[ { "id": "10", "name": "AI: The \"C\" Team", "description": "Acquisitions Incorporated serves up locally-sourced adventure from convenient franchise locations across Faer\u00fbn. Their adventures began in 2007 with a podcast of three friends playing D&D, and inexplicably progressed to live games on-stage before thousands of audience members at PAX.", "language": "en-us", "copyright": "Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Penny Arcade, Inc.", "generator": "", "website": "http:\/\/www.acq-inc.com\/", "build_date": "2018\/03\/22 01:10PM", "sync_date": "2020\/04\/15 05:12PM", "public_url": "https:\/\/music.com.au\/podcast.php?action=show&podcast=10", "podcast_episode": [] }, { "id": "15", "name": "Brute Force", "description": "Brute Force is a real-play comedic RPG podcast blended with in-character narration. We play a campaign of FATE Core (we started with World of Darkness) set in the high fantasy world of Eorith. The adventurers are a party of monsters tasked with saving a world that barely tolerates their existence.", "language": "en-US", "copyright": "© 2016 All rights reserved", "generator": "https:\/\/wordpress.org\/?v=4.9.3", "website": "https:\/\/geeklyinc.com\/category\/brute-force\/", "build_date": "2018\/03\/27 07:15PM", "sync_date": "2020\/03\/24 04:38AM", "public_url": "https:\/\/music.com.au\/podcast.php?action=show&podcast=15", "podcast_episode": [] }, { "id": "16", "name": "Cthulhu & Friends", "description": "", "language": "en-US", "copyright": "Cthulhu & Friends Podcast", "generator": "https:\/\/wordpress.org\/?v=4.9.3", "website": "https:\/\/geeklyinc.com\/category\/caf-podcast\/", "build_date": "2018\/03\/29 06:15PM", "sync_date": "2020\/03\/24 04:38AM", "public_url": "https:\/\/music.com.au\/podcast.php?action=show&podcast=16", "podcast_episode": [] }, { "id": "25", "name": "Devin Townsend Podcast", "description": "A podcast in which musician Devin Townsend rambles on about a bunch of things with a tendency to repeat certain words and say 'uhhh' a lot.", "language": "en", "copyright": "Devin Townsend", "generator": "Anchor Podcasts", "website": "https:\/\/www.hevydevy.com\/", "build_date": "2020\/04\/12 12:07PM", "sync_date": "2020\/04\/12 12:09PM", "public_url": "https:\/\/music.com.au\/podcast.php?action=show&podcast=25", "podcast_episode": [] } ]