# Create ExpressJS Docker Image using CLI - We will create a Docker image for ExpressJs server. - We will then create a Docker container from that docker image. ### 1. Create a directory structure: - Create a directory `express` in `docker` dir. - Type: `mkdir express`. - Type: `cd express`. ### 2. Create essential files: - In dir `express`: - Type: `touch Dockerfile` - Type: `touch package.json` - Type: `touch server.js` ### 3. Edit server.js : - Add following code in `server.js`. This step requires to have some knowledge of ExpressJs. ``` const express = require('express'); const app = express(); const HOST = ""; const PORT = 80; app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.send("Index page"); }); app.listen(PORT, HOST); console.log(`Running on http://${HOST}:${PORT}`); ``` ### 4. Edit package.json : - Add following code in `package.json`. This step requires to have some knowledge of NodeJs. ``` { "dependencies" : { "express" : "^4.16.1" } } ``` ### 5. Edit Dockerfile - Add following code in `Dockerfile`: ``` FROM node COPY . . RUN npm install CMD ["node", "server.js"] ``` - `FROM node` : If no tag is used(eg: `node:latest`), latest version is used by default. - `COPY . .` : Copies complete local directory to container file system. - `npm install` : Installs packages from `package.json`. - `CMD ["node", "server.js"]` : Preferred format for execution of commands. Here, no `shell` is invoked. ### 6. Build a Docker Image: - Go to `express` repository in command line. - Type: `docker build . -t alpha74/express`. - `.` indicates that we are building from local path. - `-t` is used to set name and a tag. - `alpha74/express` is the image name. Format: `/`. - It will download `node` image from DockerHub and will create a DockerImage, or use a local cache version. ### 7. Viewing our Docker Image: - Type: `docker image ls`. - Our docker image will be displayed in the list. Here, it is: `alpha74/express`. ### 8. Run a Docker container using our DockerImage: - Type: `docker run --name=express -p=3002:80 alpha74/express`. - This will be printed: `Running on`. - Here, `--name=fileviewer` is used to set a name to container. - `-p` to route port `3001` of our machine to port `5000` of the container. - Using this command, our terminal remains **busy**. ### 9. Accessing our ExpressJs server: - Open browser of your choice, and goto `localhost:3002`. - `Index page` will be displayed in browser. ----- ### Run Docker container using detach flag: - Stop the container if already running using: `docker rm -f express`. - Type: `docker run --name=express -d -p=3002:80 alpha74/express`. - Docker container will be started without blocking our command line. - `-d` stands for detach.