_0xCB1A3864C524F784", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFA0D206B489A6846": { "name": "_0xFA0D206B489A6846", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA4AC05B1A364EBC5": { "name": "_0xA4AC05B1A364EBC5", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x1298B3D8E4C2409F": { "name": "_0x1298B3D8E4C2409F", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA274F51EF7E34B95": { "name": "_0xA274F51EF7E34B95", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xC2EF407645BEECDC": { "name": "_0xC2EF407645BEECDC", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x1902C4CFCC5BE57C": { "name": "_EQUIP_META_PED_OUTFIT", "comment": "Note: you have to update your ped's variation after calling (using 0xCC8CA3E88256E58F)\n\nBody Types:\nMPCREATOR_NEUTRAL\nMPCREATOR_SKINNY\nMPCREATOR_SKINNY_MUSCULAR\nMPCREATOR_HEAVY\nMPCREATOR_HEAVY_MUSCULAR\n\neBodyWeightOutfit (pedattributes.ymt):\n-2045421226 (smallest)\n-1745814259\n-325933489\n-1065791927\n-844699484\n-1273449080\n927185840\n149872391\n399015098\n-644349862\n1745919061 (default)\n1004225511\n1278600348\n502499352\n-2093198664\n-1837436619\n1736416063\n2040610690\n-1173634986\n-867801909\n1960266524 (biggest)\n\nhttps://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/blob/master/peds_customization/ped_outfits.lua\n\nAlt name: _EQUIP_META_PED_OUTFIT_COMPONENT", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "hash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFA742B82D093D848": { "name": "_0xFA742B82D093D848", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x30569F348D126A5A": { "name": "_GET_PED_META_OUTFIT_HASH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0xA2F8B3B5FEDFC100": { "name": "_0xA2F8B3B5FEDFC100", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x66FF395445A88A6E": { "name": "_EQUIP_META_PED_SUBOUTFIT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "suboutfit" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC0E880B7A441164D": { "name": "_DOES_META_PED_OUTFIT_EXIST_FOR_PED_MODEL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "outfit" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "model" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x4FF3C2B4E6A196C1": { "name": "_DOES_META_PED_SUBOUTFIT_EXIST_FOR_PED_MODEL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "outfit" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "suboutfit" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "model" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x62FDF4E678E40CC6": { "name": "_0x62FDF4E678E40CC6", "comment": "Returns p1 value for 0x8E84119A23C16623", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x0BFA1BD465CDFEFD": { "name": "_RESET_PED_COMPONENTS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x370A973252741AC4": { "name": "_0x370A973252741AC4", "comment": "_RESET_PED_*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x283978A15512B2FE": { "name": "_SET_RANDOM_OUTFIT_VARIATION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x10C70A515BC03707": { "name": "GET_NUM_META_PED_OUTFITS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x77FF8D35EEC6BBC4": { "name": "_EQUIP_META_PED_OUTFIT_PRESET", "comment": "Sets the outfit preset for the ped. The presetId is an index which determines its preset outfit. p2 is always false in the scripts.\nIf p2 is true as player, then certain components like facial hair and hair will not be removed.\nOld name: _SET_PED_OUTFIT_PRESET", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "presetId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA5BAE410B03E7371": { "name": "_EQUIP_META_PED_OUTFIT_EXTRA", "comment": "Changes Multiplayer ped face and body type components, they can be stacked\nParams: p3 = 1\nBody shape for mp_male from 124 - 128, 110 - 115 for mp_female\nFace shape for mp_male from 110 - 123, 96 - 109 for mp_female\nCloth type for mp_male from 0 - 109, 0 - 95 for mp_female", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "component" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x98082246107A6ACF": { "name": "_IS_META_PED_OUTFIT_EQUIPPED", "comment": "Used in script function HORSE_IS_META_PED_OUTFIT_SADDLE_EQUIPPED", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "outfit" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x851966E1E35AF491": { "name": "_0x851966E1E35AF491", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x4EFC1F8FF1AD94DE": { "name": "_SET_TEXTURE_OUTFIT_TINTS", "comment": "Used in script function METAPED_CLOTHING__XML__APPLY_OUTFIT_TINTS_TO_PED", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "componentCategory" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "palette" }, { "type": "int", "name": "tint0" }, { "type": "int", "name": "tint1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "tint2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF97C34C33487D569": { "name": "_REQUEST_META_PED", "comment": "Returns requestId\nParams: p1 = 1 in R* Scripts (Used in SP only)", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "model" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xC0940AC858C1E126": { "name": "_HAS_META_PED_REQUEST_LOADED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "requestId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x43E4DA469541A9C9": { "name": "_IS_META_PED_REQUEST_VALID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "requestId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x0BCD4091C8EABA42": { "name": "_CREATE_META_PED", "comment": "Only used in SP scripts, for example odriscolls1: BOOLS: true, true, true, false, false", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "requestId" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "heading" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p9" } ], "return_type": "Ped", "build": "1207" }, "0x3972F78A78B5D9DF": { "name": "_RELEASE_META_PED_REQUEST", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "requestId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x13154A76CE0CF9AB": { "name": "_REQUEST_META_PED_OUTFIT", "comment": "https://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/blob/master/clothes/metaped_outfits.lua\nReturns requestId, to be used with 0x74F512E29CB717E2", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "model" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "outfit" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x27E8A84C12B0B7D1": { "name": "_0x27E8A84C12B0B7D1", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x273915CE30780986": { "name": "_0x273915CE30780986", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x4592B8B9B0EF5F48": { "name": "_RELEASE_META_PED_OUTFIT_REQUEST", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "requestId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x3FCBB5FCFD968698": { "name": "_0x3FCBB5FCFD968698", "comment": "Used for script function PROCESS_PLAYER_HAT_EVENT\nReturns requestId to be used with 0x13E7320C762F0477", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "drawable" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "albedo" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "normal" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "material" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x91FE941F9FCFB702": { "name": "_REQUEST_META_PED_ASSET_BUNDLE", "comment": "Returns requestId\nParams: p1 = 1 in R* Scripts", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "asset" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xF6D9E1F3560CBF8E": { "name": "_REQUEST_META_PED_COMPONENT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "metaPedType" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x13E7320C762F0477": { "name": "_RELEASE_META_PED_ASSET_REQUEST", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "requestId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xB0B2C6D170B0E8E5": { "name": "_HAS_META_PED_ASSET_LOADED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "requestId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x93FFD92F05EC32FD": { "name": "_IS_META_PED_ASSET_VALID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "requestId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x9641A9A20310F6B8": { "name": "_CREATE_META_PED_ASSET", "comment": "Creates prop from metaped asset bundle\nhttps://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/blob/master/objects/metaped_asset_bundles_list.lua\nCreates a pickup-able metaped component. asset doesn't seems to be related to component hashes. Hash example : 0xD20354AB (https ://i.imgur.com/dzHkcDb.png)", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "asset" }, { "type": "float", "name": "posX" }, { "type": "float", "name": "posY" }, { "type": "float", "name": "posZ" }, { "type": "float", "name": "rotX" }, { "type": "float", "name": "rotY" }, { "type": "float", "name": "rotZ" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p9" } ], "return_type": "Entity", "build": "1207" }, "0x610438375E5D1801": { "name": "_HAS_META_PED_OUTFIT_LOADED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "requestId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xB25E57FC8E37114D": { "name": "_IS_META_PED_OUTFIT_REQUEST_VALID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "requestId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xEAF682A14F8E5F53": { "name": "_CREATE_META_PED_OUTFIT_PED", "comment": "Creates metaped from ped outfit requestId. See _REQUEST_METAPED_OUTFIT", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "requestId" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "heading" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p8" } ], "return_type": "Ped", "build": "1207" }, "0x74F512E29CB717E2": { "name": "_APPLY_PED_META_PED_OUTFIT", "comment": "https://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/blob/master/clothes/metaped_outfits.lua", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "requestId" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x314C5465195F3B30": { "name": "_SET_META_PED_WEARINESS", "comment": "Sets ped eye redness, weariness: 0.f to 1.f", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "weariness" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF47D54B986F0A346": { "name": "_0xF47D54B986F0A346", "comment": "Used in Script Function MOONSHINE_BAND_CLIENT_PATRON_UPDATE", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "danceIntensity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1232" }, "0x3EFED081B4834BA1": { "name": "_0x3EFED081B4834BA1", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1232" }, "0x0FB1BA7FF73B41E1": { "name": "_0x0FB1BA7FF73B41E1", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xB292203008EBBAAC": { "name": "_0xB292203008EBBAAC", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xD4D403EA031F351C": { "name": "_0xD4D403EA031F351C", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x0CEEB6F4780B1F2F": { "name": "_GET_PELT_FROM_HORSE", "comment": "Returns peltId", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "horse" }, { "type": "int", "name": "index" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xA73F50E8796150D5": { "name": "_SET_PELT_FOR_HORSE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "horse" }, { "type": "int", "name": "peltId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC412AA1C73111FE0": { "name": "_0xC412AA1C73111FE0", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x627F7F3A0C4C51FF": { "name": "_CLEAR_PELT_FROM_HORSE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "horse" }, { "type": "int", "name": "peltId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x13A210949FCBD92B": { "name": "_SET_PED_LIGHTS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD049FDAF089FDDB0": { "name": "_0xD049FDAF089FDDB0", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xDD9540E7B1C9714F": { "name": "_0xDD9540E7B1C9714F", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "r" }, { "type": "float", "name": "g" }, { "type": "float", "name": "b" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x55546004A244302A": { "name": "_0x55546004A244302A", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xDE1B1907A83A1550": { "name": "_SET_HEALTH_RECHARGE_MULTIPLIER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "multiplier" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x95B8E397B8F4360F": { "name": "_GET_HEALTH_RECHARGE_MULTIPLIER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0xEF5A3D2285D8924B": { "name": "_SET_STAMINA_DEPLETION_MULTIPLIER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "multiplier" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x825F6DD559A0895B": { "name": "_GET_STAMINA_DEPLETION_MULTIPLIER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0x345C9F993A8AB4A4": { "name": "_SET_STAMINA_RECHARGE_MULTIPLIER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "multiplier" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE7687EB2F634ABF0": { "name": "_GET_STAMINA_RECHARGE_MULTIPLIER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0xC3D4B754C0E86B9E": { "name": "_CHANGE_PED_STAMINA", "comment": "Alters entity's stamina by 'amount'. Can be negative (to drain stamina). float amount: -1000.0 - 1000.0", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "amount" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x775A1CA7893AA8B5": { "name": "_GET_PED_STAMINA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0x22F2A386D43048A9": { "name": "_GET_PED_STAMINA_NORMALIZED", "comment": "Returns stamina normalizedValue / normalizedUnlockedMax", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0xCB42AFE2B613EE55": { "name": "_GET_PED_MAX_STAMINA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0x36513AFFC703C60D": { "name": "_0x36513AFFC703C60D", "comment": "_RESET_PED_*", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x675680D089BFA21F": { "name": "_RESTORE_PED_STAMINA", "comment": "0.0 <= stamina <= 100.0", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "stamina" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFC3B580C4380B5B7": { "name": "_0xFC3B580C4380B5B7", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xEA8763E505AFD49A": { "name": "_0xEA8763E505AFD49A", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE4EF4382E22C780C": { "name": "_0xE4EF4382E22C780C", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD61FCF9FCFD515B7": { "name": "_0xD61FCF9FCFD515B7", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x8D9DB115FBA8E23D": { "name": "_0x8D9DB115FBA8E23D", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x16F2C8C084AB2092": { "name": "_GET_NUM_RESERVED_HEALTH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xD97BC27AC039F681": { "name": "_0xD97BC27AC039F681", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1311" }, "0xF6A8C4B4A11AE89C": { "name": "_0xF6A8C4B4A11AE89C", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xE4C95E0AE31C6512": { "name": "_0xE4C95E0AE31C6512", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x1F714E7A9DADFC42": { "name": "_GET_PED_LAST_DROPPED_HAT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Object", "build": "1207" }, "0x5D4CD22A8C82A81A": { "name": "_0x5D4CD22A8C82A81A", "comment": "Related to ped hat\n_SET_PED_LA* - _SET_PED_LE*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xBF567DF2BEF211A6": { "name": "_0xBF567DF2BEF211A6", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x4F5EBE70081E5A20": { "name": "_CREATE_GRAVITY_WELL", "comment": "Creates a handle to an instance of \"CScriptResource_GravityWell\", this system forces local ped to target specified position when moving, however player still can interrupt this.\nCan be useful to \"point\" player at some specific position.\nOnly works while on-foot.\n\n_CREATE_[P-Z]", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "xPos" }, { "type": "float", "name": "yPos" }, { "type": "float", "name": "zPos" }, { "type": "float", "name": "heading" }, { "type": "float", "name": "radius" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "stopAtDestination" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x87247BC60B60BED8": { "name": "_REMOVE_GRAVITY_WELL", "comment": "Removes gravity well by handle returned from 0x4F5EBE70081E5A20", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "handle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x57779B55B83E2BEA": { "name": "_IS_PED_INTIMIDATED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x7EE3A8660F38797E": { "name": "_0x7EE3A8660F38797E", "comment": "_IS_PED_H* - _IS_PED_I*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xA180FBD502A03125": { "name": "_0xA180FBD502A03125", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xC5E7204F322E49EB": { "name": "_REQUEST_TEXTURE", "comment": "Creates a texture override data for ped and returns it's index.\nSo you can replace any texture of any ped's component.\nAlso, you can add overlays on it, such as aging, lipstick and more.\nTextures can be reused by multiple peds at once.\nYou can keep only 32 textures at once(including other peds).\n\nhttps://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/blob/master/clothes/change_overlays_script.lua\nmaterialHash: https://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/blob/master/clothes/cloth_drawable_albedo_normal_material_TEMPORARY.lua", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "albedoHash" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "normalHash" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "materialHash" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x0B46E25761519058": { "name": "_APPLY_TEXTURE_ON_PED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "componentHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "textureId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6BEFAA907B076859": { "name": "_RELEASE_TEXTURE", "comment": "Removes a texture created by 0xC5E7204F322E49EB.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "textureId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x92DAABA2C1C10B0E": { "name": "_UPDATE_PED_TEXTURE", "comment": "Should be called at least once for any new texture override.\nOtherwise component textures will be just black.\nAlso needs to be called for updating any ped overlays to apply the changes.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "textureId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x8472A1789478F82F": { "name": "_RESET_PED_TEXTURE", "comment": "Removes every texture layer but the base layer\nClearing texture's data: setting params to default values, but keep overlays.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "textureId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x31DC8D3F216D8509": { "name": "_IS_TEXTURE_VALID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "textureId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x86BB5FF45F193A02": { "name": "_ADD_TEXTURE_LAYER", "comment": "Creates ped overlay in texture override data and returns it's index.\nThis index are used for further overlay editing.\n\nalbedoHash: a hash of overlay's albedo texture\ncolorType: a color type(from 0 to 2). 0 is used for overlays with RGB colors usually.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "textureId" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "albedoHash" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "normalHash" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "materialHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "blendType" }, { "type": "float", "name": "texAlpha" }, { "type": "int", "name": "sheetGridIndex" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x96C349DE04C49011": { "name": "_REMOVE_PED_OVERLAY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "textureId" }, { "type": "int", "name": "overlayId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x3329AAE2882FC8E4": { "name": "_SET_TEXTURE_LAYER_SHEET_GRID_INDEX", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "textureId" }, { "type": "int", "name": "layerId" }, { "type": "int", "name": "sheetGridIndex" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6C76BC24F8BB709A": { "name": "_SET_TEXTURE_LAYER_ALPHA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "textureId" }, { "type": "int", "name": "layerId" }, { "type": "float", "name": "texAlpha" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x057C4F092E2298BE": { "name": "_SET_TEXTURE_LAYER_ROUGHNESS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "textureId" }, { "type": "int", "name": "layerId" }, { "type": "float", "name": "texRough" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x1ED8588524AC9BE1": { "name": "_SET_TEXTURE_LAYER_PALLETE", "comment": "paletteHash: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/master/clothes/cloth_color_palletes.lua", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "textureId" }, { "type": "int", "name": "layerId" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "paletteHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2DF59FFE6FFD6044": { "name": "_SET_TEXTURE_LAYER_TINT", "comment": "Seem color is not RGB or HSV", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "textureId" }, { "type": "int", "name": "layerId" }, { "type": "int", "name": "tint0" }, { "type": "int", "name": "tint1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "tint2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF2EA041F1146D75B": { "name": "_SET_TEXTURE_LAYER_MOD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "textureId" }, { "type": "int", "name": "layerId" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "modTextureHash" }, { "type": "float", "name": "modAlpha" }, { "type": "int", "name": "modChannel" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x253A63B5BADBC398": { "name": "_SET_TEXTURE_LAYER_TEXTURE_MAP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "textureId" }, { "type": "int", "name": "layerId" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "albedoHash" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "normalHash" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "materialHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xB63B9178D0F58D82": { "name": "_CLEAR_PED_TEXTURE", "comment": "Removes every texture layer\nOld Name: _RESET_PED_TEXTURE_2", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "textureId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC991EF46FE323867": { "name": "_0xC991EF46FE323867", "comment": "Not implemented.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x1F8215D0E446F593": { "name": "_0x1F8215D0E446F593", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFB1E7998B8595825": { "name": "IS_LOCATION_SPAWN_SAFE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x53BA7D96B9A421D9": { "name": "_0x53BA7D96B9A421D9", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x96C7B659854DE629": { "name": "_0x96C7B659854DE629", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xDDCF6FEA5D7ACC17": { "name": "SET_HORSE_AVOIDANCE_LEVEL", "comment": "-1 - HORSE_ASSIST__NO_CHANGE\n 0 - HORSE_ASSIST__MANUAL\n 1 - HORSE_ASSIST__SEMIASSIST\n 2 - HORSE_ASSIST__FULLASSIST", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "horse" }, { "type": "int", "name": "avoidanceLevel" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2A5AFD2B8381A6E1": { "name": "RESET_HORSE_AVOIDANCE_LEVEL_TO_DEFAULT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "horse" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xEB72453B6F5B45B0": { "name": "_SET_PED_USE_HORSE_MAP_COLLISION", "comment": "Doesn't actually return anything.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1232" }, "0x5B73975B4F12F7F3": { "name": "_0x5B73975B4F12F7F3", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA9C28516A6DC9D56": { "name": "GET_META_PED_ASSET_GUIDS", "comment": "This is a way to get what drawables a ped has equipped\nExample: you are able to tell if the ped has the drawable PLAYER_ZERO_HAT_017 attached\nNote: this works with non shop components, direct .ydd files.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "index" }, { "type": "Hash*", "name": "drawable" }, { "type": "Hash*", "name": "albedo" }, { "type": "Hash*", "name": "normal" }, { "type": "Hash*", "name": "material" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xE7998FEC53A33BBE": { "name": "GET_META_PED_ASSET_TINT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "index" }, { "type": "Hash*", "name": "pallete" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "tint0" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "tint1" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "tint2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x5F53010C4C3F6BAF": { "name": "_SET_PED_BLACKBOARD_INT", "comment": "https://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/tree/master/AI/BLACKBOARDS\nBlackboard natives allow you to apply and check certain data to/for peds.