#!/bin/bash # (c) 2009-2010 AMOOMA GmbH - http://www.amooma.de ################################################################### # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301, USA. ################################################################### echo -e "\n This an RC Version of Gemeinschaft!\n \ Only community support.\n \ Use allways stable version for production.\n \ This installer might be broken. If you agree please type 'yes'.\n" read answer case $answer in yes) ;; *) echo "Good bye"; exit 0; ;; esac GEMEINSCHAFT_VERS="3.3-ast-13" #GEMEINSCHAFT_TGZ_URL_DIR="https://github.com/amooma/GS3/tarball" GEMEINSCHAFT_CLONE_URL_DIR="https://github.com/amooma/GS3.git" GEMEINSCHAFT_SIEMENS_VERS="trunk-r00358" GEMEINSCHAFT_SIEMENS_TGZ_IN_TGZ_DIR="misc/provisioning/siemens" # File: ${GEMEINSCHAFT_SIEMENS_TGZ_IN_TGZ_DIR}/gemeinschaft-siemens-${GEMEINSCHAFT_SIEMENS_VERS}.tgz GEMEINSCHAFT_SOUNDS_DE_WAV_VERS="current" GEMEINSCHAFT_SOUNDS_DE_WAV_TGZ_IN_TGZ_DIR="misc/voiceprompts" # File: ${GEMEINSCHAFT_SOUNDS_DE_WAV_TGZ_IN_TGZ_DIR}/gemeinschaft-sounds-de-wav-${GEMEINSCHAFT_SOUNDS_DE_WAV_VERS}.tar.gz #ASTERISK_SOUNDS_DE_ALAW_VERS="current" ASTERISK_SOUNDS_DE_ALAW_TGZ_IN_TGZ_DIR="misc/voiceprompts" # File: ${ASTERISK_SOUNDS_DE_ALAW_TGZ_IN_TGZ_DIR}/asterisk-core-sounds-de-alaw.tar.gz # language L2=`echo $LANG | head -c 2 | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'` if [ -z $L2 ]; then L2='xx'; fi err() { ERRMSG="$*" echo '' >&2 echo '*****************************************************************' >&2 echo '' >&2 if [ "$L2" == "de" ]; then echo ' FEHLER!' >&2 else echo ' ERROR!' >&2 fi if [ ! -z "$ERRMSG" ]; then echo -e "$ERRMSG" >&2 ; fi echo '' >&2 echo '*****************************************************************' >&2 echo '' >&2 exit 1 } trap "(echo ''; echo '***** ABORTED!') >&2; exit 130" INT TERM QUIT HUP trap "err; exit 1" ERR # check system # if [ ! -e /etc/debian_version ]; then if [ "$L2" == "de" ]; then err " Ihr System ist kein Debian." else err " Your system is not Debian." fi fi if [ "`id -un`" != "root" ]; then if [ "$L2" == "de" ]; then err " Dieses Skript muss als Benutzer \"root\" ausgeführt werden." else err " This script must be run as user \"root\"." fi fi if ( ! cat /etc/debian_version | head -n 1 | grep '^8.' 1>>/dev/null ) \ && ( ! cat /etc/debian_version | head -n 1 | grep 'jessie' 1>>/dev/null ) then if [ "$L2" == "de" ]; then err " Ihr Debian ist nicht Version 8 (\"Jessie\").\n" else err " Your Debian is not version 8 (\"Jessie\").\n" fi fi # set PATH # export PATH="/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:${PATH}" if ( which asterisk 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null ); then if ( ! aptitude search asterisk | grep '^i' | grep -Ee '\sasterisk\s' 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null ); then if [ "$L2" == "de" ]; then err " Auf diesem System ist bereits eine andere, möglicherweise\n" \ " nicht kompatible Version von Asterisk installiert." else err " This system already has a version of Astersik which might\n" \ " not be compatible." fi fi fi # setup basic stuff # clear echo "" echo "*** Now we start to install and setup stuff we need for" echo "*** Gemeinschaft. Better get yourself a cup of coffee." cat <<\HEREDOC ) ( ) ,.----------. ((| | .--\ /--. '._ '========' _.' `""""""""""""` HEREDOC #sleep 1 #echo "***" #echo "*** Setting up basic stuff ..." #echo "***" type apt-get 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null type aptitude 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null || apt-get -y install aptitude #APTITUDE_INSTALL="aptitude -y --allow-new-upgrades --allow-new-installs install" APTITUDE_INSTALL="aptitude -y --safe-resolver" APTITUDE_REMOVE="aptitude -y purge" APTITUDE_INSTALL="${APTITUDE_INSTALL} --allow-new-upgrades --allow-new-installs" APTITUDE_INSTALL="${APTITUDE_INSTALL} install" #echo "APTITUDE_INSTALL = ${APTITUDE_INSTALL}" # very cheap hack to wait for the DHCP-client # COUNTER=0 while [ $COUNTER -lt 5 ]; do echo -n "." sleep 1 let COUNTER=COUNTER+1 done echo "" #make local directories LOCAL_DIRS="vm-rec sys-rec sounds htdocs/prov/ringtones/" LOCAL_PATH="/opt/gemeinschaft-local" for i in $LOCAL_DIRS; do echo $LOCAL_PATH/$i