7 February 1992 Evening Program Perth (Australia) Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft Music Program, 7th of February, 1992 TC 05:30 Indistinct chatter Shri Mataji: Puja Pujani (Hindi) song are very good You all can sing or not? All the children can sing yes of course TC 09:20 This is (inaudible) TC 12:45 Syntiziser (Hindi) Anyone hwo knows piano Cant you do it Yogi (inaudible) What kind Yogi: Microfone (inaudible) But still with the relationship to the music is less I agree there But still If you have a syntisizer You can have any kind of tune or anything coming out of it I will by for you, if you want. The other day we had a busy program in Calcutta Where they made the same (later style) It made a big difference with the syntisizer, I should say. Big difference Also it is electrical so they are worried much more Yogi (Inaudible) (Hindi) TC 14:02 Shri Mataji: Syntisizer (Hindi) makes a bigger sound and helps a lot. And you can make it into any tune, I mean. The other day it was really, that the syntisizer did a lot of things And these also they had guitars also attached to electricity So it was making such a beautiful accomanienment Of course loudspeakers does work it out that way (Hindi loundspeakers) Still people are quite sesrious. They should be bubbling with joy. I think you understand the meaning. If you understand the meaning then you would. (Hindi Tolak) (Hindi Yogi Mahamaya Mahakali) Before hand you must select what songs you are going to sing. You know that song all of you Which ever song you like Whatever song you have practiced (Hindi) TC 16:25 TC 1:17:30 Shri Mataji: I dont think you should wear sari Like to wear sari