\nBlackboard bools, floats and strings are subdivided into 6 sections: \"all\", \"animation\", \"any\", \"code\", \"global\" and \"script\"\nMost changes are only visible for \"script\" blackboards, some \"script\" blackboards change ped motions\n\"removeTimer\" is self-removal timer, can be \"-1\" so your data will not be removed by the game (forever); 100 = 1 second", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "variableName" }, { "type": "int", "name": "value" }, { "type": "int", "name": "removeTimer" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xCB9401F918CB0F75": { "name": "_SET_PED_BLACKBOARD_BOOL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "variableName" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "value" }, { "type": "int", "name": "removeTimer" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x437C08DB4FEBE2BD": { "name": "_SET_PED_BLACKBOARD_FLOAT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "variableName" }, { "type": "float", "name": "value" }, { "type": "int", "name": "removeTimer" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA762C9D6CF165E0D": { "name": "_SET_PED_BLACKBOARD_HASH", "comment": "p1:\nBodyPartChained\nOverloadMostInjuredBodyPart\n\np2:\nLeftLeg\nLegs\nRightArm", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "variableName" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "value" }, { "type": "int", "name": "removeTimer" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x81B75428A7813E67": { "name": "_REMOVE_PED_BLACKBOARD_INT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "variableName" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA6F67BEC53379A32": { "name": "_REMOVE_PED_BLACKBOARD_BOOL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "variableName" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x411189E51B8020BA": { "name": "_REMOVE_PED_BLACKBOARD_FLOAT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "variableName" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x0E17378642156790": { "name": "_REMOVE_PED_BLACKBOARD_HASH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "variableName" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x498F2E77982D6945": { "name": "_GET_PED_BLACKBOARD_BOOL", "comment": "Can be used to get a peds foliage active status: variableName = FoliageActive", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "variableName" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x56E58D4D118FB45E": { "name": "_GET_PED_BLACKBOARD_FLOAT", "comment": "Can be used to get a peds foliage raw height: variableName = FoliageHeight", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "variableName" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0xBF5E791BBBF90A3C": { "name": "_GET_PED_BLACKBOARD_HASH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "variableName" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0xB71B91B398F8F067": { "name": "GET_PED_BLACKBOARD_SCRIPT_INT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "variableName" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x4912DFE492DB98CD": { "name": "GET_PED_BLACKBOARD_SCRIPT_BOOL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "variableName" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xA29FD00D45311EB7": { "name": "GET_PED_BLACKBOARD_SCRIPT_FLOAT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "variableName" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0x7FF72DE061DF55E2": { "name": "_SET_TANK_ATTRIBUTE_SIZE", "comment": "Size will be permanent", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attributeIndex" }, { "type": "float", "name": "size" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA31D350D66FA1855": { "name": "_0xA31D350D66FA1855", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xAF61B3CD8C3B82C3": { "name": "_IS_USING_SLIPSTREAM", "comment": "_IS_TRACKED_* - IS_V*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xEEDC9B29314B2733": { "name": "_0xEEDC9B29314B2733", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p9" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x5C90E20C25E6D83C": { "name": "_0x5C90E20C25E6D83C", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x10F96086123B939F": { "name": "_0x10F96086123B939F", "comment": "NB_CUSTOM_CLIENT_ON_CREATE_COMPLETE - set legendary to not avoid prey", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "legendaryPed" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "preyPed" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x3FDBB99EFD8CE4AF": { "name": "_0x3FDBB99EFD8CE4AF", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7E8F9949B7AABBF0": { "name": "_0x7E8F9949B7AABBF0", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x5DA36CCCB63C0895": { "name": "_0x5DA36CCCB63C0895", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x56076667E7C2DCD6": { "name": "_0x56076667E7C2DCD6", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1311" }, "0xD3A7B003ED343FD9": { "name": "_APPLY_SHOP_ITEM_TO_PED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "componentHash" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "immediately" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "isMp" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x0D7FFA1B2F69ED82": { "name": "_REMOVE_SHOP_ITEM_FROM_PED", "comment": "Directly removes a shop item component from a ped\nParams: p2 and p3 are always 0", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "componentHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1355" }, "0xDF631E4BCE1B1FC4": { "name": "REMOVE_SHOP_ITEM_FROM_PED_BY_CATEGORY", "comment": "Params: p2, p3 usually 0 in R* Scripts", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "componentCategory" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x66B957AAC2EAAEAB": { "name": "_UPDATE_SHOP_ITEM_WEARABLE_STATE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "componentHash" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "wearableState" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x77BA37622E22023B": { "name": "_GET_SHOP_ITEM_COMPONENT_AT_INDEX", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "index" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "argStruct" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "argStruct2" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0xFFCC2DB2D9953401": { "name": "_GET_SHOP_ITEM_NUM_WEARABLE_STATES", "comment": "Returns the number of wearable states available for a shop item / component. p2 seems to be true in scripts.\n\nFor use with 0x6243635AF2F1B826 (_GET_SHOP_ITEM_AVAILABLE_WEARABLE_STATE_BY_INDEX)", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "componentHash" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "isMpFemale" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x6243635AF2F1B826": { "name": "_GET_SHOP_ITEM_WEARABLE_STATE_BY_INDEX", "comment": "Gets an available wearable state by index for a shop item / component - it does not retreive what the current state is. p3 seems to be true in scripts.\n\nUse 0xFFCC2DB2D9953401 (_GET_SHOP_ITEM_NUM_WEARABLE_STATES) to get the number of available wearable states", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "componentHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "wearableStateIndex" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "isMpFemale" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x5FF9A878C3D115B8": { "name": "_GET_SHOP_ITEM_COMPONENT_CATEGORY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "componentHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "metapedType" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "isMP" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x31B2E7F2E3C58B89": { "name": "_0x31B2E7F2E3C58B89", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x63342C50EC115CE8": { "name": "_GET_SHOP_ITEM_BASE_LAYERS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "shopItem" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "metapedType" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Hash*", "name": "drawable" }, { "type": "Hash*", "name": "albedo" }, { "type": "Hash*", "name": "normal" }, { "type": "Hash*", "name": "material" }, { "type": "Hash*", "name": "p9" }, { "type": "Hash*", "name": "p10" }, { "type": "Hash*", "name": "p11" }, { "type": "Hash*", "name": "p12" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xAAB86462966168CE": { "name": "_0xAAB86462966168CE", "comment": "Related to _0x704C908E9C405136 for component loading\n_S*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "isMP" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x7E02E4218D916B94": { "name": "_GET_SHOP_ITEM_HAT_COMPONENT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "metapedType" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x59BD177A1A48600A": { "name": "_REFRESH_META_PED_SHOP_ITEMS", "comment": "p1 is always 1", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD103F6DBB5442BE8": { "name": "_0xD103F6DBB5442BE8", "comment": "Params: p1 either a 1 or 0, so perhaps BOOL\n_SET_PED_A*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFCA8FB9E15FA80D3": { "name": "_SET_PED_PROMPT_NAME_FROM_GXT_ENTRY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "gxtEntryHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x4A48B6E03BABB4AC": { "name": "_SET_PED_PROMPT_NAME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "name" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC2745D9261664901": { "name": "_SET_PED_PROMPT_NAME_FROM_GXT_ENTRY_2", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "gxtEntryHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x19B14E04B009E28B": { "name": "_SET_PED_PROMPT_NAME_2", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "name" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF917F92BF22ECBAB": { "name": "_0xF917F92BF22ECBAB", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x49DADFC4CD808B0A": { "name": "_0x49DADFC4CD808B0A", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xBA208A8D6399A3AC": { "name": "_HAS_PED_TAKEN_GORE_DAMAGE", "comment": "limb: 3 = Left Hand, 4 = Left Arm, 6 = Right Hand, 7 = Right Arm, 9 = Left Foot, 10 = Left Leg, 12 = Right Foot, 13 = Right Leg, 37 = Head", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "limb" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x704C908E9C405136": { "name": "_0x704C908E9C405136", "comment": "_CLEAR*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7406C71F4AC2FFCC": { "name": "_0x7406C71F4AC2FFCC", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x28508173C6A7CC18": { "name": "_0x28508173C6A7CC18", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1311" }, 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"0x604E1010E3162E86": { "name": "_0x604E1010E3162E86", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE8ABE3B73FC7FE17": { "name": "_0xE8ABE3B73FC7FE17", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x3A50753042B6891B": { "name": "_REMOVE_PED_PROP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "propName" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x932786CE3C76477C": { "name": "_SET_TOTAL_PED_DAMAGE_FALLOFF_BONUS", "comment": "_SET_W(EAPON?)*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "bonus" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x095C2277FED731DB": { "name": "_0x095C2277FED731DB", "comment": "", "params": [ { 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good aspect for a rope)", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "rotX" }, { "type": "float", "name": "rotY" }, { "type": "float", "name": "rotZ" }, { "type": "float", "name": "length" }, { "type": "int", "name": "ropeType" }, { "type": "float", "name": "maxLength" }, { "type": "float", "name": "minLength" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p10" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p11" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p12" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "rigid" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p14" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "breakWhenShot" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "unkPtr" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p17" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE832D760399EB220", "gta_jhash": "0xA592EC74" }, "0xE9C59F6809373A99": { "name": "_ADD_ROPE_2", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": 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"return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB302540597885499", "gta_jhash": "0x54EA5BCC" }, "0x2E9C3FCB6798F397": { "name": "IS_PLAYER_DEAD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x424D4687FA1E5652", "gta_jhash": "0x140CA5A8" }, "0x4D51E59243281D80": { "name": "SET_PLAYER_CONTROL", "comment": "flags: https://github.com/Halen84/RDR3-Native-Flags-And-Enums/tree/main/eSetPlayerControlFlags", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flags" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "bPreventHeadingChange" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8D32347D6D4C40A2", "gta_jhash": "0xD17AFCD8" }, "0xABC532F9098BFD9D": { "name": "GET_PLAYER_WANTED_LEVEL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE28E54788CE8F12D", "gta_jhash": "0xBDCDD163" 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"player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5E9564D8246B909A", "gta_jhash": "0xE15D777F" }, "0x34630A768925B852": { "name": "SET_EVERYONE_IGNORE_PLAYER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8EEDA153AD141BA4", "gta_jhash": "0xC915285E" }, "0x51BEA356B1C60225": { "name": "GET_IS_PLAYER_UI_PROMPT_ACTIVE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x0751D461F06E41CE": { "name": "_MODIFY_PLAYER_UI_PROMPT", "comment": "Params: https://github.com/Halen84/RDR3-Native-Flags-And-Enums/tree/main/ePromptType\npromptType is mostly 34 (PP_TRACK_ANIMAL), promptMode = 0 (PP_MODE_BLOCK) in R* Scripts", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "int", "name": "promptType" }, { "type": "int", "name": "promptMode" }, { "type": "BOOL", 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"Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "promptType" }, { "type": "int", "name": "promptMode" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x93624B36E8851B42": { "name": "_0x93624B36E8851B42", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9073EC5456651A90": { "name": "_0x9073EC5456651A90", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2E67707BEC52CA4B": { "name": "_0x2E67707BEC52CA4B", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE705309B8C6445A4": { "name": "SET_ALL_RANDOM_PEDS_FLEE", "comment": "Sets whether all random peds will run away from player if they are agitated (threatened) (bool=true), or some peds can stand up for themselves (bool=false).", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], 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"0x47CAB814" }, "0x2DF170B1185AF777": { "name": "CAN_PLAYER_START_MISSION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xDE7465A27D403C06", "gta_jhash": "0x39E3CB3F" }, "0xAA67BCB0097F2FA3": { "name": "IS_PLAYER_READY_FOR_CUTSCENE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x908CBECC2CAA3690", "gta_jhash": "0xBB77E9CD" }, "0x27F89FDC16688A7A": { "name": "IS_PLAYER_TARGETTING_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x7912F7FC4F6264B6", "gta_jhash": "0xF3240B77" }, "0xAE663DDD99C8A670": { "name": "GET_PLAYER_TARGET_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Entity*", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x13EDE1A5DBF797C9", "gta_jhash": "0xF6AAA2D7" }, "0x927861B2C08DBEA5": { "name": "_0x927861B2C08DBEA5", "comment": "_GET_A* - _GET_C*", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x1A51BFE60708E482": { "name": "_IS_PLAYER_FREE_FOCUSING", "comment": "Checks if player is focused on any entity", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x3EE1F7A8C32F24E1": { "name": "GET_PLAYER_INTERACTION_TARGET_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Entity*", "name": "outEntity" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xBEA3A6E5F5F79A6F": { "name": "_0xBEA3A6E5F5F79A6F", "comment": "_GET_PLAYER_I*", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x04D7F33640662FA2": { "name": "_IS_PLAYER_IN_SCOPE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x936F967D4BE1CE9D": { "name": "IS_PLAYER_FREE_AIMING", "comment": "Gets a value indicating whether the specified player is currently aiming freely.", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2E397FD2ECD37C87", "gta_jhash": "0x1DEC67B7" }, "0x8C67C11C68713D25": { "name": "IS_PLAYER_FREE_AIMING_AT_ENTITY", "comment": "Gets a value indicating whether the specified player is currently aiming freely at the specified entity.", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3C06B5C839B38F7B", "gta_jhash": "0x7D80EEAA" }, "0xA6817C110B830EAD": { "name": "GET_ENTITY_PLAYER_IS_FREE_AIMING_AT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Entity*", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2975C866E6713290", "gta_jhash": "0x8866D9D0" }, "0x3DAABE78A23694BC": { "name": "_0x3DAABE78A23694BC", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7AE93C45EC14A166": { "name": "_0x7AE93C45EC14A166", "comment": "Only used in script function PROCESS_PED_INTERRUPT_DIALOGUE\n_GET_PLAYER_*", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Ped*", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x3A3CD06597388322": { "name": "SET_PLAYER_LOCKON_RANGE_OVERRIDE", "comment": "Affects the range of auto aim target.", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "float", "name": "range" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x29961D490E5814FD", "gta_jhash": "0x74D42C03" }, "0xC7FE774412046825": { "name": "SET_PLAYER_CAN_BE_HASSLED_BY_GANGS", "comment": "Sets whether this player can be hassled by gangs.", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD5E460AD7020A246", "gta_jhash": "0x71B305BB" }, "0x5EDA520F7A3BAF4E": { "name": "SET_PLAYER_CAN_USE_COVER", "comment": "Sets whether this player can take cover.", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD465A8599DFF6814", "gta_jhash": "0x13CAFAFA" }, "0xD1A70C1E8D1031FE": { "name": "_0xD1A70C1E8D1031FE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xACA45DDCEF6071C4": { "name": "_0xACA45DDCEF6071C4", "comment": "_SET_PLAYER_CAN_BE_* - _SET_PLAYER_CAN_USE_*", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA0C683284DF027C7": { "name": "_0xA0C683284DF027C7", "comment": "Params: p1 is mostly 15, sometimes 1 in R* Scripts (Function: PLAYER_TOGGLE_PICK_UP_HATS)\n_SET_PLAYER_*", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "enable" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x39363DFD04E91496": { "name": "_SET_PLAYER_CAN_MERCY_KILL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1311" }, "0x4EC8BE63B8A5D4EF": { "name": "_0x4EC8BE63B8A5D4EF", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD04CFAD1E2B7984A": { "name": "GET_MAX_WANTED_LEVEL", "comment": "Gets the maximum wanted level the player can get.\nRanges from 0 to 5.", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x462E0DB9B137DC5F", "gta_jhash": "0x457F1E44" }, "0x4605C66E0F935F83": { "name": "IS_PLAYER_TARGETTING_ANYTHING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x78CFE51896B6B8A4", "gta_jhash": "0x456DB50D" }, "0xC41F4B6E23FE6A4A": { "name": "RESTORE_PLAYER_STAMINA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA352C1B864CAFD33", "gta_jhash": "0x62A93608" }, "0x8591EE69CC3ED257": { "name": "_0x8591EE69CC3ED257", "comment": "SET_PLAYER_S/T*", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9BAB31815159ABCF": { "name": "GET_PLAYER_GROUP", "comment": "Returns the group ID the player is member of.", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0D127585F77030AF", "gta_jhash": "0xA5EDCDE8" }, "0x3D9DA5C9EFD20D88": { "name": "_0x3D9DA5C9EFD20D88", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2BEED53B912537D0": { "name": "_0x2BEED53B912537D0", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x908D4B72854C8F62": { "name": "_0x908D4B72854C8F62", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD1F6B912785BFD35": { "name": "_0xD1F6B912785BFD35", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xC4873B053054C04B": { "name": "_0xC4873B053054C04B", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p7" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xCA59808E51FD67C4": { "name": "_0xCA59808E51FD67C4", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xBA5CA1FEB5DE0DF6": { "name": "_0xBA5CA1FEB5DE0DF6", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x0869D499A7848309": { "name": "_0x0869D499A7848309", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p7" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xB331D8A73F9D2BDF": { "name": "_0xB331D8A73F9D2BDF", "comment": "_IS_PLAYER_I* - _IS_PLAYER_P*", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xAC22AA6DF4D1C1DE": { "name": "_ADD_PLAYER_AS_FOLLOW_TARGET", "comment": "Used in script function: NET_AUTO_FOLLOW_UPDATE_LEADER_VALUES\nfollowMode:\nHORSEFOLLOWMODE_AUTO = 0,\nHORSEFOLLOWMODE_SIDE_ONLY,\nHORSEFOLLOWMODE_BEHIND_ONLY,\nHORSEFOLLOWMODE_BEHIND_AND_SIDE,\nHORSEFOLLOWMODE_BEHIND_CLOSE\nfollowPriority:\nHORSEFOLLOWPRIORITY_STEER_ASSIST = 0,\nHORSEFOLLOWPRIORITY_AMBIENT,\nHORSEFOLLOWPRIORITY_NORMAL,\nHORSEFOLLOWPRIORITY_HIGH", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "int", "name": "followMode" }, { "type": "int", "name": "followPriority" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p6" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x0C6B89876262A99D": { "name": "_REMOVE_PLAYER_AS_FOLLOW_TARGET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x12E09E278C6C29B7": { "name": "_0x12E09E278C6C29B7", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xDD33A82352C4652F": { "name": "_0xDD33A82352C4652F", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x1FDA57E8908F2609": { "name": "_0x1FDA57E8908F2609", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "useSteerassist" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x84481018E668E1B8": { "name": "_0x84481018E668E1B8", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2009F8AB7A5E9D6D": { "name": "_0x2009F8AB7A5E9D6D", "comment": "_IS_PLAYER_F*", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xE24C64D9ADED2EF5": { "name": "_IS_PLAYER_FOLLOWING_TARGET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xE7F8707269544B29": { "name": "_0xE7F8707269544B29", "comment": "_IS_PLAYER_A* - _IS_PLAYER_BE*", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xE631EAF35828FA67": { "name": "_0xE631EAF35828FA67", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x086549F3B0381CB1": { "name": "_0x086549F3B0381CB1", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7964097FCE4C244B": { "name": "IS_PLAYER_CONTROL_ON", "comment": "Returns whether the player can control himself.", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x49C32D60007AFA47", "gta_jhash": "0x618857F2" }, "0xB78350754157C00F": { "name": "IS_PLAYER_SCRIPT_CONTROL_ON", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8A876A65283DD7D7", "gta_jhash": "0x61B00A84" }, "0xB8A70C22FD48197A": { "name": "IS_PLAYER_CLIMBING", "comment": "Returns TRUE if the player ('s ped) is climbing at the moment.", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x95E8F73DC65EFB9C", "gta_jhash": "0x4A9E9AE0" }, "0xEBB6E27AC2FF32DA": { "name": "_0xEBB6E27AC2FF32DA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xB15CD2F9932C9AB5": { "name": "_0xB15CD2F9932C9AB5", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x621D1B289CAF5978": { "name": "_0x621D1B289CAF5978", "comment": "_IS_PLAYER_S* - _IS_PLAYER_T*", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xC8183AE963C58374": { "name": "IS_PLAYER_BEING_ARRESTED", "comment": "Return true while player is being arrested / busted.\n\nIf atArresting is set to 1, this function will return 1 when player is being arrested (while player is putting his hand up, but still have control)\n\nIf atArresting is set to 0, this function will return 1 only when the busted screen is shown.", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "atArresting" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x388A47C51ABDAC8E", "gta_jhash": "0x7F6A60D3" }, "0x12917931C31F1750": { "name": "RESET_PLAYER_ARREST_STATE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2D03E13C460760D6", "gta_jhash": "0x453C7CAB" }, "0xCBB54CC7FFFFAB86": { "name": "_0xCBB54CC7FFFFAB86", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xBED386157F65942C": { "name": "_0xBED386157F65942C", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xDAB6A2FC56B7DE65": { "name": "_0xDAB6A2FC56B7DE65", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x0F4EAF69DA41AF43": { "name": "_0x0F4EAF69DA41AF43", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x6ADF821FBF21920E": { "name": "_SET_BOUNTY_TARGET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Player", "name": "target" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x8F2A81C09DA9124A": { "name": "_CLEAR_BOUNTY_TARGET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2F96E7720B0B19EA": { "name": "GET_PLAYERS_LAST_VEHICLE", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "Vehicle", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB6997A7EB3F5C8C0", "gta_jhash": "0xE2757AC1" }, "0x47E385B0D957C8D4": { "name": "GET_PLAYER_INDEX", "comment": "Returns the same as PLAYER_ID and NETWORK_PLAYER_ID_TO_INT", "params": [], "return_type": "Player", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA5EDC40EF369B48D", "gta_jhash": "0x309BBDC1" }, "0x748B3A65C2604C33": { "name": "INT_TO_PLAYERINDEX", "comment": "Simply returns whatever is passed to it (Regardless of whether the handle is valid or not).", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "Player", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x41BD2A6B006AF756", "gta_jhash": "0x98DD98F1" }, "0x58FF971FC8F2702C": { "name": "INT_TO_PARTICIPANTINDEX", "comment": "Simply returns whatever is passed to it (Regardless of whether the handle is valid or not).", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9EC6603812C24710", "gta_jhash": "0x98F3B274" }, "0x217E9DC48139933D": { "name": "PLAYER_ID", "comment": "This returns YOUR 'identity' as a Player type.\n\nAlways returns 0 in story mode.", "params": [], "return_type": "Player", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4F8644AF03D0E0D6", "gta_jhash": "0x8AEA886C" }, "0x096275889B8E0EE0": { "name": "PLAYER_PED_ID", "comment": "Returns current player ped", "params": [], "return_type": "Ped", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD80958FC74E988A6", "gta_jhash": "0xFA92E226" }, "0x8A9386F0749A17FA": { "name": "NETWORK_PLAYER_ID_TO_INT", "comment": "Does exactly the same thing as PLAYER_ID()", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xEE68096F9F37341E", "gta_jhash": "0x8DD5B838" }, "0xC11469DCA6FC3BB5": { "name": "HAS_FORCE_CLEANUP_OCCURRED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "cleanupFlags" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC968670BFACE42D9", "gta_jhash": "0x4B37333C" }, "0x768C017FB878E4F4": { "name": "FORCE_CLEANUP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "cleanupFlags" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xBC8983F38F78ED51", "gta_jhash": "0xFDAAEA2B" }, "0xDAACAF8B687F2353": { "name": "FORCE_CLEANUP_FOR_ALL_THREADS_WITH_THIS_NAME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "name" }, { "type": "int", "name": "cleanupFlags" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4C68DDDDF0097317", "gta_jhash": "0x04256C73" }, "0xF4C9512A2F0A3031": { "name": "FORCE_CLEANUP_FOR_THREAD_WITH_THIS_ID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "id" }, { "type": "int", "name": "cleanupFlags" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF745B37630DF176B", "gta_jhash": "0x882D3EB3" }, "0x84E8E29EBD4A46D2": { "name": "GET_CAUSE_OF_MOST_RECENT_FORCE_CLEANUP", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9A41CF4674A12272", "gta_jhash": "0x39AA9FC8" }, "0x39BED552DB46FFA9": { "name": "_SET_PLAYER_MOOD", "comment": "mood: https://github.com/Halen84/RDR3-Native-Flags-And-Enums/tree/main/ePedMood", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "int", "name": "mood" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x054473164C012699": { "name": "_GET_PLAYER_MOOD", "comment": "See _SET_PLAYER_MOOD", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xDA35A134038557EC": { "name": "SET_PLAYER_MAY_ONLY_ENTER_THIS_VEHICLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8026FF78F208978A", "gta_jhash": "0xA454DD29" }, "0xC71D07C96946E263": { "name": "_0xC71D07C96946E263", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xBEC463B3A11C909E": { "name": "SET_PLAYER_MAY_NOT_ENTER_ANY_VEHICLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1DE37BBF9E9CC14A", "gta_jhash": "0xAF7AFCC4" }, "0x908258B6209E71F7": { "name": "IS_SYSTEM_UI_BEING_DISPLAYED", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5D511E3867C87139", "gta_jhash": "0xE495B6DA" }, "0xD48227263E3D06AE": { "name": "_0xD48227263E3D06AE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p9" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1232" }, "0x3946FC742AC305CD": { "name": "_0x3946FC742AC305CD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "targetEntity" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p7" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA28056CD1B04B250": { "name": "_0xA28056CD1B04B250", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p9" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p10" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1232" }, "0xC67A4910425F11F1": { "name": "_0xC67A4910425F11F1", "comment": "_DISABLE_*(PLAYER_FORCED_INTERACTION_LOCKON?)", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "name" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFEBEEBC9CBDF4B12": { "name": "SET_PLAYER_INVINCIBLE", "comment": "Simply sets you as invincible (Health will not deplete).", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x239528EACDC3E7DE", "gta_jhash": "0xDFB9A2A2" }, "0x0CBBCB2CCFA7DC4E": { "name": "GET_PLAYER_INVINCIBLE", "comment": "Returns the player's invincibility status.", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB721981B2B939E07", "gta_jhash": "0x680C90EE" }, "0x462AA1973CBBA75E": { "name": "SET_PLAYER_LOCKON", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5C8B2F450EE4328E", "gta_jhash": "0x0B270E0F" }, "0x4A056257802DD3E5": { "name": "SET_LOCKON_TO_FRIENDLY_PLAYERS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD66A941F401E7302": { "name": "SET_PLAYER_TARGETING_MODE", "comment": "Sets your targeting mode for when you're on foot.