import sys import random import pygame import itertools pygame.init() ################################################################ # Colors crimson = [204, 0, 0] bla = [0, 0, 0] darkgrey = [90, 90, 100] background = [56, 0, 20] red = [220, 0, 0] WHITE = [255, 255, 255] BLACK = [88, 88, 88] YELLOW = [255, 204, 229] #highlight menu_btn_color = YELLOW menu_btn_hover_color = bla ################################################################ screenwidth = 1500 screenheight = 1000 FPS = 60 BTN_PADDING = 10 # How much padding are we going to put around a button? BTN_MARGIN = 10 gravity = 0.045 screen = pygame.display.set_mode([screenwidth, screenheight]) pygame.display.set_caption("Finding Light") clock = pygame.time.Clock() menu_font = pygame.font.SysFont('impact', 32) screen_mode = 'title' # Modes: title, menu filenames = itertools.cycle(['sus.ogg', 'jumpy.ogg', 'happy.ogg'])'sus.ogg') ################################################################# # title title_font = pygame.font.SysFont('impact', 128) title_surface = title_font.render('Finding Light', True, WHITE) title_rect = title_surface.get_rect() title_rect.x = (screenwidth / 2) - (title_rect.width / 2) # Put rect in middle of screen (perfectly in middle x) title_rect.y = (screenheight /2) - (title_rect.height / 2) # Put rect in middle of the screen (sitting on top of horizontal midline) #Background loadingscreen_image = pygame.image.load('loadingscreen.png') loadingscreen_rect = loadingscreen_image.get_rect() = [100, 400] # === Open menu button === menu_btn_txt_surface = menu_font.render('Main Menu', True, BLACK) menu_btn_bg_rect = menu_btn_txt_surface.get_rect() #size correctly menu_btn_bg_rect.width = menu_btn_bg_rect.width + (2*BTN_MARGIN) menu_btn_bg_rect.height = menu_btn_bg_rect.height + (2*BTN_MARGIN) #position it menu_btn_bg_rect.x = (screenwidth / 2) - (menu_btn_bg_rect.width / 2) menu_btn_bg_rect.y = title_rect.bottom + BTN_PADDING menu_btn_txt_rect = menu_btn_txt_surface.get_rect() menu_btn_txt_rect.x = menu_btn_bg_rect.x + BTN_MARGIN menu_btn_txt_rect.y = menu_btn_bg_rect.y + BTN_MARGIN #################################################################END SCREEN catimage = pygame.image.load('cat.png') catx = 10 caty = 10 endfont = pygame.font.SysFont('impact', 128) endcolor = [255,255,255] endsurface = endfont.render("You Lost...",True, endcolor, crimson) endrect = endsurface.get_rect() endx = (screenwidth / 2 ) - (endrect.width / 2) endy = (screenheight / 2 ) - (endrect.height / 2) backrect = pygame.Rect(400, 375, 700, 250) ###############################################################WIN SCREEN winimage = pygame.image.load('win.png') winfont = pygame.font.SysFont('impact', 128) wincolor = [255,255,255] winsurface = winfont.render("You Won!",True, wincolor,) winrect = winsurface.get_rect() winx = (screenwidth / 2 ) - (winrect.width / 2) winy = (screenheight / 2 ) - (winrect.height / 2) winimage = pygame.image.load('win.png') winimage_rect = winimage.get_rect() ################################################################# # menu menu_screen_buttons = ['quit', 'resume'] # Available buttons cur_menu_btn_id = 0 # What button are we currently on? btn_color = YELLOW # === Resume button === # Render resume btn text onto surface resume_btn_txt_surface = menu_font.render('Start Game', True, BLACK) # Setup resume button background resume_btn_bg_rect = resume_btn_txt_surface.get_rect() resume_btn_bg_rect.width += 2 * BTN_MARGIN resume_btn_bg_rect.height += 2 * BTN_MARGIN resume_btn_bg_rect.x = (screenwidth / 2) - (resume_btn_bg_rect.width / 2) resume_btn_bg_rect.y = 400 # Setup the resume button text resume_btn_txt_rect = resume_btn_txt_surface.get_rect() resume_btn_txt_rect.x = resume_btn_bg_rect.x + BTN_MARGIN resume_btn_txt_rect.y = resume_btn_bg_rect.y + BTN_MARGIN # === Quit button === # Render quit btn text onto surface quit_btn_txt_surface = menu_font.render('Quit', True, BLACK) # Setup quit button background quit_btn_bg_rect = quit_btn_txt_surface.get_rect() quit_btn_bg_rect.width += 2 * BTN_MARGIN quit_btn_bg_rect.height += 2 * BTN_MARGIN quit_btn_bg_rect.x = resume_btn_bg_rect.x + (resume_btn_bg_rect.width / 4) quit_btn_bg_rect.y = resume_btn_bg_rect.y + (resume_btn_bg_rect.y / 4) # Setup the quit button text quit_btn_txt_rect = quit_btn_txt_surface.get_rect() quit_btn_txt_rect.x = quit_btn_bg_rect.x + BTN_MARGIN quit_btn_txt_rect.y = quit_btn_bg_rect.y + BTN_MARGIN ################################################################################ ################################################################# # game loadingscreengame_image = pygame.image.load('back.png') loadingscreengame_rect = loadingscreengame_image.get_rect() = [screenwidth/2, screenheight / 2] standing = False win = False health = 1 back_image = pygame.image.load('back.png') charimage = pygame.image.load('sprite.png') char_rect = charimage.get_rect() char_velocity_x = 0 char_velocity_y = 0 catx = 10 caty = 10 charheight = 75 charwidth = 25 char_rect.left = 0 = 0 death_blocks = [ pygame.Rect(200, 0, 60, 220), pygame.Rect(800, 0, 60, 175), pygame.Rect(970, 300, 360, 15), pygame.Rect(0, 420, 190, 60), pygame.Rect(450, 0, 15, 600), pygame.Rect(300, 850, 15, 100), pygame.Rect(800, 800, 30, 300), pygame.Rect(1313, 170, 30, 400), pygame.Rect(1300, 600, 30, 300), pygame.Rect(1250, 400, 30, 300), pygame.Rect(700, 500, 300, 30), pygame.Rect(450, 620, 200, 30), pygame.Rect(0, 800, 30, 15)] end_block = pygame.image.load('bloss.png') end_block_rect = end_block.get_rect() end_block_rect.x = screenwidth - end_block_rect.width end_block_rect.y = 500 platforms = [ pygame.Rect(200, 620, 250, 15), pygame.Rect(800, 800, 300, 15), pygame.Rect(600, 300, 300, 15), pygame.Rect(1, 940, 2000, 65)] while True: # We need to show different things depending on whether or not we're in 'title' # or 'menu' mode if screen_mode == 'title': # ==== TITLE SCREEN MODE ==== screen.fill(bla) loadingscreen_image = pygame.image.load('loadingscreen.png') loadingscreen_rect = loadingscreen_image.get_rect() = [screenwidth / 2, screenheight / 2] screen.blit(loadingscreen_image, loadingscreen_rect) # Draw the title screen # Render the title text in the middle of the screen screen.blit(title_surface, title_rect) # Draw the menu button, first: the text pygame.draw.rect(screen, menu_btn_color, menu_btn_bg_rect) screen.blit(menu_btn_txt_surface, menu_btn_txt_rect) elif screen_mode == 'menu': # === MENU SCREEN MODE === screen.fill(bla) loadingscreen_image = pygame.image.load('loadingscreen.png') loadingscreen_rect = loadingscreen_image.get_rect() = [screenwidth / 2, screenheight / 2] screen.blit(loadingscreen_image, loadingscreen_rect) # Draw button rectangles! # - If button is active, color background with hover color and an outline # - otherwise, draw with normal color and no outline #print(cur_menu_btn_id) if menu_screen_buttons[cur_menu_btn_id] == 'resume': pygame.draw.rect(screen, menu_btn_hover_color, resume_btn_bg_rect)#draw menu box pygame.draw.rect(screen, bla, resume_btn_bg_rect, 5)#draw outline else: pygame.draw.rect(screen, menu_btn_color, resume_btn_bg_rect) if menu_screen_buttons[cur_menu_btn_id] == 'quit': pygame.draw.rect(screen, menu_btn_hover_color, quit_btn_bg_rect) pygame.draw.rect(screen, bla, quit_btn_bg_rect, 5) else: pygame.draw.rect(screen, menu_btn_color, quit_btn_bg_rect) # Layer button text over button backgrounds screen.blit(resume_btn_txt_surface, resume_btn_txt_rect) screen.blit(quit_btn_txt_surface, quit_btn_txt_rect) elif screen_mode == 'game': standing = False platform_index = char_rect.collidelist(platforms) if platform_index != -1: platform = platforms[platform_index] is_just_touching_down = char_rect.bottom - < platform.height is_descending = char_velocity_y > 0 if is_just_touching_down and is_descending: = - char_rect.height standing = True char_velocity_y = 1 if char_rect.collidelist(death_blocks) != -1: health = 0 if char_rect.colliderect(end_block_rect): win = True print("you won") ###############################################NEED TO DO screen_mode = 'winscreen' continue screen.blit(loadingscreengame_image, loadingscreengame_rect) for death_block in death_blocks: pygame.draw.rect(screen,red,death_block) for platform in platforms: pygame.draw.rect(screen, darkgrey, platform) screen.blit(end_block, end_block_rect) screen.blit(charimage, char_rect) if health == 0: print("U DED") # pygame.quit() #sys.exit() screen_mode = 'gameover' char_rect.left += char_velocity_x += char_velocity_y char_velocity_x *= 0.99 char_velocity_y *= 0.99 char_velocity_y += gravity elif screen_mode == 'gameover': screen.fill(bla) for i in range(300): screen.blit(catimage, [random.randint(0, screenwidth), random.randint(0, screenheight)]) catx = catx + 1 pygame.draw.rect(screen, crimson, backrect) screen.blit(endsurface, [endx, endy]) # ===== WIN SCREEN ============= elif screen_mode == 'winscreen': screen.fill(bla) = [screenwidth / 2, screenheight / 2] screen.blit(winimage, [0,0]) screen.blit(winsurface, [winx, winy]) else: # ==== ???? MODE ==== print("AAAH UNRECOGNIZED SCREEN MODE! Exiting") pygame.quit() sys.exit() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() # ===== TITLE MODE EVENTS ===== if screen_mode == 'title' and event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if menu_btn_bg_rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos): screen_mode = 'menu' cur_menu_btn_id = 0 # ===== MENU MODE EVENTS ===== if screen_mode == 'menu' and event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: # player presses down arrow cur_menu_btn_id = (cur_menu_btn_id + 1) % len(menu_screen_buttons) if event.key == pygame.K_UP: # player presses up arrow cur_menu_btn_id = (cur_menu_btn_id - 1) % len(menu_screen_buttons) if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN: # Player presses return (selects current option) if menu_screen_buttons[cur_menu_btn_id] == 'quit': # if on resume button, go back to title screen screen_mode = 'game' #Need to direct to game elif menu_screen_buttons[cur_menu_btn_id] == 'resume': # if on quit button, quit the game pygame.quit() sys.exit() if screen_mode == 'game': if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: print("Space key press.") #Shooter elif event.key == pygame.K_w: print("w key was pressed") char_velocity_y -= 1 elif event.key == pygame.K_s: print("s key was pressed") char_velocity_y += 1 elif event.key == pygame.K_a: print("a key was pressed") char_velocity_x -= 1 elif event.key == pygame.K_d: print("d key was pressed") char_velocity_x += 1 clock.tick(FPS) pygame.display.update()