swagger: '2.0' info: version: 1.2.3 title: Airport & City Search x-status: validated x-tags: - '#ama-for-dev' x-release-note: '1.2': - Remove parameter onlyMajor - Correct example '1.1': - AFD-1091 - change from "traveller" to "traveler" - change default value of view indicator to FULL - Change search algorithm - Addition of "id" for location - New operation GET Airport or City by id - Traveler score become interger (PTR 14827552) - Change the option parameter into view and onlyMajor parameter - add a characters restriction on keyword parameter '1.0': - Initial Version description: |- Before using this API, we recommend you read our **[Authorization Guide](https://developers.amadeus.com/self-service/apis-docs/guides/authorization-262)** for more information on how to generate an access token. Please also be aware that our test environment is based on a subset of the production, in test this API only contains data from the United States, Spain, United Kingdom, Germany and India. host: test.api.amadeus.com basePath: /v1 schemes: - https consumes: - application/vnd.amadeus+json produces: - application/vnd.amadeus+json paths: /reference-data/locations: get: tags: - location operationId: getAirportCitySearch summary: Returns a list of airports and cities matching a given keyword. parameters: - name: subType description: sub type of the location (AIRPORT and/or CITY) in: query required: true type: array items: type: string enum: - AIRPORT - CITY collectionFormat: csv x-example: CITY - name: keyword description: |- keyword that should represent the start of a word in a city or airport name or code. Supported charaters are: A-Za-z0-9./:-'()" in: query required: true type: string x-example: MUC pattern: '[A-Za-z0-9./:()''"-]' - name: countryCode description: 'Country code of the location using [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2) code format (e.g. US).' in: query required: false type: string - $ref: '#/parameters/pageLimit' - $ref: '#/parameters/pageOffset' - $ref: '#/parameters/sort' - $ref: '#/parameters/view' responses: '200': $ref: '#/responses/airport-city-autocomplete' '400': $ref: '#/responses/400' default: $ref: '#/responses/500' description: '' '/reference-data/locations/{locationId}': get: tags: - location operationId: getAirportCity summary: Returns a specific airports or cities based on its id. parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/locationId' responses: '200': $ref: '#/responses/airport-city' '400': $ref: '#/responses/400_GET-Id' '404': $ref: '#/responses/404' default: $ref: '#/responses/500' description: '' parameters: pageLimit: name: 'page[limit]' description: maximum items in one page required: false in: query type: integer default: 10 pageOffset: name: 'page[offset]' description: start index of the requested page required: false in: query type: integer default: 0 sort: name: sort description: | defines on which attribute the sorting will be done: * analytics.travelers.score - sort by the number of travelers by airport or city, the airports and cities with the highest traffic are on top of the results required: false in: query type: string default: analytics.travelers.score enum: - analytics.travelers.score view: name: view description: | select the level of information of the reply: * LIGHT - Gives only the IATACode, name, detailedName, cityName and countryName * FULL - Adds on top of the LIGHT information the timeZoneOffset, geocode, detailed address and travelers.score default option is FULL required: false in: query default: FULL type: string enum: - LIGHT - FULL locationId: name: locationId description: identifier of the location required: true in: path type: string x-example: CMUC definitions: Location: properties: id: description: id of the ressource type: string self: $ref: '#/definitions/Links' type: description: the resource name type: string example: location subType: description: location sub type type: string enum: - AIRPORT - CITY - POINT_OF_INTEREST - DISTRICT example: AIRPORT name: description: short name of the location type: string example: Paris CDG detailedName: description: detailed name of the location. For a city location it contains city name and country code. For an airport location it contains city name; country code and airport full name type: string example: 'Paris/FR: Charles de Gaulle' timeZoneOffset: description: timezone offset of the location at the date of the API call (including daylight saving time) type: string example: '+01:00' iataCode: description: 'IATA code of the location. ([IATA table codes](http://www.iata.org/publications/Pages/code-search.aspx) here)' type: string example: CDG geoCode: $ref: '#/definitions/GeoCode' address: $ref: '#/definitions/Address' distance: $ref: '#/definitions/Distance' analytics: $ref: '#/definitions/Analytics' relevance: type: number format: double description: score value calculated based on distance and analytics example: 9.6584 category: description: category of the location type: string enum: - SIGHTS - BEACH_PARK - HISTORICAL - NIGHTLIFE - RESTAURANT - SHOPPING example: HISTORICAL tags: description: list of tags related to the location type: array items: type: string example: - grocery - japanese - cafe rank: description: the rank is the position compared to other locations based on how famous is a place. 