\nenum eTargetingMode\n{\n\tTARGETING_MODE_INVALID = -1,\n\tTARGETING_MODE_CAUSAL, (Wide)\n\tTARGETING_MODE_NORMAL,\n\tTARGETING_MODE_HARD, (Narrow)\n\tTARGETING_MODE_EXPERT (Free Aim)\n};", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "targetMode" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB1906895227793F3", "gta_jhash": "0x61CAE253" }, "0x19B4F71703902238": { "name": "_SET_PLAYER_IN_VEHICLE_TARGETING_MODE", "comment": "Sets your targeting mode for when you're in a vehicle (perhaps a mount/horse).\nsee SET_PLAYER_TARGETING_MODE for eTargetingMode", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "targetMode" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x747257807B8721CE": { "name": "_0x747257807B8721CE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x8702D9150D9FBB3D": { "name": "_0x8702D9150D9FBB3D", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xCB0B9506BC91E441": { "name": "_0xCB0B9506BC91E441", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x270B63A641BE32F2": { "name": "CLEAR_PLAYER_HAS_DAMAGED_AT_LEAST_ONE_PED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF0B67A4DE6AB5F98", "gta_jhash": "0x1D31CBBD" }, "0xDA4A4B9B96E20092": { "name": "HAS_PLAYER_DAMAGED_AT_LEAST_ONE_PED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x20CE80B0C2BF4ACC", "gta_jhash": "0x14F52453" }, "0x0361096D6CE4372C": { "name": "CLEAR_PLAYER_HAS_DAMAGED_AT_LEAST_ONE_NON_ANIMAL_PED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4AACB96203D11A31", "gta_jhash": "0x7E3BFBC5" }, "0x16C8D205DD5A2E90": { "name": "HAS_PLAYER_DAMAGED_AT_LEAST_ONE_NON_ANIMAL_PED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE4B90F367BD81752", "gta_jhash": "0xA3707DFC" }, "0xEACEBAAE0A33FB3F": { "name": "_0xEACEBAAE0A33FB3F", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x72AD59F7B7FB6E24": { "name": "_0x72AD59F7B7FB6E24", "comment": "_HAS_PLAYER_D*", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x1A6E84F13C952094": { "name": "_0x1A6E84F13C952094", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x78B3D19AF6391A55": { "name": "_SET_PLAYER_DAMAGE_INFO_OVERRIDE", "comment": "damageInfo: STANDARD_PED_DAMAGE, STANDARD_FEMALE_PED_DAMAGE, STANDARD_PLAYER_PED_DAMAGE_MP, STANDARD_FEMALE_PLAYER_PED_DAMAGE_MP", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "damageInfo" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x1F488807BC8E0630": { "name": "_0x1F488807BC8E0630", "comment": "_RESET_PLAYER_A* - _RESET_PLAYER_I*", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x5DA6500FE849DA16": { "name": "SET_AIR_DRAG_MULTIPLIER_FOR_PLAYERS_VEHICLE", "comment": "This can be between 1.0f - 50.0f", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "float", "name": "multiplier" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xCA7DC8329F0A1E9E", "gta_jhash": "0xF20F72E5" }, "0xBFCEABDE34DA5085": { "name": "SET_SWIM_MULTIPLIER_FOR_PLAYER", "comment": "Swim speed multiplier.\nMultiplier goes up to 1.49f", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "float", "name": "multiplier" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA91C6F0FF7D16A13", "gta_jhash": "0xB986FF47" }, "0x73EB2EF2E92D23BF": { "name": "_0x73EB2EF2E92D23BF", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xD5FCC166AEB2FD0F": { "name": "SET_PLAYER_FORCED_AIM", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0FEE4F80AC44A726", "gta_jhash": "0x94E42E2E" }, "0x310CE349E0C0EC4B": { "name": "_0x310CE349E0C0EC4B", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2970929FD5F9FC89": { "name": "DISABLE_PLAYER_FIRING", "comment": "Inhibits the player from using any method of combat including melee and firearms.\n\nNOTE: Only disables the firing for one frame", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5E6CC07646BBEAB8", "gta_jhash": "0x30CB28CB" }, "0xEBFF94328FF7A18A": { "name": 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function INIT_DEADEYE_SLOWDOWN\n_SPECIAL_ABILITY*", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xAE637BB8EF017875": { "name": "_SPECIAL_ABILITY_SET_DISABLED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "disabled" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xB16223CB7DA965F0": { "name": "_IS_SPECIAL_ABILITY_ACTIVE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x28A13BF6B05C3D83": { "name": "_MODIFY_INFINITE_TRAIL_VISION", "comment": "Toggle handles wether Deadeye and Eagleeye are infinite or not.", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC0B21F235C02139C": { "name": "_SPECIAL_ABILITY_SET_EAGLE_EYE_DISABLED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x51345AE20F22C261": { "name": "_SPECIAL_ABILITY_RESTORE_BY_AMOUNT", "comment": "Restores Deadeye by given amount.\nParams: p2, p3, p4 = 0, 0, 1 in R* Scripts", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "float", "name": "amount" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFA437FA0738C370C": { "name": "_0xFA437FA0738C370C", "comment": "Params: p1, p2, p3, p4 = 1.f, 0, 0, 0 in R* Scripts\n_SPECIAL_ABILITY*", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2498035289B5688F": { "name": "_SPECIAL_ABILITY_RESTORE_OUTER_RING", "comment": "Only used in R* SP Script short_update\nRestores Deadeye Outer Ring", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "float", "name": "amount" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x811A748B1BE231BA": { "name": "_GET_PLAYER_REQUIRED_DEAD_EYE_AMOUNT", "comment": "If player has less Dead Eye than required, Dead Eye cant be triggered.", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0x029884FB65821B07": { "name": "_SPECIAL_ABILITY_GET_AMOUNT_CACHED", "comment": "Returns Deadeye value from player", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0x200114E99552462B": { "name": "_SPECIAL_ABILITY_DRAIN_BY_AMOUNT", "comment": "Drains Deadeye by given amount.", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "float", "name": "amount" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x1D77B47AFA584E90": { "name": "_SPECIAL_ABILITY_START_RESTORE", "comment": "Params: p1 = -1 in R* Scripts", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x5A498FCA232F71E1": { "name": "_SET_SPECIAL_ABILITY_MULTIPLIER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "float", "name": "multiplier" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xAB3773E7AA1E9DCC": { "name": "_GET_PLAYER_SPECIAL_ABILITY_MULTIPLIER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0x00BA333DA05ADC23": { "name": "_SET_SPECIAL_ABILITY_TYPE", "comment": "SPECIAL_ABILITY_NONE = -1,\nSPECIAL_ABILITY_CAR_SLOWDOWN,\nSPECIAL_ABILITY_RAGE,\nSPECIAL_ABILITY_BULLET_TIME,\nSPECIAL_ABILITY_SNAPSHOT,\nSPECIAL_ABILITY_INSULT,\nSPECIAL_ABILITY_DEADEYE,\nSPECIAL_ABILITY_REVIVE", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "int", "name": "type" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x22B3CABEDDB538B2": { "name": "_0x22B3CABEDDB538B2", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": 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Whether it is a multiplier or base damage is unknown.", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "float", "name": "modifier" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xCE07B9F7817AADA3", "gta_jhash": "0xB02C2F39" }, "0xD15CC2D493160BE3": { "name": "SET_PLAYER_WEAPON_DEFENSE_MODIFIER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "float", "name": "modifier" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2D83BC011CA14A3C", "gta_jhash": "0xAE446344" }, "0x818241B3EDA84191": { "name": "_0x818241B3EDA84191", "comment": "_SET_PLAYER_DAMAGE_* - _SET_PLAYER_DEFENSE_*", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE4CB5A3F18170381": { "name": "SET_PLAYER_MELEE_WEAPON_DAMAGE_MODIFIER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "float", "name": "modifier" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": 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"name": "_GET_VEHICLE_LIGHT_PROP_SET", "comment": "Returns PropSet handle to be used with _GET_PROP_SET_MODEL", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "PropSet", "build": "1207" }, "0xC9B4B3A36F81FD75": { "name": "_DOES_VEHICLE_HAVE_ANY_LIGHT_PROP_SET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xC0F0417A90402742": { "name": "_ADD_LIGHT_PROP_SET_TO_VEHICLE", "comment": "To remove propsets either parse a zero as hash or call 0xE31C0CB1C3186D40\n0xA6A9712955F53D9C returns lightPropset Hashes\nhttps://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/blob/master/vehicles/vehicle_modding/vehicle_lantern_propsets.lua", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "lightPropset" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE31C0CB1C3186D40": { "name": "_REMOVE_VEHICLE_LIGHT_PROP_SETS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x0790473EEE1977D3": { "name": "_IS_VEHICLE_LIGHT_PROP_SET_LOADED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xCFC0BD09BB1B73FF": { "name": "_GET_TRAIN_CARRIAGE_PROP_SET", "comment": "Example before/after deleting a train carriage's propset: https://imgur.com/a/qRNrIrK", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "trainCarriage" } ], "return_type": "PropSet", "build": "1207" }, "0x8F3333F0A6900B3C": { "name": "_HAS_VEHICLE_TRAILER_PROP_SET_LOADED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "wagonIndex" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xC061E50F8D299F95": { "name": "_GET_PROP_SET_AT_COORDS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "propsetHash" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" } ], "return_type": "PropSet", "build": "1207" } }, "QUEUE": { "0x402B5D7D269FF796": { "name": "_EVENT_QUEUE_IS_EMPTY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "hash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xD87DF294B049211D": { "name": "_EVENT_QUEUE_POP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "hash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" } }, "RECORDING": { "0xA8C44C13419634F2": { "name": "REPLAY_PREVENT_RECORDING_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "nullsub, doesn't do anything\n\nOld name: _STOP_RECORDING_THIS_FRAME", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xEB2D525B57F42B40", "gta_jhash": "" } }, "REPLAY": { "0x0F838D47DE58EDB2": { "name": "REPLAY_SYSTEM_HAS_REQUESTED_A_SCRIPT_CLEANUP", "comment": "Hardcoded to return false.\n\nOld name: _IS_INTERIOR_RENDERING_DISABLED", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x95AB8B5C992C7B58", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0x57C6525034E76EB0": { "name": "SET_SCRIPTS_HAVE_CLEANED_UP_FOR_REPLAY_SYSTEM", "comment": "nullsub, doesn't do anything", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5AD3932DAEB1E5D3", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0xB3F2829907403C13": { "name": "OPEN_VIDEO_EDITOR", "comment": "Hardcoded to return true.", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xCEEC64BD27A59312": { "name": "CLOSE_VIDEO_EDITOR", "comment": "Hardcoded to return true.", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x9EEB007317FA3B9C": { "name": "IS_VIDEO_EDITOR_RUNNING", "comment": "Hardcoded to return false.", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" } }, "SCRIPTS": { "0x31010318BA9897AC": { "name": "_SET_PLAYER_BIT_AT_INDEX", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "value" }, { "type": "int", "name": "bitIndex" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD426E2E3288469D6": { "name": "_CLEAR_PLAYER_BIT_AT_INDEX", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "value" }, { "type": "int", "name": "bitIndex" 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"value" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x72B2E00C9BAC6789": { "name": "_IS_PLAYER_BIT_SET_AT_INDEX", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "value" }, { "type": "int", "name": "bitIndex" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x179A6F0EE2E79026": { "name": "_IS_ANY_PLAYER_BIT_SET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int*", "name": "playerBits" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xFA3B530A5CC693D5": { "name": "GET_BLOCK_OF_PLAYER_BITS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "value" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xC6DFB8C04C86D5A5": { "name": "SET_BLOCK_OF_PLAYER_BITS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "value" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x462C687BEA254BD9": { "name": "COUNT_PLAYER_BITS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x1BDB5A07307F6929": { "name": "_0x1BDB5A07307F6929", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x1C5EB3C27F7508CB": { "name": "_0x1C5EB3C27F7508CB", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x42A429CDFED6D99D": { "name": "_0x42A429CDFED6D99D", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x5827BE85A87B073D": { "name": "_0x5827BE85A87B073D", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x0A79C81C418F5D38": { "name": "_0x0A79C81C418F5D38", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xA88E1D7FA1E20080": { "name": "_0xA88E1D7FA1E20080", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x2F050A3FF8738245": { "name": "COUNT_PARTICIPANT_BITS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x46ED607DDD40D7FE": { "name": "REQUEST_SCRIPT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "scriptName" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6EB5F71AA68F2E8E", "gta_jhash": "0xE26B2666" }, "0x0086D3067E1CFD1C": { "name": "SET_SCRIPT_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "scriptName" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC90D2DCACD56184C", "gta_jhash": "0x6FCB7795" }, "0xE97BD36574F8B0A6": { "name": "HAS_SCRIPT_LOADED", "comment": "Returns if a script has been loaded into the game. Used to see if a script was loaded after requesting.", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "scriptName" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE6CC9F3BA0FB9EF1", "gta_jhash": "0x5D67F751" }, "0x552B171E3F69E5AE": { "name": "DOES_SCRIPT_EXIST", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "scriptName" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xFC04745FBE67C19A", "gta_jhash": "0xDEAB87AB" }, "0xF6B9CE3F8D5B9B74": { "name": "REQUEST_SCRIPT_WITH_NAME_HASH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "scriptHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD62A67D26D9653E6", "gta_jhash": "0x1C68D9DC" }, "0x50723A1567C8361E": { "name": "SET_SCRIPT_WITH_NAME_HASH_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "scriptHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC5BC038960E9DB27", "gta_jhash": "0x96C26F66" }, "0xA5D8E0C2F3C7EEBC": { "name": "HAS_SCRIPT_WITH_NAME_HASH_LOADED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "scriptHash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5F0F0C783EB16C04", "gta_jhash": "0x06674818" }, "0xA34E89749F628284": { "name": "DOES_SCRIPT_WITH_NAME_HASH_EXIST", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "scriptHash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF86AA3C56BA31381", "gta_jhash": "0x19EAE282" }, "0x87ED52AE40EA1A52": { "name": "TERMINATE_THREAD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "threadId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC8B189ED9138BCD4", "gta_jhash": "0x253FD520" }, "0x46E9AE36D8FA6417": { "name": "IS_THREAD_ACTIVE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "threadId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "ignoreKilledState" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x46E9AE36D8FA6417", "gta_jhash": "0x78D7A5A0" }, "0xFF975BC4435A0FA3": { "name": "DOES_THREAD_EXIST", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "threadId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xD92FA81B64920E85": { "name": "GET_THREAD_EXISTENCE_DETAILS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "threadId" }, { "type": "BOOL*", "name": "threadExists" }, { "type": "BOOL*", "name": "hasScriptHandler" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x724CB89D35B283D0": { "name": "_GET_HASH_OF_THREAD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "threadId" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x39382EB8DCD8684D": { "name": "SCRIPT_THREAD_ITERATOR_RESET", "comment": "Starts a new iteration of the current threads.\nCall this first, then SCRIPT_THREAD_ITERATOR_GET_NEXT_THREAD_ID (0x30B4FA1C82DD4B9F)", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xDADFADA5A20143A8", "gta_jhash": "0xBB4E2F66" }, "0x3CE3FB167E837D7C": { "name": "SCRIPT_THREAD_ITERATOR_GET_NEXT_THREAD_ID", "comment": "If the function returns 0, the end of the iteration has been reached.", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x30B4FA1C82DD4B9F", "gta_jhash": "0x1E28B28F" }, "0x20B7F69B40C6B755": { "name": "_IS_BACKGROUND_SCRIPT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "threadId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x55525C346BEF6960": { "name": "GET_ID_OF_THIS_THREAD", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC30338E8088E2E21", "gta_jhash": "0xDE524830" }, "0x5E8B6D17FF91CD59": { "name": "TERMINATE_THIS_THREAD", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1090044AD1DA76FA", "gta_jhash": "0x3CD9CBB7" }, "0x8E34C953364A76DD": { "name": "GET_NUMBER_OF_THREADS_RUNNING_THE_SCRIPT_WITH_THIS_HASH", "comment": "Gets the number of instances of the specified script is currently running.\n\nActually returns numRefs - 1.\nif (program)\n\tv3 = rage::scrProgram::GetNumRefs(program) - 1;\nreturn v3;\n\nOld name: _GET_NUMBER_OF_REFERENCES_OF_SCRIPT_WITH_NAME_HASH", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "scriptHash" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2C83A9DA6BFFC4F9", "gta_jhash": "0x029D3841" }, "0x7DE4643157AD646C": { "name": "_REQUEST_THREAD_EXIT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "threadId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7423F7835770F619": { "name": "_REQUEST_THREAD_EXIT_FOR_ALL_THREADS_WITH_THIS_NAME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "nameHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9E4EF615E307FBBE": { "name": "IS_THREAD_EXIT_REQUESTED", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x30BED53646C86D11": { "name": "_IS_THREAD_EXIT_REQUESTED_FOR_THREAD_WITH_THIS_ID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "threadId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x54AE4FDEEFEAB77E": { "name": "_GET_THREAD_EXIT_REASON", "comment": "enum eThreadExitReason\n{\n\tTHREAD_EXIT_REASON_NONE,\n\tTHREAD_EXIT_REASON_BACKGROUND_THREAD_STOPPED,\n\tTHREAD_EXIT_REASON_SESSION_MERGE,\n\tTHREAD_EXIT_REASON_SCENARIO_OUT_OF_SCOPE,\n\tTHREAD_EXIT_REASON_REQUESTED_BY_SCRIPT\n};", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xBC2C927F5C264960": { "name": "GET_HASH_OF_THIS_SCRIPT_NAME", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8A1C8B1738FFE87E", "gta_jhash": "0x2BEE1F45" }, "0x5CE8DE5909565748": { "name": "GET_NUMBER_OF_EVENTS", "comment": "eventGroup: 0 = SCRIPT_EVENT_QUEUE_AI (CEventGroupScriptAI), 1 = SCRIPT_EVENT_QUEUE_NETWORK (CEventGroupScriptNetwork), 2 = unk, 3 = unk, 4 = SCRIPT_EVENT_QUEUE_ERRORS (CEventGroupScriptErrors)", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "eventGroup" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5F92A689A06620AA", "gta_jhash": "0xA3525D60" }, "0xC9F59C0A710ECD34": { "name": "GET_EVENT_EXISTS", "comment": "eventGroup: 0 = SCRIPT_EVENT_QUEUE_AI (CEventGroupScriptAI), 1 = SCRIPT_EVENT_QUEUE_NETWORK (CEventGroupScriptNetwork), 2 = unk, 3 = unk, 4 = SCRIPT_EVENT_QUEUE_SCRIPT_ERRORS (CEventGroupScriptErrors)", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "eventGroup" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "eventType" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x936E6168A9BCEDB5", "gta_jhash": "0xA1B447B5" }, "0xA85E614430EFF816": { "name": "GET_EVENT_AT_INDEX", "comment": "eventGroup: 0 = SCRIPT_EVENT_QUEUE_AI (CEventGroupScriptAI), 1 = SCRIPT_EVENT_QUEUE_NETWORK (CEventGroupScriptNetwork), 2 = unk, 3 = unk, 4 = SCRIPT_EVENT_QUEUE_SCRIPT_ERRORS (CEventGroupScriptErrors)\n\nReturns event name hash: https://alloc8or.re/rdr3/doc/enums/eEventType.txt", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "eventGroup" }, { "type": "int", "name": "eventIndex" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD8F66A3A60C62153", "gta_jhash": "0xB49C1442" }, "0x57EC5FA4D4D6AFCA": { "name": "GET_EVENT_DATA", "comment": "eventGroup: 0 = SCRIPT_EVENT_QUEUE_AI (CEventGroupScriptAI), 1 = SCRIPT_EVENT_QUEUE_NETWORK (CEventGroupScriptNetwork), 2 = unk, 3 = unk, 4 = SCRIPT_EVENT_QUEUE_SCRIPT_ERRORS (CEventGroupScriptErrors)\n\nNote: eventDataSize is NOT the size in bytes, it is the size determined by the SIZE_OF operator (RAGE Script operator, not C/C++ sizeof). That is, the size in bytes divided by 8 (script variables are always 8-byte aligned!).\n\nhttps://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/tree/master/AI/EVENTS", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "eventGroup" }, { "type": "int", "name": "eventIndex" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "eventData" }, { "type": "int", "name": "eventDataSize" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2902843FCD2B2D79", "gta_jhash": "0x4280F92F" }, "0x4768D5252EAEB76F": { "name": "SET_EVENT_FLAG_FOR_DELETION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "eventGroup" }, { "type": "int", "name": "eventIndex" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x5AE99C571D5BBE5D": { "name": "TRIGGER_SCRIPT_EVENT", "comment": "eventGroup: 0 = SCRIPT_EVENT_QUEUE_AI (CEventGroupScriptAI), 1 = SCRIPT_EVENT_QUEUE_NETWORK (CEventGroupScriptNetwork), 2 = unk, 3 = unk, 4 = SCRIPT_EVENT_QUEUE_SCRIPT_ERRORS (CEventGroupScriptErrors)\n\nNote: eventDataSize is NOT the size in bytes, it is the size determined by the SIZE_OF operator (RAGE Script operator, not C/C++ sizeof). That is, the size in bytes divided by 8 (script variables are always 8-byte aligned!).\n\nplayerBits (also known as playersToBroadcastTo) is a bitset that indicates which players this event should be sent to. In order to send the event to specific players only, use (1 << playerIndex). Set all bits if it should be broadcast to all players.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "eventGroup" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "eventData" }, { "type": "int", "name": "eventDataSize" }, { "type": "int", "name": "scriptMetadataIndex" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "playerBits" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5AE99C571D5BBE5D", "gta_jhash": "0x54763B35" }, "0x8B61C950A148FFA2": { "name": "_TRIGGER_SCRIPT_EVENT_2", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "eventData" }, { "type": "int", "name": "eventDataSize" }, { "type": "int", "name": "scriptMetadataIndex" }, { "type": "int", "name": "threadId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE7282390542F570D": { "name": "_0xE7282390542F570D", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x11B0A0B282FA9B10": { "name": "_0x11B0A0B282FA9B10", "comment": "Used in Script Function DISABLE_REGISTERED_WORLD_BRAINS", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6F700A4BF7C3331B": { "name": "_0x6F700A4BF7C3331B", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF9E951A1E5517C06": { "name": "_0xF9E951A1E5517C06", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x76CBCD9EADC00955": { "name": "_0x76CBCD9EADC00955", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFC179D7E8886DADF": { "name": "SHUTDOWN_LOADING_SCREEN", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x078EBE9809CCD637", "gta_jhash": "0xA2826D17" }, "0x5CB83156AA038F95": { "name": "SET_NO_LOADING_SCREEN", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5262CC1995D07E09", "gta_jhash": "0xC8055034" }, "0x323DAF00687E0F28": { "name": "GET_NO_LOADING_SCREEN", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x18C1270EA7F199BC", "gta_jhash": "0x27512BA0" }, "0x1E5B70E53DB661E5": { "name": "_DISPLAY_LOADING_SCREENS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "gamemodeName" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "title" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "subtitle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x29FB4CE89472C3CB": { "name": "_0x29FB4CE89472C3CB", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p7" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x778D4733E0F2F265": { "name": "STOP_DISPLAYING_MP_TRANSITION_LOADING_SCREENS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xB54ADBE65D528FCB": { "name": "IS_LOADING_SCREEN_VISIBLE", "comment": "Same as GET_IS_LOADING_SCREEN_ACTIVE", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xBC2C927F5C264243": { "name": "BAIL_TO_LANDING_PAGE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "bailCode" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE98204D3C25AE14C": { "name": "BAIL_WITH_PASS_THROUGH_PARAMS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "params" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2238EC3EC631AB1F": { "name": "BG_IS_EXITFLAG_SET", "comment": "Returns true if GtaThread+0x77C is equal to 1.