[ { "id": "11725", "name": "Pathology", "albums": 10, "songs": 109, "tag": [ { "id": "6", "name": "Rock" }, { "id": "96", "name": "Death Metal" }, { "id": "1143", "name": "Brutal Death Metal" }, { "id": "2750", "name": "Slamming Brutal Death Metal" } ], "art": "https:\/\/music.com.au\/image.php?object_id=11725&object_type=artist&auth=eeb9f1b6056246a7d563f479f518bb34", "flag": 0, "preciserating": null, "rating": null, "averagerating": null, "mbid": "50feb379-8266-4efa-9707-2a4acb2b6b43", "summary": "There are Multiple artists with this name:\n\n\n1) Pathology is a brutal death metal band from San Diego California. The band was started in the beginning of 2006 by drummer Dave Astor (ex-The Locust and Cattle Decapitation). \n\n2) Pathology was a deathgrind band from The Netherlands. They formed in 1990 by Job (Bass) and Mol (Drums). They released two demos and a split EP in the years 1992 to 1994. They officially split in late 1995 after Mol moved to the USA. ", "yearformed": "0", "placeformed": "" } ]