#!/usr/bin/python ''' @title: peerexpMagic.py @summary: NXT: Queries peerexplorer for nxt nodes with open API. HZ: Queries localhost for 'getPeers', then starts crawling them all! BOTH: Looks up the domainnames for all results, and does fancy sorting: Final table is: * sorted by domain, in cool ordering: from TLD to the front * then IP addresses, in increasing order @related: Made for chaincountdown.py when jnxt.org was down. https://github.com/altsheets/chaincountdown @since: 2016/01/23 @author: AltSheets @license: Giveback license v05 - http://altsheets.ddns.net/give/ @reward: Bitcoin address exclusive to this epic.. [BTC] 13whfNFT2dse7eiuNXVkuJivjxqSXHrW4j Thanks a lot! Much appreciated! @donate: or other currencies: NXT-CMKU-ZQYK-V6CD-9UHF4 or NHZ-Q675-SGBG-LQ43-D38L6 or BURST-ESVR-L2WJ-NT3Y-BWM6V Thx @invest: or invest into my dividends paying assets AAssetNXT (NXT 13634799205909171438) AAssetHZ (HZ 8101260088962758269) @freetrial: or try and buy this auto-updated portfolio overview Altfolio http://altfolio.ddns.net - free trial! @science: or support this great new project - by trying & buying a totally new innovative GUI for blockchain data: AssetGraphs-v2 http://altsheets.ddns.net/assetgraphs/v2/products/ ''' VERSION = "v0.18" # wow, I am becoming more and more pythonic (-: import urllib, urllib2, urlparse, json, socket, threading, timeit, Queue, time, collections, pickle, datetime, os try: import requests except: print "pip install requests" TIMEOUT=3 # for HZ crawler NUM_WORKERS=150 # do not put too high. For unknown reasons, it then doesn't visit the whole network. Strange bug. PRINT_EVERY=100 HZ_PEER_PORT=7774 HZ_API_PORT=7776 HZ_SUFFIX="nhz" HZ_START_NODE="woll-e.net" # api.nhzcrypto.org # for 7774 peerserver: HEADERS = {'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} DATA = {"protocol":1, "application":"peerMagic", "version":VERSION} def queryAPI(server="http://www.peerexplorer.com", command="/api_openapi", timeout=TIMEOUT, data=None): """ Send command to server, examine the result. Returns (bool success, json answer)""" url=urlparse.urljoin(server, command) if command!="" else server try: f=urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=timeout, data=data) # data=None --> GET, otherwise POST answer = f.read() f.close() apiResult = json.loads(answer) except Exception as e: return False, e if apiResult.has_key("errorDescription"): return False, apiResult else: return True, apiResult def lookupIPs_blocking(IPs, breakEarly=False): """ Given a list of IPs ... this returns domain names. Slow. Too slow. See below. """ IPdomains=[] if breakEarly: maxNum=5 for IP in IPs: try: domain=socket.gethostbyaddr(IP)[0] except: domain="" print "%15s: %s" % (IP, domain) IPdomains.append((domain, IP)) if breakEarly: maxNum-=1 if maxNum<=0: break return IPdomains def lookupIPs(IPs, breakEarly=False, printSteps=True): """ Given a list of IPs ... this returns domain names. Threaded version, very fast. """ started=timeit.default_timer() def IPthread(IP, IPdomains, printLock): "gethostbyaddr, then print (with printLock = in orderly fashion)" try: domain=socket.gethostbyaddr(IP)[0] except: domain="" IPdomains.append((domain, IP)) if printLock!=None: printLock.acquire() print "(%.4fs) %16s: %s" % (timeit.default_timer()-started, IP, domain) printLock.release() IPdomains, threads = [], [] printLock = threading.Lock() if printSteps else None for IP in IPs: t=threading.Thread(target=IPthread, args=(IP, IPdomains, printLock)) threads.append(t) for t in threads: t.start() for t in threads: t.join() return IPdomains def sortBackToFront(myList): "Sorts domain names in a cool way: backwards from TLD to the front." myList2=[] for elements in sorted( [x.strip().split('.')