\n\nOld name: _BG_EXITED_BECAUSE_BACKGROUND_THREAD_STOPPED", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "unused": true, "gta_hash": "0x836B62713E0534CA", "gta_jhash": "0x22B9F132" }, "0x4858148E3B8A75D0": { "name": "BG_SET_EXITFLAG_RESPONSE", "comment": "Sets bit 0 in GtaThread+0x784", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "unused": true, "gta_hash": "0x760910B49D2B98EA", "gta_jhash": "0x5C95B670" }, "0x2EB67D564DCC09D5": { "name": "BG_START_CONTEXT_HASH", "comment": "Hashed version of BG_START_CONTEXT", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "contextHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "unused": true, "gta_hash": "0x75B18E49607874C7", "gta_jhash": "0x67B23E17" }, "0x6D1431744182CDE8": { "name": "BG_END_CONTEXT_HASH", "comment": "Hashed version of BG_END_CONTEXT", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "contextHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "unused": true, "gta_hash": "0x107E5CC7CA942BC1", "gta_jhash": "0x3D981EBF" }, "0x49BA5678BA040CA7": { "name": "BG_START_CONTEXT", "comment": "Inserts the given context into the background scripts context map.", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "contextName" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "unused": true, "gta_hash": "0x9D5A25BADB742ACD", "gta_jhash": "0xF3F1D953" }, "0x3ABF7BA1C3E2C8CF": { "name": "BG_END_CONTEXT", "comment": "Deletes the given context from the background scripts context map.", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "contextName" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "unused": true, "gta_hash": "0xDC2BACD920D0A0DD", "gta_jhash": "0x11F38FB3" }, "0x4AE1DFF337A86FDE": { "name": "BG_DOES_LAUNCH_PARAM_EXIST", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "scriptIndex" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "unused": true, "gta_hash": "0x0F6F1EBBC4E1D5E6", "gta_jhash": "0xF8E5F73A" }, "0x55C40B7592BAD213": { "name": "BG_GET_LAUNCH_PARAM_VALUE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "scriptIndex" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "unused": true, "gta_hash": "0x22E21FBCFC88C149", "gta_jhash": "0x682CB7E1" }, "0x829CD22E043A2577": { "name": "BG_GET_SCRIPT_ID_FROM_NAME_HASH", "comment": "", 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"return : script thread id, 0 if failed\nPass pointer to struct of args in p1, size of struct goes into p2", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "scriptName" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "args" }, { "type": "int", "name": "argCount" }, { "type": "int", "name": "stackSize" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB8BA7F44DF1575E1", "gta_jhash": "0x4A2100E4" }, "0xEB1C67C3A5333A92": { "name": "START_NEW_SCRIPT_WITH_NAME_HASH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "scriptHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "stackSize" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xEB1C67C3A5333A92", "gta_jhash": "0x8D15BE5D" }, "0xC4BB298BD441BE78": { "name": "START_NEW_SCRIPT_WITH_NAME_HASH_AND_ARGS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "scriptHash" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "args" }, { "type": "int", "name": "argCount" }, { "type": "int", "name": "stackSize" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC4BB298BD441BE78", "gta_jhash": "0xE38A3AD4" } }, "SAVE": { "0x4FB5869E2B37FC00": { "name": "_0x4FB5869E2B37FC00", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x62C9EB51656D68CE": { "name": "SAVEGAME_SAVE_SP", "comment": "enum eSavegameType : Hash\n{\n\tSAVEGAMETYPE_AMBIENT = 0x3CA4E1F8,\n\tSAVEGAMETYPE_DEFAULT = 0xCB6ED080,\n\tSAVEGAMETYPE_DELETE_CHAR = 0xCD35F947,\n\tSAVEGAMETYPE_END_CREATE_NEWCHAR = 0x4C50A3CE,\n\tSAVEGAMETYPE_END_MATCH = 0xE470ED50,\n\tSAVEGAMETYPE_END_MISSION = 0x9A444E54,\n\tSAVEGAMETYPE_END_SESSION = 0x6D23956C,\n\tSAVEGAMETYPE_END_SHOPPING = 0xA311A6C4,\n\tSAVEGAMETYPE_RANKUP = 0xE25F8017,\n\tSAVEGAMETYPE_SCRIPT_MP_GLOBALS = 0xAFF30AD4,\n\tSAVEGAMETYPE_SP_AUTOSAVE = 0xF4AE69EC,\n\tSAVEGAMETYPE_SP_DEBUG = 0x6A8122FD,\n\tSAVEGAMETYPE_SP_PROPERTY = 0xAE0AB38E\n};", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "savegameType" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x1840F3B30ED0105F": { "name": "SAVEGAME_SAVE_MP", "comment": "See SAVEGAME_SAVE_SP", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "savegameType" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x3CF46F55C6585590": { "name": "SAVEGAME_IS_SAVE_PENDING", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x1431540BCA1A1BD2": { "name": "_0x1431540BCA1A1BD2", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xA7ECEBAFBAF997A5": { "name": "_0xA7ECEBAFBAF997A5", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "savegameType" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1436" }, "0xED4B0C1057892B2E": { "name": "_0xED4B0C1057892B2E", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9BB83C4DD7BE0802": { "name": "_0x9BB83C4DD7BE0802", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", 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"name": "variableName" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xB25B5A375BE5BE26": { "name": "_SAVEGAME_GET_INT_3", "comment": "Does the exact same as 0x529B9CCD0972AF4E\nCommonly used with enums and flags", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "variableName" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x35DEFECAE36D4FAE": { "name": "_SAVEGAME_GET_FLOAT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "variableName" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xBB7F4273C186BC4B": { "name": "_SAVEGAME_GET_BOOL", "comment": "Does the exact same as 0x529B9CCD0972AF4E", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "variableName" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x5A10D6506B2F2C63": { "name": "_SAVEGAME_GET_TEXT_LABEL_23", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "variableName" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x4845E7E7643A908C": { "name": "_SAVEGAME_GET_TEXT_LABEL_31", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "variableName" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x186608A2AC6F9E88": { "name": "_SAVEGAME_GET_TEXT_LABEL_63", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any*", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "variableName" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x443174C20B8B9E7F": { "name": "_0x443174C20B8B9E7F", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x8E8FFB9E4AD051D2": { "name": "_0x8E8FFB9E4AD051D2", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE0B45E983BFC0768": { "name": "_0xE0B45E983BFC0768", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x81F4E92BE3958364": { "name": "_0x81F4E92BE3958364", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA844FEB5C22C2C74": { "name": "_0xA844FEB5C22C2C74", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" } }, "SHAPETEST": { "0x7EE9F5D83DD4F90E": { "name": "START_SHAPE_TEST_LOS_PROBE", "comment": "Asynchronously starts a line-of-sight (raycast) world probe shape test.\n\nUse the handle with 0x3D87450E15D98694 or 0x65287525D951F6BE until it returns 0 or 2.\n\np8 is a bit mask with bits 1, 2 and/or 4, relating to collider types; 4 should usually be used.", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y2" }, { "type": 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In my testing, setting a vehicle as the focus entity and moving that vehicle more than 300 distance units away from the player will make the level of detail around the player go down drastically (shadows disappear, textures go extremely low res, etc). The player seems to be the default focus entity.", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x198F77705FA0931D", "gta_jhash": "0x18DB04AC" }, "0xF87DE697E9A06EC6": { "name": "IS_ENTITY_FOCUS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2DDFF3FB9075D747", "gta_jhash": "0xB456D707" }, "0x3CACC83F6FED837C": { "name": "SET_MAPDATACULLBOX_ENABLED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "const char*", "name": "name" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xAF12610C644A35C9", "gta_jhash": "0x403CD434" }, "0x19ABCC581D28E6F9": { "name": "SET_ALL_MAPDATA_CULLED", "comment": "nullsub, doesn't do anything", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4E52E752C76E7E7A", "gta_jhash": "0xA07BAEB9" }, "0xF01D21DF39554115": { "name": 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"name": "TASK_DISEMBARK_NEAREST_TRAIN_CARRIAGE", "comment": "flags: See TASK_ENTER_VEHICLE", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flags" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC20E50AA46D09CA8": { "name": "TASK_ENTER_VEHICLE", "comment": "flags: https://github.com/Halen84/RDR3-Native-Flags-And-Enums/tree/main/eEnterExitVehicleFlags", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "timeout" }, { "type": "int", "name": "seat" }, { "type": "float", "name": "speed" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flag" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC20E50AA46D09CA8", "gta_jhash": "0xB8689B4E" }, "0xD3DBCE61A490BE02": { "name": "TASK_LEAVE_VEHICLE", "comment": "flags: See TASK_ENTER_VEHICLE", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": 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"int", "name": "taskFlag" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "targetPed" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9030AD4B6207BFE8": { "name": "TASK_HITCH_ANIMAL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "scenarioPoint" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flag" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE05A5D39BE6E93AF": { "name": "_0xE05A5D39BE6E93AF", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE2A2AA2F659D77A7": { "name": "TASK_VEHICLE_DRIVE_TO_COORD", "comment": "stopRange: how close vehicle will get to destination before stopping, default 4.0\nstraightLineDist: distance at which AI switches to heading for target directly instead of following nodes, default -1", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "float", "name": 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"0x61E360B7E040D12E", "gta_jhash": "0xD26CAC68" }, "0x8AA1593AEC087A29": { "name": "TASK_MOVE_IN_TRAFFIC", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xDCA3A13F7A45338B": { "name": "TASK_MOVE_IN_TRAFFIC_TO_DESTINATION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p7" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x13DED0BC45600FE1": { "name": "TASK_MOVE_IN_TRAFFIC_AWAY_FROM_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xBAAB791AA72C2821": { "name": "_0xBAAB791AA72C2821", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x79482C12482A860D": { "name": "TASK_MOVE_FOLLOW_ROAD_USING_NAVMESH", "comment": "Params: moveBlendRatio commonly 1.25f, p5 is always 0 in R* Scripts", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "moveBlendRatio" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x93B93A37987F1F3D": { "name": "TASK_ACHIEVE_HEADING", "comment": "Makes the specified ped achieve the specified heading.\n\npedHandle: The handle of the ped to assign the task to.\nheading: The desired heading.\ntimeout: The time, in milliseconds, to allow the task to complete. If the task times out, it is canceled, and the ped will stay at the heading it managed to reach in the time.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "heading" }, { "type": "int", "name": "timeout" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x93B93A37987F1F3D", "gta_jhash": "0x0A0E9B42" }, "0x841142A1376E9006": { "name": "TASK_FLUSH_ROUTE", "comment": "Clears the current point route. Call this before TASK_EXTEND_ROUTE and TASK_FOLLOW_POINT_ROUTE.", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x841142A1376E9006", "gta_jhash": "0x34219154" }, "0x1E7889778264843A": { "name": "TASK_EXTEND_ROUTE", "comment": "Adds a new point to the current point route. Call TASK_FLUSH_ROUTE before the first call to this. Call TASK_FOLLOW_POINT_ROUTE to make the Ped go the route.\n\nA maximum of 8 points can be added.", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1E7889778264843A", "gta_jhash": "0x43271F69" }, "0x0E14C5550DC3CD1D": { "name": "TASK_FOLLOW_POINT_ROUTE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC2329B0206426644": { "name": "TASK_ENTER_ANIM_SCENE", "comment": "flags:\nMOVE_WHILST_WAITING_FOR_PATH = (1 << 0),\nDO_NOT_STAND_STILL_AT_END_OF_PATH = (1 << 1),\nSKIP_NAVIGATION = (1 << 2),\nTEASF_AUTO_START_ANIM_SCENE = (1 << 3),\nFORCE_STAND_STILL_AT_END_OF_PATH = (1 << 6),\nENTER_ANIM_SCENE_DONT_FOLLOW_NAVMESH = (1 << 7)", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "AnimScene", "name": "animScene" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "entityName" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "playbackListName" }, { "type": "float", "name": "enterSpeed" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "bAutoStart" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flag" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p8" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x4AA5AA97C65E4A2F": { "name": "TASK_MOVE_BE_IN_FORMATION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6A071245EB0D1882": { "name": "TASK_GO_TO_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "target" }, { "type": "int", "name": "duration" }, { "type": "float", "name": "distance" }, { "type": "float", "name": "speed" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p6" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6A071245EB0D1882", "gta_jhash": "0x374827C2" }, "0x489FFCCCE7392B55": { "name": "TASK_FOLLOW_AND_CONVERSE_WITH_PED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "targetPed" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p9" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p10" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA052608A12559BBB": { "name": "_0xA052608A12559BBB", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x8AC76D1408731732": { "name": "TASK_WANDER_AND_CONVERSE_WITH_PED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xAA19711D33C6708C": { "name": "TASK_LEAD_AND_CONVERSE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p8" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xDE0C8B145EA466FF": { "name": "_0xDE0C8B145EA466FF", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x8D7F2A63688C20A4": { "name": "TASK_SEEK_CLEAR_LOS_TO_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xBAD6545608CECA6E": { "name": "TASK_GO_TO_WHISTLE", "comment": "enum eWhistleType\n{\n\tWHISTLE_MAIN,\n\tWHISTLE_SECONDARY,\n\tWHISTLE_DOUBLE,\n\tWHISTLE_URGENT,\n\tWHISTLE_LONG\n};", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "whistleType" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xEB67D4E056C85A81": { "name": "_0xEB67D4E056C85A81", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x78D8C1D4EB80C588": { "name": "_0x78D8C1D4EB80C588", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x9A7A4A54596FE09D": { "name": "TASK_LEAD_HORSE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "horse" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xED27560703F37258": { "name": "TASK_STOP_LEADING_HORSE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6879FF208ED87F2A": { "name": "_TASK_FLEE_FROM_COORD", "comment": "fleeType: see TASK_FLEE_COORD", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p9" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p10" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p11" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7B74D8EEDE9B5727": { "name": "_TASK_FLEE_FROM_PED", "comment": "fleeType: see TASK_FLEE_COORD", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "fleeFromTarget" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "distance" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "targetPed" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x94587F17E9C365D5": { "name": "TASK_SMART_FLEE_COORD", "comment": "Makes the specified ped flee the specified distance from the specified position.\nfleeType: see TASK_FLEE_COORD", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "distance" }, { "type": "int", "name": "time" }, { "type": "int", "name": "fleeType" }, { "type": "float", "name": "fleeSpeed" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x94587F17E9C365D5", "gta_jhash": "0xB2E686FC" }, "0x22B0D0E37CCB840D": { "name": "TASK_SMART_FLEE_PED", "comment": "Makes a ped run away from another ped (fleeFromTarget)\n\nfleeDistance = ped will flee this distance\nfleeTime = ped will flee for this amount of time, set to \"-1\" to flee forever\nfleeType = see TASK_FLEE_COORD, can be 0, R* Scripts: fm_mission/race_controller: 66048; fme_escaped_convicts: 2260992, 2523136, 2359296; la_alligator/fox: 2097152; net_fetch: 17301536; net_stable_mount: 540928\nfleeSpeed = mostly 3f, rarely 1f in R* Scripts", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "fleeFromTarget" }, { "type": "float", "name": "fleeDistance" }, { "type": "int", "name": "fleeTime" }, { "type": "int", "name": "fleeType" }, { "type": "float", "name": "fleeSpeed" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "targetPed" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x22B0D0E37CCB840D", "gta_jhash": "0xE52EB560" }, "0x673A8779D229BA5A": { "name": "_0x673A8779D229BA5A", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2E1D6D87346BB7D2": { "name": "_0x2E1D6D87346BB7D2", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x58428248BF4B64E4": { "name": "TASK_FLEE_COORD", "comment": "Params: p5 = some flag?, p6 = -1.0f, p8 = 0 in R* Scripts\nfleeStyle: https://github.com/Halen84/RDR3-Native-Flags-And-Enums/tree/main/eFleeStyle", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "int", "name": "fleeStyle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "int", "name": "duration" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p8" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFD45175A6DFD7CE9": { "name": "TASK_FLEE_PED", "comment": "Params: p4 = -1.0f, p5 = -1, p6 = 0 in R* Scripts\nfleeStyle: see TASK_FLEE_COORD", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "fleeFromTarget" }, { "type": "int", "name": "fleeStyle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flag" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p6" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x390E0B697D25EAF5": { "name": "TASK_FLEE_COORD_VIA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p9" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p10" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p11" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x5802E0F910E4CF1D": { "name": "TASK_FLEE_PED_VIA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p9" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE8F1A5B4CED3725A": { "name": "_ADD_FLEE_TARGET_COORDS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x3923EC958249657D": { "name": "ADD_FLEE_TARGET_PED", "comment": "Params: p2 is always -1.f in R* Scripts", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "targetPed" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA42DC7919159CCCF": { "name": "_0xA42DC7919159CCCF", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE86A537B5A3C297C": { "name": "TASK_FLY_AWAY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "fleeFromTarget" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD6CFC2D59DA72042": { "name": "TASK_FLY_TO_COORD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "travelMbr" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p6" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x72997893BFB8ECCC": { "name": "TASK_FLYING_CIRCLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" 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"name": "ped" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "animDictionary" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "animationName" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x97FF36A1D40EA00A", "gta_jhash": "0x2B520A57" }, "0x126EF75F1E17ABE5": { "name": "TASK_SCRIPTED_ANIMATION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "args" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x126EF75F1E17ABE5", "gta_jhash": "0xFC2DCF47" }, "0x77A1EEC547E7FCF1": { "name": "PLAY_ENTITY_SCRIPTED_ANIM", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "args" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x77A1EEC547E7FCF1", "gta_jhash": "0x02F72AE5" }, "0xEE08C992D238C5D1": { "name": "STOP_ANIM_PLAYBACK", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", 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"START_TASK_ITEM_INTERACTION", "comment": "Params: p3 = 0, 1; p5 = 0.0f, -1.0f\nhttps://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/tree/master/tasks/TASK_ITEM_INTERACTION", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "itemHash" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "interactionAnimHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flag" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x72F52AA2D2B172CC": { "name": "_TASK_ITEM_INTERACTION_2", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "propNameGxt" }, { "type": "Object", "name": "prop" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "propId" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "itemInteractionState" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p7" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD61D5E1AD9876DEB": { "name": "_TASK_ITEM_INTERACTION_3", "comment": "Params: p3, p4, p5, p6: 0, 0, 0, -1.0f in R* Scripts", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "item" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guid" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p6" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xB35370D5353995CB": { "name": "_0xB35370D5353995CB", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "item" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6AA3DCA2C6F5EB6D": { "name": "GET_ITEM_INTERACTION_STATE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x804425C4BBD00883": { "name": "GET_ITEM_INTERACTION_ITEM_ID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x038B1F1674F0E242": { "name": "IS_PED_RUNNING_INSPECTION_TASK", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xEC7E480FF8BD0BED": { "name": "IS_PED_RUNNING_TASK_ITEM_INTERACTION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x05A0100EA714DB68": { "name": "_GET_ITEM_INTERACTION_ENTITY_FROM_PED", "comment": "item hashes: PRIMARYITEM, P_MUGCOFFEE01X_PH_R_HAND, P_BOTTLEBEER01X_PH_R_HAND\nhttp://prntscr.com/1qtp3bz\nhttps://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/tree/master/tasks/TASK_ITEM_INTERACTION", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "item" } ], "return_type": "Entity", "build": "1207" }, "0xBC864A70AD55E0C1": { "name": "GET_ITEM_INTERACTION_PROMPT_PROGRESS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "inputContext" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0x678D3226CF70B9C8": { "name": "_0x678D3226CF70B9C8", "comment": "Only used in R* SP Script beat_washed_ashore\nReturns Object prop for TASK::_TASK_ITEM_INTERACTION_2", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Object", "build": "1207" }, "0x5F22926E1BCE9B08": { "name": "TASK_EVASIVE_ANIM", "comment": "Params: p2 is returned by BUILTIN::SHIFT_LEFT", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped1" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped2" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6FA46612594F7973": { "name": "TASK_LOOK_AT_COORD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "int", "name": "duration" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flags" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p7" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6FA46612594F7973", "gta_jhash": "0x7B784DD8" }, "0x69F4BE8C8CC4796C": { "name": "TASK_LOOK_AT_ENTITY", "comment": "param3: duration in ms, use -1 to look forever\nparam4: using 2048 is fine\nparam5: using 3 is fine", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "lookAtTarget" }, { "type": "int", "name": "duration" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x69F4BE8C8CC4796C", "gta_jhash": "0x991D6619" }, "0x0F804F1DB19B9689": { "name": "TASK_CLEAR_LOOK_AT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0F804F1DB19B9689", "gta_jhash": "0x60EB4054" }, "0x508F5053E3F6F0C4": { "name": "_0x508F5053E3F6F0C4", "comment": "Only used in R* SP Scripts\nParams: p4 = 1.0f - 30.0f", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x23767D80C7EED7C6": { "name": 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"name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x3841422E9C488D8C": { "name": "CLEAR_SEQUENCE_TASK", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int*", "name": "taskSequenceId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3841422E9C488D8C", "gta_jhash": "0x47ED03CE" }, "0x58C70CF3A41E4AE7": { "name": "SET_SEQUENCE_TO_REPEAT", "comment": "repeatMode: 0 = REPEAT_NOT; 1 = REPEAT_FOREVER", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "taskSequenceId" }, { "type": "int", "name": "repeatMode" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x58C70CF3A41E4AE7", "gta_jhash": "0xCDDF1508" }, "0x00A9010CFE1E3533": { "name": "GET_SEQUENCE_PROGRESS", "comment": "returned values:\n0 to 7 = task that's currently in progress, 0 meaning the first one.\n-1 no task sequence in progress.