import sys import math import pygame pygame.init() SCREEN_WIDTH = 1200 SCREEN_HEIGHT = 800 FPS = 60 LIGHT_GREY = [230, 230, 230] RED = [150, 0, 0] BLACK = [0, 0, 0] BLUE = [0, 0, 150] PROJECTILE_SPEED = 5 PROJECTILE_RADIUS = 10 screen = pygame.display.set_mode([SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT]) pygame.display.set_caption("Pointer game") clock = pygame.time.Clock() mid_point = [int(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2), int(SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2)] # We'll be shooting projectiles from the middle of the screen projectiles = [] # Here's where we'll track projectiles while True: screen.fill(LIGHT_GREY) mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # We'll be using the mouse position to fire projectiles from, RED, mid_point, 20) # Draw a circle in the middle of the screen (where we'll shoot from), RED, mouse_pos, 10) # Draw a circle to tell the player where they're targetting # Draw a line from the mid point to the mouse position pygame.draw.line(screen, BLACK, mid_point, mouse_pos, 3) ############################################################################ # Draw all of the projectiles, track on screen vs off screen ############################################################################ # Let's get the unit vector for the line we just drew # - at the same time, we'll track what projectiles are still on the screen on_screen_projectiles = [] for projectile in projectiles: # Move the projectile in the correct direction # - projection["direction"] is a unit vector pointing in the direction we want this projectile to travel # - We multiply the direction vector's x and y by our speed to have the projectile # move in the correction direction at the correct speed projectile["current_loc"][0] += (PROJECTILE_SPEED * projectile["direction"][0]) projectile["current_loc"][1] += (PROJECTILE_SPEED * projectile["direction"][1]) # For convenience, we'll grab the current location (that we just calculated) # for this projectile cur_loc = projectile["current_loc"], BLUE, [int(cur_loc[0]), int(cur_loc[1])], PROJECTILE_RADIUS) # Detect whether the projectile is off of the screen # - To do that, we can make a bounding box around the circle and # detect whether or not that circle's bounding box is colliding with # a bounding box around the entire screen projectile_box = pygame.Rect([0,0],[0,0]) projectile_box.centerx = cur_loc[0] projectile_box.centery = cur_loc[1] projectile_box.width = 2*PROJECTILE_RADIUS projectile_box.height = 2*PROJECTILE_RADIUS # Use that bounding box to detect if something goes off screen if screen.get_rect().colliderect(projectile_box): on_screen_projectiles.append(projectile) projectiles = on_screen_projectiles ############################################################################ # Here's our event loop for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # Calculate the vector from where we're shooting (mid_point) to # where we're aiming (mouse_pos) # - If instead, you were shooting from a character's location, you could use # that character's location instead of the mid_point of the screen. line_vec = [mouse_pos[0] - mid_point[0], mouse_pos[1] - mid_point[1]] # How long is the vector? (lookup python's math.hypot function in the # python docs) vec_len = math.hypot(line_vec[0], line_vec[1]) # Calculate the unit vector => we'll use this to specify the direction of the projectile unit_vec = [line_vec[0] / vec_len, line_vec[1] / vec_len] # Add new projectile to projectiles list projectiles.append({"current_loc": [mid_point[0], mid_point[1]], "direction": unit_vec}) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(FPS)