7 February 1992 You Can Peel Flowers Like Fruit, Right? Arrival at Perth Airport Perth, Australia Talk Language: English | Transcript: Draft [This recording is mostly inaudible with a lot of background noise, hence quite a few gaps in transcription] [After one minute, Shri Mataji arrives; Sahaja Yogis call out ‘Jai!’] Shri Mataji: [inaudible] There was a big lightning around [unclear] I was saying it is announcing the havan. You can peel flowers like fruit, right? [to a Yogi] Hello. [long section inaudible] Sahaja Yogi: They’ve got a rather long stalk. [inaudible] Shri Mataji: How are you, all right? [long section inaudible] It’s like Sahaja Yoga told you. [Shri Mataji laughs] Sahaja Yogi: It’s definitely [inaudible] It never gets [unclear/dirty]. Sahaja Yogini: Will you have one? Shri Mataji: Go and find that girl [unclear/in Hindi] Sahaja Yogi: I keep getting all these flowers wrong [laughs] Shri Mataji: Jasmine, ne? And this one, what do you call – this one? Sahaja Yogi and Yogini together: Frangipani Shri Mataji: These are the champas, this is champa – all of them are. [background noise] All the Malaysians were there. Sahaja Yogi: Yes, yes they rang up to ask when You would be there. Shri Mataji [in Hindi] Alle watthe? ['Did he come?'] Hello, you could have met over there, they told Me that you had gone away. How are you? Sahaja Yogi: Fine thank you Mother. Shri Mataji: When did you come? Sahaja Yogi: When did I come...? Oh, one year ago, Mother. Yes Mother, I was here last year. [inaudible] Shri Mataji: Where are the... [unclear] guide? Sahaja Yogi: Yes well, we told them we were coming, but I’m not sure whether that’s a good idea or not. [laughter, then unclear] Shri Mataji: [photos being taken] You have to protect the camera now. All right? Not yet, we’ll get too [unclear/fast]. We’ll meet just in front. [All are on the move through airport] Shri Mataji: Have you brought the [unclear]? Yogi: Yes, I’ve got [unclear] Shri Mataji: All right? Good to see you. This gentleman [unclear] last year. His name is [unclear/Prakash]. [Inaudible. Shri Mataji gets into taxi]