test -d $LOCAL_PATH/$i || mkdir -p $LOCAL_PATH/$i; done # update package lists # echo "" echo "***" echo "*** Updating package lists ..." echo "***" aptitude update # install and configure local nameserver # echo "" echo "***" echo "*** Installing local caching nameserver ..." echo "***" ${APTITUDE_INSTALL} dnsutils # install dnsutils so we can use dig later #aptitude clean # wait for internet access # echo "Checking Internet access ..." while ! ( wget -O - -T 30 --spider http://ftp.debian.org/ >>/dev/null ); do sleep 5; done MY_MAC_ADDR=`LANG=C ifconfig | grep -oE '[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}\:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}\:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}\:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}\:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}\:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}' | head -n 1` # install basic stuff # echo "" echo "***" echo "*** Installing basic stuff ..." echo "***" ${APTITUDE_INSTALL} \ coreutils lsb-base grep findutils sudo wget curl cron \ expect dialog logrotate hostname net-tools ifupdown iputils-ping netcat \ udev psmisc dnsutils iputils-arping pciutils bzip2 \ console-data console-tools \ vim less git linux-headers-$(uname -r) \ gcc make gcc make ncurses-dev zlib1g-dev \ g++ libxml2-dev doxygen libmysql++-dev libcrypto++-dev libssl-dev \ libportaudio2 portaudio19-dev libasound-dev # now that we have vim, enable syntax highlighting by default: if ( which vim 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null ); then sed -i -r -e 's/^"(syntax) on/\1 on/' /etc/vim/vimrc || true fi # set EDITOR to "vim" if ( which vim 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null ); then echo "" >> /root/.bashrc || true echo "export EDITOR=\"vim\"" >> /root/.bashrc || true echo "" >> /root/.bashrc || true #if [ "x${SHELL}" = "x/bin/bash" ]; then # source /root/.bashrc #fi fi # and add ls colors and some useful bash aliases: cat <<\HEREDOC >> /root/.bashrc export LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto' eval "`dircolors`" alias ls='ls $LS_OPTIONS' alias l='ls $LS_OPTIONS -lF' alias ll='ls $LS_OPTIONS -lFA' HEREDOC #if [ "x${SHELL}" = "x/bin/bash" ]; then # source /root/.bashrc #fi WGET="wget" WGET_ARGS="-c -T 60 --no-check-certificate" DOWNLOAD="${WGET} ${WGET_ARGS}" # set up lang enviroment # echo "" echo "***" echo "*** Setting up language environment ..." echo "***" if ( ! which locale-gen 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null ); then ${APTITUDE_INSTALL} locales elif [ ! -e /usr/share/i18n/locales/. ]; then ${APTITUDE_INSTALL} locales elif [ ! -e /usr/share/locale/. ]; then ${APTITUDE_INSTALL} locales fi if [ -e /etc/locale.gen ]; then grep -e "^de_DE\.UTF-8 UTF-8" /etc/locale.gen || echo "de_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.gen grep -e "^en_US\.UTF-8 UTF-8" /etc/locale.gen || echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.gen fi if ( type locale-gen 2>>/dev/null ); then locale-gen else echo "WARNING: locale-gen not found!" >&2 fi # install ntp # echo "" echo "***" echo "*** Installing NTP ..." echo "***" if ( ! which ntpd 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null ); then ${APTITUDE_INSTALL} ntp fi if ( ! which ntpdate 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null ); then ${APTITUDE_INSTALL} ntpdate fi /etc/init.d/ntp stop 2>>/dev/null || true ntpdate 0.debian.pool.ntp.org || true ntpdate 1.debian.pool.ntp.org || true /etc/init.d/ntp start || true sleep 3 # make /var/run/ available as a ram file system (tmpfs). # sed -i -r -e 's/^(RAMRUN=)no/\1yes/' /etc/default/rcS || true # install dahdi # echo "" echo "***" echo "*** Installing Dahdi ..." echo "***" cd /usr/local/src/ $DOWNLOAD "http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/telephony/dahdi-linux-complete/dahdi-linux-complete-2.10.2+2.10.2.tar.gz" tar -xvzf "dahdi-linux-complete-2.10.2+2.10.2.tar.gz" cd $(tar -tzf "dahdi-linux-complete-2.10.2+2.10.2.tar.gz" | head -n 1 | cut -d '/' -f1) make all make install make config # generate /etc/dahdi/system.conf: dahdi_genconf || true cd /usr/local/src/ $DOWNLOAD "http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/telephony/asterisk/asterisk-13-current.tar.gz" tar -xvzf asterisk-13-current.tar.gz cd $(tar -tzf asterisk-13-current.tar.gz | head -n 1 | cut -d '/' -f1) ./configure make menuselect.makeopts menuselect/menuselect --enable res_config_mysql menuselect.makeopts menuselect/menuselect --enable cdr_mysql menuselect.makeopts make make install make samples make config groupadd asterisk useradd -d /var/lib/asterisk -g asterisk asterisk chown --recursive asterisk:asterisk /var/lib/asterisk chown --recursive asterisk:asterisk /var/log/asterisk chown --recursive asterisk:asterisk /var/run/asterisk chown --recursive asterisk:asterisk /var/spool/asterisk chown --recursive asterisk:asterisk /usr/lib/asterisk chmod --recursive u=rwX,g=rX,o= /var/lib/asterisk chmod --recursive u=rwX,g=rX,o= /var/log/asterisk chmod --recursive u=rwX,g=rX,o= /var/run/asterisk chmod --recursive u=rwX,g=rX,o= /var/spool/asterisk chmod --recursive u=rwX,g=rX,o= /usr/lib/asterisk chown --recursive root:asterisk /etc/asterisk chmod --recursive u=rwX,g=rX,o= /etc/asterisk echo 'AST_USER="asterisk"' >> /etc/default/asterisk echo 'AST_GROUP="asterisk"' >> /etc/default/asterisk # create directory for call-files # mkdir -p /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing chmod a+rwx /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing chmod a+rwx /var/spool/asterisk/tmp # sudo permissions for Asterisk # echo "asterisk ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/gemeinschaft-asterisk chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/gemeinschaft-asterisk # install lame # if ( ! which lame 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null ); then echo "" echo "***" echo "*** Installing Lame ..." echo "***" echo 'deb http://deb-multimedia.org wheezy main non-free' \ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian-multimedia.list aptitude update --allow-untrusted || true ${APTITUDE_INSTALL} --allow-untrusted debian-multimedia-keyring || true #${APTITUDE_INSTALL} lame || true ${APTITUDE_INSTALL} --allow-untrusted lame || true fi # install misc packages # echo "" echo "***" echo "*** Installing other packages ..." echo "***" export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive export DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical ${APTITUDE_INSTALL} \ perl perl-modules libnet-daemon-perl libnet-netmask-perl libio-interface-perl libio-socket-multicast-perl \ sipsak \ mysql-client mysql-server \ apache2 \ php5-cli libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql php5-ldap \ python2.6 \ python-mysqldb \ sox libsox-fmt-all mpg123 unset DEBIAN_FRONTEND unset DEBIAN_PRIORITY #aptitude clean # install music on hold (MOH) for Asterisk # echo "" echo "***" echo "*** Installing music on hold (MOH) for Asterisk ..." echo "***" #cd /var/lib/asterisk/moh/ mkdir -p /usr/share/asterisk/moh cd /usr/share/asterisk/moh/ for fmt in alaw; do #F=asterisk-moh-freeplay-${fmt} F=asterisk-moh-opsound-${fmt}-current ${DOWNLOAD} http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/telephony/sounds/${F}.tar.gz tar -xzf ${F}.tar.gz rm ${F}.tar.gz || true done # install Gemeinschaft # echo "" echo "***" echo "*** Installing Gemeinschaft ..." echo "***" cd /opt/ # Get tarball from GitHub { # git clone -b ${GEMEINSCHAFT_VERS} ${GEMEINSCHAFT_CLONE_URL_DIR} #${DOWNLOAD} "${GEMEINSCHAFT_TGZ_URL_DIR}/${GEMEINSCHAFT_VERS}" -O amooma-GS3.tar.gz #tar -xvzf amooma-GS3*.tar.gz #rm -f amooma-GS3*.tar.gz mv GS3 \ gemeinschaft-${GEMEINSCHAFT_VERS} echo -n ${GEMEINSCHAFT_VERS} > gemeinschaft-${GEMEINSCHAFT_VERS}/etc/gemeinschaft/.gemeinschaft-version mv "gemeinschaft-${GEMEINSCHAFT_VERS}" \ "gemeinschaft-source-${GEMEINSCHAFT_VERS}" ln -snf gemeinschaft-source-${GEMEINSCHAFT_VERS} gemeinschaft-source # # Get tarball from GitHub } # main Gemeinschaft dir link # cd /opt/ rm -rf gemeinschaft 2>>/dev/null || true ln -snf gemeinschaft-source/opt/gemeinschaft gemeinschaft # fix MOH location for Debian: # #sed -i -r -e 's#^( *;? *directory *= *)/var/lib/asterisk(/moh)#\1/usr/share/asterisk\2#g' /etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf # install German voice prompts for Asterisk # echo "" echo "***" echo "*** Installing German voice prompts for Asterisk ..." echo "***" cd /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/ [ -e de ] && rm -rf de || true # Get tarball from within Gemeinschaft { cp "/opt/gemeinschaft-source/${ASTERISK_SOUNDS_DE_ALAW_TGZ_IN_TGZ_DIR}/asterisk-core-sounds-de-alaw.tar.gz" ./ # Get tarball from within Gemeinschaft } tar -xzf asterisk-core-sounds-de-alaw.tar.gz rm -f asterisk-core-sounds-de-alaw.tar.gz # voice prompts for Gemeinschaft # echo "Installing Voiceprompts for Gemeinschaft ..." [ -e /opt/gemeinschaft-local/sounds ] cd /opt/gemeinschaft-local/sounds if [ -e de-DE ]; then rm -rf de-DE || true fi if [ -e de-DE-tts ]; then rm -rf de-DE-tts || true fi # Get tarball from within Gemeinschaft { cp "/opt/gemeinschaft-source/${GEMEINSCHAFT_SOUNDS_DE_WAV_TGZ_IN_TGZ_DIR}/gemeinschaft-sounds-de-wav-${GEMEINSCHAFT_SOUNDS_DE_WAV_VERS}.tar.gz" ./ # Get tarball from within Gemeinschaft } tar -xzf gemeinschaft-sounds-de-wav-${GEMEINSCHAFT_SOUNDS_DE_WAV_VERS}.tar.gz rm -f gemeinschaft-sounds-de-wav-${GEMEINSCHAFT_SOUNDS_DE_WAV_VERS}.tar.gz || true if [ -e de-DE ]; then mv de-DE de-DE-tts fi ln -s de-DE-tts de-DE #if [ -e de-DE-tts ]; then # ln -snf de-DE-tts de-DE #fi #cd de-DE-tts #/opt/gemeinschaft/sbin/sounds-wav-to-alaw.sh || true # //FIXME: "sox: invalid option -- w" # see man sox. -b 16 ? -b 8 ? #rm *.wav || true cd # MySQL: add gemeinschaft user # echo "" echo "***" echo "*** Creating Gemeinschaft database ..." echo "***" GEMEINSCHAFT_DB_PASS=`head -c 20 /dev/urandom | md5sum -b - | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | head -c 30` [ -e /tmp/mysql-gemeinschaft-grant.sql ] && rm -f /tmp/mysql-gemeinschaft-grant.sql || true touch /tmp/mysql-gemeinschaft-grant.sql chmod go-rwx /tmp/mysql-gemeinschaft-grant.sql echo "GRANT ALL ON \`asterisk\`.* TO 'gemeinschaft'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '${GEMEINSCHAFT_DB_PASS}';" >> /tmp/mysql-gemeinschaft-grant.sql echo "GRANT ALL ON \`asterisk\`.* TO 'gemeinschaft'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '${GEMEINSCHAFT_DB_PASS}';" >> /tmp/mysql-gemeinschaft-grant.sql echo "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" >> /tmp/mysql-gemeinschaft-grant.sql cat /tmp/mysql-gemeinschaft-grant.sql | mysql --batch rm -f /tmp/mysql-gemeinschaft-grant.sql mysql --batch --user=gemeinschaft --password="${GEMEINSCHAFT_DB_PASS}" -e "SELECT 'test'" > /dev/null # Gemeinschaft database # cd /opt/gemeinschaft-source/usr/share/doc/gemeinschaft/ sed -i -e 's/DEFINER *= *[^ ]*/DEFINER=CURRENT_USER()/g' asterisk.sql mysql --batch --user=gemeinschaft --password="${GEMEINSCHAFT_DB_PASS}" < asterisk.sql cd # Apache configuration # echo "" echo "***" echo "*** Setting up Apache web server ..." echo "***" if [ -e /opt/gemeinschaft-source/etc/apache2/sites-available/gemeinschaft ]; then cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/ ln -snf /opt/gemeinschaft-source/etc/apache2/sites-available/gemeinschaft gemeinschaft.conf a2dissite 000-default a2ensite gemeinschaft else cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/ cat default | sed -e 's/AllowOverride None/AllowOverride All/i' > gemeinschaft.conf a2dissite 000-default a2ensite gemeinschaft fi a2enmod rewrite a2enmod alias a2enmod mime a2enmod php5 a2enmod headers || true # PHP-APC # echo "" #echo "***" #echo "*** Installing PHP-APC ..." #echo "***" ${APTITUDE_INSTALL} php-apc || true /etc/init.d/apache2 stop invoke-rc.d apache2 restart # sudo permissions for Apache # echo "www-data ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/gemeinschaft-apache chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/gemeinschaft-apache # configure Asterisk # echo "" echo "***" echo "*** Setting up Gemeinschaft ..." echo "***" cd /etc/ mv asterisk asterisk.DEBIAN cp -r /opt/gemeinschaft-source/etc/asterisk ./ #ln -snf /opt/gemeinschaft-source/etc/asterisk ## Replace astdatadir "/var/lib/asterisk" by "/usr/share/asterisk" ## (the default on Debian): #sed -i -r -e 's#^(astdatadir\s*).*#\1=> /usr/share/asterisk#' /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf || true # ## Replace astrundir "/var/run" by "/var/run/asterisk" ## (the default on Debian): #sed -i -r -e 's#^(astrundir\s*).