[::-1] for x in myList] ): myList2.append(".".join([elem for elem in reversed(elements)])) return myList2 def sortIPaddresses(ips): "Sorts IP address in increasing order." for i in range(len(ips)): try: ips[i] = "%3s.%3s.%3s.%3s" % tuple(ips[i].split(".")) except: print "probably not an ip address:", ips[i] ips.sort() for i in range(len(ips)): ips[i] = ips[i].replace(" ", "") def nodesTableWithDomainNames(IPs, printSteps=True): """Put everything together: Query DNS, sort, print""" print "Looking up domain names, patience please ..." NXTnodes=lookupIPs(IPs, printSteps=printSteps) domains=sortBackToFront(zip(*NXTnodes)[0]) domains = filter(lambda x:x!="", domains) print "Ready. For %d of the %d I got domain names." % (len(domains), len(NXTnodes)) formattingString = "%15s: %"+"%d"%(max([len(d) for d in domains])+2)+"s" print "\nEverything again, now sorted. Domain names first, then IP-address-only:" domainsDict=dict(NXTnodes) for d in domains: print formattingString % (domainsDict[d], d) noDomains=[IP for domain, IP in NXTnodes if domain == ""] sortIPaddresses(noDomains) for IP in noDomains: print "%15s" % IP def nodesTableWithDomainNames_NXT(): """Query peerexplorer, then IP-->DNS table""" command="/api_openapi" IPs = queryAPI(command=command) if not IPs[0]: print "peerexplorer didn't want to play with me: ", IPs[1] return False IPs=IPs[1]["peers"] print "Got %d node IPs from Peerexplorer, for command %s" % (len(IPs), command) nodesTableWithDomainNames(IPs) ##################################################################### # HZ crawler ##################################################################### def requestPOST(url, requestType="getInfo", timeout=TIMEOUT, headers=HEADERS): """POST request to peer node, incl. correct headers. MaWo's script was the example, how to do it with 'curl': https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=823785.msg13656332#msg13656332 Check out my testing script 'test7774.py' where I found the headers trick. """ data=DATA data["requestType"] = requestType data=json.dumps(data) try: r=requests.post(url, data=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout) except Exception as e: return False, "(%s) %s" % (type(e), e) if r.status_code == requests.codes.ok: return True, r.json() else: return False, r.text def makeUrl_perhapsAddPort(address): """ Prepend http:// If the address already has a :port then just return it. Otherwise :7776 """ if ":" not in address: address+=":%s"%HZ_PEER_PORT address="http://"+address return address def getInfo(node): """ask peernode for its infos (e.g. hallmark, version, etc.)""" success, info = requestPOST(url=makeUrl_perhapsAddPort(node), requestType="getInfo") return success, info def getPeers(node): """ask peernode for its peers""" success, peers = requestPOST(url=makeUrl_perhapsAddPort(node), requestType="getPeers") return success, peers def getInfo_then_GetPeers(node): """The protocol seems to insist to first ask for getInfo.""" success, info = requestPOST(url=makeUrl_perhapsAddPort(node), requestType="getInfo") if not success: return success, info time.sleep(0.2) # to avoid "Peer request received before 'getInfo' request" success, peers = requestPOST(url=makeUrl_perhapsAddPort(node), requestType="getPeers") return success, peers def test7774(thenExit=False): """test post, getPeers""" print requestPOST( url="http://%s:%s/%s"%(node, HZ_PEER_PORT, HZ_SUFFIX) ) success, peers = getPeers(HZ_START_NODE) if success: print "\n".join([p for p in peers["peers"]]) if thenExit: exit() def peerServerON(node): """asks 'getInfo' and checks results for key 'version' """ success, info = requestPOST(url=makeUrl_perhapsAddPort(node)) return success and info.has_key('version') def test_CheckPeerServer(): """test the above""" for IP in ("", "", HZ_START_NODE, "localhost"): print IP, peerServerON(IP) def printAnswers(IPs): """to study the peer node answers""" for IP in IPs: nodePeerServer="http://%s:%s" % (IP, HZ_PEER_PORT) print queryAPI(server=nodePeerServer, command="", data="", timeout=3) def checkOpenAPI_worker(apQueue, apDone, apON, openAPI, apInfo, network, printLock, thresholds, started): """Multi-threaded. Works through a queue: If 'getPeers' is successful, then append AP (address+port) to apON list. also add yet unchecked peers to the queue. if :API_PORT getTime successful, then append IP to openAPI. """ while True: AP=apQueue.get() # dequeue one (address+port) if AP in apDone: apQueue.task_done() # been here before, in another thread else: apDone.append(AP) # question 1: open API server? IP=AP.split(":")[0] apiNodeAnswers, _ =queryAPI(server="http://%s:%s" % (IP, HZ_API_PORT), command="/nhz?requestType=getTime") if apiNodeAnswers: openAPI.append(IP) # == this IP has an open API # question 2: is this a peer node server? peerNodeAnswers, infos = getInfo(AP) if peerNodeAnswers: try: apInfo[AP]=[infos['platform'], infos['version']] except Exception as e: print "(%s) %s" % (type(e), e), infos apON.append(AP) # only if it answers, try to get peers: time.sleep(0.2) peerNodeGotPeers, hisPeers = getPeers(AP) if peerNodeGotPeers: newCount=0 try: hisPeers=hisPeers["peers"] except: print "STRANGE, this should not happen:", hisPeers else: for p in hisPeers: network[IP]=hisPeers if p not in apDone: apQueue.put(p) # enqueue the new peers newCount+=1 # from here on, it's all about pretty printing: checked, mt = len(apDone), max(thresholds) if peerNodeAnswers or apiNodeAnswers or checked>mt: peerInfo="" if checked > mt: thresholds.append( mt + PRINT_EVERY) if peerNodeAnswers and peerNodeGotPeers: peerInfo = "peers=%3d of which unchecked=%3d" % (len(hisPeers), newCount) nN, qs, oa = len(apON), apQueue.qsize(), len(openAPI) timeSpent = timeit.default_timer()-started infoline=("(%6.3fs) nodes=%3d openAPI=%3d checked=%4d queue=%4d |" "%16s: node=%5s openAPI=%5s | %s") infoline = infoline % (timeSpent, nN, oa, checked, qs, IP, peerNodeAnswers, apiNodeAnswers, peerInfo) printLock.acquire() print infoline printLock.release() apQueue.task_done() def crawlHZnodes(node=HZ_START_NODE): """ Checks hundreds of IPs for open API. starting point is localhost --> getPeers """ url="http://%s:%s" % (HZ_START_NODE, HZ_API_PORT) success, peers=queryAPI(server=url, command="/nhz?requestType=getPeers") if not success: print "%s didn't want to play with me: %s" % (node, peers); return False initialPeers=peers["peers"] print ("Got %d peers from %s, now checking which ones have open API, " "and enqueue'ing their peers:" % (len(initialPeers), node)) print ("Patience please, this can take minutes. Printing each openAPI IP, " "plus every approx. %d checked IPs:" % PRINT_EVERY) peersToCheck,printLock=Queue.Queue(), threading.Lock() started=timeit.default_timer() apON, openAPI, apDone, apInfo, network=[], [], [], {}, {} thresholds=[PRINT_EVERY] # using list because it is thread-safe for i in range(NUM_WORKERS): args=(peersToCheck, apDone, apON, openAPI, apInfo, network, printLock, thresholds, started) t=threading.Thread(target=checkOpenAPI_worker, args=args) t.daemon=True