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x00A9010CFE1E3533", "gta_jhash": "0xA3419909" }, "0xB0760331C7AA4155": { "name": "GET_IS_TASK_ACTIVE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "taskIndex" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB0760331C7AA4155", "gta_jhash": "0x86FDDF55" }, "0x77F1BEB8863288D5": { "name": "GET_SCRIPT_TASK_STATUS", "comment": "Gets the status of a script-assigned task, and returns an int between 0-8\ntaskHash: https://alloc8or.re/rdr3/doc/enums/eScriptTaskHash.txt \n\nWAITING_TO_START_TASK = 0,\nPERFORMING_TASK\nDORMANT_TASK\nVACANT_STAGE\nGROUP_TASK_STAGE\nATTRACTOR_SCRIPT_TASK_STAGE\nSECONDARY_TASK_STAGE\nTASK_NOT_FOUND\nFINISHED_TASK", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "taskHash" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x77F1BEB8863288D5", "gta_jhash": "0xB2477B23" }, "0x9FF5F9B24E870748": { "name": "_0x9FF5F9B24E870748", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xA710DC5D25F8B942": { "name": "_GET_SCRIPT_TASK_ACTION_TIME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "task" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0xE7FA07624574B79A": { "name": "REACT_LOOK_AT", "comment": "lookIntensity: see SET_PED_SHOULD_PLAY_FLEE_SCENARIO_EXIT\n\nexitAnimation: LOOK_RETURN_GENERIC = 1,\nLOOK_RETURN_DISMISSIVE = 2,\nLOOK_RETURN_RELIEVED = 3", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "targetPed" }, { "type": "int", "name": "lookIntensity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "exitAnimation" }, { "type": "float", "name": "duration" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "targetPed2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p8" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x541E5B41DCA45828": { "name": "REACT_LOOK_AT_END", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "exitAnimation" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x916B8E075ABC8B4E": { "name": "IS_PED_SCENARIO_REACT_LOOKING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x534AEBA6E5ED4CAB": { "name": "GET_ACTIVE_VEHICLE_MISSION_TYPE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x534AEBA6E5ED4CAB", "gta_jhash": "0xAFA914EF" }, "0x504D54DF3F6F2247": { "name": "TASK_LEAVE_ANY_VEHICLE", "comment": "flags: See TASK_ENTER_VEHICLE", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "taskFlag" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x504D54DF3F6F2247", "gta_jhash": "0xDBDD79FA" }, "0xBD70108D01875299": { "name": "_0xBD70108D01875299", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x14747F4A5971DE4E": { "name": "TASK_USE_RANDOM_SCENARIO_IN_GROUP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9B53BB6E8943AF53": { "name": "TASK_AIM_GUN_AT_ENTITY", "comment": "duration: the amount of time in milliseconds to do the task. -1 will keep the task going until either another task is applied, or CLEAR_ALL_TASKS() is called with the ped", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "targetEntity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "duration" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9B53BB6E8943AF53", "gta_jhash": "0xBE32B3B6" }, "0x5AD23D40115353AC": { "name": "TASK_TURN_PED_TO_FACE_ENTITY", "comment": "duration: the amount of time in milliseconds to do the task. -1 will keep the task going until either another task is applied, or CLEAR_ALL_TASKS() is called with the ped", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "targetEntity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "duration" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5AD23D40115353AC", "gta_jhash": "0x3C37C767" }, "0x6671F3EEC681BDA1": { "name": "TASK_AIM_GUN_AT_COORD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "int", "name": "time" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p6" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6671F3EEC681BDA1", "gta_jhash": "0xFBF44AD3" }, "0x4AF1D73861212F52": { "name": "TASK_AIM_AT_COORD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xCF7569BD0FB480A0": { "name": "TASK_AIM_AT_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x46A6CC01E0826106": { "name": "TASK_SHOOT_AT_COORD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "int", "name": "duration" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "firingPattern" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" } ], "return_type": 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"name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x5C8514540D27FBFB": { "name": "TASK_INVESTIGATE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE39B4FF4FDEBDE27": { "name": "TASK_GOTO_ENTITY_OFFSET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "int", "name": "duration" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE39B4FF4FDEBDE27", "gta_jhash": "0x1A17A85E" }, "0x338E7EF52B6095A9": { "name": "TASK_GOTO_ENTITY_OFFSET_XY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "duration" }, { "type": "float", "name": "targetRadius" }, { "type": "float", "name": "xOffset" }, { "type": "float", "name": "yOffset" }, { "type": "float", "name": "moveBlendRatio" }, { "type": "int", "name": "offsetFlags" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x338E7EF52B6095A9", "gta_jhash": "0xBC1E3D0A" }, "0xFA6DA9D151769392": { "name": "TASK_GOTO_ENTITY_OFFSET_XYZ", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p8" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1311" }, "0x901BD69984400F62": { "name": "TASK_GOTO_ENTITY_OFFSET_XY_AIMING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p8" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x41B0832CA96B5351": { "name": "TASK_GOTO_ENTITY_OFFSET_XYZ_AIMING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p9" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2D532EAA142CF83F": { "name": "TASK_FOLLOW_ENTITY_WHILE_AIMING_AT_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p7" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x1DDA930A0AC38571": { "name": "TASK_TURN_PED_TO_FACE_COORD", "comment": "duration in milliseconds", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "int", "name": "duration" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1DDA930A0AC38571", "gta_jhash": "0x30463D73" }, "0xC429DCEEB339E129": { "name": "TASK_VEHICLE_TEMP_ACTION", "comment": "Documentation from GTA V, might be the same in RDR:\n\n'1 - brake\n'3 - brake + reverse\n'4 - turn left 90 + braking\n'5 - turn right 90 + braking\n'6 - brake strong (handbrake?) until time ends\n'7 - turn left + accelerate\n'7 - turn right + accelerate\n'9 - weak acceleration\n'10 - turn left + restore wheel pos to center in the end\n'11 - turn right + restore wheel pos to center in the end\n'13 - turn left + go reverse\n'14 - turn left + go reverse\n'16 - crash the game after like 2 seconds :)\n'17 - keep actual state, game crashed after few tries\n'18 - game crash\n'19 - strong brake + turn left/right\n'20 - weak brake + turn left then turn right\n'21 - weak brake + turn right then turn left\n'22 - brake + reverse\n'23 - accelerate fast\n'24 - brake\n'25 - brake turning left then when almost stopping it turns left more\n'26 - brake turning right then when almost stopping it turns right more\n'27 - brake until car stop or until time ends\n'28 - brake + strong reverse acceleration\n'30 - performs a burnout (brake until stop + brake and accelerate)\n'31 - accelerate + handbrake\n'32 - accelerate very strong\n\nSeems to be this:\nWorks on NPCs, but overrides their current task. If inside a task sequence (and not being the last task), \"time\" will work, otherwise the task will be performed forever until tasked with something else", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "driver" }, { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "action" }, { "type": "int", "name": "time" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC429DCEEB339E129", "gta_jhash": "0x0679DFB8" }, "0x659427E0EF36BCDE": { "name": "TASK_VEHICLE_MISSION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "driver" }, { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicleTarget" }, { "type": "int", "name": "missionType" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "DriveAgainstTraffic" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x659427E0EF36BCDE", "gta_jhash": "0x20609E56" }, "0x7F241A0D14354583": { "name": "TASK_VEHICLE_DRIVE_TO_DESTINATION", "comment": "flags: 67108864, 2097152, 524564, 524675 (eDrivingFlags)\np7 = 6 or 3\np8 = x coordinate\np9 - 8.f\np10 = false", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "driver" }, { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "speed" }, { "type": "int", "name": "drivingFlags" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "float", "name": "stoppingRange1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "stoppingRange2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p10" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x391073B9D3CCE2BA": { "name": "_TASK_VEHICLE_DRIVE_TO_DESTINATION_2", "comment": "Tasks vehicle towards owner", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "speed" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p8" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x55CD5FDDD4335C1E": { "name": "_TASK_VEHICLE_FLEE_ON_CLEANUP", "comment": "Vehicle Auto Drive (?)\np1/p2/p3: usually 1f, 1f, 0f or 0f, 0f, 0f\nSpeed: usually 8f\nTypes: 1148979456 (task with flee), 1148979587 (dismissing the vehicle)", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "speed" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "type" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x089FF2FB965F0A29": { "name": "TASK_VEHICLE_DRIVE_STRAIGHT_TO_POINT", "comment": "Old name: _TASK_VEHICLE_DRIVE_TO_POINT\nflag: 524419 and 0 in shop_horse_shop R* Script", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "driver" }, { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flag" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6524A8981E8BE7C9": { "name": "_TASK_VEHICLE_DRIVE_TO_POINT_2", "comment": "Params: p4 = 3.f or 8.f, p5 = 0.25f, p6 = 0 in R* Scripts", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x1D125814EBC517EB": { "name": "_0x1D125814EBC517EB", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x583AE9AF9CEE0958": { "name": "_0x583AE9AF9CEE0958", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x9454528DF15D657A": { "name": "TASK_VEHICLE_MISSION_PED_TARGET", "comment": "See TASK_VEHICLE_MISSION", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "pedTarget" }, { "type": "int", "name": "mode" }, { "type": "float", "name": "maxSpeed" }, { "type": "int", "name": "drivingStyle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "minDistance" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "DriveAgainstTraffic" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9454528DF15D657A", "gta_jhash": "0xC81C4677" }, "0xA263ADBBC8056214": { "name": "_0xA263ADBBC8056214", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x0FA6E4B75F302400": { "name": "TASK_VEHICLE_ESCORT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "targetVehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "mode" }, { "type": "float", "name": "speed" }, { "type": "int", "name": "drivingStyle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "minDistance" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "float", "name": "noRoadsDistance" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0FA6E4B75F302400", "gta_jhash": "0x9FDCB250" }, "0x15C86013127CE63F": { "name": "TASK_BOAT_MISSION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "pedDriver" }, { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "boat" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "float", "name": "maxSpeed" }, { "type": "int", "name": "drivingStyle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p10" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p11" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x15C86013127CE63F", "gta_jhash": "0x5865B031" }, "0x7157B82D60E4BC46": { "name": "TASK_WEAPON", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2F8AF0E82773A171": { "name": "TASK_DRIVE_BY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "driverPed" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "targetPed" }, { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "targetVehicle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "targetX" }, { "type": "float", "name": "targetY" }, { "type": "float", "name": "targetZ" }, { "type": "float", "name": "distanceToShoot" }, { "type": "int", "name": "pedAccuracy" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "firingPattern" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2F8AF0E82773A171", "gta_jhash": "0x2B84D1C4" }, "0xE5B302114D8162EE": { "name": "SET_DRIVEBY_TASK_TARGET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "shootingPed" }, { "type": "Ped", 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"comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA320EF046186FA3B": { "name": "IS_MOUNTED_WEAPON_TASK_UNDERNEATH_DRIVING_TASK", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA320EF046186FA3B", "gta_jhash": "0x291E938C" }, "0x9A7D091411C5F684": { "name": "TASK_WARP_PED_INTO_VEHICLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "seat" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9A7D091411C5F684", "gta_jhash": "0x65D4A35D" }, "0x08DA95E8298AE772": { "name": "TASK_SHOOT_AT_ENTITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "targetEntity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "duration" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "firingPattern" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "affectCockedState" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x08DA95E8298AE772", "gta_jhash": "0xAC0631C9" }, "0x08AA95E8298AE772": { "name": "TASK_SHOOT_WITH_WEAPON", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "args" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2416EC2F31F75266": { "name": "_0x2416EC2F31F75266", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Entity", "name": "targetEntity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "duration" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x41323F4E0C4AE94B": { "name": "_0x41323F4E0C4AE94B", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x5EA655F01D93667A": { "name": "_0x5EA655F01D93667A", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x89D9FCC2435112F1": { "name": "TASK_CLIMB", "comment": "Climbs or vaults the nearest thing.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "unused" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x89D9FCC2435112F1", "gta_jhash": "0x90847790" }, "0xDF1D85BCAF60D537": { "name": "_TASK_CLIMB_2", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "heading" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xB6C987F9285A3814": { "name": "TASK_CLIMB_LADDER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB6C987F9285A3814", "gta_jhash": "0x35BB4EE0" }, "0xAAA34F8A7CB32098": { "name": "CLEAR_PED_TASKS_IMMEDIATELY", "comment": "Immediately stops the pedestrian from whatever it's doing. They stop fighting, animations, etc. they forget what they were doing.\n\nresetCrouch TRUE = ped will stand up if crouching, FALSE = ped will remain crouching if crouched", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "resetCrouch" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xAAA34F8A7CB32098", "gta_jhash": "0xBC045625" }, "0x89221B16730234F0": { "name": "TASK_PERFORM_SEQUENCE_FROM_PROGRESS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x89221B16730234F0", "gta_jhash": "0xFA60601B" }, "0x1E982AC8716912C5": { "name": "SET_PED_DESIRED_MOVE_BLEND_RATIO", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1E982AC8716912C5", "gta_jhash": 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is set to NOT be CAIConditionIsPlayer (check file amb_rest.meta and amb_rest_CA.meta with OPENIV to clarify requirements).", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "scenarioHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "duration" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "playEnterAnim" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "conditionalHash" }, { "type": "float", "name": "heading" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p6" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA917E39F2CEFD215": { "name": "_TASK_START_SCENARIO_IN_PLACE_2", "comment": "Takes scenario point handle instead of hash", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p6" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x4D1F61FC34AF3CD1": { "name": "TASK_START_SCENARIO_AT_POSITION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", 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Similar to 0x11CD066F54DA0133\n_IS_A* - _IS_D*", "params": [ { "type": "Object", "name": "hatObject" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xAA0AF6025160243A": { "name": "_TASK_EQUIP_HAT", "comment": "_A*", "params": [ { "type": "Object", "name": "hatObject" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7CB99FADDE73CD1B": { "name": "_0x7CB99FADDE73CD1B", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1311" }, "0xF3C3503276F4A034": { "name": "_0xF3C3503276F4A034", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1436" }, "0x6DAC799857EF3F11": { "name": "_0x6DAC799857EF3F11", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1311" }, "0x920684BE432875B1": { "name": "_0x920684BE432875B1", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", 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"1207" }, "0x46B901A8ECDB5A61": { "name": "UNLOCK_SET_VISIBLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "unlockHash" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x644166BA7AA49DEA": { "name": "_UNLOCK_IS_NEW", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "unlockHash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xA6D79C7AEF870A99": { "name": "_UNLOCK_SET_NEW", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "unlockHash" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x66BF197E066050DE": { "name": "_UNLOCK_IS_LOOTABLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "unlockHash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x7C1C2062CFAD06FE": { "name": "_UNLOCK_GET_ITEM_ROLE_UNLOCK_INFO", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "unlockHash" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "outData" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" } }, "VEHICLE": { "0x6355602C02EDC6DF": { "name": "_0x6355602C02EDC6DF", "comment": "Only used in R* Script beat_train_holdup: p1 = 1", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xCE1531927AD6C9F8": { "name": "_SET_VEHICLE_IS_IN_HURRY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "enabled" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xAF35D0D2583051B0": { "name": "CREATE_VEHICLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "modelHash" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "heading" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "isNetwork" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "bScriptHostVeh" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "bDontAutoCreateDraftAnimals" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p8" } ], "return_type": "Vehicle", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xAF35D0D2583051B0", "gta_jhash": "0xDD75460A" }, "0x214651FB1DFEBA89": { "name": "_CREATE_DRAFT_VEHICLE", "comment": "Identical to CREATE_VEHICLE but allows to set draftAnimalPopGroup (see popgroups.#mt for DRAFT_HORSES_*)", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "modelHash" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "heading" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "isNetwork" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "bScriptHostVeh" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "bDontAutoCreateDraftAnimals" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "draftAnimalPopGroup" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p9" } ], "return_type": "Vehicle", "build": "1207" }, "0xE20A909D8C4A70F8": { "name": "DELETE_VEHICLE", "comment": "Deletes a vehicle.\nThe vehicle must be a mission entity to delete, so call this before deleting: SET_ENTITY_AS_MISSION_ENTITY(vehicle, true, true);\n\neg how to use:\nSET_ENTITY_AS_MISSION_ENTITY(vehicle, true, true);\nDELETE_VEHICLE(&vehicle);\n\nDeletes the specified vehicle, then sets the handle pointed to by the pointer to NULL.", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle*", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xEA386986E786A54F", "gta_jhash": "0x9803AF60" }, "0x35DC1877312FBA0F": { "name": "_FADE_AND_DESTROY_VEHICLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle*", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x5136B284B67B35C7": { "name": "_IS_VEHICLE_FADING_OUT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x1240E8596A8308B9": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_ALLOW_HOMING_MISSLE_LOCKON", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x7D6F9A3EF26136A0", "gta_jhash": "0xBB54ECCA" }, "0xECB9E9BC887E8060": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_ALLOW_NO_PASSENGERS_LOCKON", "comment": "Makes the vehicle accept no passengers.", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5D14D4154BFE7B2C", "gta_jhash": "0x8BAAC437" }, "0x0045A54EC7A22455": { "name": "IS_VEHICLE_MODEL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "model" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x423E8DE37D934D89", "gta_jhash": "0x013B10B6" }, "0x424FFCB9F0D2D4B5": { "name": "_SET_ALL_VEHICLE_GENERATORS_DISABLED_FOR_VOLUME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Volume", "name": "volume" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xBBB134FB9D50C0CC": { "name": "SET_ALL_VEHICLE_GENERATORS_ACTIVE_IN_AREA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p7" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC12321827687FE4D", "gta_jhash": "0xB4E0E69A" }, "0x3D596E6E88A02C24": { "name": "SET_ALL_VEHICLE_GENERATORS_ACTIVE", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x34AD89078831A4BC", "gta_jhash": "0xAB1FDD76" }, "0x7263332501E07F52": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_ON_GROUND_PROPERLY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x49733E92263139D1", "gta_jhash": "0xE14FDBA6" }, "0x78C3311A73135241": { "name": "IS_VEHICLE_STOPPED", "comment": "Returns true if the vehicle's current speed is less than, or equal to 0.0025f.\n\nFor some vehicles it returns true if the current speed is <= 0.00039999999.", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5721B434AD84D57A", "gta_jhash": "0x655F072C" }, "0x59F3F16577CD79B2": { "name": "GET_VEHICLE_NUMBER_OF_PASSENGERS", "comment": "Gets the number of passengers, NOT including the driver. Use IS_VEHICLE_SEAT_FREE(Vehicle, -1) to also check for the driver", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x24CB2137731FFE89", "gta_jhash": "0x1EF20849" }, "0xA9C55F1C15E62E06": { "name": "GET_VEHICLE_MAX_NUMBER_OF_PASSENGERS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA7C4F2C6E744A550", "gta_jhash": "0x0A2FC08C" }, "0x9A578736FF3A17C3": { "name": "GET_VEHICLE_MODEL_NUMBER_OF_SEATS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "modelHash" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2AD93716F184EDA4", "gta_jhash": "0x838F7BF7" }, "0x7892685BF6D9775E": { "name": "IS_SEAT_WARP_ONLY", "comment": "seatIndex: see CREATE_PED_INSIDE_VEHICLE", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "seatIndex" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF7F203E31F96F6A1", "gta_jhash": "0x769E5CF2" }, "0xFF5791B7639C2A46": { "name": "_GET_VEHICLE_TURRET_SEAT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "seatIndex" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xA9E185D498B9AC67": { "name": "_0xA9E185D498B9AC67", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x606374EBFC27B133": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_DENSITY_MULTIPLIER_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "multiplier" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x245A6883D966D537", "gta_jhash": "0xF4187E51" }, "0x1F91D44490E1EA0C": { "name": "SET_RANDOM_VEHICLE_DENSITY_MULTIPLIER_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "multiplier" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB3B3359379FE77D3", "gta_jhash": "0x543F712B" }, "0xFEDFA97638D61D4A": { "name": "SET_PARKED_VEHICLE_DENSITY_MULTIPLIER_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "multiplier" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xEAE6DCC7EEE3DB1D", "gta_jhash": "0xDD46CEBE" }, "0xD4288603E8766FF7": { "name": "SET_DISABLE_RANDOM_TRAINS_THIS_FRAME", "comment": "nullsub, doesn't do anything", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD4B8E3D1917BC86B", "gta_jhash": "0x09462665" }, "0x96F78A6A075D55D9": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_DOORS_LOCKED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "doorLockStatus" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB664292EAECF7FA6", "gta_jhash": "0x4CDD35D0" }, "0xA9F1D75195CC40F6": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_INDIVIDUAL_DOORS_LOCKED", "comment": "doorId: see SET_VEHICLE_DOOR_SHUT", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "doorId" }, { "type": "int", "name": "doorLockStatus" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xBE70724027F85BCD", "gta_jhash": "0xD61D182D" }, "0x359A8EA1FB8D6F0F": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_DOORS_LOCKED_FOR_PLAYER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "Player", "name": "player" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x517AAF684BB50CD1", "gta_jhash": "0x49829236" }, "0xFA2CDDFEB8BC898B": { "name": "GET_VEHICLE_DOORS_LOCKED_FOR_PLAYER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "Player", "name": "player" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF6AF6CB341349015", "gta_jhash": "0x1DC50247" }, "0x2381977DA948F8DC": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_DOORS_LOCKED_FOR_ALL_PLAYERS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA2F80B8D040727CC", "gta_jhash": "0x891BA8A4" }, "0xE712BC978770F105": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_DOORS_LOCKED_FOR_TEAM", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "team" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB81F6D4A8F5EEBA8", "gta_jhash": "0x4F85E783" }, "0xDD1E1393D966D39A": { "name": "_GET_VEHICLE_DOORS_LOCKED_FOR_TEAM", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "team" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x75DCED9EEC5769D7": { "name": "EXPLODE_VEHICLE", "comment": "Explodes a selected vehicle.\n\nVehicle vehicle = Vehicle you want to explode.\nBOOL isAudible = If explosion makes a sound.\nBOOL isInvisible = If the explosion is invisible or not.