*#\1=> /var/run/asterisk#' /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf || true # change owner of /opt/gemeinschaft/etc/asterisk/* to asterisk chown -h -R asterisk:asterisk /etc/asterisk # add Apache user (www-data) to the Asterisk group (asterisk) so # voicemails can be played via the web GUI: adduser www-data asterisk invoke-rc.d apache2 restart # configure Gemeinschaft # cd /etc/ #ln -snf /opt/gemeinschaft-source/etc/gemeinschaft mkdir -p /etc/gemeinschaft cd /etc/gemeinschaft if [ ! -e gemeinschaft.php ]; then cp /opt/gemeinschaft-source/etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php ./ fi cp /opt/gemeinschaft-source/etc/gemeinschaft/.gemeinschaft-version ./ || true mkdir -p /etc/gemeinschaft/asterisk cd /etc/gemeinschaft/asterisk cp -R /opt/gemeinschaft-source/etc/gemeinschaft/asterisk/* ./ if [ -e /etc/gemeinschaft/asterisk/manager.conf.d-available/phonesuite.conf ]; then AMI_PASS=`head -c 20 /dev/urandom | md5sum -b - | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | head -c 9` sed -i "s/^\(\s*secret\s*=\s*\)[^; \t]*\(.*\)/\1${AMI_PASS}\2/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/asterisk/manager.conf.d-available/phonesuite.conf fi # find IP address # MY_IP_ADDR=`LANG=C ifconfig | grep inet | grep -v 'inet6' | grep -v '127\.0\.0\.1' | head -n 1 | grep -oE '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | grep -v '^255' | head -n 1` if [ "x$?" != "x0" ] || [ -z ${MY_IP_ADDR} ]; then echo "***** Failed to find your IP address." 2>&1 MY_IP_ADDR="" fi MY_NETMASK=`LANG=C ifconfig | grep inet | grep -v 'inet6' | grep -v '127\.0\.0\.1' | head -n 1 | grep -io 'mask.*' | grep -oE '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | grep '^255' | sort -n | head -n 1` if [ "x$?" != "x0" ] || [ -z ${MY_NETMASK} ]; then echo "***** Failed to find your netmask." 2>&1 MY_NETMASK="" fi # configure gemeinschaft.php - IP address, DB password etc. # sed -i "s/\(^[\s#\/]*\$INSTALLATION_TYPE\s*=\s*\)\([\"']\)[^\"']*[\"']\s*;/\1'single';/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php sed -i "s/\(^[\s#\/]*\$DB_MASTER_HOST\s*=\s*\)\([\"']\)[^\"']*[\"']\s*;/\1'';/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php sed -i "s/\(^[\s#\/]*\$DB_SLAVE_HOST\s*=\s*\)\([\"']\)[^\"']*[\"']\s*;/\1'';/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php sed -i "s/\(^[\s#\/]*\$DB_MASTER_USER\s*=\s*\)\([\"']\)[^\"']*[\"']\s*;/\1'gemeinschaft';/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php sed -i "s/\(^[\s#\/]*\$DB_SLAVE_USER\s*=\s*\)\([\"']\)[^\"']*[\"']\s*;/\1'gemeinschaft';/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php sed -i "s/\(^[\s#\/]*\$DB_MASTER_PWD\s*=\s*\)\([\"']\)[^\"']*[\"']\s*;/\1'${GEMEINSCHAFT_DB_PASS}';/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php sed -i "s/\(^[\s#\/]*\$DB_SLAVE_PWD\s*=\s*\)\([\"']\)[^\"']*[\"']\s*;/\1'${GEMEINSCHAFT_DB_PASS}';/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php sed -i "s/\(^[\s#\/]*\$DB_MASTER_DB\s*=\s*\)\([\"']\)[^\"']*[\"']\s*;/\1'asterisk';/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php sed -i "s/\(^[\s#\/]*\$DB_SLAVE_DB\s*=\s*\)\([\"']\)[^\"']*[\"']\s*;/\1'asterisk';/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php sed -i "s/\(^[\s#\/]*\$PROV_HOST\s*=\s*\)\([\"']\)[^\"']*[\"']\s*;/\1'${MY_IP_ADDR}';/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php sed -i "s/\(^[\s#\/]*\$CALL_INIT_FROM_NET\s*=\s*\)\([\"']\)[^\"']*[\"']\s*;/\1'${MY_IP_ADDR}\/${MY_NETMASK}';/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php sed -i "s/\(^[\s#\/]*\$MONITOR_FROM_NET\s*=\s*\)\([\"']\)[^\"']*[\"']\s*;/\1'${MY_IP_ADDR}\/${MY_NETMASK}';/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php sed -i "s/\(^[\s#\/]*\$EMAIL_DELIVERY\s*=\s*\)\([\"']\)[^\"']*[\"']\s*;/\1'sendmail';/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php sed -i "s/\(^[\s#\/]*\$LOG_GMT\s*=\s*\)[^a-z0-9]*\s*;/\1false;/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php sed -i "s/\(^[\s#\/]*\)\(\$FAX_ENABLED\s*=\s*\)\([A-Za-z0-9']\)*\s*;/\2true;/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php sed -i "s/\(^[\s#\/]*\)\(\$FAX_PREFIX\s*=\s*\)\([\"']\)[^\"']*[\"']\s*;/\2'*96';/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php sed -i "s/\(^[\s#\/]*\)\(\$FAX_TSI_PREFIX\s*=\s*\)\([\"']\)[^\"']*[\"']\s*;/\2'';/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php sed -i "s/\(^[\s#\/]*\)\(\$FAX_TSI\s*=\s*\)\([\"']\)[^\"']*[\"']\s*;/\2 @\$CANONIZE_NATL_PREFIX.