t.start() for item in initialPeers: peersToCheck.put(item) peersToCheck.join() # waits until the queue is finished duration=timeit.default_timer()-started n, qs, oa = len(apON), peersToCheck.qsize(), len(openAPI) checked = len(apDone) print "(%6.3fs) nodes=%3d openAPI=%3d checked=%4d queue=%4d " % (duration, n, oa, checked, qs) print "\nReady. Found %d nodes, and %d with open API." % (n, oa) return apON, openAPI, apInfo, network def makeIP(ap): """ If already IP, then just return it. Otherwise DNS lookup, to get IP. ap=address+port or IP """ ap=ap.split(":") if len(ap)==1: addr,p=ap[0],"" else: addr,p=ap try: socket.inet_aton(addr) ip=addr except socket.error: try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(addr) except Exception as e: print "gethostbyname: (%s) %s" % (type(e), e) ip=addr # fallback back to input # attach the port again, if it had one if p!="": ip+=":"+p return ip def test_makeIP(): "test cases for the above" for ap in ["www.google.de", "www.google.de:80", "", ""]: print "%20s = %20s" % (ap, makeIP(ap)) def makeAllIP(apList): "DNS lookup of a whole list of APs" return [makeIP(ap) for ap in apList] def infoStatistics(apInfo): """Overview of 'versions' and 'platforms'""" # print apInfo.values() pf, ver = zip(*(apInfo.values())) print "Names:", names=collections.Counter(pf).items() names.sort(key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True) print ", ".join(["%s (%s)"%(k, v) for k,v in names]) print "Versions:" versions = collections.Counter(ver).items() versions.sort(key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True) print "\n".join(["%3d %s"%(v,k) for k,v in versions]) print def timestampForFilename(): "coarse to fine grained timestamp" return datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") def nodesTableWithDomainNames_HZ(): """ Query localhost for peers, then crawl, then IP-->DNS table. Network and node-information is pickled to file. Filename is returned. """ result = crawlHZnodes() # crawler if not result: print "You probably have no HZ node running on localhost." print "Start your HZ node, or change HZ_STARTING_NODE_URL to a node with openAPI." return False nodeON_APs, openAPI_IPs, apInfo, network = result try: fn="HZ_%s.pickle" % timestampForFilename() with open(fn, 'w') as pkl_file: pickle.dump((network, openAPI_IPs, apInfo), pkl_file) print "Network written to: %s\n" %fn except: pass infoStatistics(apInfo) print "Convert all into IP addresses." openAPI_IPs =makeAllIP(openAPI_IPs) nodeON_APs =makeAllIP( nodeON_APs) print "Drop port numbers." nodeON_IPs = [AP.split(":")[0] for AP in nodeON_APs] for purpose, ipList in (("peerservers", nodeON_IPs),("apiservers", openAPI_IPs)): sortIPaddresses(ipList) print "These %d IPs are %s:" % (len(ipList), purpose) print ipList print "These peers are using a non-standard port:" nodeON_diffPort = list ( set(nodeON_APs) - set(nodeON_IPs)) print nodeON_diffPort nonPeerButApiNodes = list ( set(openAPI_IPs) - set(nodeON_IPs) ) print "open API but not peer nodes ('d be a bit STRANGE actually): " print nonPeerButApiNodes nonOpenApiNodes = list ( set(nodeON_IPs) - set(openAPI_IPs) ) print "\nNodes but not open API: ", len(nonOpenApiNodes) nodesTableWithDomainNames(nonOpenApiNodes, printSteps=False) print "These are all peer IPs with non-open API!" print "\nOpen API:", len(openAPI_IPs) nodesTableWithDomainNames(openAPI_IPs, printSteps=False) print "These are all IPs with open API!" return fn def makeIPdropPort(ap): """returns IP of (addr+port)""" ap=makeIP(ap) ip=ap.split(":")[0] # DNS-->IP, and drop