\n\nFirst BOOL does not give any visual explosion, the vehicle just falls apart completely but slowly and starts to burn.", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "isAudible" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "isInvisible" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xBA71116ADF5B514C", "gta_jhash": "0xBEDEACEB" }, "0x750D42C013F64AE7": { "name": "_0x750D42C013F64AE7", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE78993FF9022C064": { "name": "_0xE78993FF9022C064", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9868C0D0134855F7": { "name": "_0x9868C0D0134855F7", "comment": "nullsub, doesn't do anything", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x201B8ED4FF7FE9F5": { "name": "_HIDE_HORSE_REINS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x41CDA90EE3450921": { "name": "_SHOW_HORSE_REINS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD21A3D421E7F09F7": { "name": "_0xD21A3D421E7F09F7", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA13028E22564A1BD": { "name": "_0xA13028E22564A1BD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x485B05EF05B9AEE9": { "name": "_0x485B05EF05B9AEE9", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xAEAB044F05B92659": { "name": "SET_BOAT_ANCHOR", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x75DBEC174AEEAD10", "gta_jhash": "0xA3906284" }, "0x6B53F4B811E583D2": { "name": "_0x6B53F4B811E583D2", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC075176CFB8B4128": { "name": "CAN_ANCHOR_BOAT_HERE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x26C10ECBDA5D043B", "gta_jhash": "0xE97A4F5E" }, "0x286771F3059A37A7": { "name": "SET_BOAT_REMAINS_ANCHORED_WHILE_PLAYER_IS_DRIVER", "comment": "Old name: _SET_BOAT_FROZEN_WHEN_ANCHORED", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE3EBAAE484798530", "gta_jhash": "0x0ED84792" }, "0x75B49ACD73617437": { "name": "SET_FORCE_LOW_LOD_ANCHOR_MODE", "comment": "Sets boat to be anchored on spawn, called together with SET_BOAT_ANCHOR and _SET_BOAT_ANCHOR_BUOYANCY_COEFFICIENT", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB28B1FE5BFADD7F5", "gta_jhash": "0xA739012A" }, "0xE3261532550D6A9F": { "name": "SET_BOAT_LOW_LOD_ANCHOR_DISTANCE", "comment": "Value: mostly 99999.9f\n\nOld name: _SET_BOAT_MOVEMENT_RESISTANCE", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE842A9398079BD82", "gta_jhash": "0x66FA450C" }, "0x62A6D317A011EA1D": { "name": "SET_BOAT_SINKS_WHEN_WRECKED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8F719973E1445BA2", "gta_jhash": "0x35614622" }, "0x1098CDA477890165": { "name": "_SET_FORCE_HIGH_LOD_VEHICLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x98A7598C579EE871": { "name": "_0x98A7598C579EE871", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9E8711C81AA17876": { "name": "_0x9E8711C81AA17876", "comment": "Forcing high LOD buoyancy for vehicle: p1 = false\n_SET_A*", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xAB315515C9F8803D": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_STRONG", "comment": "If set to true, vehicle will not take crash damage, but is still susceptible to damage from bullets and explosives", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3E8C8727991A8A0B", "gta_jhash": "0xC758D19F" }, "0xE052C1B1CAA4ECE4": { "name": "IS_VEHICLE_SEAT_FREE", "comment": "seatIndex: see CREATE_PED_INSIDE_VEHICLE\nUse GET_VEHICLE_MAX_NUMBER_OF_PASSENGERS(vehicle) - 1 for last seat index.", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "seatIndex" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x22AC59A870E6A669", "gta_jhash": "0xDAF42B02" }, "0xBB40DD2270B65366": { "name": "GET_PED_IN_VEHICLE_SEAT", "comment": "seatIndex: see CREATE_PED_INSIDE_VEHICLE", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "seatIndex" } ], "return_type": "Ped", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xBB40DD2270B65366", "gta_jhash": "0x388FDE9A" }, "0x74583B19FEEAFDA7": { "name": "GET_LAST_PED_IN_VEHICLE_SEAT", "comment": "seatIndex: see CREATE_PED_INSIDE_VEHICLE", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "seatIndex" } ], "return_type": "Ped", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x83F969AA1EE2A664", "gta_jhash": "0xF7C6792D" }, "0xEA44E97849E9F3DD": { "name": "IS_DRAFT_VEHICLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xA8BA0BAE0173457B": { "name": "_GET_PED_IN_DRAFT_HARNESS", "comment": "enum eDraftHarness\n{\n\tDRAFT_HARNESS_LR,\n\tDRAFT_HARNESS_RR,\n\tDRAFT_HARNESS_LM,\n\tDRAFT_HARNESS_RM,\n\tDRAFT_HARNESS_LF,\n\tDRAFT_HARNESS_RF,\n\tDRAFT_HARNESS_COUNT\n};", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "harnessId" } ], "return_type": "Ped", "build": "1207" }, "0xF9F92AF49F12F6E7": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_FORWARD_SPEED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "speed" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xAB54A438726D25D5", "gta_jhash": "0x69880D14" }, "0x260BE8F09E326A20": { "name": "BRING_VEHICLE_TO_HALT", "comment": "This native makes the vehicle stop immediately\n\ndistance defines how far it will travel until stopping.", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "distance" }, { "type": "int", "name": "duration" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "unknown" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x260BE8F09E326A20", "gta_jhash": "0xCBC7D3C8" }, "0x404527BC03DA0E6C": { "name": "_IS_VEHICLE_BROUGHT_TO_HALT", "comment": "Only returns true if BRING_VEHICLE_TO_HALT is called on vehicle beforehand", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x7C06330BFDDA182E": { "name": "STOP_BRINGING_VEHICLE_TO_HALT", "comment": "Old name: _STOP_BRING_VEHICLE_TO_HALT", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x7C06330BFDDA182E", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0xE12F5ED49F44D40D": { "name": "_0xE12F5ED49F44D40D", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF6E3D38869D0F7AD": { "name": "_0xF6E3D38869D0F7AD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA4FFCD645B11F25A": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_DOORS_SHUT", "comment": "Closes all doors of a vehicle:", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "closeInstantly" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x781B3D62BB013EF5", "gta_jhash": "0xBB1FF6E7" }, "0xEBD0A4E935106FE5": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_TYRES_CAN_BURST", "comment": "Allows you to toggle bulletproof tires.", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xEB9DC3C7D8596C46", "gta_jhash": "0xA198DB54" }, "0x839137C40275FB77": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_WHEELS_CAN_BREAK", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "enabled" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x29B18B4FD460CA8F", "gta_jhash": "0x829ED654" }, "0x362CEDD2A41E0747": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_DOORS_TO_OPEN_AT_ANY_DISTANCE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1232" }, "0x550CE392A4672412": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_DOOR_OPEN", "comment": "doorId: see SET_VEHICLE_DOOR_SHUT\nCan also be used on trains and its wagons", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "doorId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "loose" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "openInstantly" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x7C65DAC73C35C862", "gta_jhash": "0xBB75D38B" }, "0x745F15A215F2DDF1": { "name": "REMOVE_VEHICLE_WINDOW", "comment": "windowIndex:\n0 = Front Right Window\n1 = Front Left Window\n2 = Back Right Window\n3 = Back Left Window", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "windowIndex" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA711568EEDB43069", "gta_jhash": "0xBB8104A3" }, "0x8878FF3EEE2868A9": { "name": "_0x8878FF3EEE2868A9", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xBAE0EEDF93F05EAA": { "name": "_SET_VEHICLE_DIRT_LEVEL_2", "comment": "dirtLevel: 0.0 - 1.0", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "dirtLevel" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x4D15E49764CB328A": { "name": "_SET_VEHICLE_MUD_LEVEL", "comment": "mudLevel: 0.0 - 1.0", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "mudLevel" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x629F0A0E952CAE7D": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_LIGHTS", "comment": "Sets the vehicle's lights state.", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "state" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x34E710FF01247C5A", "gta_jhash": "0xE8930226" }, "0x1156C6EE7E82A98A": { "name": 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"_GET_TRAIN_VEHICLE_FROM_TRACK_INDEX", "comment": "Returns train", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "trackIndex" } ], "return_type": "Vehicle", "build": "1207" }, "0x15206E88FF7617DF": { "name": "_0x15206E88FF7617DF", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "trackIndex" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA7966807953A18EE": { "name": "_0xA7966807953A18EE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "trackIndex" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6B34BE961F639E21": { "name": "_0x6B34BE961F639E21", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "trackIndex" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE6BD7DD3FD474415": { "name": "_0xE6BD7DD3FD474415", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x615B3B8E73634509": { "name": "_0x615B3B8E73634509", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "trackIndex" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x38E7DD70A242D5CB": { "name": "_0x38E7DD70A242D5CB", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "trackIndex" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x63509DDF102E08E8": { "name": "_0x63509DDF102E08E8", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "trackIndex" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7408B5C66BA31ADB": { "name": "_0x7408B5C66BA31ADB", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p9" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p10" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x41365DB586CD9E8E": { "name": "_0x41365DB586CD9E8E", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "trackIndex" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD0AABE5B9F8FA589": { "name": "_0xD0AABE5B9F8FA589", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "trackIndex" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x427C919E9809E370": { "name": "_0x427C919E9809E370", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "trackIndex" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC29996A337BDD099": { "name": "_DOES_TRAIN_EXIST_ON_TRACK", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "trackIndex" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x1E8A921112891651": { "name": "_GET_TRAIN_POSITION_ON_TRACK", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "trackIndex" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207" }, "0xB4241AD8F5AEE9ED": { "name": "_0xB4241AD8F5AEE9ED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "trackIndex" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xA230A5DDE12ED374": { "name": "_0xA230A5DDE12ED374", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x0D5FDF0D36FA10CD": { "name": "_0x0D5FDF0D36FA10CD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "trackIndex" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE682002DB1F30669": { "name": "_0xE682002DB1F30669", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x718EB706B6E998A0": { "name": "_0x718EB706B6E998A0", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "trackIndex" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF05DFAF1ADFEF2CD": { "name": "_0xF05DFAF1ADFEF2CD", "comment": "_IS_* (related to CREATE_MISSION_TRAIN)", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "trainConfig" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "direction" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xD1DF5E54F4ACBE1A": { "name": "_0xD1DF5E54F4ACBE1A", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p6" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x0FDDEE66E3465726": { "name": "_0x0FDDEE66E3465726", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x4C05B42A8D937796": { "name": "_0x4C05B42A8D937796", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xB961DD799A837BD7": { "name": "_0xB961DD799A837BD7", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x16B86A49E072AA85": { "name": "_0x16B86A49E072AA85", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2A7413168F6CD5A8": { "name": "_0x2A7413168F6CD5A8", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFFFE15B433300B8C": { "name": "_0xFFFE15B433300B8C", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6EA1273D525427F4": { "name": "_0x6EA1273D525427F4", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7BE0746539DEF0C8": { "name": "_0x7BE0746539DEF0C8", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x3137EDC899E6DAE4": { "name": "_0x3137EDC899E6DAE4", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1355" }, "0x6C87F49BFA181DB5": { "name": "_0x6C87F49BFA181DB5", "comment": "Returns trackIndex", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x85D39F5E3B6D7EB0": { "name": "_GET_TRACK_INDEX_FROM_COORDS", "comment": "Returns trackIndex\n_E* - _F*", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x6DE03BCC15E81710": { "name": "_GET_NEAREST_TRAIN_TRACK_POSITION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207" }, "0xA3120A1385F17FF7": { "name": "DELETE_ALL_TRAINS", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x736A718577F39C7D", "gta_jhash": "0x83DE7ABF" }, "0x0E558D3A49D759D6": { "name": "_0x0E558D3A49D759D6", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xD4907EF4334C7602": { "name": "_0xD4907EF4334C7602", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x68830738A6BFB370": { "name": "_0x68830738A6BFB370", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xDFBA6BBFF7CCAFBB": { "name": "SET_TRAIN_SPEED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" }, { "type": "float", "name": "speed" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xAA0BC91BE0B796E3", "gta_jhash": "0xDFC35E4D" }, "0x9F29999DFDF2AEB8": { "name": "_SET_TRAIN_MAX_SPEED", "comment": "Maximum possible speed is 30.0 (108 km/h)", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" }, { "type": "float", "name": "speed" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x01021EB2E96B793C": { "name": "SET_TRAIN_CRUISE_SPEED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" }, { "type": "float", "name": "speed" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x16469284DB8C62B5", "gta_jhash": "0xB507F51D" }, "0x60B7D1DCC312697D": { "name": "_GET_TRAIN_CARRIAGE_TRAILER_NUMBER", "comment": "Returns iNumCars - to be used with GET_TRAIN_CARRIAGE (trailerNumber)\n_C* (O, P, Q, R)", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x8DF5F6A19F99F0D5": { "name": "_GET_TRAIN_MODEL_FROM_TRAIN_CONFIG_BY_CAR_INDEX", "comment": "Returns modelHash", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "trainConfig" }, { "type": "int", "name": "trainCarIndex" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x635423D55CA84FC8": { "name": "_GET_NUM_CARS_FROM_TRAIN_CONFIG", "comment": "Returns amount for CAN_REGISTER_MISSION_VEHICLES", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "trainConfig" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x671A07C9A1CD50A5": { "name": "_GET_TRAIN_CAR", "comment": "Returns train car, use GET_TRAIN_CARRIAGE when trailerNumber is bigger than 0", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" } ], "return_type": "Entity", "build": "1207" }, "0x4182C037AA1F0091": { "name": "_SET_TRAIN_STOPS_FOR_STATIONS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xDD100CE1EBBF37E3": { "name": "_0xDD100CE1EBBF37E3", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x160C1B5AB48AB87C": { "name": "_0x160C1B5AB48AB87C", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE887BD31D97793F6": { "name": "IS_TRAIN_WAITING_AT_STATION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x3660BCAB3A6BB734": { "name": "_SET_TRAIN_HALT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x787E43477746876F": { "name": "_SET_TRAIN_LEAVE_STATION", "comment": "Restarts the train", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF44D446D4E36DB87": { "name": "SET_RANDOM_BOATS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x84436EC293B1415F", "gta_jhash": "0xB505BD89" }, "0xC474CF16EDA45DC9": { "name": "REQUEST_VEHICLE_RECORDING", "comment": "Request the vehicle recording defined by the lowercase format string \"%s%03d.yvr\". For example, REQUEST_VEHICLE_RECORDING(1, \"FBIs1UBER\") corresponds to fbis1uber001.yvr.\nFor all vehicle recording/playback natives, \"script\" is a common prefix that usually corresponds to the script/mission the recording is used in, \"recording\" is its int suffix, and \"id\" corresponds to a unique identifier within the recording streaming module.\n(GTA) Note that only 24 recordings (hardcoded in multiple places) can ever active at a given time before clobbering begins.", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "recording" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "script" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xAF514CABE74CBF15", "gta_jhash": "0x91AFEFD9" }, "0xBA9325BE372AB6EA": { "name": "HAS_VEHICLE_RECORDING_BEEN_LOADED", "comment": "See REQUEST_VEHICLE_RECORDING", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "recording" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "script" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x300D614A4C785FC4", "gta_jhash": "0xF52CD7F5" }, "0x139E35755418F6AA": { "name": "REMOVE_VEHICLE_RECORDING", "comment": "See REQUEST_VEHICLE_RECORDING", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF1160ACCF98A3FC8", "gta_jhash": "0xD3C05B00" }, "0x1A00961A1BE94E5E": { "name": "GET_POSITION_OF_VEHICLE_RECORDING_AT_TIME", "comment": "This native does no interpolation between pathpoints. The same position will be returned for all times up to the next pathpoint in the recording.\n\nSee REQUEST_VEHICLE_RECORDING", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "recording" }, { "type": "float", "name": "time" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "script" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD242728AA6F0FBA2", "gta_jhash": "0x7178558D" }, "0x61787DD28B8CC0D5": { "name": "GET_ROTATION_OF_VEHICLE_RECORDING_AT_TIME", "comment": "This native does no interpolation between pathpoints. The same rotation will be returned for all times up to the next pathpoint in the recording.\n\nSee REQUEST_VEHICLE_RECORDING", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "recording" }, { "type": "float", "name": "time" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "script" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2058206FBE79A8AD", "gta_jhash": "0xD96DEC68" }, "0x233B51C7913FA031": { "name": "GET_TIME_POSITION_IN_RECORDING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5746F3A7AB7FE544", "gta_jhash": "0xF8C3E4A2" }, "0x4932B84E3276508E": { "name": "START_PLAYBACK_RECORDED_VEHICLE", "comment": "p3 is some flag related to 'trailers' (invokes CVehicle::GetTrailer).\n\nSee REQUEST_VEHICLE_RECORDING", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "recording" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "script" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3F878F92B3A7A071", "gta_jhash": "0xCF614CA8" }, "0x59ECA796021B0539": { "name": "FORCE_PLAYBACK_RECORDED_VEHICLE_UPDATE", "comment": "Often called after START_PLAYBACK_RECORDED_VEHICLE and SKIP_TIME_IN_PLAYBACK_RECORDED_VEHICLE; similar in use to FORCE_ENTITY_AI_AND_ANIMATION_UPDATE.", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1F2E4E06DEA8992B", "gta_jhash": "0x01B91CD0" }, "0xBF9B4D6267E8C26D": { "name": "STOP_PLAYBACK_RECORDED_VEHICLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x54833611C17ABDEA", "gta_jhash": "0xAE99C57C" }, "0x02774B3A9034278F": { "name": "IS_PLAYBACK_GOING_ON_FOR_VEHICLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1C8A4C2C19E68EEC", "gta_jhash": "0x61F7650D" }, "0x5A7472606EC5B7C1": { "name": "IS_PLAYBACK_USING_AI_GOING_ON_FOR_VEHICLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xAEA8FD591FAD4106", "gta_jhash": "0x63022C58" }, "0xD78084EED4CD94C6": { "name": "SET_PLAYBACK_SPEED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "speed" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6683AB880E427778", "gta_jhash": "0x684E26E4" }, "0x5F5E6379C59EFC56": { "name": "SKIP_TIME_IN_PLAYBACK_RECORDED_VEHICLE", "comment": "SET_TIME_POSITION_IN_RECORDING can be emulated by: desired_time - GET_TIME_POSITION_IN_RECORDING(vehicle)", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "time" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9438F7AD68771A20", "gta_jhash": "0xCF3EFA4B" }, "0x52F45D033645181B": { "name": "GET_CLOSEST_VEHICLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "radius" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "modelHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flags" } ], "return_type": "Vehicle", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF73EB622C4F1689B", "gta_jhash": "0xD7E26B2C" }, "0xD0FB093A4CDB932C": { "name": "GET_TRAIN_CARRIAGE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" }, { "type": "int", "name": "trailerNumber" } ], "return_type": "Entity", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x08AAFD0814722BC3", "gta_jhash": "0x2544E7A6" }, "0x0D3630FB07E8B570": { "name": "DELETE_MISSION_TRAIN", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle*", "name": "train" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5B76B14AE875C795", "gta_jhash": "0x86C9497D" }, "0xBBE7648349B49BE8": { "name": "SET_MISSION_TRAIN_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED", "comment": "flags = 0: DEFAULT; 1: KEEP_OLD_SPEED", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle*", "name": "train" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flags" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xBBE7648349B49BE8", "gta_jhash": "0x19808560" }, "0x7632755962AB9922": { "name": "SET_MISSION_TRAIN_COORDS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x591CA673AA6AB736", "gta_jhash": "0xD6D70803" }, "0xC9EA26893C9E4024": { "name": "_SET_MISSION_TRAIN_WARP_TO_COORDS", "comment": "Notice: BOOL p4 was wrongly named takePassengers (?)\nCan be used to rotate the train by setting the BOOL direction", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "direction" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA72B1BF3857B94D7": { "name": "_0xA72B1BF3857B94D7", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xB9D5BDDA88E1BB66": { "name": "_IS_THIS_MODEL_A_DRAFT_VEHICLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "model" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x799CFC7C5B743B15": { "name": "IS_THIS_MODEL_A_BOAT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "model" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x45A9187928F4B9E3", "gta_jhash": "0x10F6085C" }, "0xFC08C8F8C1EDF174": { "name": "IS_THIS_MODEL_A_TRAIN", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "model" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xAB935175B22E822B", "gta_jhash": "0xF87DCFFD" }, "0x05254BA0B44ADC16": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_CAN_BE_TARGETTED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "state" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3750146A28097A82", "gta_jhash": "0x64B70B1D" }, "0x63DC1F22C903B709": { "name": "SET_DONT_ALLOW_PLAYER_TO_ENTER_VEHICLE_IF_LOCKED_FOR_PLAYER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xDBC631F109350B8C", "gta_jhash": "0x486C1280" }, "0x4BF8131AE811541C": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_CAN_BE_VISIBLY_DAMAGED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "state" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4C7028F78FFD3681", "gta_jhash": "0xC5D94017" }, "0xC903855E028A05F2": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_HAS_UNBREAKABLE_LIGHTS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1AA8A837D2169D94", "gta_jhash": "0x009AB49E" }, "0x33992A808DF1C1BA": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_RESPECTS_LOCKS_WHEN_HAS_DRIVER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2311DD7159F00582", "gta_jhash": "0x758C5E2E" }, "0x065D03A9D6B2C6B5": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_CAN_EJECT_PASSENGERS_IF_LOCKED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x065D03A9D6B2C6B5", "gta_jhash": "" }, "0x758C3460EE915D0A": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_DIRT_LEVEL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "dirtLevel" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x79D3B596FE44EE8B", "gta_jhash": "0x2B39128B" }, "0x7AE191143C7A9107": { "name": "IS_VEHICLE_DOOR_FULLY_OPEN", "comment": "doorId: see SET_VEHICLE_DOOR_SHUT", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "doorId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3E933CFF7B111C22", "gta_jhash": "0xC2385B6F" }, "0xB64CFA14CB9A2E78": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_ENGINE_ON", "comment": "Starts or stops the engine on the specified vehicle.\n\nvehicle: The vehicle to start or stop the engine on.\nvalue: true to turn the vehicle on; false to turn it off.