@\$CANONIZE_AREA_CODE.@\$CANONIZE_LOCAL_BRANCH.'0';/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php sed -i "s/\(^[\s#\/]*\)\(\$FAX_HYLAFAX_HOST\s*=\s*\)\([\"']\)[^\"']*[\"']\s*;/\2'';/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php sed -i "s/\(^[\s#\/]*\)\(\$FAX_HYLAFAX_PORT\s*=\s*\)\([0-9']\)*\s*;/\2 4559;/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php HFAXADM_PASS=`head -c 20 /dev/urandom | md5sum -b - | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | head -c 12` sed -i "s/\(^[\s#\/]*\)\(\$FAX_HYLAFAX_ADMIN\s*=\s*\)\([\"']\)[^\"']*[\"']\s*;/\2'hfaxadm';/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php sed -i "s/\(^[\s#\/]*\)\(\$FAX_HYLAFAX_PASS\s*=\s*\)\([\"']\)[^\"']*[\"']\s*;/\2'${HFAXADM_PASS}';/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php #sed -i -e 's/^\s*[^#].*//g' /opt/gemeinschaft/etc/listen-to-ip #( echo ; echo $MY_IP_ADDR ; echo ) >> /opt/gemeinschaft/etc/listen-to-ip mysql --batch --user=gemeinschaft --password="${GEMEINSCHAFT_DB_PASS}" -e "USE \`asterisk\`; UPDATE \`hosts\` SET \`host\`='${MY_IP_ADDR}' WHERE \`id\`=1;" || true mysql --batch --user=gemeinschaft --password="${GEMEINSCHAFT_DB_PASS}" -e "USE \`asterisk\`; UPDATE \`hosts\` SET \`host\`='${MY_IP_ADDR}';" || true # gemeinschaft-siemens installation here because gemeinschaft has to be configured before generating the SSL cert # install gemeinschaft-siemens addon # echo "Installing Siemens addon for Gemeinschaft (Openstage provisoning) ..." cd /opt/ # Get tarball from within Gemeinschaft { cp "/opt/gemeinschaft-source/${GEMEINSCHAFT_SIEMENS_TGZ_IN_TGZ_DIR}/gemeinschaft-siemens-${GEMEINSCHAFT_SIEMENS_VERS}.tgz" ./ # Get tarball from within Gemeinschaft } tar -xzf gemeinschaft-siemens-${GEMEINSCHAFT_SIEMENS_VERS}.tgz rm -f gemeinschaft-siemens-${GEMEINSCHAFT_SIEMENS_VERS}.tgz mv gemeinschaft-siemens-${GEMEINSCHAFT_SIEMENS_VERS} gemeinschaft-siemens-source-${GEMEINSCHAFT_SIEMENS_VERS} ln -snf gemeinschaft-siemens-source-${GEMEINSCHAFT_SIEMENS_VERS} gemeinschaft-siemens-source cd /opt/ ln -snf /opt/gemeinschaft-siemens-source/opt/gemeinschaft-siemens gemeinschaft-siemens cd # configure gemeinschaft-siemens # ${APTITUDE_INSTALL} openssl a2enmod rewrite a2enmod ssl cd /etc/apache2/ [ -e ssl ] && rm -rf ssl || true ln -snf /opt/gemeinschaft-siemens-source/doc/etc-apache2-ssl ssl cd /etc/apache2/ssl/ ./gen-cert.sh >>/dev/null chown root:root openstage-*.pem chmod 640 openstage-*.pem cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/ ln -snf /opt/gemeinschaft-siemens-source/doc/httpd-vhost.conf.example gemeinschaft-siemens.conf a2ensite gemeinschaft-siemens invoke-rc.d apache2 restart cd # documentation # cd /usr/share/doc ln -snf /opt/gemeinschaft-source/usr/share/doc/gemeinschaft # log dir # mkdir -p /var/log/gemeinschaft chmod a+rwx /var/log/gemeinschaft # logrotate rules # cd /etc/logrotate.d/ ln -snf /opt/gemeinschaft-source/etc/logrotate.d/asterisk ln -snf /opt/gemeinschaft-source/etc/logrotate.d/gemeinschaft # web dir # cd /var/www/ ln -snf /opt/gemeinschaft-source/var/www/gemeinschaft ln -snf /opt/gemeinschaft-source/var/www/.htaccess # misc # cd /var/lib/ ln -snf /opt/gemeinschaft-source/var/lib/gemeinschaft # gs-sip-ua-config-responder fuer Snom # if [ -e /opt/gemeinschaft-source/etc/init.d/gs-sip-ua-config-responder ]; then cd /etc/init.d/ ln -snf /opt/gemeinschaft-source/etc/init.d/gs-sip-ua-config-responder insserv /etc/init.d/gs-sip-ua-config-responder /etc/init.d/gs-sip-ua-config-responder start fi # Gemeinschaft/Asterisk extension state daemon # if [ -e /opt/gemeinschaft-source/etc/init.d/gs-extstated ]; then ln -snf /opt/gemeinschaft-source/etc/init.d/gs-extstated /etc/init.d/gs-extstated insserv /etc/init.d/gs-extstated /etc/init.d/gs-extstated start fi # cron jobs # cd /etc/cron.d/ ln -snf /opt/gemeinschaft-source/etc/cron.d/gs-cc-guardian || true ln -snf /opt/gemeinschaft-source/etc/cron.d/gs-queuelog-to-db || true ln -snf /opt/gemeinschaft-source/etc/cron.d/gs-queues-refresh || true cd # fix permissions chown -h asterisk:asterisk /opt/gemeinschaft/vm-rec chmod 0777 /opt/gemeinschaft/vm-rec chmod 0777 /opt/gemeinschaft/sys-rec # remove build environment # echo "" echo "***" echo "*** Removing build environment ..." echo "***" aptitude -y markauto linux-headers-`uname -r` linux-kernel-headers aptitude clean # add /opt/gemeinschaft/scripts to PATH # echo "" >> /root/.bashrc || true echo "export PATH=\"\$PATH:/opt/gemeinschaft/scripts\"" >> /root/.bashrc || true echo "" >> /root/.bashrc || true #if [ "x${SHELL}" = "x/bin/bash" ]; then # source /root/.bashrc #fi # motd # ( echo "***" echo "*** _____ _____" echo "*** (.