port return ip def saveNetworkFiles(fn="HZ_20160125-105105.pickle"): """ Long code, sorry. But not spaghetti! It is simply ... sequentially transforming everything ... into network files - to be read with Pajek. """ print try: with open(fn, 'r') as pkl_file: network, openAPI_IPs, apInfo = pickle.load(pkl_file) print "Network loaded from: %s" %fn except: print "Load failed. Exit." return print dict([(name, len(eval(name))) for name in ("network", "openAPI_IPs", "apInfo")]) # transform all (addr+port) to IP address, merge duplicates on the way ipNetwork={} for n, peers in network.items(): nodeIP=makeIPdropPort(n) peerIPs=map(makeIPdropPort, peers) peerIPs=list(set(peerIPs)) # unique only if len(peerIPs)!=len(peers): print "Neighbours of %s just got less when DNS lookup" % n if ipNetwork.has_key(nodeIP): print "%s was already added, probably DNS as well as IP entry in list. MERGED!" % nodeIP #print "before:", ipNetwork[nodeIP] #print " new:", peerIPs ipNetwork[nodeIP]=list(set (ipNetwork[nodeIP] + peerIPs)) #print "merged:", ipNetwork[nodeIP] ipNetwork[nodeIP]=peerIPs print "ipNetwork: ", len(ipNetwork) print "sort IP addresses increasing:" IPsSorted=ipNetwork.keys() sortIPaddresses(IPsSorted) print "IPsSorted: ", len(IPsSorted) pajekFilename="%s_network-%s" % (os.path.splitext(fn)[0], timestampForFilename()) with open(pajekFilename+".net", "w") as f: f.write("*Vertices %s\n" % len(ipNetwork)) IP2index, index2IP={}, {} for i, n in enumerate(IPsSorted): f.write('%d "%s"\n'% (i+1, n)) IP2index[n] = i+1 index2IP[i+1] = n f.write("*Edges\n") for n, peers in ipNetwork.items(): dropped=0 for p in peers: if p in IP2index.keys(): # only talk about nodes which are answering, drop all others! f.write("%d %d 1\n" % (IP2index[n], IP2index[p])) else: dropped+=1 #if dropped: print "dropped %d nodes, kept %d nodes" % (dropped, len(peers)-dropped) print "Network written to '%s.net'\n" % pajekFilename print dict([(name, len(eval(name))) for name in ("IP2index", "index2IP")]) ipInfo={} for ap, info in apInfo.items(): ip=makeIPdropPort(ap) if ipInfo.has_key(ip): print "collision, please check that equal:", print ipInfo[ip], info ipInfo[ip]=info print dict([(name, len(eval(name))) for name in ("apInfo", "ipInfo")]) print "Sorting and saving version numbers...\n" versions=zip(*(ipInfo.values()))[1] # print versions versions=list(set(versions)) # make unique versions.sort() # print versions versionDict=dict([(v,i) for i, v in enumerate(versions)]) # print versionDict versionDictKeys=sorted(versionDict.keys()) with open(pajekFilename+"_versions_names.txt", "w") as f: f.write("\n".join(["%2d %s"%(versionDict[k],k) for k in versionDictKeys])+"\n") # todo: Could do statistics, too. print "Versions names written to '%s_versions_names.txt'" % pajekFilename with open(pajekFilename+"_versions.clu", "w") as f: f.write("*Vertices %s\n" % len(IPsSorted)) for IP in IPsSorted: f.write("%s\n" % versionDict[ ipInfo[IP][1] ] ) print "Cluster of versions written to '%s.clu'" % pajekFilename def countInFile(fn="HZ_20160125-105105_network-20160125-112807_versions.clu"): "Just to check which dataset I had actually used... *g*" with open(fn,"r") as f: lines=f.readlines() lines=lines[1:] print collections.Counter(lines) if __name__=="__main__": # test7774(thenExit=True) # test_CheckPeerServer(); exit() # test_makeIP(); exit() print ("-" * 50 + "\n") * 2 + "\nNXT:\n\n" + ("-" * 50 + "\n") * 2 nodesTableWithDomainNames_NXT() print ("-" * 50 + "\n") * 2 + "\nHZ :\n\n" + ("-" * 50 + "\n") * 2 fn=nodesTableWithDomainNames_HZ() saveNetworkFiles(fn) # # countInFile()