\ninstantly: if true, the vehicle will be set to the state immediately; otherwise, the current driver will physically turn on or off the engine.", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "value" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "instantly" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2497C4717C8B881E", "gta_jhash": "0x7FBC86F1" }, "0x6E884BAB713A2A94": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_UNDRIVEABLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8ABA6AF54B942B95", "gta_jhash": "0x48D02A4E" }, "0x652712478F1721F4": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_PROVIDES_COVER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5AFEEDD9BB2899D7", "gta_jhash": "0xEFC01CA9" }, "0x3053064F909B5F42": { "name": "_0x3053064F909B5F42", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD57F10EBBA814ECF": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_DOOR_CONTROL", "comment": "doorId: see SET_VEHICLE_DOOR_SHUT", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "doorId" }, { "type": "int", "name": "speed" }, { "type": "float", "name": "angle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF2BFA0430F0A0FCB", "gta_jhash": "0x572DD360" }, "0x06F8A202EB312A3C": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_DOOR_LATCHED", "comment": "doorId: see SET_VEHICLE_DOOR_SHUT", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "doorId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA5A9653A8D2CAF48", "gta_jhash": "0x4EB7BBFC" }, "0x6A3C24B91FD0EA09": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_DOOR_SHUT", "comment": "doorId: enum eDoorId\n{\n\tVEH_EXT_DOOR_INVALID_ID = -1,\n\tVEH_EXT_DOOR_DSIDE_F,\n\tVEH_EXT_DOOR_DSIDE_M,\n\tVEH_EXT_DOOR_DSIDE_M1,\n\tVEH_EXT_DOOR_DSIDE_M2,\n\tVEH_EXT_DOOR_DSIDE_R,\n\tVEH_EXT_DOOR_PSIDE_F,\n\tVEH_EXT_DOOR_PSIDE_M,\n\tVEH_EXT_DOOR_PSIDE_M1,\n\tVEH_EXT_DOOR_PSIDE_M2,\n\tVEH_EXT_DOOR_PSIDE_R,\n\tVEH_EXT_BONNET,\n\tVEH_EXT_BOOT\n};", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "doorId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "closeInstantly" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x93D9BD300D7789E5", "gta_jhash": "0x142606BD" }, "0x9666CF20A1C6D780": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_DOOR_BROKEN", "comment": "doorId: see SET_VEHICLE_DOOR_SHUT", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "doorId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "deleteDoor" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD4D4F6A4AB575A33", "gta_jhash": "0x8147FEA7" }, "0xC5ED9D59B4646611": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_CAN_BREAK", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x59BF8C3D52C92F66", "gta_jhash": "0x90A810D1" }, "0x54800D386C5825E5": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_IS_CONSIDERED_BY_PLAYER", "comment": "Setting this to false, makes the specified vehicle to where if you press Y your character doesn't even attempt the animation to enter the vehicle. Hence it's not considered aka ignored.", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x31B927BBC44156CD", "gta_jhash": "0x14413319" }, "0x7549B9E841940695": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_MAY_BE_USED_BY_GOTO_POINT_ANY_MEANS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xE851E480B814D4BA", "gta_jhash": "0x2F98B4B7" }, "0xC867FD144F2469D3": { "name": "GET_VEHICLE_DOOR_LOCK_STATUS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x25BC98A59C2EA962", "gta_jhash": "0x0D72CEF2" }, "0x081FB9D6422F804C": { "name": "SET_DOOR_ALLOWED_TO_BE_BROKEN_OFF", "comment": "doorId: see SET_VEHICLE_DOOR_SHUT\n\nOld name: _SET_VEHICLE_DOOR_CAN_BREAK", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "doorId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "isBreakable" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2FA133A4A9D37ED8", "gta_jhash": "0x065B92B3" }, "0x0D5D119529654EE0": { "name": "IS_VEHICLE_ON_ALL_WHEELS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB104CD1BABF302E2", "gta_jhash": "0x10089F8E" }, "0x3C9628A811CBD724": { "name": "_GET_TRAIN_DIRECTION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x67995318F5FAA496": { "name": "_GET_TRAIN_DIRECTION_FROM_INDEX", "comment": "https://i.imgur.com/1rHibjW.jpg", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "trackIndex" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x09034479E6E3E269": { "name": "_0x09034479E6E3E269", "comment": "_RESET_VEHICLE_*", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" }, { "type": "Hash*", "name": "trainTrack" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "junctionIndex" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x86AFC343CF7F0B34": { "name": "_GET_TRAIN_TRACK_JUNCTION_AT_COORDS", "comment": "Outputs junctionIndex, to be used with 0xE6C5E2125EB210C1", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "trainTrack" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "junctionIndex" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xD9BF3ED8EFB67EA3": { "name": "_0xD9BF3ED8EFB67EA3", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x785639D89F8451AB": { "name": "_0x785639D89F8451AB", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207" }, "0xE6C5E2125EB210C1": { "name": "_SET_TRAIN_TRACK_JUNCTION_SWITCH", "comment": "trainTrack: FREIGHT_GROUP, TRAINS3, BRAITHWAITES2_TRACK_CONFIG, TRAINS_OLD_WEST01, TRAINS_OLD_WEST03, TRAINS_NB1, TRAINS_INTERSECTION1_ANN", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "trainTrack" }, { "type": "int", "name": "junctionIndex" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "enabled" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x3ABFA128F5BF5A70": { "name": "_0x3ABFA128F5BF5A70", "comment": "Called together with 0xE6C5E2125EB210C1 in R* Script medium_update", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "trainTrack" }, { "type": "int", "name": "junctionIndex" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "enabled" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2C46D2A591D8C322": { "name": "_0x2C46D2A591D8C322", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xCAFF2C9747103C02": { "name": "_0xCAFF2C9747103C02", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x138398153824E332": { "name": "_SET_ALL_JUNCTIONS_CLEARED", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x34BCF6209B9668A7": { "name": "_0x34BCF6209B9668A7", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "trackIndex" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD0BA1853D76683C8": { "name": "_0xD0BA1853D76683C8", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "trackIndex" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x8EC47DD4300BF063": { "name": "SET_TRAIN_OFFSET_FROM_STATION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" }, { "type": "float", "name": "offset" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xDC69F6913CCA0B99": { "name": "_0xDC69F6913CCA0B99", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7840576C50A13DBA": { "name": "_0x7840576C50A13DBA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD0116DF21E6C7B36": { "name": "_0xD0116DF21E6C7B36", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x54CBDD6E1B4CB4DF": { "name": "_DETACH_WAGON_ENTITY_FROM_TRAIN", "comment": "Only used in train_robbery4 R* Script\n_C* - _DEL*", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x1180A2974D251B7B": { "name": "_0x1180A2974D251B7B", "comment": "Returns p1 for 0xBA958F68031DDBFC (stationIndex)\n_GET_N* (NEAREST_STATION_FOR_TRAIN?)", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x86FA6D8B48667D75": { "name": "GET_CURRENT_STATION_FOR_TRAIN", "comment": "Returns p1 for 0xBA958F68031DDBFC (stationIndex)", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x9CC94A948EAF5372": { "name": "_0x9CC94A948EAF5372", "comment": "_GET_P - _GET_T*", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "trackIndex" }, { "type": "int", "name": "stationIndex" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0xDE8C5B9F65017FA1": { "name": "_0xDE8C5B9F65017FA1", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xAF787E081AC4A8EE": { "name": "_GET_CURRENT_TRACK_FOR_TRAIN", "comment": "Returns p0 for 0xBA958F68031DDBFC (trackIndex)", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xBA958F68031DDBFC": { "name": "_GET_STATION_COORDS_FROM_TRAIN_STATION_DATA", "comment": "Returns Coords of vStation\np0 - NET_TRAIN_MANAGER_GET_TRAIN_STATION_DATA\n_GET_P* - _GET_T*", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "trackIndex" }, { "type": "int", "name": "stationIndex" } ], "return_type": "Vector3", "build": "1207" }, "0x865FEC2FA899F29C": { "name": "GET_TRACK_INDEX_OF_TRAIN", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x1A861F899EBBE17C": { "name": "_0x1A861F899EBBE17C", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF8F7DA13CFBD4532": { "name": "_0xF8F7DA13CFBD4532", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "trackIndex" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xCFE122EC635CC2B2": { "name": "_TRIGGER_TRAIN_WHISTLE", "comment": "whistleSequence: ACKNOWLEDGE, BACKING_UP, CROSSING, DANGER, MOVING, NEXT_STATION, PASSING, STOPPED\np2 = true seems to mute the sound", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "whistleSequence" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2BB2B5BCF0DF8008": { "name": "_0x2BB2B5BCF0DF8008", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6703872EC09BC158": { "name": "_0x6703872EC09BC158", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x1BFBAFCC6760FF02": { "name": "_0x1BFBAFCC6760FF02", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "train" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF5EA41C1408695FB": { "name": "_0xF5EA41C1408695FB", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x79811282A9D1AE56": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_FIXED", "comment": "This fixes a vehicle.\nIf the vehicle's engine's broken then you cannot fix it with this native.", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x115722B1B9C14C1C", "gta_jhash": "0x17469AA1" }, "0xB70986AB19B04AFF": { "name": "SET_DISABLE_VEHICLE_PETROL_TANK_FIRES", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x465BF26AB9684352", "gta_jhash": "0xC40192B5" }, "0x5795FBE7A2001C14": { "name": "SET_DISABLE_VEHICLE_PETROL_TANK_DAMAGE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x37C8252A7C92D017", "gta_jhash": "0xAD3E05F2" }, "0xD146EE5F2B06B95E": { "name": "SET_DISABLE_VEHICLE_ENGINE_FIRES", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x91A0BD635321F145", "gta_jhash": "0x1784BA1A" }, "0x8F75941C86EEBFCA": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_LIMIT_SPEED_WHEN_PLAYER_INACTIVE", "comment": "_SET_VEHICLE_LI*", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC50CE861B55EAB8B", "gta_jhash": "0x40C323AE" }, "0xC84E138448507567": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_STOP_INSTANTLY_WHEN_PLAYER_INACTIVE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6EBFB22D646FFC18", "gta_jhash": "0x847F1304" }, "0xC619A44639BC0CB4": { "name": "REMOVE_VEHICLES_FROM_GENERATORS_IN_AREA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x46A1E1A299EC4BBA", "gta_jhash": "0x42CC15E0" }, "0x84DAAE11E9EE4FC3": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_STEER_BIAS", "comment": "Locks the vehicle's steering to the desired angle, explained below.\n\nRequires to be called onTick. Steering is unlocked the moment the function stops being called on the vehicle.\n\nSteer bias:\n-1.0 = full right\n0.0 = centered steering\n1.0 = full left", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "value" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x42A8EC77D5150CBE", "gta_jhash": "0x7357C1EB" }, "0xFA9A55D9C4351625": { "name": "IS_VEHICLE_EXTRA_TURNED_ON", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "extraId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD2E6822DBFD6C8BD", "gta_jhash": "0x042098B5" }, "0xBB6F89150BC9D16B": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_EXTRA", "comment": "Note: only some vehicle have extras\nhttps://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/blob/master/vehicles/vehicle_modding/vehicle_extras.lua", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "extraId" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "disable" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x7EE3A3C5E4A40CC9", "gta_jhash": "0x642D065C" }, "0xAF5E7E9A7620FFB5": { "name": "DOES_EXTRA_EXIST", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "extraId" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1262D55792428154", "gta_jhash": "0x409411CC" }, "0x1D7678F81452BB41": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_DAMAGE", "comment": "Apply damage to vehicle at a location. Location is relative to vehicle model (not world).\n\nRadius of effect damage applied in a sphere at impact location", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "xOffset" }, { "type": "float", "name": "yOffset" }, { "type": "float", "name": "zOffset" }, { "type": "float", "name": "damage" }, { "type": "float", "name": "radius" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p6" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA1DD317EA8FD4F29", "gta_jhash": "0x21B458B2" }, "0x90DBFFAC43B22081": { "name": "GET_VEHICLE_ENGINE_HEALTH", "comment": "Returns 1000.0 if the function is unable to get the address of the specified vehicle or if it's not a vehicle.\n\nMinimum: -4000\nMaximum: 1000\n\n-4000: Engine is destroyed\n0 and below: Engine catches fire and health rapidly declines\n300: Engine is smoking and losing functionality\n1000: Engine is perfect", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC45D23BAF168AAB8", "gta_jhash": "0x8880038A" }, "0x8BDC5B998B4654EF": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_ENGINE_HEALTH", "comment": "1000 is max health\nBegins leaking gas at around 650 health\n-999.90002441406 appears to be minimum health, although nothing special occurs <- false statement\n\n-------------------------\nMinimum: -4000\nMaximum: 1000\n\n-4000: Engine is destroyed\n0 and below: Engine catches fire and health rapidly declines\n300: Engine is smoking and losing functionality\n1000: Engine is perfect", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "health" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x45F6D8EEF34ABEF1", "gta_jhash": "0x1B760FB5" }, "0x1E5A9B356D5098BE": { "name": "GET_VEHICLE_PETROL_TANK_HEALTH", "comment": "1000 is max health", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x7D5DABE888D2D074", "gta_jhash": "0xE41595CE" }, "0x6AB2918EE3BEC94C": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_PETROL_TANK_HEALTH", "comment": "1000 is max health", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "health" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x70DB57649FA8D0D8", "gta_jhash": "0x660A3692" }, "0x1ABA9753939503C5": { "name": "IS_VEHICLE_STUCK_TIMER_UP", "comment": "VEH_STUCK_ON_ROOF = 0,\nVEH_STUCK_ON_SIDE,\nVEH_STUCK_HUNG_UP,\nVEH_STUCK_JAMMED", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "stuckType" }, { "type": "int", "name": "ms" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x679BE1DAF71DA874", "gta_jhash": "0x2FCF58C1" }, "0x23298B468F7D88B6": { "name": "RESET_VEHICLE_STUCK_TIMER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "nullAttributes" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xD7591B0065AFAA7A", "gta_jhash": "0xEF2A6016" }, "0xB86D29B10F627379": { "name": "IS_VEHICLE_DRIVEABLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4C241E39B23DF959", "gta_jhash": "0x41A7267A" }, "0xDDBEA5506C848227": { "name": "IS_VEHICLE_WRECKED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x0E3BF7ED4169EC43": { "name": "_IS_VEHICLE_ON_FIRE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xBB5A3FA8ED3979C5": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_HAS_BEEN_OWNED_BY_PLAYER", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "owned" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2B5F9D2AF1F1722D", "gta_jhash": "0xB4D3DBFB" }, "0xB4E3BFC39CA16057": { "name": "START_VEHICLE_HORN", "comment": "Sounds the horn for the specified vehicle.\n\nvehicle: The vehicle to activate the horn for.\nmode: The hash of \"NORMAL\" or \"HELDDOWN\". Can be 0.\nduration: The duration to sound the horn, in milliseconds.\n\nNote: If a player is in the vehicle, it will only sound briefly.", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "duration" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "mode" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "forever" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x9C8C6504B5B63D2C", "gta_jhash": "0x0DF5ADB3" }, "0x252253C8A45AA1FC": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_HAS_STRONG_AXLES", "comment": "if true, axles won't bend.", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x92F0CF722BC4202F", "gta_jhash": "0x0D1CBC65" }, "0x6F73EFAB11651D7F": { "name": "_SET_VEHICLE_SNOW_LEVEL", "comment": "snowLevel: 0.0 - 1.0", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "snowLevel" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x5AABB09F6FBD1F87": { "name": "_SET_VEHICLE_WET_LEVEL", "comment": "wetLevel: 0.0 - 1.0", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "float", "name": "wetLevel" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x8268B098F6FCA4E2": { "name": "_SET_VEHICLE_TINT", "comment": "https://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/blob/master/vehicles/vehicle_modding/vehicle_tints.lua", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "tintId" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF89D82A0582E46ED": { "name": "_SET_VEHICLE_LIVERY", "comment": "https://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/blob/master/vehicles/vehicle_modding/vehicle_liveries.lua", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "liveryIndex" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA44D65E6C624526F": { "name": "_GET_VEHICLE_TINT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0xBB765B8FD49A796C": { "name": "_GET_VEHICLE_LIVERY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x0E7910A63E05B12C": { "name": "IS_VEHICLE_WINDOW_INTACT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "windowIndex" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1436", "gta_hash": "0x46E571A0E20D01F1", "gta_jhash": "0xAC4EF23D" }, "0xA0A424505A1B6429": { "name": "ARE_ANY_VEHICLE_SEATS_FREE", "comment": "Returns false if every seat is occupied.", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2D34FC3BC4ADB780", "gta_jhash": "0x648E685A" }, "0xA402939C6761E1A3": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_EXPLODES_ON_HIGH_EXPLOSION_DAMAGE", "comment": "Sets a vehicle to be strongly resistant to explosions. p0 is the vehicle; set p1 to false to toggle the effect on/off.", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x71B0892EC081D60A", "gta_jhash": "0x38CC692B" }, "0x8D3230A0ED7DE39F": { "name": "SET_ALLOW_VEHICLE_EXPLODES_ON_CONTACT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3441CAD2F2231923", "gta_jhash": "0xC306A9A3" }, "0x5698BA4FD04D39C4": { "name": "IS_ANY_VEHICLE_NEAR_POINT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float", "name": "radius" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x61E1DD6125A3EEE6", "gta_jhash": "0x2867A834" }, "0x84B81EF78BD22357": { "name": "REQUEST_VEHICLE_HIGH_DETAIL_MODEL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA6E9FDCB2C76785E", "gta_jhash": "0x9DA21956" }, "0x81A15811460FAB3A": { "name": 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"0x754616EC6965D1BF": { "name": "ENABLE_WATER_LOOKUP", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFCA8B23F28813F69": { "name": "GET_WATER_HEIGHT", "comment": "Checks against a global variable that is set by _SET_WORLD_WATER_TYPE. If that is set to one it will fail. Likely not the only issue but part of it.", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float*", "name": "height" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF6829842C06AE524", "gta_jhash": "0xD864E17C" }, "0xDCF3690AA262C03F": { "name": "GET_WATER_HEIGHT_NO_WAVES", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "float*", "name": "height" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8EE6B53CE13A9794", "gta_jhash": "0x262017F8" }, "0x8974647ED222EA5F": { "name": "TEST_PROBE_AGAINST_ALL_WATER", "comment": "enum eScriptWaterTestResult\n{\n\tSCRIPT_WATER_TEST_RESULT_NONE,\n\tSCRIPT_WATER_TEST_RESULT_WATER,\n\tSCRIPT_WATER_TEST_RESULT_BLOCKED,\n};", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z2" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flags" }, { "type": "Vector3*", "name": "intersectionPos" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8974647ED222EA5F", "gta_jhash": "0x4A962D55" }, "0x2B3451FA1E3142E2": { "name": "TEST_VERTICAL_PROBE_AGAINST_ALL_WATER", "comment": "Checks against a global variable that is set by _SET_WORLD_WATER_TYPE. If it's set to 1 (Guarma) it will fail.\n\nSee TEST_PROBE_AGAINST_ALL_WATER.", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flags" }, { "type": "float*", "name": "waterHeight" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2B3451FA1E3142E2", "gta_jhash": "0x4C71D143" }, "0x4BEF8DD75AF6C71C": { "name": "REMOVE_EXTRA_CALMING_QUAD", "comment": "Only used in rcm_crackpot1 R* Script: p0 = 0", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "index" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB1252E3E59A82AAF", "gta_jhash": "0x45268B6F" }, "0x09A1C7DFDCE54FBC": { "name": "_0x09A1C7DFDCE54FBC", "comment": "Called together with REMOVE_EXTRA_CALMING_QUAD in rcm_crackpot1 R* Script: p0 = 0\n_REMOVE_*", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF0FBF193F1F5C0EA": { "name": "_0xF0FBF193F1F5C0EA", "comment": "Only used in fishing_core R* Script", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA33F5069B0CB89B8": { "name": "_0xA33F5069B0CB89B8", "comment": "Only used in fishing_core R* Script", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xB34A6009A0DB80B8": { "name": "_0xB34A6009A0DB80B8", "comment": "Used in bounty1, fanale3, sean1 R* Scripts", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC63540AEF8384732": { "name": "_SET_OCEAN_GUARMA_WATER_QUADRANT", "comment": "Only used in R* Script guama1", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "wavesHeight" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p5" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p6" }, { "type": "float", "name": "wavesStrength" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p8" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xC63540AEF8384769": { "name": "_RESET_GUARMA_WATER_STATE", "comment": "Only used in guama1 / guama3 R* Script\n_REQUEST_* or _RESET_*", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE8770EE02AEE45C2": { "name": "_SET_WORLD_WATER_TYPE", "comment": "0 = World\n1 = Guarma", "params": [ { "type": "int", "name": "waterType" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x189739A7631C1867": { "name": "_GET_WORLD_WATER_TYPE", "comment": "", "params": [], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207" }, "0x0DCEC6A92E497E17": { "name": "_0x0DCEC6A92E497E17", "comment": "Only used in native_son1 R* Script: p1 = 1", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE8126623008372AA": { "name": "_0xE8126623008372AA", "comment": "Only used in fussar1 / train_robbery2 R* Script", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" } }, "WEAPON": { "0x865F36299079FB75": { "name": "_GET_WEAPON_UNLOCK", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0xB190BCA3F4042F95": { "name": "_ADD_AMMO_TO_PED", "comment": "addReason:\nenum eAddItemReason : Hash\n{\n\tADD_REASON_AWARDS = 0xB784AD1E,\n\tADD_REASON_CREATE_CHARACTER = 0xE2C4FF71,\n\tADD_REASON_DEBUG = 0x5C05C64D,\n\tADD_REASON_DEFAULT = 0x2CD419DC,\n\tADD_REASON_GET_INVENTORY = 0xD8188685,\n\tADD_REASON_INCENTIVE = 0x8ADC2E95,\n\tADD_REASON_LOADOUT = 0xCA3454E6,\n\tADD_REASON_LOAD_SAVEGAME = 0x56212906,\n\tADD_REASON_LOOTED = 0xCA806A55,\n\tADD_REASON_MELEE = 0x7B9BDCE7,\n\tADD_REASON_MP_MISSION = 0xEC0E0194,\n\tADD_REASON_NOTIFICATION = 0xC56292D2,\n\tADD_REASON_PICKUP = 0x1A770E22,\n\tADD_REASON_PURCHASED = 0x4A6726C9,\n\tADD_REASON_SET_AMOUNT = 0x4504731E,\n\tADD_REASON_SYNCING = 0x8D4B4FF4,\n\tADD_REASON_USE_FAILED = 0xD385B670\n};", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "amount" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "addReason" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x106A811C6D3035F3": { "name": "_ADD_AMMO_TO_PED_BY_TYPE", "comment": "addReason: see _ADD_AMMO_TO_PED", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "ammoType" }, { "type": "int", "name": "amount" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "addReason" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF4823C813CB8277D": { "name": "_REMOVE_AMMO_FROM_PED", "comment": "removeReason must be REMOVE_REASON_USED, REMOVE_REASON_GIVEN, REMOVE_REASON_DROPPED or REMOVE_REASON_DEBUG, unless amount is -1\n\nremoveReason: see REMOVE_WEAPON_FROM_PED", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "amount" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "removeReason" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xB6CFEC32E3742779": { "name": "_REMOVE_AMMO_FROM_PED_BY_TYPE", "comment": "removeReason must be REMOVE_REASON_USED, REMOVE_REASON_GIVEN, REMOVE_REASON_DROPPED or REMOVE_REASON_DEBUG, unless amount is -1\n\nremoveReason: see REMOVE_WEAPON_FROM_PED", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "ammoHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "amount" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "removeReason" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x1B83C0DEEBCBB214": { "name": "_REMOVE_ALL_PED_AMMO", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x14E56BC5B5DB6A19": { "name": "SET_PED_AMMO", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "ammo" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x14E56BC5B5DB6A19", "gta_jhash": "0xBF90DF1A" }, "0x8A779706DA5CA3DD": { "name": "_0x8A779706DA5CA3DD", "comment": "Only used in R* SP Scripts native_son2, native_son3 and smuggler2\nParams: p2 = -1", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9409C62504A8F9E9": { "name": "_0x9409C62504A8F9E9", "comment": "Only used in R* SP Script guama3", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x56CB3B4305A4F7CE": { "name": "_SET_VEHICLE_WEAPON_HEADING_LIMITS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "minHeading" }, { "type": "float", "name": "maxHeading" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xBF5987E1CDE63501": { "name": "_SET_VEHICLE_WEAPON_HEADING_LIMITS_2", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "minHeading" }, { "type": "float", "name": "maxHeading" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x194D877FC5597B7D": { "name": "SET_VEHICLE_WEAPON_HEADING", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "int", "name": "seatIndex" }, { "type": "float", "name": "heading" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x3EDCB0505123623B": { "name": "SET_PED_INFINITE_AMMO", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3EDCB0505123623B", "gta_jhash": "0x9CB8D278" }, "0xFBAA1E06B6BCA741": { "name": "_SET_PED_INFINITE_AMMO_CLIP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x015A522136D7F951": { "name": "GET_AMMO_IN_PED_WEAPON", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x015A522136D7F951", "gta_jhash": "0x0C755733" }, "0xA38DCFFCEA8962FA": { "name": "GET_MAX_AMMO_IN_CLIP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA38DCFFCEA8962FA", "gta_jhash": "0x6961E2A4" }, "0x2E1202248937775C": { "name": "GET_AMMO_IN_CLIP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "ammo" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x2E1202248937775C", "gta_jhash": "0x73C100C3" }, "0x678F00858980F516": { "name": "_GET_AMMO_IN_CLIP_BY_INVENTORY_UID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "ammo" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "inventoryUid" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xDCD2A934D65CB497": { "name": "SET_AMMO_IN_CLIP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "ammo" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xDCD2A934D65CB497", "gta_jhash": "0xA54B0B10" }, "0xDF4A3404D022ADDE": { "name": "_REFILL_AMMO_IN_CLIP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "clipInventoryUid" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xDC16122C7A20C933": { "name": "GET_MAX_AMMO", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int*", "name": "ammo" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xDC16122C7A20C933", "gta_jhash": "0x0B294796" }, "0x5FD1E1F011E76D7E": { "name": "SET_PED_AMMO_BY_TYPE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "ammoType" }, { "type": "int", "name": "ammo" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x5FD1E1F011E76D7E", "gta_jhash": "0x311C52BB" }, "0x39D22031557946C1": { "name": "GET_PED_AMMO_BY_TYPE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "ammoType" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x39D22031557946C1", "gta_jhash": "0x54077C4D" }, "0xA4EFEF9440A5B0EF": { "name": "SET_PED_AMMO_TO_DROP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xA4EFEF9440A5B0EF", "gta_jhash": "0x2386A307" }, "0x5C2EA6C44F515F34": { "name": "_GET_AMMO_TYPE_FOR_WEAPON", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x7FEAD38B326B9F74": { "name": "GET_PED_AMMO_TYPE_FROM_WEAPON", "comment": "Returns the current ammo type of the specified ped's specified weapon.