---.) GEMEINSCHAFT $(printf "% -7s" $GEMEINSCHAFT_VERS) (.---.)" echo "*** /:::\\ _.-----------------------------------------._/:::\\" echo "*** ----- -----" echo "***" echo "*** Need help with Gemeinschaft? We have an excellent free mailinglist" echo "*** and offer the best support and consulting money can buy. Have a" echo "*** look at http://www.gemeinschaft.de for more information." echo "***" ) > /etc/motd.static [ -e /etc/motd ] && rm -rf /etc/motd || true ln -s /etc/motd.static /etc/motd # fax installation starts here # HF_CONF_SRC="/usr/share/doc/gemeinschaft/misc/fax-integration" echo "" echo "***" echo "*** Installing IAXmodem ..." echo "***" ${APTITUDE_INSTALL} iaxmodem # iaxmodem config # cp "${HF_CONF_SRC}/ttyIAX0" /etc/iaxmodem/ttyIAX0 cp "${HF_CONF_SRC}/ttyIAX1" /etc/iaxmodem/ttyIAX1 # add iaxmodem entries to iax.conf ln -s /opt/gemeinschaft-source/etc/systemd/system/faxgetty-ttyIAX0.service /etc/systemd/system/ ln -s /opt/gemeinschaft-source/etc/systemd/system/faxgetty-ttyIAX1.service /etc/systemd/system/ systemctl start faxgetty-ttyIAX0.service systemctl start faxgetty-ttyIAX1.service echo "" echo "***" echo "*** Installing HylaFax ..." echo "***" # hylafax-server (/usr/sbin/faxsetup) needs /usr/sbin/sendmail but # does not depend on mail-transfer-agent if ( ! which postfix 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null ); then ${APTITUDE_INSTALL} postfix fi ${APTITUDE_INSTALL} hylafax-server if [ ! -e /etc/hylafax/getty-link ]; then ln -sn /usr/sbin/faxgetty /etc/hylafax/getty-link fi # make tmp directory world accessible chmod 777 /var/spool/hylafax/tmp/ # sudo permissions for FaxDispatch # echo "uucp ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/chgrp" > /etc/sudoers.d/gemeinschaft-hylafax chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/gemeinschaft-hylafax # run HylaFax config script # #/usr/sbin/faxsetup -nointeractive # is run automatically by post-install script of hylafax-server # fax modem config # cp "${HF_CONF_SRC}/config.ttyIAX0" /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config.ttyIAX0 cp "${HF_CONF_SRC}/config.ttyIAX0" /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config.ttyIAX1 # fax daemon config # cp "${HF_CONF_SRC}/hfaxd.conf" /etc/hylafax/hfaxd.conf # fax dispatch config # cp "${HF_CONF_SRC}/FaxDispatch" /var/spool/hylafax/etc/ # make hylafax run on boot # sed -i -r -e 's/^ *# *(RUN_HYLAFAX)=.*/\1=1/g' /etc/default/hylafax # delete example users, queues etc. # for user in "anna" "hans" "lisa" "peter"; do /opt/gemeinschaft/scripts/gs-user-del --user="${user}" || true done for queue in "5000"; do /opt/gemeinschaft/scripts/gs-queue-del --queue="${queue}" || true done mysql --batch --user=gemeinschaft --password="${GEMEINSCHAFT_DB_PASS}" -e \ "USE \`asterisk\`; DELETE FROM \`phones\`;" 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null || true # Add sample admin and user # ADMIN_NAME="admin" ADMIN_FNAME="System" ADMIN_LNAME="Administrator" ADMIN_EXTEN="9999" let "PIN = $RANDOM % 9999" ADMIN_PIN=`printf "%04d\n" "$PIN"` USER_NAME="user" USER_FNAME="Ordinary" USER_LNAME="User" USER_EXTEN="9998" let "PIN = $RANDOM % 9999" USER_PIN=`printf "%04d\n" "$PIN"` #TODO: Loop on error! # Add admin account /opt/gemeinschaft/scripts/gs-user-add \ --user="$ADMIN_NAME" \ --ext="$ADMIN_EXTEN" \ --pin="$ADMIN_PIN" \ --firstname="$ADMIN_FNAME" \ --lastname="$ADMIN_LNAME" \ --language="de" \ --email="" \ --host=1 || true # Add user account /opt/gemeinschaft/scripts/gs-user-add \ --user="$USER_NAME" \ --ext="$USER_EXTEN" \ --pin="$USER_PIN" \ --firstname="$USER_FNAME" \ --lastname="$USER_LNAME" \ --language="de" \ --email="" \ --host=1 || true # add admin to GUI_SUDO_ADMINS: #sed -i "s/\(^[\s#\/]*\$GUI_SUDO_ADMINS\s*=\s*\)\([\"']\)[^\"']*[\"']\s*;/\1'${ADMIN_NAME}';/g" /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php # add "admin" account in group system: /opt/gemeinschaft/scripts/gs-group-member-add --group admins --member $ADMIN_NAME # get SIP passwords: ADMIN_SIPPW=$( mysql --user=gemeinschaft --password=${GEMEINSCHAFT_DB_PASS} -h localhost -D asterisk -A -B --raw -N -s -s -s -e "SELECT \`secret\` FROM \`ast_sipfriends\` WHERE \`name\`='$ADMIN_EXTEN'" | awk '{print $1}' ); if [ -z $ADMIN_SIPPW ]; then ADMIN_SIPPW='x'; fi USER_SIPPW=$( mysql --user=gemeinschaft --password=${GEMEINSCHAFT_DB_PASS} -h localhost -D asterisk -A -B --raw -N -s -s -s -e "SELECT \`secret\` FROM \`ast_sipfriends\` WHERE \`name\`='$USER_EXTEN'" | awk '{print $1}' ); if [ -z $ADMIN_SIPPW ]; then USER_SIPPW='x'; fi # hardening # # Dieses Skript ist dazu bestimmt Gemeinschaft zu installieren. # Das System muß vom Administrator der lokalen Infrastruktur # entsprechend ggf. zusätzlich abgesichert werden. # Ebenso muß der Administrator wie auf jedem System üblich die # Mail-Zustellung korrekt konfigurieren. # Das System ist nicht dazu bestimmt ohne weitere Absicherung im # öffentlichen Internet betrieben zu werden. # Trotzdem wollen wir hier ein Grund-Maß an Sicherheit bieten # soweit die möglich ist. # snort #${APTITUDE_INSTALL} snort # harden-servers (remove services that are known to be insecure) # Will alert the admin if they try to install e.g. telnetd or nfs-kernel-server. # # harden-... # ${APTITUDE_INSTALL} harden-servers harden-clients # portsentry (detect port scans) #${APTITUDE_INSTALL} portsentry # Silver-Bullet cd /opt/ rm -rf silverbullet 2>>/dev/null || true ln -snf gemeinschaft-source/opt/silverbullet silverbullet mkdir -p /etc/silverbullet cd /etc/silverbullet if [ ! -e silverbullet.conf ]; then cp /opt/gemeinschaft-source/etc/silverbullet/silverbullet.conf ./ fi if [ -e /opt/gemeinschaft-source/etc/init.d/silverbullet ]; then cd /etc/init.d/ ln -snf /opt/gemeinschaft-source/etc/init.d/silverbullet insserv /etc/init.d/silverbullet /etc/init.d/silverbullet start fi echo "" echo "***" echo "*** Restarting services ..." echo "***" /etc/init.d/hylafax stop || true /etc/init.d/iaxmodem stop || true /etc/init.d/asterisk stop || true /etc/init.d/dahdi stop || true /opt/gemeinschaft/sbin/gs-ast-dialplan-gen # start services # invoke-rc.d hylafax start || true invoke-rc.d iaxmodem start || true invoke-rc.d dahdi start || true invoke-rc.d asterisk start || true dmesg | grep -i dahdi || true if (test -e /dev/dahdi); then chown --recursive asterisk:asterisk /dev/dahdi fi # updating authentication file # /opt/gemeinschaft/sbin/gs-hylafax-auth-update || true logger "Gemeinschaft ${GEMEINSCHAFT_VERS} has just been installed." # warning # clear echo "Security Warning" echo "================" echo "" echo "Never ever run this system outside of a safe intranet " echo "environment without doing some serious security auditing!" echo "See /etc/gemeinschaft/gemeinschaft.php" echo "" # let's do some ASCII art # ( echo "**************************************************************************" echo "*** G E M E I N S C H A F T ${GEMEINSCHAFT_VERS}" echo "***" echo "*** Use your admin account \"${ADMIN_NAME}\" and PIN \"${ADMIN_PIN}\" to log into the GUI at" echo "*** http://${MY_IP_ADDR}/gemeinschaft/" echo "***" echo "*** Use these SIP accounts to setup your first two phones:" echo "***" echo "*** (.---.) (.---.)" echo "*** /:::\\ _.--------------._/:::\\" echo "*** ----- -----" echo "***" echo "*** SIP Username : $(printf "% -5s" $ADMIN_EXTEN) $(printf "% -5s" $USER_EXTEN)" echo "*** SIP Password : $(printf "% -20s" $ADMIN_SIPPW) $(printf "% -20s" $USER_SIPPW)" echo "*** SIP Server : $(printf "% -15s" $MY_IP_ADDR) $(printf "% -15s" $MY_IP_ADDR)" echo "***" echo "*** Find mailinglists and more info at" echo "*** http://www.gemeinschaft.de" echo "**************************************************************************" ) > /tmp/gemeinschaft-beispiel-user.txt clear cat /tmp/gemeinschaft-beispiel-user.txt # Fixing permissions of cronjobs chmod 0600 /opt/gemeinschaft-source/etc/cron.d/* # make bash re-read .bashrc: # if [ "x${SHELL}" = "x/bin/bash" ]; then exec ${SHELL} fi cd exit 0