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Credit Report


How Can I Improve My Credit Score ?

You can improve your Credit Score by maintaining a good credit history. This will be viewed favorably
by lenders and it can be done with 6 simple rules :
1.Always pay your dues on time.
2.Late payments are viewed negatively by lenders.
3.Keep your balances low.
4.Always prudent to not use too much credit, control your utilization.
5.Maintain a healthy mix of credit.
6.It is better to have a healthy mix of secured (such as home loan, auto loan) and unsecured loans
(such as personal loan, credit cards).
7.Too many unsecured loans may be viewed negatively.
8.Apply for new credit in moderation.
9.You dont want to seem Credit Hungry,apply for new credit cautiously.
10.Monitor your co-signed, guaranteed and joint accounts monthly.
11.In co-signed, guaranteed or jointly held accounts, you are held equally liable for missed payments.
12.Your joint holders (or the guaranteed individual) negligence could affect your ability to access
credit when you need it.
13.Review your credit history frequently throughout the year.
14.Purchase your CIR from time to time to avoid unpleasant surprises in the form of a rejected loan application.

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