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x7FEAD38B326B9F74", "gta_jhash": "0x09337863" }, "0x7AA043F6C41D151E": { "name": "_GET_WEAPON_TYPE_FROM_AMMO_TYPE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "ammoType" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x59DE03442B6C9598": { "name": "_GET_WEAPON_COMPONENT_TYPE_MODEL", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "componentHash" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0xF70825EB340E7D15": { "name": "_GET_WEAPONTYPE_MODEL", "comment": "Gets the model hash from the weapon hash.", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x46F032B8DDF46CDE": { "name": "_GET_WEAPONTYPE_SLOT", "comment": "Returns hash where WEAPON_ is replaced with SLOT_", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0xEDCA14CA5199FF25": { "name": "GET_WEAPONTYPE_GROUP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xC3287EE3050FB74C", "gta_jhash": "0x5F2DE833" }, "0xF8204EF17410BF43": { "name": "_0xF8204EF17410BF43", "comment": "Returns weaponHash", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponGroupHash" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x6ABAD7B0A854F8FB": { "name": "_IS_WEAPON_KIT", "comment": "Returns true when the weapon passed is either a lasso, the camera or the binoculars\n_IS_WEAPON_M* - _IS_WEAPON_P*", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x49E40483948AF062": { "name": "_IS_WEAPON_KIT_2", "comment": "Returns true when the weapon passed is either the fishingrod, a lasso, the camera or the binoculars\n_IS_WEAPON_M* - _IS_WEAPON_P*", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xC4DEC3CA8C365A5D": { "name": "IS_WEAPON_BOW", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x79407D33328286C6": { "name": "_IS_WEAPON_LANTERN", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x506F1DE1BFC75304": { "name": "_IS_WEAPON_TORCH", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xBE7E42B07FD317AC": { "name": "GIVE_WEAPON_TO_PED_WITH_OPTIONS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "data" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "outData" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x5E3BDDBCB83F3D84": { "name": "GIVE_WEAPON_TO_PED", "comment": "Gives the ped the weapon.\nList: https://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/blob/master/weapons/weapons.lua\n\nParams: p7 is 0.5f, and p8 is 1.0f. p11 and p12 are both 0 in R* Scripts\nattachPoint: see SET_CURRENT_PED_WEAPON\naddReason: see _ADD_AMMO_TO_PED\npermanentDegradation: default 0.5, any higher than 0 it will automatically make the weapon worn, you can also adjust the value to change the weapons maximum cleanliness", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "ammoCount" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "bForceInHand" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "bForceInHolster" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attachPoint" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "bAllowMultipleCopies" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p7" }, { "type": "float", "name": "p8" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "addReason" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "bIgnoreUnlocks" }, { "type": "float", "name": "permanentDegradation" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p12" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x5230D3F6EE56CFE6": { "name": "_SET_FORCE_CURRENT_WEAPON_INTO_COCKED_STATE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attachPoint" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9F0E1892C7F228A8": { "name": "_0x9F0E1892C7F228A8", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x94A3C1B804D291EC": { "name": "_HOLSTER_PED_WEAPONS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "immediately" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFCCC886EDE3C63EC": { "name": "_HIDE_PED_WEAPONS", "comment": "Unequip current weapon and set current weapon to WEAPON_UNARMED.\np0 usually 2 in R* scripts. Doesn't seem to have any effect if changed....\nimmediately: if true it will instantly switch to unarmed", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "immediately" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x4820A6939D7CEF28": { "name": "_0x4820A6939D7CEF28", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xADF692B254977C0C": { "name": "SET_CURRENT_PED_WEAPON", "comment": "attachPoint:\nenum eWeaponAttachPoint\n{\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_INVALID = -1,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_HAND_PRIMARY = 0,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_HAND_SECONDARY = 1,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_PISTOL_R = 2,\n\tMAX_HAND_WEAPON_ATTACH_POINTS = 2,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_PISTOL_L = 3,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_KNIFE = 4,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_LASSO = 5,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_THROWER = 6,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_BOW = 7,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_BOW_ALTERNATE = 8,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_RIFLE = 9,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_RIFLE_ALTERNATE = 10,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_LANTERN = 11,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_TEMP_LANTERN = 12,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_MELEE = 13,\n\tMAX_SYNCED_WEAPON_ATTACH_POINTS = 13,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_HIP = 14,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_BOOT = 15,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_BACK = 16,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_FRONT = 17,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_SHOULDERSLING = 18,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_LEFTBREAST = 19,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_RIGHTBREAST = 20,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_LEFTARMPIT = 21,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_RIGHTARMPIT = 22,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_LEFTARMPIT_RIFLE = 23,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_SATCHEL = 24,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_LEFTARMPIT_BOW = 25,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_RIGHT_HAND_EXTRA = 26,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_LEFT_HAND_EXTRA = 27,\n\tWEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_RIGHT_HAND_AUX = 28,\n\tMAX_WEAPON_ATTACH_POINTS = 29\n};", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "equipNow" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attachPoint" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p5" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xADF692B254977C0C", "gta_jhash": "0xB8278882" }, "0x3A87E44BB9A01D54": { "name": "GET_CURRENT_PED_WEAPON", "comment": "attachPoint: see SET_CURRENT_PED_WEAPON", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash*", "name": "weaponHash" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attachPoint" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3A87E44BB9A01D54", "gta_jhash": "0xB0237302" }, "0x3B390A939AF0B5FC": { "name": "GET_CURRENT_PED_WEAPON_ENTITY_INDEX", "comment": "Returns weaponObject, attachPoint: see SET_CURRENT_PED_WEAPON", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attachPoint" } ], "return_type": "Entity", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x3B390A939AF0B5FC", "gta_jhash": "0x5D73CD20" }, "0xC395355843BE134B": { "name": "_ENABLE_WEAPON_RESTORE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xC71FE230A513C30F": { "name": "GET_PED_BACKUP_WEAPON", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x486C96A0DCD2BC92": { "name": "_0x486C96A0DCD2BC92", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1232" }, "0xDA37A053C1522F5D": { "name": "_GET_PED_WORST_WEAPON", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x8483E98E8B888AE2": { "name": "GET_BEST_PED_WEAPON", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8483E98E8B888AE2", "gta_jhash": "0xB998D444" }, "0x7B98500614C8E8B8": { "name": "_GET_BEST_PED_WEAPON_IN_INVENTORY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "guidPrimary" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1232" }, "0xF52BD94B47CCF736": { "name": "GET_BEST_PED_SHORTARM_GUID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "outGUID" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6929E22158E52265": { "name": "GET_PED_WEAPON_GUID_AT_ATTACH_POINT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attachPoint" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "weaponGuid" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x9F67929D98E7C6E8": { "name": "_GET_BEST_PED_WEAPON_IN_GROUP", "comment": "If near your horse when called, weapons stored on your horse will be considered\nReturns weaponHash", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponGroup" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x08FF1099ED2E6E21": { "name": "_GET_DEFAULT_UNARMED_WEAPON_HASH", "comment": "Returns the ped's default unarmed weapon hash as defined in CPedModelInfo (DefaultUnarmedWeapon).\nFalls back to WEAPON_UNARMED if the ped doesn't have a valid model info pointer, or 0 if the ped doesn't exist.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0xBDDA0C290C228159": { "name": "_SET_AMMO_IN_TURRET", "comment": "turretHash: WEAPON_TURRET_MAXIUM, WEAPON_TURRET_GATLING, WEAPON_TURRET_CANNON, WEAPON_TURRET_REVOLVING_CANNON", "params": [ { "type": "Vehicle", "name": "vehicle" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "turretHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "ammo" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x75C55983C2C39DAA": { "name": "SET_CURRENT_PED_VEHICLE_WEAPON", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x75C55983C2C39DAA", "gta_jhash": "0x8E6F2AF1" }, "0x1017582BCD3832DC": { "name": "GET_CURRENT_PED_VEHICLE_WEAPON", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash*", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x1017582BCD3832DC", "gta_jhash": "0xF26C5D65" }, "0xCB690F680A3EA971": { "name": "IS_PED_ARMED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "flags" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xA2091482ED42EF85": { "name": "_0xA2091482ED42EF85", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x2387D6E9C6B478AA": { "name": "_IS_WEAPON_HOLSTER_STATE_CHANGING", "comment": "Returns true if the ped is currently holstering or unholstering a weapon", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x937C71165CF334B3": { "name": "IS_WEAPON_VALID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x937C71165CF334B3", "gta_jhash": "0x38CA2954" }, "0x1F7977C9101F807F": { "name": "_IS_AMMO_VALID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "ammoHash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x23BF601A42F329A0": { "name": "_0x23BF601A42F329A0", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xF29A186ED428B552": { "name": "IS_PED_CARRYING_WEAPON", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x8DECB02F88F428BC": { "name": "HAS_PED_GOT_WEAPON", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x8DECB02F88F428BC", "gta_jhash": "0x43D2FA82" }, "0x07E1C35F0078C3F9": { "name": "_0x07E1C35F0078C3F9", "comment": "Seems to return true if the passed weapon is some sort of non-lethal melee weapon.\nWeapon must currently be held/equipped by the ped.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weapon" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xB80CA294F2F26749": { "name": "IS_PED_WEAPON_READY_TO_SHOOT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB80CA294F2F26749", "gta_jhash": "0x02A32CB0" }, "0xDBC4B552B2AE9A83": { "name": "_GET_PED_WEAPON_IN_SLOT", "comment": "slotHash is usually just the weaponHash name, but WEAPON_* is replaced with SLOT_*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "slotHash" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0xB282DC6EBD803C75": { "name": "GIVE_DELAYED_WEAPON_TO_PED", "comment": "addReason: see _ADD_AMMO_TO_PED", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "ammoCount" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "addReason" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xB282DC6EBD803C75", "gta_jhash": "0x5868D20D" }, "0xF25DF915FA38C5F3": { "name": "REMOVE_ALL_PED_WEAPONS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF25DF915FA38C5F3", "gta_jhash": "0xA44CE817" }, "0x4899CB088EDF59B8": { "name": "REMOVE_WEAPON_FROM_PED", "comment": "removeReason:\nenum eRemoveItemReason : Hash\n{\n\tREMOVE_REASON_CLIENT_PURGED = 0x4A4E94DC,\n\tREMOVE_REASON_COALESCE = 0x2ABE393E,\n\tREMOVE_REASON_DEBUG = 0xA07362E6,\n\tREMOVE_REASON_DEFAULT = 0xF77DE93D,\n\tREMOVE_REASON_DELETE_CHARACTER = 0x20AFBDE9,\n\tREMOVE_REASON_DROPPED = 0xEC7FB5D5,\n\tREMOVE_REASON_DUPLICATE = 0x19047132,\n\tREMOVE_REASON_GIFTED_INCORRECTLY = 0x9C4E3829,\n\tREMOVE_REASON_GIVEN = 0xAD5377D4,\n\tREMOVE_REASON_INSUFFICIENT_INVENTORY = 0x518D1AAE,\n\tREMOVE_REASON_ITEM_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 0xEAD5D889,\n\tREMOVE_REASON_LOADOUT = 0x1B94E3BA,\n\tREMOVE_REASON_SET_AMOUNT = 0x19D5CFA5,\n\tREMOVE_REASON_SOLD = 0x76C4B482,\n\tREMOVE_REASON_USED = 0x2188E0A3,\n\tREMOVE_REASON_USE_FAILED = 0x671F9EAD\n};", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "removeReason" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x4899CB088EDF59B8", "gta_jhash": "0x9C37F220" }, "0x51C3B71591811485": { "name": "_REMOVE_WEAPON_FROM_PED_BY_GUID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Any*", "name": "weaponGuid" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "removeReason" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1311" }, "0x6F6981D2253C208F": { "name": "HIDE_PED_WEAPON_FOR_SCRIPTED_CUTSCENE", "comment": "Hides the ped's weapon during a cutscene.", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6F6981D2253C208F", "gta_jhash": "0x00CFD6E9" }, "0x0725A4CCFDED9A70": { "name": "SET_PED_CURRENT_WEAPON_VISIBLE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "visible" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "deselectWeapon" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x0725A4CCFDED9A70", "gta_jhash": "0x00BECD77" }, "0x67E21ACC5C0C970C": { "name": "_SET_PED_WEAPON_ATTACH_POINT_VISIBILITY", "comment": "attachPoint: see SET_CURRENT_PED_WEAPON", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attachPoint" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "visible" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x4F806A6CFED89468": { "name": "_SET_PED_ALL_WEAPONS_VISIBILITY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "visible" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x476AE72C1D19D1A8": { "name": "SET_PED_DROPS_WEAPONS_WHEN_DEAD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x476AE72C1D19D1A8", "gta_jhash": "0x8A444056" }, "0x431240A58484D5D0": { "name": "_0x431240A58484D5D0", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x45E57FDD531C9477": { "name": "_0x45E57FDD531C9477", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xF08D8FEB455F2C8C": { "name": "_0xF08D8FEB455F2C8C", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x16D9841A85FA627E": { "name": "_0x16D9841A85FA627E", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x6C4D0409BA1A2BC2": { "name": "GET_PED_LAST_WEAPON_IMPACT_COORD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Vector3*", "name": "coords" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x6C4D0409BA1A2BC2", "gta_jhash": "0x9B266079" }, "0x087D8F4BC65F68E4": { "name": "_CLEAR_PED_LAST_WEAPON_DAMAGE", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xDCF06D0CDFF68424": { "name": "_HAS_ENTITY_BEEN_DAMAGED_BY_WEAPON", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponName" }, { "type": "int", "name": "weaponType" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x208A1888007FC0E6": { "name": "SET_PED_DROPS_INVENTORY_WEAPON", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" }, { "type": "float", "name": "xOffset" }, { "type": "float", "name": "yOffset" }, { "type": "float", "name": "zOffset" }, { "type": "int", "name": "ammoCount" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0x208A1888007FC0E6", "gta_jhash": "0x81FFB874" }, "0xB0FB9B196A3D13F0": { "name": "_0xB0FB9B196A3D13F0", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x2EBF70E1D8C06683": { "name": "_0x2EBF70E1D8C06683", "comment": "_SET_A* - _SET_B*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x63B83A526329AFBC": { "name": "_0x63B83A526329AFBC", "comment": "Only used in R* Script fme_escaped_convicts, p0 = 0", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x79E1E511FF7EFB13": { "name": "_MAKE_PED_RELOAD", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x0A2AB7B7ABC055F4": { "name": "_REFILL_AMMO_IN_CURRENT_PED_WEAPON", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0xCEF4C65DE502D367": { "name": "MAKE_PED_DROP_WEAPON", "comment": "Old name: _DROP_CURRENT_PED_WEAPON", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "int", "name": "attachPoint" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p3" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p4" } ], "return_type": "Entity", "build": "1207" }, "0x8425C5F057012DAB": { "name": "_GET_PED_CURRENT_HELD_WEAPON", "comment": "Returns eCurrentHeldWeapon\n_GET_R* - _GET_T*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x78030C7867D8B9B6": { "name": "SET_ALLOW_ANY_WEAPON_DROP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xA3716A77DCF17424": { "name": "_0xA3716A77DCF17424", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x457B16951AD77C1B": { "name": "_0x457B16951AD77C1B", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1436" }, "0x3799EFCC3C8CD5E1": { "name": "_0x3799EFCC3C8CD5E1", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x79B1A6E780266DB0": { "name": "_GET_MAX_LOCKON_DISTANCE_OF_CURRENT_PED_WEAPON", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "float", "build": "1207" }, "0x19F70C4D80494FF8": { "name": "_REMOVE_WEAPON_COMPONENT_FROM_PED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "componentHash" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xBBC67A6F965C688A": { "name": "_HAS_PED_GOT_WEAPON_COMPONENT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "componentHash" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xBDD9C235D8D1052E": { "name": "_IS_PED_CURRENT_WEAPON_HOLSTERED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xD2209866B0CB72EA": { "name": "_0xD2209866B0CB72EA", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x72D4CB5DB927009C": { "name": "_REQUEST_WEAPON_ASSET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xFF07CF465F48B830": { "name": "_HAS_WEAPON_ASSET_LOADED", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xC3896D03E2852236": { "name": "_REMOVE_WEAPON_ASSET", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE9B3FEC825668291": { "name": "_0xE9B3FEC825668291", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x9CCA3131E6B53C68": { "name": "_0x9CCA3131E6B53C68", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x6D3AC61694A791C5": { "name": "_GET_WEAPON_NAME_2", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "const char*", "build": "1207" }, "0x89CF5FF3D363311E": { "name": "_GET_WEAPON_NAME", "comment": "Returns \"WNS_INVALID\" if the weapon is invalid/doesn't exist.", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "const char*", "build": "1207" }, "0x7A56D66C78D8EF8E": { "name": "_GET_WEAPON_NAME_WITH_PERMANENT_DEGRADATION", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" }, { "type": "float", "name": "permanentDegradationLevel" } ], "return_type": "const char*", "build": "1207" }, "0xB832F1A686B9B810": { "name": "_0xB832F1A686B9B810", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p2" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x5A695BD328586B44": { "name": "_0x5A695BD328586B44", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x641351E9AD103890": { "name": "_0x641351E9AD103890", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Any", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x739B9C6D0E7F7F93": { "name": "SET_INSTANTLY_EQUIP_WEAPON_PICKUPS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xBE711B14A159E84F": { "name": "_SET_FORCE_AUTO_EQUIP", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "toggle" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xE9BD19F8121ADE3E": { "name": "_SEND_WEAPON_TO_INVENTORY", "comment": "Appears to just send specified weapon to your horse holster without having to be close\nHowever, the weapon is not visible on the horse holster, but you can reach the weapon on the weapon wheel", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x14FF0C2545527F9B": { "name": "_0x14FF0C2545527F9B", "comment": "Puts the gun visibly in your horse's holster without having to be close to the horse. Use 0xE9BD19F8121ADE3E before using this native\n_A* or _B*", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "horse" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0xD4C6E24D955FF061": { "name": "_0xD4C6E24D955FF061", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1311" }, "0xAFFD0CCF31F469B8": { "name": "_0xAFFD0CCF31F469B8", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Any", "name": "p0" } ], "return_type": "Any", "build": "1207" }, "0x8EC44AE8DECFF841": { "name": "_GET_WEAPON_STAT_ID", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x9E2D5D6BC97A5F1E": { "name": "_HAS_ENTITY_BEEN_DAMAGED_BY_WEAPON_RECENTLY", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Entity", "name": "entity" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "ms" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0x90EB1CB189923587": { "name": "_GET_PED_HOGTIE_WEAPON", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x9888652B8BA77F73": { "name": "_CREATE_WEAPON_OBJECT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" }, { "type": "int", "name": "ammoCount" }, { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "showWorldModel" }, { "type": "float", "name": "scale" } ], "return_type": "Object", "build": "1207" }, "0xF7D82B0D66777611": { "name": "REMOVE_WEAPON_COMPONENT_FROM_WEAPON_OBJECT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Object", "name": "weaponObject" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "component" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207", "gta_hash": "0xF7D82B0D66777611", "gta_jhash": "0xA6E7ED3C" }, "0x76A18844E743BF91": { "name": "HAS_WEAPON_GOT_WEAPON_COMPONENT", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Object", "name": "weapon" }, { 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"Any", "build": "1232" }, "0x8D50F43298AB9545": { "name": "_IS_TARGET_PED_CONSTRAINED_BY_PED_USING_BOLAS", "comment": "", "params": [ { "type": "Ped", "name": "ped" }, { "type": "Ped", "name": "targetPed" } ], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1232" }, "0x65DC4AC5B96614CB": { "name": "_0x65DC4AC5B96614CB", "comment": "Returns attachPoint", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "weaponHash" } ], "return_type": "int", "build": "1311" } }, "ZONE": { "0x43AD8FC02B429D33": { "name": "_GET_MAP_ZONE_AT_COORDS", "comment": "Returns name hash, see common:/data/levels/rdr3/mapzones.meta\n\ntype (-1 matches any type):\nclass CMapZone\n{\npublic:\n\tenum class Type\n\t{\n\t\tSTATE,\n\t\tTOWN,\n\t\tLAKE,\n\t\tRIVER,\n\t\tOIL_SPILL,\n\t\tSWAMP,\n\t\tOCEAN,\n\t\tCREEK,\n\t\tPOND,\n\t\tGLACIER,\n\t\tDISTRICT,\n\t\tTEXT_PRINTED,\n\t\tTEXT_WRITTEN\n\t};\n};\n\nhttps://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/tree/master/zones & https://alloc8or.re/rdr3/doc/enums/CMapZone__Type.txt", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" }, { "type": "int", "name": "type" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" }, "0x5BA7A68A346A5A91": { "name": "_GET_WATER_MAP_ZONE_AT_COORDS", "comment": "Returns the zone's name hash if its type matches one of the following:\n- LAKE\n- RIVER\n- OIL_SPILL\n- SWAMP\n- OCEAN\n- CREEK\n- POND\n- GLACIER", "params": [ { "type": "float", "name": "x" }, { "type": "float", "name": "y" }, { "type": "float", "name": "z" } ], "return_type": "Hash", "build": "1207" } }, "COMPAPP": { "0xB6FD96420C0126A1": { "name": "_0xB6FD96420C0126A1", "comment": "nullsub, doesn't do anything", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "BOOL", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x74BCCEB233AD95B2": { "name": "_0x74BCCEB233AD95B2", "comment": "nullsub, doesn't do anything", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "Hash", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x29C733459A9011EB": { "name": "_0x29C733459A9011EB", "comment": "nullsub, doesn't do anything", "params": [ { "type": "Hash", "name": "p0" }, { "type": "const char*", "name": "p1" } ], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" }, "0x7AF1BB4504EA5ED9": { "name": "_0x7AF1BB4504EA5ED9", "comment": "Hardcoded to return false.", "params": [], "return_type": "BOOL", "build": "1207" }, "0xCCB4635A071FB62D": { "name": "_0xCCB4635A071FB62D", "comment": "nullsub, doesn't do anything", "params": [], "return_type": "void", "build": "1207" } } }