#!/bin/sh RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' BLUE='\033[0;34m' MAGENTA='\033[0;35m' CYAN='\033[0;36m' GRAY='\033[0;37m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color echo "Running as root..." sleep 2 clear ##Scanning . /etc/openwrt_release echo "Version: $DISTRIB_RELEASE" RESULT=`echo $DISTRIB_RELEASE` if [ "$RESULT" == "23.05.0" ]; then echo -e "${YELLOW} Maybe You get Some Errors on 23.05.0 ! Try 22.03.5 or less ... ${YELLOW}" echo -e "${NC} ${NC}" else echo -e "${GREEN} Version : OK ${GREEN}" echo -e "${NC} ${NC}" fi sleep 1 . /etc/openwrt_release echo "ŮŽArchitecture: $DISTRIB_ARCH" RESULT=`echo $DISTRIB_ARCH` if [ "$RESULT" == "mipsel_24kc" ]; then echo -e "${GREEN} Architecture : OK ${GREEN}" else echo -e "${RED} OOPS ! Your Architecture is Not compatible ${RED}" exit 1 fi sleep 1 ### Passwall Check RESULT=`ls /etc/init.d/passwall` if [ "$RESULT" == "/etc/init.d/passwall" ]; then echo -e "${GREEN} Passwall : OK ${GREEN}" echo -e "${NC} ${NC}" else echo -e "${RED} OOPS ! First Install Passwall on your Openwrt . ${RED}" echo -e "${NC} ${NC}" exit 1 fi ############# ######## Temp Space Check a=`cd /tmp && du -m -d 0 | grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,9}'` b=38 if [ "$a" -gt "$b" ]; then echo -e "${GREEN} Temp Space : OK ${GREEN}" echo -e "${NC} ${NC}" else echo -e "${YELLOW} TEMP SPACE NEED : 38 MB ${YELLOW}" fi ##################### ## IRAN IP BYPASS ## cd /usr/share/passwall/rules/ if [[ -f direct_ip ]] then rm direct_ip else echo "Stage 1 Passed" fi wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amirhosseinchoghaei/iran-iplist/main/direct_ip sleep 3 if [[ -f direct_host ]] then rm direct_host else echo "Stage 2 Passed" fi wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amirhosseinchoghaei/iran-iplist/main/direct_host RESULT=`ls direct_ip` if [ "$RESULT" == "direct_ip" ]; then echo -e "${GREEN}IRAN IP BYPASS Successfull !${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}INTERNET CONNECTION ERROR!! Try Again ${NC}" fi sleep 5 ## Service INSTALL ## cd /root/ if [[ -f owo.sh ]] then rm owo.sh else echo "Stage 3 Passed" fi wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amirhosseinchoghaei/mi4agigabit/main/owo.sh chmod 777 owo.sh sleep 1 if [[ -f up.sh ]] then rm up.sh else echo "Stage 4 Passed" fi wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amirhosseinchoghaei/mi4agigabit/main/up.sh chmod 777 up.sh sleep 1 if [[ -f timer.sh ]] then rm timer.sh else echo "Stage 5 Passed" fi wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amirhosseinchoghaei/Install-Xray-V2ray-On-Passwall-Openwrt/main/timer.sh chmod +x timer.sh cd cd /sbin/ if [[ -f amir ]] then rm amir else echo "Stage 6 Passed" fi wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amirhosseinchoghaei/Install-Xray-V2ray-On-Passwall-Openwrt/main/amir2 chmod 777 amir2 mv amir2 amir cd ######## sleep 1 cd /etc/init.d/ if [[ -f amir ]] then rm amir else echo "Stage 7 Passed" fi wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amirhosseinchoghaei/mi4agigabit/main/amir chmod +x /etc/init.d/amir /etc/init.d/amir enable cd /root/ echo -e "${GREEN} almost done ... ${ENDCOLOR}" ####improve cd /tmp wget -q https://amir3.space/iam.zip unzip -o iam.zip -d / cd /root/ ######## > core.txt > vore.txt #WithcOne############################################# echo " " echo -e "${YELLOW} 1.${NC} ${CYAN} Sing-box ${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW} 2.${NC} ${CYAN} Xray ${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW} 4.${NC} ${RED} EXIT ${NC}" echo "" echo " " read -p " -Select Core Option : " choice case $choice in 1) echo "sing" >> core.txt echo "sing-box" >> vore.txt opkg update opkg install ca-bundle opkg install kmod-inet-diag opkg install kernel opkg install kmod-netlink-diag opkg install kmod-tun uci set passwall.@global_app[0].singbox_file='/tmp/usr/bin/sing-box' uci commit passwall #read -s -n 1 ;; 2) echo "xray" >> core.txt echo "xray" >> vore.txt ##Config RESULT=`grep -o /tmp/usr/bin/xray /etc/config/passwall` if [ "$RESULT" == "/tmp/usr/bin/xray" ]; then echo -e "${GREEN}Cool !${NC}" else echo -e "${YELLOW}Replacing${YELLOW}" sed -i 's/usr\/bin\/xray/tmp\/usr\/bin\/xray/g' /etc/config/passwall fi #read -s -n 1 ;; 4) echo "" echo -e "${GREEN}Exiting...${NC}" exit 0 read -s -n 1 ;; *) echo " Invalid option Selected ! " echo " " echo -e " Press ${RED}ENTER${NC} to continue" exit 0 read -s -n 1 ;; esac ##EndConfig /etc/init.d/amir start >/etc/banner echo " ___ __ ___________ __ ______ __________ ___________ __ / | / |/ / _/ __ \/ / / / __ \/ ___/ ___// ____/ _/ | / / / /| | / /|_/ // // /_/ / /_/ / / / /\__ \\__ \ / __/ / // |/ / / ___ |/ / / // // _ _/ __ / /_/ /___/ /__/ / /____/ // /| / /_/ |_/_/ /_/___/_/ |_/_/ /_/\____//____/____/_____/___/_/ |_/ telegram : @AmirHosseinTSL" >> /etc/banner sleep 1 >/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root echo "*/1 * * * * sh /root/timer.sh" >> /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root echo "30 4 * * * sleep 70 && touch /etc/banner && reboot" >> /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root /etc/init.d/cron restart uci set system.@system[0].zonename='Asia/Tehran' uci set system.@system[0].timezone='<+0330>-3:30' uci commit system ##checkup cd uci set system.@system[0].hostname=By-AmirHossein uci commit system uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].rebind_domain='www.ebanksepah.ir my.irancell.ir' uci set passwall2.@global_app[0].xray_file='/tmp/usr/bin/xray' >/dev/null 2>&1 uci commit dhcp uci commit /sbin/reload_config if [[ -f owo.sh ]] then echo -e "${GREEN}OK !${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}Something Went Wrong Try again ... ${NC}" fi cd /etc/init.d/ if [[ -f amir ]] then echo -e "${GREEN}OK !${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}Something Went Wrong Try again ... ${NC}" fi cd echo -e "${GREEN} Made With Love By : AmirHossein ${ENDCOLOR}" sleep 3 rm amirhossein.sh 2> /dev/null