1 being the highest. type: string example: 1 Address: properties: cityName: description: name of the city of the location; equal to name if the location is a city type: string example: Paris cityCode: description: IATA code of the city of the location; equal to IATAcode if the location is a city type: string example: PAR countryName: description: name of the country of the location type: string example: France countryCode: description: code of the country of the location in ISO standard type: string example: FR stateCode: description: code of the state of the location if any type: string example: TO regionCode: description: code of the region of the location in ISO standard type: string example: EUROP Distance: properties: value: description: great-circle distance between two locations. This distance thus do not take into account traffic conditions; international boundaries; mountains; water; or other elements that might make the a nearby location hard to reach. type: integer example: 152 unit: description: unit of the distance type: string example: KM enum: - KM - MI GeoCode: properties: latitude: description: latitude of the location type: number format: double example: 43.580418 longitude: description: longitude of the location type: number format: double example: 7.125102 Analytics: properties: travelers: $ref: '#/definitions/Travelers' Travelers: properties: score: type: number format: integer description: Approximate score for ranking purposes calculated based on number of travelers in the location. example: 68 Error_400: properties: errors: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Issue' required: - errors example: errors: - status: 400 code: 477 title: INVALID FORMAT detail: invalid query parameter format source: parameter: airport example: CDG Error_404: properties: errors: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Issue' required: - errors example: errors: - status: 404 code: 1797 title: NOT FOUND detail: no response found for this query parameter source: parameter: airport Error_500: properties: errors: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Issue' required: - errors example: errors: - status: 500 code: 141 title: SYSTEM ERROR HAS OCCURRED Issue: properties: status: description: the HTTP status code applicable to this error type: integer code: description: an application-specific error code type: integer format: int64 title: description: a short summary of the error type: string detail: description: explanation of the error type: string source: type: object title: Issue_Source description: an object containing references to the source of the error maxProperties: 1 properties: pointer: description: 'a JSON Pointer [RFC6901] to the associated entity in the request document' type: string parameter: description: a string indicating which URI query parameter caused the issue type: string example: description: a string indicating an example of the right value type: string Collection_Meta: title: Collection_Meta properties: count: type: integer example: 1 links: title: CollectionLinks properties: self: type: string format: uri example: 'https://test.api.amadeus.com/v1/area/resources?...' next: type: string format: uri example: 'https://test.api.amadeus.com/v1/area/resources?...' previous: type: string format: uri example: 'https://test.api.amadeus.com/v1/area/resources?...' last: type: string format: uri example: 'https://test.api.amadeus.com/v1/area/resources?...' first: type: string format: uri example: 'https://test.api.amadeus.com/v1/area/resources?...' up: type: string format: uri example: 'https://test.api.amadeus.com/v1/area/resources?...' example: self: 'https://test.api.amadeus.com/v1/area/resources?param=value' Links: required: - href properties: href: type: string format: uri methods: type: array items: type: string enum: - GET - PUT - DELETE - POST - PATCH count: type: integer example: href: string responses: '400': description: "code | title \n------- | ------------------------------------- \n477 | INVALID FORMAT\n572 | INVALID OPTION \n2781 | INVALID LENGTH\n4926 | INVALID DATA RECEIVED \n32171 | MANDATORY DATA MISSING \t \n" schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error_400' '404': description: Not Found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error_404' '500': description: Unexpected Error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error_500' airport-city-autocomplete: description: Successful Operation schema: title: Success required: - data properties: meta: $ref: '#/definitions/Collection_Meta' data: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Location' example: meta: count: 2 links: self: 'https://test.api.amadeus.com/v1/reference-data/locations?subType=CITY,AIRPORT&keyword=MUC&countryCode=DE' data: - type: location subType: CITY name: MUNICH INTERNATIONAL detailedName: 'MUNICH/DE:MUNICH INTERNATIONAL' id: CMUC self: href: 'https://test.api.amadeus.com/v1/reference-data/locations/CMUC' methods: - GET timeZoneOffset: '+02:00' iataCode: MUC geoCode: latitude: 48.35378 longitude: 11.78609 address: cityName: MUNICH cityCode: MUC countryName: GERMANY countryCode: DE regionCode: EUROP analytics: travelers: score: 27 - type: location subType: AIRPORT name: MUNICH INTERNATIONAL detailedName: 'MUNICH/DE:MUNICH INTERNATIONAL' id: AMUC self: href: 'https://test.api.amadeus.com/v1/reference-data/locations/AMUC' methods: - GET timeZoneOffset: '+02:00' iataCode: MUC geoCode: latitude: 48.35378 longitude: 11.78609 address: cityName: MUNICH cityCode: MUC countryName: GERMANY countryCode: DE regionCode: EUROP analytics: travelers: score: 27 airport-city: description: Successful Operation schema: title: Success required: - data properties: meta: $ref: '#/definitions/Collection_Meta' data: $ref: '#/definitions/Location' example: meta: links: self: 'https://test.api.amadeus.com/v1/reference-data/locations/CMUC' data: type: location subType: CITY name: MUNICH INTERNATIONAL detailedName: 'MUNICH/DE:MUNICH INTERNATIONAL' id: CMUC self: href: 'https://test.api.amadeus.com/v1/reference-data/locations/CMUC' methods: - GET timeZoneOffset: '+02:00' iataCode: MUC geoCode: latitude: 48.35378 longitude: 11.78609 address: cityName: MUNICH cityCode: MUC countryName: GERMANY countryCode: DE regionCode: EUROP analytics: travelers: score: 27 400_GET-Id: description: | code | title ------- | ------------------------------------- 572 | INVALID OPTION schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error_400'